How beautiful to make lips for a selfie. Tips for girls how to take a beautiful selfie

On a walk in the park, when traveling by public transport, we often meet unusual people holding a smartphone in their hands and making funny faces to it, as if someone sees them there. It's relative new format a photograph depicting the owner of the camera, which is called a selfie. Many people take it quite seriously and are looking for more and more new places and poses. But not everyone has the ability to run far. With this in mind, we will not only tell you how to make cool photo, but also how to take a beautiful selfie at home using a mobile phone camera.

Selfie: meaning, history, popularity

Self - yourself, the Russian equivalent is selfie, slang - "selfies". Selfie is a photo genre, the meaning of which is to take a picture of yourself using a smartphone, tablet. In other words, a self-portrait. The term has become popular in recent decades due to the widespread use of various gadgets among the population.

Selfies are characterized by a certain angle, an inclination, which is due to the fact that a person photographs himself and holds the camera at arm's length. People began to take such pictures quite a long time ago, more than 100 years ago, during the appearance of the first Kodak cameras (1900).

At the beginning of its journey, the “crossbow” was popular mainly among teenagers, today adults, including celebrities, post self-portraits on social media pages. The word "selfie" began to be included in dictionaries in English, to give Oscars and awards for the most successful and original pictures taken in this genre.

In general, selfies have gained immense popularity among the people, and even such that in some countries they begin to forcibly treat selfie addiction.

Types and variety of selfies

  1. Wifi- a touching picture with friends, cheerful and cheerful.
  2. Relfi- a picture with a loved one.
  3. ussi-selfie - extras, which depicts more than 30 people.
  4. beefy- photos of girls in underwear, bikinis.
  5. Sugly- those funny faces.
  6. Belfi- a picture taken in the buttocks, priests.
  7. Duck lips selfies- lips with a tube, a duck.
  8. scotch selfie - the new kind gaining popularity. Its essence is clear from the name, a person wraps his face with adhesive tape, getting his image skewed and smeared.
  9. Donut video selfies filmed by a rotating camera around itself.
  10. Catman- a picture with a half-faced cat or any other cat creative.

As you can see, "selfies" are not sad, they are all made with a smile on their faces and in order to evoke it in others. Everyone can become the inventor of a new kind of selfie. Not only that, for the most original people get in in social networks a large number of likes and thereby promote their own pages, and this is a whole business.

How to take a cool selfie?

Most often, it is girls who post self-portraits, since young people are more serious people. Therefore, we selected the recommendations specifically for the female selfie, but some of them are general character. So, what to focus on to get a beautiful picture: light, background, smile, accent. Let's take a closer look:

  • Any photograph is a play with light and shadow. The light source should not be behind your back, and not to the side, but in front of you and slightly above eye level. If you are taking a photo at home, and the rays of the sun hit the window, curtain it with a fabric that is not too thick. Diffused lighting will give a better shot and help hide minor facial defects.
  • You are the main character of a self-portrait, but you will agree that countless photos of yourself will annoy you, fans, friends. Try to find a new background: nature, weather, gym. Original, unexpected places. But do not forget to follow the etiquette, taking selfies at a funeral is no longer creative.
  • Girls should focus on strengths appearance. Most often it is hair, eyes, legs. But be realistic, sometimes things are not as we imagine.
  • Of course a smile that should be natural. Given that the selfie is a self-portrait and your face in the photo will be very close, a wide smile from the heart is not quite the option for this case. Rather touching, modest, unobtrusive.

Digital technology allows us to experiment, remake, delete - this is extremely convenient.

Common Mistakes

What should not be done when doing “selfies”, what mistakes are most often made?

  1. Selfie sponge-ducks, bows - one big mistake. Many girls admit it, thinking it's cute, funny, maybe erotic. No, a close-up of a round mouth usually causes ridicule.
  2. The poses with which women try to show their attractiveness, flexibility are unnatural at least. And if you look at this process from the side of passers-by, they are ridiculous to the extreme.
  3. Bright makeup with a selfie looks vulgar. After all, the actor usually imposes this when the viewer looks at him from afar in the twilight.
  4. It is not worth conquering electric trains, high-rise buildings and their roofs, and other dangerous places for the sake of a picture. The Internet is replete with cases of death in the pursuit of expressive shots. It's not worth it.

Today, there are tons of additional gadgets and apps to take amazing, beautiful photos, even underwater selfies. With the help of them, you can really turn this photo genre into art.

What selfies can you take?

We have already listed the types of "self-portraits" above, what other original options you can think of. It all depends on the possibilities, imagination, sometimes the profession.

  • An easy way to surprise is to sit in front of a large TV and choose the right picture, an unusual place and capture yourself as if it were really happening. More often than not, no one will distinguish from reality.
  • Extreme shots always attract attention, especially if a woman performs a bold act. Parachute jump, paragliding from the mountain, from the bridge with an elastic band. Take your phone on the flight. However, think about your safety first.
  • When a traffic police officer writes you a fine, take a picture with him. Well, never lose your sense of humor.

How to take a selfie at home?

Not everyone can skydive, and anyone can take a selfie even while sitting at home.

  1. To get started, clean up the place where you will be filming, or vice versa, make a competent mess. It depends on the purpose. In general, create the necessary background, take a picture and see what happens.
  2. If there are siblings, make sure they don't show up when you don't want them to. Many like to attract assistants, ask them to make a grimace behind their shoulders, to jump.
  3. Girls love to take beautiful pictures in bed. Lie down, hang your head slightly, and lift your hand with the camera up and take it back a little. In general, the best angle is when the gadget looks at you from above. In this position, the body looks slimmer, legs are longer.
  4. Climb onto the windowsill, put glasses on your nose, take a book and slightly lower your jacket from your shoulder. Such a self-portrait can be sent to a guy, they love chaste girls, but with a hint.

Take a look around, there are many interesting objects and places in the apartment or house. Dumped in the closet old clothes maybe mom's wedding dress. Selfies at home can be made no less interesting than on a beautiful, original background.

Selfie is a minute entertainment, you should not spend all your time, money on it and go to the other end of the world. We have given you several examples of how to take a beautiful selfie at home, post your ideas on the Internet, be bolder and more creative.

In this video, Polina will tell you how to take the perfect selfie without leaving home, tips and tricks:

What is the perfect selfie? Photos that get tons of likes? But how is this possible? Why are some photos quoted and liked by subscribers, while others are not? Grab your camera right now. Look and remember how the last selfie turned out. Most likely it was from 5 to 450,000 frames, until the right one was found. We all do it. And all because choosing the perfect selfie is not easy - it's about the right combination of light, angle, composition and photo filters.

Selfie experts (famous bloggers and makeup artists) know how to take a good selfie.

Rule number 1.
Natural light is the key to success

Good lighting is essential for a good selfie. Daylight. “Light is definitely best product beauty that you don't have to pay for, ”notes video blogger Jordan. Even in the absence of makeup, a beautiful and healthy glow will give natural light.

Avoid fluorescent lighting! Instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV screen, turn to a window with natural light. It's much better to go outside, bask in the sun (don't forget your sunscreen!) and get some fresh air. Good lighting will hide circles under the eyes and a tired look.

“If you're taking pictures indoors, find a window,” says beauty blogger Michelle Feng. “Usually I use a blank sheet of paper – I keep it under my chin, which creates the effect of natural light, and also reduces the effect of a double chin.”

When there is no way to find natural light, whether it's a party or watching a movie at home, how to take a cool selfie with a flash? Snapchat can help here. The application has a flash function for the front camera, while on iPhone camera there is no such function. Click on the small zipper on the top left corner and then take a selfie. Voila! Don't assume that the photo will look perfect - by no means. But at least you can see your face.

Rule number 2.
The best selfie is early in the morning

In the morning, the face is clean, the make-up is fresh, and the hair lies naturally, without having time to be disheveled due to wind / humidity or going to gym. So this is really the optimal time for a selfie.

Rule number 3.

The best selfies have an interesting background. Whether it's a random photo or a photo while skydiving (cool!). Experiment.

But do not forget, even if you, like Kendall, pose in the mirror, people see the surroundings around you through it. So before you take a selfie, look around.

Rule number 4.

If there's one piece of advice you should take from Kim Kardashian, it's this: when it comes to selfies, keep your chin down and your camera up. All faces are different, but as a rule, this particular angle is considered the most successful. And to achieve the effect of a seductive beauty, you should only slightly tilt your head to the side, says Kai.

Rule number 5.
Wake up the "inner" goddess

For hot and passionate photography, the main rule is to stop being shy. Pout your lips, raise your eyebrows, smile and talk with your eyes. Liberty advises to open your lips slightly and breathe through your mouth in a relaxed manner. He also recommends keeping your eyes closed until the moment of the shot. “The look is better when the eyes appear fresh.” you can find out on our blog.

Rule number 6.
Light! Camera! Angle!

The angle is very important, do not forget about it. You can smile directly at the camera, or you can lift the phone a little higher. Then the photo will turn out to be less intense, and by varying the shooting angle, you can find a good angle.

Rule number 7.
Be true to your filter

If you find the right filter that perfectly conveys the atmosphere, try to use it for all photos. This is the secret of bloggers to make the channel look harmonious.

Rule number 8.
Sunglasses are the best solution

If you are shy in front of the camera or simply do not want to take 457 photos in order to then choose the one that is “perfect”, keep sunglasses on hand in advance. You just have to make lips, and, let's face it, in sunglasses you will look stylish and cool.

A detailed guide for selfie lovers. We will tell you how to take photos that get a lot of likes.

In the era of gadgets and Instagram, the traditional photo is losing ground a little, especially against the backdrop of the popular selfie. Such a photo does not require a special occasion: you can take a good selfie, both in line at the checkout at the supermarket, and against the backdrop of a sleeping neighbor. Selfies a priori have a piquant dynamism, so even a staged selfie usually comes out an order of magnitude more emotional than a standard photo. However, despite the fact that the culture of self-photography has already become widespread, many still do not know how to take selfies correctly. At least the one you won't have to blush for later.

It is not surprising, because the elementary selfie is just his First level. Without additional skills, you are unlikely to take a photo that can collect thousands of likes. Moreover, there is a risk that your photo will simply be lost in a crowd of other similar ones (especially if you take a selfie on mass event, concert or festival).

"Then how to take a selfie photo? - you ask. We will try to answer clearly, but to the point.

The basic guidelines for a successful selfie intersect with the traditional rules of photography. First, always pay attention to the background, sometimes even a small detail (for example, a sock that has fallen out of the closet) can spoil the photo. If you are taking a selfie Houses, this rule must be strictly observed. After all, in the photo, the suspicious guy in the distance in the park looks much more acceptable than your father's legs, in front of the TV.

Also, for a selfie at home, we draw your attention to how to take a selfie in the mirror. For starters, we advise you not to take a selfie with the front camera and remember that all the inscriptions in your frame will be mirrored. In addition, a photo with a flash will give a large flare on half the picture. Your picture will turn out much better if you stand in front of the mirror and take a selfie with the main camera (in addition, the screen of your gadget will be reflected and this will help to correct the photo).

Of course, don't forget how to hold your phone when taking a selfie:

  • If you hold the phone with one hand, then it is better to take it slightly to the side, and tilt your head;
  • If you want to photograph with two hands, stretch out your arms and photograph a little from above;

How to properly and beautifully take a selfie on the phone

The very essence of the selfie is simple, but there are surprises here. The basic formula for a good phone photo is something like this: background + lighting + good angle.

We have already written a little about the background. Choose interesting interiors and beautiful places (your storage closet is of no interest to anyone), and then your selfies will be original and uncomical (unless you yourself want it to be).

The issue of lighting in a selfie is very important. Remember what we said about the disadvantages of flash photography? So, good lighting will solve this problem for you. In fact, natural lighting is half the battle in selfie photography. By the way, if you still use additional sources lighting, then remember: the optimal location of the light source is in front of you at eye level.

And finally, the third component of a successful selfie is the angle. We advise you not to be photographed in full face, but to look for your “ideal angle”. Until you find it, use the recommendations of experts, experts advise taking photos at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees, raising the camera above your head.

How to take a selfie for a girl

In addition to lighting, background and angle, a fashionable selfie directly depends on general position body. Often a hunched shoulder or a tilted head to the wrong side is enough to ruin a photo. lucky selfie poses for girls- prevention of possible incidents. It is better for a beginner to use proven poses that will allow you to look advantageous in any outfit and hide figure flaws.

The following are considered universal selfie poses:

  • "half-turn" - frames make you slimmer, well emphasize the background;
  • "from above" - ​​emphasizes and visually enlarges the eyes and chest;
  • "Full length" - most often, a selfie in the mirror. For a graceful pose, it is recommended to turn the hips to the side, but look straight ahead;
  • “closer - further” - one person holds the camera, the other moves slightly back.

If you want original poses - experiment and don't be afraid to be yourself. A sincere smile, without strained “duck face” (duck lips), will allow you to avoid boring stereotypes. Originality is what you should strive for. Although, of course, originality should be appropriate.

For example, selfie girls better to do without trying to add a few years to yourself. Young ladies go to be photographed with animals, or fool around with friends. Such bright and cheerful selfies for girls are what you need. Girls do not need catchy makeup, lip gloss will be enough, but bright selfie for women fits much better. Highlighter for face tone, bright lipstick, mascara - all this will successfully emphasize the image and, most importantly, will not look ridiculous.

How to take a selfie for a guy

Contrary to what might be believed, today's guys love selfies just as much as girls do. At least because selfie for men may become exclusive. calling card: what places he visits, what he enjoys, where he works.

And although the general idea and approach to taking a selfie is universal (remember the background, lighting and angle), in terms of choosing poses for men, the rule applies: the simpler the better. A man who adopts a sophisticated pose will most likely be considered not original, but a narcissistic "narcissist".

It is better for a man to focus on the background, or action. For example, very often men take selfies while doing extreme sports using monopod or at the gym. Such selfies are perceived with a bang in social networks. And, men, a little trick: to emphasize the shoulders, turn the body to the camera, and the hips to the side.

By the way, do not believe those who say that monopods are "only for girls." A selfie taken on a monopod is not tied to gender. The main thing is to use the monopod in place. That is, a selfie on a yacht, a cable car or ... a horse is cool. But a selfie taken on a monopod while lying in bed is overkill.

For those who have read to the end, we tell you the secret ingredient of a successful selfie: the main thing is that you sincerely like yourself in the photo. Love your photos, and thousands of likes will not take long.

Selfie is a popular hobby, among whose fans are not only a lot of ordinary people, but many celebrities. Today, at the peak of its popularity, self-portrait photography is becoming a special art, so many people strive to learn how to take the right selfie.

How to take a selfie correctly and beautifully?

The main rule of a selfie is that the camera for shooting should be at the main character of the frame. The first selfies were taken on camera phones with an outstretched arm or in front of a mirror. But what more people was fond of self-portrait photos, the more tricks appeared to help get a successful self.

Currently, selfies have a classification, here are some of the popular varieties:

  • selfie - selfie with your loved one;
  • rufi - with friends;
  • bifi - selfie in a bathing suit;
  • Belfi - a photo taken from the back;
  • liftoluk - photo in the elevator mirror;
  • hot dog selfie - photo of tanned legs.

How to take a selfie to get a beautiful and successful photo:

  1. One of the most important conditions is a good camera. In order for the pictures not to fall into the category of low-quality sagli, you need to choose a gadget with an excellent camera or use a SLR camera.
  2. A good photo requires the right light. It is best to take pictures in natural light, but not in the sun. In a room with a lack of lighting, it is advisable to turn on the overhead light, otherwise the flash will illuminate the face too much.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to the background and details that fall into the frame. the space is filled with photographs of things that are not intended for prying eyes. Do not add to this collection.
  4. If possible, you need to use technical devices - a selfie stick, a timer. It is advisable to set the camera for continuous shooting, then it will be easier to choose the most successful one from a variety of frames.

How to properly use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick or monopod is a type of tripod that allows you to move your phone a certain distance when taking pictures, which makes the face of the person taking the photo less distorted and it becomes possible to capture a larger panorama.

Step-by-step rules for using a monopod:

  1. Charge the monopod and insert the battery into the remote control.
  2. Turn on the Bluetooth function on your smartphone, “find” the monopod and connect to it.
  3. In your phone settings, turn on the photo function using the remote control that has a shutter button.
  4. Turn on your camera and take your picture.

For some monopod models, the remote control is not included, then the control is done using the buttons on the handle. If the selfie stick does not work with some smartphone, you should install special software that is included with the monopod.

Correct poses for selfies

Important for a successful selfie and the right posture. In order to always show yourself in the most favorable light, it is advisable to find your good angle in advance. To do this, you need to take a lot of pictures from a variety of points and choose the most successful ones. It is not recommended to take pictures of yourself from below, because. this angle increases the second chin and makes the face less attractive. The most “flattering” angle is when the camera is above eye level.

The term “selfie” has only recently entered the vocabulary, but the concept of self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before there were modern smartphones, however, modern photographs do not at all claim to be a work of art. But how do you take the perfect photo? Meet a few practical advice for a great selfie!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, but Kim Kardashian definitely knows how to take selfies. There is even a wax figure of Kim right in the process of taking such a picture, it is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin down and the camera up. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you raise your chin, you can see the nostrils, which is not very bright for the selfie. But remember that this angle is suitable for Kim Kardashian because she has a rather thin face. Your ideal angle depends on the shape of your face. Try different angles to find the best option.

Focus on more than just the face

Remember that you are not only your face. You can share other body parts as well. Did you buy new shoes? Show your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show off a fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock make for a better story than a face in the water. When you look at the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around you, so showing off your appearance is not the best way to show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of the distracting background, focus on the eyes. But don't get too close either, as the camera will focus on the closest object, and that will be your nose. Get close enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. Smartphone not working good camera, so you need to frame your shot properly. If you are body shy, you can focus on the face and posture that will look good.

Divide and Conquer

If you position your face in the center of the frame, the picture looks like a passport photo. If you're not aiming for that kind of impression, use the basic photography rule of thirds. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. Such a composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more compelling shots because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking a photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Ask someone to take your photo while you are taking your photo. Celebrities often publish such photos, which are depicted with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about what surrounds you. No one will be interested in you if you have a dumpster behind you. It is better to cut such fragments.

Is it worth pouting your lips?

The so-called "duckface" is suitable only for real ducks. The rest is better to pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of agonizing over trying to press the right button and keep the pose, just use the buttons to adjust the sound, this also allows you to take a picture.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps out there, but don't get too carried away. If the photo has too many filters, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to a good photo. Lack of lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights don't brighten skin tone. However, the direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need a uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should you use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a picture of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully so as not to disturb others, especially if you are in a tourist place.

Take photos with pleasure