Quail farm or quail breeding as a business. Quail breeding as a business: is there any benefit Quail farm maintenance

Quail farm as a business in last years is gaining more and more popularity. In order to start breeding quails, you do not need large areas, capital costs and special knowledge. Consumer demand for eggs in the sales market is several times higher than the supply, so the competition is not very high. To organize business first initial stage a little over $2,000 is required. The entire household is able to serve family members. All this makes quail breeding very attractive for many business executives.

Quail farming as a business has become increasingly popular in recent years.

Quail breeding as a business - profitable or not? Naturally, before organizing a new business, this question will be the most important for any entrepreneur. In order to answer it, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for a quail farm, which will take into account all costs and possible profits.

Assuming that the premises for breeding quails have already been built with their own hands or purchased, the costs of organizing a quail farm consist of the following items:

  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of breeding stock;
  • purchase of incubators and hatchers, feed;
  • payment for heating and electricity.

It should be noted that for the official organization of a large quail breeding business with the possibility of selling products to large retail chains and supermarkets, another package of documents will be required, which will be a rather large percentage of the costs. Also, in the list of expenses in this case, you will need to include payment employees, payment for advertising products, the cost of transporting goods and equipment for storing products (refrigerators). But, according to experts, big business, despite significant capital investments in its organization, and the income will bring much more tangible.

What is the income of a quail farm? The main income of this business comes from the sale of eggs. After scientists uncovered the beneficial qualities of quail eggs and this information became publicly available thanks to television broadcasting and the worldwide network, this product surpassed chicken eggs in popularity at times. Quail eggs contain a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances and have a number of healing properties that were known to the inhabitants of ancient China. Regular consumption of quail eggs stimulates the development of the brain in children and adolescents, reduces cholesterol in the blood. Useful trace elements contained in the eggs of these small birds are able to remove radionuclides from the body, which prevents premature aging and the development of cancer.

Quail meat has a great taste and is also a valuable dietary product. This type of product can be sold both at the bazaar and to establish a permanent sale to restaurants and other enterprises. Catering. It is very likely that various health institutions may be interested in the products of the quail farm: sanatoriums, private clinics with hospitals and private preschool institutions.

Successful family business (video)

Which birds to choose?

Before purchasing quails, you should decide on the direction of the business. There are meat and egg-laying breeds of quails. Under optimal conditions, female egg-laying breeds can lay up to 300 eggs per year. The weight of one such bird is 130-150 g. Females of meat breeds can reach a weight of 280-300 g, but they carry up to 200 eggs per year. Quail reaches productive age at the age of 30-40 days. Males reach slaughter weight at the age of 2 months. Laying hens are usually kept for up to one year, then their productivity decreases, so they are also sent for slaughter. In terms of its qualities, the meat of a one-year-old bird is no different from the meat of a 2-3-month-old individual, therefore, unlike chickens, whose meat becomes tough at the end of egg production, quails remain the same valuable commodity. It is more profitable to keep egg-laying quails.

Another 1 component of the profit that a quail farm has is the sale of young animals. Chickens can be sold from the age of three days.

Very soft pillows with hypoallergenic properties are obtained from quail feathers, suitable for people who are allergic to down and feathers, and from quail droppings you can make an excellent fertilizer, rich in useful trace elements and with a high concentration of nitrogen, which can be used both on your site and sold neighbors.

The entire household is able to serve family members

Sales market

Is it profitable to breed quails? The organization of the sales market is the most important component of the business, so this issue needs to be worked out thoroughly. If you decide to breed quails, the business plan should take into account the costs of various production costs, therefore, having calculated all the costs and possible income, you need to subtract another 10% of the profit.

According to poultry farmers, quail breeding as a business, subject to the conditions of detention, is very profitable investment capital, which pays off in a maximum of six months. A mini quail farm pays off even faster - ideally in 2-3 months. The main thing is to draw up a full-fledged business plan for a quail farm.

Quail farm (video)

How to breed quail

Quail breeding is the prerogative of small businesses. There are no large quail farms comparable in scale to chicken farms. Sometimes quails are bred on chicken farms and poultry farms to expand the assortment of the enterprise. A quail mini-farm can be located both in a country house or in a country house, and in a city apartment. Unlike chickens, quails are relatively silent, compact and do not take up much space. Their meat is a complete dietary product, even for allergy sufferers, and many people know about the amazing beneficial properties of eggs, so neighbors will be happy to purchase farm products.

Quails are quite unpretentious, but their maintenance and breeding has its own nuances that you need to know for organization. profitable business. It is necessary to decide on a room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will directly depend on the number of livestock. Quail business is recommended to start with a small number of birds. To begin with, it is enough to purchase 500-700 heads. For such a number of manufacturers, a room of about 20 m² will be required.

Quail breeding is the prerogative of small businesses

The room for keeping quails should be heated and well ventilated, with electric lighting. The microclimate in the room is of great importance for the successful breeding of these birds. Quails do not tolerate cold and drafts, but at the same time they need fresh air. The temperature should be within + 18 ... + 27 ° С, humidity - 70%. The light should not be bright, otherwise the birds will be nervous. However, daylight hours should be at least 18 hours a day. Only this mode will ensure maximum productivity of laying hens. In addition, areas will be required for food storage, for incubators and hatchers, for young animals - a total of about 20 more m².

Next, you need to purchase equipment for a quail farm. You can keep quails in cages made of wood and rigid wire mesh with a cell of 2x2 cm. The height of the cage should not exceed 25-30 cm, length - 1 m, width - 40 cm. Up to 30 birds can be kept in such a cage. The compactness of the cells allows them to be multi-storey batteries, which significantly saves space. If you make the cells with your own hands, then this will also save financial resources. Cages should be equipped with feeders and drinkers, as well as small gutters where eggs will roll. Thus, up to 150 birds can be placed on an area of ​​1 m².

In the process of domestication, thoroughbred quails have completely lost their incubation instinct, so an incubator will be needed to get young animals. The most convenient incubators in which the eggs are turned over automatically.

Hatched chicks and young are kept in cardboard boxes, so you need to prepare several of these boxes.

A very important point in breeding quails is their proper feeding. In order for this business to show itself as profitable, it is necessary to provide such a diet to laying hens, in which the maximum egg productivity will be obtained. Feed should be high-calorie, nutritious and contain mineral supplements and vitamins. The composition of feed for quails includes corn, wheat, fodder yeast, cake, fishmeal, crushed shells and chalk. You can also use ready-made high-quality feed. The diet must contain juicy food in the form of chopped grass and root crops.

After the quail breeding farm is equipped with everything necessary, it is possible to purchase breeding stock. It is better to purchase week-old chickens. At this age, they are already quite strong and will reach productive age in about a month. For quail farming as a business to be successful, the bird needs to be updated regularly. This applies to both egg breeds, which lose productivity by the year, and meat breeds. Therefore, producers periodically replace them with offspring. Quails can be carried without males, but they are necessary to get young ones. For one quail, 3-4 females can be distinguished. Eggs are incubated from young laying hens 3-4 months of age. With proper housekeeping, the number of quails per year can be increased by 8-10 times.

Before starting a discussion about the commercial component of quail breeding and building a farming business on it, let's first discuss what a "quail farm" is? In fact, the term "quail farm" means raising quails on a commercial basis (as well as other birds) in order to profit from the sale of eggs and meat products. A business built on breeding quails is quite interesting and profitable, and most importantly, a profitable business. A quail farm is as easy to build as it is to organize an entire manufacturing process breeding this bird, because quails are one of the smallest bird species and large spacious areas, and they do not require special care. Japanese scientists first tamed wild quail and began to breed them as poultry.

Quail farming in Japan has spread extremely rapidly, acquiring commercial value. Now, people all over the world breed quails and build entire quail farms in order to obtain and market the meat and eggs of these birds. Quail farming is very profitable, and is no different from other agricultural enterprises such as chicken, turkey or duck farms. Quails quickly acclimatize in new territories and are unpretentious in care. Quail meat and eggs are very tasty and nutritious. As already mentioned, quail eggs in their properties are in many ways superior to the eggs of other birds. Since quail eggs contain relatively more protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, B1 and B2, they are not equal in nutritional value and usefulness. Quail farming can play a vital role in meeting the dietary demand of the population, and the breeding of these birds does not require huge investments. Money and costs physical labor. Quails can be kept along with other birds on the farm and get along well with chickens.

Quail characteristics

Advantages of quail farms

Quails are smaller in size, compared to poultry, they are not whimsical in care, rarely bring difficulties or inconvenience in the formation of a production herd. The main advantages of breeding quails on a production scale are listed below:

The life expectancy of quails varies from 3 to 4 years. adults individuals most often weigh from 150 to 200 grams. Egg production in quails develops by the age of seven weeks and continues throughout the life cycle. One quail egg weighs about 10-12 grams. In a year, a quail laying hen will lay about 300 eggs. Eggs are distinguished by an interesting color, unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs are pockmarked.

To establish effective quail egg production, it is necessary to provide the bird with light and increase the daylight hours to 14 hours a day. As a rule, quails actively rush at noon. The incubation period for quail eggs is about 17 days. Newborn quail chicks weigh about 6 to 7 grams. Quails in captivity refer to incubation of eggs without "enthusiasm" more often, on a farm to get a quick brood, quail eggs are laid in an incubator. For successful breeding of quails, it is necessary to take into account the number of males per female, ideally there should be one male for every five females. Quail chicks hatch quite small and weak, they are sensitive to temperature changes, therefore, after hatching, they are kept under a lamp or on a heating pad for a day, it will take about a month for the quails to get stronger and begin to develop no worse than their adult counterparts. Eggs weighing between 9 and 11 grams with a smooth and hard egg shell are ideal for incubation and producing healthy and strong chicks.

How to start a quail breeding business?

A quail farm is easy to build and does not differ much from a standard poultry house. To get started, draw up a business plan that includes all the intricacies of quail breeding and building a business, namely: breed, housing, maintenance and food costs, care and other marketing strategies. Soon we will describe each step in more detail, but for now we will deal with quail breeds.

Quail breeds

There are currently 18 types of quail available to build a quail breeding business. Some of these breeds are known for their high egg production, others are popular for their high meat yield. In accordance with their consumer characteristics, quail breeds are of two types, meat, such as broilers and egg, in the common people - laying hens. Consider one of the most popular quail breeds suitable for breeding in a rural compound.

Quail house

Proper maintenance of quail is a guarantee of good egg production and development of this bird. Therefore, let's start with one of the most important and key points, these are the conditions of keeping and installation on the site of the poultry house, which meets all the requirements for keeping quails.

Quail diet

To keep your quails healthy and to develop properly and grow quickly, they need to be fed the right balanced diet. Adult quails consume approximately 20 to 25 grams of food per day. Corn is an important component of the quail diet. It is also necessary to include meat and bone meal and fish, in equal proportions.

Ingredients Age
0-3 weeks 4-5 weeks for adults
crushed wheat 48 50 50
linseed 23 22 22
Fish flour 20 16 14
rice bran 6 8 9
crushed corn 2,25 3,25 4,25
Salt 0,50 0,50 0,50
Mineral Supplements 0,25 0,25 0,25
Total (Percentage) 100 100 100

egg production

Having enough light is highly recommended to increase your quail's egg production. You must provide the birds with artificial light and warmth, if it is not enough, using an electric light bulb and a heater. You can use from 40 to 100 watts of lamp power for lighting. The demand for light and heat changes naturally, depending on the season. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the lighting temperature and if something is missing, take corrective action. For successful reproduction of quails, there must be one male for every 5 females. For optimum egg production, breed high-yielding, healthy large quails and keep them in dry, clean houses. Egg production is also dependent on temperature, bird nutrition, water availability, care and maintenance. An increase in daylight hours has a positive effect on egg production, not only for quails, but also for any other poultry. Keep this in mind. The table shows an approximate daylight schedule and the optimal temperature for keeping quails and increasing their egg production.

Quails never incubate their eggs. Therefore, chickens are obtained by
incubation of quail eggs, or by tricking a mother hen, and replacing chicken eggs under a quail hen. The incubation period for a quail egg is approximately 16-18 days. Quail chicks need sensitive care, they are taken from the incubator and transplanted into boxes with a warm heating pad or placed under a special lamp. It is necessary to follow simple rules so that the survival of quails is maximum. Namely:

  1. Set the house to an adequate temperature.
  2. Provide enough light.
  3. Arrange for proper ventilation, without drafts.
  4. Adjust chick stocking density.
  5. Organize a clear supply of water and food for the chicks.
  6. Strictly observe the hygiene of keeping birds.

The main indicators of the provision of heat and light are shown in the table:


Quails are less susceptible to disease than other poultry. But this does not mean that you can neglect the rules for keeping and caring for a bird, you must take care and provide decent maintenance for quails so that diseases do not affect your flock of birds. Good care and proper maintenance of the bird is a prerequisite for a profitable quail business. There are no preventive vaccines against avian diseases, so the owner must ensure that sanitary standards are fully observed in the poultry house. Quail chickens react negatively to any changes, worsening weather conditions and sudden temperature changes are detrimental to them. If young animals are exposed to these negative factors, then illness and death cannot be avoided. Here are some of the most common and dangerous:

The quail business is just gaining momentum in our country, so if you are seriously considering starting your own business, go ahead. Visit quail farms, observe the coherence of the work of employees and the birds themselves. Decide on the breed. Choose young animals with high productive qualities, and most importantly, healthy ones. Do not be afraid of difficulties, be result-oriented, follow the rules described in the article, and your work will be rewarded. Good luck.

The production of quail products is gradually gaining popularity in Russia. Trying to grow individuals at home, people often begin to engage in quail farming. Their high performance, unpretentiousness, rapid development will help to expand the business. Having carefully studied the advantages and disadvantages of quails, we can say that a quail farm is a profitable project.


To start growing quails, you need to study the question of the profitability of this line of business. Nowadays, it is underdeveloped, so there is no need to wait for special competition. When planning, the primary costs for the purchase of premises for breeding livestock incubators and hatchers are calculated. In the event of the death of a pet, young individuals are bought in addition. If you plan to grow in the winter, then you need to take care of the insulation of the room, lighting. This applies to start-up costs.

Monthly payments are made for utilities, the purchase of food and vitamins, medicines in case of an illness. It also needs to be well advertised. quail business, it can be printing in the media, business cards. These items are included in the monthly cost estimate.

In addition to expenses, calculate the approximate profit. At the initial stage, they acquire a small livestock and try it in action. If, as a result of cultivation, the profit will cover the costs and grow, then you can buy the required number of pets and continue the business in full. In a month, 2,500 eggs worth 4 rubles are received from hundreds of hens, it turns out 10,000 rubles. A quail carcass costs 80 rubles. You can also sell live quail and droppings. So you can calculate the approximate income from the sale of your products. Subtract the monthly expenses from the amount received. The business is very profitable, and the larger the livestock, the higher the profitability (up to 400%).

The points of sale are restaurants, farms, shops. Here you need to understand that business will meet expectations only in large cities, since quails are considered a delicacy. In small towns, large demand should not be expected.

Choice of direction - eggs or meat

You need to decide what direction the mini quail farm will have. It is planned to breed quail laying hens for eggs, or broilers for meat. eggs have great amount vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it is possible to use it raw, since the high body temperature of the laying hens does not allow bacteria to multiply. They are useful for children, affect memory and attention. Egg production is high, egg laying starts from 1-1.5 months, so their implementation is the main direction.

Dietary, very tasty and healthy, contains a lot of protein, it has almost no cholesterol. Individuals grow quickly (average age for slaughter is 5 months).

It is difficult to choose one direction, so they often implement everything together. Even if you deal only with eggs, after some time you will still need to get rid of age-related, defective individuals. Rapid reproduction cannot be ignored, so the livestock will need to be reduced. The production of egg and meat products is the best option for business.

Bird selection

The choice of breed for purchase depends on the purpose of production development. There are 40 varieties of quail, which are divided into: egg, meat-egg and meat breeds. Egg-laying chickens have a low weight (150 g), while meat chickens, on the contrary, have low egg production and weight up to 500 g. Japanese breed has the highest egg toe (up to 300 eggs per year from one individual), and the Pharaohs are the largest of the quails (300-500 g), it is best to breed them for meat. The best option for meat and egg breed is, it has average weight and egg production.

When purchasing young quails, it is important to consider their age. Best of all, addiction is tolerated by 1-1.5 monthly individuals.

Comparative characteristics of rocks

Characteristics of the most common breeds in egg, meat-egg and meat areas:

  • Egg: Japanese (average weight - 130 g, annual egg production - 310 pieces).
  • White English (average weight - 160 g, annual egg production - 280 pieces).
  • Meat and egg: Manchurian (180 g, 270 pieces).
  • Estonian (200 g).
  • Meat: Pharaoh (290 g, 220 pieces).
  • Texas white (400 g).


In order to successfully start a business, they calculate in advance how much product per day the quail will give. If this is meat, then periodically you need to remove the quail by incubation. Over time, you can expand the livestock, thereby increasing the amount of meat and eggs produced. To speed up the processing of carcasses and preserve the meat, you need to purchase refrigerators and picking machines.

Room requirement

The room for quails does not have to be large, as the cages are placed one above the other. The main condition is a good ventilation system, but there should be no drafts, chickens do not tolerate them well. In summer, regular ventilation is needed.

Permissible temperature + 18- + 27 C, humidity - 70%. The lighting should be dim, 40 W light bulbs are enough, otherwise the quail will get scared, start rushing around the cages and pecking eggs.

Farm equipment

For a quail farm, they purchase the necessary equipment, which includes incubators, brooders, cages. The number is calculated from the volume of livestock. If funds allow, you can buy a ready-made premises on a turnkey basis. To store the product you need a refrigerator and a freezer. Also, to care for the premises, you will need household equipment: brooms, shovels, rags, buckets. The cages are equipped with containers for feeding and drinking, which are freely available.

Purchase of feed and livestock

There are several ways to acquire a livestock:

  • Purchase of hatching eggs (price of egg breed - 15 rubles, meat - 20 rubles). Estimated costs: 1000 eggs for 20 rubles. (total 20,000 rubles) + incubator + brooder for young animals + payment for electricity + purchase of feed.
  • Quail at the age of 1 day (cost - 40 rubles). 1000 Goals will cost 40,000 rubles. + electricity + brooder + purchase of feed.
  • Quail at the age of 50 days (150 rubles). It turns out the cost of 150,000 rubles.

Looking at all the options, it can be seen that in the first two cases, in order to grow 2 monthly individuals, a lot of time, money and effort are spent. Option 3 is optimal, since the poultry farmer immediately receives sexually mature individuals.

Nutrition for quails must be of high quality, the growth of the pet depends on it. But compound feeds made especially for them are expensive, so chicken is often used, it is not inferior in quality to quail. The diet includes vitamin supplements, finely chopped vegetables and herbs, eggshells and shells to replenish calcium. Drinking water must be fresh and in sufficient quantity. You need to feed quails in accordance with the norms, you should not overfeed, as this will lead to obesity.

Feeding Basics

The diet for quails should be complete and aimed at the purpose of breeding livestock. It differs and is compiled depending on the direction of quail cultivation. In addition to special feed, you need to give crushed corn and wheat. In the summer they give finely chopped grass, vegetables, fruits. Each cage should have a drinking bowl and a feeder. An obligatory component of the diet is crushed shells or shells.

In summer, especially in the heat, it is important to monitor the freshness of food and the presence of a large amount of fresh water. Leftover food is removed to prevent rotting and poisoning of quails.

If it is planned to purchase a livestock of 500 pieces or more, then additional employees are needed, one cannot cope with such a volume of work. Their responsibilities will include:

  • maintaining cleanliness in the cells;
  • regular feeding;
  • control over the presence of water in drinking bowls;
  • collection of eggs.

We also need a person who will select quails for slaughter and carry out the slaughter procedure, as well as process carcasses. For control purposes, a special journal should be kept, where the amount is recorded daily:

  • manufactured products;
  • acquired individuals;
  • sold products.

Organizational work is also carried out, this includes:

  • purchase of compound feed;
  • records management;
  • cooperation with points of sale.

You will need at least 2 people to operate. The higher the population, the more workers are needed.

Sales of products

In order to sell the products that the quail business gives, you need to bypass all potential buyers and tell about the product. At first, it can be relatives and friends who will help you find clients. Further - trading houses, shops, restaurants, farms. It is necessary to distribute pre-prepared business cards with the name of the company and contacts. The goods can be supplied to one buyer, or you can become a mass supplier and provide various institutions. It all depends on the volume of production.

You can create a website on the Internet with the necessary information about the product being released, or print ads on sales sites. Another option for disseminating information is to turn to the services of radio or television.

You can sell quail eggs, carcasses, live chickens, droppings. The sale of live individuals is more profitable, the cost is the same as that of processed carcasses, and energy costs are less. They are bought at any age.

Breeding livestock must comply with technical, sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations. It is obligatory to have an IP certificate and obtain a quality certificate for products, certificates from a veterinarian.

Advantages and disadvantages

Business has advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include:

  • small amounts of food consumption (1 kg per month per 1 individual);
  • rapid weight gain and maturation (selected for slaughter from 2 months);
  • laying eggs from 1-1.5 months;
  • small area of ​​​​the room for growing;
  • high profitability.

The disadvantages include:

  • difficulties in implementation (the product is not very popular);
  • influence of air temperature on well-being and productivity of quail.

They are unpretentious, it is important to maintain 2 main growing conditions: this is the observance of feeding regimes (three meals a day) and temperature.

Expenses and income

It is necessary to draw up a detailed business plan for quail breeding, where costs and expected income, business development forecast, profitability will be calculated. First of all, equipment for a quail farm is purchased. You can save money on cages with feeders and drinkers by making your own feeding containers. Then you need an incubator (capacity - 250 eggs). If the production volumes are planned to be large, then several incubators will be needed.

Then they are engaged in the purchase of livestock and feed, so that it is enough for a couple of months. The costs will include: payment for paperwork (permits, certificates), advertising, printing of business cards, development of packaging design, packaging itself. Monthly funds are allocated to pay for utilities, purchase of vitamin and mineral supplements, and transportation costs. In case of illness - for treatment. If you carefully study the intricacies of quail breeding, then within a few months you can successfully recoup the costs and get a plus.

You also need to take into account the income from the sale of products. One individual per month gives about 25 eggs worth 4 rubles. Depending on the number of goals, you can calculate the approximate monthly profit in the egg direction.

If you sell meat products, then you can sell the processed carcass from the age of 2 months, and live individuals - in general at any time, you just need to find a buyer (the cost of 1 kg of meat is 350 rubles). At the same time, quails multiply rapidly and grow actively, thereby increasing the livestock.

How to cheapen

The cost of purchasing equipment can be slightly reduced. Brooder, cages for quails, containers for feeding, many make themselves. But you can’t do without infrared lamps to comply with the regime in brooders, they are bought (the cost of 1 lamp is 300 rubles). The amount will depend on the room temperature and the size of the brooder.

The incubator is also made independently, but there are some nuances. If humidity and temperature can be set, then 6-fold rotation is problematic. Without this condition, chicks may not appear. Therefore, you need to buy an incubator, the increase in livestock depends on it.

Documents for opening a farm

To open a case, you need to prepare documents:

  • it is required to register an individual entrepreneur (individual) or LLC (legal entity);
  • you need to obtain permission to open a business;
  • obtain a certificate of conformity for products (after laboratory research product) - issued by Rostest;
  • special barcode (issued by Rostest);
  • obtaining technical specifications for products (issued by research institutes) - needed for each type of product (for meat, eggs);
  • in transactions with buyers, contracts for the supply of the product should be concluded.

These papers are required for large-scale sales to retail chains, to the regional market. Fewer documents will be needed if private household plots (personal subsidiary plots) are planned. There is enough veterinary certificate for the sale of products. It can be sold to resellers, in small wounds, with the help of car shops.

Today we will look at a very interesting quail farm business plan and find out its real profitability. I would like to immediately dispel all myths and, perhaps, disappoint readers - it is difficult to earn a huge amount of millions in this niche. Theoretically, this is real, the saying goes that you need to figure out how to earn one dollar and multiply this action by a million times. In reality, the main difficulty in this niche that you will encounter is the sale of products. More about everything later in the article.

Business pros and cons

Many entrepreneurs choose quail breeding as a business. This case has a number of features, positive and negative sides.

Quail breeding advantages:

  • Small investment. You can avoid renting premises, land. It is quite possible to breed quails at home.
  • Quick profit. These are popular birds whose eggs and meat are highly valued. Rates vary by region.
  • Growing up takes only a month. The growth rate is quite high. It takes a maximum of 40 days for an adult to grow from an egg. She will be ready to produce new offspring. Rapid growth is one of the advantages of breeding such hens.
  • Minimum space required. On 6 acres, 400 quails can be bred. Experts in this field advise to gradually increase the amount. First you need to learn how to grow birds.
  • No space requirement. Birds normally tolerate crowding.
  • Meat and eggs are high useful properties which is why they are in such high demand.

Negative sides:

  • temperature difference. Quail normally tolerate crowding, only for them it is important to create a suitable climate control. If this is not the case, the chickens will be seriously stressed. As a result, you can lose offspring. Quails do not tolerate various shocks, for example, temperature changes, moving.
  • Sales market. There is a demand for eggs and meat, but in small towns chicken is still preferred, which makes sales difficult.

Quail species

Experts advise buying several types of birds at once:

  • oviparous;
  • broiler.

It should be borne in mind that quails have practically no instinct to raise chickens. The entrepreneur will have to take care of an artificial incubator. This will allow you to grow new offspring. Those devices that are commercially available are suitable for three hundred eggs. Only this is not always enough to provide the desired amount of growth. That is why many entrepreneurs try to equip the incubator on their own.

Breeding for meat or eggs?

There are breeds of birds that are suitable for obtaining meat and eggs. It is necessary to carefully select quails. Breeding them only for meat is not entirely advisable. A standard portion from one ordinary bird is no more than 200 g. Weight from a meat breed is 300 g. It is more profitable for restaurants and cafes to buy meat of small breeds.

It will be profitable to breed meat breeds only in cases where sales are established. Birds can be delivered to poultry farms, retail chains.

In practice, it becomes clear that it will be more profitable to breed egg-bearing breeds that are not too small. In this case, they receive income from the sale of eggs, meat.

Business income and expenses

The question may arise of raising quails as a business is profitable or not, is it worth starting such a business. It is necessary to make simple calculations to lead to certain conclusions. One bird from two months old begins to lay eggs. She produces up to 300 eggs per year. Productivity begins to decline from the age of 8 months. After a year of life, the birds need to be allowed for meat. From one bird it is possible to get up to 350 g of meat. This figure depends on the breed. The cost of one quail egg is 2 rubles, one carcass - 60-90 rubles. Slaughter begins at eight weeks, when growth is already over.

Income assessment is best done from the fifth month after the purchase of the first livestock. This is the time when laying hens are able to achieve stable production. Males that are considered superfluous should be sold for meat. With the help of the incubator, it is possible to increase the number of birds.

You can see a business plan for 1000 layers. They will produce 300,000 eggs per year, plus a minimum of 4,000 carcasses. From these indicators, you can calculate revenue:

  • eggs - up to 600,000 rubles;
  • meat products - up to 360,000 rubles.

In a year, it is possible to earn up to 960,000 rubles. Additional source income can be:

  • sale of breeding birds that are more than a month old;
  • production of cages, feeders, drinkers;
  • sale of bird droppings.

Taxes, fees, registration costs are deducted from the proceeds received.

The expense item includes:

  • bird feed - 144,000;
  • electricity, heating - 25,000.

Caring for 1,000 birds will require only two part-time workers. You can use the family business model. Involvement of unauthorized persons should be carried out with a significant increase in livestock.

Initial Costs— 1.500.000 rub.
Monthly profit— 84.000 rub.
Payback- 18 months

Business registration

Having thought about the quail business, where to start should be decided. It is necessary to register the case, having collected the entire package of documents for this. For this type of business, an individual entrepreneur or LLC would be an ideal option. In each case, certain documents are required.

For IP:

  • Passport;
  • Statement;
  • Tax notice;
  • Payment of state duty.

For LLC:

  • Statement;
  • Charter;
  • Decision or protocol from the constituent assembly;
  • Documents from the tax;
  • Payment of state duty.

To sell eggs on the market, you need to get a certificate from the veterinary service. Be sure to take care of obtaining all the documents that will confirm the quality of the products. Wholesale buyers may require:

  • Certificate of conformity;
  • Obtaining a barcode for products;
  • Write specifications.

You need to think about the original packaging and its compliance with quality. Eggs must undergo microbiological testing.


An accurate business plan for a quail farm will help you sort out complex issues. You need to take a responsible approach to the selection of premises. It can be owned or rented. Created indoors the necessary conditions for keeping birds:

  • The temperature is +20 degrees, but slight deviations may be noted.
  • Humidity - 50-60%. If the air is dry, the quails will eat poorly and begin to drink more fluids. As a result, egg production is reduced.
  • Fresh air supply. Avoid drafts that adversely affect the condition of the birds.
  • Lighting. There are no strict criteria for the number of installed windows. Light day should be approximately 18 hours. It can be organized by electricity. The longer the daylight hours, the higher the egg production. Only this will lead to rapid wear of the females.
  • Area. At 3.6 sq. m can be up to 40 goals.


For breeding quails, it is better to use incubators. It is selected depending on the desired capacity. On sale you can find a variety of models of such devices. Industrial models are designed for 50,000 eggs. Everything that is placed in the incubator must be carefully checked. Eggs are used without cracks, moderate shade, regular shape.

You can buy a pen removal machine that will simplify human labor.

Nipple drinkers are suitable for hatched chicks. With their help, a fast supply of clean water is organized. Older quails are offered nipple drinkers with a rotation angle of up to 360 degrees. You can buy vacuum drinkers, which are used in the case of floor keeping of birds. Microcup drinkers are suitable for automated lines.


In the business plan for quail breeding, employees are indicated as a separate item. Only family members can be involved in the farm, which will allow you to get more profit.

You can hire workers who will take care of the birds. One person can serve up to a thousand heads. He must monitor all changes, respond to them.

The product manager can be engaged in the sale of products.

To work with financial resources, taxes, an accountant is required.

Buying birds

You can contact the quail farm, just check their reputation first. You need to buy a female¸ that has laid at least one egg, that is, 50 days from birth. During the selection, check the legs. They should shine, not have growths, corns. The feathers of a young bird are shiny and smooth.

bird care

An organized quail farm as a business is considered by many entrepreneurs. When buying birds, you need to find out more information about care. The following work needs to be done:

  • Periodic - clean the cells from dirt;
  • Disinfect drinking bowls, feeders, water supply systems;
  • Sanitary treatment of the premises - once a month;
  • General cleaning once a week;
  • Daily cleaning of the pallet from litter;


You can consider a business plan for a quail farm for 1000 heads in order to draw specific conclusions. The growth rate of birds depends on the complete feed. Don't skimp on buying it. Ready-made feeds, which consist of grains and additives, are considered balanced. It is necessary to follow the instructions for feeding quails.

You can choose your own menu, which will include wheat, corn, barley. All this must be crushed and mixed, and then offered to the young. Must be added vegetable oil, bone meal, salt.

For adults, it is mono to include peas, chalk, crushed shell rock in the diet.

Young animals are offered to eat up to 6 times a day, adults up to three times.

Sales of products

To open a quail farm, you need to decide who will potential buyer. Finding a market for a product is not easy. You need to start advertising with word of mouth.

You can sell products to relatives, acquaintances, gradually expanding this list.

You do not have to rely on long-term cooperation with stores.

Working with poultry farms

It is important to communicate with major suppliers farm products. At the initial stage, you will have to make a little profit, but it will pay off later. Wholesale buyers are interested in getting a large number of eggs or meat. The farmer does not have to worry about the distribution channel. Major manufacturers interested in such cooperation.

Breeding at home

You can watch quail breeding at home from scratch and proceed to organizational issues. These birds are easy to keep in the garden. You just need to change the litter in a timely manner, as the smell from quails is sharp.

Cells can be placed in outbuildings. All surfaces should be whitewashed with slaked lime to remove germs.

There are cases when birds were bred right on the balcony, only you need to protect them from harsh noise. It is quite possible to build cells on your own. For 100 quails, you need to allocate 0.5 square meters. m. Net profit from the sale of products -1790 rubles. Up to 2,500 birds can be kept in a private backyard.

home incubator

Considering quail breeding at home as a business is quite realistic. You can make your own egg incubator. To do this, you need a box with rolled thermal insulation laid out inside. Drill a few holes in the bottom. Make a window in the lid, which is closed with glass. An electrical wire, a bulb socket, is attached to each corner. A tray with water is placed at the bottom, covered with a net and eggs are laid on top. Such a device will help to get new offspring.

Perhaps everyone has heard about the benefits of quail eggs and meat. The demand for these products and low competition make many start-up entrepreneurs think about this type of activity as a business. Once having tried keeping birds for their own needs, people begin to consider quail breeding as their main business. Of course, in an unstable economic situation, it is not easy to start any business activity. But, if we consider all the disadvantages and advantages of this idea, then a quail farm can be the best investment.

Considering any business project, you should immediately pay attention to its relevance and prospects. After all, it is on these indicators that further success depends.

This type entrepreneurial activity characterized by fast payback and high profitability. In addition, small initial investments allow novice businessmen to pay attention to this project.

The business idea for breeding quails can be implemented in two ways:

  • egg production and laying hen breeding;
  • breeding birds as a meat supply.

The choice of direction is largely determined by the competitive environment and the scale of the business. Therefore, the most important point in the implementation of this project will be the analysis of the competitive environment and the market.

The best option is to combine these two areas within one farm.

Quail meat has a special delicate taste and is valued all over the world, thanks to a rich set of trace elements. The meat of this bird has long been valued in Russia, but earlier it was preferred to get it on the hunt. Later, quail breeding became one of the areas of the agricultural industry.

Dietary poultry meat is considered one of the most easily digestible and contains up to 22% proteins in a purified form. The high content of useful vitamins (A, H, K) and low calorie content make this product a frequent menu in the diet of children, athletes and those who follow their figure.

But, despite the apparent advantages of the product, the competition in the market is not high enough, which opens up great opportunities for novice entrepreneurs.

Cons and pros of the project

Breeding birds has many advantages and disadvantages, but each of them can have its own regional differences. We tried to average the indicators of the bird breeding process and demonstrate the standard pros and cons.

  • good payback;
  • low costs;
  • fast development;
  • low concentration of competitors;
  • high demand for products.

Low competition, perhaps, is one of the key points indicating great prospects. Given the increased popularity of natural products and the general orientation of the whole world towards proper dietary nutrition, the demand for quail eggs and meat has increased significantly. At the same time, it is not able to fully satisfy the market potential that is present on the market today.

Quail business

In this regard, the idea of ​​breeding quails is very promising. In some regions of our country, it is completely difficult to find farms that breed birds on a professional basis.

  • short life expectancy;
  • bird disease (influenza, salmonellosis, pullorosis, etc.).

In large-scale production, as a rule, laying hens are kept up to 11-12 months only as a production of eggs for sale. Their eggs are no longer suitable for incubation. In the conditions of a small farm, for 250-300 heads, it is very unprofitable to keep the parental flock separately only for the production of eggs. Therefore, experts recommend replacing birds every 8-9 months. By this time, the next generation should have grown up, ready to produce eggs for sale and incubation.

As for poultry diseases, at the slightest ailment, farmers get rid of a weak individual so that it does not infect the rest of the herd.

Breeding technology

Breeding quails for the sale of meat and eggs is a great alternative to traditional chicken products. Unlike chickens, quails do not need to build a large chicken coop. For them it is necessary to equip cages.

Based on the calculation of 1 square meter for 50 quails.

One of the key requirements for keeping birds is to ensure the optimal temperature regime and sanitary standards of the premises (cages). For high fertility, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature in the range of 18-20°C.

With a strong drop in temperature (up to 15 ° C), the bird can significantly reduce productivity and stop laying eggs altogether. If you allow a critical drop in temperature to 7-8 ° C, then it may die altogether.

In hot conditions, she begins to lose plumage and also reduces productivity. Therefore, maintaining a constant temperature in the cells is one of the primary tasks. To ensure normal conditions of detention, it is also necessary to provide a ventilation and cooling system. In winter - heating racks-cages.

Cell selection

The next step is to select the right cell. Ideally, of course, purchase specialized equipment for the farm, but with minimal investment, you can make a cage yourself.

How to choose the right cell? First of all, it must be made of galvanized mesh or metal. Universal fixtures will not work here, since the distance between the rods must be clearly calculated for the size of the quail's head. Birds should freely stick their heads between the bars in order to take food or reach for water, but at the same time not leave the cage, not get stuck.

The height of their "house" should not exceed 20 cm, behavioral factors should be taken into account here. Quails are prone to jumps and a high ceiling can cause head injury.

You should also provide for the presence of a tray for rolling eggs. Unlike chickens, these birds rush straight to the floor.

To maintain sanitary cleanliness, you need to put a container for litter in the cage.

As for the volume of the quail habitat area, there are clear numbers here that should not be violated. For every 10 heads, 20 square centimeters of space must be provided. Interestingly, for chickens, a decrease in free space not only does not affect egg production, but, on the contrary, leads to an increase. And in the case of quails, you can get the opposite effect.

Prices for cages for quails

Quail cage

Feed requirements

For the normal development and effective productivity of females, it is necessary to purchase high-quality feed from trusted suppliers.

The easiest step is to buy ready-made feed. For broiler chicks, compound feed labeled PK-5-2, PK-1, PK-6 is suitable. It contains the necessary amount of protein, which affects the egg production of the female.

Feeding should be strictly on the clock - three times a day. Depending on the breed, the daily feed intake is 22-30 grams.

To increase productivity and weight gain, it is recommended to add nutritional supplements to the main feed. It can be vegetables, fresh herbs, vitamins.

If you thoroughly understand agriculture, then it can be analyzed that almost all compound feeds for birds have a similar composition. The difference is the grinding of grain and food additives. The difference also lies in the periods of introduction of a particular feed.

Given the precocity of quails, the purchase of starter feed rich in nutrients is of great importance. This allows a small chick to increase in size by almost 15 times in 30 days.

Novice poultry farmers need to figure out how to organize the feeding of chicks. You can get a healthy brood if you make a balanced diet. Attention is also paid to the conditions of detention. What to feed quail in the first days of life, you will learn by reading this article.

When little chicks appear, the farmer has a new concern - special nutrition for babies. Feeding is very similar to feeding chickens. In the early days, you can give a hard-boiled egg, which must be carefully chopped so that the chick does not choke. After 12-14 days, they can be transferred to a full-fledged adult diet, taking into account the characteristics of the breed.

The starter kit includes:

  • grain (wheat, corn, barley);
  • cake;
  • yeast;
  • broken shell, salt;
  • meat and bone meal or fish.

Mandatory requirements for feed are nutritional value, balance, fine grinding.

Grain grinder prices

Grinder for crushing all types of feed grains and seeds

Newly hatched chicks need to be provided with up to 25% protein in the feed for 30 days. Starting from the second month, this figure drops to 16%. For laying hens, it is about 20%.

As for the feeding process, it is important to choose the right drinkers and feeders for small birds. Given their low weight, the edges should be low.

To minimize costs, you can save on the preparation of compound feed with your own hands. This can almost triple the cost of the diet. An additional advantage will be that you will independently add the necessary trace elements and additives, depending on the state of health of the birds and the conditions in which they are kept.

Quail food can be factory-made and cooked on your own, but one thing is important - the correct composition. In our article you will find recipes for compound feed, varieties of ready-made compound feed. And also find out which compound feed is better: store-bought or prepared on your own?

Choosing a breed

Initially, this bird was wild, but as a result of long-term selection, it gradually acquired the status of a domestic bird. Today, experts have about 40 different types, each of which has its own characteristics in terms of content and productivity.

Experts classify quails for breeding according to the following criteria:

  • meat breeds;
  • meat and egg;
  • egg.

Whichever option you choose, they are all productive and carry well anyway. Another thing is that for the sale of meat it is better to select special breeds, such as Pharaoh, who quickly gain weight.

The choice of quail breed - major step in planning, because all further success and profit will depend on this.

Looking ahead, it should be noted the most common breeds in Russia:

  • Marble rock;
  • Tuxedo;
  • Estonian quail.

Japanese is especially loved among domestic farmers, as it is the least whimsical to the conditions of detention and is characterized by increased immunity.

meat breeds

A feature of this species is a rapid weight gain. With proper care and a balanced diet, in which useful trace elements and vitamins must be present, birds of this type gain up to 300-500 grams of weight.

It is one of the most common meat types. It is not very productive and carries about 180-200 eggs per year. Adult individuals reach up to 300-330 grams of weight, which explains their great popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Texas (American)

Because of its white plumage, this bird is often referred to as the Texas Albino. This breed is one of the best for breeding as a meat supply, as adults reach a weight of 400 grams. As for productivity, females do not differ in great egg production, however, like all broilers. They produce up to 200 eggs per year.

The downside can be called a large amount of feed consumption, which significantly reduces profitability.

egg breeds

If in business the main focus is on the sale of eggs, then, of course, it is better to give preference to the purchase of birds of this species. They are highly productive and allow you to get up to 300-350 pieces per year.

At the same time, females begin to rush from an early age, from 1-1.5 months, which increases the productivity of the business process.

The most popular breeds in this form are:

  • Estonian;

Meat and egg breeds

As the name implies, this is a fairly versatile variety, which is often purchased for the household. If you are planning to establish a more specialized production, then experts still recommend purchasing egg and meat breeds separately.

The most popular in this form are English White Quail, English Black, Tuxedo. As a rule, the name of the breed determines the color of the plumage.

Eggs or meat?

The meat of these birds is considered dietary and one of the most useful, as it contains a large amount of protein and a low percentage of fat. In addition, it practically does not contain cholesterol, which makes it indispensable in the menu of pregnant women, children, people suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

Daily consumption of quail meat normalizes cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.

As for eggs, it is because of them that farmers often begin to breed quails. Unlike other domestic birds, quail eggs can be eaten raw without fear of contracting infectious diseases. This is due to the high body temperature of females (about 42°C), which eliminates the possibility of poisoning and bacteria reproduction.

A feature of birds is rapid puberty and early laying of eggs. For example, if the laying age of a chicken starts at 8 months, then here it is reduced to 1-1.5 months.

Interesting! The benefits of quail eggs are proved by the fact that, for example, in Japan, pediatricians recommend that each student eat 2 eggs before class. This has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves the perception of information.

After weighing all the pros and cons of each breed, it is important to clearly define for yourself for what purpose you plan to breed birds. After all, it is the choice of format and method of sale that will determine the purchase a certain kind birds.

As for calculating the benefits from selling eggs and meat, you need to clearly calculate the income at the planning stage.

If you trade only eggs, then the poultry house is unlikely to pay off quickly.

Let's count. The average quail lays about 20 eggs per month. One egg in the market costs 5 rubles. Monthly income from one bird will be 100 rubles. With a livestock of 500 pieces, the income from the farm only from the sale of eggs will be 50 thousand rubles. But this is only income, not net profit. Take away transport costs, utility bills and staff salaries from here and you will get not such a large amount.

And if you add all sorts of risks in the form of laying hen infections, stress that negatively affects productivity, then this income can even be halved.

Another form of business is the sale of eggs for incubation.

As a rule, farmers hand over only culled quails or excess males. Raising chicks for the sake of selling meat is not profitable, since meat is not very expensive. And given the small weight of an adult, it is quite difficult to make money on this.

In addition, it is necessary to keep a separate specialist who will pluck feathers and butcher carcasses. It is impossible to manage with such a number of carcasses on your own.

Sales of live poultry

This option is very common for the poultry house. Quails can be sold at any age. And the bird costs the same as the finished carcass. As a result, with less labor costs, you can get more profit.

Business plan: where to start?

As in any other type of entrepreneurial activity, you should not immediately invest all the money in the purchase of live heads. Experts recommend starting with 300-500 quails and gradually increasing the farmstead in the future.

The purchase of a certain number of heads significantly affects the expense item, which will change the payback period. We give average values ​​of 500 heads.

It is also important at this stage to correctly determine the format of the business, because you can breed birds for the sale of live heads, eggs or cooked meat. In addition, you should immediately decide whether you will buy adults or take care of hatching chicks yourself using an incubator.

organizational plan

This section of the document allows you to plan activities step by step. Thus, the document becomes a desktop tool that allows you to complete tasks in a timely manner and calculate risks.

Business registration

The first step in doing business, of course, is the registration part. It is necessary to obtain a business permit and a license to sell products.

Choose on your own the most suitable form of business for yourself - LLC or IP and submit documents for registration.

With a small turnover, it will be enough to register an IP and a form of payment for the Single Tax. Registration will not take long.

For the sale of products, it is necessary to issue certificates in the veterinary service. Without this, you will not be able to conclude agreements with large suppliers and sell products to restaurants, cafes and shops.

Required premises

As mentioned above, in terms of content, these birds are not very whimsical. Therefore, choosing the right room is not difficult.

Here, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the size of the livestock and on the technical nuances that will allow maintaining the optimal temperature regime.

Content requirements:

  • temperature - from 18 to 25 ° C;
  • humidity - within 68-70%.

What kind of personnel is needed for breeding quails?

The success of any business depends not only on proper organization premises, but also selection good specialists. To breed birds, you need to hire several people to work.

Of course, at the first stage, to minimize costs, you can independently perform all the duties of caring for the birds. But for large-scale farming, you can’t do without assistants.

You need to take a person who will clean the cages, remove garbage, pour food and pour water.

It is also important to constantly monitor the health of birds, the process of incubation. In addition, there should be a person responsible for marketing products, negotiating with suppliers, etc.

For a farm of 400-500 birds, two people will be enough.

The approximate staffing looks like this:

  • bird care specialist;
  • driver/courier.

Quail farm equipment

Immediately consider a ventilation system that will drive fresh air from the street. In no case should there be drafts in the room, so the option of natural ventilation should be immediately excluded.

Primary requirements

Another feature of the content of these birds is the creation of subdued light. And in wild nature and when kept at home, birds do not like bright light. Therefore, give up powerful lamps, give preference to economy lamps with shades.

This, by the way, is another plus that speaks of the profitability of the business. After all, keeping chickens or ducks, on the contrary, requires bright lighting, which significantly increases the cost of electricity.

With a number of livestock of 500 pieces, in winter it is necessary to consider a heating system. This point can only be omitted if farming designed for a thousand or more pieces. Then the bird warms itself, and there is no need to artificially heat the farm. You just need to take care of high-quality insulation of walls and roofs.

The main components in the farm equipment are cell batteries.

One battery consists of 5 cells and contains an autonomous feeder, drinker, egg tray, which roll out.

The cells are arranged at a slight slope, which ensures a quick collection of eggs.

One battery can hold up to 250 individuals. They can be ordered ready-made, or you can save money and do it yourself from metal fittings, mesh and plywood.

Incubator for breeding chicks

The next point of purchase of equipment will be an incubator for breeding chicks. Today, a large number of different models of domestic and foreign manufacturers are presented on the market. For home use, of course, the simplest model is also suitable, where you mechanically set the temperature, humidity, and turn the eggs.

Breeders are increasingly thinking about breeding quails. And the first step to success is breeding full-fledged chickens in home incubators. You can buy a quail incubator or make your own. We will talk about this in this article.

For large-scale production, it is better to give preference to modern models with automatic egg turning, maintaining temperature, humidity and the ability to work on an autonomous battery during a power outage.

So, to organize a medium-sized quail farm, you will need:

  • incubator - 10 thousand rubles
  • cell battery - 10 thousand rubles.
  • brooder (nursery for chicks) - 2 thousand rubles.

The presence of a brooder makes it possible to greatly simplify the care of chicks and increase productivity in the flock. In our article you will find the basic requirements for a "crèche" for chicks and how to make a brooder yourself.

If you plan to expand the scale and service in the future, you can immediately purchase:

  • grain mill for self-production of feed;
  • automatic feather plucking machine;
  • vacuum cleaner (increases the period of sale of meat);
  • refrigerator and freezer.

Prices for egg incubators

egg incubators

Starting purchase of birds

After the premises have been selected and all repair and construction work has been carried out, staff has been selected and equipment has been purchased, the stage of purchasing birds begins.

Having decided on the number of livestock and the breed of birds, it is important to find a good and trusted supplier. Experts do not recommend taking all the livestock from one seller at once. It is better to divide the purchase into 2 parts and see which of the birds will be the strongest and most prolific. If necessary, you can always buy the number of pieces you need.

The suitable age of quails for purchase is not older than 12-18 months. It is at this age that the young female reaches puberty, which means she is ready to lay eggs.

If for the purchase of chickens, ducklings and other birds there are recommendations on the season for purchase, then things are easier with quails. The productivity of females does not depend on the season, and the farmer creates the necessary conditions for incubation of eggs himself.

Quail in the nest

An important point: before purchasing livestock, the seller must definitely consult about the type of food that the birds were previously fed, and try not to change it. Changing the place of residence, and even more so the diet, can dramatically affect the health and reduce the productivity of females.

If you plan to transfer the birds to your own food, then this should be done gradually, not earlier than a month after the resettlement.

Marketing plan

This section is the most important planning stage. It is he who allows you to adequately assess the situation in the market, analyze competitive environment and get the right pricing.

Sales channels

Even at the stage of finding premises and purchasing equipment, it is important to determine distribution channels. Depending on the business model (sale of meat, eggs, chicks), it is necessary to consider who will buy products in bulk.

Given the active performance of quails and a short shelf life, you must be sure of an established market.

How to look for clients?

  1. Analyze the market and identify the main competitors in the region near you.
  2. Study their products, prices, form of sale.
  3. form offer and send (or personally distribute) to the heads of cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, shops. Visit fairs, markets, etc.

Financial plan

This is one of the most time-consuming sections of documents, which reflects the entire financial essence of the project. Here it is necessary to correctly assess risks, calculate expenses and incomes, determine the break-even point, payback and profitability of the project.

When describing the costs in detail, it is important to understand that the bulk will fall on the purchase of materials for the construction of the farm, repairs (if a ready-made premises is purchased).

Also, this should include the purchase of birds, feed, wages to staff and the cost of registering a business.

When calculating profit, you should correctly determine the cost of production. Do not forget that it includes not only the purchase of the bird itself, but also its maintenance, nutrition, Communal expenses, transport, wage specialists, etc.

The same is true with profitability. It is important to separate the one-time costs, which include the purchase of equipment, construction or repair of the farm. And there are fixed costs in the form of wages, utilities, advertising, etc.


All farm maintenance costs can be divided into two types:

  • capital (one-time);
  • monthly.

Based on this, we make an estimate.

Capital expenditure

Monthly expenses

Calculation of profitability and profitability

We consider the proceeds from the sale of eggs:

Above, justifying the idea of ​​breeding quails for the sake of selling eggs, we said that one bird carries about 20 eggs per month. But not all eggs from females will be sold. To increase the farm, approximately 1/3 should be set aside for incubation.

Thus, the income from the sale of eggs will be 200 quails * 20 eggs * 5 rubles = 20 thousand rubles.

The female eats 900 grams of feed per month for 20 rubles. 500 females * 20 r = 10 thousand rubles will go to feed.

We consider the proceeds from the meat trade:

1 carcass weighing 250 grams costs 100 rubles.

100 carcasses sold per month.

100 * 100r = 10 thousand rubles.

Output: Based on the prepared document and the calculation of the financial part, the average payback period will be 5 months. The poultry house will bring income in the amount of 35-40 thousand rubles.

In order to increase the volume and expand production, you can invest in new equipment and expand services, the sales market.

  1. You should not immediately invest all the money in the purchase of young animals.
  2. Buy eggs for incubation and young animals should be from trusted suppliers, preferably two or three.
  3. Breeding quails, you should not bet only on the sale of eggs or meat. A universal approach will increase profitability.
  4. To minimize personnel costs, some specialists can be invited from outside if necessary. The main part of the work will have to be taken over at the first stage.
  5. Selection the right equipment. Given the miniature size of the birds, the cages should not be tall.
  6. Maintaining a constant temperature regime within 18-25°C.
  7. The farm does not require large dimensions and can easily be accommodated in a barn, a room. The only caveat - you need to provide ventilation and fresh air, but avoid drafts.

Summing up: is it profitable to breed quails?

Summing up, it should be said that quail breeding is quite a profitable business. Birds do not require special care, do not take up much space and at the same time are highly productive.

A business can be built in several directions, and over time there are options for expanding activities to the maintenance of large incubators, your own smokehouse, etc.

The average payback period is up to six months.