Presentation of state prizes of the Russian Federation on June 12, 2017. Laureates of the State Prize of the Russian Federation have been named Yuri Baturin Laureate of the State Prize

The awards will be given to scientists and artists

Moscow. June 7th. website - On Wednesday, at a briefing in the Kremlin, the winners of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 2016 were announced, an Interfax correspondent reports. The award will traditionally be presented on Russia Day on June 12 by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

State Prize in Science and Technology

The 2016 State Prize in Science and Technology was awarded for the creation of systems for the development of gas and oil fields in Western Siberia, the reduction in mortality from heart rhythm disturbances and for the study of black holes, the names of the winners were announced by Andrey Fursenko, adviser to the President of Russia.

The first prize will be given to representatives of the management of Surgutneftegaz - the company's general director, doctor of economic sciences and Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation Vladimir Bogdanov, his first deputy Anatoly Nuryaev and adviser to the chief geologist of Surgutneftegaz, doctor of technical sciences Yuri Baturin - "for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and oil and gas fields in Western Siberia". It is noted that the laureates confirmed by laboratory research and industrial practice "rational principles for the development of oil and gas fields in Western and Eastern Siberia." Developments make it possible to extract oil and gas efficiently and safely, and new automated systems have saved Surgutneftegaz millions of dollars in the purchase of foreign analogues.

The second prize will be awarded to cardiologists - Director of the Siberian Federal Biomedical Research Center named after Academician E.N. Meshalkin of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Aleksanlr Karaskov, his Deputy for Scientific and Experimental Work, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Pokushalov and Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute of Surgery named after A.V. Vishnevsky" of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Amiran Revishvili - "for the scientific substantiation and introduction into clinical practice of a new concept for reducing morbidity and mortality among patients with heart rhythm disorders." It is noted that their work has formed a whole scientific direction to study the influence of the autonomic nervous system on the formation of cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. The laureates are the authors of 111 patents, have developed new drugs and perform unique surgeries.

The third prize will be given to well-known astrophysicists - the head of the department of relativistic astrophysics of the State Astronomical Institute. P.K. Sternberg Moscow State University. Lomonosov Nikolai Shakura and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Theoretical High-Energy Astrophysics of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Rashid Sunyaev - "for the development of the theory of disk accretion of matter onto black holes." Both physicists are the founders of research related to how black holes attract matter from neighboring space, including hot gas from neighboring stars, and as a result, a bright accretion disk is created around them, visible from Earth. They managed to substantiate and describe the physical processes that underlie this phenomenon, which is now called the "standard disk of Shakura and Sunyaev." Most black holes have been discovered precisely because of the glow of accretion disks.

State Prize in the field of culture and art

The winners of the State Prize in the field of culture and art were the composer, author of music for Soviet films Eduard Artemiev, the legendary choreographer Yuri Grigorovich and the general director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky. Their names were named by Vladimir Tolstoy, adviser to the President of Russia on culture.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Artemyev will be awarded the prize "for his contribution to the development of domestic and world musical art." The composer is one of the founders of Soviet electronic music, and the first composer to use electronic music in Soviet cinema - more than 140 films, including such iconic works of Russian cinema as "Solaris", "Stalker", "Mirror", "Siberian Barber" , "Courier", "Sibiriada" and others. "He is rightfully considered one of the greatest composers in the world of cinema," said Tolstoy.

The most famous choreographer of our time, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of many professional awards, Grigorovich will be awarded "for his outstanding contribution to the development of domestic and world choreographic art." His performances - "The Nutcracker", "Raymonda", "Spartacus", "Ivan the Terrible", "Stone Flower" and others. For more than 60 years, they have been standard examples of classical productions. "A man who does not need additional recommendations, known to the whole world, a man who has been in the profession for 70 years, he continues to work on ballet performances," Tolstoy said.

Director General of the Hermitage, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, historian Piotrovsky will receive an award "for his contribution to the preservation of national and world cultural heritage." He is the author of more than 250 scientific works on the history and culture of the Middle East, the history of Islam, and has headed the Hermitage since 1992. “For a quarter of a century, Mikhail Borisovich has been heading, undoubtedly, the main museum of the country, a symbol of our museum business. In addition, since the creation of the Union of Museums of Russia, he has been the permanent president, defending the interests of the entire museum community. An authoritative specialist recognized all over the world,” said Tolstoy .

Another State Prize of the Russian Federation in this area has already been awarded - on June 3, in the Konstantinovsky Palace, writer Daniil Granin received it from the hands of the President of Russia "for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity in 2016."

The State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2016 was awarded to Yuri Efremovich BATURIN, Vladimir L. BOGDANOV and Anatoly Sergeevich NURYAEV for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas and oil fields in Western Siberia.

Baturin Yuri Efremovich was born on March 3, 1936 in the village of Aleksandrovka, Blagoveshchensky District, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Advisor to the Chief Geologist of OJSC “Surgutneftegas”.

Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich was born on May 28, 1951 in the village of Suerka, Uporovsky District, Tyumen Region. Doctor of Economics, General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz. Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation.

Nuryaev Anatoly Sergeevich was born on January 08, 1949 in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. First Deputy General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz.

Laureates Yu.Baturin, V.Bogdanov and A.Nuryaev proposed, substantiated by theoretical and laboratory studies, and then confirmed by industrial practice on a regional scale rational principles for the development of oil and gas fields in Western and Eastern Siberia. The completed developments make it possible to extract hydrocarbon resources with high technical and economic efficiency in compliance with modern requirements for technosphere safety.

The team has identified new patterns that link the values ​​of the layered and zonal structure of complex types of fields with the value of the debit of production facilities, and on this basis, new methods of calculation and design of the placement of production and injection wells have been developed. The developments made it possible to put into operation strategically important oil and gas fields at a faster pace. The authors developed a number of automated systems that made it possible to design development systems for all existing fields in Western Siberia, which saved OAO Surgutneftegaz from multi-million dollar expenses for the purchase of foreign software analogues.

Governor of Ugra Natalya Komarova congratulated fellow countrymen on this significant event. “This award is another confirmation that Surgutneftegaz is the most state-minded, innovative, environmentally friendly, advanced company in the country, which Yugra is rightfully proud of! Thanks to you, Vladimir Leonidovich, to your team for the initiative, determination, talent, ability to set strategic goals and implement what was conceived for the benefit of the Autonomous Okrug and all of Russia. I wish you new successes, bold ideas and their equally convincing and successful implementation!” - said in the telegram of the head of the region.

State Prizes of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2016 were awarded to: Baturin Yuri Efremovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Advisor to the Chief Geologist - Deputy General Director of the Open Joint Stock Company Surgutneftegaz, Bogdanov Vladimir Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, General Director of Open Joint Stock Company Surgutneftegaz, Nuryaev Anatoly Sergeevich, First Deputy General Director of the same joint-stock company - for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas-oil fields in Western Siberia.

As Vladimir Putin noted at the awards ceremony, “devotion to one's work determined the successful cooperation of the authors of unique hydrodynamic models, which made it possible to substantiate rational systems for the development of fields in Western Siberia.

The ideologist of their creation, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Efremovich Baturin has been working on this topic since the beginning of the development of the region. For more than 30 years, Surgutneftegaz has been headed by Doctor of Economic Sciences Vladimir Leonidovich Bogdanov. He and his deputy Anatoly Sergeevich Nuryaev take an active part in scientific research. The results of their activities have become a significant contribution to the promotion of resource-saving technologies and, in general, to the development of the strategic raw material potential of Russia.”

Vladimir Bogdanov, General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz, expressed his gratitude and stressed that he perceives the State Prize as a high appraisal of the work of the entire staff of Surgutneftegaz.

“On this solemn day, let me express special gratitude to the scientists of Surgutneftegaz, who, along with the authors of the work, have made an invaluable contribution to the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas and oil fields based on our innovative technologies. I would like to note that an important role in the introduction of the latest developments on an industrial scale was played by our engineering and technical workers, designers, workers of all professions who work in the fields, designers, as well as employees of machine-building enterprises of our country, with whom we have been cooperating for many years in creating a new technology and its implementation.

We are proud of the science and production base we have created, which currently and will allow in the future to effectively solve all issues related to the development of both old and new deposits with any commercial characteristics, mining and geological conditions and achieve while maximizing oil recovery and achieving high economic efficiency.

We have hard and difficult work ahead of us, and we realize how important it is for the development of the state, for the well-being of society.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! Once again, thank you for the high award. Let me assure you that Surgutneftegaz has been, is and will be one of the guarantors of our country's energy security,” said Vladimir Bogdanov.

Anatoly Nuryaev, First Deputy General Director of OAO Surgutneftegaz, said accepting the award: “It is with a sense of understandable excitement and pride that I present at this solemn event the professional school of Surgutneftegaz, an enterprise that celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. All these years the company remains one of the flagships of the industry.

The values ​​and achievements of our team can be listed for a long time. I will name only the key elements of the corporate policy that underlie our success. This is self-reliance, including in the field of science. Through the work of our scientists and engineers, we have proposed and substantiated, confirmed by theoretical, laboratory and field studies, implemented rational oil and gas and oil fields on the scale of Western and Eastern Siberia, which made it possible to carry out oil recovery from deposits of different geological structures with high technical and economic efficiency, to develop an integrated approach to the development deposits. It is also a huge focus on culture and production safety. And of course, high social responsibility. It is expressed, among other things, in a careful, prudent attitude towards the environment. The principles of rational environmental management are a priority for all employees: from workers to managers. Modern technologies, which Surgutneftegaz applies everywhere, allow us to ensure environmental safety and increase the yield of fields, which means to use the wealth of the Siberian subsoil as efficiently as possible for the benefit of Russia.

Thank you for the high award. I join in the congratulations and wish prosperity to our country and all our compatriots,” said Anatoly Nuryaev.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on awarding state prizes - the awards were presented on June 12. In the field of science and technology, the general director of Surgutneftegaz Vladimir Bogdanov and his deputies Yuri Baturin and Anatoly Nuryaev became the laureate for the creation of rational systems for the development of oil, oil and gas and gas and oil fields in Western Siberia. One of the company's most promising areas is the development of deposits of the Bazhenov formation.

The Bazhenov Formation is a well-known object in Russia and abroad. In the report of the US Energy Committee, published in June 2013 and concerning all shale formations in the world, Russia was recognized as the leader in shale oil reserves and, of course, the main reserves are the Bazhenov formation. Today, perhaps, this is one of the most discussed objects of Russian oil science: researchers argue about literally everything, from geology to the expediency of developing the Bazhenov formation.

Oil shale formations are widespread in the world thin-layered carbonate-clay-siliceous deposits enriched in organic matter. Oil and gas enter traditional reservoirs from source rocks, where they are born from organic matter, by migration - the movement of hydrocarbon molecules from the stratum into rocks with pores of a significant size; these pores (reservoirs) are limited from above and below by impervious seals (tires) - rocks with extremely low permeability.

Oil shales are low-permeability oil source rocks that can “give birth” to oil. These formations also contain oil or gas that has been transformed over millions of years from a solid organic matter into a liquid and gaseous phase, but they are located in the smallest pore space of the rocks and are held there by the sorption properties of minerals and organic matter (kerogen) remaining in the solid state, due to which hydrocarbons extremely difficult to extract from the breed. Such oil and gas are classified as hard-to-remove, or unconventional: they can be extracted only with the help of special technologies.

Distribution of oil production rate during testing by exploration wells of the Bazhenov formation in the territory of operation of OAO "Surgutneftegaz" (Chirkov, Sonich)

History of the discovery and study of the Bazhenov Formation

In the 1970s, exploratory drilling for oil in Western Siberia led to the discovery of a new oil-bearing object - the Bazhenov formation. Several wells in the area of ​​the Bolshoy Salym field received large oil flows (up to 2.5 thousand tons of oil per day). A large number of wells were drilled and tested (testing - checking the possibility of extracting oil from a well) in the Bazhenov formation, cores were taken - rocks and their properties were studied.

It turned out that the Bazhenov formation is a very complex object: often dry ones were located next to the well, which gave an industrial inflow of oil. Often, a high oil rate declined rapidly as reservoir pressure dropped. Many studies have been carried out - hydrodynamic interceptions, in order to establish a hydrodynamic connection (the length of the reservoir) between adjacent wells. In many cases, no such relationship was found. All this suggested that the reservoir in the Bazhenov formation is located chaotically, it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to predict its development, and the reservoir has a small area, that is, even if a well enters the reservoir, the oil in it quickly runs out, and it is necessary to drill a new one. .

Of course, the huge oil reserves in traditional reservoirs, which were clear how to search and develop, extinguished interest in the Bazhenov formation, the main development of oil deposits was concentrated in other layers of Western Siberia.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that OJSC "Surgutneftegaz" continued to search for, explore and develop deposits of the Bazhenov formation at its fields for many years, using the natural mode of depletion of deposits (see chart). It was this company that produced more oil than any other from the Bazhenov formation. But in absolute terms, this is a small value, far from corresponding to the prospects of deposits.

The long-term development of the Bazhenov formation at the Salymskoye field has nevertheless shown that some wells have been operating for decades, and a decrease in production in the initial stages of development may later be replaced by recovery and stabilization of the flow rate. In some wells, the total production exceeds hundreds of thousands of tons.

Traditional oil reserves in Western Siberia are gradually being depleted: first, all the simplest structural traps from the point of view of their discovery were drilled, then more complex ones (see figure): structural-lithological, lithological, tectonically screened, and others. The increase in oil reserves due to prospecting and exploration, and with them the oil production in Western Siberia, began to decline. This forced the oil companies to return to more complex rocks, including the Bazhenov formation. Of course, this interest was fairly fueled by the shale revolution in the United States.

A new stage in the exploration of the Bazhenov Formation

A new stage in the exploration of the Bazhenov formation began in 2006, when a subsidiary of LUKOIL LLC, OJSC Russian Innovative Fuel and Energy Company (RITEK), acquired the license blocks Sredne-Nazymsky and Galyanovsky for the purposeful development of the Bazhenov formation in a fundamentally new way - using thermal gas exposure on her. In addition to drilling new wells, studying cores and testing seismic interpretation technologies to improve the efficiency of forecasting the development of reservoirs in the Bazhenov formation, RITEK decided to build an oil pipeline to collect and transport oil. Now, wells at these fields are working in a pipe, that is, oil is immediately transported to collection points, which ensures constant oil production from the Bazhenov formation, and also guarantees a high-quality accounting of all produced oil and obtaining real production characteristics of the sections of the Bazhenov formation.

The new stage of exploration of the Bazhenov formation is characterized primarily by manufacturability: the selection of an isolated core, its research on powerful and diverse modern equipment, significant investments in projects for the development of the Bazhenov formation by the largest oil companies in Russia, the integration of knowledge in scientific consortiums.

All this led to a new understanding of the geology of the Bazhenov Formation.

Geological characteristics of the Bazhenov formation

The Bazhenov Formation, 15–50 m thick, accumulated approximately 145 million years ago for 8–11 million years cyclically: long periods of background marine sedimentation alternated — an extremely slow accumulation of carbonate-argillaceous-siliceous particles enriched in organic matter — and slightly more dynamic and short periods of formation of radiolarian silts, composed of skeletal remains of zooplankton - radiolarians, practically devoid of clay impurities. Thus, in the Bazhenov Formation, as in a layer cake, alternating (see figure) thin-layered rocks (3-10 m thick) and denser carbonate or siliceous rocks (0.5-3 m thick), which many millions of years ago were radiolarian muds.

It became obvious that the Bazhenov Formation is not the same everywhere, it has different characteristics in Western Siberia, which strongly depend on the degree of transformation of organic matter. The Bolshoy Salym field turned out to be located in unique geological conditions of the highest degree of catagenetic maturity of organic matter (gradation of catagenesis MK3-4), and therefore the oil-saturated pore space in these rocks is formed inside the organic matter itself - kerogen. Therefore, almost the entire section is oil-saturated.

Other types of section have an average degree of catagenetic maturity of organic matter (gradation of catagenesis MK1-2), the pore space in kerogen is small here and does not form a significant bound volume, respectively, and rocks containing a large amount of kerogen usually do not have the ability to release oil into wells. The reservoirs in such sections are secondary limestones, dolomites, and, more rarely, silicites—rocks from transformed radiolarite oozes.

Another important characteristic of the Bazhenov Formation is the rocks that underlie and overlie it. To the west of the central part of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the Bazhenov Formation is underlain by the clayey Abalak Formation, which is an excellent seal, and to the east, by the clay-carbonate Georgievskaya and Vasyugan Formations, whose seal properties are much worse, based on which the possibility of emigration (leaving) of oil from the Bazhenov suites in the east are better. Therefore, the western part of the Bazhenov formation is considered more promising for production.

Along the periphery of Western Siberia, sections of the Bazhenov Formation become largely clayey, which sharply reduces its potential. Today, these areas are considered unpromising in terms of oil production.

Development of oil deposits of the Bazhenov formation

The presence of oil deposits in the Bazhenov formation has been proven at 90 sites in Western Siberia, but development is carried out in isolated areas. Basically - along the way and in the mode of natural depletion (Surgutneftegaz on the Surgut arch, more than 1000 wells in total, Rosneft on the Bolshoy Salym group of fields, Gazprom Neft on Palyanovskaya area, Krasnoleninsky arch). At the LUKOIL fields in the area of ​​the Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk arches, the Bazhenov suite is being tested, but not yet developed. RITEK is conducting targeted development of the Bazhenovskaya suite in the Frolovskaya megadepression at the two fields mentioned above, the total well stock is about 40, and work has been carried out in all wells to increase oil inflow - by hydraulic fracturing (HF) or hydrochloric acid treatment of the bottomhole zone (HAT). The results are impressive: hundreds of thousands of tons! And at the Sredne-Nazymskoye field, a technology for increasing oil recovery due to thermal gas treatment has been developed for several years. According to the authors of the technology, the oil recovery factor can increase from 3 to 40%.

Thus, the state of development of the Bazhenov formation is as follows: the cumulative production is slightly more than 10 million tons of oil, but constant development with high-quality data is carried out at isolated fields. All oilmen admit that oil production from the Bazhenov formation in the mode of natural depletion is ineffective - perhaps that is why large companies are working on new technologies: thermogas or thermochemical. Therefore, the large-scale development of the Bazhenov formation, judging by the efforts made and the planned funding, should begin in the coming decades.

Glossary of terms

The Bazhenov suite is Late Jurassic - Early Cretaceous oil source carbonate-argillaceous-siliceous deposits, anomalously enriched in organic matter, are widespread within Western Siberia.

Oil is an oily liquid of dark brown (sometimes almost black) color, which is a complex mixture of mainly hydrocarbon compounds with an admixture of high-molecular organic oxygen, sulfur and nitrogen compounds.

Formations - naturally distinguished lithologically homogeneous large geological bodies, isolated in space from adjacent bodies, formed in certain paleotectonic and paleogeographic conditions.

A trap is a part of a natural reservoir in which, due to a structural threshold, stratigraphic screening, lithological restriction, or other barriers, accumulations of oil and gas can form.

Fluid seals (tires) of oil and gas deposits are poorly permeable rocks that overlap reservoir rocks with accumulations of oil and gas. No trap can contain accumulations of oil and gas if it is not blocked by impermeable rocks.

An oil and gas deposit is understood as a local industrial accumulation of oil and gas in permeable collectors of traps of any type, which is a single hydrodynamic system.

Migration - various types of movement and movement of oil and gas in the rock mass.

Oil and gas reserves are their amount contained in reservoir rocks within the studied part of the geological space.

Sorption properties characterize the ability of rocks to retain (sorb) and release (desorb) gases and the smallest particles of liquid and solid bodies.

Kerogen is a solid part of organic matter that is insoluble in organic solvents.

Reservoirs are rocks that have the ability to contain oil, gas and water and release them at a certain pressure drop.

Traditional reservoirs are reservoirs composed of sand and carbonate rocks.

Pores are the spaces between the individual grains that make up the rock.

Hydrodynamic connection - the connectivity of the pore space of rocks, within which fluids can move.

Well operation is the process of lifting a given amount of liquid (oil) from the bottom of a well to the day surface. Well operation methods:

• flowing method (or development in a natural mode) - only formation energy is enough to lift fluid to the surface;

• gas lift method - reservoir energy is no longer enough to lift the liquid, and energy is introduced into the well from the surface in the form of compressed gas energy during compressor operation;

£ mechanized methods - mechanical energy is transferred to the flow of liquid rising from the well through various kinds of deep pumps. The method is used when reservoir energy is not enough to lift the liquid, and gas lift operation is unprofitable.

Catagenesis (catagenetic maturity of organic matter) is a set of processes (temperature, pressure, physicochemical reactions, depth of occurrence, etc.) of the transformation of sedimentary rocks and the organic matter contained in them after their emergence from sediments over geological time.

Hydraulic fracturing (HF) is one of the methods for intensifying the operation of oil and gas wells. It consists in creating a highly conductive fracture in the target formation to ensure the flow of the produced fluid (gas, water, condensate, oil or a mixture thereof) to the bottom of the well. The hydraulic fracturing technology includes pumping a fracturing fluid (gel, in some cases water or acid in acid fracturing) into the well using powerful pumping stations at pressures higher than the fracturing pressure of the oil-bearing formation. To keep the fracture open, a proppant (treated quartz sand) is used. After hydraulic fracturing, the well flow rate, as a rule, increases sharply.

Hydrochloric acid treatment is one of the methods for intensifying the operation of oil and gas wells and is used in wells developing carbonate fractured pore formations.

Varvara Nemova, Head of the Sector for Research on the Productivity of Shale Formations of the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIGNI, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences