Resume for the practice of an oilman student sample. How to write your first resume as a student? For example, I wrote that I do not smoke and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Write briefly. When you write about your accomplishments and activities, don't go into minor details. Write according to the chosen goal so that the summary has a greater impact on the reader. Ideally, a resume should not take more than 1-2 pages. If it takes up more space, the reader will misunderstand the content of the abstract.

  • Bad example: “I was a member of the student council and attended meetings every week. At these meetings, we discussed many issues. Most of the discussions were about how the school should be run.”
  • Good example: “Was elected to the student council. Chaired meetings on school management issues.

Don't be modest. In no case should you lie or embellish, but you need to make sure that your achievements stand out on your resume. You don't want your classmates to get accepted into college, so focus on your own success.

  • Bad example: “I took notes during a student council meeting.”
  • Good example: "Worked with student council documents and developed a meeting schedule."
  • Use strong verbs and words to express actions. If you are writing a description, start each paragraph with an action word that will catch the eye of the admissions committee. Your short statements will have a huge impact. Never write in the first person.

    • Poor example: "Responsible for several committees, including committees for extracurricular activities and prom."
    • A good example: "Chaired committees on extracurricular activities and prom."
  • Show your grades. If you got high grades in high school, don't forget to point out that fact. List your scores if they are above a C and decide on a percentage for your scores. Good scores on the SAT or ACT exams should be listed on your resume, just like participation in student exchange programs.

    • If you have space left, you can list high-level exams or college preparatory courses you have taken.
  • Focus on leadership. If you have a large list extracurricular activities, indicating this in the summary will carry weight. When listing extracurricular activities, pay attention to those that you organized yourself. For example, you were the organizer of the parade; were team captain, volunteer project coordinator, orientation for new students, etc.

    Show that you care about people. A graph with a description of the experience of volunteer work will help to prove that you care about people and act as the initiator of helping others. Try to list at least two or three volunteer projects to stand out from the crowd.

    In this article, I will tell you how to write a resume in 2019 using specific examples. Resume templates can be downloaded in Word and easily edited.

    Hello dear friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch.

    As you already understood from the title, today we will talk about getting a job, namely well-written resume. There is a lot of literature on the Internet on this subject, but I did not find a clear and understandable instruction. Therefore, I offer my instructions, compiled according to an accessible and simple algorithm.

    Be sure to read the article to the end - in the final you are waiting for download!

    1. What is a resume and what is it for?

    If you still do not quite understand what a resume is, I propose to give it a definition:

    Summary- this brief self-presentation in writing Your professional skills, achievements and personal qualities that you plan to successfully implement in your future job in order to receive compensation for them (for example, in the form of money or other form of compensation)

    I myself in the past had to write a resume when applying for a job. Indeed, without this, no employer will even know about you and your professional skills.

    I remember when I sat down to write my resume for the first time, it took me a lot of time to competently compose it and arrange it according to all standards. And since I like to understand everything thoroughly, I also studied the issue of its correct spelling very deeply. For this, I spoke with professional specialists on personnel and studied a large number of articles on the topic.

    Now I know how to write a resume correctly and I will gladly share it with you.

    I share with you samples of my resumes, which I wrote personally for myself:

    (you can download them for free)

    Thanks to my ability to write professional resumes I have never had difficulty getting a job. So my knowledge is reinforced practical experience and are not dry academic theory.

    So what's the secret to writing good resume? Read about it below.

    2. How to write a resume - 10 easy steps

    Before moving on to the steps, I want you to remember 3 main rules for successful resume writing:

    Rule number 1. Write the truth, but not the whole

    Focus on your strengths and don't talk too much about your weaknesses. You will be asked about them at the interview, be prepared for this.

    Rule number 2. Stick to a clear structure

    The summary is written on 1-2 sheets, no more. Therefore, try to briefly and succinctly state in it all the necessary information, even if there is a lot of it.

    Take care of the accurate formatting of the resume text, its structured presentation. Since no one is pleased to read abracadabra.

    Rule number 3. Be optimistic and cheerful

    Positive people attract success. In your case, a new job.

    So, let's move on to the structure of the resume.

    Step 1. Resume Title

    Here you must write the word "Summary" itself and indicate to whom it is drawn up.

    All this is written in one line.

    For example: CV Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

    Then your potential employer will immediately understand who owns the resume. For example, you have previously called a company of interest to you in order to find out if they still have this vacancy. You were given a positive response and offered to send a resume.

    At the end of the first step, your resume will look like this:

    Step 2. Purpose of the resume

    It must be remembered that your resume must have a purpose. Correctly formulate it as follows (phrase):

    The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of an accountant

    Since at this moment you are called that - an applicant, that is, a person, job seeker, potentially claiming it.

    At the end of the second step, your resume will look like this:

    Step 3. Applicant and his data

    At this point, you must write the following:

    • date of birth;
    • the address;
    • contact number;
    • e-mail;
    • marital status.

    At the end of the third step, your resume should look like this:

    Step 4. Education

    If you have several formations, then write them in order.

    For example:

    Moscow State University, 2005-2010,

    Speciality: accountant (bachelor)

    Moscow State University, 2007-2013,

    Speciality: translator in the field of professional communication (bachelor)

    At this stage, your resume should look like this:

    Step 5. Experience

    Please note that the column "work experience" is written in the resume starting from the most last place Your work, if it is not the only one, and begins with the period spent in this position.

    For example:

    Position: chief accountant's assistant;

    Position: accountant

    So we have already written half of the resume, it should look like this:

    Step 6. Job Responsibilities

    This item in the resume is not always required if the vacancy you are applying for is quite common, and you held a similar position at a previous job.

    Sometimes this item can be included in the previous one by writing your job responsibilities immediately after the position.

    Step 7. Achievements in previous jobs

    The item "Achievements" is one of the most important in the resume! It is much more important than education and even work experience.

    Your potential employer wants to know exactly what he will pay you for wages. Therefore, it is very important to mention when writing a resume about all significant achievements in previous jobs. At the same time, please note that it is correct to write in words that are the so-called "markers" for employees personnel services reviewing your resume.

    For example, it is correct to write:

    • increased sales volumes by 30 percent in 6 months;
    • developed and implemented new technology into production;
    • shortened equipment maintenance costs by 40%.

    Wrong to write:

    • worked to increase sales;
    • took part in a project to create a new technology;
    • reduced equipment costs.

    As you can see, it is also important to write specific numbers, as they very clearly reflect the essence of your achievements.

    Now your resume looks like this:

    Step 8. Additional Information

    Here you need to describe your strengths, professional knowledge and skills that will directly help you to better and better perform the tasks assigned to you at a new job.

    Usually they write the following:

    1. Knowledge of computers and specialized software. This is relevant for office workers and employees whose direct work is related to the PC. For example, for designers, accountants, programmers, office managers.
    2. Proficiency in foreign languages. If your future job involves reading, translating or communicating in a foreign language and you speak it to a certain extent, be sure to write about it. For example: English spoken.
    3. Having a car and driving skills. If your work involves business trips and you often have to drive a car, for example, while working sales representative, then you should indicate the presence of your car, as well as the category of driver's license and experience.

    Thus, in additional information, along with computer proficiency and a foreign language, write: there is a personal car, category B, 5 years of experience.

    Step 9. Personal qualities

    There is no need to describe too many qualities here, especially if they do not apply to your future work. You can be a kind and sympathetic person who loves children and respects your friends, but a potential employer will not be interested in reading about your "cordiality" and a rich inner world.

    For example, if you are applying for the position of an accountant, then it would be good to write here: composure, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency, mathematical mindset, ability to analyze.

    If you are applying for a more creative profession, say a designer or creator, then you should indicate here: developed creative imagination, sense of style, non-standard view of the problem, healthy perfectionism.

    It will be great if you mention your full name at the end of your resume. and positions of your former managers, as well as indicate their contact numbers so that your potential employer or his representative can verify your professionalism by receiving feedback about you from your former direct supervisors.

    Even if your potential employer does not call your former supervisors, the mere fact of having contacts for recommendations will significantly increase his confidence in you.

    At the very end of the resume, you must indicate when you are ready to start working, here you can also indicate the desired level of remuneration.

    The final look of your resume:

    Congratulations! Your resume is 100% ready!

    To find the job of your dreams, you need to post your resumes on Internet portals. A very convenient and simple site for job search is JOB.RU. Here you can very quickly and today receive the first call from the employer.

    Finally, here are a few resume samples that you can slightly correct and immediately use to send to your potential employer.

    3. 2019 resume samples for all occasions - 50 ready-made resumes!

    Friends, I have a big present for you - 50 ready-made resumes for the most common professions! All resume samples are very competently and professionally compiled by me personally and you can download them in Word for free. This is very convenient, now you do not need to search for them on the Internet on different sites, since everything is in one place.

    Use on health! :)

    And also you can use online service Simpledoc to . This service allows you to immediately send a resume to an employer or print it on a printer.

    Ready resume templates for download (.doc):

    TOP 3 most downloaded resumes:

    List of ready-made resumes for download:

    • (doc, 44 Kb)
    • (doc, 45 Kb)
    • (doc, 43 Kb)
    • (doc, 43 Kb)
    • (doc, 45 Kb)
    • (doc, 43 Kb)
    • (doc, 47 Kb)
    • (doc, 44 Kb)
    • (doc, 46 Kb)
    • (doc, 45 Kb)
    • (doc, 45 Kb)

    No one knows anything about your abilities, skills, and the main criterion for applying for a job is your resume. Your fate depends on this piece of paper. And the most difficult thing is to learn how to compose a resume so that a strict "HR" still calls back. To be honest, even the majority of adults do not know how to write a resume correctly, let alone students.

    “We read the girl’s resume: “About myself. I have the skills to calculate the optimal amount of beer to sacrifice to the admin in case of problems; communication with clients of all levels of sobriety and moral satisfaction; admonishing the inhabitants of the accounting department to poke only the necessary buttons the required number of times; intuitive understanding of what O / S wants (Windows, Linux), I can, if necessary, come to an understanding with it; high-quality interaction with any software in the presence of help or Google, not very high-quality - in the absence; learning anything at any time when pronouncing the magic formula "to immediately."
    Knowledge of English, Russian, obscene Russian, very obscene Russian and “what language is this?” verbally and in writing, C/C++, CSS, HTML, JavaScript in writing.
    I understand the words “must”, “immediately” and the expression “what did I say ?!” well.
    I want food and money. Or at least just food. They called as soon as they saw it. We're late."

    Formulate the main goal

    You always need to write the purpose of the resume, that is, indicate the position of interest. It is also important to indicate which work schedule is preferred - full-time or part-time. There are many questions about design.

    The resume of a novice specialist should not exceed more than one page of A4 format, size 11, font Times New Roman, single spacing.

    "It must be remembered that easier to perceive text with a clear structure and clear design, - Tatyana Mikhailovich, a leading specialist in work with young specialists of OJSC VimpelCom, says. – The CV is written in free form, but should contain the following information: personal data, information about education, additional education, skills, achievements, and preferably about personal qualities».

    There are usually no problems with the item on education - this is the most important indicator for an employee of the personnel department:

    “Everything will matter here: faculty, form of education, specialization, topic thesis and even an average score. Separately, it is worth specifying information about internships and work experience”, - emphasizes the recruitment manager of MegaFon Yulia Yatsishina.

    “Modern students are often active participants in various social projects, business games, youth clubs and volunteer movements . For some companies, this experience will be the best recommendation,” says Yulia Yatsishina.

    “The issue of achievements, especially for young specialists, is complicated by the fact that some candidates consider almost every step they take during the training period to be achievements, while others do not know how to see and emphasize them,” says Tatyana Mikhailovich. - Here it is important to strike a balance between real achievements and listing various types of activities that the applicant was fond of in one way or another. For example, a prize-winning place in a city/regional/federal school olympiad, a gold medal, a red diploma, project, research, volunteer or social work, a sports category can be regarded as achievements. At the same time, classes in various sections, circles, additional classes, which, of course, play a large role in personal development, can be indicated, but very briefly. These are more clues for the recruiter that you are a creative and versatile person.”

    In any case, it is better to write down all your achievements concisely, without spreading along the tree. But it is desirable to indicate knowledge and skills clearly - this is important information for the employer. “For example, an IT specialist should indicate which programming languages ​​he knows, in which projects, even educational ones, he participated, what he mastered in the process of participation,” Tatyana Mikhailovich clarifies.

    Correctly describe personal qualities

    The item about personal qualities is considered the most mysterious and difficult. What exactly to write? What words? Should you use clichés like “stress-resistant”, “easy-to-learn” or be original?

    “It all depends on the requirements of a particular vacancy, as well as understanding who you are and how you want to introduce yourself to a potential employer. I would recommend taking into account the following:

    1) these qualities must correspond to the real qualities of the personality (the person writes that he is sociable, and at the interview it becomes obvious that he, on the contrary, is closed);

    2) these qualities must be applicable to the profile for which the candidate is applying. For example, you are looking for a job as an analyst, but at the same time you do not indicate that you are neat, attentive, scrupulous, namely, these qualities are important for an analyst, and not sociability and optimism in life, which may be absolutely necessary in other positions, ”advises Tatiana Mikhailovich.

    “Even if you cannot yet boast of successfully implemented projects, you can always organize a “PR campaign” of your unique personal qualities, skills and knowledge. The more original you tell about yourself, the more chances that an employer will pay attention to your resume. But do not forget that a resume is an official document and its content should be different from your personal profile in social network”, - says Yulia Yatsishina.

    Standard errors

    “According to the majority of HRs, the standard enumeration of nouns (“the ability to learn quickly”, “sense of humor”, “sociability”, “energy”) hardly indicates that a resume was written by a really active person. It is better to replace them with verbs and adjectives:“I learn quickly”, “I have a great sense of humor”, “energetic”, “easy to communicate with people”.

    Why Write a Cover Letter

    All recruiters unanimously say: "Write." This is a chance to declare yourself, about the most suitable candidate for a certain position. Moreover, the style of writing depends on the specialty for which you apply. If this technical field, then you need to write briefly and clearly, if creative - show your creativity.

    “It must be targeted. Write why you want to start your career in this company. Justify your choice and try to convince the company representative that you will become the most valuable and irreplaceable employee”, – recommends Yulia Yatsishina.

    Resume with errors

    Do not neglect computer programs for checking spelling and grammar. An illiterate resume can immediately cause a negative reaction. Do not be lazy to re-read what happened a couple of times. Sometimes we don't notice small typos.

    “Once I got a pretty good overall resume,” says Chief Editor one of the sites. – But the first thing that caught my eye was a typo in one letter in the name of our site. And that was the deciding factor. If a young man is so frivolous about the name of the company in which he is going to work, then he is unlikely to be an attentive and responsible employee.

    The main thing when writing a resume is to remember that you will not get a second chance to make a first impression. And it is from this story about yourself that your communication with a potential employer begins.

    “In order to be believed, you must first of all be honest not only with yourself, but also with your employer,” says Olga, content director of digital platforms for one of the Russian radio stations. I got a job right away leadership position, having no entries in the work book at all. If there is no experience, then you can paint in detail all the internships. And it is also important to indicate exactly what you are going to do in a particular position, since the same vacancy can be called completely differently in various companies. And in personal qualities, in my opinion, the line works best: “I love and want to work hard, I’m ready and determined to learn, I don’t know how, but I really want to.”

    Adding a link to your personal social media page

    There is no definite answer to this question. Of course, nowadays an account can tell a lot about a person: what he is interested in, what books he reads, what music he listens to. If you have hundreds of photos from not sober parties in your album freely available, then you should at least restrict access to them. In any case, if the personnel officer is used to identifying the applicant with his profile on the social network, then your page will be found without specifying a link to it.

    “At my last place of work, the manager used to look through the VKontakte pages of those who sent resumes,” says Tatyana P., deputy chief editor of one of the information and business portals. - If there was no link in the resume, she simply found the person in the search engine. For her, this was one of the main criteria. For example, I remember that a correspondence boy who had previously worked in a newspaper asked us to come and left. He posted a photo of his resignation letter on his wall and wrote that he had a different opinion about this newspaper. And the manager thought that he was too open and such a person who would throw out all the internal information from the company on the Internet was not suitable for us. But people didn’t bother her with a minimum number of photos - she appointed them an interview.

    “Communicating with colleagues, I conclude that now many HR officers look at the pages in the social networks of applicants,” says Vera A., hr-specialist charitable foundation. - And, as a rule, this applies creative professions. If the employer is looking for a technical specialist, then there is a more pragmatic approach. The more creativity in the profession, the more cockroaches in the head of the employer. For example, I know a HR director who, when choosing employees, pays attention to the sign of the zodiac and basically does not hire Pisces, Lions and Cancers.

    Avoid unnecessary details

    (from HR practice)

    “Once a letter came to the post office from a first-year girl that she would like to train with us. To be honest, we didn't have enough workers. But when I saw that there were 25 scans of different certificates for school Olympiads in the attachment, I refused. When novice specialists come with such diplomas, this is a sign of low self-esteem and immaturity for me.”

    “A resume came from a boy who wanted to get a job as a videographer. It says that now our applicant is studying by correspondence, but he has experience in filming and editing. We really needed an operator, and we were glad that, finally, an intelligent person. I call, I talk - like a normal guy. I ask: “You wrote that you had already filmed and edited. Why and where can these works be viewed? And he: “Well, when I swear with a girl, then I shoot something for her on the phone and edit it on the computer with romantic music in order to make peace.” I didn't invite him for an interview.

    When looking for a job with any candidate for vacant position there is only one chance to produce favorable impression. The extent to which your resume can interest the employer depends on whether you will be invited for an interview.

    The correct drafting of this document causes great amount questions even for people with a long work experience. What can we say about students who have just graduated and cannot boast of work experience.

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    What difficulties await the student in employment?

    Many university graduates believe that work experience is simply necessary to get a good job. Of course, this is an advantage, but it cannot be the only criterion for an employer when hiring employees.

    Former students still have little experience of victories and achievements, they are afraid to be left without financial support Or disappoint your parents. All this naturally exerts pressure. In addition, recent students do not have experience with managers or HR representatives.

    Fear of failing- this is the most important obstacle for newcomers in finding a job.

    Some find it difficult to foresee all the details: create a presentable appearance take care of availability required documents provide answers to possible questions. In addition, the labor market there are many fake companies who exploit people with no work experience.

    There is a chance of being left without income or subscribing to a completely unprofitable contract of employment. However, the biggest challenge for many is writing a resume.

    Features of a resume for a student

    The only and most important difference between a resume of a person after a university and a similar document of people with work experience is seniority. This fact leads to the erroneous misconception that nothing needs to be listed in the previous employment section.

    You can collect evidence that you have all the skills necessary for this job and paint an attractive picture of yourself from them.

    Education and certificates

    First of all, provide as much detail as possible about your training. Here you can write not only what educational institution you have completed as well and all additional courses.

    Do not list those diplomas and certificates that are not directly related to the vacancy you are interested in.

    For example, if you apply for the position of a lawyer, having a higher specialized education, would be superfluous indication of a diploma of completion of culinary courses. But a certificate from the school of rhetoric will come in handy, because. The skill of speaking in public and the competent construction of speech for a lawyer is very important.

    You can ask to write a letter of recommendation from the head of the department, your thesis mentor, the leader of a student or charitable movement. Any person who can praise your professional quality and highlight your potential, suitable for this role.


    By reading the resume of a former or current student, the employer will try to determine your self-esteem and readiness to fulfill duties. This can easily be done by looking more closely at all of the given data.

    You should not send scanned copies of all your letters to the employer, starting from school days.

    This will testify to low self-esteem. The opposite situation, when the applicant indicates the minimum information, will indicate either the absence of any achievements of a person, or the inability to notice his successes.

    What to indicate instead of work experience?

    When hiring a person, the employer is not interested in the very fact of his long work experience, but in the understanding that the applicant cope with official duties . Students and graduates of universities can provide quite impressive evidence of their competence. Instead of work experience, they may indicate the following:

    • Internships in other companies
    • Passing practice,
    • Listing of prize-winning places in olympiads and competitions during study,
    • All kinds of research in the course of study,
    • Enumeration of diploma and term papers,
    • Participation in seminars or conferences.

    The main advantage of young professionals can be a desire to work. And it is your readiness and potential that is important to reflect in your resume. Of course, experienced workers do not need additional training. However, over time, a person's requirements for work increase, motivation decreases, excitement and the desire to prove their superiority to the whole world disappear.

    If you can not boast of any achievements during your studies and understand that you have absolutely nothing to indicate about your experience, there are two ways to go:

    1. IN urgently create in your life, the victories and accomplishments that you need so much.
    2. Take part in some competition that is organized by the administration of your city, a local bank or big company. You can also find out if something similar is planned at your university.

      If you are applying for a vacancy as a lawyer, then winning a prize in a photography competition will not be your competitive advantage.

      Write an article about your specialization for a local portal or print publication. Or start blogging. You will have the opportunity to present original ideas in the area of ​​your future activities, raise pressing issues and options for their solution. This will allow you stand out from the rest.

    3. Arrange personal communication with your future employer.
    4. Many send their resumes to e-mail. You can also bring them in personally. Even if it is not possible to meet with the head and the employee of the personnel department, by delivering a printed resume in person, you will show your interest in work.

    Document structure