Law in the system of social relations presentation. The system of judicial protection of human rights

Microorganisms; humans also belong to animals. Each component of the organic world plays its role in nature and a relationship is realized between these components, gross violation which can lead to the death of all living things. It does necessary implementation special environmental protection measures aimed at protecting plants, animals and other organisms, and ultimately, the person himself.

The role of plants in the life of nature can hardly be overestimated, since they are producers of both organic matter and molecular oxygen, and organisms that form the climate and microclimate. This role of plants makes them highly exploited objects that are used in agriculture, timber processing, pulp and paper, chemical and other industries. Unsustainable deforestation leads to a decrease in forest areas. Irrational management Agriculture changes the species composition of the plant kingdom, leads to the disappearance of a number of species useful to humans, since it is these species that are most affected. Inappropriate use of protective equipment cultivated plants leads to the death of pollinating insects and often promotes the spread of insect pests, which negatively affects plant communities. The global drainage of bogs causes the death of entire biogeocenoses, which are based on plants.

Some of the features of plant protection follow from the foregoing, which consist in the rational use of valuable plants, i.e. in organizing correct deforestation, planting forests, restoring forest cover, in land reclamation (their restoration either in the previous or close to the previous form), in the optimal use of fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, in replacing chemical methods of pest control in agriculture and forestry on biological methods. The listed environmental measures for the hydrosphere and lithosphere are also part of plant protection, since the disposal of various types of waste from human activities contributes to the preservation of plant communities.

The protection of animals (fauna) is also of great importance. Animals play a huge role in the life of nature and humans. Thanks to them, there is a cycle of substances in nature, and for humans they are a source of animal food, raw materials for various industries industry (leather, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc.). The aesthetic role of the animal world is also great. All this determines the nature of the impact of human activities on the animal world. In the process of life, a person exterminates both useful and harmful species of animals. Over the past 100 years, one species of animals has completely disappeared every year. Quite a lot of animal species are currently under threat of extinction, and even more are officially considered irrevocably. All this makes it necessary to protect the animal world. The protection of the animal world implies the implementation of scientifically grounded exploitation of certain species of animals: hunting and hunting within a certain time frame, preserving habitats intact (which will be discussed below), acclimatizing animals in new habitats, preserving spawning grounds for fish, reducing the construction of hydroelectric power stations etc. For both plants and animals, it is important to rationalize the use of fertilizers and the disposal of various pollutants, which sharply worsen living conditions, which leads to.

The most important measures for the protection of the organic world is the creation of protected areas, that is, areas of the earth's surface on which all elements of the biogeocenosis are preserved in their natural form and which are protected by the state. There are three types of protected areas: nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

Reserves are protected areas where any production activities, as well as hunting, fishing, tourism, etc. (this higher form protection of unique areas of nature). Here is held scientific work on the study of flora and fauna, work on acclimatization, etc. Examples of reserves are: Askania-Nova (Ukraine), Tiberdinsky Reserve (Russia), etc.

Zakazniks are areas of land or sea water in which permanently or for a number of years in certain seasons of the year (or all year round) certain species of animals, plants, parts of natural biogeocenoses are protected, however, the economic use of other resources is allowed, but in a form that does not adversely affect the protected species or group of species. There are hunting (protected animals hunted by humans for hunting), ichthyological (protected spawning grounds and certain species of fish), ornithological (protected certain species of birds, their nesting sites), floristic (protected by plants, forests, areas of the steppes), landscape reserves, etc. ...

National parks are protected areas of land or sea water, where human production activities are limited, creating the most favorable living conditions for different organisms, but these territories are used for health purposes, tourism, science, culture and biological and ecological education. Fishing and hunting is limited in such territories, but nevertheless, it is limited by licenses. Excessively intensive tourism causes some damage to the nature of national parks, so it needs to be regulated on a national scale.

The protected areas made it possible to preserve a large number of species, to transfer them from the category of “endangered species” to the category of ordinary species, to revive some extinct species (for example, bison), to preserve intact individual biogeocenoses, which are the standard of the corresponding natural complexes.

To take into account the state of nature, its certain types a Red Book has been established, where endangered species, diminishing species, rare species, undetermined and restored species are entered. This International book allows you to monitor the dynamics of security different types, systematically carry out nature conservation activities in the field of the protection of the organic world.

Biological diversity All animals and plants are important, as each species is part of natural biological cycle, on which all life on Earth depends. Most of the Earth is covered with water, and millions of people live at the bottom of the world's oceans. different types, many of which are still unknown to us

Biological Diversity Plants and animals have emerged and developed over many millions of years to become what they are today. All these years, they did not face the threat of extinction. Unfortunately, today, due to human activities, many of them are in danger.

Facts and Figures: There are more animals and plants on Earth than there are stars in the sky (10 18) (mostly insects). The significance of many of them has yet to be assessed: on our planet, scientists have registered only 1.75 million species. Man is just one of the species on this planet.

Why it is important to preserve biodiversity All creatures are part of the ecosystem and play an important role in maintaining life on Earth. For example, eagles depend on mice, frogs and other small animals, and if these animals die out, then the eagles will disappear.

Why it is important to preserve biodiversity Besides the fact that plants are the main source of food for humans and animals, more than 60% of the world's inhabitants use plants as medicines. Many types of plants are used in industry, where they are used to make paints, oils, etc.

Habitat loss Deforestation, forest fires, pollution and agriculture are reducing the diversity of habitats and the species that inhabit them. Highway and railways can block the path of natural migration flows and disrupt the feeding process

Types of impact on the animal world and their consequences .... ……… 2

Management of the use, protection and reproduction of biological species of resources …………………………………………… .4

Accounting ……………………………………………………………… ..5

Rationing ……………………………………………………… .6

Licensing …………………………………………………… ..7

State environmental assessment(SEE) ……………… .7

Measures for the protection and regulation of the use of biological resources ………………………………………………………… ..8

Wildlife protection

Animals usually include such living things that feed on ready-made organic compounds. Animals get organic food by eating plants or other animals. Depending on the level of organization, animals are divided into two main groups. The first group includes protozoa or unicellular organisms. The second is multicellular. About 1.5 million species of animals are known.

Types of impact on the animal world and their consequences

Animal resources are biological resources. The main difference between biological resources is their self-reproduction - the restoration of numbers over a certain period of time. This sign of bioresources shows that, provided they rational use exploitation of these resources is possible for an unlimited period of time.

At the moment, there are two main directions in which there is an impact on the animal world.

The first direction is the direct (targeted) impact on certain types of animals (capture, shooting), including the illegal removal of species.

The second direction is indirect impact:

Pollution environment(biological and microbiological);

Habitat change;

Economic activity;

Introduction of new species.

Biological pollution is the introduction and reproduction of organisms undesirable for humans into the environment.

Microbiological (microbial) pollution - the appearance in the environment of an unusually large number of microorganisms associated with their massive reproduction, or the acquisition of a previously harmless form of microorganisms of pathogenic properties.

Changes in the habitat are possible under the influence of natural causes, as well as under the influence of anthropogenic activities. For example, a change in zoocenosis under the influence of a fire caused by a thunderstorm, or as a result of deforestation.

Construction of roads, hydroelectric power plants, land reclamation and other works are all examples of human economic activity that indirectly affects the objects of the animal world.

It is well known that changes in habitat conditions occurring due to natural causes or caused by human economic activities determine changes in the composition of the animal world: the number of some species decreases and others increase, which have greater ecological plasticity and have found favorable conditions for natural reproduction in the changed environmental conditions.

A change in the state of plant resources, in particular forest resources, due to the dynamics of areas of felling and young stands, causes local changes in the number of elk. Changes in the size of areas of mature and overmature forests are one of the main reasons for changes in the abundance of squirrels, since the dynamics of the resources of this species is closely correlated (connected) with the cyclicity of the yield of pine and spruce.

Examples of the relationship between changes in habitat and the number of groups (associations) of individual species of animals and plants that are components of natural ecosystems can be given in a much larger volume. In this case, they are needed only to emphasize the variety of factors that determine the state of the resources of different species of animals and plants.

The introduction of new species without careful study and scientific justification can lead to a disruption in the natural balance. Reintroduction will lead to the same result without proving the preservation of the conditions of existence of the previously inhabited species.

As a result of direct extermination and indirect impact, impoverishment and irreversible loss of the natural gene pool, disturbance of ecosystems and changes in individual parameters of the biosphere, leading, as a rule, to a decrease in its stability, occur.

In this regard, humanity faces serious environmental problems, the main of which are:

Increased pollution of the environment;

Changes in the composition of the atmosphere;

Species impoverishment of the animal world;

Increase in species associated with humans (cockroaches, rats, corvids);

Reducing the life span of a person.

Management of use, protection

and reproduction of biological types of resources

Public administration the use, protection and reproduction of biological types of resources, in addition to the President, the Government of the Russian Federation and the administration of the constituent entities of the Federation, is carried out by specially authorized bodies for the protection, control and regulation of the use of:

Goskomekologiya RF and its territorial bodies (management of animal species listed in the Red Book);

Roskomrybolovstvo, its basin departments and fish protection inspections in the regions (management of fish resources, aquatic animal resources);

Ministry of Agriculture and Food (Department for the protection and use of stocks of game animals) and hunting management in the field.

State management of biological resources is carried out on the basis of accounting for various types of resources and drawing up inventories, resource monitoring, regulation of use, licensing, and state ecological expertise.


For hunting animals, the counting system is based on a complex of winter route counts following the traces of the vital activity of animals and birds and species counts carried out in the spring-summer-autumn period; at the same time, at least 10% of the land areas are surveyed, and then the data are extrapolated to the entire area of ​​suitable and similar quality stations (based on the land grading). For fish, the data of test catches in the places of dunes and the corresponding recalculation for the areas of reservoirs suitable for the habitation of ichthyofauna are used.

Relatively new form accounting for the state of biological resources is the development of inventories. Inventories are historically established and proven forms of integrated presentation of information on specific types of resources and ways of their rational use. At present, we can talk about cadastres not only as a local scientific and practical document, but also as an integral cadastral system of accounting, assessment of the state (including economic), ways of economic use of certain types of natural resources, which is close to natural resources. economic monitoring.

Cadastres of the animal world were introduced on the basis of the USSR Law on the Protection and Use of the Animal World (1980). The Kirov VNIIOZ was one of the first institutes, which in 1981 tested the methods and compiled species cadastres and cadastres of hunting grounds (complex) for different regions of the country. The cadastres provided information on the habitats of animals, their numbers, features of the biology of species, the volume of use, protection and forecast of the number for the future, an economic assessment of resources was given.


The norms for the withdrawal of each type of biological resources are determined on the basis of their species characteristics, the ability to self-regenerate. For game animals, for example, the amount of removal (standard) is determined in the amount of the annual increase in the livestock and can be adjusted taking into account the meteorological conditions of the season, breeding conditions, mortality, age structure of populations and other indicators. In an elk, taking into account the number of twins in the offspring and the size of death, the annual increase in the livestock is 20-30%, and the economic growth (by the number of yearlings) is 10-16% of the herd, therefore the shooting rate is not higher than 15% (usually 10%) ... The economic growth of wild boar is 10-15% (for underyearlings up to 50%), such are the shooting rates (if a decrease in its number is not required). In mass species of animals, depending on the phase of the dynamics of the number, the norms are differentiated: with an increase in the number, they increase, with a decrease, they decrease. A squirrel can give two litters during the breeding season, and with a fifty percent mortality rate of squirrels, the annual increase in livestock can be 100-500%. In years of high abundance, it is allowed to withdraw up to 300% of the original abundance. For black grouse, the shooting rate is 20% for lekhogs (spring hunting) or 15% for autumn numbers. In hazel grouse, the shooting rates from the autumn abundance are similar.

In general, the regulation of the production of animals should ensure a long-term non-depleting use of the resources of the animal world and is a system of methods and measures aimed at obtaining maximum production while maintaining the optimal biological productivity of exploited animal populations. The simplest forms of regulation are spatial restrictions and prohibitions: territorial (in dormant zones, wildlife sanctuaries, reproduction areas); temporary (according to the timing of production), and year-round are rational only in those cases when the decline in numbers is caused by overfishing. Rationing, also related to the regulation of seizures, in addition to hunting, is beginning to be introduced into recreational fishing in the form of restrictions on the types of fishing gear and mesh size. It should be remembered that production regulation is flexible functional system and its correct application requires constant monitoring of the state of exploited populations.

The importance of protecting the living world of the planet.

According to the textbook:

I.N. Ponomareva

I.V. Nikolaeva

O.A. Kornilova.


  • How did ancient people use wildlife?
  • How modern people use the natural wealth of the Earth?

In nature, everything is interconnected. Many events have the most unexpected and far-reaching consequences. Anthropogenic factor manifests itself in many regions of the Earth. With the destruction of the forest, animals die too. Through the fault of man, the tour disappeared in the forests of Europe.

in the steppes - a wild horse tarpan

In the Pacific Ocean was

completely destroyed

sea ​​cow - large

marine mammal,

nourishing algae.

On the islands in the Indian

oceans were destroyed

large flightless

birds - DRONTS.

The number has dropped dramatically



in the forests of the Far East.

The number of people is decreasing SOBOL in the forests of Siberia.

In the lakes of the country has almost disappeared


In the steppes


The number of people is decreasing


The Arctic is getting smaller


There are more and more places where early flowering plants are no longer found -





Almost completely disappeared from the taiga forests VENERIN SHOE , water lilies- WHITE JUG and YELLOW JUG.

  • Violations in living nature are now obvious. The rate of extinction of species from the face of the Earth is enormous - now people know about this and create programs for the protection of animals, plants and mushrooms.
  • More than 100 years ago, scientists suggested organizing across the country RESERVES.

Taking care of the living world.

  • In 1916, the first national reserve, BARGUZINSKY, was created.
  • He helped to preserve the unique taiga of the Eastern Baikal region and the pearl of this taiga - BARGUZIN SALT.
  • Currently, there are over 140 nature reserves and other specially protected areas in Russia.

RESERVE- an area where any human activity is prohibited.


About 30 years ago, people began to discuss the issue of banning whale hunting. Many countries have completely stopped whaling, but unfortunately not all. Until now, in some states, hunting for these most valuable species of mammals is allowed, and although there are very few whales left on the planet, people continue to mercilessly destroy them. However, thanks to the efforts of conservationists, the number of some species of whales and dolphins began to grow slightly.

Many living organisms on our planet need protection. They are part of what we call NATURAL WEALTH. ALL SPECIES ARE NEEDED BY NATURE AND ARE RELATED TO EACH OTHER,

  • Living organisms must be protected, because this is a great value for our planet.
  • They feed and clothe us, give us shelter, medicines and places to rest.


  • Name the plants that have become rare due to human fault.
  • What are the reasons animals and plants become rare?
  • What animals and plants are protected in your area?
  • What is the purpose of the reserves?

Did you know?

An important event in the field of nature conservation was the International Forum on Problems of Conservation tiger on Earth, which took place in our country (in St. Petersburg) in November 2010. The leaders of 13 countries where the tiger lives in wildlife... They agreed to protect the rare predator in their countries and help each other. Thanks to this meeting. It may be possible to save the tiger and increase its numbers.