Cold pottery do-it-yourself recipes. Cold porcelain at home without cooking

Cold porcelain is a mixture of glycerin, oil, glue and starch. There are several recipes for making porcelain that may be suitable for a beginner. But before you start doing it, you need to know that its shade depends on the recipe itself and the composition of the products. Products made from potato porcelain are grayish and dense, while those made from corn porcelain are airy, transparent and have a slightly yellowish tint.

Recipe number 1 - DIY cold porcelain


  • One hundred and fifty grams of cornstarch and a little for kneading.
  • teaspoon of glycerin.
  • A teaspoon of white hand cream.
  • One hundred milliliters of water.
  • One hundred and fifty milliliters of PVA.


Often, craftsmen during cooking change the composition and thereby improve recipes. So feel free to experiment.

Recipe #2 - Improved Cold Porcelain Recipe

All the same ingredients as in the first recipe.


This porcelain will be smoother and more uniform. The picture on the right shows a mixture that is made according to the first recipe, and on the left - according to the second.

Recipe number 3 - Making cold porcelain from potato starch without cooking


  • PVA glue.
  • Baking soda.
  • Vaseline oil or Vaseline.
  • Potato starch.


Phosphorus should be painted with all kinds of food dyes and paints (acrylic, oil, oil and others), for this, add color to the prepared mixture and knead so that the color is evenly distributed.

To color the frozen ready product, apply dry food coloring to the element with a brush, then hold it over the steam of the kettle. In this way, porcelain will absorb the dye and get a natural color.

How to work with cold porcelain?

  • Use special tools (rolling pins, stick stacks, etc.).
  • Lubricate your hands with cream before starting work.
  • After kneading, the mixture should lie down for at least a day.
  • Store in sealed packaging.

How long does cold porcelain dry?

Cold phosphorus dries depending on the thickness of the product (one or several days), while the size decreases. When drying flat figures, they must be turned over so as not to deform.

You can use the oven to speed up drying.

Cold phosphorus is a rather plastic material, almost everything can be molded from it. And to decorate products, you can use different materials: pieces of fabric, threads, beads, beads, and so on.

For several years, craftswomen have been using cold porcelain, which beckons with its unusual name, something fragile, elegant, airy is immediately remembered. In fact, this name hides a special mass that is used for modeling in artistic sculpture, most often -.

It is not known exactly who and where came up with the first recipe for cold porcelain. Some evidence suggests that it has been known for over a hundred years and was first used in Argentina. According to other sources, cold porcelain was first learned to be made in Japan for the manufacture of small figurines and elements.

Porcelain flowers

In fact, today this is not so important, since there are a great many recipes for this plastic mass and it is too late to argue about superiority. Cold porcelain, the recipes of which we will offer in this article, is still rarely used in needlework, although this art has become increasingly popular in recent years.

We will tell you how you can prepare this mass for modeling with your own hands, and what tools will be needed to create fabulous flower arrangements.

Cold porcelain: how to cook at home?

Cold porcelain, the recipe of which is not so complicated, mainly consists of the simplest components, including PVA glue, potato or well-known corn starch, and glycerin. At the same time, the type of starch is capable of imparting various characteristics to the mass: potato starch makes the product more dense, and corn starch shines like real porcelain.

But this is a basic composition, in order to give certain properties to the plastic mass and ensure maximum similarity with certain colors and shapes, the composition also includes such components as: paraffin or stearin, citric acid, camphor, baby oil, petroleum jelly, dry chalk, many other additives that make porcelain softer or harder, plastic or elastic.

Porcelain can also be made from special ready-made masses, but they are much more expensive, and ordinary modeling ingredients can be found in any home. The mass is white, which also reminds of ceramics.

To give the desired shade to the product, bright acrylic paints are added to the composition, or they simply paint the finished figures with the desired colors.

At home, cold porcelain is used without cooking and there is a recipe for preparing a composition that is subsequently processed in boiling water. The differences between these methods are only that at the last stage their hardening is carried out according to different methods - appearance and strength remain the same. The recipes are no different either.

Initially, any mass is kneaded in glass or ceramic dishes to a homogeneous state, until it begins to lag behind gradually from the walls of the container. After that, many recommend using a microwave oven in order to give strength to the mass: after kneading, soft porcelain is placed in the oven for thirty seconds, after which it is thoroughly mixed. This procedure is repeated until the porcelain gathers into a dense but plastic lump.

The recipe for cold porcelain is over. After kneading, the mass is generously smeared with baby cream, mixed, covered with cellophane film and put away in an airtight container for a day, after which you can start working with it.

Cooking Tools

Making cold porcelain at home is a fairly simple process. But in addition to the modeling mass itself, you should also prepare the tools that will be needed for work. If possible, such items can be ordered or bought in specialized stores, but most often the simplest tools that can be found at home are used.

So, cold porcelain for beginners, which is kneaded quite simply, requires proper cutting and shaping the future product into the appropriate shape. This requires special stacks, that is, sticks with different tips. These are simple thin and sharp ones with balls of various diameters for the petals at the ends, small cylinders and cones. The choice of stacks depends on the type of flower being made and can vary greatly.

Next, you need to prepare a small rolling pin for rolling out the mass to the desired thickness and molds for cutting. A sharp scalpel, nail scissors, and a knife are also suitable for this. When cutting shapes, it is best to use a small wooden board so as not to damage the surface of the table.

For gluing individual elements, glue is used (acrylic or PVA), in addition, toothpicks and wire for the base will be needed. Finished products are painted with various acrylic paints and varnished. For decoration, you can use glitter, small rhinestones to create the effect of water droplets, and so on.

Porcelain recipes: simple and affordable!

Making cold porcelain

The question of how to make cold porcelain at home is quite simple. But in order to create unique, as similar as possible to natural flowers, it is recommended to use various methods for manufacturing such a mass. We offer recipes for cold homemade porcelain that anyone can make, even with no preparation!

  • The traditional recipe is the simplest: you just need to mix starch (potato or corn) in equal proportions, baking soda, water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, left for a day, after which you can start making compositions. This method is great for making a solid base.
  • For thin products and petals, it is best to use this mixture: for half a mug (about 130 ml) of starch, you need to take about the same amount of PVA glue, glycerin (two teaspoons), hygienic baby oil, a teaspoon of ordinary lemon juice and three drops of formalin. After that, the mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass, into which various colors can be added to obtain the desired shade. Such porcelain is translucent, very thin and attractive.
  • Cold porcelain, which does not need to be brewed, consists of a glass of starch, two tea cups of PVA, one - a mixture of dry chalk, six drops of formalin, six teaspoons of liquid vaseline. Glue is better to take on a vinyl basis, so that the mixture is more plastic. This mass is suitable for creating roses, violets,.
  • The French recipe for cold porcelain involves the use of such a quantity of ingredients: a glass of glue and a glass of starch are diluted with ten drops of formalin. One and a half teaspoons of cream with lanolin and one and a half tablespoons of glycerin are kneaded into the mixture.

In the following articles we will talk about how to properly use cold porcelain for modeling, we will present some interesting workshops on home floristry.

Today, there are many forms of needlework with which you can create magnificent products and entire compositions. One of these methods is the technique of molding from cold porcelain. Naturally, it has nothing in common with the real mass, which is used in the industry for the manufacture of dishes. Many needlewomen prepare this composition on their own at home, and then they mold various figures, flowers and even whole paintings from it. And today we will tell you how to make cold porcelain with your own hands, as well as what crafts are made from it.

The recipe for making cold porcelain is quite simple and involves the use of materials available to everyone. In addition, products (flowers, figurines, key chains), which are obtained from this mass, can be stored forever without fading and losing their beauty.

There are many cooking options that result in cold porcelain at home. Some of them involve obtaining mass during the cooking process, others allow you to make modeling material in a simplified way. However, each recipe includes three main ingredients - PVA glue, starch, glycerin (Vaseline).

Of the tools that are suitable for making cold porcelain with your own hands, you will need:

  • Container for mixing components. To make the material without cooking, you can use a regular glass or plastic bowl. If the preparation of the mass will be carried out by heating on the stove, it is better to prepare a container with a non-stick coating.
  • Tablespoon for mixing the mixture.
  • container with lid and plastic bag useful for mass storage.

cooking options

It is quite simple to make material such as cold porcelain for modeling with your own hands. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for the process.

Each recipe is available even to a beginner, as it reveals in detail the manufacturing technology.

Method number 1

This recipe will tell you how to make cold porcelain with your own hands without boiling the mixture on the stove. The ingredients for its preparation are as follows:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 1 st. l. vaseline;
  • ? tsp soda.

First you need to place starch, soda, petroleum jelly and a couple of drops of glycerin in a container. Mix all ingredients and add glue. The resulting mixture must be kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, then knead well with your hands. If the mass sticks to the palms and fingers during this, lubricate it with a small amount of petroleum jelly (cream). Sprinkling the material with starch, you get ready-made cold porcelain.

For storage, the mass must be wrapped in polyethylene and placed in a tightly closed container. You can put the tray with the material in the refrigerator. However, after 30 minutes it should be removed to change the polyethylene to dry. This procedure is necessary so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the composition.

The advantages that this mass preparation recipe has are obvious. Firstly, it is the ease of manufacture and the components available to everyone. Secondly, the composition is non-toxic, even children can make crafts from such material (flowers, figurines, caskets, paintings, etc.).

Method number 2

This recipe is also considered simple and involves the use of components that can be purchased at any store (pharmacy). However, the manufacturing process is carried out by boiling the mixture on the stove. Therefore, prepare the appropriate container and the following ingredients in advance:

  • 150 gr. PVA glue;
  • 150 gr. starch (preferably corn);
  • 25 gr. vaseline (you can take glycerin);
  • 100 ml of warm water;
  • 25 gr. hand creams.

To make cold porcelain with your own hands, you should take all the liquid ingredients from the list above and mix them. Then we put this composition in an appropriate container on a small fire and heat it up, stirring constantly. During the cooking process, add starch in small portions.

The mixture must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn and turns into a homogeneous mass. At the beginning of cooking, it will look like cottage cheese, but at the end of the process, the consistency of the material should resemble mashed potatoes. Almost ready cold porcelain should be kneaded until it becomes a white mass, which is wrapped in a lump on a spoon.

After that, you can remove the container from the stove, and put the material on a kitchen towel. It must be clean and pre-moistened. The mass must be wrapped in a towel and kneaded with your hands until it cools completely, after which you can remove it from the towel and continue the procedure.

To prevent the material from sticking to your hands, it must be periodically sprinkled with starch.

Knead the composition until the lump becomes homogeneous, plastic and stops sticking to the palms and fingers. Now do-it-yourself cold porcelain can be considered ready and crafts can be made from it (paintings, flowers, etc.). It should be stored in the same way as described earlier.

Method number 3

This recipe differs from those described above not only in the composition of the necessary components, but also in the cooking process (without cooking on the stove). And before starting the process, you should prepare a glass container that can be put in the microwave, and the following components:

  • two 200 gr. cups of cornmeal;
  • two 200 gr. cups of PVA glue;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • 60-70 gr. glycerin (vaseline);
  • 30 gr. non-greasy white hand cream.

All components, except for the cream, are mixed in a prepared container with a wooden spoon. After that, place the mixture in the container in the microwave, set to full power, for three minutes. After every 60 seconds, the composition must be removed and mixed. If the power of the device is small, the process of such cooking can be extended up to 5 minutes.

Thus, you will be able to make a homogeneous mass, which should be thoroughly kneaded. To do this, the mixture must be laid out on a surface previously lubricated with a non-greasy hand cream. Then we knead it with our hands as long as possible.

It is worth noting that the longer you manage to knead the material with your own hands, the more plastic the cold porcelain will become. Accordingly, crafts (flowers, figures, etc.) will be even, smooth and beautiful.

How can you get a colored mass?

Do-it-yourself cold porcelain can also be painted in several ways. And each recipe may also differ in the method of dyeing and the type of paints used.

In order for crafts (paintings, caskets, flowers, etc. products) to acquire a bright saturated color, you can take paints: oil, acrylic, food, as well as gouache, watercolor. It is necessary to add them to the material when kneading (after cooking). So you get a mass with a uniform shade.

You can also paint ready-made crafts that you can make from ready-made cold porcelain. Products with this method of staining acquire a rich color, close to natural.

To do this, take a frozen figure, apply dry powdered food paint to it with a brush. After that, you need to hold it for several minutes over a boiling kettle.

Flowers and other items made of cold porcelain dry within 1-7 days. The drying process can be accelerated by placing the products in the oven, baking them at the lowest temperature.

Liquid porcelain is very convenient for crafts, it can be made at home and even without cooking. Today's master class will be devoted to the manufacture of this material with your own hands.

There are several ways to make it, but before cooking it should be noted that the color scheme depends on the ingredients that are included in it, for example, potato starch gives a grayish tint, and corn starch gives a yellowish one.

Do-it-yourself liquid porcelain from cornstarch

We will need:

Dry corn starch - 150 gr.

Glycerin - 1 tsp

Cream for pens of a light shade - 1 tsp.

Water - 100 ml.

PVA - 150 ml.

We stir all the flowing raw materials in one container and cook on a small medium heat, during cooking we knead to one mass. Next, add corn starch in small portions, but at the same time continue to stir so that nothing burns.

At first, the consistency is similar to liquidish cottage cheese, but after a certain amount of time it becomes like mashed potatoes. We continue to knead until the solution begins to gather around the spoon into a lump.

As soon as the whole mass is cooked, remove the container from cooking, take out the hot solution on a damp cloth and wrap it with this cloth. Without unfolding the fabric, that is, right in it, knead the dough by hand until it cools completely. Then we knead by hand without a cloth, while lubricating the hands with starch to prevent sticking.

When the solution stops sticking to your hands and the dough becomes elastic, transfer it to a well-closed container or a plastic bag.

Do-it-yourself liquid porcelain in a water bath

We will need:

Dry corn starch - 150 gr.

Glycerin - one teaspoon.

Regular hand cream - one small spoon.

Water - 100 gr.

PVA glue - 150 milliliters.

We mix all the liquid components in one container, then sift the starch through a sieve and pour it into a container. Stir the resulting solution to a uniform consistency and then filter.

We prepare the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir constantly during the cooking process.

When cooking, starch begins to brew in the area where the temperature is higher, and therefore it is difficult to have time to mix everything in the bath, then you need to remove the container and stir, and then put it back in the bath to cook, while stirring further. We continue this process until the solution is around the spoon in one lump.

We shift the solution to a wet cloth, wrap it and knead it in the cloth until it cools. Then we remove the fabric and knead by hand, not forgetting to grease our hands with starch. After kneading, when the dough has become elastic, we remove it in a well-closed container.

Liquid porcelain without cooking

We will need:

Regular soda.

Vaseline or vaseline oil.

Dry potato starch.

In a cleaned and wiped dry container, grind a couple of large spoons of potato starch and 1 spoon of petroleum jelly. Then we put a little soda and interfere with the resulting solution. Add PVA one small spoon at a time and begin to stir the solution.

When the solution becomes soft, lubricate the hands vaseline oil and stir until cooked through.

Porcelain painting

Painting is done with food coloring, acrylic, oil and other paints. To do this, simply add a certain color to the prepared solution and stir until the color is evenly distributed.

If you want to decorate a product that has already frozen, then you need to take a brush, apply paint material in powder form to the product and hold it on steam. As a result, the product absorbs the colorful material and a natural shade is formed.

Method of working with porcelain

When working, various tools are used: rolling pins, curly knives and much more, which can be useful in modeling and product design. Before mixing by hand, hands are smeared with cream. After everything is kneaded, let the resulting solution lie for at least forty-eight hours. This dough is stored in an airtight container or in a plastic bag.

Drying time for porcelain

Drying of this material depends on the size of the product and lasts from twelve hours or more, but the size is made smaller. During drying, flat products should be turned over so that they do not change their appearance, that is, so that there is no deformation. If you need to reduce the drying time, then you can dry it in the oven.

Often, during the cooking process, the composition is changed and recipes are improved, you can experiment as much as you like, and creating from such a pliable material is a pleasure.

Enjoy your creativity and beautiful crafts!

Video on the topic of the article

The recipe for real porcelain was invented in ancient China, and was kept behind 7 seals as a state secret, and modern masters have an analogue - cold porcelain. This mixture has nothing to do with the noble composition, but is named so because of the visual fragility and translucency of crafts. Today we’ll talk about how to make cold porcelain with our own hands, we’ll learn different ways cooking with photos and step by step description works.

What is cold porcelain

Cold porcelain (HF) is a plastic mixture mainly from different kind starches, oils, PVA glue and glycerin, which is used for creativity. Today, HF is a completely natural, harmless, convenient and budgetary material for decorative modeling. When cooled, the mixture hardens, and this distinguishes HF from polymer clay.

Recipes for making cold porcelain

Your attention is a description of how to cook cold porcelain at home.

Recipe number 1 "Classic"

  • 1 cup of PVA glue;
  • 1 cup of potato powder;
  • a couple of st. l. glycerin;
  • 1 st. l. any baby cream.

Cold porcelain from potato starch for beginners is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour glue into the container, immediately put on fire medium size, enter the baby cream first, stirring vigorously.
  2. Add glycerin, but do not stop stirring, add starch a little at a time.
  3. Soon the mass will thicken, and visually it will look like cottage cheese.
  4. Over time, a lump appears in you, which is shifted from the container to a table smeared with cream.
  5. Let the mixture cool slightly, and knead until a plasticine-like consistency is formed.

Recipe number 2 "Corn"

  • a couple of cups of starch (corn);
  • the same amount of PVA;
  • 3 tbsp. l. petroleum jelly, glycerin and oil like Johnson's Baby;
  • 1 tsp acid (citric).

Cold porcelain from starch is prepared as follows:

  1. Combine all wet ingredients and simmer over low heat until a smooth mixture comes out.
  2. Pour in the corn powder, and mix until you have a ball formed at the end.
  3. Take it out of the bowl and knead by hand.
  4. If the "bun" is hot, then cover it with a towel and wait for it to cool down a bit.

Recipe number 3 "No cooking"

Cold porcelain without cooking is prepared using the functions of a microwave oven. Take:

  • potato starch - a cup,
  • PVA furniture Suite - cup;
  • 3 art. l. glycerin;
  • a pinch of lemon;
  • water - 1 tbsp. l;
  • a couple of spoons of cream and vaseline.

Your attention is a master class on making cold porcellan in a microwave oven:

  1. Pour water into a small cup and add lemon curd.
  2. Pour potato powder and glycerin into a bowl, grind well.
  3. Add glue to the container, grind until smooth.
  4. Place in the microwave for 60 seconds, remove and stir. Repeat the manipulation three times. Mix any clots that appear periodically with the liquid.
  5. After placing the container in the microwave for 30 seconds, repeat three times, stirring.
  6. When warmed up, the glue acquires a slightly milky tint. Potato starch is snow-white, so the pigment will give only PVA.
  7. Now send the mixture into the microwave three times for 20 seconds, and then several times for 10 seconds, so that the composition becomes homogeneous and viscous. Feel free to mix all the ingredients.
  8. At the end, place the dish a couple more times for 5-7 seconds in the oven so that the mixture acquires the consistency of plasticine.
  9. Move it to a table greased with cream, and knead it in pieces.
  10. Let the lump lie down, then smear Vaseline on a plastic bag, and wrap the dough around it. Leave for 5 hours.
  11. Lubricate your hands with cream, and wring out the HF for 10-15 minutes.
  12. To bring the material to the ideal, take a piece, and put it in the microwave for 5 seconds, repeat 6-7 times. As a result, the consistency will be ideal for sculpting thin, carved details of crafts.
  13. It is better to paint the composition with oil paint, as the watercolor fades.

Option number 4 "With formaldehyde"


  • 1 cup cornstarch;
  • 1 cup chalk powder;
  • a couple cups of vinyl-based PVA glue;
  • 6 tsp liquid vaseline;
  • 6 drops of formaldehyde (formalin) * with this substance you need to work with gloves, it releases toxins.

Action plan:

  1. Mix chalk powder and starch, stir in PVA and petroleum jelly.
  2. After compaction, add formalin.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, thin it slightly with water.
  4. Mix well and keep in cellophane in a cool place.

The advantages of this HF is that it can not be boiled, the dough will not crack, deteriorate, and will tolerate staining well.

Recipe number 5 "Cold way"

  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • vaseline - a full tablespoon;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • 3 art. spoons of PVA glue.

Cooking cold porcelain:

  1. Place starch in a dry and clean bowl, and add petroleum jelly there. Rub the composition.
  2. Enter the soda, stirring.
  3. Gradually introduce glue.
  4. Grind everything vigorously until smooth. If the dough is thick, then add Vaseline, and if it is viscous, then add a little glue.

Recipe number 6 "Soda porcellan"

  • 200 gr. - soda;
  • 100 g - corn starch;
  • 150 ml - water.

The cooking recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Combine corn powder and baking soda, add water little by little.
  2. Get a homogeneous slurry. Put it on the stove, turning on slow gas under it.
  3. While stirring, continue boiling. It will take 2.5 minutes to reach the desired state.
  4. Dump the "cottage cheese" on a table covered with a rag napkin. Knead.
  5. In appearance, get a snowy, shiny lump.

Important! This material does not stretch like glue options, but it molds beautifully and rolls out to transparency.

Option number 7 "Original"

Cold porcelain without starch is prepared like this. Take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. - wallpaper glue;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - soda (food);
  • 2 tbsp. l. - clean water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - petroleum jelly or detergent.

Manufacturing process:

  1. All components are combined into one snow-white mass.
  2. Rub to smoothness.
  3. Wrapped in cellophane and stored in a cool place.
  • After drying, the craft is reduced in volume by 30%.
  • You need to cook the mixture in Teflon or glassware, but not in aluminum.
  • Many masters advise letting the dough stand for a day after cooking.
  • It is not advisable to store the material in the refrigerator.
  • To remove excess moisture, change the bag in which the mass is located with a new one.
  • Thoroughly knead all the ingredients so that later the dough does not crack.
  • Before wrapping the dough in clingfilm, coat it with baby oil to prevent the development of fungus.

  • Before starting sculpting, grease your hands with baby cream so that the mass does not stick.
  • are light and elegant.
  • For natural coloring, it is necessary to apply food coloring to the finished product, and hold it over steam, then the coloring will be absorbed.
  • If you use corn powder, then the products will be white, but potato powder makes them yellowish.
  • When purchasing glue, pay attention to the label, the composition should contain a plasticizer responsible for elasticity.
  • If the mass does not hold its shape, add corn or potato powder.
  • If cracks begin to appear on the dough, then add a little more glue to it.

Cold porcellan painting

HF, which is made by hand at home, can be painted in any color. For this, such coloring agents are suitable:

  • acrylic;
  • food coloring;
  • gouache;
  • pomade;
  • watercolor;
  • blush;
  • shadows;
  • powder dyes, etc.

It is only necessary to add pigment at the kneading stage so that the shade is uniform.

From the compositions described above, craftsmen make beautiful panels, photo frames, decorations for, postcards and other designer decor. Do you have any comments or advice for beginners? Write to readers in the comments.

Video: Making cold porcelain without cooking