How to find out about the upcoming scheduled inspection of the facility by the state fire supervision authority.

The bodies of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation supervise the observance of the rule of law during inspections of business entities by various regulatory authorities. An annually formed and approved by the prosecutor's office a plan of inspections is drawn up according to the data of the supervisory authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Rospotrebnadzor, State Labor Inspectorate, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Roszdravnadzor, the Department of Education, etc.). In this article, we will tell you about how the formation of the annual "test" plan of entrepreneurs and firms is taking place, and whom it will affect in 2018.

Consolidated plan of inspections of the prosecutor's office for 2018

Until September 1 of each year, regional supervisory authorities draw up plans for inspections of economic entities in their region and send them to the regional prosecutor's office for approval. The task of the prosecutor's office is to check whether the submitted projects comply with the norms of the law. If there are no comments, the inspection plan is returned back to the supervisory authority, which approves it, and by November 1, the plan is again sent to the prosecutor's office in its final approved form.

The reasons why the prosecutor's office may refuse to carry out supervisory and control measures is the absence of grounds for verification, failure to comply with the deadlines for frequency, or the presence of false information about a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

Thus, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office approved the plan of inspections for 2018 out of almost 8 thousand applications only for 6454 business entities... The Prosecutor's Office of the Stavropol Territory approved the plan of inspections for 2018, including 6897 proposals for inspections by state control bodies, and rejecting 688 due to violation of the law.

The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Karelia has reduced the plan of inspections for 2018 by more than 300 applications due to their unfoundedness. After “weeding out” 473 illegal applications, approved by the Prosecutor's Office of the Ivanovo region, the plan of inspections for 2018 includes 1904 measures. The Bashkortostan Prosecutor's Office excluded more than 450 applications from the consolidated plan of inspections for 2018 for the same reasons, and the prosecutor's office of Mordovia reduced the plan of inspections for 2018 by 651, leaving 1600 planned measures.

For whom the Prosecutor General's Office approved the plan of inspections

During scheduled inspections of business entities, various control bodies check:

  • observance mandatory requirements legislation by organizations and individual entrepreneurs,
  • compliance of information from notifications on the start of activities for a specific type of business with the provisions of the law.

The plan of inspections adopted by the Prosecutor General's Office does not include information on inspections by tax, customs, currency control authorities, on control over the use of personal data and on compliance with anti-terrorism legislation.

Not all business entities can be included in the inspection plan for 2018 by the prosecutor's office: from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2018 there is a moratorium on scheduled inspections of all small businesses, so those who are assigned to this category should be checked in 2018 must not (Article 26.1 of the Law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ).

In addition, a scheduled check is possible only in relation to firms and individual entrepreneurs, from the moment of registration of which at least 3 years have passed. The same period must pass from the date of the end of the previous similar scheduled inspection on the same basis (unscheduled inspections are not taken into account). Newly created individual entrepreneurs and organizations are included in the "test" plan no earlier than 3 years after the start of the activity.

There are exceptions to the above rules: despite belonging to the representatives of the SMP, the prosecutor's office and other supervisory bodies in the 2018 inspection plan legal basis has the right to include:

  • “Administrative offenders” who have been held accountable for gross violations over the past 3 years, or have been deprived of their license to operate;
  • subjects whose activity belongs to the so-called "risky" types and is included in the list established by the Government.

Regardless of the given terms, scheduled inspections can be carried out annually, or once every 2 years for organizations and individual entrepreneurs conducting activities in the social, educational sphere and in healthcare (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.11.2009 No. 944 as amended on 20.01.2011).

If the plan of prosecutorial inspections for 2018 erroneously includes a subject that should not be checked by all indications, he must write to the appropriate inspection state body a statement on exclusion from the plan of annual inspections (clause 3 of article 26.1 of the law of December 26, 2008 No. 294-FZ ).

How to find out if the Prosecutor General's Office included you in the audit plan for 2018

In accordance with the law, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation published the plan of inspections for 2018 after approval on its official website on December 28, 2017.The register of scheduled inspections contains control activities conducted by supervisory authorities in accordance with Law No. 294-FZ. It indicates the purpose of the audit, the timing of its implementation, the controlling body, information on assigning a risk category to a particular activity of the audited persons, etc.

In 2018, in Russia as a whole, inspections will take place at 350 thousand individual entrepreneurs and organizations. Any business entity can check whether it is on the general “checklist”. To do this, you need to find the consolidated plan of inspections for 2018 on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office, and on the]]> page of the special service]]> indicate information about yourself (TIN, name, PSRN, or address), as well as the month of inspection and the name of the state body conducting supervision ...

It is useful for every employer to take a look at the audit plan for 2019: the prosecutor's office annually approves new schedule visits to individual entrepreneurs and organizations by regulatory authorities. Find yourself on the list of scheduled checks to prepare in advance for the inspector's visit!

From the article you will learn:

Supervision over the state control bodies, authorized, is carried out by the prosecutor's office. All planned activities for each constituent entity of the Russian Federation are coordinated in advance with the regional prosecutor's office and are reflected in the Unified Register.

Prosecutor's Office: Checking Organizations-2019

The standard frequency of scheduled visits by inspection bodies is once every three years. The countdown starts from the date of registration of the company or individual entrepreneur, the beginning of the implementation a certain kind activity or completion of a previous scheduled inspection. Some enterprises are controlled more strictly, scheduled inspections are carried out on them more often - in accordance with. You can find out in advance the dates of the inspections:

  • license and export control;
  • fire, environmental and construction supervision;
  • transport supervision in the field of civil aviation, navigation, water, road and rail transport);
  • supervision in the field of drug circulation and some other authorities.

Dates of currency and customs checks are not published. Also, the prosecutor's office does not publish information about planned measures to monitor compliance with the requirements for combating money laundering and foreign investment. The situation is similar with - it is impossible to know in advance about the timing of their holding, the controller will notify about the upcoming event no earlier than 24 hours in advance.

Note! If the inspector solicits a bribe, do not engage in illegal relations, but as soon as possible to the prosecutor's office or court. For receiving and giving a bribe, criminal liability according to Article 290-291.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but voluntary appeal to law enforcement agencies and assistance to the investigation allows the bribe giver to avoid punishment.

Schedule of inspections of the prosecutor's office for 2019

At the end of each calendar year, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia forms consolidated audit plan on the next year... It is called consolidated because it contains information about the measures agreed by various government agencies with the regional prosecutor's offices of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This is convenient, since you do not have to look for your organization in the lists published on the pages of regional bodies, but download full version document on the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office, in the Unified Register.

The prosecutor's office published the schedule for checking legal entities for 2018 on December 29, 2017. According to the procedure applied by the General Prosecutor's Office, the audit plan for 2019 contains the following types of information:

  • organ data state control the person conducting the check;
  • legal entity or individual entrepreneur - name or surname, name, patronymic, address, TIN and OGRN codes;
  • the start and end dates of the scheduled inspection;
  • the employer's risk, if established;
  • sanctions applied to an organization or individual entrepreneur belonging to the category of small businesses, based on the results of previous control activities;
  • the form of the inspection.
The form of verification is also indicated - on-site or documentary (). Sometimes an event declared as documentary is retrained into an offsite event if the inspector needs additional information about the organization, which is impossible. For example, to clarify the state of the work premises or vehicles.

Description of the event

Exit form

Documentary form


At the location or actual implementation of the organization's activities

At the location of the controlling agency


By general rule, no more than once every 3 years

Annual plan, insufficient information obtained during a scheduled documentary audit

Annual plan


V common cases up to 20 days, for branches and representative offices on the territory of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation - up to 60 days

Shortened deadlines are set for small businesses and micro-businesses

At some enterprises subordinated to the executive authorities, for example, the Russian Ministry of Defense, inspections are carried out exclusively in an on-site form.

Editorial advice. When meeting a reviewer, make sure to have a visit executive specified in the inspection order. Compare the data of the official ID with the text of the order - you have every right to do so. The order should reflect the start and end dates of the inspection, the reasons for which it is carried out, and the documents that the inspector will get acquainted with. For more information on how to meet an inspector, as well as what not to say and do during an inspection, read the article "". Create a separate one and record in it the circumstances, timing and results of each completed audit:

Check-2019: Prosecutor's Office, GIT and FMS will check not everyone

Not every employer in the current year or the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation: the plan of inspections for 2019 was drawn up taking into account the ban on planned measures in relation to small businesses. From January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018, organizations are exempted, farms and individual entrepreneurs who have the status of small businesses and fall under the following criteria:

  • up to 15 people for micro-enterprises, from 16 to 100 people for small enterprises, 101-250 people for medium-sized enterprises;
  • annual income within 120 million rubles for micro-enterprises, 800 million rubles for small enterprises, 2000 million rubles for medium-sized enterprises;
  • : the total share of participation of state, municipal, religious, charitable and public structures v authorized capital does not exceed 25%, foreign and large organizations- no more than 49%;
  • for JSCs: the total share of participation of state, municipal, religious, charitable and public structures in the capital does not exceed 25% of voting shares, foreign and large organizations - not more than 49% of voting shares.

The verification moratorium does not include enterprises that have already been subject to penalties for gross violations Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, there was a disqualification or administrative suspension of activities, as well as suspension or cancellation of licenses (

Planning is one of the organizational principles of ensuring the activities of the prosecutor's office for the implementation of the powers provided for by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation". The state of planning reflects not only the level of organization of work, but also the purposefulness of the measures taken to strengthen the rule of law.

Planning achieves the concentration of forces and means on the priority areas of prosecutorial supervision.

Planning - this is the solution of questions about the sequence and timing of the complex, or certain types work taking into account the existing staff, resource and other capabilities in order to achieve the desired result.

Important! It should be borne in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • Careful study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome of the case. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

The essence of planning consists in defining the objectives of the prosecutor's office, the formation of specific measures to achieve these goals, the timing of the implementation of measures and their performers.

A plan brings clarity to work, keeps it organized, focused, and easier to control. It is important that the prosecutor and his subordinates have a clear idea of ​​what they want to achieve. If we consider the goal as the achievement of the desired result, then in the activities of the prosecutor's office, goals can be distinguished:

    • the main - the desire to obtain a certain result in a state of legality in the supervised territory or facility;
    • functional - to reach a certain level of law enforcement practice;
    • subsidiary - creation necessary conditions for the implementation of these goals.

Thus, at the first stage of planning, the goals of the activities of the district (city) prosecutor's office are determined; on the next - the activities necessary to achieve the planned goals are formed.

Schematically rough plan can be expressed like this: goal - event - executors - deadline - actual result.

Typical activities included in the plan include:

    • summing up the results of the activities of the prosecutor's office for a certain period, discussing them at meetings;
    • prosecutorial inspections of the implementation of laws;
    • generalization of the practice of prosecutorial supervision;
    • events related to improving business skills;
    • board meetings, etc.

Plans should be ( plan requirements):

    1. economical;
    2. complex;
    3. specific on the subject, place, person and timing of its execution;
    4. real (based on the correct calculation of the available forces, means and time required for their implementation).

Each planned event must have a basis, which includes both the decisions of the higher authorities of the prosecutor's office and the results of summarizing appeals, analysis of the state of legality, etc.

Types of plans in the prosecutor's office

The prosecution authorities apply three types of plano v:

    1. promising (for a year or more);
    2. current (semi-annual, quarterly and monthly);
    3. short-term (weekly, daily).

Varieties of plans:

    • work plans of the prosecutor's office to improve business skills,
    • internship plans,
    • plans for supervisory audits, etc.

The main plans in the prosecutor's office, which, as a rule, are drawn up for half a year, are:

    1. the work plan of the prosecutor's office;
    2. a plan of basic measures to coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime;
    3. work plan of a permanent seminar to improve the professional training of workers;
    4. work plan of the prosecutor's office on interaction with the media and the public, etc.

When carrying out bulk audits or resolving complex materials, weekly scheduling is practiced. A schedule is a table that records the days of the week and specific events scheduled for a specific time of each day. Such a plan is very easy to use, easy to draw up and elementary to check. Sectoral plans are also used, which determine the activities of the prosecutor's office in the areas of prosecutorial activities. Such plans group activities related to one area of ​​activity or a separate industry, for example, supervision over the implementation of laws on minors, on the fight against corruption, etc.

The planning process usually includes:

    1. collection of the necessary information;
    2. analysis of the state of legality;
    3. development of forecasts;
    4. preparation of the draft plan and its discussion;
    5. approval of the plan;
    6. organizing the execution of the plan.
Individual planning prosecutors

In addition to planning the work of the prosecutor's office as a whole, sectoral planning, planning of the work of each prosecutor's employee, including the prosecutor, his deputies and assistants, is also carried out. To maintain personal calendar plan in practice, weeklies of the established form are used, where sections are provided for what needs to be done, at what time, who to invite, who to call, where to be, etc. Individual planning significantly helps to allocate time to achieve performance in work, helps to improve the organization and professionalism of prosecutors.

This is not difficult. There are two ways.

The first method is to find out in advance. Suitable for those who do not like the unknown and prefers to plan everything in advance.

We go to the website of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation:

Spin the mouse wheel and go down the page:

We click on the button "Consolidated plan of inspections of business entities" and find ourselves on the next page:

We press "Consolidated plan of inspections of business entities for 2012" and go to the next section:

Enter the data of your organization in the appropriate fields.
It is enough to enter only the taxpayer identification number (TIN). It makes no sense to introduce the name of the supervisory authority - all the same, the system will issue absolutely all types of inspections planned by various supervisory authorities. If you do not enter a check period, the system will return search results for the entire year. It makes sense to choose a region only if the organization has a developed branch network in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Let's enter, for example, the following data:

And we learn that the inspection of AvtoVAZ OJSC by the Supervisory Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Samara Region, with a duration of 20 working days, is scheduled from 04/29/2012.

At the same time, we will see that simultaneously with the inspection of AvtoVAZ, the GPN authority will conduct inspections of the same facility by Rosprirodnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor. As well as inspections of three different objects of AvtoVAZ, located on the territory of the Shigonsky district of the Samara region, by the Municipal Property Management Committee of the same name municipal district, in which they do not know how to spell the name of the audited organization correctly.

There are two more ways to get the same information:

1. On the official website of the EMERCOM of Russia: Activity> Plans and results of scheduled inspections> Plans for scheduled inspections for 2012> Name of the territorial authority ( Regional Center) EMERCOM of Russia: As a result, an archive of MS Excel files will be downloaded, with inspection schedules for each region that is part of the corresponding federal district.

2. On the website of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For example, for the Samara region - on the website of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Samara region ( Activities> Plans and results of scheduled inspections> Plan of scheduled inspections. As a result, the archive with the MS Excel file Plan of scheduled inspections for 2012.xls will be downloaded. In particular, in the Samara region in 2012 it is planned to inspect 5,375 objects.

In this case, you will additionally learn:
- a list and addresses of all objects to be checked,
- the purpose of the audit (verification of compliance with the requirements fire safety, or in the field of civil defense and emergency situations, or - both);
- the basis for the inspection;
- type of check (documentary or field).

And one more thing: if the data of the three sources differ, then the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation should be trusted.

Method two - you will be informed shortly before. Suitable for those who like surprises.

The state fire control body is obliged to notify about the planned (documentary and field) entity or individual entrepreneur no later than three working days before the start of its conduct by sending a copy of the order of the GPN body on conducting a scheduled inspection by order by post with a receipt confirmation or in any other available way.
Most often, “not later than within three working days” means “not later than three working days”.

Is the organization or individual entrepreneur included in the audit plan of a particular department in 2018? How can I check this? Are these plans summarized on the website of the General Prosecutor's Office? Let's answer these questions.

Summary inspection plan

Scheduled inspections of ministries and departments are carried out on the basis of annually approved plans. Such checks are called scheduled. The departments post their plans on their websites. This is required in parts 3 and 5 of article 9 of chapter 2 Federal law dated 26.12.2008 No. 294-FZ. The consolidated plan of inspections for all departments for 2018 is posted on the website of the General Prosecutor's Office. It is there that you can check whether inspections of the organization and individual entrepreneurs are planned in 2018.

To find out whether to wait for a company or individual entrepreneur in 2018 for inspectors from regulatory authorities, you will need to enter the following data into a special search form (all at once or some of them):

  • OGRN;
  • name of company;
  • month of verification;
  • name of the state control body;
  • the address.

Plans on the websites of ministries and departments

You can also look for yourself in the plans of inspections on the website of specific ministries and departments. Below in the table, we provide a link to sites with audit plans for 2018.

Inspection body Link to inspection plan
Ministry of Finance / FTSOrganizations and entrepreneurs (consolidated)
Ministry of Finance of Russia / Federal TreasuryControl of audit organizations *
FSS / PFRScheduled on-site inspections by the FSS of Russia and the PFR are carried out jointly. The schedule of such inspections can be found on the website of your regional office FSS of Russia
Ministry of Labor of Russia / RostrudOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Prosecutor's officeOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Ministry of Economic Development of Russia / Federal Agency for State Property ManagementFederal property
Ministry of Economic Development of Russia / federal Service state registration, inventory and cartographyLand supervisionLand supervision
Ministry of Economic Development of Russia / Federal Service for AccreditationAccredited persons
Ministry of Economic Development of Russia / Federal Service for Intellectual PropertyThe organization
Ministry of Health of Russia / Federal Service for Surveillance in HealthcareOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Ministry of Health of Russia / Federal Medical and Biological AgencyOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia / Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and MetrologyOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation / Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental MonitoringThe organization
Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia / Federal Forestry AgencyLicensing
Organizations and entrepreneurs
Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia / Federal Service for Supervision of Natural ResourcesOrganizations and entrepreneurs
Russian Ministry of Defense / Federal Service for Technical and Export ControlExport control
Ministry of Transport of Russia / Federal Air Transport AgencyOrganizations and entrepreneurs Organizations and entrepreneurs

Prohibition of inspections

For small businesses, there are supervisory vacations for three years: in 2016–2018, small businesses should not come with a scheduled inspection. This applies to inspections by Rostrud, the Federal Migration Service of Russia, Rostekhnadzor and Gospozhnadzor. However, this does not apply to tax audits and audits of insurance premiums (Article 26.1 of Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008).

The prohibition on checking does not apply to organizations and entrepreneurs who, in the three years preceding the check, were held liable in the form of:

  • disqualifications;
  • administrative suspension of activities;
  • revocation or suspension of a license.