Do I need a print. Is an individual entrepreneur required to have a seal? Do you need an IP seal?

When making individual entrepreneurship questions often arise. One of them is the dilemma, is printing necessary for an entrepreneur? What are the consequences of its absence, and what gives its presence? Many decide to give up printing. Firstly, it is troublesome, and, secondly, it is not cheap. In addition, the law allows an individual entrepreneur to conduct business without it. In this article, we will analyze whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur, what are the advantages and disadvantages, how to register a seal and what it reflects.

Do I need a seal for IP?

This question has a clear answer - no, its production does not apply to the obligations of the entrepreneur. It is rather a right, and it is enshrined in the law of April 6, 2015 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Part of Removing the Compulsory Printing of Business Companies.”

Advantages and disadvantages of having a seal

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of having a seal from an individual entrepreneur.

Advantages Flaws

Possibility of making an entry in the work book of employees

The need for constant use of the seal, when signing any document, it should always be
Certification and additional protection of documents

Periodically arising need to replace the pillow

Ability to issue invoices, invoices and powers of attorney

Unhindered opening of accounts in any bank

Increasing the prestige and trust of counterparties

Thus, the presence of a seal gives the entrepreneur certain advantages. For example, this is an opportunity to open a current account in any bank, or work with a legal entity, for which the presence of a seal on a document is important.

At the same time, printing is optional in many banks. To carry out transactions with funds, the personal presence and signature of a businessman is sufficient. The entrepreneur can economic activity without printing, which many successfully do. Therefore, to have a seal or not, only the entrepreneur himself can decide, based on certain circumstances.

Do I need to register a seal?

In order to make a seal, an individual entrepreneur should contact a company that specializes in this. Once the seal is received, it does not need to be registered anywhere. Any actions related to it, the businessman takes on his own. At his discretion, he can make, replace or destroy the seal. These actions do not entail an obligation to report to anyone.

But if an entrepreneur wants to use state symbols in the print of the seal, then this is possible only after obtaining a special permit.

Sometimes it is beneficial for entrepreneurs to register a seal. This is justified if there may be a precedent for a fake signing of contracts and other documents on behalf of an individual entrepreneur.

Registration of the IP seal can be carried out in the following instances:

  • in the tax;
  • in the registration chamber;
  • in internal affairs bodies (OVD);
  • in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • in the manufacturer's register.

Documents required to obtain a seal

To make a seal, an individual entrepreneur should contact a company specializing in such activities and provide copies of the following documents:

  • passport (page with photo and registration);
  • state registration number;
  • extract from the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs.

Types of seal production: tooling, comparison of materials

IP seal can be with:

  • simple equipment;
  • automatic equipment.

The automatic one is more convenient to use, while the simple one is more compact and easier to carry if necessary. Prints can be made from a variety of materials, but rubber and polymer are the most popular. Polymer is cheaper and easier to make. Rubber is more expensive, but it will last much longer. If the average service life of a polymer cushion is about 4 years, then a rubber cushion is up to 10. The increased cost of a rubber cushion is due to the painstaking work with this material.

Thus, the production of a seal for an individual entrepreneur is not mandatory. To do it or not, only the owner of the business can decide. But keep in mind that in many cases, the presence of it makes the work of an entrepreneur easier.

What information should be on the printout?

Turning to the manufacturer of the seal, the entrepreneur will receive several of its sketches, among which you need to choose the one that suits you. The legislation establishes a list of certain information that must be placed on the seal imprint. A private entrepreneur may, at his discretion, add some information.

Standard imprint information:

  • name of the legal form (individual entrepreneur);
  • FULL NAME. entrepreneur in accordance with the registration documents;
  • OGRN;
  • the address where the IP is located.

The IP seal must be round, triangular or rectangular and have a clear impression. In relation to it, we can say that the press overloaded with information and drawings may be inappropriate. It will be better if the print contains only the necessary information.

When does printing provide IP benefits?

The entrepreneur has the full right to conduct his business activities without a seal. But in some cases, its presence becomes necessary, especially when it is planned to expand the business. Consider the cases in which the presence of a seal is an advantage.

In the bank

In order to make legal settlements with buyers and customers, a private entrepreneur needs to open a bank account. Many banks at the same time require not only to sign an agreement, but also to seal it. Of course, you can choose another credit institution that does not have such strict requirements for opening an account. But in order to ensure complete freedom of choice of a servicing bank, it is better for an entrepreneur to make a seal.

An entrepreneur has the right not to use a cash register in his activities, subject to the application of a simplified taxation system. In this case, it is necessary to use strict reporting forms, which must be stamped without fail.


Often, partners of a private entrepreneur require him to put on the contract not only his signature, but also a seal. But, if the presence of the IP seal in the contract is not mandatory, then there are documents that will not acquire legal force in the absence of such details. For example, this is a pledge agreement, waybills. If the business is related to the provision transport services, then the seal is necessary to fill out the waybill and write off the fuel.


If the plans of a businessman include the subsequent hiring of workers to carry out economic activities, then printing will become a necessity. This is due to the obligation of the entrepreneur to fill out work books, which will be legal and correct only if there is an imprint in it.

State procurements

If the entrepreneur plans to base his economic activity on public procurement through the public order system. In order to draw up an application for participation in the tender, it is necessary to put a stamp on it. If before this decision the seal was not used in the daily work of the entrepreneur, then he will have to make it.

Answers to current questions

Question #1. What to do if the seal is lost or stolen?

If it so happened that the seal was lost or stolen, then first of all you need to contact the internal affairs authorities and write a statement about its loss. Based on it, a certificate will be issued at the police department, and after that it will be possible to make a new seal. If the lost seal was previously registered with the Federal Tax Service, then it is imperative to report the loss in order to exclude it from the register.

Question #2. What should a private entrepreneur do with a seal if a decision is made to close?

When deciding to close, contact tax service. After paying the fee, you need to submit an application for closing the IP, attach a copy of your passport and a seal to it. Thus, the press liquidates the body that previously registered the entrepreneur.

Question number 3. If the entrepreneur is already carrying out his activities without using the seal, he decided to conclude a contract with prerequisite the presence of a seal in it. Can he make it at any time?

Yes, if a businessman, by the nature of his activity, has never encountered the need to use a seal, and then it nevertheless arose, you can order it at any time. Checkout Required documents, you can order and receive it within a few hours from a company specializing in the production of seals.

Question #4. Are there established rules for making a seal?

The legislation establishes that the seal of an individual entrepreneur can be different shapes- both triangular and rectangular, and round. The form is not important, but the seal should have a clear impression. In addition, it is forbidden to use state symbols in the press of a private entrepreneur, for example, a coat of arms.

Question number 5. If the need for printing has disappeared, can the entrepreneur refuse it?

Yes, if the seal is no longer needed, then the businessman has the right to refuse to use it. To do this, the seal is destroyed, which is documented in the relevant act. Then the fact of destruction must be reported to the bank in which the entrepreneur is served. There is no need to tell anyone else about this.

Question #6. How many seals can an entrepreneur have?

An individual entrepreneur may have several seals, their number is not limited by law. Since his duties do not include their mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service, the procedure for their manufacture and liquidation is simplified as much as possible.

Question number 7. Where can I turn if I want to register a seal of a private entrepreneur?

Registration of the IP seal is not required. If the entrepreneur nevertheless decided to register it, you need to contact the register of seals. There you should get a conclusion and submit it to the National Assembly. On average, the procedure takes several days.

Alexander, hello.

As for the main question about the need to put an IP seal on documents and the validity of these documents without a seal, I would like to draw your attention to the following points.

First, according to paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a citizen has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity from the moment state registration as an individual entrepreneur. When registering, the seal of the IP as confirmation of its status and mandatory activity is not required.

Secondly, according to Art. 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. The transaction must be in writing by drawing up a document expressing its content and signed by a person or persons making the transaction, or persons duly authorized by them.
Law, other legal acts and may be established by agreement of the parties Additional requirements , which must comply with the form of the transaction (commission on a letterhead of a certain form, seal binding etc.) and provide for the consequences of non-compliance with these requirements. If such consequences are not foreseen, the consequences of non-compliance with the simple writing transactions (paragraph 1 of Article 162).

Thus, for the validity of the concluded transaction, as well as the documents drawn up as part of its implementation, only the signature of the person is sufficient. The presence of a seal on these documents is allowed only if the parties to the transaction (agreement) have reached an independent agreement on this.

Thirdly, the absence of the need to put a seal on documents was repeatedly noted in the materials of judicial practice.

Resolution of the Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal of May 19, 2016 N 07AP-3780/2016 in case N A27-18750/2015

Arguments IP Prigarova L.G. that the presented waybills do not contain the seal of the defendant, in connection with which the court, without sufficient grounds, recognized that the waybills had been signed by the defendant's employees, are subject to rejection.
Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Accounting" establishes that all business transactions carried out by an organization must be documented by supporting documents. These documents serve as primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is maintained. Primary accounting documents are accepted for accounting if they are drawn up in the form contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation, and documents, the form of which is not provided for in these albums, must contain the following mandatory details: the name of the document; date of preparation of the document; the name of the organization on behalf of which the document is drawn up; content business transaction; business transaction meters in physical and monetary terms; Name officials responsible for the performance of a business transaction and the correctness of its execution; personal signatures of the said persons.
Evidence of confirmation of the transfer of inventory items in accordance with the Regulation on accounting and financial statements v Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of July 29, 1998 N 34n, is a document (waybill, waybill, acceptance certificate, etc.) containing the date of its compilation, the name of the supplier organization, the content and meters of the business transaction in kind and in monetary terms, as well as the signatures of authorized persons who transferred and accepted the property. The list of information that must be indicated on the TORG-12 waybill is determined by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated December 25, 1998 N 132 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for trade operations."
When evaluating the disputed consignment notes, the court, among other things, took into account the fact that they contain all the necessary details, while the absence of the defendant's seal in the consignment notes, if the signature of the person who accepted the goods, is not a shortcoming in the design of consignment notes, indicating the absence the fact of the transfer of goods.
Evidence of the agreement by the parties of the obligation to certify the consignment note with the seal of the defendant was not presented in the case file.
In addition, neither in Civil Code RF, nor in federal law dated 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” does not say that an individual entrepreneur must have a seal. ) it is also indicated that the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to acquire and use a seal in the course of his activities is not provided for by the current tax legislation. The presence of a seal is at the discretion of the individual entrepreneur himself.

As a matter of fact, the presented conclusion of the court gives a direct answer to the question that for the purposes of accounting, only a document signed by an individual entrepreneur is sufficient, the presence of a seal on it is possible at the discretion of the entrepreneur himself.

We will tell you in which cases an individual entrepreneur needs a seal: we will list the “pros” and “cons” of its use

Individual entrepreneurs are not required to have a seal. Such a requirement is not provided for by law, and the Federal Tax Service for Moscow confirms this in a letter dated February 28, 2006 No. 28-10 / 15239. If an entrepreneur believes that a personal imprint is not useful in his work, he has every right to do without it. To certify IP documents, it is enough only personal signature. Sometimes, some authorities require you to write "b / n" and put your signature.

But in the absence of a personal seal from an individual entrepreneur, he needs to be prepared for the fact that counterparties will demand a letter about the absence of an imprint. Since the signature is easy to forge, and subsequently the document can be invalidated. And a letter about the absence of a seal in such a situation provides additional insurance to the counterparty.

The letter does not unified form, it is enough to provide in free form with the following data:

  • Signature.

The presence of a seal at an individual entrepreneur: "pluses" and "cons"

  • Expanding the range of possible counterparties (at the expense of large and state-owned companies).
  • If the taxation system allows, you can refuse cash registers.
  • Increasing the status of an entrepreneur.
  • Reducing the chance of counterfeit banking and other documents.


  • Manufacturing and repair costs.
  • Risk of loss or theft.
  • The need to always have a seal at hand (for example, it is not allowed to put a seal in one case, and in a situation convenient for you, refer to the absence of a seal).

Situations when an individual entrepreneur is required to have a seal

The entrepreneur will have to order a print:

  • In the presence of hired employees. An entry in the work book without an imprint of the employer will be invalidated.
  • When issuing travel tickets, receipt cash orders.
  • If the IP deals with forms strict accountability(commodity checks, waybills). Their signing must be accompanied by a seal. Therefore, an entrepreneur who accepts payment from citizens, but does not have cash registers, be sure to get a print.
  • Some banks require a seal to open a checking account. Not all banks put forward such a requirement, since it is based solely on their internal rules. But it is important to know that working with checkbooks is always possible only with printing.
  • For the participation of individual entrepreneurs in government orders (the application will not be accepted without a seal).

Mandatory requirements for printing for IP

Despite the wide variety of printing options, IP must consider the following requirements when ordering it:

  • Shape: circle, square or rectangle.
    1. Size 38-42 mm., diameter for round or side length for triangular.
    2. Size 35-50mm and 70-100mm, side length for rectangular.
  • Symbols used: any company symbols that do not contain the state emblem, municipal symbols, logos of foreign enterprises.
  • Placed data: full name, legal form (individual entrepreneur), TIN, OGRNIP, city.
  • Type of printing: manual or automatic.

Registration of the seal in state bodies

There is no need to notify government agencies that you have a seal. But if you wish, you can register it with the following authorities:

  • Tax: it does not maintain its own register of seals, but upon request, an individual entrepreneur can record the necessary data;
  • Department of Internal Affairs (in countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan, it is imperative to register a seal, individual entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation can do this of their own free will);
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
  • Manufacturer's registry (many companies do it automatically).

An important point: if you nevertheless notified the authorities, then in case of loss or theft of the seal, you must also notify these authorities.

The network does not stop discussing whether printing is mandatory for IP and whether IP can work without printing. This article discusses not only these issues, but also gives recommendations on the use of the seal of an individual entrepreneur, lists the requirements for printing an IP, and also presents a sample of an IP print with an image and the necessary attributes.

Do I need an IP seal

Let's answer right away there is no law that would oblige an individual entrepreneur to make a seal. There is no information about her. There are even official clarifications of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the city of Moscow (Letter of the Federal Tax Service of February 28, 2006 N 28-10 / 15239), which emphasize that the obligation of an individual entrepreneur to acquire and use a seal in the course of his activities is not provided. Therefore, no inspection state body can make claims against you in the absence of a seal only on the basis that you are an individual entrepreneur.

But, as often happens, good intentions at the level of the legislator are shattered by the bitter truth at the level of the performer. Too often in practice there are situations when the law does not allow an individual entrepreneur to do without a seal.
Here are some examples:

  • IP is engaged trading activities, and suppliers are required to certify invoices and other documents with a seal;
  • IP provides domestic services without cash register, and the implementation of cash payments in this case requires the presence of an IP seal in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2008 N 359;
  • The entrepreneur has hired workers, and records in them work books The individual entrepreneur is obliged to certify with a seal (Resolution No. 225 of 04/16/2003);
  • The individual entrepreneur is engaged in transportation or otherwise deals with waybills, which means that their execution requires the individual entrepreneur to have a seal (Decree of the State Statistics Committee N 78);
  • An individual entrepreneur opens a current account in the bank where the presence of a seal in an individual entrepreneur is necessary condition cooperation.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of situations when IP requires printing. Therefore, for most entrepreneurs, we recommend that you still get a seal, especially since a seal for individual entrepreneurs is also additional protection against fraudsters who forge signatures on documents.

Do I need to register an IP seal

The answer is clear: No, you do not need to register an IP seal. However, if you think about the question of who is more harm or benefit from the fact of registering a seal, then the answer will surprise many. Registration of the IP seal is beneficial to him! If we assume that an individual entrepreneur was a victim of fraudulent transactions, and there are forged documents with a seal in the case, then it is much easier to prove his innocence if there is an officially registered seal imprint that allows experts to easily detect a fake.

If our arguments seemed weighty to you, then you can register the IP seal in the Federal Tax Service, the registration chamber, the Department of Internal Affairs or in the register of the manufacturer.

IP printing requirements

Compared with legal entities, IP requirements for seals are not so strict, and there are more opportunities for creativity. But some rules, nevertheless, must be observed.

What should be on the IP seal:

  • phrase " Individual entrepreneur»;
  • surname, name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur;
  • location (city or region);
  • TIN and / or OGRNIP.

What else can be placed on the IP seal:

  • The name of your business, for example, "Vasilisa the Beautiful beauty salon";
  • logo;
  • the address;
  • print security elements (for example, an ornament that not only provides additional protection against forgery, but also gives the print an original, beautiful look)

What can not be placed on the IP seal:

  • state symbols (coat of arms of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of subjects of the Russian Federation);
  • other people's registered trademarks and logos;

As for the use of state symbols of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, we will clarify that in this matter there is a single normative act No, everything is decided at the level of the legislation of the city or region.

IP printing example (sample with image)

Making such a seal today is not difficult. You can contact the nearest printing house and ask:

  • Is it possible to order an IP seal;
  • how much does manual printing cost?
  • how much does it cost to print with automatic equipment;
  • What is the lead time for printing?
  • What documents do you need to submit to place an order for the production of a seal.

In conclusion, we note that if you still have questions on the topic of using seals for individual entrepreneurs, we suggest leaving them in the comments to the article. You can also make the site more interesting if you tell about cases known to you related to the need to have a seal for individual entrepreneurs or, conversely, about successful work IP without printing.

Printing for individual entrepreneurs: requirements of 2018 updated: November 30, 2018 by: All for IP

Whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) in the Russian Federation in 2019 directly depends on the type of field of activity. In addition, some important nuances must be taken into account.

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Information about the need for printing for an individual entrepreneur is indicated in Russian legislation.

Entrepreneurs have the right to refuse to use a stamp, but in some situations it is impossible to do without it.

Let's take a closer look at what features entrepreneurial activity IP without printing, and what difficulties a businessman may have.

Important Points

Regardless of which taxation system an individual entrepreneur works on (OSNO, and so on), entrepreneurs make their own decision whether they need a seal or not.

To minimize the risk of misunderstanding, it is recommended to consider initially the general points.


Recognized as a private entrepreneur individual, which carried out registration in the state authorized body in accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation.

It carries out entrepreneurial activities without forming the status of a legal entity.

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, making a seal for a private entrepreneur is not a mandatory procedure. Whether printing is needed or not depends on the type of business.

For example, if a private entrepreneur owns a store, then it is tedious to have a seal to put it on. This is optional, but many providers only work in this mode.

For a similar reason, printing is also necessary when wholesale trade when it should be set to .

If, for example, an entrepreneur works for and at the same time provides household services to the population, then in such a case you can do without printing.

Presence of a stamp by a private entrepreneur in the process of making cash financial settlements or settlements using payment cards without using in the situation is mandatory.

What are its functions

The seal of an individual entrepreneur is necessary due to the fact that:

An entrepreneur cannot open a bank without a seal In the future, printing will be necessary in order to remove Money with a checkbook
Many companies believe that having a seal with their potential partners is a must. This can be directly related to the organization's security policy. If the entrepreneur does not have a seal, it is unlikely that a cooperation agreement will be signed
The stamp is required in order to provide documentation of strict accountability In the process of entrepreneurial activity without a cash register. This rule be under the control of Russian law
The seal is necessary for the purpose of stamping As an employee
No stamp May alert potential customers who decide to cooperate with a particular entrepreneur

In any case, in most cases, the seal is made and registered with the tax authority in order to protect against fraudulent activities.

Do I need an IP seal to open a current account with Sberbank? Sberbank did not include in mandatory requirements this item, so it doesn't matter to him.

Normative base

There are no clear rules in Russian legislation that would determine whether a seal is needed for an individual entrepreneur or not.

Basic regulatory documentation to which attention should be paid in the decision-making process is considered to be:

The main aspects that are indicated in the above acts are that it has the right to make a seal, but only on a voluntary basis.

No one has the right to oblige to make a seal. At the same time, you need to understand that the law does not oblige you to supply a stamp:

  • on the declaration
  • in the process of drawing up bills of lading and so on.

Russian legislation does not provide for an urgent need to use a stamp, it is enough just to put a signature.

Do you need a seal for a sole proprietorship?

Speaking about whether an individual entrepreneur needs a seal for documents, then no. The law does not oblige to have a seal for documentation.

At the same time, you need to understand that the lack of a seal entails the risk of losing partners who work only with reliable businessmen. In their understanding, it is imperative to have a stamp available.

How to receive

The entrepreneur has the right to make a seal in any specialized center. Before ordering a print, you can choose not only the image for the print, but also its appearance.

For example, it can be manual or automatic. The first option is much cheaper. It takes up less space, and, accordingly, it is easier to carry, but at the same time easier to lose.

Automatic printing is convenient to use, especially when it comes to large volumes of workflow.

The cost of production is directly related to the type of printing and varies from 200 to 2 thousand rubles. The production period varies from a few hours to 1 week.

Some organizations involved in the manufacture of seals can provide a private entrepreneur with a huge selection of seals that he is simply confused.

Chinese variants have low prices but the shelf life is short. That is why, when choosing, an entrepreneur is obliged to build on his budget - to do it cheaper, or to order good print, but more expensive.

The main thing that an individual entrepreneur should look at is that the print should be convenient and suitable for the owner in terms of its dimensions.

In order to order a seal, the entrepreneur must:

  1. Draw up an appropriate application.
  2. Collect a standard package of necessary documentation - an internal passport of the Russian Federation, and.
  3. Submit the document to a specialized company that manufactures seals.
  4. Select the type of print and print.
  5. Pay the set price.
  6. Wait for the print to be made.

Upon receipt of the seal, you must provide the entrepreneur's passport, or if it is taken by an authorized person.

Is it necessary to register with the tax office?

Russian legislation in relation to private entrepreneurs does not establish requirements for mandatory registration of a seal.

In fact, most of all, this is necessary for the entrepreneur himself, rather than state regulatory bodies.

This is due to the fact that in the case of fraudulent activities, it is much easier to identify documentation with a fake seal and at the same time prove one's innocence if the seal has been registered.

Based on the results of the examination, qualified specialists can easily establish whether the imprint is genuine or fake.

For this reason, registration guarantees reliable protection for private entrepreneurs from various fraudulent activities.

At will, an individual entrepreneur has the right to register a stamp:

IP stamp registration is additional measure security in conflict situations that are directly related to the falsification of the seal.

In the event that a private entrepreneur did not register his seal in various government bodies then in the process of liquidating the status of an individual entrepreneur, there is no need to carry out any special actions with a seal that is no longer requested.

In fact, you can just keep it as a souvenir. If the seal went through the registration procedure, then it is subject to liquidation by the registering authority together with a private entrepreneur.

You should bring a stamp and copies of all completed pages of your internal passport to the tax authority. In addition, there is a need to draw up an appropriate application.

Based on the appeal, the seal is subject to destruction. The confirmation will be the corresponding act.


The requirements for printing a private entrepreneur in 2019 are no different from those that were previously.

The seal imprint must include the phrase “Individual Entrepreneur”. It additionally states:

  • full initials;
  • place of registration of IP;
  • TIN or OGRNIP.
  • The seal of a private entrepreneur may additionally contain other details:
  • name of the organization (what kind of business does the IP);
  • protection components.

Russian law prohibits the display of state symbols, details of a third-party organization, and registered trademarks and logos on print.

Nuances in the presence of a power of attorney

By proxy of a private entrepreneur, legal or authorized representatives can act (according to).

An authorized representative can be both an individual and an LLC, which is authorized by the entrepreneur himself to carry out any actions (according to).

So all the same to put a seal on a power of attorney or not? The director of any company has the right to act in the interests of the LLC without, since this is within his authority.

Individual entrepreneurs do not have directors and other managers who could have the authority to work on behalf of individual entrepreneurs.

This means that the individual entrepreneur must act independently or through a trustee. must be formed in a notary body and often the seal of the IP itself is affixed.

In the absence of a seal in the IP, this does not mean at all that the power of attorney is considered invalid. In other words, the fact that there is no IP seal in the power of attorney does not play any role.

Video: IP without printing. I tell you why you may need to print IP

The mandatory seal of the individual entrepreneur must be certified by the power of attorney, according to which the representatives of the entrepreneur will protect his interests in the judicial authority.

The rule operates on the basis of and . A power of attorney is required in situations such as:

  • it is necessary to submit an application for the purpose of registration of rights and transactions in state bodies;
  • for the purpose of disposing of the rights that are registered;
  • provided in the order of subordination and so on.

In other cases, a power of attorney is necessary depending on what function was assigned to an authorized representative.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of having a seal from an individual entrepreneur are considered to be:

  • formation of an expanded range of possible counterparties, at the expense of large and state organizations;
  • hiring a hired person;
  • if the chosen tax regime allows, then you can refuse cash equipment;
  • raising the status of an individual entrepreneur;
  • significant reduction in the risk of falsification of documents.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • the cost of printing and its maintenance;
  • you should always have it at hand;
  • the risk of losing the seal or its theft.

As you can see, the shortcomings are not significant, so many experts recommend making a seal and providing yourself with reliable protection against document forgery.

What to do in case of loss (theft)