Kind thoughts about life and a loved one. Wise sayings about life

The best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke. Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why strain loved ones with your problems. But is it right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times, if not the most dear people. They will support in word and deed, loved ones will be next to you, and everything that weighed you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses- this is also a kind of advice about the most important things in the life of every person. Go to and choose the most interesting statements of great people. The wisdom of mankind is collected in great books such as the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad-gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude to every living creature - all this worried man both in antiquity and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary of those great sayings that today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous people!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern metropolitan areas, it is difficult to catch when day changes to night, the light of thousands of lanterns and neon signs interferes. And sometimes I really want to watch starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or just count the stars. But we are in a hurry all the time, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the tallest building in the city. And in the summer, falling into the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who are not indifferent!

Most statuses in in social networks either funny and comic, or dedicated to the theme of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a worthy status without jokes. Interesting statements and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical considerations about the future of modern civilization. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that a person can not be fed with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of "funny lovers", to find a worthy "food for the mind", then the wise statuses collected here will help you with this. Really significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away, leaving no trace. The wise sayings of great people make us think, cut into our consciousness and can help solve this or that problem. We have collected a wide variety of statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.
  • If you want to live in peace, do not show any blessings when you are not asked about it. Otherwise, you will become a deliverer and fall into the triangle of fate (pursuer - deliverer - victim).
  • There are 3 components to life: change, choice and principles.
  • Live from your imagination, not your story.
  • Feelings of guilt turn off the brain.
  • Life is 10% of what happens to us, and 90% of how we react to it.
  • What the wise man does at the beginning, the fool does at the end.
  • Our life always benefits people. She serves as either an example or a warning to them.
  • The better our present, the less we think about the past.
  • Twice they do not live, but there are many who do not know how to live even one.
  • Life is an ocean. It is difficult to swim on rough surfaces. The weak go to the bottom: it is calmer there.
  • Living a mile can be a punishment, and living an inch can be a blessing. You don't need to solve all life's problems at once, you only need to solve the problems of today. You are only required to endure the pain of this moment.
  • The wonderful expression bel far niente means "the joy of doing nothing."
  • Falling is part of life, getting up is living it. Being alive is a gift, and being happy is your choice.
  • Personality is a signature on the water. You haven't signed up yet. And she has already disappeared.
  • Whatever it is, never take life too seriously: you still can't get out of it alive.
  • In order to be fully connected with another person, you first have to find a connection with yourself. If we cannot accept our loneliness, we begin to use the other as a shelter from isolation.
  • The battle for life or life for the sake of battles - everything is in our hands.
  • If you put a hungry lion, man, chimpanzee, baboon and dog in a large cage, then it is clear that the man will be eaten first!
  • Greed and happiness have never met each other. No wonder they are unfamiliar.
  • Life is poetry, not a commodity on the market. If you are trying to be useful, you are being used. You will be restrained because the world cannot throw practical people away.
  • The person can laugh or cry. Whenever you cry, you could laugh, the choice is yours.
  • Inner strength is the ability to respect other people's music, but dance to your own melody and listen to your harmony.
  • Early ripening fruits are not stored for a long time.
  • The Lord God is sophisticated but not malicious.
  • Only the heart is sharp-sighted. You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.
  • He who sows the wind will reap the storm.
  • Happiness smiles at everyone. But only to a few - to meet, to the majority - to follow.
  • There is nothing you can do about the length of your life. But you can do something about its depth and breadth.
  • Experience is the comb that life gives us after we have lost all our hair.
  • There are many cacti in the world, but it is not necessary to sit on them.
  • If you were born without wings, don't stop them from growing.
  • Sweaty players have more fun in life than arrogant viewers.
  • If on the road you come across a preacher of common truths, press the gas pedal as hard as possible.
  • Two tragedies can happen in a person's life. The first is not to get what he wants more than anything in the world. The second is to get it.
  • Anything good in life is either illegal, immoral, or obese.
  • If you don't have a lion on your harness, leave the sleeping dogs alone.
  • Sometimes the wisest thing is to play a fool.
  • Sometimes it seems to us that it is impossible to live in this world. But nowhere else.
  • People break their legs on bumps, not mountains.
  • Life is really simple, but we insist on making it difficult.
  • When running water meets an obstacle on its way, it stops, increases its volume and strength, and then overflows through it. Follow the example of the water: stop and increase your strength until the obstacle stops getting in your way.
  • If you cling to the old and resist change, then you resist the natural flow of life - and then you are doomed to suffering. Decay - required condition new growth. One cycle is impossible without the other.

-The coolest THING could be called a PIECE of bucks, if not for inflation ...

And what should we do without clever thoughts about the meaning of life?

Probably, they would be confused in their own reflections and doubts. Where would we look for the criteria of truth, the manifestation of a higher reason, tips from ancient sages and modern idols? How difficult it would be for us to navigate difficult and confusing situations in life! And now - like a panacea for all doubts - clever thoughts about the meaning of life ! Learning is philosophical to anyone and it is never too late.

Do you take life too seriously?

Or maybe you should relax and just enjoy it- smart s e and optimistic thoughts of great people about the meaning of life to you in this will certainly help.

Living too lightly?

And you try sometimes to feel the taste of a serious attitude to life situations. And here, again, they will come to the rescue clever thoughts about the meaning of life!

First, they are very educational. After all, how many people - so many approaches to the twists and turns and pits of life, ways to solve problems.

Secondly, they are needed to convey their own perception. reality and the relationship to this very reality.

Third, they are needed to support the emotional state, to make sure that s you are doing everything right!

-When I hear someone sigh and say "Life is hard", I am always tempted to ask - "Comparatively with what?" Sydney Harris

-When you can't have what you want, it's time to want what you have. Kathleen A. Sutton

-Grass in someone else's meadow always looks greener. Have you ever wondered why? What fertilizers do they use?

-As you are, such is life.

- Read poems about happiness and everything will be ho-ro-sho !!!

- If you steal other people's poems and drag them to your site without linking to the author, think that they are unlikely to bring you happiness, rather you will be held accountable for copyright infringement (site administrator Roman Manevich).

- Other people's statuses about happiness will bring you much more benefit if you link to the site from where they were borrowed.

-Life is like a kindergarten: you can not wear the most fashionable clothes, not have the hottest boyfriend or girlfriend, you just need to eat constantly and have a box of colored pencils.

-Life is just a joke: so joke with it!

-Life is full of unexpected surprises ... So - get ready!

-Life is like a prison - it's time to escape from it ...

-There is a definite difference between fishing and standing on the shore and watching like an idiot how others fish. Stephen Wright

-You can't hit the jackpot without first purchasing lottery ticket... Said so Flip Wilson 100 years ago. It turns out that there were already wise statuses!

-Basic life rule- 50-50-90: There is always a 50-50 chance that you will be right, but 90% of the time you will be wrong. Andy Rooney

-If the whole world is a theater, then I want to be in charge of the entrance and exit. Wise thoughts. Paul Beatty

Existence is like stepping on board a ship that is already sailing out to sea and is about to sink. Sanryu Suzuki Roshi

-We are all in shit, but some even see the stars through it

-Life can be understood only by looking back, but in order to live it, you have to move forward. Kierkegaard

-On the spaceship "Earth" there is not a single passenger - we are all a team. Marshal McLuhan

-Life is what happens to you when you make other plans. D. Lennon

-Life is like the movement of dogs in a team: if you are not a leader, then the landscape in front of you will never change. Lewis Grizzard

-Never go to bed in anger - stop and plan for revenge first.

-Most people learn by observing, but there are those who learn by experimenting. And then there are those comrades who actually touch the fire to see if it is hot.

Every day is a gift, which is why the English call it a present.

There are four things that never come back - these are Youth, Time, Word, Opportunity!

There are four things you never need to lose --- Faith, Calm, Honor, Hope!

There are four things that are most valuable in life --- Money, Love, Persuasion, Friendship!

There are four things that can cheat: Dream, Luck, Condition, Beauty!

There are four things that define a person --- Personality, Labor, Achievements!

There are four things that can kill a person --- Envy, Wine, Pride, Anger, Passion!

Even if life kills me, I'm going to smile!

A person can live a hundred years without actually living a minute.

You only live once ... But if you live correctly, then once is enough.

If your dream ship does not enter your harbor of hope, swim out to meet it!

Some people walk in the rain, and some just get wet. Roger Miller

When you get to the end of your rope, just tie a knot and hang from it. Thomas Jefferson

Conscience is what annoys you before bed and between dreams.

It is curious how often a person does everything to get what he does not want at all. Spock, the originator of cool statuses about happiness

Live your every day as the very last, and one day you will not be mistaken ...

Refinement is the art of saying what you think and disappearing faster than your thought reaches the interlocutor.

There is only one kind of bad PR - when your name gets into the obituary.

Yes, everything is really as bad as you think, and they will really get you the way you fear them.

Nothing fosters creativity like a lack of overseers.

The mind is like a parachute - it only works when it is open. James Devar

The lights at the end of the tunnel must be turned off to save budget.

Monday is the root of all evil. Sunday - flowers.

When a thought comes, people usually stop it.

The words you say today should be soft and gentle ... because tomorrow you might choke on them.

The average dog is a much nicer person than the average person. Andy Rooney

Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to do without it.

If you form a chain of all the Chinese to wrap it around the earth, then two-thirds of them will drown.

When life throws you another lemon, make strong tea and have fun!

- He relishes every moment and watches,

- As a child sleeps, a streak prays,

- As it rains, as the snowflake melts.

One of my favorite writers, Dale Carnegie, expressed a wise thought that can be useful to everyone in life:

- You will get more friends in two months by being interested in them than in two years trying to get them interested.

Wise thoughts about life were expressed by the Russian writer Alexander Green:

- Never be afraid to make mistakes - you should not be afraid of hobbies or disappointments. Disappointment is a payment for something previously received, it can be disproportionate sometimes, but be generous. Just be afraid to generalize disappointment by coloring everything else. Then you will acquire the strength to resist the evil of life and correctly assess its good sides;

- When problems pull you to the bottom, look up;

- You need to be able to close a boring book, leave a bad movie, part with people who do not value you.

To find only interesting books, good films- go to our section "Rest". There you will find the headings "We recommend books", "We recommend films". And if you want to find a person who will cherish you, read the articles on how to meet the man of your dreams in the "Relationships" section. And if you are interested in phrases about the meaning of life, fate, success - then they can be easily found in the Hobbies section.

Successful entrepreneur and legendary personality Bill Gates said:

- When it occurred to you good idea- act immediately "

Truly, a wise thought about life was conveyed to us by the romantic writer Erich Maria Remarque:

- Until a person gives up, he is stronger their destiny.

Truly legendary, Nietzsche's phrase about the meaning of life will help you cope with any difficulties:

“What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

I think any woman needs to listen to a wise phrase about the meaning of life by Regina Brett:

- Burn the candles, use good sheets, wear nice underwear. Save nothing for a special occasion, this special occasion is today.

Chinese wisdom says:

- A diamond that has fallen into the mud is still a diamond, and dust that has risen to the skies will remain dust.

We bring to your attention some wise thoughts about the life of unknown authors:

- Wise is not the one who proved anything, but the one who, knowing the truth, did not argue;

- Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you, not because they are worthy people, but because you are a worthy person !;

- If you argue with an idiot, he probably does the same;

- Life is tricky! When I have all the cards in my hands, she suddenly decides to play chess;

I also really like wise thoughts about life:

- Some people walk in the rain, and some just get wet.

Roger Miller:

- When I hear someone sigh and say: "Life is hard", I am always tempted to ask - "Compared to what?"

Sydney Harris:

Remember that:

Janusz Korczak:

If suddenly life throws you another lemon, make strong tea and have fun.

Which of these wise thoughts about the meaning of life is closest to you?

And maybe after reading, your own phrase about the meaning of life was born?

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. Indeed, in your life there are only a few of them.

I've heard a lot in my life - vows, promises, compliments, but the best I've heard is silence. There is no lie in it.

There will always be a huge difference between those who ask, "why doesn't it work?" - and those who ask: "how to make everything work out?"

What you can take calmly no longer controls you ...

Don't expect anything and you won't be disappointed in anything.

If you are doing something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices this, do not be discouraged: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still asleep at this time.

We ourselves come up with problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks. Free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do everything!

The expected may never happen. The unpredictable will surely happen.

It's important to be yourself, not who others want you to be.

Money is not the main thing in life. But don't forget to get them before you say such nonsense.

When there is support from a loved one, you can cope with any problem.

We carry our dearest people with us all the time. Mentally. Inside. In heart.

In fact, a woman really wants to obey a man. But this is the biggest secret of all women in the world. She just wants to obey a worthy man, stronger and smarter than her.

Dreams are needed in order to be at least a little with someone who is not around.

Almost all of us have a person to whom we would gladly return. But we will not return ...

If you have talent, hard work will improve it, and if you have no talent, hard work will make up for this deficiency.

Good idea, she's like a woman. If you don't pay attention to it at night, by morning it disappears without a trace.

Stop thinking that you are interfering with everyone! If someone doesn't like it, he will complain himself. And if he doesn't have the courage to complain, that's his problem.

You must love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible task to strangers!

Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid.

Strong is not the one who can put on the shoulder blades with one glance, but the one who is able to lift from his knees with one smile!

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is prettier, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not.

In a relationship, the main thing is to bring joy to each other, and not to prove your individuality ...

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love those who treat you well, forgive those who are wrong, and believe that everything does not happen by chance.

The plucked flower should be presented, the started poem should be completed, and the beloved woman should be happy. Otherwise, you shouldn't have taken on something that you cannot afford.

If a relationship has no future, then it will last exactly as long as the woman has the patience.

Who can do it, who can not criticize.

If you are inactive now, then either you have uncertainty ahead, or you are regretting something.

The best part is achieving your goals. Then, grinning, look from the height of success at those who did not believe in you.

Invest in yourself. Things can be lost ...

You have to live the way you want, not the way you need to!

Get out of the head and go into the heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations ... Then your heart will revive too.

He who is more careful in his promises is more accurate in fulfilling them.

It's easy to start life from scratch, it is much more difficult to get out of the negative.

A gem cannot be polished without rubbing. Likewise, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.

The best years of your life are when you decide that your problems are yours. You don't blame the mother, the environment, or the president for them. You realize that you yourself are in control of your destiny.

We have to live for our pleasure and do not care what others say, we do not owe anything to anyone ...

Sometimes we are silent, not because we have nothing to say. And because we want to say much more than anyone can understand.

People who take all trifles to heart are more capable of loving sincerely.

Everything has its time. Each event has its own Hour.

Memories are the most important thing. We can think of everything - food, things, money, just not theirs. Therefore, if there is something real in the world, then it is memories. Well, feelings, of course, So don't you dare forget anything. Even if it is unpleasant and painful. This is part of you.

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.

Success in life must be achieved in such a way that others talk about them instead of you.

Never stop smiling, even when you are sad: someone might fall in love with your smile.

It seems to me that man not only changed the climate of the planet, but also did something over time. Have you noticed? Now ten years are passing as they used to be three.

Time is like water ... all the time it runs away in an unknown direction.

Where they are waiting for us, we always find ourselves right on time.

He who does not like loneliness does not like freedom.

Anything absolutely can be experienced in this world; everything except death.

To find a new path, you need to get off the old path.

You need to live so that your presence is necessary, and your absence is noticeable.

My problem is that I am always trying to think of others. About those who do not think about me at all.

We often regret that we were silent, knowing what to say.

Life is like a Rubik's cube, on the one hand, everything is getting better, but on the other, not.

Do not rely too much on anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in the dark.

Let's live while we are alive.

Diagnosis: acute lack of fairytale events in everyday life.

All the most beautiful things are invisible. Therefore, we close our eyes when we cry, kiss, dream and sleep ...

If you want to achieve anything, you must have the courage to fail.

I guess I have too much warmth
Since I always meet cold ones .. S. Yesenin

When people leave, let go. Fate excludes the superfluous. This does not mean that they are bad. This means that their role in your life has already been played.

Being perfect does not mean being conspicuous. To be perfect is to be engraved in memory.

You cannot change the past, but the future is like a blank slate: whatever happens depends on you.

Basically, it takes all your life to learn how to live.

One blow can break your face, and one word can break your heart.

Do you know what your trouble is? ... You love people who do not deserve it ...

If the problem can be resolved, there is no need to worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, worrying about it is pointless.

Let's just be there. No promises and stupid words about love. No need to trust, hope. Don't expect the impossible. Let's just be there. Silently .. Forever.

Each person during the day is presented with at least ten opportunities to change his life. Success comes to those who know how to use them.

Never deprive someone of hope - it can be all they have.

Don't judge a person until you speak to him in person, because all you hear is hearsay.

Sometimes you need to simulate a ship wreck to make the rats escape.

Any obstacle is overcome with persistence.

Do not be afraid to take risks and stay at the bottom of the trough. Be afraid to sit around your trough all your life and do nothing to start living a better life.

Do it so that you get what you want, otherwise you will have to love what you get.

Some of us have gone crazy. It remains to understand who: me or the whole world.