Spin Music Service Company: Projects. Competition "Glorify the man of labor!" determined the winners Leaders - honor

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Until June 1, 1943, she studied at the Tomsk Medical Institute and worked as a nurse in a military hospital.

After graduating from the institute (accelerated graduation), she was sent to the front as a junior doctor of the 247th Guards Artillery Regiment of the 100th Guards Rifle Division of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, with whom she went through the entire war. Participated in the battles for the liberation of the cities of Voronezh, Kyiv, Prague.

“In August 1943, our troops crossed the Dnieper. Together with paramedic Nikolai Bisin, they were transferred to the right bank of the river and set up a primary medical center at the bottom of a pit. For 5 days, we provided assistance to the wounded of our regiment and other units that captured the bridgehead and repelled the desperately advancing Germans. The fights were very hard.

During these days, together with the paramedic, we helped more than a hundred wounded: we stopped bleeding with all accessible ways, bandaged wounds, put on tires, fed the wounded, laid them on the ground under the bushes, placing their own overcoats and raincoats under them. And on a dark night they transported the wounded in boats to the other side of the Dnieper to the regimental medical unit.

The regiment commander called our actions a feat, and for this battle we were awarded the Order of the Red Star (from the memoirs of Sharygina V.N.)

Participated in the war with Japan as part of the 2nd Trans-Baikal Front. The war for Valentina Nikolaevna ended in Port Arthur.

Awarded: Order Patriotic War”, the Order of the Red Star, the medal “For Military Merit”, the medal “For the Victory over Germany”, commemorative medals to commemorate the Victory.

In the post-war period, she worked as a doctor at a district hospital in the Altai Territory, in the village of Starobardinskoye - 1946-1948, as deputy chief physician of a railway hospital at the Taiga station of Tomskaya railway- 1949-1953, chief doctor of the railway hospital in Novokuznetsk - 1953-1960.

From October 1, 1963, she worked as a teacher of obstetrics and gynecology at the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical School, from 1965 to 1982 she held the position of Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of SOMU, and from September 1, 1983 to 1990, she was the head of the evening department of SOMU. For many years she was the chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Regional Medical School. Awarded: medal "For Labor Distinction" (1954), medal "For Valiant Labor in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of V.I. Lenin", Medal "Veteran of Labour", Badge "Excellent Administrative Worker of the Ministry of Railways-1953" , badge "Excellent worker of health care" in 1976.

That's what I like about the modern level of organization of large-scale events, so it's dynamism while maintaining solemnity. These are my main impressions of the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the finals of the competition of professional skills of the Ural Federal District. And somehow

everything harmoniously integrated into the overall picture: both the speeches of regional leaders, and the awarding process,

and dance performances.

The final stage of the competition was held in the cities of all subjects of the Ural Federal District. In Tyumen electricians, paramedics of an ambulance and power engineers competed. Electricians, by the way, competed within the walls, which I talked about not so long ago.

I don't know about you, but I Lately I meet a lot of evidence that the work of workers and engineers is becoming more prestigious every year. The almost forgotten concept of "continuity of generations" is again at the hearing. It was nice to hear that the meat cutter who won the competition from is a hereditary specialist.

The meat cutter, by the way, is not the most unusual specialty that participated in the competition. Below will be more exotic.

It is gratifying that in addition to people who have taken place in the profession, young people also participated. The students had a separate test. I think there is no need to explain how important this is in the future.

During the competition, the contestants demonstrated not only their acquired skills, but also innovative solutions and methods.

And some specialties are simply aimed at the future, when the branches of robotics, pneumatics and nanotechnologies reach the level of widespread use in the national economy.

Transural dance. Very perky.

Among the laureates of the final stage, which took place in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in addition to the usual specialists, there were also creative craftsmen, such as bone carvers and masters in the manufacture of national toys.

The number on the stage in the block of awarding the participants of the Khanty-Mansiysk stage also fully corresponds to the region. And the theme of the speech, and national clothes.

The northernmost region in the Ural Federal District is the Yamal National District.

Number from Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with elements of folklore.

I will not give numbers. As one of the leading regional workers noted, our common victory is most important.

The ceremony took place in the Palace of Culture "Neftyanik", which was repaired for quite a long time and now, last year, appeared before us in an updated form.

Thanks for attention. I hope my story is at least a little consistent with the dynamics of what is happening in the hall.

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The Spin Music Service company specializes in providing a whole range of services for the rental and maintenance of the most modern and highly professional sound, light, video projection, conference, power engineering and stage equipment of world brands for organizing cultural events different scale - was founded in 1998.


  • Lighting equipment
  • Sound equipment
  • Videos equipment
  • Conference systems
  • stage equipment
  • Power engineering equipment
  • Technical production

The Spin Music Service company has been working in the entertainment industry for more than fifteen years, and over the years has taken part in the technical support of several thousand of the most diverse "events" in format:

  • Business events
  • Fashion events
  • Sports events
  • Cultural and entertainment events
  • Educational activities
  • Public events
  • official events
  • Corporate events
  • Spectacular events and shows
  • Special Events

Among them: business seminars, conferences, forums, symposiums, meetings, congresses and congresses; presentations and fashion shows, various exhibitions; sports competitions of the federal and international level; opening factories, shops and other facilities; public charitable and entertainment events of the municipal and city scale, promotions and promotional events, contests and fairs; test drives and car races; ceremonies, awards, filming, premieres, balls, theatrical performances and musicals, discos, concerts of Russian and foreign pop stars, and, of course, many private and corporate events.

Our customers have at their disposal only the most modern equipment, developed by professionals from Europe and America, taking into account the wishes of the most demanding users. Our employees are real experts in the field of lighting and sound design, with years of experience working on a wide variety of show programs, from grandiose mega-concerts to private VIP presentations.

Among our regular customers– the majority of event-companies in Moscow; sports palaces, concert halls, clubs, restaurants, hotels, fitness centers, exhibition centers, etc.

Our company offers a unique Russian market service - the creation of three-dimensional computer drawings and layouts using a specialized WYSIWYG software package that reproduce the real view of lighting and sound equipment with exceptional accuracy. This opens up the possibility of direct integration of lighting design and computer simulation, which allows the client to visually evaluate all the effects of using lighting equipment, express their wishes and, if necessary, make all kinds of changes long before the start of installation work.

Spin Music Service is arguably one of the most recognizable brands among end-users for rental of equipment for a wide range of purposes, from sound acoustic systems to simultaneous speech translation equipment and conference systems, and from power engineering and electrical work to professional video filming. And from the installation of stage structures and elevator systems to the development of the most sophisticated lighting design project, from the provision of equipment for business events to the full technical production of the project. Now it is almost impossible not only to list, but simply to count all our clients, all the venues where we were lucky enough to work, all the artists whose “ups and downs” we observed, and all the events that we provided with various equipment over these fifteen years. years - thousands of them. And those innovative services that used to be unique for Russia, and which we actively introduced, breaking the stereotypes of “so-called show business” that had formed in the post-Soviet space, are now provided by everyone, and everywhere. Today it is difficult to imagine a serious project for which there would be no preliminary drawing of the location of objects, or the development of an idea for artistic lighting.

But we are moving on: thanks to special systems for modeling the acoustic properties of rooms, the ability to pre-evaluate the quality of the “sound picture”, the volume and clarity of the sound for each individual point (for each viewer) in the hall is not a fantasy, but a normal, everyday “workflow” of our specialists when developing the concept of a new event. Technologies, thanks to which the preparation for any holiday, from closed conferences and private fashion shows to open-air discos and large-scale festivals, becomes an exciting action, and also allows the client to “forget” about parameter calculations necessary equipment and will fully focus on the "creativity", on the creative side of the upcoming "event" - this is the basis of the entire show business of the coming century.

Our success is not only the result of the correct strategy of constantly increasing and updating the equipment fleet, business diversification, hard work and flexible pricing policy. For the most part, we owe our success to the trust that you, our Clients, have placed in us over the years. After all, it is no secret to anyone that only those who do nothing at all do not make mistakes. Of course, we are very, very glad that our clients remember many of the events we worked at with pride, and most of them with satisfaction. But we are just happy that only a few "precedents" our clients remember with shame. We are learning, we are developing, we are always correcting our mistakes, and we never miss an opportunity to consolidate our achievements.

And today the words: “We are grateful that all these years you have trusted us as your close friends; for the fact that you appreciated our achievements so highly and easily forgave failures. If it were not for you, most likely, not only our company, but the entire market of services for the technical support of corporate events in Russia would never have reached the level at which it is now. Stay with us, and in the future we will never cease to amaze you with new equipment, new technologies, a new level of service and new ideas!” – addressed to those who are already our partners.

And we say to new potential customers: “Join us - and we will do everything so that you do not regret your choice!”

Our awards:

  • In September 2011, Spin Music Service became the Laureate of the prestigious Golden Puzzle 2011 - Event Technology Awards in the nomination.
  • In June 2012, Spin Music Service became the Winner of the competition of projects for the organization and provision of congress and concert and entertainment events within the Salon of suppliers and consumers of event services within the framework of the VI International Forum of the Exhibition Industry "5PEXPO-2012"
  • "Best Lighting and Sound Contractor".
  • In September 2012, Spin Music Service became the Winner of the prestigious Golden Puzzle 2012 - Event Technology Awards in the Best Stage Construction Contractor nomination.
  • In September 2014, Spin Music Service became the Laureate of the prestigious Golden Puzzle 2014 - Event Technology Awards in the nomination "For Contribution to the Development of the Event Industry".

Our licenses and certificates:

  • Certificate of Competence No. 000904 - E (Z) dated 19.01.2016 in the field of energy.
  • Certificate of Conformity No. SMK.RU/10.17. - 5932 from 10/23/2017. Quality Management System . GOST ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2015).
  • Certificate of Conformity №SenM.RU/10.17. - 5935 from 10/23/2017. Energy Management System. GOST R ISO 50001-2012 (ISO 50001:2011).

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Competition "Glorify the man of labor!" determined the winners. Tyumen hosted the federal final stage of the contest “Glorify the working man!” Ural Federal District in the nominations "Best Paramedic" and "Best Power Engineer". . Competition "Glorify the man of labor!" showed that success is achieved only by those who strive for high achievements, want to develop, learn and are not afraid of difficulties. Students and employees from all regions of the Ural Federal District - Tyumen, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, as well as Yamal and Yugra. - We have recently forgotten who is the main character in the economy, and these are working people, - says Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma Viktor Rein. – I am proud that I grew up and was brought up in a family of workers. Ambulance is not romance The final stage of the competition of professional skills in the nomination "The best paramedic of emergency medical care" was held in the "Medical City". It was attended by 28 winners of regional tours - paramedics and students of the Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. The best paramedics of an ambulance In the nomination "The best paramedic of an ambulance", the citizens of Tyumen again confirmed the status of the best. The entire podium was occupied by students of the Tyumen Medical College. Alena Krasnoyarova was recognized as the best, in second place - Yulia Mekhryakova, in third - Elizaveta Andreeva. For the second year in a row, an ambulance paramedic from Tyumen, Sergei Bem, won a confident victory among workers, another Tyumen citizen, Sergei Kalugin, was in second place, and Maxim Shalagurov from Surgut was third. The senior paramedic of the ambulance station, labor veteran Zoya Petrochenko noticed that the weak in character do not take root in the profession. “An ambulance is not a car, not flashing lights, not romance. This is help on the verge of the possible and impossible, this is the gratitude of patients, this is a way of life. People at any time of the day or night, by dialing 03, are waiting for qualified medical care. To provide it is our professional and human duty. Thanks to the organizers of the project, we understand: a working person is an honor, it is important, this is an example for a new generation of workers,” Zoya Georgievna shared her opinion. The contestants had to pass three tests: medical care victims at the scene of an accident, prepare for evacuation and once again demonstrate professional excellence in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When summing up the results, the competent jury took into account the sequence, time and quality of all tasks, as well as compliance with safety rules. Participants had five minutes to start the victim's heart with a semi-automatic defibrillator. The success of the resuscitation was shown by the computer to which the dummy was connected. At the scene of an impromptu accident, each contestant had individual task- someone got to work with a fractured mannequin shoulder, someone assisted the victim with a fracture of the lower leg or pelvic bones. After that, the patient had to be correctly moved to the shield, where it was securely fixed with the help of belts and a head holder. All these actions together should not take more than fifteen minutes of time. According to the winners, despite the successful performance at the competition, it is not in their rules to stop there, life goes on, and there are still many interesting things ahead. Don't worry if there are mistakes. It tempers, provokes, charges, gives impetus to new achievements. Honor and glory to the workers! Guardians of Energy In the nomination "Best Electric Power Engineer" of the federal stage of the competition "Praise the working man!" 11 specialists of enterprises and students competed - five from Tyumen, the rest from Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Khanty-Mansiysk and Muravlenko (YaNAO). They defended their own innovative technologies. Only those whose know-how had the greatest elaboration and scientific novelty could claim victory. The best electric power engineers Evgeny Kostolomov from Tyumen took the first place in the nomination "The best electric power engineer" in the category of engineering workers of enterprises, CEO company "Interm", the second - Vladimir Kopyrin, director of the enterprise "Techoil", also from Tyumen. The jury awarded the third place to Ilya Sukhachev, a representative of the Tyumen Industrial University. Vladislav Shelomentsev, a student of the Tyumen Industrial University, won the first place in the student category. The second is Yulia Andreeva, also a student of this university. Third - Vasily Bekchiu, a student at the South Ural State University. The winners received diplomas and cash prizes. The competition was held within the walls of the Tyumen Industrial University. A competent jury, consisting of representatives of industry enterprises who came here from different regions of the Ural Federal District, evaluated the participants. The relevance of the projects, the degree of their elaboration, the completeness of mastery of the material, and the visibility of presentations were considered. – The presented works are based on research and have a practical focus, they are designed to solve specific problems in the field of electric power industry. The development of one of the Tyumen residents is already being introduced into production in the north of the region, other contestants are also striving for this goal, - said Alexei Portnyagin, chairman of the jury, head of the department of electric power at the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Engineering of TIU. – The winners of the federal stage of the competition receive a powerful portfolio, which is appreciated by employers. Ilya Sukhachev, an assistant at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering at the Tyumen Industrial University, is working on improving the protection of an electrical complex designed for oil production from surges. – Oil companies face the problem of high equipment failure rate, so it is necessary to improve its reliability. The jury consists of specialists with extensive production experience, it is important for me to hear their opinion and assessment in order to be more confident in the results of my work,” said Ilya. According to Rustem Rafikov, a specialist with great experience, dispatcher of the Yamal Distribution Grid Company branch, who came from Muravlenko, the competition is significant not only because it identifies and stimulates the best workers industry, but also the opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues. – It was interesting to communicate with young people, the guys are still on the student bench, and they are already trying to bring new technologies into the profession. For his part, he also suggested something to them, - admitted a guest from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who presented at the competition a system for monitoring overhead lines using a short circuit indicator. Rustem Rafikov hopes that in 2018 the company will start industrial development of this system. Leaders - honor After a long and intense day of competition in the Drama Theater held a solemn honoring of the winners. All received diplomas of participants in the federal stage of the competition "Glorify the working man!" and memorable gifts from the government of the Tyumen region. Representatives of the Tyumen region became the absolute leaders in paramedical business among students and practicing electric power engineers, having taken all three prizes. The winners were cordially congratulated and thanked for their participation in the competition by Director of the Health Department of the Tyumen Region Inna Kulikova and Vice-Rector for scientific activity Tyumen Industrial University Yakov Pronozin. creative gift for the best specialists in two important professions was the performance of creative teams of the city. Published: newspaper No. 229 (4520) Read more: The international forum "Life without barriers" ended in Tyumen

Competition "Glorify the man of labor!" showed that success is achieved only by those who strive for high achievements, want to develop, learn and are not afraid of difficulties. Students and employees from all regions of the Ural Federal District - Tyumen, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, as well as Yamal and Yugra took part in the final of the competition.

We have recently forgotten who is the main character in the economy, and these are working people, - says Viktor Rein, deputy chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma. - I am proud that I grew up and was brought up in a family of workers.

Ambulance is not romance

The final stage of the competition of professional skills in the nomination "The best paramedic of emergency medical care" was held in the "Medical City". It was attended by 28 winners of regional tours - paramedics and students of the Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan regions, Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs.

The best ambulance paramedics

  • In the nomination "The best paramedic of the ambulance", the Tyumen residents again confirmed the status of the best. The entire podium was occupied by students of the Tyumen Medical College. Alena Krasnoyarova was recognized as the best, in second place - Yulia Mekhryakova, in third - Elizaveta Andreeva.
  • For the second year in a row, an ambulance paramedic from Tyumen, Sergei Bem, won a confident victory among workers, another Tyumen citizen, Sergei Kalugin, was in second place, and Maxim Shalagurov from Surgut was third.

The senior paramedic of the ambulance station, labor veteran Zoya Petrochenko noticed that the weak in character do not take root in the profession. “An ambulance is not a car, not flashing lights, not romance. This is help on the verge of the possible and impossible, this is the gratitude of patients, this is a way of life. People at any time of the day or night, by dialing 03, are waiting for qualified medical care. To render it is our professional and human duty. Thanks to the organizers of the project, we understand: a working person is an honor, it is important, this is an example for a new generation of workers,” Zoya Georgievna shared her opinion.

The contestants had to pass three tests: provide medical assistance to the victims at the scene of an accident, prepare for evacuation and once again demonstrate professional skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When summing up the results, the competent jury took into account the sequence, time and quality of all tasks, as well as compliance with safety rules.

Participants had five minutes to start the victim's heart with a semi-automatic defibrillator. The success of the resuscitation was shown by the computer to which the dummy was connected. At the scene of an impromptu accident, each contestant had an individual task - someone got to work with a mannequin shoulder fracture, someone assisted a victim with a broken leg or pelvic bones. After that, the patient had to be correctly moved to the shield, where it was securely fixed with the help of belts and a head holder. All these actions together should not take more than fifteen minutes of time.

According to the winners, despite the successful performance at the competition, it is not in their rules to stop there, life goes on, and there are still many interesting things ahead. Don't worry if there are mistakes. It tempers, provokes, charges, gives impetus to new achievements. Honor and glory to the workers!

Energy Guardians

In the nomination "Best Electric Power Engineer" of the federal stage of the competition "Praise the working man!" 11 specialists from enterprises and students competed - five from Tyumen, the rest from Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Khanty-Mansiysk and Muravlenko (YaNAO). They defended their own innovative technologies. Only those whose know-how had the greatest elaboration and scientific novelty could claim victory.

Best Electrical Engineers

  • The first place in the nomination "Best Electricity Engineer" in the category of engineering workers of enterprises was taken by Evgeny Kostolomov from Tyumen, the general director of the company "Interm", the second - Vladimir Kopyrin, the director of the enterprise "Techoil", also from Tyumen. The jury awarded the third place to Ilya Sukhachev, a representative of the Tyumen Industrial University.
  • Vladislav Shelomentsev, a student of the Tyumen Industrial University, won the first place in the student category. The second is Yulia Andreeva, also a student of this university. Third - Vasily Bekchiu, a student at the South Ural State University. The winners received diplomas and cash prizes.

The competition was held within the walls of the Tyumen Industrial University. A competent jury, consisting of representatives of industry enterprises who came here from different regions of the Ural Federal District, evaluated the participants. The relevance of the projects, the degree of their elaboration, the completeness of mastery of the material, and the visibility of presentations were considered.

The presented works are based on research and have a practical focus, they are designed to solve specific problems in the field of electric power industry. The development of one of the Tyumen residents is already being introduced into production in the north of the region, other contestants are also striving for this goal, - said Alexei Portnyagin, chairman of the jury, head of the department of electric power engineering at the Institute of Industrial Technologies and Engineering of TIU. - The winners of the federal stage of the competition receive a powerful portfolio, which is appreciated by employers.

Ilya Sukhachev, an assistant at the Department of Electrical Power Engineering at the Tyumen Industrial University, is working on improving the protection of an electrical complex designed for oil production from surges.

Oil companies are faced with the problem of high equipment failure rate, so it is necessary to improve its reliability. The jury consists of specialists with extensive production experience, it is important for me to hear their opinion and assessment in order to be more confident in the results of my work, - said Ilya.

According to a long-time specialist Rustem Rafikov, dispatcher of the Yamal Distribution Grid Company branch, who came from Muravlenko, the competition is significant not only because it reveals and stimulates the best workers in the industry, but also as an opportunity to exchange experience with colleagues.

It was interesting to communicate with young people, the guys are still on the student bench, and they are already trying to bring new technologies into the profession. For his part, he also suggested something to them, - admitted a guest from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who presented at the competition a system for monitoring overhead lines using a short circuit indicator. Rustem Rafikov hopes that in 2018 the company will start industrial development of this system.

Leaders - honor

After a long and intense competition day, a solemn honoring of the winners took place in the Drama Theater. All received diplomas of participants in the federal stage of the competition "Glorify the working man!" and memorable gifts from the government of the Tyumen region. Representatives of the Tyumen region became the absolute leaders in paramedical business among students and practicing electric power engineers, having taken all three prizes. The winners were cordially congratulated and thanked for their participation in the competition by Director of the Department of Health of the Tyumen Region Inna Kulikova and Vice-Rector for Research of the Tyumen Industrial University Yakov Pronozin.

A creative gift for the best specialists in two important professions was the performance of the creative teams of the city.