Hexagram 62 correct interpretation in simple words. "To take anything in this world seriously is a fatal mistake" - Louise Hay

Transitional period, adaptation to various things; be very careful and inconspicuous; excess feminine yin.


Xiao-guo (Redevelopment of the small): xiao- small, ordinary, insignificant; adaptation to all things; decrease, dim, become invisible; small, light, insignificant; yin energy; th- transcend, transcend, extend beyond; overtake, overflow; get rid of, overcome; to stop vice, to exceed the norm; out of bounds, too much.

figurative row

Favorable stamina.
One can act in small things, one cannot act in great things.
From a flying bird, only her voice will remain.
You shouldn't go up, you should go down.
Then there will be great happiness.

This is a transitional time. Be very careful, act discreetly. Hide your strength and adapt to everything that comes your way. Do not, under any circumstances, impose your will. Then there will be success and enlightenment. Mind the little things and stay down, no matter what happens. Now is not the time to take on something big or lead others. Painstaking and prudence will open the way to true greatness. Focus on details.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Thunder and Mountain

The inner limit restrains and calms the manifestation of inner energy.

Hidden Feature:

The sequence in the small contains hidden opportunity accumulation of great energy.


Where there is faith, there is no doubt about small things. Awareness of this allows you to use the re-development of the small.


The overdevelopment of the small means an excess of the small.


Thunder rumbles over the mountain. Small development.
A noble person uses things sparingly, avoiding excess in small and great things.

Hexagram lines

First six

Flying bird. Maybe bad luck.

If you try to take off, you will find that the path is closed. Stay in the shade and stay close to the ground.

Six second

You will pass by your forefather. Meet your mother.
You will not reach your sovereign. Meet his servant.
There will be no bullshit.

Do not mistake proximity to the goal for the goal itself. Move forward gradually, step by step. Small does not mean insignificant.

Nine third

If, passing by, you do not defend yourself,
Someone will attack you from behind.

You have gone beyond your limits, and now you are in serious danger. The path is closed. You need to soberly assess your strengths.

Nine fourth

If you don't pass by, you will meet.
The performance will be terrible.
Bans are needed.
Don't act.
Eternal endurance.

If you hurry, you will miss, you will miss the intended target. You need to stop and limit yourself. Patience will be rewarded.

Six fifth

Thick clouds and no rain.
They are from our western outskirts.
The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.

The help you hope for will not come. The denouement is close, the tension is growing. Soon someone will break your loneliness. When this happens, a connection is formed that will allow you to come into the light.

Select number of hexagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 62

Xiao Guo. Re-development of the small

At the previous stage, the inner truth was worked out, so the mistakes that can still occur cannot be major and serious mistakes. One must have confidence in the truth itself, for it will guide the activity of man. Therefore, if any re-development is possible, i.e. violation of harmony, then only the re-development of the small. In order to achieve the correct development that corrects the error of actions, the steadfast adherence to an honest course of action as the results of truth is necessary. A person here can act in small things, but not in great things, because the activity of an individual already created and saturated with inner truthfulness is just beginning. Every striving to rise above one's own potential results in the loss of what can be achieved. Like a bird, this possibility flies away from a person, and only its voice reaches the person. This voice moves from above downwards, and pursuing it would only lead to the loss of it. On the contrary, being downstairs can lead to him being heard. The image of the bird, which is given here, is seen by some commentators in the very image of the hexagram. It has two strong features in the middle. They depict the body of a bird. Above and below them we see a pair of weak features, and these weak features, sometimes understood as soft, represent the soft wings of a bird. Therefore, to express something departing from a person, the image of a flying bird is used here. The harmony of the very image of the hexagram, its symmetry, according to Oh-i, should indicate the harmony of a person's actions, his distance from both extremes. And this is necessary in order to find the right way out of those small mistakes that can occur when individual activities individual person. This idea is expressed in the text as follows:

Small development.
Favorable stamina.
You can do small things.
You cannot act in the great.
From the flying bird remains [only] the voice [of her].
You shouldn't get up.
Should go down.
[Then there will be] great happiness.

1. The first moment an error occurs is not yet the time when it can be corrected. Therefore, here, at the first stage, only the departure of truthfulness is characterized, its disappearance at the moment of committing a wrong deed. In the text we read:

Weakness in the beginning.
Flying bird.
And, [perhaps] - misfortune.

2. The slight error that may arise here, and against which the text of the Book of Changes warns, is primarily due to the fact that the previous step - the threshold of the goal - can be taken for the next step, for the goal itself. In striving for an ancestor, a person may first meet his foremother and stop there. The error will be that he may pass by his ancestor, pass by his goal, and be satisfied with something that almost replaces the object of his desires. But insofar as he achieves something, the Book of Changes speaks of a result that is generally favorable. So, in the text here we read:

Weak trait in second [place].
You will pass by your forefather and meet your foremother.
You will not reach your sovereign, [but] you will meet his servant.
There will be no bullshit.

3. Re-development is, in a certain sense, a movement that misses its goal. If a person passes by the goal without noticing it, then in a certain sense he does not achieve it, even if he did more than what was required of him by his very position in life. Thus, an unachieved (i.e., unconscious and unnoticed) goal, standing behind a person, accurately presents him with a known score, attacks him from behind. Here, in the third position, this is exactly what is meant. If a person acts outwardly without realizing and thus not achieving those internal goals that should have been achieved in the previous one, if a person does not defend himself against a possible attack from his own conscience, then misfortune awaits him. That's why the text says:

Strong trait in third [place].
[If], passing by, you will not defend yourself,
[then] someone will attack you from behind.

4. The dynamics of the fourth position in its pursuit of the fifth position can only intensify such a movement that misses its own goal. The non-stop of this movement can be experienced as something terrible. In order to avoid it, it is necessary to impose certain prohibitions on oneself and not to devote oneself too intensely to activity. That is why we read in the text:

Strong trait in fourth [place].
There will be no bullshit.
[If], passing by, you will not meet,
[that] performance [would be] terrible.
Bans are needed.
Don't act.
Eternal endurance.

5. By its nature, the fifth position should have depicted activities that are aimed at benefiting people around. But there will remain errors, albeit small ones. And this activity, giving to others, is impossible under the given conditions. All the forces to help others are there, and yet this help does not come here. Like dense clouds that come from the western outskirts, perceived by the authors of the "Book of Changes" as the land belonging to themselves, do not give rain. However, this position itself can be helped by the forces of the previous one. If the fifth position in public symbolism depicts the king, then the fourth depicts the prince; the person in the fifth position in this situation (because he does not go beyond himself) is exactly sitting in a cave. The influence of the previous position on this one is expressed in the image of a shot that hits one sitting in a cave, i.e. in personal isolation, a person. Therefore, in the text we see the following images:

Weak trait in fifth [place].
Thick clouds and no rain.
[They] are from our western outskirts.
The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.

6. A small mistake in the case of its overdevelopment becomes a major mistake. Overdevelopment is characteristic of the top position. Therefore, nothing favorable can be on it. This unfortunate position is expressed in images that are already familiar to us and do not require special decoding. Thus, in the text we read:

Above is a weak feature.
You will not meet, [but] you will pass by.
The flying bird will move away.
This is called disasters and troubles.

The decoding of the early sign spoke of the inner truth that guides the activity of the individual and protects him from large-scale and serious mistakes.

Such a truth is endowed with confidence, therefore hexagram 62 is an interpretation of a slight violation of harmony, a slight re-development of deeds only begun in steadfastness. If the subject strives for unrealistic possibilities, according to the book of changes, she will lose achievements, and only a departure from extremes saves her from miscalculations.

Hexagram 62, Xiao-guo, Over-development of the small (Small excess, small excess).


Slight excess. Success. Auspicious divination. Only small things are possible. The flying bird let out a cry. You shouldn't go up, you should go down. Great happiness.

The symbol of Xiao-guo personifies the image of a flying bird. Strong positions in the middle of the hexagram are the torso, and weak features resemble soft wings. The idea of ​​such a metaphor is due to the fact that the bird's voice reaches the person from above, and it is pointless to run after it. You have to stay down. In general, the harmony of the structure of this sign refers the individual to the need to harmonize his individual actions.

The outer trigram reflects the Excitation of the world, and the inner trigram reflects the inviolability of a person's views. Personality is not ready to change when confronted with a mobile environment, so the pictogram interprets the situation as a natural disaster from outside. The individual does not notice constant changes, unexpected attacks and acts chaotically. Now it is much more useful to limit yourself to various prohibitions.

Hexagram 62, Xiao-guo, Overdevelopment of the small warns of the likelihood of disappointment in a beloved partner, but this is not too tragic. The loss of a happy chance does not mean that there will be no more opportunities for the realization of a desire. During this period, it is useful to deal with financial issues, but you should not waste time on trifles or plan long trips.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Six at the beginning. Because of the flight, the bird is threatened with failure. Now it is impossible to move back or forward. At the moment of hunger, you can eat everything that is served. If you find yourself where the situation is unfavorable, a fall cannot be avoided.
  • Second six. Man cannot do what he wants. A duel without justice cannot make the winner popular. If the boss is too busy with his projects, ask the deputy, because he is also competent.
  • Nine third. Maximum caution is required. A loved one is a deceiver or a traitor. It will be hard for a dishonest and bad subject to look people in the eye. If you know about the plans of your enemies, do not ignore this knowledge, but be prudent and careful.
  • Fourth nine. Better not to act and be on your guard. It's good to be persistent. The meaning of hexagram 62 in this Yao comes down to the need to pause in a project that causes an evil attitude among the environment. Wait for the perfect moment, remembering to follow the development of the situation. Remember that bad deeds are detrimental to the addressee himself. Without focus, results cannot be achieved.
  • Six fifth. There are clouds, but they don't rain. Flying high will lead to a painful fall. Don't make up for the shortfall. Without good assistants, it is impossible to be useful in an influential position in the political sphere.
  • Top six. When a business is just beginning, it is necessary to focus on the end goal. No need to pretend understanding, it is better to listen honestly to others. If you decide to surpass your initial success, you will fail.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. In the first stage of the formation of errors, their correction is impossible. Therefore, the inner truth disappears, fades into the background with wrong actions. It is necessary to be vigilant and respond in a timely manner to signals of a possible danger.
  2. At this position, a minor miscalculation is the perception of the threshold of the goal as the goal itself. Approximately so the individual aspires to ancestors, and stops at the image of the foremother. To miss your goal, to be satisfied with something else, is an unpleasant mistake, but a full study of the sign says that even small achievements help to make the situation favorable.
  3. Since overdevelopment is also a movement past the goal, a situation is quite possible here when a person does more than was required of him. But then the unreached and unnoticed goal strikes in the back. Book of Changes 62 pictogram in this position reduces to misfortunes caused by further unconscious actions without internal goals. In addition, you should protect yourself from the attacks of your conscience in time. After mistakes, the individual is obliged to restore the original situation, otherwise indifference will lead him to trouble.
  4. Movement that slips past the desired target only accelerates. The absence of a stop gives rise to horror, which can only be avoided with the help of certain prohibitions. You don't have to work too hard. The further future depends only on the person himself, who will benefit from giving up new trips and big things.
  5. Small mistakes still remain, so activities aimed at helping the outside world are simply not possible. There is every power to support other people, but nothing will change for them. On the other hand, the individual himself can be helped by another person who literally hits his cave with an arrow - the sphere of personal isolation. Thus, a difficult situation will be saved from losses, and it will be possible to multiply your well-being.
  6. As the book of Yijing shows, the interpretation of the entire hexagram finds its meaning precisely in this line, when a small mistake grows and turns into a large-scale collapse. The position of a person is unfortunate, the bird flies away from him. It is necessary to withdraw from the forefront and hide your talents in order to become flexible and modest.

Extended interpretation of the sign

The past life of a person was associated with the realization of an important guideline for further movement towards the improvement of one's own personality. Now all the traps and difficulties of this path are behind us, as the first solid steps have been taken. The final goal does not look artificial, it is obtained by experience and smart thoughts.

The current period is predetermined by a new task - to correct past mistakes. Future activity guarantees not only new opportunities (which, by the way, have yet to be properly implemented), but also a number of troubles that can be avoided. The pictogram advises how to move on, or rather, how to stop correctly. According to the book of fates, the ideal strategy for the present time will be a rethinking of the past. Stay at the foot of the mountain, and do not rush to the heights, because new results will only bring harm.

The first thing to think about is the relationship with the world. It is necessary to correct communication, first of all, with friends and the team at work. Naturally, it will not be possible to immediately establish communication with the right people on a close, warm and permanent basis, but gradually it will be possible to achieve more. True, there is a risk of being disappointed in someone close to you.

The romantic side of life requires the rejection of active forcing of events. No need to try to win someone's heart now or put pressure on an old partner. Remember that a loved one can always do it himself right choice, and your sense of tact will help tip the bowl in your favor.

As for the work area, new projects are dangerous here, especially when they require a lot of strength and pump out energy. The Chinese Book of Changes, the meaning of the symbol in this area reduces to self-discipline. That is, for the benefit of the activity, one should put in order old cases that seem spoiled or abandoned halfway through execution.

If the authorities decided to demote you, then you should come to terms with the presence of more significant personalities and not resist. Take care in advance good rest because now you don’t need to let your vacation take its course.

Use this time to accumulate energy in yourself and prepare for fresh challenges. In everyday life, you can pay attention to everyday chores. Be polite and calm at the same time, because the transition from quantity to quality after the stage of conquering space should be smooth. Learn to feel, listen, observe and transform, while remembering to look back more often and trust the world.

The future is now largely determined by the person himself, and not only by the predictions of the Yijing. The book of changes, the interpretation of the hexagram also reduces to the need to be invisible, but at the same time get rid of naivety. You should prepare for the surprises of fate, but not show your warlike attitude and endless perseverance.

The previous pictogram enabled man to achieve his inner truth and certainty. If the individual heeded the advice of the Chinese book and learned the nobility in the depths of the soul, then now it will be much easier for him to step back and make way without the suffering of self-esteem.

Remember that trying to catch up will only lead to disappointment. And unpleasant events from the near future cannot be changed at all, but they can be calmly waited out.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • The man ends up in a fishing net, but is freed with the help of his friend's knife. This is the personification of the final of major difficulties.
  • The full moon in heaven expresses the normalization of the situation after the end of bad days.
  • At the top of the hill is a guard post. According to the Chinese book, the picture refers to the prospects for a successful career.
  • Under a tree, a man hits his hat. Will be received workplace in the government.
  • The central image - the sound remains after the flight of the bird.
  • The main symbol - moving up means steps against the current, and vice versa.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. Not now the best time to move up. The greatest fortune is coming.
  2. Xiao-guo expresses the image of a flying bird. Yao first, second, fifth and sixth are wings, and the rest are wings.
  3. At the same time, the symbol can also be considered as an image of a soldier near the gate. Then the upper trigram will depict a person, and the lower trigram will represent a fence / arch.
  4. A multidimensional study of the sign shows that this is the Yu Hun hexagram. It is formed from the Gui-mei symbol (hexagram 54). For the patient, this is a bad omen.
  5. The February pictogram is unfavorable in winter, but quite successful in autumn, summer and spring.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

  • Love relationships are going through an era of failure. Now verbal skirmishes, nit-picking over trifles and even insults are put at the head of communication. Exactly the same discord awaits in family, friendly contacts. Quarrels go on and on.
  • Public and political affairs according to the book of Yijing will not justify large-scale hopes. No major achievements are expected, so even long efforts lead to minimal results.
  • An unfavorable forecast is also expected in the business sector. Efforts will not lead to profit, because it is still premature. Problems are associated with a lack of real interest in business, a feeling of boredom and sloppiness. In addition, a person is unnecessarily obsessed with details.
  • In the field of health, fortunately, there are only minor problems. There is a possibility of acute respiratory infections, influenza and other colds.

Hexagram 62 is the interpretation of a stable period of life in which one does not need to start new business or change the direction of one's activity. Minor troubles will soon go away, activities will return to normal, so you should not worry about trifles. The fulfillment of desires depends on the person himself, but small gifts can also be given by fate.

Re-development of the small

Transitional period, adaptation to various things; be very careful and inconspicuous; excess feminine yin.


Xiao-guo (Redevelopment of the small): xiao - small, ordinary, insignificant; adaptation to all things; decrease, dim, become invisible; small, light, insignificant; yin energy; go - surpass, exceed, extend beyond; overtake, overflow; get rid of, overcome; to stop vice, to exceed the norm; out of bounds, too much.

figurative row

Favorable stamina.
One can act in small things, one cannot act in great ones.
From a flying bird, only her voice will remain.
You shouldn't go up, you should go down.
Then there will be great happiness. This is a transitional time. Be very careful, act discreetly. Hide your strength and adapt to everything that comes your way. Do not, under any circumstances, impose your will. Then there will be success and enlightenment. Mind the little things and stay down, no matter what happens. Now is not the time to take on something big or lead others. Painstaking and prudence will open the way to true greatness. Focus on details.

Outer and inner worlds

The inner limit restrains and calms the manifestation of inner energy.

Hidden Opportunity

Consistency in the small contains a hidden possibility of accumulating enormous energy.


Where there is faith, there is no doubt about small things. Awareness of this allows you to use the re-development of the small.


Overdeveloped small means an excess of small.


Thunder rumbles over the mountain. Small development. A noble person uses things sparingly, avoiding excess in small and great things.

Hexagram lines

First six

Flying bird. Maybe bad luck.

If you try to take off, you will find that the path is closed. Stay in the shade and stay close to the ground.

Six second

You will pass by your forefather. Meet your mother.
You will not reach your sovereign. Meet his servant.
There will be no bullshit.

Do not mistake proximity to the goal for the goal itself. Move forward gradually, step by step. Small does not mean insignificant.

Nine third

If, passing by, you do not defend yourself, then someone from behind will attack you.

You have gone beyond your limits, and now you are in serious danger. The path is closed. You need to soberly assess your strengths.

Nine fourth

If you don't pass by, you will meet.
The performance will be terrible.
Bans are needed.
Don't act.
Eternal endurance.

If you hurry, you will miss, you will miss the intended target. You need to stop and limit yourself. Patience will be rewarded.

Six fifth

Thick clouds and no rain.
They are from our western outskirts.
The prince will shoot and hit the one in the cave.

The help you hope for will not come. The denouement is close, the tension is growing. Soon someone will break your loneliness. When this happens, a connection is formed that will allow you to come into the light.

The Book of Changes or the I Ching has been one of the most advanced divination systems for about 3 millennia. Throughout its existence, it has helped millions of people who have fallen into the net of darkness and need help to regain happiness and light in the soul.

This is a powerful magical tool that, through the use of cosmic and spiritual forces, can determine the connection between the questioner and his activities. This book uses the mystical knowledge and subconsciousness of a person, his inner voice, and on these grounds is able to suggest the right decision and possible future.

To correctly interpret all the predictions and advice that the book gives, you need to carefully master its technique and practice a little. After that, you can discover the huge world of the oracle, which will tell the deepest secrets and reveal accurate predictions for the future.

To start guessing from this book, you need to immediately relax and focus on the question. Only precise and simple questions should be asked, before thinking several times over its meaning and wording. Also, you can not only ask direct questions, but also ask for advice from the I Ching.

The book itself contains 64 characters that have different meanings. One of the most controversial and mysterious is hexagram 62. In Chinese, this symbol is designated as 小過 and is called Xiao-guo, which in Russian means "redevelopment of the small."

If this symbol falls out, then in the future the questioner may be disappointed in a person close to him, but Chinese wisdom says that one should not despair much, much less make a tragedy out of it. The best chance that was given to fulfill your desires and your goals has already been missed, but a new chance is just around the corner.

This is the time when you can improve your financial situation well, but not your career growth. At such a moment, it is also worth abandoning large-scale trips and recreation. This hexagram says that the time has come for small things, and not for great and large-scale ones. At present, a certain situation has already developed, and if mistakes are made in the future, then, like everyone else in this period of life, they will not be too global, and even more so irreparable.

You need to believe in the truth, which will be the active force of subsequent actions and situations. This is a rather controversial, at one time positive, and at other times a negative hexagram. The book of changes says that if this symbol falls out, then harmony is broken in a person’s life, but not in big, but small deeds and situations. To balance the situation, you need to clearly, correctly and honestly follow each stage in life.

Also, Chinese masters argue that you need to be content at this moment with what you already have, because if you try to improve and raise your position, then there is a huge chance of losing what a person already has. On the contrary, if you stay below and in the shadows, then there will be a chance that a person will come to the rescue, which will affect the development of something bigger and better. The hexagram itself is symmetrical and harmonious, it consists of six lines: the lower two and the upper two are interrupted lines, and the middle two are solid. Even the symbol indicates that there should be harmony in all human actions, that extremes should be avoided.

Each line of the hexagram has its own interpretation. The first means that the mistake already made cannot be corrected, as a result of which there is a discord in harmony.

The second shows that a person's mistake is that, having not achieved the goal to the end, but only some part of it, he stops, which becomes the reason for the overdevelopment of the small.

The third trait shows that an unachieved goal will always haunt a person, and if he does not correct this situation, then in the future this will lead to negative consequences and failures. The fourth line indicates that you need to put prohibitions on some actions. The fifth component of the hexagram, the line, should indicate an activity that affects others. But due to the slightest mistakes, this is impossible. And the sixth feature says that if a small mistake is made and not corrected by rethinking, then it can develop into a larger and more global one, which can later bring failure.

Such an ambiguous and mysterious interpretation is carried by the book of changes, in the case of the 62nd hexagram, and only experts can interpret it correctly. But if it falls to the questioner, then there is still a chance to change everything and turn fortune to face you.

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