Business abroad: how to open a company in Denmark. How to move to live in Denmark from Russia and what you need to know about local life

Denmark: an official is a friend of a businessman

About ten years ago, when I first came to Denmark, my friends often asked me: can a native of Russia establish his own business there? small business? At first, I answered everyone: no. I doubted that it was possible to make money in a completely unfamiliar country. But the more I lived in Copenhagen, the more often I came across eateries and shops opened by Arabs, Turks, Indians. Why, then, is a Russian person not up to the task that immigrants from Asia can do?

Over time, the answer to this question was found by itself. I met fellow countrymen who successfully did business in Copenhagen. And familiarity with its Danish law and banking system finally convinced me: anyone who really wants to do business in this country can do business.

Business in Denmark: The main thing is a residence permit

Perhaps the most affectionate business area for immigrants is catering. Indeed, in order to open a cafe with its own national cuisine, it is not necessary to perfectly know a foreign language. And there are a lot of people who want to try exotic dishes in any country.
To organize a small eatery in Denmark, you need to have at least $12,000 in your pocket. So much is the minimum set of equipment and rent of premises for six months. For an immigrant entrepreneur who does not have this amount, it is easiest to take it on credit. This is not difficult. The main thing is to have at least a temporary residence permit. This is the biggest problem for foreigners who want to do business in Denmark.
How to resolve it quickly? To be honest, there is only one way - marriage to a Danish citizen. If you are not lucky to marry for love, then the commercial rates will be as follows: up to $ 1000 for each month of "matrimony".

Business in Denmark: Getting a loan

Danish banks issue loans for up to 25 years at rates ranging from 7 to 12 percent per annum in local currency. As in Russia, to obtain a loan, you need a guarantee from someone you know - citizens of the country. It is best if this is a relative on the part of the legal or fictitious spouse. But if we are talking about a small loan, then you can convince the bank manager to issue money without a guarantee. You just need to be fluent in English and detailed plan business building.

Danish banks give preference to projects for which the client has at least 40 percent of the required amount. Although they can give all 100. In such cases, the creditor bank becomes, as it were, the owner of its client's business. If he does not pay, the bank will sell his enterprise and return his money. And to prevent this from happening, one of the bank managers automatically turns into a project manager and controls how the loan is spent. Therefore, if you, in the joy of owning a round sum, decide to fly to Rio de Janeiro for a week, and then write off everything spent on installing ventilation in a cafe, this number will not work. The Bank has the right to cancel any payment that is not related to the business.

Business in Denmark: Registration of a company

So, the loan has been received, it's time to register the company. In Denmark, this operation takes no more than five days. You need to go to the tax office at the place of residence and fill out an application. This is just one sheet, where you should indicate the name, surname, residence permit number (so-called personal number), type of intended activity, number of employees in the future company, name of the legally responsible person, address and name of the company. You do not need to bring any other papers or certificates.

Signature, date - and in five days (no more!) You will receive an envelope with the registration number of the company by mail. You can hang it in a frame. It would be where. Finding a room, by the way, is not difficult, although those who want to rent a room on the central streets of Copenhagen sometimes queue up.

The Danish state is doing its best to help start-up entrepreneurs get on their feet. There are a lot of incentives - from free courses on how to open and promote your own business, to tax breaks in the first year of the enterprise. An official from the Young Entrepreneurship Office can meet with you in person and give you advice on how to write a business plan. You will be provided absolutely free of charge with statistics on the situation in the market where you are going to work. Pay attention and draw your own conclusions. All information for your success is open to you.

Doing business in Denmark: Paying taxes

It is impossible to avoid paying taxes, but you can start a business without knowing the tax laws. It is enough to pay on time all the invoices sent by the state tax service. If it is not clear where this or that amount came from, you can ask for clarification. Clerks in the fiscal department will explain everything intelligibly.

It is also not necessary to hire an accountant. All accounting for a novice entrepreneur will be replaced by an ordinary school notebook: on the left it is written how much you spent this day, on the right - how much you earned. Plus two folders: in one receipt of payment for purchases, in the other all invoices issued to customers.

In addition, at the service of businessmen there are many auditors or audit firms as we call them. A visit to it costs 100-150 dollars. An experienced auditor needs an hour to look through the entries in a business notebook. Then he puts his seal and signature in it: "Checked." And you can safely go to report to tax service: no question will take you by surprise.

Almost everyone who has a business, before submitting their notebooks for verification, consults with such consultants. They help entrepreneurs understand the intricacies of tax legislation, suggest what taxes they have the right not to pay and what amounts the state is obliged to return to them.

Denmark is one of those few countries that has a favorable environment for the formation of new branches of business. At the same time, the Kingdom is not included in the black or gray lists of countries with an economically unstable position and a closed economy, and is not an offshore zone.

  • Established international relations with many states allow us to do business with partners around the world who own transnational corporations.

Such cooperation becomes possible due to transparent economic and social policy. Denmark is in the top ten lists of countries with low ease of doing business, easy taxation, easy international trade relationships.

Forms of business in Denmark

When a person chooses how to organize a form of business in Denmark, it is necessary to get as much reliable data as possible and conduct comparative analysis between them. It doesn't matter which form you choose. If a person is confident in his own undertaking, then it will not be difficult to change the form of an organization or corporation.


Sole ownership implies the existence of an organizational and legal structure with the following properties and mechanisms of interaction:

  • Management is carried out by a single owner, in this economic entity there are no differences between the owner and his business;
  • The absence of any requirements for the authorized capital makes it even more attractive for foreigners.
  • The owner has access to all profits from transactions subject to full and timely taxation under one of the three selected schemes, while having unlimited liability for debt obligations and losses;
  • All assets are under the control of the owner along with debts;
  • Such conduct of business does not provide for legal restrictions in terms of the formation of a mandatory composition, which will include directors, there are no restrictions on the management of the company;
  • The owner has the right to conduct the business of the company himself, but also to entrust this occupation to his subordinates;
  • Accounting must be carried out in full accordance with Danish law, there are no special requirements for the mandatory submission of an annual report;
  • Registration of a business is carried out through the website and does not require the payment of state fees, with the exception of payment for the services of lawyers and other professionals involved in resolving this issue.


Affiliate business relationship imply the presence of two or more individuals or legal entities as founders and have the following legal conditions:

  • Here, all assets are evenly distributed among the founders, as well as possible debts and liabilities;
  • In most cases, the percentage of shares in the business implies equality, that is, 50/50, but in case of disagreement, the percentage may vary;
  • There are no strict restrictions on the authorized capital;
  • All income belongs to the owners of the company, in case of repayment of tax liabilities under one of the three existing schemes;
  • Legal regulation at the state level has not been established, therefore, before starting a business, a contract should be drawn up, which fully describes the business relationship between partners, financial obligations, the presence of additional capital of other partners;
  • There are no requirements in relation to the composition of the board of directors;
  • Mandatory online registration on the website does not require additional state fees.

A/S or ApS.

A limited liability company or a private company with the same powers implies the existence of the following contingent obligations approved by law:

  • Founders can be natural or legal entities, as well as other corporations;
  • Percentage division is carried out according to equity participation in the authorized capital;
    If there is more than one owner, then a contract should be concluded, which will indicate all the powers and obligations in relation to management activities and debt obligations;
  • In any of the two presented forms, there are restrictions on liability for income and losses, the owners are relieved of personal liability, however, banks are asked to confirm participation in credit operations;
  • All assets are owned by the firm;
  • Enhanced control by Danish law;
  • The capital investment of an LLC must be DKK 80,000, for private LLCs DKK 500,000. The data may change at the time of the establishment of the company;
  • The investment is carried out both through cash and property;
  • Taxes are imposed on the activities of the company, not the owners;
  • When the owner needs to make a profit from the company's transactions, it will be paid in the form of dividends, and subject to tax liabilities.
  • The presence of a managing director is important; there are no requirements for the board of directors or the supervisory committee;
  • LLC council or board may consist of one person;
  • Private LLCs are required to have a board of directors, a supervisory committee and a managing director;
  • Some decisions are made on general meeting shareholders.

P/S - Partnerselskab/Commanditaktieselskab.

The legal form of a limited liability partnership implies the following powers and obligations:

  • The need to have two or more owners, at least one partner must be the main partner, with unlimited obligations, and the other with limited rights;
  • The minimum investment in the statutory fund must be at least DKK 500,000;
  • The balance can be replenished in cash or in the form of a property investment, the value of which is determined by a Danish specialist;
  • The management of the enterprise is carried out through decisions made by the general partner or the board of directors;
  • Since in the first two years the tax is deducted from losses and from profits, this is an excellent solution for beginner businessmen;
  • An audit is carried out in case of unfair dealing, but an annual accounting report is required to be submitted to the Danish Business Administration.

How to start a business in Denmark

Danish officials encourage waging own business, and investing in various existing projects in this regard, citizens of Northern Europe and the European Union receive open access.

  • For citizens who are not part of the above territories, there is legislation that establishes the rules for entering and doing business in this country. Foreigners must apply for permission to work and reside in the country.

So, to get started, you need to register. Documents are accepted by the Danish Trade and Enterprise Agency. The established procedure must be completed eight days before the start of business transactions. Registration can be done online through the website in Danish.

  • As soon as successful registration, the founder will receive a Primary Business Registration Number (CVR – number). This set of numbers identifies the company and should be used when dealing with government agencies or private individuals.

As soon as the company is identified, all data is sent to the tax office (SKAT), because then you need to register for VAT.

To register for CVR, you need to pay 670 DKK. Since the information on the site is in Danish, you will have to use the services of a lawyer or translator.

The site has a condition that it is necessary to have an ID or digital signature. It can be easily obtained if you have a work permit and temporary residence in the country. When there is no permission, you should conclude an agreement with a lawyer who can carry out registration without creating an ID. Since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked quickly to create a list of trusted persons, an assistant can be chosen without delay. In the case of working through a lawyer, you should take care in advance that you have the following set of documents:

  • Share capital of DKK 50,000;
  • Names and passport copies of all members of the executive board and the Board of Directors
  • Memorandum and articles of association
  • Description of ownership structure
  • Passport copies of all personal owners (who control 25% or more)

Separate registration may be required in case of registering a business in a certain area, which implies its own fees.

It is necessary to make sure several times that no other permits are required to conduct business in the chosen field of activity. This is not mandatory, but will prevent double taxation.

Business in Denmark for foreigners

Foreigners need a special permit to live and work, which must be issued in advance.

If possible, it is desirable to transfer all employees to the territory of Denmark. The process may vary depending on the area, but in general, this is the order you should proceed:

  • Prior to arrival, it is necessary to obtain work and residence permits in Denmark;
  • If employees are citizens of EU countries, then a work permit is required.

Obtaining a residence permit

There are some conditions that determine the procedure for obtaining a residence permit in the country.

  • Benefits are provided to those people who have already invested more than 50 thousand euros in the business and economy of the state. working enterprise must generate taxable profits and operate in accordance with established laws.

In Denmark, you can open a business either on your own or with a co-owner. To start entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to pay the authorized capital, sign the required set of documents and pay for the services of a law firm.

  • The immigration directorate conducts interviews in English or the national language. After obtaining a residence permit, a businessman becomes the owner of rights and obligations similar to civil ones. A residence permit is issued for a period of one year and can be extended up to 3 years.

Workers wishing to obtain a residence permit should find an employer and conclude a contract. It will be possible to extend the residence permit only at the discretion of the owner of the company, if he deems the need for further cooperation. If the specialty of a person satisfies the needs of the country, then a visa can be obtained as soon as possible.

How to buy a business in Denmark

Difficulties with opening or buying ready business not in Denmark, since the government and officials fully support foreigners who are investing in the development of the economy. There are many resources for buying a ready-made business, some of which are:,

Before investing, you should think about how to buy a business in Denmark, and what needs to be done for this.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare all the documents, the list of which is offered on the official website.
  2. Secondly, hire a lawyer or lawyer to resolve issues at the legislative level.
  3. Thirdly, the consultation should be meaningful and in relation to the purchase of the selected project, since the costs are not small.

Benefits of buying a business:

  • Transparency of the work of all branches of government;
  • Economic flexibility and stability, determined by high GDP rates among many European countries;
  • Reduced level of corruption;
  • Contractual obligations with most countries preventing double taxation;
  • Small business receives support from the state;
  • Availability of highly educated and professional staff;
  • The level of currency depreciation and the number of unemployed have been reduced to the minimum;
  • Cooperation at the international level;
  • Usability convenient scheme taxation.

Taxes for legal entities in Denmark

Taxation in Denmark is based on three main subtypes of direct, indirect and property taxes.

Company owners should pay income tax, which is 22%.

Capital gains are subject to taxation, the standard rate in this segment is 23.5%.

  • Dividends for non-residents are paid without prior taxation when the parent company is a resident of Denmark or the European Union. Or if there is a contractual obligation between countries to abolish double taxation. In any other cases, the rate does not exceed 27%.
  • Interest payments for non-residents are not taxable. Unless the legal entity is an affiliated foreign entity and in the presence of special obligations, a rate of 25% is set.

Royalties paid are taxed at 25%, the rate may be waived if there are treaty obligations to eliminate double taxation.

The amount of social contributions from the employer for each employee is from 10 thousand to 12 thousand Danish crowns.

The standard value added tax rate is set at 25%.

Taxes for individuals in Denmark

Persons applying for permanent residence are subject to an unlimited tax burden in Denmark. That is, all income, including world income, is taxed.

Income, in turn, is further divided into three categories:

  • Personal income, which includes wages, business income from renting and more;
  • Investment income;
  • Income from dividends;

Income tax is a gross tax of 8%.

This type of tax is deducted from the funds in the first place. The lowest tax rate is 36% up to the maximum income tax rate of up to 51.95%. This does not include church tax. Income from taxation occurs according to established rules. And the tax rate rises from 27% to 42%.

First salary up to DKK 45,000 is tax-free.

Property tax

is charged both in Denmark and in other European countries and is 1% for objects worth less than 408 thousand euros, and 3% for the amount exceeding the established level. Property tax is not imposed on leased objects.

church tax

varies from 0.43% to 1.4%.

State tax rate

varies from 8.08% to 15%. The maximum rate is set for income exceeding 459,200 kroons per year after exclusion of gross tax.

The medical care tax rate is 5%.

So, in order to open a business in a country where 98% of the indigenous population lives, it is necessary to gain the trust of the majority. Local residents are very vigilant about the activities of foreigners, including those from the CIS countries.

  • To register a company, a foreigner does not need to go through lengthy procedures. Everything is quite simple and transparent at all stages. The laws of the country allow doing business from abroad, although then the entrepreneur will be denied a residence permit or permanent residence.

True, for investors there are slightly different conditions that allow you to issue a residence permit as soon as possible if the investment is sufficient and in full compliance with the established legislation.

True, if there are debt obligations that have not been repaid in deadlines, from the country may not be released.

Today Denmark is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. For this reason, many seek to move to live in it. But first you should learn about the features of this country, the principles of obtaining a residence permit and permanent residence, the pros and cons of living in this state, professions in demand and important nuances of life.

How do ordinary people live in Denmark?

In Denmark, older relatives are treated with great respect. During the holidays, many large families gather together. Children are taught to respect their parents. The Danes live very strictly. Many services can be obtained within minutes. For example, you can find the right book in the library hall using a special computer that will issue the required indexes of publications and instructions for their location on the shelves. For local residents, punctuality is one of the mandatory qualities.

Romantic relationships between men and women in Denmark stand a long test of time. A couple can live together for several years and only after that formalize a legal marriage. As a rule, in Denmark, spouses become close to the age of 30 or even later. According to the Danes, you only need to get married once in your life, which is why there are a fairly large number of single people in the country. Such persons fill the void in their lives by visiting all sorts of circles, clubs, teaching schools, hobbies.

Children are expelled from their homes when they reach the age of 18. After that, they are considered completely independent individuals who create their lives. In the country current legislature allows you to resolve issues with real estate for children upon reaching 15 years. Thus, young people can get their housing quite quickly. As a rule, teenagers at the age of 14 are in a special queue for obtaining separate housing, which is registered as a property in just 1-2 years. Despite the early departure from the "nest", the children continue to maintain relationships with their families.

Danish families are different a high degree mutual assistance. Repairs are done with the help of all relatives, including cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers, etc. The same applies to vacations, foreign and country trips, the acquisition of expensive but important things for the benefit of the whole family. From time to time it may seem that children are rude to their parents, but in reality this is a consequence of education in conditions of equality of generations: the younger ones are freely allowed to express their opinion on any occasion in order to develop independence and flexibility of thinking. As practice shows, this approach justifies itself, children grow up self-sufficient, with a normal character and their own unique habits.

A healthy lifestyle for Denmark is a natural situation. Many people prefer to travel not by car, but by bicycle. Vehicle can be taken in special places, leaving a deposit of 20 crowns, after the return of the bike the money is returned, so you can use it completely free of charge.

Danish women are not usually considered the weaker sex, because there were times when only women ruled the country, which in Denmark is already used to being considered. Thus, there is no distinction between the sexes, which is customary for Russians, in Denmark. Household work is evenly divided among family members. You can often see men in kitchens. Also, the latter are often engaged in knitting, which in the Russian Federation is considered to be a “female” hobby.

The word "housewife" in this country is absent as such - a non-working woman often causes genuine surprise. Despite the fact that Denmark allows its citizens to maintain a fairly high level of income, both spouses work. At the same time, the average working day is 6.4 hours, which is noticeably less than in Russia. The Danes spend their free time traveling, hobbies and learning something new.

Particular attention in the country is paid to its housing. Most families live in own houses, which are often subsequently transferred as an inheritance. In the case of a decision to buy a new home, the issue is taken very seriously. The choice is made long enough and very carefully consider all the nuances.

It is worth noting that the first household items that are bought for the home are always a flag and a table. If the first is considered as a symbol of family happiness, then the second is associated with a large, friendly and very strong family. The issue of decorating the interior for the Danes is extremely acute. Many people prefer to create their own unique crafts, which are then placed in rooms and given to friends and family.

In Denmark, they especially like to give gifts. After traveling abroad, they bring souvenirs for all relatives and friends, and also add a new thing to their home. The government of the country takes the situation of families with one parent quite seriously. When a family breaks up or becomes a victim of a tragic event, the parent left alone with the children is immediately provided with various benefits and subventions from the state. A large number of assistance programs are also provided for single children.

In Denmark, there are almost no homes for single children, since almost every child who has lost his family is almost instantly placed in another “cell of society”. You can often see children in Danish families who are not Danish citizens. Childless couples seek to help homeless children. With special care in Denmark, they treat the elderly, the disabled, and the homeless. All kinds of assistance are provided for all categories of citizens.

In general, it is worth saying that this country has an extremely low crime rate. The high standard of living and its longevity, along with a stable economic situation, have led to the fact that today Denmark is considered the country with the happiest population. According to the results of the survey, it is here that the percentage of people who are completely satisfied with their lives is highest.

Living in Denmark - pros and cons

Every country has both positive and negative aspects of life. The exact list depends on who is considering the proposal. Below we consider the point of view for Russians, which is likely to be relevant for all residents of the CIS.

The advantages include:

  • All immigrants are taught the local language free of charge;
  • Knowledge of Danish is not required as most citizens are fluent in English;
  • The Danes are distinguished by friendliness and goodwill;
  • High level of social guarantees;
  • Low crime;
  • Free education in universities;
  • Tradition to stick to healthy lifestyle life;
  • Loyal legislation towards migrants;
  • The economy is very stable.

Among the minuses are the following points:

  • The language is quite difficult to understand and learn;
  • A radically different mentality, not always understandable to a Russian person;
  • The inhabitants of Denmark are conservative and rather closed, which makes it difficult to find friends;
  • Extremely high prices for services and products;
  • Frequent rains and cloudy weather;
  • Difficulties in obtaining a diploma;
  • It is almost impossible to get a job with a diploma issued in the Russian Federation;
  • Negative attitude towards persons using benefits as the main source of income;
  • A boring way of life for many Russians.

The most in-demand professions in Denmark

It is widely known that in order to get the opportunity to migrate to a particular country, it is desirable to be a specialist of the profile that is in demand in the target state. These in Denmark include:

  • Energy and construction engineer;
  • Electrical network designer;
  • Constructor;
  • IT expert;
  • Mechanic and construction technologist with higher education;
  • Manufacturing systems developer;
  • Advocate;
  • Dental hygienist (Danish license required);
  • Chief Physician;
  • Pharmacist;
  • Medical resident;
  • Medical Consultant;
  • M.D;
  • Anesthetist;
  • Dentist;
  • Nurse (with a Danish license);
  • Optician (Danish license required);
  • Nurse of Surgery (Danish license);
  • IT architect;
  • Programmer and system developer;
  • IT consultant;
  • Social worker;
  • Teacher;
  • Social teacher;
  • Agronomist;
  • Auditor;
  • Analyst economic activity;
  • Administrator;
  • Surveyor;
  • Manager for work with VIP-clients.

Important: This list remains current today. Do not hesitate to consult on this issue, as certain points on specialties or requirements for them may change.

Average salary in Denmark

This country is specific when it comes to what kind of relationship is maintained between the employer and hired professionals. First of all, it should be noted that in Denmark there is no single labor code unlike other EU countries. Thus, all aspects on this issue are resolved by clauses of contracts between groups of employers and trade unions. The main points include:

  • work period;
  • fixed salary;
  • the period and duration of the vacation;
  • retirement age;
  • completion notice period;
  • minimum wage and others.

Almost 85% of the total population of the country is part of the Danish Federation of Trade Unions. At the same time, the agreements themselves undergo a revision procedure every 2 years. Today the average size wages is about 20-30 thousand Danish crowns per month. This amount is equivalent to approximately 2.5 thousand euros. This is if we talk about not very solid work - work at a construction site, in municipal transport or at a factory.

Danish employers value workers from other countries quite strongly who can be employed in positions:

  • fitter;
  • heavy machinery operator;
  • worker locksmith specialty;
  • welder of different directions;
  • turner;
  • plumbing.

In addition, high demand is maintained for medical staff. The latter can also be paid 3,000 euros with the conditions of a separate provision of an apartment for living and free medical insurance.

Since Denmark expresses concern not only for its citizens, but also for employed foreigners, legislative norms provide for equal wages for them and Danes. This makes it possible to protect the state from the emergence of cheap labor, but also to limit the provision of vacancies exclusively to specialists with a high level of qualification. The latter increases the average level of quality of services provided.

Approximate salaries for different specialties are:

  • Nurse - 2.5 thousand euros;
  • Secretary - 3.7 thousand euros;
  • IT specialist - 3.5 thousand euros;
  • Seller - 2.4 thousand euros;
  • Cashier - 1.9 thousand euros;
  • Plumber - 2.8 thousand euros;
  • Sales manager - 1.9 thousand euros;
  • Driver - 2.1 thousand euros;
  • Doctor - 5 thousand euros.

If necessary overtime according to the results of activities for 3 additional hours, the payment is increased by 50% relative to the standard rate. All subsequent hours are paid with a surcharge of 100%. Also, at a double rate, there is a calculation for activities on Sunday and holidays.

Emigration to Denmark from Russia

Persons who come to Denmark for immigration may receive a fairly positive attitude from the country and the local population. There is a very high level in the segment of maintaining the quality of life and education, a favorable investment climate, as well as excellent conditions for organizing your own business.

There are many ways to stay in Denmark for the long term. The most simple can be considered marriage and obtaining refugee status. Behind Lately the government is implementing fairly strict measures to limit the flow of migrants, so obtaining political asylum is not so easy. At the same time, it is possible to go to Denmark for permanent residence, even without having relatives there.

The main incentives for granting the right to stay in the country are:

  • getting a permanent job;
  • opening your own business;
  • study followed by employment;
  • investment in the state economy.

Important: since the Schengen area is a single space, devoid of internal borders, in some situations, in order to optimize your own costs and possible risks, it is worth issuing a residence permit in the most loyal states. This opens up the possibility of living in Europe and traveling to other EU states.

To immigrate to Denmark with a work visa, a family program or as an investor, you need to live there for 2 years or more. Only after these conditions are met, a residence permit is issued for a period of 7 years. Then you can apply for citizenship.


You can become a worker in Denmark in almost any company. After the conclusion of the contract, a temporary residence permit is provided, which can then be extended. For certain, extremely scarce professions in this country, the procedure for issuing a work visa is available according to a very simplified and accelerated scheme. These include scientists (mathematicians, physicists), some areas of medical practice, IT-sphere, etc. Also, the country willingly accepts potential investors and citizens who have opened their business in Denmark. These immigration programs require you to pass an interview, as well as provide the competent authorities with an impressive package of documents that confirms the availability of capital and business qualities.

For persons who have an education in the required specialty and are interested in working in Denmark, there is a special program for the provision of a "green card". It will require you to score a certain number of points. The latter are charged depending on age, level of education received, knowledge of Danish, work experience in the specialty, etc. Applicants who managed to score 100 units, it makes sense to hope for a residence permit not only for themselves, but also for their immediate family (for a period of 3 years).

For minors, automatic issuance of a residence permit is provided, and after reaching the age of 18, a student visa, a work visa, or the issue of granting citizenship can be raised. Education in Denmark is completely free.

Family reunion

For those who have relatives living in Denmark, going to live in this country is much easier. The corresponding program allows you to obtain a residence permit for a period of 1 year, and after 7 years of residence in full compliance with the immigration process, as well as passing the language exam and the mandatory absence of problems with the implementation of the laws of the country, you can get permanent residence.

Under the reunification program, you can invite not only spouses, but also other close relatives. Minors are able to immigrate to Denmark, provided that their parents have citizenship or a residence permit in this country or in one of the Scandinavian states.

A separate condition is the presence of an amount of at least 50 thousand crowns and living space of 20 "squares" per person. This condition will ensure minimum living conditions. After completing all the required procedures, children are granted a residence permit up to the age of 18.

Getting an education

In Denmark, education is free for citizens, while foreigners will have to pay. At the same time, after graduating from the university, you can get enough Good work in this country. At first it is enough to know English, and during the training it will be easy to learn Danish.

Important: Knowledge of the local language is extremely important for the Danish Immigration Service. It will help ensure higher chances of staying in the country for a residence permit or permanent residence, regardless of the migration program.

Starting a business

All business owners in Denmark can count on obtaining a residence permit, provided that they have invested 50 thousand euros or more in the state economy. It is important that the enterprise operates completely legally, receives a steady profit, and provides jobs to citizens. The first step is to arrive in Denmark alone or with partners. Then all the papers required for opening a company are signed, a bank account is opened, and lawyers' services are paid.

Next, you need to visit a special directorate in charge of the affairs of foreigners to select the time of the interview. The latter takes place in Danish or English. After obtaining a residence permit for 1 year, many rights will open and you can safely engage in the development of your business.

Important: it is worthwhile to correctly assess your own capabilities and compare them with the requirements of the state. If they do not correspond to each other, then you can waste money and time and not get a residence permit or face a refusal when trying to renew. In Europe today, most countries are quite strict about who is allowed to visit their territory for a long period.

Investment activities

All investors should understand that having a business partner in Denmark is much easier than investing in the state economy on your own. In the latter case, it will be quite problematic to manage the amount of 50 thousand euros. The reason for this is that it will be necessary to pay for the work of various intermediaries and lawyers. Opening an account will provide a separate financial burden, full registration own company, the presence of a mandatory security deposit in a credit institution and other expenses.

The easiest option would be to buy an already operating business or open it with a partner living in Denmark. In fact, for the Russians, there are already many legal entities that can be sold to potential immigrants.

Those who can overcome all these difficulties should prepare for the next obstacle in the form of an interview. The success of the application largely depends on it. Investments in order to obtain a residence permit cannot be provided solely by the availability of capital, knowledge and the ability to successfully manage your business will be required.


When applying for asylum by a foreign citizen, it is necessary to have documents that confirm the fact of persecution, forcing the applicant to leave their country. This may be, for example, living in a zone of military conflict. The granting of refugee status is regulated by the current international norms, therefore, about one thousand applicants receive such status every year.

First, people are provided with housing in a well-equipped and fairly comfortable camp, free food and medical care, as well as funds for various petty expenses. You will need to stay in the camp throughout the entire period of consideration of the dossier and making a decision regarding the granting of a residence permit.

When the story presented by the asylum seeker is characterized as not credible, and also cannot be substantiated by documents, an "unreasonable procedure" is carried out. The latter involves sending documents to the Refugee Committee for detailed study. With a confidential attitude to the issue, a “reasonable procedure” is implemented, and the documents are sent directly to the Immigration Service.

Recently, migration to Denmark has become more common, and the process of obtaining refugee status has become noticeably more complicated. Today, quotas for assignment to this category are allocated to each state based on the decision of the relevant Office of the UN High Commissariat. As a result of a positive decision, a foreigner's passport is provided, allowing you to move freely within the Schengen area.


Since 2012, under the influence of increased migration to Denmark, conditions have changed for those wishing to obtain a residence permit in this way. Immigration officials take marriage verification very seriously. If the couple's relationship is found to be fictitious, the permission granted may be revoked.

When a foreign person enters into a legal marriage with a Danish citizen, a residence permit is granted automatically if:

  • Marriage is arranged to create a family on the terms of mutual consent, and not on the basis of financial considerations;
  • The age of the newly-married spouses exceeds 24 years;
  • The couple lives in Denmark, maintains a joint household and expresses an intention to obtain citizenship;
  • One of the spouses is a Danish citizen or a holder of a residence permit for three or more years;
  • For each person there is an amount of 50 thousand crowns and a living area of ​​20 square meters;
  • The couple has been living together for 18 months or more (in cases where there is no official marriage).

The procedure for obtaining a residence permit for spouses has been significantly simplified. They do not need to pass a special immigration test, as well as pay a special consular fee at the time of issuing a visa permit. But it is necessary to pass a language test 6 months after obtaining a residence permit.

How to stay in Denmark permanently?

To obtain Danish citizenship, foreigners must live in the state for 10 years. In most cases, a residence permit is initially presented, which is renewed for 3 years in a row, and after that you can start applying for permanent residence. The corresponding status can be granted to refugees, close relatives of various citizens who live in Denmark, experts with permanent employment, businessmen, investors.

After the appearance of the corresponding status, a plastic card of state medical insurance is provided free of charge. Such insurance will help cover a variety of health care costs, including the cost of childbirth and operations of varying degrees of complexity. Appropriate insurance works in all EU countries. Such a card can become a source of other benefits.

To qualify for permanent residence, the main thing is to follow all the established requirements from the Danish government for foreigners who have arrived in the country. Violation of the law is unacceptable. The key requirements can be summarized in two points: knowledge of the language and the ability to provide oneself and relatives with housing and finances sufficient for a normal life.

Residence permit in Denmark

Before you can apply for citizenship, you will need to live in the territory of the state for a certain time. This will help to obtain a residence permit. Consideration of the issue regarding the assignment of the status of a residence permit is legally under the jurisdiction of the Danish Immigration Service. The key categories of foreigners who are eligible to apply for citizenship are: refugees, participants in the migration program for family reunification, employed persons, businessmen and large investors.

In accordance with current legislation, foreign citizens have the opportunity to obtain a residence permit in Denmark, provided that they plan to live there for more than 3 months (excluding cases of arrival for seasonal work). To obtain the status, you need to prove that the applicant has enough finances for a comfortable stay in the country. An application for a long stay must be substantiated, preferably with the transfer of a package of documents that confirm the motives indicated by the applicant.

A residence permit for the first time is granted for a period of 1 year. At the end of the term, it can be extended for another 1 year. In total, the procedure is carried out 3 times (1 registration and 2 renewals). Only after that you can apply for a permanent residence permit. An important condition for this is continuous residence in Denmark. A separate point is the integration of a foreigner into society - this does not mean that it is necessary to make as many friends and acquaintances as possible, but it is desirable to acquire housing, a job or a business, to speak Danish fluently.

When a residence permit is obtained through fraud (inaccurate data provided, an immigrant added to the list of undesirable persons in the Schengen area, a fictitious marriage was arranged in order to obtain a permit, etc.), the residence permit is completely canceled. You probably won't be able to get permission again. Another reason for the cancellation of a residence permit may be the non-residence of a foreigner at the address indicated when filling out the application for a residence permit.

Obtaining Danish citizenship

Only persons who have lived in Denmark for 10 years can become citizens of Denmark. At the same time, the first 3 years will have to obtain a residence permit for a period of one calendar year and go through many checks, after which it will be possible to issue a permit for the remaining 7-year period.

Previously, there was no possibility for foreigners to obtain dual citizenship in the state. After 2015, this option became viable. In addition, those who had previously emigrated from their country to live in Denmark were given the opportunity to reclaim their previous citizenship. Of course, one should only take into account the legislation of other countries.

Can they refuse to grant a residence permit and Danish citizenship?

A refusal can be issued to persons who do not meet the requirements of the state for applicants for a residence permit and citizen status. The main conditions for obtaining permanent residence:

  • Availability of stable or temporary employment, own business;
  • Successful acquisition of the local language;
  • Certificate of absence of claims from the tax authorities and debts in the segment of social contributions;
  • Full compliance with the norms of the approved legislation of the country.

After granting the appropriate status, a state medical insurance card is issued, which allows you to use the qualified help of experienced doctors completely free of charge. The state insurance policy of Denmark is valid in all EU countries, and also covers all key risks. For new residents of the state, other benefits are also provided, which can be used by full-fledged citizens of the country. These include language courses on a completely free basis, the right to move freely around the Schengen and Scandinavian states, open loans in credit institutions for more favorable conditions, more quickly issue a visa permit to other states.

Denmark is seriously considering the issues of controlling the appearance of dependents and counteracting misappropriation of funds. To obtain a residence permit and citizenship, you will need to provide evidence of a house of sufficient size and financial resources for normal living. A noticeable plus will be the presence of a stable job with a high salary or a successful business opened independently, the creation of large investments.

Denmark is a fairly prosperous state with a stable economic situation. This country attracts many Russian residents as a new place of residence. A special motive for this is statistics on life expectancy - in Denmark it is almost 20 years longer than in Russia.

The attitude towards immigrants in Denmark is loyal, but somewhat wary. According to the Russians who emigrated to this country, they did not notice any discrimination against themselves. At the same time, there are not many migrants in Denmark, so making new acquaintances is not always easy. The mentality of the Danes dictates to them a conservative, restrained and rather closed way of life, which is not always clear to the “broad Russian soul” and looks extremely unusual. Those who plan to immigrate to Denmark should first visit the country on a tourist visit, see if such a way of life suits them, whether they like their way of life, climate, and other factors. If yes, then you can consider the available options for obtaining a residence permit, permanent residence, and after - citizenship.

The Scandinavian countries are very popular with immigrants from all over the world. far from last place this list is occupied by the Kingdom of Denmark. This small state with a population of about 5.8 million people, by the way, is very qualified, Danish universities offer high-quality and prestigious education, and is considered one of the most favorable places for business immigration.

There are plenty of reasons for that. Let's highlight the main ones.

Firstly , there is practically no corruption in Denmark. At least, this is confirmed by numerous international studies.

Secondly , a transparent tax, legal and judicial system, as well as a minimum of bureaucracy, allow you to open and conduct business in Denmark as efficiently as possible.

Thirdly , ideal infrastructure, the level of development of high technologies and the overall quality of life in Denmark are among the best in the world.

Owning a business in Denmark for foreigners, including Russians and Ukrainians, is a good opportunity to move to an economically and socially developed European country forever and eventually get a Danish passport, not only for an entrepreneur, but also for close relatives.

The comfortable geographical location of Denmark allows you not to be limited to the local market or the northern states, but opens the way to all countries of the European Union, in particular, Germany is the closest.

Depending on the scale of the planned business, the amount of investment, the prospects for optimizing taxation and the type of activity, it is very important to choose the most appropriate form of ownership for a company in Denmark. Consider the most popular.

Private Limited Company (ApS). Registered to one or more owners. Liability for the obligations of the company is limited to contributions to the authorized capital. Management is carried out by the director. Minimum requirements for authorized capital - 125 thousand Danish kroner(16.8 thousand euros), while 50 thousand are paid during registration. More than 75,000 such companies operate in Denmark.

open Joint-Stock Company (A/S). Minimum capital required 500 thousand Danish crowns(67 thousand euros). Provides for a board of directors consisting of at least three members. The company's accounts are publicly available. In total, more than 35,000 firms of this type operate in the country.

Individual entrepreneur (Enkeltmandsvirksomhed). Today, up to 300 thousand entrepreneurs are registered in Denmark and this is the most common form of doing business in the country. The owner independently carries out economic activities and is fully responsible for the obligations of the company with his own property.

Taxes in Denmark in 2019

Denmark has a rather favorable tax climate, in particular, the corporate tax rate of 22%, one of the most acceptable in Europe. Social contributions are minimal and some foreign wage-earners the first 5 years pay income tax at a lower rate. With most countries of the world, Denmark has signed agreements on the avoidance of double taxation. Nevertheless, it cannot be said that the country has low tax rates, this is not so.

Denmark's basic tax rates in 2019

Corporate Income Tax - 22%

VAT- 25% and reduced rate 0% (newspapers, magazines)

Dividends- 25% for companies, as well as 27% for individuals, if the amount does not exceed 50.6 thousand DKK and 42% in case of excess.

Income tax- progressive rate reaches 56.48%

Popular business destinations in Denmark

As already mentioned, Denmark is considered one of the most comfortable countries for business immigration. Spheres where high technologies, innovations and scientific developments are used are especially popular with investors. Denmark is an ideal place to implement all kinds of start-up projects, while the modern and advanced population will test and evaluate the new product very quickly.

The priority sectors in the Danish economy are IT, renewable energy, biotechnology, maritime transport, food and design. If a foreigner has a good idea and a business plan in one of these industries, you can count on the support of local authorities and successful immigration to Denmark for the purpose of doing business.

Kingdom of Denmark by constitutional law - a monarchical state, consisting of three autonomous regions: Denmark in the north of Europe, the Faroe Islands in the north of the Atlantic and Greenland in North America. Of the three autonomies, only Denmark is part of the European Union, but it is still not part of the Eurozone.

Largest cities: Copenhagen,Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg. Scandinavians, which include: Inuit, Faroese, Germans, Frisians and immigrants speak Danish, but most of the population is also fluent English language and German. High level of education of the population. Medicine is free, health insurance is canceled here. The source of financing of medical care for the population is state and local taxes.

Compared to other countries, taxes are high here, as are salaries. The tax on added products, including products, is 25%, income tax from 42-63%. Corruption in state structures practically absent.

The head of state - the king / queen has supreme power, which allows you to dissolve the parliament (Folketing) - the legislative branch, dismiss and appoint ministers and the prime minister. The executive power in the country belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers. In cities burgomasters. Judicial system includes: the Supreme Court, 2 courts of second instance and lower courts.

Denmark is not part of the Eurozone, it has its own currency - the Danish krone. The Danish kingdom has the lowest inflation, as well as unemployment. Gas and oil reserves, profitable production, make the Danish krone compared to other currencies a strong currency.

By foreign trade turnover per capita, Denmark ranks first in the world. The Danish National Bank maintains a constant exchange rate for the Danish krone against the euro. In addition to the Danish krone, the Faroe Islands have their own currency, the Faroese krone.

Denmark is a country in which it is very easy to register a company online via the Internet within a few hours.

Start a business in Denmark- a great option. Geographically convenient location makes it possible to expand the area of ​​its economic activity to the Scandinavian countries and the Baltics. Foreigners working in Denmark in the Danish social system Social Security pay less taxes for the first three to five years.

In Denmark, the status of a company is determined by its ownership: state companies And private. You can register a company through the agency " DCCA" from the Ministry of Economy and Business, as well as via the Internet.

When choosing an organizational legal form legal entity, you should choose the one that best suits your business. If in the future there is a need to change the legal form of the company, this can be done without problems. But it must be taken into account that the level of responsibility, which is determined by the choice of the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, differs from each other.

Sole proprietor (Enkeltmands-virksomhed)-1 person. Decisions are made by the owner. Managed by the owner. Full responsibility to creditors with their property. The law does not provide for initial capital. Accounting - yes. Annual report no. income tax and income tax. General laws and regulations.

Partnership (Interessentskab)– The minimum number of participants is 2 people. They have equal rights and obligations. The Cooperation Agreement governs the internal legal relations between interested parties. Major decisions are made collectively. Managed by the owners. Full unlimited joint and several liability. The law does not provide for initial capital. Accounting - yes. Annual report - no if the owners are individuals. Income tax and VAT tax. General laws and regulations.

Limited Liability Partnership (Kommanditselskaber)- at least 2 people. One member general partner bears full responsibility for the activities of the company to creditors, the liability of other participants is limited to deposits of their assets in this company. If the partnership is created from limited liability companies, then the liability is determined by the amount authorized capital. Taxes: income and VAT.

Private limited company (Anpartsselskab)- at least 1 person. Decisions are taken by the General Assembly with more than half of the votes or 2/3 of the votes. Governed by an executive board overseen by a supervisory board. Liability is limited to the assets of the authorized capital. Down payment 25% of minimum amount share capital of 80,000 Danish crowns. Accounting - yes. Annual report yes. It must be published. Tax. Company law and regulations.

Open Joint Stock Company (Aktieselskab)– The minimum number of members is 1 person. Decisions are taken by the General Assembly with more than half of the votes or 2/3 of the votes. The direction and management is under the control of the Supervisory Board. Liability is limited to the assets of the authorized capital. Down payment 25% of the minimum share capital of DKK 500,000. Accounting - yes. Annual report yes. It must be published. Tax. Company law and regulations.

In addition to the above organizational and legal legal forms for business in Denmark, you can open branch office (Inddrivelsesvejledning).

Partnership, which has a special character - is created for certain actions of the economic plan. The number of members is at least two. All activities of such a partnership are aimed at fulfilling a contractual obligation.

Cooperatives (Andelsselskaber)- which includes either a partnership + individual entrepreneur, or a limited liability company + an individual entrepreneur.

Associations (Foreninger)– membership is created to achieve common purpose. All the profit received from economic activity goes not to the participants, but to the implementation of the tasks assigned to the association.

  • 20.04.2012

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