Samsung plant in the Kaluga region. Samsung: whose firm, which country

In the 21st century, many companies from different countries move production to China and other countries with inexpensive labor force as it saves a lot of money, and not at the expense of quality. Yes, contrary to popular stereotype, not everything that is made in China is bad.

A vivid confirmation of this can be the smartphones of the South Korean company Samsung, which have long been produced and assembled not only in China, but also in Vietnam.

So what build country might the Galaxy S7 have? There are only three options:

  • Korea.
  • Vietnam.
  • China.

And for some reason everyone wants the Korean version of the smartphone. Let's take a look at China as an example, why you shouldn't be afraid of assemblies from factories in other countries.

You shouldn't be afraid to buy an expensive Galaxy S7 due to the fact that it is made in China. Nowadays, most firms manufacture their products in the Middle Kingdom. At the same time, of course, marketers emphasize the origin of the brand - Japan, Germany, USA - but tactfully keep silent about the place of production and assembly. This is done precisely because of the stereotype of the low quality of Chinese goods.

In the case of anything made in China, the rule that the more expensive the better is true as never before. A cheap Chinese smartphone with a built-in antenna and a TV, bought for a couple of thousand rubles, is likely to shamelessly slow down and freeze regularly, but, for a minute, remember how much it cost. And some Galaxy S7, which costs more than some earn a month, is of excellent quality at the same place of assembly.

Those who are still intimidated by the "Chinese quality" should look around and think how many of the objects around them are produced in China. Most likely, this extensive list will include a refrigerator, a laptop, a computer system unit with all its contents, a TV, a smartphone, a router, an acoustic system, jeans, shirts, bed linen, a kettle, a microwave oven ... The list will be very, very long.

What matters is not the place where the Galaxy S7 is produced and assembled, but the fact that the Chinese factories of Samsung have strict quality control, and the production and assembly processes themselves have long been debugged during the pilot launch of the model in Korea. Yes, practical Koreans first start production at home, fix all the problems, and only then give the tested and proven scheme to their own factories in China.

Thus, you shouldn't give up buying the coveted Galaxy S7 just because it comes from China. On the contrary, on initial stages production - in the first batches (when smartphones are assembled only in Korea), various flaws, manufacturing defects, etc. are possible. And these shortcomings are corrected with each new batch - the fresher the phone is, the fewer shortcomings it has. And when the assembly moves to a plant in another country, everything is already assembled there "as it should".

One thing not worth doing is buying a copy of the Galaxy S7, but that's a conversation for.

And of course, we must remember that any other similar smartphones are either entirely produced there, or assembled in other countries from Chinese components. And the place of assembly does not matter for a long time - what difference does it make where the smartphone is assembled if it is assembled by robots that do not make mistakes?

In 1938, in the small South Korean town of Daegu, a small businessman who traded in rice, together with his partner, decided to found a company with a start-up capital of only $ 2,000. The company called "Samson" means "Three stars", was created with the aim of expanding the business.

Business Formation Byong Chul Lee

At the beginning of the last century, Chhun Li was engaged in the production of flour from rice and sold it in one of his shops. Although at this time Korea was invaded by Japan, the small entrepreneur still managed to make his favorite business effective.

Then the businessman decided to organize the supply of food, which he bought from local producers and fishermen, to neighboring Manjuria and China. To this end, he had to open an export company with a staff of 50 people.

Over time, Lee's list of food products exported abroad expanded significantly, since in 1939 a businessman managed to buy a small brewery. Rice vodka and wine products are now being exported to other countries, especially America.

The second World War practically did not affect the entrepreneur's trade. After graduation, the owner of the factories began to resell sewing machines, steel and plant fertilizers. Just in 1948, Lee's company received a name change, which now sounded in American - Samsung Trading Co.

Prerequisites for the production of household appliances

In 1950-1953, a war broke out in Korea between the communist North and the pro-American South, which virtually destroyed Chul Lee's business. But thanks to the fact that the founder of Samsung did not give up and used the support of the government (the businessman was friends with the President himself South Korea), managed to revive the brand from hell.

In the middle of the last century, Samsung is engaged in:

  • textile production;
  • making sugar;
  • insurance business;
  • the production of fertilizers;
  • and even has its own newspaper, Joong-Ang.

Samsung Corporation began to flourish due to benefits and government orders from the government. It is also interesting that hospitals, schools and hotels have begun to be built throughout the country thanks to the support of a world-famous brand. The construction of the famous skyscraper in the UAE Burj Khalifa, the twin towers, which in Malaysia also did not go without the support of the company.

You can also watch the history of Samsung's development in the video.

What is business success?

The developed intuition and lightning-fast reaction of the owner of the company are precisely the qualities of a manager, due to which it was possible to build and keep afloat one of the largest brands in electrical engineering. And now, even after 80 years from the date of foundation, Lee's followers know how to feel the approach of change and improve their production by introducing new technologies.

Having determined what the future stands for technology, the management of the corporation decides to produce refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, cameras and microwave ovens. In 1983, the first personal computer was released.

As managers looking forward, the government of the concern supplies equipment to America and European countries. In this way, managed to get 1/5 of all South Korean exports and become a leader having overtaken its competitor - Sony (according to British researchers, in 2005 the Samsung brand for the first time exceeded the value of the Sony corporation).

Samsung financial performance

The total volume of products sold in 1994 amounted to over $ 5 billion. And in 1995, goods were exported in about the same equivalent to other countries.

For 2017, the value of Samsung Corporation is estimated at $ 23.4 billion, which was achieved thanks to exports and a successful marketing policy. There has been a rapid increase in brand value over the past 10 years - by 280%.


In 1969, the company opens a joint venture with Sanyo to produce black and white televisions. After a while, Sanyo is absorbed by his ally, - new company became known as Samsung Electronics.

Competitors in the sale of household appliances are TM Sony, LG, Zanussi and many others. According to Forbes Global magazine, the Samsung brand in 1999 was awarded the title of the most best manufacturer home appliances.

One of the main directions of the company is the sale of telecommunication equipment. So, 10 years ago, the share of the company LCD TV sales in the markets of Europe and North America was 11.7%, which outstripped the sale of brand goods Philips, LG, TTE and Sony.

With the release of smartphones and computer technicians and the corporation competes with such eminent brands as Apple, Lenovo, HTC and others. The brand's smartphones cannot boast of a high status, since the Vertu trademark is actively involved in the sale of premium gadgets.

Marketing policy of the company

After Chul Lee's death in 1987, the Samsung concern was headed by his son Kong Hee., who decided not to focus on the scale of production. He stopped producing cheap goods that were of a low quality level, and began to focus on modern technologies ahead of time.

The choice was made in favor of quality. And now the Kun Hee company can boast of both mass production and high technologies.

Kong Hee is a real reformer who has carried out not only the restructuring of the company, but also completely overhauled the marketing policy. Thus, to promote a product:

  • the logo was re-branded (red stars were redesigned into a blue ellipse with the name of the corporation);
  • a large-scale advertising campaign Worldwide;
  • among competitive advantages gave preference not to quantity, but to quality;
  • changed the mission of the company, and also introduced the principle “not to spare money for promotion, at the same time, to spend it with maximum efficiency”;
  • segmented the market into 3 categories of users (with limited, standard and increased requirements for technology);
  • engaged in active support of the social sphere around the world, which increased brand awareness (sponsored by the Olympic Committee, Chelsea FC and other projects);
  • began to send huge funds to research and improvement of technical characteristics.

Brand in Russia

In 2007, during the international economic forum in St. Petersburg, a cooperation agreement was signed between representatives of the Samsung corporation and the Kaluga administration, and eventually implemented. Thus, on the territory of the industrial park of the region, factory buildings were erected, which are now under the management of the joint venture Samsung Electronics Rus Kaluga. The plant on an area of ​​43 hectares launched the first workshop for the production of equipment in 2008.

Since 2009, the distribution center of the Samsung concern and the SERK plant have been operating on the basis of the Vorsino industrial park. The consolidated volume of investment in the joint venture amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.

The corporation does not forget about social sphere providing financial support to the Hermitage, the Olympic Committee and the Bolshoi Theater.

Samsung today

In the 4th quarter of 2016, the company's total revenue grew by 50% compared to the same period in 2015 (exceeding $ 7 billion for the period). There has also been an increase in revenue from the sale of Galaxy Note 7 and Galaxy S7 smartphones.

The corporation is one of the 5 companies that are rapidly increasing their financial potential.

An impressive staff of about 150 thousand people and the opening of offices in 62 countries around the world testifies to the skillful conduct of business. It should be noted also the high brand awareness, which today is about 98%.

It is thanks to the success of Samsung that the Korean town of Suwong, where the headquarters of the brand is located, is now popularly called Samsung-City.

Thus, due to the focus on the intuition of owners and managers, modern technologies and a well-thought-out marketing policy, Samsung Electronics takes a leading position among the well-known manufacturers of household appliances and electronics.

More than 50 interesting facts about the company you can see in the video.

On March 1, 1938, in the South Korean town of Daegu, a local rice trader Byong Chul Lee founded together with his Chinese partners new firm with the aim of expanding their then business. Start-up capital at that time was $ 2000. It is from this moment that Samsung history, which translates to "Three Stars" and is pronounced "Samson" in South Korean.

Initially, Li's organization exported rice, sugar, noodles and dried fish to China and Manchuria. Already in 1939, the company acquired a brewery, after which wine and rice vodka were added to the range.

Thanks to Biong Chul Lee's commercial flair, intuition and management talent, things were going very well; the staff and sales volumes increased. Even World War II failed to have a significant negative impact on his business. After graduation, sewing machines, steel and fertilizers were added to the product catalog. And in 1948, Lee and his partners decided to be referred to as the then fashionable name in the American manner of Samsung Trading Co.

Korean War and the years after it

Period 1950-1953 became a very severe test for the company. Its main production lines and warehouses were destroyed, and the business itself was virtually destroyed. But the fact that its creator went down in history was that he did not give up and managed to achieve the impossible: Samsung literally rose from the ashes. It was important to find the strength to continue activities, and here it was not without the support of the South Korean government, which made a bet for the restoration of the post-war economy on large concerns (chaebols). Effective measures in the form of benefits, loans and government orders have done their job: Samsung Trading Co has become one of the leading corporations in the country.

In the 60s and 70s, Lee's business expanded significantly: a powerful fertilizer factory was built, participation in the South Korean insurance system was developed, a newspaper was established; also begins the construction of hospitals, hotels, universities and even ships. And all this under the already well-known trade mark.

Interesting fact: The construction of the Burj Khalifa Tower in the UAE (the tallest building in the world), the Twin Towers in Malaysia and a number of other unique objects, including the large-tonnage ship of the same name - all this is the merit of Samsung Corporation.

Start of production of household appliances

In 1969, the first English-language logo of the Korean monster of the world economy was created. At the same time, a division for the production of black and white TVs was opened in conjunction with Sanyo. In 1973, this partner enterprise became fully controlled by Samsung Trading Co and later, after the transformation, became known as Samsung Electronics Corporation.

In subsequent years, their product line was replenished with the following types of goods:

  • 1974 - refrigerators and washing machines;
  • 1977 - color televisions;
  • 1979 - VCRs, cameras and microwave ovens;
  • 1983 - personal computers;
  • 1991 - cell phones;
  • 1999 - smartphones.

The corporation managed to become the first in Korea, occupying a total share of its products with a fifth of the country's total exports. In 1978, a representative office of the company was opened in America. This is how the path to conquering world leadership began.

Interesting fact: More than 70% of the group's sales are in electronics. Today, the leading division of the corporation, Samsung Electronics, is the world leader in the production of household appliances and electronics. And the shipbuilding division of Samsung Heavy Industry is ranked second in the world.

1986 was marked by the awarding of the prize “ Best company of the year ”, as well as the release of the 10 millionth color TV set. At the same time, sales offices of the company were opened in Canada and Australia, in addition to this, research laboratories began to work in California and Tokyo.

Interesting fact: According to British research companies, back in the summer of 2005, the total value of the Samsung brand exceeded that of Sony for the first time.

The history of the mobile line from the company

Smartphones from this corporation cannot boast of a high price and the status of a "premium" segment of the telephone market. This place is honorable and has long been occupied by the nearly bankrupt Vertu company. We wrote material about her

In 1994, the total

the corporation's sales exceeded $ 5 billion, and in 1995, the export turnover already exceeded $ 5 billion.

In 1997, Samsung launched a CDMA mobile phone weighing just 137 grams - the lightest in the world.

Since 1998, the corporation has been the world's leading manufacturer of LCD monitors. At the same time, the mass production of digital TVs was started. And just a year later, in 1999, Samsung was awarded the honorary title of "Best Household Appliance Company" by Forbes Global magazine.

Interesting fact: In Russia, the first Samsung production was opened in Kaluga in 2008. Under industrial complex the territory of 47.3 hectares was allotted. The total investment amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.

After the death of the founder of the corporation in 1987, it was headed by his son Lee Kun Hee.

He revised the then concept of large-scale production of budget-quality products, focusing not on their cheapness and mass production, but on high-quality innovative products that outstripped market trends. This decision turned out to be very successful and subsequently significantly increased the brand's image in the world. As a result, having made a choice between quantity and quality in favor of the second, the corporation only won, and now it can boast of both.

Interesting fact: Due to the worldwide fame and popularity of the brand, the city of Suwon, in which the corporation's headquarters has been located since 1973, is called Samsung-City by the common people.

Video: History of Samsung Corporation in 100 Seconds

10.03.2012 / 160

Interesting information about the Samsung brand. Reference data on the Samsung trademark.

In the 1930s in Korea, entrepreneur Lee Byungchol started his own rice flour business. A small warehouse in Daegu city marks the beginning of a long history for Samsung. At this time, Korea was a colony of Japan, and it was quite difficult to engage in private business in the country. However, as early as 1938, Li managed to create the first independent export channel from Korea to China and Manchuria. Active development of supplies food products such as rice, sugar and dried fish, made it possible to officially register trade mark Samsung Trading Company. The foreign (for Korea) origin of the name was a consequence of the far-reaching, ambitious plans of the Korean entrepreneur: by the end of the 1950s, Lee Byung was going to establish trade with the countries of the American continent. And after the landing of US troops on the Korean Peninsula, the products of the plant for the production of rice vodka and beer began to be sold to representatives of the allied forces. The Korean War ended this business. Warehouses were ransacked and burned, just like the company's main factories.

There is a legend that on the ruins of a burnt house, Lee Byung found a hidden box with money, which he invested in his new business. It was a textile factory, a sugar factory, and later an insurance business. Lee Byung grew rich quickly, despite the fact that the average per capita income in Korea in the 1960s did not exceed $ 80. It is worth noting that at that time, even in the capital, Seoul, there was no permanent electricity, electricity was supplied for several hours a day, and there was no centralized water supply. Not surprisingly, an imminent military coup overthrew Lee Seung Man, president and close friend of Lee Byung, who, as a wealthy businessman, was a member of the disgraced ruler's inner circle. Lee Byung Chol himself was jailed for bribery and close acquaintance with the ousted president.

The new president of South Korea, General Park Chung Hee, began industrial and economic reforms. A program for the development of the industrial sector of the economy was developed, an increased focus on export was supported by close relations with the United States, it was supposed to take foreign loans, to acquire raw materials and modern technologies, and to use the obtained profit again for the purchase of raw materials and equipment. Korean reformers concluded that a stable economy should rely on large concerns, but they needed to be created as soon as possible, so government loans and loans were provided to the most prominent businessmen in Korea. They were backed by government orders, while certain legal and tax breaks made it possible for small businesses to grow into large conglomerates. Lee Byungchol was one of the successful entrepreneurs.

Thus, 30 large companies(chaebols - "money families"). Among them, in addition to Samsung, were Daewoo, Hyundai, Goldstar (LG), etc. Each "money family" had its own direction: Daewoo - car production, Goldstar - Appliances, Samsung has electronics, Hyundai has construction, etc.

South Korea's economy has grown at a rapid pace of 6 to 14% per year. The increase in exports during this period was 30%. So in 1969, when Samsung, after merging with Sanyo, began producing black and white televisions, in Korea itself, only 2% of the population had them.

The merger of Sanyo and Samsung marked the beginning of one of the largest sectors of the Samsung Group - Samsung Electronics. The company managed, albeit with heavy losses, to weather the economic crisis of the 1980s. The price of the crisis is a few non-core divisions, a sharp reduction in the number of subsidiaries... With the coming to the board of Lee Honghee, a whole range of reforms was proposed, which implied not only a complete restructuring of the company, but also a change in the very foundations of management: the company had to fully comply with the conditions of the free trade law. The proposals to change the policy towards external investors were supposed to increase the attractiveness of the company for subsidies, as the conglomerate lost financial support from the state.

Until the 1980s, the shares of the companies included in the concern were circulating only in South Korea, while they used enough low demand from the side of investors. The reason is traditionally Asian governance based on the principles of Confucianism: only representatives of the Li family were at the head of the government. External investors had no levers to influence decision-making in the management of companies. In addition, traditional management meant life-long employment and career advancement over the years of service.

Marketing changes were introduced, a complete redesign of the company's mission and a change in its symbol. The first two logos of the company featured three red stars. But Samsung's management, considering the former logo inappropriate to the image of an international corporation, decided to replace it. It was then that the modern emblem saw the light - a dynamically inclined blue ellipse with the name of the company written inside. An excellent design and a large-scale advertising campaign did their job: the logo became one of the most recognizable in the world. Advertising students from leading universities are examining Samsung's logo change as an example of an extremely successful rebranding today.

When developing a new emblem, oriental philosophy was not without. According to the company's representatives, "the elliptical shape of the logo symbolizes movement in the world space, expressing the idea of ​​renewal and improvement." These changes continued until the 1990s.

In 1983, the production of personal computers was opened.

In 1991-1992, the development of the first production of personal mobile devices and mobile telephony.

Finally, the 1999 Forbes Global Manufacturing Awards consumer electronics was awarded to Samsung Electronics.

One of the most important directions is the creation of LCD panels (monitors) and TV, as evidenced by the ubiquity of production. Plants for the manufacture of monitors Samsung Electronics are located in South Korea (Suwon) (1981), Hungary (1990), Malaysia (1995), Great Britain (1995), Mexico (1998), China (1998), Brazil (1998), Slovakia ( 2002), India (2001), Vietnam (2001), Thailand (2001), Spain (2001).

In 2008, a TV set production plant was opened in Russia (Kaluga region), the enterprise is engaged in the assembly of LCD and plasma TVs. The plant has a workshop for the production of plastic parts of the product body, but the line is not fully loaded and the main part of the devices is assembled from imported parts (mainly made in China) (November 2008).

Headquarters in Seoul suburb gets busy with displays the highest quality(of all those produced by the concern), the 6 sigma control system has been introduced at this enterprise. Here they develop new models, test them, create the first series of products, and after a successful implementation, they distribute the load on the manufacture of a new product between factories around the world. This standard has been introduced at most of the plants of the concern, for example, it is the corporate strategy for the work of the Samsung SDI division.

Most users are interested in which country Samsung is made in. The main highlight of the method, which will be described in detail below, is that any user can check the country of origin of any Android smartphone, not just an Android Samsung smartphone.

Samsung began its first production in India, opening its first plant in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, near New Delhi, in 1997. This state-of-the-art complex is today the home base of the electronics giant. Here are produced mobile phones, refrigerators and LED TVs. The Noida facility is considered a leader among all Samsung subsidiaries in terms of maximum productivity.

To help make its products better and faster in the southern part of the country, Samsung opened a second manufacturing facility in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in November 2007. Today, the Sriperumbudur facility manufactures LED TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and split air conditioners.

Displaying IMEI on the screen

To determine the manufacturer, first we need to figure out how to display the IMEI number of your smartphone. This is a unique identifier for any gadget that cannot be tampered with or faked.

To display these numbers on the screen, you must dial the combination * # 06 #. Next, one or two IMEI numbers will appear in front of you, depending on how many SIM card slots are installed in the smartphone. In addition, the unique serial number of the Samsung smartphone will be displayed.

Also, the IMEI number and serial number can be viewed if your phone model is equipped with a removable battery. To do this, turn off the device, remove the battery, and there will be a sticker with this Samsung data in its compartment.

Which country is the manufacturer of this or that smartphone? This issue is of concern to a large number of users. And not surprising. After all, many may not even know that the country of origin of Samsung may be different. So, it was previously believed that all smartphones of this brand are assembled in China, but this is not true.

What do the IMEI symbols mean

After you have displayed the IMEI information on the screen, you need to figure out what it means. On the smartphone screen, the information will look something like this: Samsung ww70k62108wd ua. The country of origin is not displayed in the open form.

By the way, Samsung's management claims that the quality of their products is consistently high, regardless of which country produces it.

Returning to the decoding of IMEI, the user will be interested in his 7th and 8th characters. It is they who contain information about the country of origin of this particular Galaxy smartphone.

Decoding by country

Below are all the available codes that explain in which country a particular gadget was produced:

  • The numbers 05 or 50 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone is manufactured in Brazil or the United States.
  • The number 08 or 80 means your Galaxy was made in Germany.
  • The numbers 00 indicate that it was made in the country where it was purchased.
  • The numbers 01 or 10 mean that the Galaxy is manufactured in Finland.
  • Numbers 02 or 20 indicate that it was assembled in the UAE or India.
  • The numbers 03 or 30 means your phone is made in China.
  • The numbers 04 or 40 also indicate that the gadget is assembled in the Middle Kingdom.
  • The numbers 06 or 60 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone was manufactured in Hong Kong, China or Mexico.
  • The number 13 indicates that it was produced in Azerbaijan.

Again, the country of origin Samsung does not affect the quality of a particular device. Rather, it is the personal preference of the users. But, according to numerous surveys, it becomes obvious that users still prefer to search for smartphones made in India.

If in the IMEI line in place of the 6th and 7th characters there are numbers not from the list above, then the smartphone was produced in Vietnam at a partner plant. This, alas, is not the most the best choice, as the device may use some components of a partner plant, and not from Samsung.

Alternative method

If you do not want to find out the country of origin of Samsung by the IMEI code, then this can be done using a third-party software... For example, you can install the Phone Info Samsung app on your smartphone. It will display information about which country is the manufacturer of Samsung on the home screen.

The named application has a very simple interface. It simply displays all the information it can retrieve from the device. This includes how to find out the country of origin of your Samsung phone. There is a section at the top of this list " general information"containing information about the country of origin of the device, the date of manufacture, and the status of the Knox counter.