Act on the destruction of seals and stamps. Seals and stamps in the organization

AT practical activities any organization sooner or later the question arises: "What to do with old seals?" There is no authority to use, there is no point in saving ...

Responsibility for the further use of old seals is not regulated anywhere. Obviously, their use will be an act of falsifying documents, so the right decision is to destroy them. But by all means. There are at least two cases where evidence of destruction may be requested: by banks and by the justice authorities for further re-registration.

Step 1.

We draw up an order to destroy the seal(example 1).

Example 1. Fragment of an order to approve the sketch of a new seal and destroy the old seal

Step 2.

Preparation for destruction: choose an organization.

In practice, the destruction of old seals is often carried out by the same organizations that produce them. In this case, it is necessary to check whether such an organization has the appropriate permission. From a legal point of view, it would be correct to carry out the destruction through a third-party organization, and not on our own.

Step 3

We receive an act of destruction of the seal.

This step is the last and perhaps the most important. Make sure your organization receives act of destruction of the seal(example 2), which is issued immediately after the completion of the procedure. Otherwise, all previous steps lose their meaning.

If you decide to destroy the stamp using the services of a third-party organization, then you will need to hand over not only the stamp products themselves, but also the necessary set of documents that you may be required to:

  1. Statement from the head of the organization on the destruction of the stamp product
  2. Copy of the manager's passport
  3. A copy of the order on the appointment of the head, certified by a higher institution (for heads of state organizations)
  4. Copy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction
  5. Power of attorney for the employee responsible for the elimination of the stamp, from the head of the institution
  6. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (copy certified by a notary)
  7. Service payment document

Then you can order a seal of the organization.

Order to destroy the seal of the organization sample


If it is more convenient for you to destroy the stamp by the forces of your institution, then the procedure is approximately as follows. On the basis of the Order on the destruction of the seal, the head of the organization creates a special commission, which is obliged to physically eliminate the cliche and all components of the stamp product in order to exclude its further restoration and use.

Further, the commission draws up an act of destruction, which is subsequently also approved by the signature of the head of the institution. The act of recycling the seal of the organization After the appointed commission has liquidated the stamp products, it is necessary to draw up a document confirming this fact.

Such a document is the Seal Recycling Act.

Seals and stamps at the enterprise:: information, comments, practice

Example 3 Additional seals CollapseShow The use of additional seals should be treated with some caution, as their legal force may be questioned. On documents submitted to state and regulatory authorities, we recommend that you affix the main seal of the organization.

There is nothing wrong with using an additional seal, but local officials may well refuse to accept documents certified by them. To avoid unnecessary delays, it is better to use the main print right away.
Noteworthy is the seal "For contracts". Is it possible to put it on contracts? The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not at all contain a requirement to certify signatures in a contract with a seal. However, the agreement itself may include a condition that the signature is certified by the main seal of the organization.

If there is no such condition, then you can put the seal “For contracts”.

Act on the destruction of the seal and stamp

And this means that employers who pay their employees at the minimum wage must raise their salaries from May 1.< … ИП и самозанятым гражданам предложат новый спецрежим Минфин ведет работу над проектом закона, которым для самозанятых граждан, а также ИП без работников будет введен новый специальный режим налогообложения (налог на профессиональный доход).
< …

Home → Source documents(filling samples) → Act on the destruction of the seal The need to draw up an act on the destruction of the seal of the organization may arise if (section 7 of the Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, approved by the Federal Archives):

  • the company decided to abandon the use of printing in principle.

    In 2015, amendments were made to the Laws on LLC and JSC, allowing organizations to operate without seals and stamps (clause 7, article 2 of Law No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995, clause 5, article

Seals and stamps in the organization

Sample regulation on seals and stamps commercial organization. Each company can make its own based on it, see below.
Example 12. Pay special attention to clause 7.1, which states that the use of seals not provided for by the regulations is not allowed. But after all, the organization is growing and developing, and the appearance of new seals, and even more so stamps, cannot be avoided.
You need to follow this and fix each new seal / stamp in your Regulations in the standard way of making changes to the local normative act.

What to do with the old seals of the organization?

Entries with credentials verified: Chairman of the commission (signature) (surname and initials) Members of the commission (signature) (surname and initials) (signature) (surname and initials) (method of destruction) "" 20 at hours min. and stamps made (signature) (surname and initials) »» 20

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample

In the practical activities of any organization, sooner or later the question arises: “What to do with old seals?” There is no authority to use, there is no point in saving ... Responsibility for the further use of old seals is not normatively prescribed anywhere. Obviously, their use will be an act of falsifying documents, so the right decision is to destroy them.


But by all means. There are at least two cases where evidence of destruction may be requested: by banks and by the justice authorities for further re-registration. We draw up an order to destroy the seal (example 1). Example 1

Fragment of the order to approve the sketch of the new and destroy the old seal Preparation for destruction: select the organization. In practice, the destruction of old seals is often carried out by the same organizations that produce them.

The act of destruction of seals and stamps sample

A legal entity, at its discretion, may place its own logo, emblem, Bank details, contact details, etc. Individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter - IP) are not required to have a seal (see.


Federal Law "On state registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs» dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ). Examples of seals from GOST R 51511-2001: Example 1 Seals of business entities CollapseShow In the mentioned GOST, you can also find requirements for the procedure for the manufacture, use, accounting, storage and destruction of seals, but they are mandatory only for organizations using state symbols.

Technical requirements to the seals of organizations contains national standard Russian Federation “Seals mastic certification.

Sample order for the destruction of seals and stamps sample

Accounting for seals and stamps All seals and stamps of the organization are subject to accounting. Information about the department in which this or that stamp or seal is located, when and to whom they were issued, handed over and destroyed, is contained in a special journal. Since this journal contains seals and stamps, as well as the handwritten signatures of the employees responsible for them, it is handwritten. The possible composition of the columns and the method of filling are shown in Example 5.

Occasionally, seals have to leave the organization and go, for example, to a meeting with a counterparty, as a result of which a protocol of disagreements to the contract will be signed immediately. The manager who travels to the meeting must take the seal with him.

This fact, as well as the fact that they returned the seal, are recorded in a special journal - see Example 6.

  • time, place and method of destruction.

In addition, in the form of the act, it is necessary to put prints of the stamps to be destroyed and attest in writing to the fact that the manipulations made led to the complete unsuitability of the cliché for further use. How to draw up an act The execution of an act is also at the mercy of enterprises: it can be created in handwritten form or in printed form. letterhead or a plain sheet of A4 or A5 format.

The only rule that must be observed is that all the information provided must be certified by the autographs of the members of the commission who carried out the disposal. After that, the act is submitted for certification to the head of the company or another person who has the right to sign such papers.

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample download

The destruction of seals and stamps implies the complete destruction of their printing surface and form, which does not allow the possibility of their restoration and further use. The seals (stamps) are delivered to the place of destruction in a sealed form. The destruction of mastic seals (stamps) is carried out by burning, and metal ones - by sawing off (clichés are sawn off with two cross lines). On the destruction of seals (stamps), all members of the commission sign in the act.

Step 7. "Registration of the Act on the destruction of seals and stamps" The Act is registered in the register of incoming documents. The employee responsible for accounting for seals (stamps), on the basis of the act, makes notes about the destruction in the relevant Book of Accounting for Seals and Stamps (Journal) and submits a copy of the act to the Accounting Department of the Main Financial and Economic Department.

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample dow

How to draw up an act on the destruction of the seal of the organization There is no approved form of the act on the destruction of seals and stamps. The act must list the members of the commission present at the destruction of the seal, indicate the reasons for the destruction and the method (for example, crushing into fractions, cutting into small pieces), as well as the date and time when this happened.

Also on the act, before breaking the seal, its imprint is affixed. And then the chairman and members of the commission put their signatures, confirming the fact of destruction.

On the basis of such an act, an entry on the destruction will need to be made in the journal of the movement of seals. This is done by the person responsible for keeping the seals. Act on the destruction of seals and stamps: sample Prev. / Next

After the management of the organization makes and approves the decision to dispose of the seal, an act of destruction is issued. This document is an internal document of the organization and is drawn up in the manner approved for this type of business papers.

From the article you will learn:

federal laws Russian Federation regulating the activities of enterprises different forms property, determine the need for each legal entity stamp with its company name and address.

Organizations that have a large number of stamp products in their arsenal should pay special attention to the issue of their accounting, storage and disposal.

The whole variety of stamp products that the company manufactures and uses in its activities can be classified based on different criteria. According to the type of impression obtained when using a seal or stamp, they are divided into stamp products with an impression on paper using printing ink and printing with a three-dimensional impression on sealing wax, plasticine or a seal. The shape of stamp products can be round, oval, rectangular or triangular. By status - main and auxiliary, etc.

Reasons for the destruction of seals

Disposal, i.e. destruction seals and stamps occurs in an organization for a number of reasons. One of them is the release of a law on the abolition of the mandatory approval of documentation using seals and stamps. Previously, before the release of this law, all organizations had to use stamp products when working with documents without fail, now this procedure is not mandatory. It is the right of any company to continue or not to use clichés in their work. The only condition is that this procedure must be fixed by a local regulatory act of the company.

There are other reasons for the elimination of clichés:

  1. physical deterioration;
  2. damage;
  3. reorganization or liquidation of a company;
  4. change of company details.

It should be noted that the disposal of stamp products is not a mandatory procedure for the company. The purpose of recycling is to protect the organization from the possibility of illegal use of its attributes by fraudsters.

Destruction procedure: order of conduct

In 2017, the legislation does not define a standard procedure for the production and disposal of the firm's stamp products. Each organization can develop and approve its own regulatory database of actions.

Basically, you don't need to invent anything. In each company, the procedure for the disposal of stamp products occurs approximately according to the same scheme:

The company's management decides to destroy the seals that have lost their relevance (the decision may concern one cliché, a whole series of clichés or all stamp products of the company);

Preparation, publication and approval of the order;

Establishment of a commission responsible for the destruction of stamp products;

Drawing up an act of destruction of seals.

AT individual cases enterprises do not independently carry out the procedure for recycling clichés, but entrust it to third-party performers.

We draw special attention to the fact that the act of destruction cannot be drawn up retrospectively in relation to clichés that have been lost or stolen. In these cases, you need to file reports with the police about theft or loss. Also, this must be reported to the tax authorities, the bank and advertised in the media in order to prevent unauthorized use of the company's attributes by fraudsters.

Read also:

Destruction Commission

The size of the commission is usually small, but not less than two representatives of the organization. Theoretically, these can be any employees of the company, but in practice, members of the commission most often appoint a director or his deputy, an employee who keeps records and storage of stamp products company, Human Resources, Legal, or Clerk.

Of the members of the commission, one is appointed chairman, the rest are ordinary members.

The purpose of the commission's work is to review all the stamp products of the company and select products that have lost their relevance.

The next stage of work is the elimination of non-functional samples in any way possible:

If the cliche is made of soft polymers, rubber, rubber, etc., then it is cut into small pieces with scissors;

If the cliche is metal, then it is cut off with the help of special tools.

The main meaning of these actions is to bring products into a state that does not allow their restoration and further use.

The final stage of the commission's work is the preparation and drawing up of an act of destruction of seals.

The act of destruction of the seal sample during liquidation

Legislation does not provide unified form act on the destruction of seals and stamps. In practice, this means that this document is drawn up in any form or according to a template that is used in the company's office work.

Required details

It should be noted that there is a list of necessary information that must be reflected in the act:

  • Registration number of the document;
  • Date of preparation;
  • Place of compilation;
  • Name of company;
  • Print data (all information displayed on the cliché, including company details). If several types of stamp products are destroyed, then data for each type is entered separately;
  • The composition of the commission (name and position of employees);
  • Reasons for the destruction of the product;
  • Grounds for destruction (link to the order);
  • Time, place and method of disposal.

Please note that the text of the document must contain prints of clichés to be recycled. Separately, the fact that the actions taken have brought the products into a state that does not allow their further use should be recorded.

A sample act of destruction of the seal is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. The act of destroying the seal

The act of destroying the seal

In 2017, the execution of the act is not regulated by law. It can be written by hand, created on a computer and printed on a printer on a plain sheet or letterhead. Format - A4 or A5.

All information contained in the act must be confirmed by the signatures of the members of the disposal commission.

The act is certified by the signature of the general director or a person who has the right to sign documents of this kind. An appropriate entry must be made in a special register for the movement of stamp products of the company. It is done by the person responsible for logging.

As a rule, the act is drawn up in one copy. If necessary, a copy can be made.

Storage of the act of destruction of the seal

Destruction act seals and stamps is stored together with other internal documents of the company during the period regulated by the local regulations of the company. Please note that this period cannot be less than three years. Upon expiration of the retention period, the document may be destroyed.

Until recently, a round seal was a mandatory attribute of a legal entity (JSC and LLC). The need for the organization to have it was enshrined at the legislative level (clause 7 of article 2 federal law dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”, paragraph 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 08, 1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.). But with the entry into force of the Federal Law of April 6, 2015 No. 82-FZ, the requirement to have a round seal was excluded from the relevant norms. From 04/07/2015, this becomes the right of a legal entity: it can continue to work with printing, as before, or refuse it. Despite such positive changes, many companies are in no hurry to part with printing. In addition, they acquire additional (additional) seals and stamps.

As for individual entrepreneurs, the law, before and now, does not oblige them to use a round seal. This issue is resolved exclusively by the entrepreneur.

In the course of its operation, the seal (stamp) may become unusable: wear out or be damaged. Or the details of its owner may change (name, location, etc.). Or the company has undergone a reorganization, or may have been completely liquidated. All this is the reason for the destruction of the old seal (stamp).

Please note that the law does not oblige organizations and individual entrepreneurs to do this. But in order to avoid possible abuse, and to avoid confusion, it is better to dispose of old-style stamp products. And the whole process should be documented. For these purposes is used. But more about everything.

Currently, the production and destruction of seals (stamps) is not controlled by the state. Therefore, the company can independently regulate the work with them. To do this, a local regulatory act (LNA) is issued in the form of an order for the main activity, rules, instructions, etc. It provides, among other things, the procedure for destroying seals (stamps).

Old seals and stamps can be destroyed:

  1. on their own;
  2. by a third party organization.

In the first case, there is a special commission. It is appointed by order of the head as needed, in which all its members are listed by name. Or the composition of the commission is fixed by the LNA, while only the positions of its members are indicated. It is desirable that the commission includes an employee responsible for working with seals and stamps.

The commission's task is to physically destroy the cliché (seal element containing a mirror image of the seal imprint). That is, to bring it into complete unsuitability for further use. If the cliche is made of rubber, rubber or other polymers, then it is usually cut into small pieces with scissors or burned. The metal cliche is cut crosswise. The entire recycling process is documented with the help, where the following must be indicated:

  1. name of company;
  2. name, date, act number;
  3. composition of the commission (position title, full name of members);
  4. the basis for the destruction of seals / stamps;
  5. name, number and impressions of seals / stamps to be destroyed;
  6. reason, time, place and method of destruction;
  7. conclusion of the commission on the fact of destruction;
  8. signatures of committee members.

The completed and signed act is submitted to the head for approval. Based on this document responsible person makes a note about the destruction in the register of the movement of seals and stamps. Further act of destruction of seals and stamps kept with the journal in case of disputes over documents bearing the old seal.

If the company decides to use the services of a third-party organization, then in addition to the stamp product itself, it will need to submit a whole package of documents to the contractor. Here is a sample list:

  • statement from the head of the organization about the destruction of the seal;
  • a photocopy of the passport of the head (for state institutions - a photocopy of the order on the appointment of the head, certified by a higher organization);
  • a photocopy of the passport of the employee responsible for the destruction of the seal;
  • power of attorney from the organization to the employee responsible for the destruction of the seal;
  • a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, notarized;
  • service payment document.

Note! A lost or stolen seal cannot be destroyed.

In the event of these circumstances, its owner must immediately:

  1. Report the incident to the servicing banks and counterparties from whom the company receives inventory or cash. This is necessary so that intruders, scammers, etc. cannot use the seal to commit illegal actions.
  2. Report the missing seal to the police. If there are signs of a crime, then a criminal case is opened. If not, then the initiation of a criminal case is denied. In any case, the company has the right to receive a copy of the relevant resolution.
  3. Order a new print. It is desirable that it is radically different from the old one. At the same time, an order is issued for the organization to change the seal.

Although the Ministry of Finance of Russia described a simplified procedure for losing a seal. The Office noted that for the manufacture of a seal of a new sample, no permits do not need to receive. It is enough to issue an order to destroy (non-use) the old seal and make a new one, attaching a sample print to it.

Download form act on the destruction of seals and stamps, as well as a sample of this document, you can below.

When the Moscow Registration Chamber existed in Moscow, it was engaged in the destruction of seals, but the MRP was liquidated on the basis of Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.02.2005 No. 65-PP. Some seal manufacturers provide third party seal destruction services. The procedure for self-destruction of seals and stamps is as follows: Step 1. “Order of the head on the appointment of a commission” See the text of the order at the end of the paragraph. Step 2. “Seals and stamps are handed over for destruction to the Department of Affairs” Seals and stamps that have become unusable during operation or are decommissioned and have lost their practical value must be handed over to the Department of Affairs for centralized destruction and deregistration. Step 3. “An Act is drawn up with impressions of the seals and stamps to be destroyed” The selection and destruction of seals and stamps is carried out by a commission appointed by order Director General.

Order to destroy the seal of the organization sample


When asked what exactly should be depicted on the seal of a legal entity (we will call it), they answer paragraph 5 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ, as well as Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ. These articles contain almost identical text, from which it follows that the seals of LLC and JSC must contain:

  • full company name LLC or JSC;
  • the location of the LLC or JSC.

In addition, the seals of an LLC or JSC may contain the trade name of the company in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) a foreign language.

Branches and representative offices of companies must place the same information on the seals, plus the words "Branch" or "Representative office". These are just the minimum requirements.

Seals and stamps at the enterprise:: information, comments, practice


It is impossible to issue a copy of SZV-M to a retiring employee. According to the law on accounting, an employer, upon dismissal of an employee, is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contains information about all employees.

This means that the transfer of a copy of such a report to one employee is the disclosure of personal data of other employees.< … При оказании бухуслуг предписано проявлять бдительность Росфинмониторинг разработал рекомендации для организаций, оказывающих бухгалтерские услуги, по исполнению требований «антиотмывочного» закона.
< … Компенсация за unused vacation: ten and a half months go for a year Upon dismissal of an employee who has worked in an organization for 11 months, compensation for unused vacation must be paid to him as for a full working year (clause 28 of the Rules, approved by the NCT of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169).

Act on the destruction of the seal and stamp

As for the stamp, there is no official definition for it. We will consider a cliche with a text as a stamp, the purpose of which is to reproduce this text so that it does not have to be written by hand.

Example 2 Stamps for different purposes CollapseShow Types of seals in an organization Any organization, as well as individual entrepreneurs, have the right to make additional stamps. They will disperse structural divisions and will be affixed by their employees on strictly defined documents.
Which ones - should be specified in the relevant regulation (see paragraphs 5.2 and 5.3 in Example 12).

Seals and stamps in the organization

However, in general, the procedure for recycling clichés is approximately the same:

  1. First, the management of the enterprise makes a decision to destroy the seals and stamps that have lost their relevance (it can be made in relation to one seal, or several or even all).
  2. Then an order is issued, which is a catalyst to start this process.
  3. On the basis of the order, a special commission is created, which conducts the destruction of stamp products.
  4. To record the fact of disposal, a detailed act is drawn up.

It should be said that in some cases organizations do not deal with the destruction of seals and stamps on their own, but transfer this right to third-party firms.

What to do with the old seals of the organization?

It must contain:

  • the composition of the disposal committee
  • place and time
  • on the basis of which this action took place
  • name and sample of the recycled seal of the organization
  • destruction method (rubber cliche is usually cut into small pieces and burned, and metal is sawn off)
  • conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal into a state that is guaranteed to exclude its restoration and further use
  • signatures of all committee members

The act serves as the basis for making an appropriate entry in the Institution's Stamp Book, where the specific column indicates the date and number of the disposal act, as well as the reason for the procedure. The act is kept together with the magazine in order to avoid disputes and misunderstandings regarding the impressions of old stamps.

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample

General Director » » 20 Appendix (“ACT ON THE SELECTION FOR DESTRUCTION OF SEALS AND STAMPS”) APPROVED by the General Director » » 20 ACT on the allocation for destruction of seals and stamps Commission appointed by order of the General Director dated » » 20
N , consisting of: made a selection (positions, names and initials of the chairman and members of the commission) for the destruction of the following seals and stamps that have lost their practical value and become unusable: | N |Registration|Name| Imprint |Quantity| Foundation | |n/n| print number|print| printing | stamps|for| ||(stamp)|(stamp)|(stamp)|(stamp) |destruction| | | | | | | | | 1 |2|3|4|5|6| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total to be destroyed (number in words) items.

The act of destruction of seals and stamps sample

What is the official procedure for destroying the company seal? One document is indispensable for the destruction of the stamp seal. In order to avoid legal complications in the future, it will be necessary to follow the procedure for destroying the seal. The need to destroy the official seal of the enterprise, as well as any other seals, may arise in three cases:

  • upon re-registration, reorganization or liquidation of the organization;
  • when changing the details of the organization (form of ownership, name) indicated on the cliché of the seal;
  • the impossibility of using the seal due to the presence of defects, the seal has become unusable and cannot be used.

Although the issue of destruction is not regulated at the federal level, in each individual subject of the federation and municipality may have their own local acts on the destruction of seals.

Sample order for the destruction of seals and stamps sample

cutting with special tools (if the cliché is metal). The main thing is that as a result of destruction, these products become completely unusable for further use. How to draw up an act The legislators have not developed a standard unified form of an act on the destruction of seals and stamps.

This means that enterprises are free to write it in any form or according to a template approved in the accounting policy of the company. At the same time, there is a number of information that must be indicated in the document:

  • number, place and date of creation of the act,
  • Name of the organization,
  • data about the seal itself: details of the company displayed on the cliche (if there are several recyclable stamps, information about all of them is entered in the same way),
  • composition of the commission (positions, surnames, first names, patronymics of employees),
  • the reason for the destruction of the seal or stamp,
  • grounds for destruction (i.e.

All specialists in the manufacturer adhere to the requirements of GOST and guarantee a high-quality product, and help during the destruction of the old seal and the preparation of all required documents. In the manufacture of printing, layouts are used that have varying degrees of complexity based on existing samples or on the basis of sketches approved by the customer.
If the print needs to be made according to the sketch, then it is necessary to prepare required documents, which relate to the registration of a legal entity or a private entrepreneur. If you need to print for joint-stock company, then approval of the sketch of the new seal is required.
The order for the production of a seal sample includes the following data: about the sketch of the seal and its approval, who will control the execution of the order and, accordingly, the sketches of the seals.

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample download

Law of February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ);

  • the seal is damaged;
  • the organization changes its name (or location, and it is indicated on the old seal);
  • the company is liquidated;
  • the company is reorganized as a result of a merger, acquisition or transformation procedure.

You can destroy the old seal by contacting the stamp shop and paying for the service according to the price list. Another option is to get rid of the seal (in other words, break it) on your own, while drawing up an act on the destruction of the old seal. Note that the seal will need to be shattered beyond repair (or the clichés defaced in such a way that the seal clearly cannot be reused). Moreover, the whole procedure should take place in front of the commission, whose members will sign the act.

Order on the destruction of seals and stamps sample dow

In the Journal of Accounts, this fact must be reflected in the last column "Notes / mark of destruction (date and number of the act)", then:

  • instead of the more familiar inscription “Destroyed due to wear and tear (act dated July 17, 2014 No. 3)”
  • “Lost (act dated 07.07.2014 No. 6)” will be displayed there.

Possible periods of action of the commission and the order to create it (using the example of an expert commission) are shown in the article “Examination of the value of scientific and technical documentation”. The recipe for drawing up various acts is given in the article “Acts in the office and in the personnel department”. Here you will find: prerequisite analysis (what is mandatory, what is optional, what is needed in certain cases); possible options for constructing the text of the act; three samples of fully executed diverse acts.