What contests can be held camp. Competition in the summer camp "The most, most

Author: Gontaruk Oksana Dmitrievna, teacher of world literature and a foreign language
Krushinovskaya secondary school І-ІІ st.

Description: material that can be used entirely as a standalone scenario game program, and separately these competitions, which may become part of any other educational activities. Bring in a particle of creativity - turn on amateur performances, decorate the room, connect everything with the text of the presenter - and a competitive program is ready for children vacationing in a school health camp.
Target: raising the level of recreation culture for children and youth, developing tolerance, tastes, creative abilities of pupils, their emotional-sensual, intellectual, practical-active sphere. Guess the subject according to three characteristics.
Grows in the garden, put in Olivier, sometimes on a dress. (Peas)
They eat her, the driver turns her, she is the wife of a ram (Baranka)
They sometimes sit down there, now they are not quite in fashion, before they were always worn in the rain. (galoshes)
The girls have it, near the reservoirs, in the village they need it in July. (Scythe)
Runs in the forest, such a hairstyle, a deliciously cooked dish. (Hedgehog)
It grows in the field, brought by Peter the Great, the nose looks like it. (Potatoes)
Some people like to eat it, there is always not enough of it, it makes you dirty. (Chalk) You are invited to guess the name of the film, invented from antonyms or expressions close to them, that is, the names are “inverted”.
"My Husband's Notebook" ("The Diary of His Wife")
"Cat's liver". (" dog's heart»)
"Greek Gallon". ("Turkish March")
"Lady of Bad Luck". ("Gentlemen of fortune")
"Crashed by the Wave" ("Gone With the Wind")
"Rab Rai-Elenovka". ("The Count of Monte Cristo")
"Divorce for Prostokvashino", ("Wedding in Malinovka")
"Grandchildren of Lieutenant Schmidt". ("The Children of Captain Grant")
"Silver Pig". ("The Golden Calf") Find something in common between two objects:
person and flooring (floor);
radio and sea (wave);
moon and reaper (sickle);
mouth and army (lip);
door and potatoes (peephole);
stick and score (count);
tree and fake (linden);
throat and elections (voice). Behind all sorts of nicknames and beautiful epithets, real names are hidden, just like at a masquerade, faces are hidden behind masks. Try to determine who is under the mask.
A giant of thought, the father of Russian democracy. (Ippolit Vorobyaninov)
Hero of our time. (Pechorin)
Window to Europe. (Peter the First)
The Iron Lady. (Margaret Thatcher)
The man is in full bloom. (Carlson)
"Queen" of the fields. (Corn)
Cavalry girl. (Anka-gunner)
A beam of light in a dark realm. (Katerina)
Real man. (Maresyev)
Father of Russian aviation. (Zhukovsky)
Flowers of life. (Children) Let's try to show imagination and give new meanings to old words:
papazol (evil father - "dad-evil");
bad luck (taxi driver - "bad luck");
fear man (a person's insurance agent - "fear man");
darling (red and black caviar);
toothpick (boxing ring);
upstart (newborn);
cannibal (husband of Luda);
semiconductor (Ivan Susanin);
limestone (star of show business);
teahouse (a store that does not have tea - “teahouse”). I offer two options for holding this competition:
1) objects are laid out on the table that the participants must remember for 15-20 seconds. Then they turn away, alternately list the items that the host removes from the table as they are called by the participants;
2) the names of famous personalities (writers, poets, actors, singers, politicians, etc.) of the past and present are written on the poster. Participants try to remember them, and then write or name who is bigger. Each pair of participants is invited to “build” a statue of lovers after a certain time and take a tour near it. It is allowed to involve all spectators in the “construction” of the statue. In front of the participants in the game are skeins (from threads, toilet paper etc.). You need to rewind these coils to the other end, find a note with a task to be completed (for example, add a word from letters, perform some mathematical action, etc.). You need to “brew” tea in a mug standing two or three meters away , with the help of a fishing rod, at the end of which is a bag of tea leaves. Burning candles are located in front of the players at a distance of 2 meters.
It is proposed to extinguish these candles with a water pistol (in fact, this task is not very simple). There are also two options for holding this competition:
1) in the outlined circle, they stand on one leg, hands on their belts, “roosters” opposite each other, who must push the opponent out of this circle without the help of hands;
2) a belt is tied around the waist of each of the two participants, by which his opponent is holding. And behind the back of the participant on a chair lies his cap. It is necessary, holding on to the opponent’s belt, with the other hand to reach the chair and take the cap. With the help of a gymnastic stick, without touching the other hand, put the ball into a bucket standing a few meters from the player. Each team receives three cut out and unsigned contours of known states that you need to find on a geographical map and immediately attach these contours to it (for example, Argentina, Australia, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, India, China, Egypt, etc.). Various objects that symbolize fabulous heroes. These characters need to be identified. You can take not only fabulous, but also other literary heroes (depending on the age of the participants), for example:
egg - Kashchei the Immortal;
broom - Baba Yaga;
horns - brother Ivanushka;
basin - the old woman from the "Goldfish";
arrow - frog princess;
wide-brimmed hat - Dunno;
straw, tree branches and brick - three little pigs;
flour - kolobok;
mitten - characters of the fairy tale "Mitten";
spoon and bowl - a bear from the fairy tale "Three Bears";
groats, shoe - Cinderella;
boot - Puss in boots;
milk - cat Matroskin, etc. Several teams participate, respectively, you need to make several sets of "cows" - according to the number of teams. A cow without horns, hooves, a bell, an udder and a tail is drawn on a sheet of drawing paper. Each participant receives the appropriate “detail” (horns, udder, etc.), which he must blindfold in the right place. (catch phrase)
From the picture you need to guess the winged expressions:
two of a Kind;
no face;
everything down to the bulb;
a bone in the throat;
The apple never falls far from the tree;
ends in water;
cuts the ear. This competition can be held for fans while the teams are preparing to compete. In turn, viewers list “goods” starting with a letter (for example, “P”, “R”, “T” or “K”) that you can take with you when you go sailing. The winner is the one who calls the last word. In front of the teams, at a sufficiently large distance, there are blanks for application and a sample of the finished bouquet, which must be assembled from the available parts. The first participant runs to the place, sticks on some detail that he sees on the sample, returns, passes the baton to the next one, and so on. The team that collects the bouquet first and makes it as close to the original as possible wins.

The time of childhood is the time of games and entertainment. We offer a series of competitions and games for schools, camps.


Competitive gaming programs (CIP) can be conducted both within the school or children's camp, and within a class or squad. The KIP scheme is simple:

1. Contests. Emphasis on the moment of competition (the child performs actions in front of an audience).

2. Game form. There must be an element of play, entertainment.

3. Inclusion in competitions of the maximum number of guys, so that everyone can try their hand at one or another competition.

4. Rewarding not only the winners, but also the participants of the competition.

In our opinion, it is inappropriate to prescribe the text for those who lead the TIP, since in the competitive game program often all the pre-prepared words of the presenters are not pronounced. Instead, there is a lively dialogue between the presenter and the contestants.

Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple

The lesson develops imaginative thinking, logic.

The hosts (Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes) report that they are looking for assistants. All applicants are offered a series of tests-competitions.

"Imprints" . The task is to find the same pair of handprints on the sheet and determine which of the people sitting in the hall they belong to.

"Very sharp eye". Participants are shown a set of items. Then the participants turn away. At this time, one item is replaced. Needless to say, it has changed.

"Savvy" . You need to guess who owns the things: glasses, a spatula, a mirror, a dressing gown, a board, salt, a whistle, a letter, a badge.

"Find by description". Participants are invited to find a description of a person from another squad, who is also in the hall.

"Silent Action" . As quietly as possible, lower the spoon into the glass, close the pan with a lid, put the fork on a plate.

"Siamese twins". The hands of those standing next to each other are tied, the task of each pair is to tie the laces on the shoe, cut out a circle from paper, light a candle, etc.

Book of Records...

The lesson increases the psychological comfort and the level of cohesion in the children's team.

The host offers to start his own book of records. And call it exactly as the detachment is called (camp, school, etc.).

"Most amazing." Within 1 minute, the teams write on a sheet how their team differs from all the others, how it can surprise all other teams.

"The strongest". Participants of the competition are invited to hold one of the smallest teachers in their arms. Only the two strongest pupils remain on the stage.

"Most Spirited" . Two participants need to blow off a tennis ball from a flat surface while blindfolded. When the contestants are blindfolded, a plate of flour is placed instead of a ball.

"The most resourceful." Participants of the competition take off one sneaker or boot (the main thing is that the shoes have laces) and put them in a circle. Then they are blindfolded. Everyone must find their own shoe and tie it. The one who completes the task first wins.

"The fastest". Each participant is given a ribbon. In 30 seconds, you need to tie tight knots on it (the more, the better). Then the participants change ribbons. The task is to untie all the knots. Who quickly?

"The most numerous." It is necessary to collect in a hoop as possible more people from his expedition.

"The most sporty" (relay race). Two teams are participating. You need to do the following:

Run to the chair;

Flip it;

Wear a skirt and scarf;

Sit on a chair;

Shout "Hurrah";

Remove things and turn the chair over;

Return to the next participant.

"Most Sensual" Young male contestants stick hearts from self-adhesive paper on the girls anywhere. Then the boys are blindfolded, the girls are changed. It is necessary to remove all the hearts without a hint.

"Most Consolidated" If the host says: “Unwound”, then all participants spread their arms to the sides. If the facilitator says: “Shaped up with the neighbor on the right,” then the participants hug the one who is sitting on the right. You can “wind up” with a neighbor on the left, behind, in front, and finally, all together.

Games and competitions for the summer camp

Summer camp- it's always unforgettable experience. And varied funny contests will definitely become a major part of them. In addition, they will help unite the children's team, develop the physical and creative abilities of children, and give them the opportunity to compete in strength, dexterity and erudition.

show the proverb

Children are divided into teams. The players of one team show a small scene without words, in which some kind of famous proverb, and the players of the second team try to guess this proverb. The game runs on time. If the team could not give the correct answer in 5 minutes, then the right to “show the proverb” passes to the other team.

Trainers and Predators

Players are divided into two teams - trainers and predators. A circle is drawn in the center of the playground. "Tamers" hand out stickers. The "tamer" must catch up with the "predator" and be able to stick a sticker on it, after that the "predator" is considered caught and is taken to the circle. The trainer team is trying to catch and bring all the players from the predator team into the circle.

air pointer

Players are divided into teams. Each team is given Balloons and tape. The participants of the game need to inflate as many balloons as possible and use adhesive tape to connect them into a long chain-pointer. The team with the longest air pointer wins.

Let's guess by the hand

A curtain or curtain is pulled in the room, in which there is a small hole for the hand. One team stands on one side of the curtain, and another team on the back. The players of one team take turns sticking their hand into the hole, and the players of the other try to guess who exactly the hand belongs to. The one with the most correct answers wins.


A player from one of the teams is invited - "slovonos". He is voiced by a topic, for example, “space”, “shop”, “school”, “sea”, etc. On this topic, he names the words that come to his mind. These words are written down. And then the rest of the team members are invited, the topic is announced to them, and they try to guess the written words. The winner is the team that guessed the most words called "slovonos".

Relay with cartons

Divide the children into two equal color teams (for example, "red" and "blue").

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Select the distance between them, taking into account the available space and children's capabilities.)

Give the first players from each team two sheets of cardboard of the corresponding color. (The red team should have two sheets of red paper, the blue team should have blue.)

The players who will start the relay should stand on the starting line, and the rest of the team members should be behind them. When you say "March!" - each of the players must put one sheet of cardboard in front of him, stand on it, then put the second sheet in front of him, go to it, and lift the first sheet that remains behind. Athletes must repeat these steps all the way to the finish line and then turn around and move back to the start in the same way.

Returning to the start, the first player gives the cartons to the second, who repeats the same path, and so on, until the whole team has finished.

The first team in which all players go from start to finish and back wins.

Option. Two athletes can also participate in this game. The winner is the one who is the first to be at the starting point, going to the finish line and back.

Enter or exit?

Spread a large old beach towel or picnic blanket on the ground and have all players stand on it.

You will "drive", but the players must do the opposite of what you say. When you shout: "Everyone get out!" - the players must stay in place, and when you shout: "Everyone come in!" - they, on the contrary, should get off the blanket. Each player must listen carefully to your commands so that he knows what he must not do in order to stay in the game.

Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. The one who remains last wins.

Inseparable bond

Players are divided into pairs. One of the pair names the word, and the other comes up with an association to it. For example, "elephant - trunk", "bread - butter", "key - lock". Then all players are blindfolded and parted in different directions. After that, shouting out only one word, exactly the one that their partner called, they try to find each other and join hands.

Indian name

Each player writes any adjective on one piece of paper, and any noun on the other. All adjectives go into one box and nouns into another. The contents of the boxes are then shuffled and each player goes to the boxes and draws one noun and one adjective. The combination of these words becomes his name for the whole day. Phrases can be very unexpected and funny. For example, "blue eye", "cheerful cucumber", etc.

popcorn run

Mark the start and finish with tape or sticks.

Give each athlete a paper plate with six popcorn on it.

Players must line up at the start, holding the plates in front of them. The goal is to run to the finish line and back without dropping a single grain.

I know more

Players are divided into teams. The facilitator calls a certain topic. For example, "sports", "flowers", " bakery products”,“ female names ”or another. And the teams try to remember and write down as many words as possible related to the specified topic for five minutes. The team with the most matching words wins.

big fruit race

Take a round fruit and a pencil for each participant. Choose fruits that roll well and are strong enough. Apples or oranges work best, but you can also use pomegranates or lemons to add spice and fun to the competition.

Use tape or sticks to mark the start and finish. (Again, determine the distance based on the space available and the ability of the children.)

All players must line up at the start, placing the fruit exactly on the line.

At the command "March!" players must use their pencils to roll their fruits to the finish line and back. The one who returns to the start first wins.

Important note. To roll the fruit, you can only use pencils. Anyone who touches the fruit with their hand or foot will be disqualified! This game can also be played as a relay, especially if there is not enough space for all athletes to participate at the same time.

sardines in a jar

This game is kind of the opposite of the usual hide and seek.

One child hides and the others split up and start looking for him.

After someone finds the place where the first player hid, he must also hide with him. (The idea is not to announce that you have found the hider. If you find him when others are around, don't show it, but come back later when no one can see you.)

In the end, everyone must end up in the same place until the last seeker remains. Now he will hide, and the rest will look for him.

Clothespin tags

At the beginning of the game, five clothespins are attached to each player's clothes on their backs. The goal of the game is to try to remove the clothespins from other players so that they do not remove the clothespins from you.

When one player successfully removes the clothespin from the other, they kneel down and attach the clothespin to their back. Note: while the player is kneeling and attaching a clothespin to their clothes, they cannot be touched. When the clothespin is attached to his clothes, he must get up and return to the game.

The one with the most pins wins. But be warned: this game actually has no end! Even if someone has lost all their clothespins, they can still try to get them back. If you need to end the game, give the children a five-minute readiness so they know it's time to finish and calm down.

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How to make the summer holidays that children spend in leisure centers, tourist or sports camps comfortable and interesting? How to entertain children, how to introduce each other and help them get comfortable in a new environment? Of course, with the help of common squad affairs, events, competitions and a variety of fun and educational entertainment. And therefore, it would be nice for counselors and organizers of children's recreation to replenish their “game piggy bank” before the start of the season.

Suggested games and competitions for children's summer holidays this is a selection of interesting new and popular old entertainment, mostly creative and educational, ideal for organizing children's leisure time in the summer.

1. Developing creative game "Word Game".

The game is suitable for children from elementary school age. The children are lined up in a circle. Their hands should touch so that the right palm of one child lies on top of the left palm of the other.

The game begins with a counting rhyme, after which the host names the area of ​​​​reality from which the word should be called:

We will find words everywhere: in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling, on the nose and on the arm.
Haven't you heard this? It doesn't matter, we play with the word ...

Leading: We are looking for words in ... the sky!

Here the children in a circle, at a fast pace, should name something that is found in the sky: a bird, an airplane, a cloud, the sun. Naming a word, a person claps his palm on the palm of his neighbor.

If one of the children was confused and did not name the word or called it, but incorrectly, then he is eliminated from the game. At the same time, the leader begins reading the counting rhyme again, and the topic changes.

2. Creative game "Miracle Yudo-fish-whale".

Announce to the children that now they will draw a beast, but not a simple beast, but a fantasy one. To do this, divide the guys into teams of three people and give each group a piece of paper folded in three according to the principle of an accordion.

The first member of each team must draw the head of any animal - it cannot be named to anyone. The facilitator must also make sure that the rest of the team does not see what the first player draws. Why you can build partitions from books on the table. Having wrapped a part of the sheet with a drawn animal's head inside, the sheet is passed to the second player. He draws the body of any beast; the third one needs to complete the drawing with “legs”, i.e. paws, flippers, hooves, claws, etc.

Once the drawing is over, invite the teams to unfold the sheets and look at their miracle yudo animal. Be sure to provide these masterpieces for review by the rest of the teams, and then offer to jointly come up with names for the resulting “monsters”. The best name will be awarded a sweet prize.

A good end to the game will be an exhibition of the created drawings.

3. The game "Nothing.., no less.."

Many, probably, had to hear that they say about those who do not answer the question posed that he is: "neither be nor me." The essence of this creative play in that you need to say your "be" and "me", and the opponents must guess what you meant.

So, the guys are divided into equal teams and receive a card with the name of a fairy tale, an excerpt from which they must tell using only the first syllables. For example. The tale "Turnip" will look like this: "According to de re. You re bo pre bo. You for you, but you can’t ... ". The second team guesses and offers its version.

This is not so much a competition as just an excuse to have fun (it’s better to stock up more cards with fairy tales, for sure, the guys will want to repeat this fun again).

4. "Speed ​​mail".

Such fun is best done at the very beginning of the season, it makes it possible in a playful way to focus on the names of all participants. In preparation for it, the organizer needs to draw two large posters with the names: Vitya, Nina, Sasha, Klava, Daria, Yulia, Sonya, Kira, Slava, Borya. But you need to write these names in such a way as to subsequently cut them in half. We put the sheets with the endings of names on two tables at the finish line. We cut the rest of both leaves into strips so that the beginning of each name falls on a separate card: Vi, Ni, Sa, Kla, Dar, Yu, So, Ki, Sla, Bo. These cards will be the "letters" that the zealous workers of the "high-speed mail" must deliver to the addressee.

We recruit small postmen three to four people in each team and give them a shoulder bag, in which there are cards with the beginning of the mentioned names. Their task is to quickly go to the table, open their bag, take out the first card that comes across and correctly attach it to the end of the name written on the sheet. Then the child returns to his team and gives the bag to the next player.

The team receives three points for the quick completion of the task. Then points are awarded one for each correctly formed name. The winners in this dating game are determined by the total points.

5. fun game"Cuckoo, sing in your ear!"

The organizer of the game explains the condition, to whom he will unexpectedly (!) point with his hand (or pointer), he must quickly show his answer not with words, but with a movement, and at the same time everyone shouts in chorus: “That's it!”

How is it going?
- Like this! (may show thumb)
- How do you swim?
- Like this! (show the swimmer's movements)
- Do you look?
- Like this!
- Are you running?
- Like this!
- Are you looking forward to dinner?
- Like this!
- Are you following?
- Like this!
- Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
- How are you kidding?
- Like this!

7. "Little Princes and Princesses".

First, let's talk a little about the children. Little Prince and his wonderful travels to different planets with such funny and even sad inhabitants as the King, the Rose and the Lamb. It would be very good for the general cultural development to show the kids reproductions of the author's drawings of Exupery and to clarify that the writer not only invented his characters from his head and fixed them in words, but also drew them.

Then you can invite the kids to be "authors" themselves and come up with their own planet with special inhabitants. And then, like little princes, travel on them. To do this, they will need inflated balloons and multi-colored felt-tip pens. Let the facilitator show how you can draw different inhabitants of this small blue, pink or green planet on a ball using felt-tip pens. Moreover, warn the guys that these will not necessarily be people: you can dream up and come up with some new creatures.

We do not recommend setting a time limit for children, as this will reduce the level of creativity. Give the kids the opportunity to express themselves in a calm environment, and then ask everyone to tell about their inhabitants.

8. According to the "Stage of Development".

In the summer, many children spend time in school camps. To organize interesting leisure time for children, it is necessary to think over the program in advance. Can be prepared for school camp games and competitions. In addition, such events are not only entertainment, they can also carry an educational function.

Intellectual games and competitions for camp children

Game methods are very effective in teaching. Various games can be used to repeat any material, for ingenuity. We can offer several interesting

  1. Little chefs. The children must be divided into two teams. One is given the task of cooking soup, and the other - compote. That is, one team must name vegetables, the other fruit, they do it in turn. Whoever stops first, they lose.
  2. Words. This option is suitable for rainy weather, when you need to organize leisure time indoors. Children take a leaf, a pen, they are offered a long word, from which many short ones have to be distinguished. Whoever can write out more words wins.
  3. Who counts better? Children are divided into teams of 8 people and numbers from 1 to 8 are attached to each of them on their backs in a spread. But at the same time, the participants do not know their numbers, but only see the number on the back of the one who is in front. You need to be smart and line up in order.

Creative and sports games and competitions at the school camp

It is known that development should be comprehensive. Therefore, you can offer the guys such contests:

  1. Push-pull. The guys need to be divided into teams. They must run a distance of up to 30 m and back. But the peculiarity is that two participants from the team will run at once and they do it, pressing their backs to each other, and holding hands.
  2. Staged song. Each team must prepare a performance for a song. Then you can hold a competition of such musical performances.

You can come up with a lot of games, quizzes and competitions for children in a summer camp, you just need to show your imagination and take into account the age and interests of the children.