How to take a beautiful selfie at home on avu. Photographer's Tips: How to take the right selfie

Selfie is a real art that has conquered the world and has become an ideal way out in situations where there is no one to photograph you. This is a type of self-portrait, which consists in capturing oneself on a camera (most often on a mobile phone camera).

It would seem, what is so difficult? I took a camera and at arm's length photographed myself! But after the very first frame, you realize that either you are far from perfect, or there is trouble with the camera.

In fact the secret to the perfect selfie simple.

Here are the best life hacks to make the perfect selfie. Take a photo of yourself the best you can right now, and after reading the tricks for the perfect selfie, take another photo. Compare BEFORE and AFTER!

First of all, a couple of quick tips:

  • Pay attention to the light! The most beneficial is continuous daylight. Aim the light AT yourself, slightly above eye level. This will soften your facial features and get rid of unnecessary shadows.
  • Do not use the flash when shooting a face. This will distort your appearance, will create an unpleasant shine on the forehead and, most likely, the effect of red eyes.
  • Use rear camera phone. It has the best resolution, and therefore the quality of the photos will be better.
  • Use filters to improve photo quality and to remove flaws in selfies.
  • Learn about the latest in fashion and art and be in trend.
  • Surprise!

1. Correct angle.

it the main rule and the basis of the foundations of all selfies. Find the correct angle of rotation of the head, neck and posture in general. Follow this. From different angles, you look completely different - from a cartoon to a supermodel.

Find your "work side" - this is the side of your face that looks the most advantageous in the photo. To do this, take several photos with different head turns and determine which one you like best.

2. Show off beautifully.

If you want to show everyone your new earrings or, for example, a haircut you just made, make it so that the focus is on exactly what you want to show off.

3. Only positive.

Make your selfies radiate positivity. As you know (and this is true!) your smile is 80% of your success!

As they say, feel the difference!

4. Focus is very important!

If you're going to take a picture of your face, highlight the one strongest part of it. For example:

  • If you have a gorgeous smile that you are proud of, highlight it with bright lipstick without focusing on the rest.
  • If you have a stunning look - emphasize it with mascara and bright shadows leaving the rest of the makeup more subtle.

5. Facial expressions make selfies different.

Be sure to try different facial expressions. It catches attention and diversifies your feed.

Even smile can be different. Try to catch yourself in times of strong emotions. Real. it the coolest kind of photo!

6. Take a full-length selfie.

  • For example, you want to show off your new outfit. To do this, you will need a mirror and a very desirable neutral background that will not detract from you.
  • And, of course, poses. The posture must be selected and worked out. Don't be lazy to take 1000 test selfies to find your perfect mate.

    Here are some great angles:

7. Naturalness.

Try not to put too many filters on one photo to make the selfie look more natural. By posting your photo in a “natural form”, your subscribers will be delighted, because naturalness is the main trend that will always be in fashion.

If your “just woke up” selfie looks like a face from a horror movie, it can still be corrected with very subtle light makeup. This will be especially welcome if your subscribers are used to seeing you in full “combat color”. For example, apply a little highlighter to the middle of the face (forehead, nose, chin).

Rodion Danilov

Inspired by the success of the Ellen DeGeneres selfie and other popular self-portraits, we decided to figure out what rules to follow so that your selfie gets the maximum number of likes.

Treat yourself
with humor

One of the best ways to diversify the flow of monotonous selfies is a contest. #SelfieOlympics. Its participants are trying to outdo each other in the absurdity of the photographs taken: someone is photographed in a pool with balls and with Pikachu in the background, someone is in a bath and on a bicycle, etc.

take pictures
with celebrities

Of course, Ellen DeGeneres' selfies are certainly popular, but a dozen famous Hollywood actors at the Oscars, she made her photo many times more popular: even if you don't like her jokes, you can laugh at Kevin Spacey or admire Jennifer Lawrence.

climb up
to a hard to reach place

Selfies taken in space, on mountaintops, or in other hard-to-reach places are predictably popular. One of the most successful selfies of this type is that of astronaut Mike Hopkins, who increased his chances of success by photographing himself with the Earth in the background.

Take a selfie even if
you are not expected to

This rule works best for those who may not even have learned the word "selfie" yet. For example, when Pope Francis agreed to take a selfie with teenagers last year, it sparked media surprise and solidified Francis' status as the most courageous and democratic pope in history. last years.


Typically photobombers are younger siblings, crying babies, and dogs doing lewd things behind you. Before you take a selfie, make sure that no one is lurking behind you, waiting for the moment to spoil the shot. On the other hand, such provocations can play into your hands if you have enough self-irony. As practice shows, such photos can be very funny and “like-intensive”.

Technology does not stand still and, finally, there is an opportunity to freely engage in such an exciting business for anyone. What are we photographing? Yes all! Including ourselves, especially after the emergence of the Instagram network. For those who are not familiar with the main principles, we dedicate this review! We will tell you how to take cool pictures, for example, on avu. The main thing is that we will tell you in detail and give advice on how to take selfies for girls (lessons, description).

How to take a selfie correctly and beautifully with your own hands

It is not always possible to ask the master to make a photo session for you, and is it necessary? The main thing is to have at hand, let's say, a smartphone or a camera, ideally with a good resolution, so it's better to use an android. The most successful in this regard are the iPhone, Zenphone and Samsung Galaxy. For camera the best option Gopro. And it will be absolutely great if you have a selfie stick.

However, sometimes you can do without it. Some manage to hold the phone or camera with the help of improvised means, for example, with a wooden mop. By the way, many people take selfies using a laptop, tablet (take a screenshot on a computer), etc. The company does not really matter, Asus, Lenovo and everything that is at hand will do.

Increasingly, you can see how a person suddenly stops in the middle of the street, stretches his hand with a smartphone forward, “click” and a simple photo is ready. It remains only to post it on Inatsgram and collect the likes of friends. And how do they do it so easily? Let's figure out how to take a beautiful selfie. And then the word was officially entered into the Oxford Dictionary, and the girlfriends long ago abandoned professional photo shoots, and you still can’t figure it out in the filters on your smartphone. Not in order!

Educational program on photo quality

It happens that a beautiful place is chosen, and today it is perfectly made up and even the hair is not disheveled, but in the photo there is some Brownie Kuzya in a dark corner, instead of a spectacular beauty against the backdrop of flower beds. Remember the 5 basic rules for a quality selfie.


If the weather is good, don't miss the chance to take a picture against the backdrop of nature or urban landscapes. There is nothing better than natural light. Unlike lamp, daylight does not distort colors and conveys them in all their diversity. And the juiciness of the photo is the key to the perfect selfie.

The light source should be above your head. That is why it is best to take pictures during the daytime.

If it was not possible to leave the house, but you want to do yourself, stand in front of the window, covering it with a thin curtain. So you will create softer lighting, and the photo will not notice overexposure and excessive sharpness.

Daylight is not enough and the quality of the selfie still does not suit you? Don't get mad, turn on the extra lighting. It will fill in possible shadows and therefore add sharpness to the photos.

Never take a selfie through a mirror in low light conditions. First, the picture is completely distorted. Secondly, by adding artificial light, you run the risk of showing all the defects in the photo, such as streaks on the mirror or dried water droplets. And thirdly, when the flash fires, you will get either a terrible face light or red eyes.

Pose selection

A passport photo is an example of what not to do.
Learning how to look spectacular in any picture is easy. All you have to do is tilt your head to the side. Experts advise taking a protractor to stick to an angle of 35-40 degrees. It is believed that it is in this position that the cheekbones look more emphasized, and the eyes look larger and the chin does not merge with the neck.

Any person's facial features are not symmetrical. Therefore, experiment with selfies, photographing one part of the face, then another. Some of them are clearly more effective.

Facial expression

Just please don't duck lips! In general, forget about any expression where the lips are somehow pouting. After a couple of hundred selfies, you will run to the beautician to inject hyaluron into the nasolabial folds.

Smile! A smile suits everyone. You can do it in all 32 teeth, or you can only grin mysteriously.

Top model Tyra Banks advises - smile with your eyes. Practice before taking a selfie so that your face literally glows with happiness in the photo.

Front camera or main camera?

Modern smartphones boast a chic front camera. But this luxury is not available to everyone. Therefore, do not be shy and turn the phone with the main camera towards you. To prevent the shooting process from turning into torture, use a timer that allows the camera to react to a gesture or a smile, or do it even easier and get a selfie stick.

Selfie Ideas

If the angle is rehearsed, and the hair and makeup are done, then it's time to think about a cool selfie. Remember the ideas of a quality self.


Everyone loves cats, so a photo with a pet is a win-win option.

In the end, you can always go to the zoo or go to your grandmother in the village. Believe me, selfies with goats or ducklings look no less cute.

Beautiful landscapes

It is not necessary to go abroad for the sake of picturesque places. An unusual selfie is obtained against the background of ancient buildings, city bridges and embankments. However, it is not the place that makes the person beautiful.

Avoid photos in headphones and in public transport. By the way, and in a personal car, it looks at least strange. No one will doubt that your day is scheduled literally by the minute, so it’s not worth reminding you of this in such a strange way.

dangerous situations

Please do not climb onto the roof of a skyscraper and do not take a selfie while clinging to a moving train. Picking flowers in a city flower bed is also extreme.

But seriously, taking a selfie while riding a bike or conquering the top of a mountain will be just as cool.

romantic moment

A selfie with a loved one is always cute. You don’t need to torment your soulmate with constant flashes, but you can capture a particularly romantic moment, such as a declaration of love, a joint trip or a candlelit dinner.

It is better to take pictures before or after events, but not during. Otherwise, apart from your own picture, there will be nothing to remember.


Selfies from other cities and countries are always relevant. And most importantly, you do not have to suffer with the choice of background. Any place will amaze with its views. Therefore, do not be afraid to be annoying and do yourself wherever you want.

Image correction

To get a normal picture, you just need to have a camera at hand. For the perfect photo, you will have to work with filters and settings.

Typically, a smartphone camera has the ability to "play" with light, brightness and contrast. If custom filters weren't enough, go ahead to the app store. There you will pick up special programs with a simple interface that will allow you to smooth out wrinkles, brighten your skin or, conversely, give it a tan, remove highlights and add shadows. Only after that you can safely expose yourself to the public.

With the development of information and mobile technology in recent years, teenagers around the world have a fashion for photography, referred to as "selfie" (from the English. selfie). These shots are self-portraits of people taken with a tablet or smartphone. Today at in social networks you can see millions of photographs in which people take pictures of themselves with their own hands - that's what it means to take a selfie. However, truly high-quality images are obtained only from a few. How beautiful it is to take a selfie, so that later it is popular, we will consider further.

Choosing a location for selfie shooting

The first thing to consider when choosing a place for a photo is to pay attention to the lighting. For any picture, it plays a crucial role, and our case is no exception. Sunlight is best for selfies, but bright light will also match. Do not forget that the sun or the lamp should not be located behind the back of the person being photographed, but in front of him, preferably at forehead level. In this case, it will be possible to avoid an overexposed frame and an unfortunate shadow.

The right background for a selfie is also important. Pictures in a room or a restroom are both trite and ugly. It is clear that people are looking for a place with a mirror for photographs, but you can do without it. An ideal place for such shots would be nature, for example, a park or a lake. It is not for nothing that the best selfie is considered to be those made on the street, and those against which - beautiful sky with clouds.

But how do you take a good selfie at home? Quality can also be achieved indoors, as long as there is bright lighting and there are no other people and large objects in the frame.

What pose to choose for selfie

By and large, the number of poses for this type of photo shoot is limited, as the person shoots himself. However, there is still a choice, and it must be approached very responsibly. It is important to remember that a shot taken from above enlarges the face, nose, eyes and reduces the torso. This is ideal for overweight people who want to hide those extra pounds.

How beautiful it is to take a selfie, each person understands in his own way, from which he repels when choosing a pose. and take pictures of themselves completely, showing all their charms. Guys show their muscles in their arms, chest and abs, and girls show their toned body.

If a person is confident in himself and his figure, then he can calmly pose as his heart desires. People are more modest hiding their faces behind a flash. Some simply photograph only the face, but in this case there are some nuances:

Avoid unnecessary grimaces;
- do not wear glasses, as the frame will be overexposed;
- do your hair, put your face in order;
- the smile should be a little shy.

How to achieve the perfect selfie

- Lens. For a high-quality frame, it is always important to choose the right mode on the camera. Perfect for selfies is portrait, which is now built into every device, from smartphones to professional devices. Everything is clear with the mode, but beginners may have problems with the lens. We are talking about 85 mm and above. These lenses are the best for portraits.

- Glamor world. At home, it is almost impossible to achieve. Glamorous lighting is built in professional photography studios. This is how you can avoid uneven shadows, exposure and other flaws. On the other hand, how to take a cool selfie outside the walls of the studio? To do this, you need to pick up bright white lighting that can cover a large space, and install it just above the eyes.

- The beauty. Also, to achieve the perfect selfie, you need to have a well-groomed face, well-styled hair, and appropriate clothing. For a woman, it is important that she has an interesting hairstyle and preferably light makeup. By the way, no one has yet canceled the erotic background, so the most rated selfies are pictures in underwear.

Proper handling of selfies

Before publishing your work on the Internet, it would not be superfluous to check them for quality and, if necessary, remove flaws. Almost all devices with a camera have special editors. If these are not available, then it is worth downloading similar applications. The main thing when editing is not to overdo it too much, so as not to look artificial in the pictures.

And now for a tip on how to take an original selfie in minutes. For this it is enough good shot and fantasies at the stage of processing. Photo editors provide a lot of opportunities to improve the picture: from filters to frames.

Reasons for bad selfies

More than half of the so-called selfies on the Internet are silent horror. And the point here is not that the person is ugly or the background is poorly chosen. The reason is that the photographer simply does not understand how beautiful it is to take a selfie.

Firstly, it would be a huge mistake to use a low-resolution camera for pictures, or because the face is either blurry, the face is distorted. In addition, it is often difficult to see the eyes, mouth, nose, details of clothing and other aspects that the photographer wanted to demonstrate to the public.

Secondly, poor lighting, which makes selfies terribly unappealing. Take even the flash, which is the main source of light for many shots. literally disfigures the face, as it is very bright only on one side. Yellow lighting should also be excluded.

Thirdly, this is a lack of neatness, that is, uncombed hair, excluded makeup, rumpled clothes, etc.

Little selfie tricks

1. Hide all the flaws of your body: cellulite, uneven tan, and others.

2. For there are secrets: cover it with your hand and, pressing it against the body, raise it a little. It is better to do this procedure lying down.

3. How to take a good selfie if there is no cosmetics at hand? Focus on the deep neckline!

4. Photographing yourself with a red tan is not recommended.

5. To hide a big belly, the angle of the picture from above is suitable.

1. Lighting should be bright and uniform.

2. Choose a good angle, in which all the flaws of the body would not be visible, and the advantages would come to the fore.

3. Do not forget about the background, which will give the picture not only zest, but also additional depth.

4. Check if there are people, animals, or objects inappropriate for the frame behind your back.

5. Eliminate frontal shots by tilting your head slightly to one side.

7. Do not neglect photo editors to hide flaws. Crop the photo if necessary.

And the main advice on how to take a beautiful selfie: be yourself!