Breeding parrot birds. Budget parrot breeding at home for beginners: tips from experienced bird watchers

Before breeding birds, you need to make sure that the individuals are heterosexual. If you cannot determine on your own, then it is better to seek help from professionals. Budgerigars breed best in early summer or early fall. Although at home, reproduction is possible at any time of the year.


Before preparing birds for laying eggs, prepare their cage. It should be spacious, light and clean. Calculate size based on future offspring. So the birds will be imposing and they will not destroy their chicks. Females during the breeding season become very active and love to nibble on everything that catches their eye. Provide them with all the necessary things: apples, carrots, twigs. Otherwise, the cage itself and decorative elements or even male feathers will become a snack.

For reproduction to really take place, it is necessary that the daylight hours last at least 15 hours. In the summer, it is enough to open the curtains in the morning, but in the winter or autumn, you will have to resort to artificial lighting. Turn on the overhead light as soon as it gets dark outside. The cage should not be in a draft, but also in a place where air exchange is poor.

Bird behavior

Pay attention to your pets' behavior. They shouldn't be lethargic or shed. In addition, among themselves, they must live in harmony, without fights and plucking feathers and down. During the breeding season, males behave like real gentlemen. How? They look after their couple, flaunt in front of her, chirp cheerfully, spread their crest on their heads and wings.

The pairing itself is so fast that you can simply skip it. These few seconds later give life to the chicks. Sometimes birds mate for several days or weeks in a row. The male tries to fertilize the female exactly as long as is required for the development of normal offspring.

Remember that siblings are not allowed to breed. They will not succeed in healthy offspring, and the female may even die from mating. It is better if the pair were purchased from different manufacturers, in different places. Let their first acquaintance take place in the cage you have prepared for them. In addition, females who have reached one year of age and males who are already 10 months old can reproduce. Only such individuals are ready for procreation and are able to give healthy offspring.


During the breeding season, pay attention to the diet of the birds. The feed should be enriched with vitamins and microelements. In addition, there should be plenty of clean and fresh water. Don't forget about greenery.

  • parsley,
  • Dill,
  • carrot tops,
  • Clover,
  • fresh cucumbers.

Prepare special food for them that will enrich your birds and strengthen their immunity. Food recipe: boiled egg mixed with carrots and calcium (special additives for birds or eggshells). You cannot abuse such a mixture, but you need to feed the parrots.

Plus, your wavy pets need sprouted grains as well. Not only during the breeding season, but throughout life. It is better if, before laying, you increase the dose of sprouted grains to them to half of the total diet. Don't forget about additional sources calcium: crayons, pebbles from the pet store. Naturally, fresh fruits and vegetables. As soon as they start to fade, they need to be replaced.

Little house and chicks

When the mating took place, and the female began to look for a fifth corner in the cage, and more modestly, it's time to hang up the house. Hang it higher. Do not be confused by the fact that the female will avoid him at first. Her interest will wake up, she will put her order there for a long time, sit next to him or in him.

Monitor the female carefully. The tummy will be rounded, the lady will eat more and more often, she will begin to rip out feathers from her belly and chest, prepare a "nest". The male will sit near the house for a long time, sing songs, feed his pair. These are sure signs that the first egg is on its way. You cannot climb into the bird house with a check, and generally touch it. The female can give up her warm place and even die from an egg that has not yet been laid. Stay out of the natural course of events.

Keep in mind that between the time the female nests in the house, and the first egg can pass sufficient time... Sometimes up to a month. Increase the feeding of the female. Avoid soft foods, add sprouted grains, crayons and hard vegetables and fruits.

How many eggs will eventually be laid is not known. Usually it is 2-4 pieces. Chicks hatch in different ways. The older ones appear earlier. When the first chick has appeared, you need to gradually nullify the sprouted grain, replacing it with vegetables rich in carotene (carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers). Don't forget the greens.

When the chicks reach two weeks of age, the female begins to behave more calmly. You will have to clean the house when she is out to eat. Carefully clean the house, remove the chicks, change the litter and return the offspring to their place. You cannot touch the babies with your hands, otherwise the female may even refuse them.

Chicks are deposited and the house of their cage is removed when the offspring is already leaving the nest. Required condition- they should be one month old from hatching. Transplant them into a separate cage. After they are two months old, and the plumage becomes stronger, you can return them to the common cage.

Budgerigars are easy to care for. You just need to follow the rules of hygiene and nutrition. In captivity, parrots breed and very successfully. The most difficult is the first laying. Keep a close eye on the habits of your pets, and good offspring will not be long in coming.

Increasingly, people choose not dogs and cats as pets, but budgies... These birds have earned immense popularity and love of millions of people around the world. Budgerigars in nature keep in large flocks, but in captivity it is better to keep no more than two birds. They gained their popularity thanks to the numerous variations in plumage colors. In order to keep a budgerigar, you do not need to be an ornithologist or a veterinarian, it is enough to follow simple rules. Thanks to this, many people breed parrots and create whole flocks of birds. The budgerigar, the reproduction of which is not difficult, is gaining more and more fans. If earlier only breeders were engaged in breeding, now there are many lovers of these wonderful birds.

Features of breeding budgies

The budgerigar, which can be reproduced in captivity, requires the creation of certain conditions for the successful incubation of eggs and feeding of chicks. The bird reaches sexual maturity by 1 year in males and by 1.5 years in females. It is undesirable to allow parrots under one year old to breed, since the body is weak and not ready for such a load. Only healthy birds can be allowed into the clutch. Pets should get a varied diet that contains many vitamins. Breeding budgies at home does not require the construction of large cages and special structures, a small house is enough for laying eggs. It is also necessary to put sawdust and straw at the bottom of the house. In addition, it is worth reducing the daylight hours. The diet should include small eggshells and chalk. However, the latter should be in the cage not only during the laying period, it is necessary for the health of the birds. After that, the parrots begin to study the house, gradually staying inside for more and more long periods. As a rule, after a week they begin to actively mate and after 8-10 days the first egg appears. As soon as clutch has begun, the female begins to incubate and lay the rest of the eggs, approximately one every two days. Usually, the female lays from 8 to 13 eggs for the entire period. The best time for breeding - autumn and spring. These are the most favorable periods for birds.

Budgerigar: reproduction and nutrition

During the breeding season, the diet of budgerigars should be as balanced as possible and contain many vitamins. The diet should contain greens - dandelion leaves, plantain leaves and others. Vegetables and fruits are also good, but it is better not to overuse the latter, they cause increased activity of the bird's stomach, which is undesirable for the female during this period.

Matching a pair for breeding

There are amateurs who purposefully acquire parrots for breeding. To do this, you need to pay attention to several points when buying:

  • how much a wavy parrot costs - a young, healthy bird cannot be cheap;
  • conditions of detention - the cells must be clean;
  • the state of the bird - it must be active.

These tips will help you avoid buying a sick bird that will not be suitable for breeding. Both birds should not be purchased in the same store, as they can be from the same litter, even if the seller assures otherwise. When buying, it is important to determine the sex and age of parrots, individuals up to 5-6 years old are suitable for laying, therefore it is better to purchase young birds - 3-4 months. Subject to all conditions, the budgerigar, which can be reproduced at home, will give healthy offspring.

Budgerigars are rightfully recognized as the most popular pets among bird connoisseurs. This is due to their mobility, playfulness and ease of care. In addition, such birds have a docile character and easily contact with other domestic animals. That is why information about whether budgerigars can reproduce at home is relevant even for novice breeders.

The appearance of feathered offspring at home is a process that must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. To do this, it is important to observe some conditions for keeping pets and carefully observe the reactions and habits of birds.

Budgerigars at home are quite capable of breeding. In addition, subject to all breeding rules, such birds are quite fertile. Mating season in budgies in conditions wildlife occurs mainly in June. However, in captivity, such birds can breed in different times of the year. At the same time, wavy birds breed in some cases and 3 times a year, but it is better not to allow such situations so that the chicks hatch full-fledged. The best option considered no more than 2 times a year.

Pair formation

Before planning the mating of budgies and the appearance of healthy offspring from them, you should carefully approach the formation of a pair for the role of parents. Both individuals must be sexually mature, active and completely healthy. If these criteria are not met, there is a great risk that non-viable eggs will emerge after mating.

Also of no small importance when choosing a pair of "wavy" for breeding healthy chicks is the relationship of individuals. The more distant it is, the better. This is why the female and male should be purchased from different breeders.

Many owners often ask themselves: at what age do budgies begin to breed? According to experts, the sexually mature period in females begins after the onset of 1 year, and in males from 10 months. However, 2-4 years of life of individuals are considered the most fruitful. Despite this circumstance, the mating season in budgies can be observed up to the age of 10 birds, and in individual cases and much longer.

On a note! Pair budgerigars prepared for mating should be well-fed, but not over-fed. As many breeders note, skinny parrots often refuse to hatch eggs or feed their chicks.

Choosing a home

Normal breeding in domestic conditions of birds cannot be imagined without the provision of housing with optimal conditions for this, among which is the size of the cage.

For a pair of "wavy", taking into account their offspring, it is recommended to choose a dwelling with parameters of at least 60x55x65 cm. The cage itself can be different forms, but always with a removable top. This requirement is necessary for the timely cleaning of the nest and inspection of the eggs. The frame of the cage should be made of strong steel rods and with the ability to securely fix the nest house on the sides.

Before planning the mating of budgies, the cage and all objects in it should be thoroughly disinfected. To do this, they are removed, disassembled and soaked in hot water with a small concentration of chlorine. Then everything is thoroughly washed with a brush and left to dry for several hours. The nest house is also taken apart and washed in hot water using baby soap.

Additional terms

For parrot breeding to be successful, the birds must be prepared. To do this, it is necessary to gradually increase daylight hours - up to 15 hours. During summer period it will be sufficient to open the curtains with the advent of the sun, and in winter - turn on the light when it starts to get dark. At the same time, a sharp increase in daylight hours should not be allowed, as this can provoke untimely molt in birds.

Temperature is also important when breeding parrots. The optimal room is considered - within +20 ° С.

The reason why budgerigars do not breed if all conditions of detention are observed may be extraneous noise and harsh sounds. Therefore, the dwelling of birds during the mating and nesting period must be located in a quiet secluded place, preferably in a corner at the level of the owner's eyes.

Parrot diet

Budgerigars should eat in a special way during the breeding period. The main diet, consisting of a grain mixture, pieces of vegetables and fruits, must be supplemented with fresh herbs - dandelion leaves, plantain and others. In addition, birds at such a time need calcium, which is contained in boiled eggs and low-fat cottage cheese.

Do not forget to feed the birds with minerals and various vitamin supplements. Vitamin E, which can be purchased at specialized pharmacies, especially promotes the multiplication. It is useful to add sprouted grains of wheat, oats or other types of cereals to the bird menu during the nesting period. Such products contain many microelements important for the body of birds.

It is also important to provide the budgerigar with free access to clean water, which needs to be changed regularly. In addition, all fruits and vegetables that the bird did not immediately eat should be thrown away immediately, they should always be fresh. All this should be done not only during the breeding season, but also daily.

How do parrots behave during the mating season?

To see how budgerigars mate, you need to put a young couple in a previously prepared cage and monitor their behavior. If the birds do not begin to fight, peck at each other and rip out feathers, then one can hope for the early appearance of offspring.

All the time of courtship, the male behaves amusingly - combing out feathers for his friend, feeding from his beak, chirping loudly and flaunting in front of her in every possible way, taking various poses. You can understand that the female is also ready for mating by her behavior - she responds with mutual caresses, squints her eyes and constantly sits near her boyfriend.

On a note! Budgerigars are monogamous and if they immediately reciprocated each other, their affection remains for life. Therefore, it is impossible to force birds to reproduce.

Mating itself occurs quickly enough, the owners of birds in most cases do not have time to notice it. Even if the male succeeds in fertilizing the female the first time, parrots often continue to mate for several days. As experts recommend, the best period for such a process falls on June-September, since it is at this time of the year that there is enough solar heat, light and fresh fruits.

How does nesting happen?

A few days after mating, the behavior of the female can be used to determine whether the attempt was successful. The bird will look for a secluded place in the house for nesting. During this period, the breeder should take care of setting up a house for future offspring. It is believed that the optimal parameters for it are 22x15x20 cm. The structure should be well fixed, preferably under the roof of the cage.

At first, the birds may not perceive the house and walk around it, but this is only temporary. After one or two days, the budgerigar, namely the female, will begin to explore it from all sides and establish its own order in the structure. The male has other responsibilities during such a period - he looks after the expectant mother, feeds her and chirps loudly.

At this time, it is necessary to provide the birds with a sufficient number of thin twigs of various fruit trees, they are necessary as a building material for the nest. Also, for arranging and insulating a house, birds often begin to tear out their feathers. This behavior is especially noticeable in “wavy” females.

Laying eggs

All of the above signs signal that the first egg should appear soon. During the nesting period, a couple should not be disturbed at all, and even more so - touch the house, since there is a great risk that the female will abandon her nest after that.

From the moment the house is mastered and until the first egg appears, a lot of time passes - up to one month. After which the female begins to lay eggs every other day. There may be 4–6 of them in a clutch. It depends on the age of the parent parrots, genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

On a note! As a rule, budgerigars, which reproduce in captivity, lay 5 eggs each. It is this amount that the female is able to evenly provide with heat to her body. If there are more eggs, professionals advise to additionally use an incubator.

The appearance of offspring

The incubation period of "wavy" eggs lasts no more than 18 days, chicks appear the next day. After the birth of the first child, sprouted grain should be gradually excluded from the parrot menu, replacing its share with vegetables that are rich in carotene. It is also necessary to maintain a sufficiently high humidity in the room on such days - about 60%.

It often happens that not all eggs hatched from the clutch, that is, they froze. If we are talking about 1-2 pieces, this is considered the norm. As a rule, this situation happens if the female is too young and could not sufficiently warm the entire clutch. If not a single chick hatched, there may be plenty of reasons that led to this:

  • infectious or chronic diseases of the parents;
  • poor quality or inadequate food and drink;
  • poor conditions for keeping birds;
  • genetic incompatibility of the couple.

The hatched chicks are very weak - they are not even able to hold their heads, therefore they lie on their backs. Many breeders of wavy birds ask the question: is human help needed during this period? No, the female will be able to feed and warm them on her own.

Only two weeks after the birth of the last chick, the owner can open the nesting house for cleaning. This should be done with rubber gloves very carefully and quickly, while the female is out of the nest. Subsequent cleanings are subsequently required once a week.

When are the chicks planted?

It is customary to transplant grown chicks from adults no earlier than a month after their birth. During this period, they already independently leave the nesting shelter and confidently keep on their paws. In some cases, chicks are removed earlier from the female. For example, when she begins to behave aggressively with them. If this behavior is noticed, the babies are artificially fed and are no longer allowed to the mother.

To independently understand and see how the "wavy" reproduce, special skills are not required. The main thing is to provide pets with timely care, hygiene and good nutrition.

It is quite difficult to breed several species of birds for sale without knowledge and experience. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the category that is characterized by high demand and minimal investment.

What the initial investment consists of

Not many birds are capable of breeding in captivity, which means you need to create a comfortable environment for parrots. It is desirable if it is separate and soundproofed. They keep birds in cages, while you need to have both one common aviary for free movement, and isolated cages for couples with chicks and lively males. A typical average parrot cage starts at $ 10. You can make a common aviary with your own hands from a metal mesh and scrap materials.

The initial investment includes the purchase of the parrots themselves. There should be several pairs of birds. To save money, you can take two males and several females, if the features of the species do not require the formation of permanent pairs. For example, lovebirds parrots choose a mate for themselves for life.

The cheapest are Budgerigars. Their cost starts at $ 8. A pair of Lovebirds costs about $ 20. Birds of the Corella species have a price from $ 15, Rosella and Kakarik from $ 50, and the Kalita breed from 80 conventional units. Rare species of large parrots require large investments... So, the price of Senegalese is from $ 300, and speaking Jaco will cost you no less than $ 1,000 per bird.

Features of the selection and preparation of livestock for breeding

For the offspring to be healthy and strong, you need to form pairs from different families. The age of readiness for reproduction in most breeds begins at 1.5 years, and the maximum productivity occurs from 2 to 4 years. This means that it is better to acquire chicks than old birds. It can be difficult even for a breeder to guess the sex of a parrot, and therefore it is very important to have several pairs.

Before buying expensive species, a mandatory consultation with an ornithologist and veterinarian is required. All parrots should be healthy and, if possible, vaccinated. If there are no vaccinations, you can do them yourself by calling a doctor at home. This should be done even if you are breeding Budgerigars. Vaccinated against the following diseases:

  • Bird flu;
  • Diphtheria smallpox;
  • Newcastle disease;
  • Smallpox skin.

In addition, treatment should be done against insect damage (bird fleas, chewing lice). Each newly purchased bird is quarantined for two weeks in a separate room. Medical examination and preventive measures will allow you to avoid the sudden fall of all birds.

Arrangement of cages and nests for offspring

When you have decided on the species, you need to prepare the cages before buying breeding pairs. Minimum dimensions space for keeping parrots should be 0.6 meters in length and 0.4 meters in height. Otherwise, the birds will not reproduce well.

For example, Budgerigars for active rearing of offspring must live in a flock, which means it is better to choose a common large cage for all pairs.

A common cage is also required in order for Lovebirds to be able to choose a mate for themselves. To do this artificially, simply by choosing yourself, will not work.

The internal equipment of the cage should include:

  • Wooden perches;
  • Several feeders for different types stern;
  • Several drinkers, one for three or four birds;
  • Toys and swings for games and exercise;
  • Twigs for sharpening the beak.

The arrangement of the nests deserves special attention. They come in three types of designs:

  • Horizontal- a box elongated in width, the height of which ensures the movement of the parrot only horizontally. The disadvantage is the possibility of accidental loss of chicks.
  • Vertical- a box elongated in height, providing vertical movement of the female. The main disadvantage is the likelihood of accidental damage to eggs and brood by the female.
  • Combined- a large box that allows birds to move in all directions. The downside of this nest is that it takes up a lot of space in individual cells.

The nest box is suspended from the outside of the cage, having previously completed the inlet, or to its ceiling at a distance of about 20 centimeters. The bottom of the nesting box should have a depression, which allows the eggs to stay in one place at all times. Sawdust is used as insulating bedding, but only for those species of birds that need them. The number of nests should correspond to the number of fertile couples.

This may look like a nest for lovebirds in an aviary

Food and care costs

In addition to initial investment The parrot business has a daily cost of food and vitamins. It is also necessary to provide suitable and stable climatic conditions.

The diet of parrots includes the following types of food:

  • Dry grain mixtures;
  • Sprouted grains of wheat and other cereals;
  • Cottage cheese or special crayons for birds;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Vitamin and mineral complex supplements;
  • Clean drinking water.

For normal keeping, an average temperature of 20-25 ° C is sufficient for birds. It will be artificially maintained only in the periods before and after the heating season. During hatching of chicks, the temperature should be raised to 30 ° C, gradually reducing from the 10th day of life of hatched parrots. Considering that, on average, birds can give birth to offspring up to three times a year, additional heating equipment with a good thermostat will be required to maintain the desired climate.

When breeding some species, for example, the Corella parrot, the chicks require not only additional heating, but also lighting. Since they predominantly reproduce in winter, it is necessary to provide at least 14 hours of daylight per day.

Parrots should be fed a variety of nutritious food containing all the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements - only in this case they will be healthy and attractive to customers.

Difficulties in registering a parrot breeding nursery

Business legalization is a painstaking process, but without it you will not be able to trade through stores, import and export birds from the country for international trade or participation in exhibitions.

You can register a parrot breeding business as an individual entrepreneur (PE) or LLC. Unfortunately, separate legislation regarding decorative birds currently not, and therefore when choosing OKVED codes, it would be rational to select the item "Breeding different types animals ". An important point is the presence in the staff of a veterinarian with an education, which can combine the position of a leader.

The poultry house must comply with sanitary and veterinary requirements, as well as fire safety(especially if autonomous heating and lighting is installed). It must contain ventilation hoods, a plumbing unit and disinfecting mats (disinfecting mats). A separate room for bird quarantine must be allocated without fail.

Breeding parrots at home as a business also requires an agreement with a pet waste disposal company. All documents for birds (certificates, checks), especially species included in CITES (Convention on international trade endangered species of wild fauna and flora) must be preserved for the period of operation of the nursery from the moment of its foundation. If the birds are listed in the Red Book (for example, the Macaw parrot), you must have documentary evidence of its appearance in captivity or import into the country, otherwise its sale is punishable by law.

Upon completion of the visit to your nursery, all commissions issue an act allowing the breeding and sale of parrots. The document must be reissued annually.

A legal nursery is very often subject to checks. If there is an epidemic of psittacosis or bird flu Evidence of lack of contact with wild birds should be prepared immediately. Otherwise, your business will be closed. Laboratory tests are required monthly to confirm the absence of disease.

Before making your first attempt at breeding budgies at home, you need to understand that you will not get away with buying just one pair of birds! These birds are gregarious creatures, therefore, when there are only two of them, then the offspring from them can be expected for years. In fact, this breed has a very acute issue with the choice of a partner. Agree, it's one thing when you like your partner, and quite another when you have to endure him. For this reason, I would advise you to start breeding attempts with at least three boys and three girls. It is possible that in this case some birds will be left without a mate, but that is why it is natural selection in order to choose the best partner for itself in order to obtain healthy and viable offspring.

As ridiculous as it may sound, but first you need to make sure that your couple is a boy and a girl, and nothing else). You need to understand that it is not worth buying chicks under the age of 4-5 months. Young parrots that have not reached the recommended age do not yet have signs by which one can reliably determine their sex. To understand who is who, you should pay attention to the wax (skin over the beak). If the bird is a boy, it will be bright blue, and if a girl, then brownish or white. It is also necessary to check with the seller if it is from the same brood of birds. If they turn out to be close relatives, then there can be no question of any pairing.

To bring a couple together, their cages should be placed next to each other for 20-30 days. Only after this is it allowed for the male to move into the female's cage. If a friend does not show aggressiveness towards the male, and they can sit quietly next to him, then she liked the gentleman. Budgies should be emotionally calm before mating at home. To do this, they need at least 16 hours of daylight hours and an air temperature of 25-30 degrees. It is also very important to purchase a masonry house for the female. If several pairs have formed, then it is necessary to purchase houses in such a way that one remains free. Otherwise, strife and squabbles between feathered families cannot be avoided. Outwardly, these houses are very similar to birdhouses, only their roof is removable.

After the birds have mated, more boiled eggs, semolina, grated carrots, vegetables and herbs should be included in the female's diet. It is also necessary to have a separate feeder nearby with a mixture of crushed shells and chalk powder. A few days before laying, the female plucks the feathers around the cloaca to line the bottom of the nest with them - this is a sure sign that your noisy family will soon be replenished with small parrots. 17-20 days after the start of incubation, chicks will begin to hatch, which at first will look like anything, but not like parrots))). However, after a couple of days they will begin to look like squeaking fluffy lumps.

Breeding parrots is not easy, but quite doable if you approach this process responsibly.