Methods of oil production graphic. World oil exports and imports

547.6 ml. tons of "black chisel" produced in 2016 by Russian oil companies put the Russian Federation at the top of the list of the largest oil producers. 66.5% of them were produced by three mining companies. The positions of Russia, as the most major exporter this resource.


Oil at all times serves as a source of power for any country, its national wealth. Oil production in Russia allowed the country to stand on a par with the largest producers of this most important fuel resource, and at the end of 2016, even the largest.

Modern Russia are among the world's largest producers of "black gold". More than 12% of world production is mined here. The main competitor is Saudi Arabia.

In October, Russia outperformed Saudi Arabia's average daily output. On average, our country produced 10.754 million barrels per day. " Russian newspaper»

Sources: Rosstat according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia, BP Statistical Review of World Energy

At the end of 2016, Russia reached a record production level of 547.6 million tons, of which 46.5% was exported to other countries. And the currency accounts of enterprises and organizations received 59013.8 million US dollars during the year.

The average producer price at the end of 2016 was 12,607 rubles per 1 ton of raw materials, the purchase price was 1.4 times higher, or 18,180 rubles.

Sources: Rosstat

Rosstat provides a comparative assessment of changes in average daily oil production over the past three years in the Russian Federation, OPEC countries and Saudi Arabia.

Source: Rosstat

Russia owes its recognition of the country as an oil power, first of all, to Azerbaijani oil. Huge inexhaustible developed reserves and their development on its territory will appear only later, by the second half of the 20th century.

And it started...

About three centuries ago, Peter the Great ordered " go to the Baka, as soon as possible and try to get it with the help of God, of course, to get it... Onaya Baka is rich in oil of excellent quality ...". By imperial decree, General Matyushkin took Baku in 1723, and with it oil wells number of 48, of which pumped black oil and a few more with white.

Baku acquired a special status, its mayor was appointed personally by the emperor. So it was under Alexander III and Nicholas II. Russia with Azerbaijani oil by 1901 it was a recognized leader in world production, 1.5 million tons against the background of 1 million from the United States inspired respect. The Azerbaijani region remained the main oil production area until the Second World War Soviet Union.

Source: "Collection of statistical data on the mining and metallurgical industry of Russia" (1912)

By 1940, out of 31.1 million tons mined in the USSR, 71% accounted for Azerbaijan, in 1945 it had already dropped to a level of 59% (11.5 million tons out of 19.4).

And the year 1950 is notable for the fact that the extensive Russian territory between the Volga and the Urals, as the main oil-producing region of the country, was called the "second Baku" and included oil production areas in Russia: the richest deposits of the Bashkir and Tatar Autonomous Republics. Its production has finally reached the pre-war level. And with the start of industrial exploitation of the West Siberian fields since 1964, constantly increasing volumes, the USSR became the first in the world in terms of oil production.

There were downs, there were ups. The graph clearly shows the indicators of oil production in Russia by years.

Rice. 2. Oil production (including condensate) in Russia in 1901 - 2016
Source: Rosstat

Export of oil in the Russian Federation

A lot of industrial developed countries fully provide themselves with this most important fuel resource. Among them is Russia. But none of them exports it to such a large extent. According to the latest data from Rosstat, out of 547.6 million tons, 254.8 (which is 47%) were exported to countries of near and far abroad. Moreover, this level remains almost unchanged for many years.

Table 4. Change in the ratio of oil production and export in Russian Federation
million tons

Export of crude oil

Oil production

Ratio of oil production and export, %

Source: Rosstat

Rice. 3. Change in exports of crude oil in physical and monetary terms
Source: Rosstat

The share of crude oil exports in the country's foreign exchange earnings in 2016 was 26%. The decline in export prices had an impact on it.

The actual average export price of oil in December 2016 was USD 339.1 per ton, higher than it was in January (230.2), but did not reach the level of January 2015 - 399.9. And the world price for the brand "Urals" in December has already exceeded the level of the beginning of the previous year (340.0 in January 2015, 209.9 - in January 2016 and 380.2 dollars per ton - in December 2016). And how both of these prices have changed over the past two years, the graph will show.

Rice. 4. Change in the average actual export price of the Russian Federation and world oil prices in 2015-2016, dollars per ton
Sources: Rosstat, Russian Ministry of Finance

This state of affairs explains why, with the continued level of supplies of "black gold" abroad, foreign exchange earnings from its sale are declining.

Source: Rosstat

Russian oil is exported mainly to far abroad countries. According to the results of 2015, they accounted for 90.6%. The main importer among the CIS countries is Belarus.

Rice. 5. Structure of oil exports from the Russian Federation, in %
Source: Rosstat according to the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

According to Forbes, the largest buyers of Russian raw materials include: China, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Slovakia.

The largest oil fields in Russia

Not all mineral deposits are considered deposits. More often it is a group of deposits located in a certain territory, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can reach hundreds of kilometers.

Order of the Ministry natural resources Russian Federation No. 298 dated 01.11.2005. a new “Classification of reserves and probable resources of oil and combustible gases” has been introduced, according to which all deposits are divided into groups and depend on the amount of the deposited mineral (million tons):

  • very small - up to 1;
  • small - 1-5;
  • medium - 5-30;
  • large - 30-300;
  • unique - 300 or more.

According to the Interfax Agency, Russia became the first in the world in oil production. This was made possible by the explored reserves of the largest deposits.

Saudi Arabia cut oil production and exports in December from historical highs recorded in the previous month, according to data from the Joint Organization Data Initiative (JODI). This allowed Russia to come out on top in the world in terms of oil production, although it also reduced production.
INTERFAX.RU Moscow. February 20, 2017

Western Siberia, with its Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets districts, remains the central mining area in Russia. It is on a par with such major oil and gas basins as the Persian and Mexican Gulfs, the Sahara and Alaska. Most of the deposits began to be developed back in Soviet time.

As of January 1, 2015, the prospective recoverable reserves of this mineral in the Russian Federation amounted to 18,340.1 million tons.

Source: State report of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation “On the state and use mineral resources Russian Federation in 2014"

Table 6. The largest oil fields in terms of recoverable reserves

Millions of tons

Year of commencement of operation

Where is


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug


Tatarstan, Almetyevsk


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug




Krasnoyarsk region

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug




Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug


At the same time, exploration work continues, new promising places are being explored, including Sakhalin-5, which has been actively developed already in the present century, and oil reserves are estimated at 1.5 billion tons, as well as Velikoye, which is in the Arkhangelsk lands with reserves estimated at 300 million tons.

Almost half of all recoverable reserves of Russian oil falls on the top five largest fields:

  • Samotlor;
  • Romashkinskoye;
  • Priobskoye;
  • Arlan;
  • Vankor.

Sources:, State report of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation "On the state and use of mineral resources of the Russian Federation in 2014"

Major companies

For the Russian Federation, which has huge oil reserves, oil companies serve as a real source of budget replenishment, which can be safely classified as strategic. The largest oil companies remain profitable even when world prices fall.

Table 7. Change in oil production volumes by Russian enterprises in 2011-2016 Million tons

NK Rosneft


OAO Surgutneftegaz

Gazprom Neft


JSC NGK Slavneft


PJSC NK RussNeft

For reference: in the Russian Federation

Russneft in 2013, excluding the retired assets of the enterprises of the Ural Block

Sources: data were used for the assessment: RNS news agencies, as well as official websites of companies: Rosneft, Lukoil and others.

Since 2011, more than half of all oil in the country has been produced by three:

  1. company "LUKOIL";
  2. OAO Surgutneftegaz.

Taking into account the contribution of the Gazprom Neft and Tatneft groups of companies, their share is increasing and, according to operational data in 2016, reaches 82.2%.

Sources: Official websites of companies, for 2016 - RNS news agency

Sources: Data for Russia - Rosstat, for companies - Information agency RNS

RBC quotes experts from Fitch Ratings:

“2016 may be the last year of growth in oil production in Russia... New projects will be slowed down due to a sharp drop in oil prices, and production at developed fields in Western Siberia will continue to fall by 3-4%.

Results and conclusions

The influence of this resource on the development of the Russian economy will remain decisive for many years to come.

The country remains the undisputed world leader in the production and export of "black gold".

The West Siberian region and its oil companies are a real source for replenishing the state budget of the Russian Federation.

Want to know more? Look:

Today, the main source of energy on the planet is oil. Oil production statistics is approximately 4.4 billion tons - 32.9% of all consumed energy resources. According to forecasts, at current rates, reserves from already explored oil fields will last only until 2025.

Production of liquid hydrocarbons in the Russian Federation

If the volume of oil production decreases or new oil fields are discovered, this period may be extended for several centuries. However, for the scale of the earth, this is very small. In a short time, mankind is wasting the reserves of minerals that nature has accumulated for hundreds of millions of years. In 2016, the volume of oil production in Russia reached 547.6 million tons. The figure is 2.5% higher than last year, and the share was 46.5% of this volume - 254.8 million tons.

At the end of 2016, the export price per ton was $339.1. Since the end of the 90s, the statistics of oil production in Russia has shown constant growth its volumes over the years. Although prices have changed unevenly over 10 years. Falling quotes on black gold in 2014 showed the unacceptability of the country's excessive dependence on world prices for hydrocarbons.

Today, Russia owns a significant share of the world's oil production. IN organizational structure more than 300 companies operate in production. In terms of oil production, Russia is the largest producer of black gold. Abroad, Saudi Arabia, which is a member of OPEC and has huge mineral reserves, is traditionally considered the leader.

In the countries of the Persian Gulf - foreign companies Geological exploration and extraction of raw materials are mainly carried out on mutually beneficial terms.

Leading countries in oil production:

Country - producer of oil Oil reserves, billion tons Production per day, million barrels World share in the extraction of export raw materials
Venezuela46,0 2,5 3,65%
UAE13,0 2,7 3,81%
Kuwait14,0 2,8 3,90%
Iraq20,0 2,8 4,24%
Iran21,0 3,0 4,25%
Canada28,0 Over 3.04,54%
China2,5 Over 4.05,71%
USA 9,0 11,80%
Saudi Arabia36,7 10,0 13,23%
RussiaOver 14.0Over 10.013,92%

The statistics of countries on oil production do not always allow us to identify an exceptional leader. This is due to some factors:

  • equal volumes of obtaining raw materials;
  • lack of reliable information on real production volumes;
  • the difference in methods for determining the volume of extracted raw materials used by analytical agencies.

According to the statistics of oil production in the United States, the country was in the lead in 2014, overtaking Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation in terms of volume. The state of the oil industry in North America is unofficially assessed by the number of operating drilling rigs. After the fall, their number began to decline sharply. However, since last year their number has been increasing and at the beginning of June 2017 it reached 747 units.

Production cost

Today, the leaders in oil production are a list of ten countries that supply the market with more than 69% of the total. In the first place is Russia and Saudi Arabia. An important criterion for assessing profitability is the cost of oil production:

  • Saudi Arabia has the lowest rate - $4 per barrel and Iran - $5 per barrel;
  • in Russia, in proven fields, the cost of oil production is low - $ 6 per barrel. However, on new deposits, it increases to 16;
  • US shale oil is the most expensive to obtain. However, thanks to the improvement of technologies, the price of oil production in the country has decreased five times over 4 years - from $100 per barrel in 2012 to $20 in 2016.

Increase in volumes

From January to October 2016, Russia produced 454.12 million tons of oil and gas condensate, which is 2.2% more than last year. Of these, 1/3 fell on Rosneft. Oil production is reflected without taking into account the acquired Bashneft - 167.09 million tons. During this period, exports also increased by 4.6%, while the supply of raw materials to processing plants decreased by 1.6%.

Oil production statistics for October 2016 showed an excess of 11.2 million barrels on the average daily volume of raw materials produced, which happened for the first time since the 90s. This confirmed the oil production forecast published by Goldman Sachs experts. According to him:

  • production per day will increase in 2017 to a level of 11.41 million tons;
  • in 2018 - up to 11.65, which will exceed the highest figure for the period from 1985 to 2015.

According to the November agreement between the OPEC countries and 11 other producers, world oil production was to decrease in order to stabilize prices for hydrocarbon raw materials and equalize the dynamics of supply and demand. In January-June 2017, it should have decreased by 1.2 million barrels per day. Russia has pledged to reduce average daily volumes by 300,000 barrels.

Problems with oil production are associated with enormous material costs. For example, oil production in Canada is characterized by 50% oil sands open pit mining.

In the Russian Federation, various types of oil production were used in the fields of heavy, superviscous raw materials in the Komi Republic. The results indicate the need to improve technologies.

New sources of raw materials

More than 200 thousand tons of heavy raw materials have already been received at the Ashalchinskoye field. Oil production in Tatarstan is actively moving forward in two directions:

  • increasing the profitability of old wells;
  • increasing the production of super-viscous hydrocarbons, the reserves of which are expected to be from 1.5 to 7 billion tons.

LUKOIL has recently acquired a new deposit with heavy raw materials. Oil will be extracted from Mexican deposits. The level of production of liquid hydrocarbons is negatively affected by internal and external factors that significantly reduce income from oil production:

  • falling prices for raw materials;
  • sanctions against the country;
  • decrease in the quality of extracted raw materials;
  • decline in production volumes;
  • lack of improvement in oil production technologies, and the existing tax on oil production does not contribute to stimulating the process.

Development of the Arctic

The shelf of the Arctic seas has been studied very little. Available geological data point to great prospects for oil production in the Arctic. However, huge drilling costs will be required.

Today, the only operating field on the Arctic shelf is the Prirazlomnoye field, owned by subsidiary Gazprom. Oil production on it started in 2014. In 2016, it produced 2.154 million tons.

It is predicted that by the middle of the century up to 1/3 of oil production in the Russian Federation will come from the Arctic. According to oil production statistics, the three Arctic regions in 2016 produced a total of 57.6 million tons. The increase was 17% compared to the previous year.

Main oil-bearing regions

The main oil-producing region, as the oil production map shows, is western Siberia. Up to 65% of liquid raw materials are mined here. A little more than one third is mined in the European part. Before the discovery of Siberian deposits, the richest oil production sites were in the Volga region. The oldest on the map of explored oil-bearing regions since the last century was the North Caucasus - Chechnya, Adygea.


According to oil production statistics, the bulk of Russian raw materials (about 90%) are purchased by European countries, including Ukraine. Oil production in Europe has led to the depletion of their own energy resources, so they need a stable supply of imported raw materials.

Previously, Norway was the largest oil producer. Its supplies covered up to 20% of Europe's needs. However, oil production in Norway decreased by 9.5% in August last year compared to July of the same year, which indicates the depletion of raw materials.

Oil production statistics show a gradual increase in the supply of raw materials to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, among which China occupies the main place. Since the beginning of 2016, oil production in China began to decline - in the first seven months it fell by 5.1%. Analysts predicted a further decline due to the depletion of old deposits and a reduction in investment in exploration. Since 2011, deliveries to China through the new pipeline have already amounted to more than 100 million tons.

Growing oil production in Kazakhstan. By 2020, the country plans to enter the top ten world leaders in the export of black gold with an annual production of 130 million tons. Azerbaijan is expected to reduce the volume of extracted raw materials in 2017 by 14 million barrels compared to 2016.

Rating of producing countries

The annual oil production statistics for 2016 show record volumes of production, despite the fulfillment by Russia of its obligations to reduce them. On average, they amounted to 10,111.7 thousand barrels per day. World oil production in barrels reaches 84951 thousand - of which 14.05% falls on the share of the Russian Federation.

Saudi Arabia today produces 13% of the world's black gold production. Therefore, the place of Russia in terms of oil production is in the first line of the rating for 2016. The second is occupied by the Saudis, and the third belongs to the United States with 12% of global volumes. 4th and 5th places are shared by China and Canada - together they give 10% total production. The rate of production in Iran is growing - today it accounts for 3%.

As can be seen, the agreement reached in November 2016 by the largest producers of energy raw materials has brought certain results. This is confirmed by the statistics of oil production. Due to the growth of quotations, the Russian budget will receive an additional $ 7 billion for the six months of 2017. Experts believe that if there were no agreements with OPEC, oil production in tons would increase to 552.5 million tons. But it will still grow until 2020.

Russia today has approximately 13% explored oil fields in the world. The main source of replenishment of the state budget of our country are deductions from the results of the oil and gas industry.

Oil-bearing layers are, as a rule, deep in the bowels of the earth. The accumulation of oil masses in the fields occurs in rocks with a porous structure, which are surrounded by denser layers. An example of a natural reservoir is a dome-shaped sandstone layer, blocked on all sides by layers of dense clay.

Not every explored deposit becomes an object of industrial development and production. Decisions on each are made only on the basis of a thorough business case.

The main indicator of the deposit- oil recovery factor, the ratio of the volume of oil underground to the volume that can be obtained for processing. A field suitable for development is a field with a predicted oil recovery factor of 30% and higher. With the improvement of production technologies in the field this indicator brought to 45% and above.

Underground storage always contains crude oil, natural gas and water at the same time under the enormous pressure of the layers of the earth's crust. The pressure parameter has a decisive influence on the choice of production method and technology.

Oil recovery methods

The method of oil production depends on the magnitude of the pressure in the reservoir and the way it is maintained. Three methods can be distinguished:

  1. Primary– oil flows from the well due to high pressure in the oil-bearing formation and does not require the creation of additional artificial pressure build-up, the oil recovery factor is 5-15%;
  2. Secondary- when the natural pressure in the well drops and the rise of oil is not possible without additional pressure build-up due to the introduction of water or natural / associated gas into the reservoir, the oil recovery factor is 35-45%;
  3. Tertiary- increase in oil recovery from the reservoir after a decrease in its production by secondary methods, the oil recovery factor is 40 - 60%.

Nominal viscosity

Classification of mining methods

According to the principle of physical impact on a liquid oil body, today there are only two main methods of production: flowing and mechanized.

In turn, mechanized can be attributed gas lift and pump lifting methods.
If oil from the bowels is squeezed out to the ground only under the influence of the natural energy of the oil-bearing formation, then the extraction method is called a fountain.

But there always comes a moment when the energy reserves of the reservoir are depleted, and the well stops flowing. Then the rise is carried out using additional power equipment. This method of extraction is mechanized.

Mechanized way happens gas lift and pumping. In its turn gas lift can be carried out compressor and non-compressor method.

The pumping method is implemented through the use of powerful deep-well pumps: rod, electric centrifugal submersible.
Let's consider in more detail each method separately.

Fountain method of oil production: the cheapest and easiest

The development of new deposits is always carried out using the flowing method of production. This is the simplest, most efficient and cheapest method. It does not require additional energy resources and complex equipment, since the process of lifting the product to the surface occurs due to excess pressure in the oil deposit itself.

Main advantages

The main advantages of the fountain method:

  • The simplest well equipment;
  • Minimum cost of electricity;
  • Flexibility in the management of pumping processes, up to the possibility of complete
  • Possibility of remote control of processes;
  • Long intertechnological interval of equipment operation;

To operate a new well, you need to establish full control over it. The taming of the fountain is carried out by installing special shut-off valves, which subsequently allow you to control the flow, control the operating modes, make complete sealing, and, if necessary, conservation.
Wells equip lifting pipes of different diameters, depending on the estimated production rate and in-situ pressure.

With large production volumes and good pressure, large diameter pipes are used. Marginal wells for long-term preservation of the flowing process and reducing the cost of production, they are equipped with lifting pipes of small diameter.

By the way, read this article too: Converting kinematic viscosity to dynamic

Upon completion of the flowing process, artificial lift methods are being used at the well.

Gas lift method of oil production

The gas lift is one of mechanized methods oil production and a logical continuation of the flowing method. When the energy of the reservoir becomes insufficient to push the oil, the lift begins to be carried out by pumping into the reservoir compressed gas. This can be simple air or associated gas from a nearby field.

Used to compress gas high pressure compressors. This method is called compressor. The non-compressor gas lift method is carried out by supplying gas already under high pressure into the formation. Such gas is supplied from the nearest field.

The equipment of a gas-lift well is carried out by the method of completion of a flow well with the installation of special valves for supplying compressed gas at various depths with an interval established by the project.

Main advantages

Gas lift has its advantages over other artificial lift methods:

  • sampling of significant volumes from different depths at any stage of field development with an acceptable cost indicator;
  • the ability to produce even with significant curvature
  • work with heavily gassed and overheated formations;
  • full control over all process parameters;
  • automated control;
  • high reliability of the equipment;
  • operation of several layers simultaneously;
  • controllability of paraffin and salt deposition processes;
  • simple technology for Maintenance and repair.

The main disadvantage of gas lift is high price metal equipment.
Low efficiency and high cost of equipment force the use of gas lift mainly only for lifting light oil with a high gas content.

Mechanized method of oil production - pumping

Pumping operation ensures the lifting of oil through the well with appropriate pumping equipment. Pumps are rod and rodless. Barless - submersible type electric centrifugal.

The most common scheme for pumping oil sucker rod pumps. This is a relatively simple, reliable and inexpensive method. The depth available for this method is up to 2500 m. The productivity of one pump is up to 500 m3 per day.

By the way, read this article too: Features of heavy oil processing

The main structural elements are pump pipes and plungers suspended in them on rigid rod pushers. The reciprocating movement of the plungers is provided pumping unit above the well. The machine itself receives torque from the electric motor through a system of multi-stage gearboxes.

Due to the low reliability and performance of rod plunger pumps, submersible type pumping units are increasingly used in our time - electric centrifugal pumps (ESP).

Main advantages

Advantages of electric centrifugal pumps:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • very good performance of 1500 m3 per day;
  • a solid overhaul period of up to one and a half years or more;
  • the possibility of processing inclined wells;
  • pump performance is regulated by the number of stages, total length
    assembly may vary.

Centrifugal pumps are well suited for old deposits with high water content.

For lifting heavy oil screw type pumps are best suited. Such pumps have great capabilities and increased reliability with high efficiency. One pump easily lifts 800 cubic meters of oil per day from a depth of up to three thousand meters. It has a low level of corrosion resistance in aggressive chemical environments.


Each of the technologies described above has the right to exist, and none of them can be said unequivocally whether it is good or bad. It all depends on the set of parameters that characterize a particular deposit. The choice of method can only be based on the results of careful economic research.


Cost of oil production Oil refineries in Russia Euro+ Vacuum Distillation Column Installed at Gazprom Neft Refinery in Moscow

In total, Saudi Arabia has about 77 oil and gas fields. The largest deposits are Gavar - the world's largest onshore deposit, whose reserves are estimated at 9.6 billion tons of oil - and Safania - the world's largest offshore field with proven reserves of about 2.6 billion tons. Besides, oil in the country mined at such large deposits as Najd, Berry, Manifa, Zuluf and Shaybakh.

Second place in world oil production occupies Russia 9.5 million a day. In Russia, oil is produced at 2000 oil and oil and gas fields, the largest of which are located on the shelf of Sakhalin, the Barents, Kara and Caspian Seas. Big part of the country's proven reserves is concentrated in Western Siberia and on the territory of the Ural Federal District. There is practically no production in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The oldest and emaciated mining areas in Russia are the Ural-Volga region, the North Caucasus and Sakhalin Island. The deposits of Western Siberia and the Timan-Pechora region were discovered relatively recently and are at the very peak of their development. Deposits of Eastern Siberia and Far East(with the exception of Sakhalin Island), as well as the shelves of the Russian seas, are at the initial stage of development.

Russian oil, which is traded on world exchanges is called Urals. Export of the Russian brand Urals in the first half of 2006 brought the Russian economy $49.54 billion. The amount of oil sold abroad, compared with the same period in 2005, remained almost unchanged and amounted to 124.9 million tons.
The Russian brand Urals is sold at a discount to the price of Brent, which is used to determine the price of 65% of world oil production.
By the end of 2006, the New York Mercantile Exchange plans to begin trading in contracts for Russian mix REBCO(Russian export blend crude oil) - Urals. Trade by Russian mark Siberian is not traded on world exchanges. In the future, as experts say, in the coming years in Russia there may be a sharp reduction in oil production. In Soviet times, a large number of deposits were explored and developed, and so far many of them have been mothballed, and the most profitable ones are being exploited. This creates the illusion of having large proven reserves.

The US is the third largest producer of the world- 8.2 million per day. Over the past 20 years, the level of production in the country has decreased: for example, in 1972 it was 528 million tons, in 1995 - 368 million tons, and in 2000 - only 350 million tons, which is a consequence of increased competition between American producers and importers of cheaper foreign oil. Of the 23 million b/d consumed in the US, only 8 million b/d is produced, while the rest is imported. Most of the country's explored deposits are located on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as off the Pacific coast (California) and the shores of the Arctic Ocean (Alaska). The main mining areas are Alaska, Texas, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma. IN Lately increased the share of oil produced on the sea shelf, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico.

Currently, Iran produces about 4.2 million oil per day, which makes it fourth largest oil producing country in the world, with a daily consumption of about 1.1 million barrels. The main Iranian importers are Japan, South Korea, the UK and China. Iran occupies an exceptionally advantageous position from a geopolitical and strategic point of view for laying oil transportation routes, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of delivering raw materials to world markets. The country's oil refining capacity is about 200,000 tons per day. The main refineries are Abadan (65,000 t/d), Isfahan (34,000 t/d), Bandar Abbas (30,000 t/d) and Tehran (29,000 t/d).
Iran's oil and gas industries are under the full control of the state. State oil company- The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC - National Iranian Oil Company) conducts exploration and development of oil and gas fields, is engaged in processing and transportation of raw materials and oil products. The solution of petrochemical production issues is entrusted to the National Petrochemical Company (NPC - National Petrochemical Company).

Mexico ranks fifth in terms of world production., the output is 3.8 million per day. Mexico overtook Venezuela, and rightfully occupies a leading position in Latin America. About half of the produced in the country is exported, primarily in the USA. More than half is mined offshore in the Gulf of Campeche. An important achievement oil industry was the rapid development of the oil refining and petrochemical industries, which today are the main branches of the Mexican manufacturing industry. The main refineries are located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. In recent years, along with the old centers - Reinosa, Ciudad Madero, Posa Rica, Minatitlán - new ones have been put into operation - Monterrey, Salina Cruz, Tula, Cadereita.

In sixth place is China, production volume in the country is 3.8 million per day.

Canada produces 3.1 million a day and is in 7th place in the world.

Norway: Daily the level of production in the country reaches 3.0 million barrels. Of these, about 3 million b/d is exported. Big part of Norway produced in offshore fields in the North Sea. the largest deposits in Norway are Statfjord, Oseberg, Gulfax and Ekofisk. The last major discoveries of geologists were the Norn field, discovered in 1991 in the Norwegian Sea, and Donatello in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea.

The United Arab Emirates produces 2.8 billion barrels per day. Most of the country's reserves are concentrated in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The main deposits of the Arab Emirates are: in Abu Dhabi - Asab, Beb, Bu Khasa; in Dubai - Fallah, Fateh, Southwest Fateh; in Rashid Sharjah - Mubarak. The oil refining capacity of the UAE is about 39.3 thousand tons per day. The main oil refineries in the United Arab Emirates are Ruways and Um Al Nar 2. Oil industry The UAE is controlled by the government of the country. The state oil company Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) includes oil producing, service and transport companies.

Venezuela, with an output of 2.8 million b/d, ranks tenth in the world in oil production, followed by Kuwait (2.7 million b/d), (2.6 million b/d), Algeria ( 2.1 million b/d), Brazil (2.0 million b/d).

In Kazakhstan, oil is extracted in the amount of 50 million tons, mainly on land: the Tengiz and Karachaganak fields, it is planned to develop the Kashagan field on the Caspian shelf. With the largest oil reserves in the Caspian region, Kazakhstan produces 1.2 million a day. From this volume 1 million Kazakhstan exports making it an increasingly important supplier. Investments are flowing into the country, and the government hopes by 2015 increase production in Kazakhstan up to 3.5 million per day, on par with Iran.

Oil production forecasts.

In the context of the reduction of reserve capacity in oil production to a level below 2 million barrels. per day, we can only talk about the possibility of maintaining the annual increase in demand for oil, but there is no question of any compensation from the supply side in the event of an additional occurrence of force majeure circumstances. Cessation of net exports of crude from Iraq (about 1 mb/d), Iran (2.7 mb/d), Venezuela (2 mb/d), (2 mb/d), and also, the reduction in production on the south coast of the United States as a result of past hurricanes (1 million barrels per day) is capable of separate case lead to a short-term shortage in the market. The duration of these interruptions in supply (until the full restoration of the previous level of oil production) can vary from several months to several years. Undoubtedly, countries have sufficient oil reserves that will allow them to do without Iranian oil for a long time (almost four years), if Iran suddenly stops its export. But depletion of stocks will only exacerbate the situation, and their use can only temporarily relieve tensions in the market.

Spare oil production capacity

Since the beginning of the use of oil on an industrial scale, the need for its extraction has been steadily increasing. modern industry uses oil to produce various fuels, building materials. Oil also serves as a raw material in the production of protein supplements for livestock.

Approximately 13% of all the world's explored oil deposits are located on the territory of Russia. Since the lands are rich in oil reserves, certain methods of extraction have been developed. Most large deposit Russia - Samotlor. Oil and gas industry for the Russian economy is budget-forming.

Basic information

Oil is a hydrocarbon liquid of natural origin, oily to the touch.

The accumulation of oil occurs in porous rocks surrounded by a ring of dense layers of the earth. Tight rocks do not allow oil leakage. So, an ideal type of natural reservoir can serve as a layer of sandstone surrounded by clay, while this layer should be domed.

When an oil deposit is discovered, it is first necessary to assess its quantity and quality in an underground reservoir.

Then economic calculations are made to determine the need for further development of the field. If the calculation result is positive, then a decision is made to drill additional wells and install necessary equipment.

The ratio of oil located underground to the amount of oil that can be extracted is called the oil recovery factor. Previously, the value of the coefficient of 30% percent was considered acceptable. With the development of technology, the value of the coefficient increased to 45%. With the growth of oil production technologies, this figure should steadily increase.

The underground reservoir contains crude oil. Also inside the field, along with oil, there are gas and water, usually under high pressure. The method of oil extraction depends on the magnitude of this pressure. When the pressure is sufficient to displace oil to the surface of the earth, the gushing method is used.

Gushing method

The gushing method of oil production is considered the simplest and most effective, especially in new areas. This method does not require significant financial costs on the rise of raw materials, and during its use exclusively excess pressure inside the reservoir is used.

The gushing method of oil production is one of the cheapest in Russia. The advantages of the application in comparison with other methods of field exploitation include the following:

  • simple well equipment;
  • electricity is not supplied to the well from the surface;
  • ample opportunities for adjusting the functioning of the well;
  • the use of almost all known methods in the study of wells and rock layers;
  • the ability to control production at a distance;
  • long interservice interval of operation of mechanisms;

In order to start operating a well in a flowing way, it must be equipped with special shut-off valves, which will make it possible to seal the wellhead, adjust and control the operating modes of the well, and reliably ensure the absolute shutdown of the well under pressure.

Some time after the start of operation, the pressure in the well decreases and the fountain dries up. In order to ensure that production does not stop there, methods of extraction have been developed using an external source of energy, which contributes to the rise of oil to the earth's surface.

Gas lift method of oil production in Russia

When using the gas lift method, a gaseous substance is pumped into the well with the help of a compressor, which is mixed with oil. In this case, there is a decrease in the density of oil, and an increase in bottomhole pressure compared to the pressure inside the reservoir, which contributes to the rise of liquid to the surface of the earth.

Educational film - Oil production

Sometimes nearby gas fields are used to supply gas to the well under pressure (non-compressor gas lift method). At a small number of previously explored deposits, airlift systems are used, they use compressed air.

The gas lift method of oil production has the following advantages:

  • mechanisms are located on the ground;
  • simplicity of equipment designs;
  • well depths and diameters do not affect the possibility of producing large volumes of fluid;
  • ease of adjusting the oil flow rate of the well;

But at the same time, the gas lift method of oil production has some disadvantages:

  • combustion of associated petroleum gas mixed with air;
  • increased corrosion wear of pipelines.
  • significant capital investments in the construction of compressor stations, hydraulic fracturing and a network of gas pipes for transferring gas to initial stage development of fields;
  • high specific energy costs for the extraction of a unit of production during the operation of marginal wells;

In Russia, the gas lift method is used in fields located in Western Siberia.

pumping method

To use the pumping method of operation, pumping equipment is lowered to the estimated depth. The energy necessary for the operation of the equipment is transmitted in various ways from the surface of the earth.

General scheme of oil production

At oil fields in Russia, work is mainly carried out using rod pumps.

To pump out oil using rod pumps, pipes are lowered into the well, inside which a cylinder, a suction valve and a plunger are installed. The operation of a rod pump is based on the mechanical transfer of motion energy (through rods).

With a depth of rod pumps up to 400 meters, the productivity can reach 500 m 3 / hour. The length of the rod depends on the depth of the well and is assembled by connecting parts eight meters long each. For precise selection of length, there are adjustable rods with a length of one meter.

The advantages of this method include:

  • high reliability;
  • ease of diagnosis;
  • taking into account the speed and depth of the well, the pump is able to extract the product until the well is completely depleted;
  • possibility of extraction at high temperatures;
  • low cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • impossibility of application for deviated wells;
  • depth and volume of wells, limited by the weight of the rods and the margin of safety;
  • limited service life.

The most widespread in Russia are installations with centrifugal electric pumps. Many fields use electrically driven downhole pumps to pump oil during operation. Centrifugal pumps are most appropriate for use in older fields with high water-to-oil ratios.

When using pumps, the oil recovery of the well increases. The greatest effect from the use of pumps can be obtained at the final stage of well operation.

The installation with a submersible electric pump includes:

  • submersible motor;
  • multistage pump;
  • cable line of power supply.

The equipment is lowered into the well through pumping pipes. The control station and the transformer are installed on the surface.

Screw pumps

Screw pumps work according to the principle of rotary extrusion of liquid. Having the shape of a spiral, the system is based on a rotor that rotates inside a fixed stator. The rotor is in the form of a screw having a small diameter with a deep round thread and a very large distance between adjacent thread vertices.

PCM Moineau Screw Pump Systems for Heavy Oil Production

The operation of the rotor is provided with the help of rods that are attached to the engine installed on the ground. In modern rotary installations, submersible electric motors are used, and the rotation of the rotor is provided with a gearbox. In most cases, screw pumps have a wide range of capabilities and are highly reliable in operation.

Due to their design, they have high efficiency and significant resistance to interaction with hard abrasive particles. The use of low power motors provides low power consumption and reduces the costs associated with lifting oil.

Compared to rod pumps, screw pumps have a longer service life, and due to the lower rotational speed, rod failures are less common. The initial investment for these is usually lower than for other artificial lift methods.

Screw pumps have a capacity of up to 800 m 3 of oil production per day and are used at a depth of up to three kilometers. The disadvantages include the inability to work with hydrogen sulfide or some chemicals.

Summing up, it is worth emphasizing that any oil production technology is good, the appropriate one is selected based on the properties of oil reservoirs and the initial capital of the investor. So, the flowing method is the simplest, the gas lift method is the most specific, and the pumping method is the most popular way of removing oil from the bowels of the earth today.

Video: Oil production in Russia