Environmental marketing. Environmental marketing is the process of meeting consumer needs by promoting products and services that cause minimal harm to the environment.

The essence and concept of environmental marketing of a municipal entity (city)

The essence and concept of ecological marketing municipality (city)

Anastasia Sergeevna Sidorenko, post-graduate student, assistant

FSBEI HPE "South-Russian State University of Economics and Service", Shakhty


Annotation: The article describes the essence of ecological marketing of the city, the process of formation. The algorithm of ecological marketing at the enterprise is presented. The strategies of ecological marketing of the city are determined. The concept of ecological marketing of the city is presented.

Abstract: This article deals with the essence of environmental marketing, the process of formation. The algorithm of environmental marketing in the enterprise. Define the strategies of environmental marketing. Presented the concept of environmental marketing.

Keythe words: ecological marketing, marketing directions, algorithm, strategy, concept, environmentally friendly products.

Keywords: environmental marketing, marketing trends, the algorithm, the strategy, the concept of environmentally friendly products.

At the end of the twentieth century, a new concept appeared in marketing - ecological marketing. The main priorities can be identified in it: the concept of the market is ecological, the key link is ecological safety and rational use of natural resources, the level of action is human civilization and nature, the reflection in the organizational and staff structure of companies of serious attention to issues of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources - the introduction of a position Vice President, Environmental Safety, Environmental Policy Manager. Elements of classic marketing can also be applied to it. Environmental marketing is usually referred to the structure of environmental management.

The emergence of green marketing can be represented in two aspects:

1) Environmental marketing arose at the intersection of two other concepts - marketing and environmental management. Due to the fact that classical marketing lacked its concepts, approaches, measures for restructuring enterprises for more modern and environmentally friendly production of products, and environmental management could not clearly regulate the production process of products, it is more focused on environmental management. The area of ​​intersection of the concepts of marketing and environmental management is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 - The place of environmental marketing in the marketing and environmental management system

2) Environmental marketing arose on the basis of the interaction of the marketing of the enterprise, namely its elements (development, production, packaging of goods, disposal, etc.), and the environmental activities of the enterprise (when drawing up an environmental passport, when developing emission standards, etc. .). Under the influence of the market, manufacturers needed to improve the quality of their products from the standpoint of their environmental friendliness and harmlessness to consumers and the environment; schematically, this interaction can be represented as follows (Fig. 1.2).

Figure 1.2 - The place of environmental marketing in the marketing and environmental activities of the enterprise

If marketing is a process that covers the development and implementation of the concept of economic activity of an organization, city, communication policy, public relations, then environmental marketing is not just a new conceptual approach: it really allows you to think over and develop the structure of the survival system and its working mechanisms.

Thus, environmental marketing is marketing aimed at the production of products (services) that are safe for the environment and consumers, the development of technologies and processes that reduce the impact on the environment, as well as with the accelerated formation of the market for environmental services, which require the appropriate development of marketing controls.

Also, environmental marketing is defined as an environmentally friendly activity associated with the development, creation and sale of products and services to meet the needs of the population, taking into account environmental consequences.

The authors of these two definitions reduce the concept of environmental marketing to the production of environmentally friendly products and services, but the first definition is more broadly disclosed and reflects the activities of an enterprise in the field of environmental safety as a whole, and not only in the production of goods and services.

The main marketing areas in this area include:

Formation of financial structures to support the environmental actions of the enterprise;

Environmental insurance of companies' actions;

Measuring the forms of reporting the activities of manufacturers;

Formation of new principles of trade (for example, the sale of organic products).

Environmental marketing makes it possible not only to carry out the process of strategic goal-setting in a new way, but also indicates the direction of resolving many difficulties associated with the emergence of environmental risk. And the perception of environmental risk by society is a reality that largely determines the attitude towards a particular enterprise (or type of technology, products and services) no less than the actual characteristics of the impact of the production process.

The algorithm of ecological marketing at the enterprise can be represented as follows:

Figure 1.3 - Algorithm of environmental marketing at the enterprise

The first step that environmental marketing of an enterprise proposes is to ensure the openness of the firm, which will no doubt make more reliable and reliable feedback from consumers.

The second step is to make the production process transparent: to show how reasonably little fossil fuels are used per unit of production, how well the waste management process is, to demonstrate that part of the proceeds from the sale of your products is really going to support fundamental research in the field of resource-saving technologies.

The third step is to prove in practice that the approach to the problem and new solutions are pioneering - and then it will become obvious to everyone that you have a competitive advantage (unique!), That your product is better than others. Environmental marketing cannot be unfounded.

The considered steps, concepts are applicable to the activities of enterprises. In this graduate work, an attempt is made to reveal the essence, functions, directions in environmental marketing at the level of the municipality (city). In this regard, it must take into account a certain specificity and scope.

Environmental marketing of a municipality (city) is the activity of the authorities (administrations) aimed at the interest of city enterprises in reducing the level of pollution and in increasing the production of environmentally friendly products, as well as attracting the attention of manufacturers and residents to the field of environmental protection, improvement of the city and district , the formation of an image policy, investment activities aimed at attracting funds to protect the environment and rational use of natural resources.

The city's environmental marketing strategies allow:

Assess the environmental conditions in which the city will develop, its advantages and disadvantages in order to minimize environmental threats (negative effects) and maximize opportunities (positive effects) - SWOT analysis;

Optimally combine the policy of improving the living standards of the population with the policy of protecting the environment, allocating resources and promoting the territory;

Coordinate urban development programs from an environmental marketing perspective;

Get benchmarks and tools for measuring and evaluating development results.

Among the important problems of ecological marketing of the city, the municipality, the following can also be noted:

Management of the development of the city, municipal market of environmentally friendly products, terms of trade;

Training of city cadres of marketers and marketing education of citizens, representatives of small businesses, municipal enterprises and local governments, marketing information and consulting support of municipalities in the field of environmental safety of the territory;

Development of urban marketing communications, incl. development, popularization and use of urban symbols - the flag, coat of arms, anthem, verbal symbols, city awards; development and implementation of rules for the creation, placement and payment of urban advertising; city ​​image management; development of urban Internet communications, management of environmental advertising and policy in this area;

Radical increase in the effectiveness of exhibition and fair and other presentation activities, the areas of environmentally friendly goods and services, activity in the field of environmental protection.

The main marketing directions in the field of ecological marketing of the city include the following:

Formation of financial structures to support environmental actions;

Environmental assessment (audit) of the level of environmental impact;

Image policy of the city in the field of ecology;

Policy of support by the City Administration of producers who have no or practically no emissions into the environment.

You can see some similarities and differences in environmental marketing approaches between businesses and the city. Both manufacturers and the city's policy strives to improve the state of the environment, the ecological situation not only in the city, but also in the region as a whole. The authorities impose various incentive sanctions in order to motivate manufacturers to reduce emissions, and enterprises are also interested in reducing their environmental impact in order to make their products cleaner, the production process is more environmentally friendly.

From the point of view of environmental marketing, environmental safety must fully meet the following requirements:

The minimum level or absence of pollutants in the production process;

Waste-free production;

Safety for the health of city residents and workers of the enterprise;

Resource efficiency.

Recognize the rational use of the environment as one of the most important priorities of the city, enterprises and companies, as well as the main conditions for development; to develop a strategy, program and methods of production management with maximum consideration for the environment - the key to systematic environmental protection.

The main concept of ecological marketing is the concept of socially ethical marketing based on the identification of the needs, requirements, interests of target markets and ensuring the desired satisfaction in more productive ways, as opposed to competitors, while maintaining and strengthening the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole. This concept arose in connection with the deterioration of the quality of the environment and the scarcity of natural resources.

Environmental marketing management is based on the principles of socially ethical marketing, which is aimed at activities that ensure the existence of humanity and nature. The task of ecological marketing is to maximize the quality of life, which consists of two categories: economic and ecologically - social.

In modern conditions, the interconnection of three factors "economy - politics - ecology" is gaining importance. The economy determines the prosperity of the state, the policy is aimed at stabilizing the situation in various regions, and the violation of the ecology can lead to significant material losses both at the local, regional and global levels. Optimization of environmental mechanisms that stimulate environmental protection includes the following measures:

Creation of favorable conditions for enterprises, companies, firms specializing in environmental protection;

Promotion of domestic and foreign investments in the production of environmentally friendly goods and services based on environmentally friendly technologies and management methods;

Determining the economically and socially optimal balance of flexible compensation schemes while implementing the polluter pays and user pays principles;

Ensuring the competitiveness and profitability of enterprises, the implementation of economic mechanisms that take into account the stimulation of environmental protection;

Using a differentiated approach to the pricing of the company's products, taking into account the environmental costs of reducing the volume of waste, their disposal, disposal and recycling;

Economic and environmental substantiation of financing environmental protection costs from enterprises, firms and companies, as well as from state, regional and local budgets;

Organization of effective credit systems for environmental projects, taking into account investments, first of all, in environmentally friendly technologies, and not in cleaning technologies at the end of the production cycle.

The relationship between economics and ecology can be imagined as follows:

Economic goals without limitation

Economic targets with environmental constraints

Environmental objectives with economic constraints

Environmental goals without limits

The inevitability of environmental restrictions on entrepreneurial activity and the regulatory role of the state in the use of natural resources and environmental protection is increasingly seen as the only realistic way out of the progressive environmental crisis.

Management of the protection of natural resources and the human environment is implemented through the use of administrative and economic measures of state environmental regulation. The methods of state regulation of environmental protection activities are associated with the greening of in-house management of an enterprise, the activities of which can have certain impacts on the environment. Inseparable from these methods are the issues of the formation of an ecological market on the territory of a city, region and ecological entrepreneurship with a focus on effective domestic and foreign experience.

With the introduction of new legislation on foreign investment, taxation, subsoil use rights, conditions for foreign investors will improve. This should lead to the development of the economy at a new level with environmental restrictions, that is, the existence of a maximum level of exploitation in each region, which is determined by the natural potential, will be taken into account. Depletion of natural potential and violation of ecological balance leads to a sharp impoverishment of economic opportunities. Therefore, regional planning should also include environmental objectives, namely:

Issuance of permits for economic activities, taking into account the requirements of the environment;

Monitoring compliance with the conditions for the implementation of these permits and environmental risk;

Taking into account territorial, demographic and other peculiarities when carrying out environmental protection activities in the regions;

Ensuring the right of access to the territory of any production facilities for assessing the ecological state, environmental economics.

Bibliographic list

  1. Lopatin V.N. Management and marketing in ecology / M. 2001 from 138 - 140

Khachaturov A.E. Environmental marketing / Khachaturov A.E., Guseva T.V., Kretov I.I., Panin G.S. // Marketing in Russia and abroad. - 2000. - No. 4. - S.30-37

As a result of studying this chapter, the student must:


  • the main results of the latest research on the problems of environmental marketing;
  • models of behavior of economic agents and markets;
  • basic concepts, methods and tools for quantitative and qualitative analysis of environmental marketing management processes;
  • the main elements of the process of developing strategies for the implementation of environmental marketing at the enterprise;
  • basic information technologies for managing business processes in the implementation of environmental marketing at the enterprise and in target markets;

be able to

  • analyze and develop an organization's strategy based on modern methods and advanced scientific achievements;
  • identify promising areas of scientific research, substantiate the relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the problem under study, formulate hypotheses, conduct empirical and applied research;
  • process empirical and experimental data;
  • to carry out quantitative forecasting and modeling of business process management;


  • methodology and methodology for conducting scientific research in environmental marketing;
  • skills of independent scientific and research work in relation to marketing in the environmental field of activity;
  • skills of quantitative and qualitative analysis for making management decisions in the environmental aspect related to the promotion of goods and services;
  • a methodology for constructing organizational and managerial models of an organization, a model for positioning environmental goods and segmenting markets;
  • information technologies for forecasting and managing business processes, building the necessary distribution channels, communication policy.

The concept and history of the development of environmental marketing

The development of environmental marketing is due to the concept of "ecology", which is interpreted as the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. Environmental problems are regularly covered in various media, their relevance has increased dramatically in recent years and does not cause any doubts among not only scientists and politicians, but also businessmen and the population. Thousands of non-commercial sites, blogs, forums are devoted to environmental problems on the Internet, which clearly shows that the world community has raised this problem to a qualitatively new level.

Environmental marketing is an integral part of all world politics, which determines the solution of problems associated with pollution of the atmosphere, nature and the surrounding area in general. It must be remembered that ensuring environmental security is the main geopolitical factor and driving force for the well-being of society, which is inextricably linked with a reduction in human life expectancy, as well as problems in the field of nature and ecology arising in connection with international military actions.

There is no common definition of environmental marketing. This concept is considered from different positions.

Environmental marketing is based on environmental policy, environmental responsibility of organizations and enterprises, and transparency of production and technological processes, including environmental labeling. It is proposed to include in environmental marketing the formation of financial structures to support environmental actions, environmental audit, environmental insurance of companies 'actions, changes in manufacturers' reporting forms, new forms of advertising, the formation of new principles of trade (for example, the sale of environmentally friendly products).

The Encyclopedia of Marketing defines it: "Green marketing is marketing that is intended to change the mindset of buyers, provide a new direction for competition and achieve innovative market acceptance of environmental problems."

Environmental marketing is a complex of means and methods of a company to satisfy various interests of consumers through more intensive promotion of relevant goods and services with minimal harm to the environment at all stages of development.

Life cycle represents interconnected and sequential periods of the production cycle from obtaining the necessary natural resources and raw materials to their subsequent end use and their placement in the environment. At the same time, not only the stages or stages of production of the final product should be seriously considered, but also the extraction of natural resources, auxiliary production, transportation, compliance with environmental standards for waste disposal.

Socio-ethical marketing, which determined the needs and interests of target markets, the tasks and needs of any company to provide a more efficient and more economic way of production than competitors, while strengthening the well-being of the consumer and society, ultimately became the cause of the emergence of environmental marketing. A number of other reasons for traditional marketing led to this, primarily related to the lack of natural resources, environmental degradation, population growth, and deterioration in the sphere of social services. Of the positive factors of that time, one can note the influence of non-governmental environmental organizations, public concern about the state and even deterioration of the environment, the emergence of various associations, organizations, groups of public environmental expertise.

There are several stages in the development of environmental marketing.

Stage I (1960-1970s) involves international cooperation (including mega-levels) in the development of national legislative acts, in the financing of environmental activities. International cooperation in the field of ecology began to be carried out since 1972. This stage was based on the report "Limits to Growth" prepared by an international team of authors headed by D. Meadows, and the materials of the First International Conference of the PLO on Environmental Problems.

Ethan II (1980-1990s) deals with environmental aspects of global security. It was based on the International Commission on Environment and Development, established in 1983, and the scientific report "Our Common Future" (1987), which laid the foundation for the concept of sustainable development. This stage can be called the stage of sustainable development, which allows you to control the needs of generations and preserve the nature of the future nation. The UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, at which the "Declaration on Environment and Development" and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change were agreed and adopted, was of decisive importance for the formation of this provision. Convention on Biological Diversity, Principles of Forestry.

Stage III (1997 - present) is associated with the development and unification of states in the field of specific commitments in the areas of water supply, energy, agriculture, and the preservation of the biosystem. A huge role in this process can be given to the Kyoto Protocol, signed in 1997 and ratified by 192 countries.

Environmental marketing in many countries has become a legislative basis. The environmental component of the development of society has become a new factor of influence on business in general and on marketing. Consumers tend to buy organic, natural products in order to control their lifestyle. Consumers and shareholders of the company become the engines of corporate and environmental responsibility. Consumers purchase environmental goods and services from companies that are trying to conduct their business according to their requirements and expectations.

Of particular relevance among the concepts of enterprise development has acquired social and ethical marketing concept. This concept is driven by the concept of sustainable development. The concept is based on the observance of the interests of producers - in terms of obtaining profits, consumers - in terms of meeting needs and society - in terms of sustainable environmental, social and economic development.

Eco marketing concept is an integral part of the concept of social and ethical marketing. It is focused on meeting the needs and demands of consumers in ecological products, as well as on stimulating the demand for organic products and raw materials,

including environmental safety of production. Environmental needs and environmental products can be distinguished as categories of environmental marketing.

Environmental needs are aimed at satisfying the needs of consumers in the field of environmental safety.

Ecological goods - products that meet three criteria: economy, environmental friendliness and safety.

Green products are divided into environmentally neutral and environmentally friendly products. Environmentally neutral are goods, the production and consumption of which do not destroy the environment, but environmentally friendly - production and consumption of which have a positive effect on the environment.

The production of environmental goods includes such areas as the manufacture, installation and operation of environmental (treatment) facilities, development and implementation of environmentally friendly technologies, processing, transportation and disposal of waste, disposal of toxic waste, trade in environmental technologies, products and waste, energy conservation, conservation land resources, production of organic food, eco-audit and eco-expertise, water, air control, environmental crediting and insurance, environmental advocacy and education, ecotourism, environmental medicine and occupational safety, information technology, life-saving systems, maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

The concept of "ecological goods" in the Russian market for domestic producers is associated with an innovative product. In most cases, this is a delusion. They can be considered innovative if their development is based on the achievements of science and technology, or they are the result of fundamental research and discoveries that previously simply had no analogues for the following reasons:

  • a) the needs and demands of consumers, for the satisfaction of which new products are intended, were previously satisfied in a completely different way (the first type of fundamentally new innovations);
  • b) the needs for the satisfaction of which new goods are intended simply did not exist before (the second type of fundamentally new innovations).

first kind are:

  • industrial products that have a negative impact on nature and the environment;
  • consumer goods that are a helper for the consumer.

Products of environmental innovation second kind can serve:

  • industrial goods - technologies, metal products with memory effect;
  • consumer goods - packaging made of bioorganic raw materials that decompose without harming the environment.

The following methods are used to search for ideas in the field of environmental innovation:

  • forecasting consumer demands and their future needs;
  • modeling of consumer behavior (situational and simulation);
  • analysis of the dynamics of development of all trends in society (scientific and technological progress, politics, economics, culture, ecology).

In the conditions of a modern market economy, the motivation of consumers to buy new ecological products is more significant, when producers orient their activities towards meeting the needs of consumers and when consumers have greater freedom of choice.

Advertising, sales promotion, propaganda (publicity), public relations, personal sales play an important role in product promotion. what can be attributed to the complex of marketing incentives.

  • informing consumers about the existence of ecological goods on the market;
  • justifying the high price level of environmental goods by comparing and contrasting conventional and environmental goods. At the same time, the economic feasibility of consuming environmental goods and the side effects associated with the production of goods and waste disposal, preserving the health of consumers and improving the quality of life should be taken into account.

Sales promotion includes a set of measures aimed at the consumer or seller (intermediary), which are applicable to stimulate demand for ecological products.

Propaganda (publicity) involves, for example, attracting celebrities to increase consumer confidence.

Public Relations is the ecological development of society. Implementation should be carried out through environmental programs, forums of international importance.

Considering the turnover of the world market for organic products, there is a noticeable increase in it by 20%, or by 4 billion euros, annually, according to RBC. The world market of organic products is least of all exposed to the crisis, therefore, for the period from 2000-2010. the market has grown significantly - from 18 to 60 billion dollars. The leading markets are the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France.

Based on the analysis of this market, according to the company Nbc universal , for 2010 all consumers of organic products in the United States were divided into groups:

  • 1. Dark green , or alpha-ecos. They are concerned about environmental problems (nature conservation, global warming). They occupy a significant share in the consumption of organic products. The number of such consumers is 43 million.
  • 2. Ecocentrics, or ecocentrics. Their interests are connected only with the individual consumption of organic products, they pay for products that

are extremely beneficial to their health. They are not interested in environmental problems. Population - 34 million people.

  • 3. Ecomodels , or ecochics. This group includes the young population, who are not preoccupied with anything, who consider it fashionable to be in the "green" trend. They occupy the largest segment - about 60 million people.
  • 4. Ecoeconomists , or economically ecos. This segment, with 53 million people, is concerned with saving money in the future by purchasing ecological products in the present.
  • 5. Eco mom, or ecomoms. This group is interested in ecological goods for children, concerned about the state of nature and the health of future offspring.

In Russia, interest in useful ecological goods is growing every year. Correct positioning of eco-products is the key to promoting the company on the Russian market.

According to research conducted by the Romir Research Holding in November 2012, Russians are willing to pay for organic food. When buying food, most buyers first of all pay attention to the composition (ingredients) and price.

In Russia, all potential consumers of organic products were divided into the following groups.

The most widespread are people who travel a lot, are mobile enough, prioritize in life and are well aware of the benefits of organic products.

Forced group - people suffering from an allergic reaction to chemical additives.

The fashion group is an analogue of ecochics - people who believe that it is fashionable to be consumers of organic products and consider themselves to be in the "luxury" segment.

Research carried out by the company International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements showed that the Russian market for organic products accounts for 0.1% of the total food market. In 2010, the volume of sales in the market for organic products was $ 80 million, due to imports from Germany.


Iman Gemaeva

student Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University,

Russia, Velikiy Novgorod

Irina Vasilyeva

ph.D (Economics), Associate professor of the Department of “Marketing and HR management " Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University,

Russia, Velikiy Novgorod


The article discusses the theoretical foundations of ecological marketing. It was determined that the ecological footprint was one of the main prerequisites for the formation of ecological marketing. The tools are given, with the help of which ecological marketing is carried out at the enterprise. Using a specific example of Amway, the practice of applying environmental marketing is considered.


The article deals with the theoretical foundations of green marketing. It was determined that the ecological footprint was one of the main prerequisites for the formation of green marketing. Presents the tools with which the green marketing in the enterprise. A specific example of Amway considered the practice of green marketing.

Keywords: ecological footprint, biocapacity, ecolabels, environment.

Keywords: ecological footprint, biocapacity, ecological marking, environment.

Fundamental research into the consequences of the growing consumption of natural resources by mankind was initiated in 1968 by the Club of Rome. These studies put an end to the myth of the "happy future of mankind", demonstrating the inevitability of global catastrophes at the beginning of the 21st century as a result of the population explosion in developing countries, environmental pollution, and depletion of natural resources.

The urgency of the environmental problem in recent decades does not raise any doubts not only among scientists, but also among politicians, businessmen, and the general population. Environmental problems at various levels are regularly covered in the media. This shows that all social groups have become involved in solving environmental problems, since no one can stand aside and pretend that this does not concern him.

Every person on Earth leaves his own ecological footprint - the level of human impact on the environment, this is the surface area of ​​the Earth required to provide humanity with resources and absorb human waste. Consequently, the less a person uses resources, the less the amount of waste will be, and, therefore, the ecological footprint. It should be noted that 1/3 of the purchased products in the world are thrown away, which has a negative impact on the environment.

Figure 1 shows the dynamics of the economic footprint, biocapacity and population. The Ecological Footprint is observed to have a positive trend. First of all, this was due to the growth in energy consumption, leading to a large amount of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, as well as due to the expansion of agricultural areas. As a result, the industrialized countries exert the greatest "pressure" on the natural environment.

The growth in the productivity of the Earth turned out to be insufficient even to compensate for the growth of the planet's population.

Figure 1. Growth in the Global Ecological Footprint

The economic footprint and human awareness of the problem of environmental pollution have become a challenge for the creation and development of a green, or ecological economy.

In the late 1980s - early 1990s. the concept of "green marketing" appears, which embodied the formation of economic indicators taking into account the environmental aspect. Environmental marketing is the activity of a company to satisfy the interests of consumers by promoting goods and services that cause minimal harm to the environment at all stages of the life cycle.

Environmental marketing in the company is carried out using the following tools:

  • selection of an environmentally friendly production method;
  • careful supervision of equipment operation and compliance with production technology;
  • constant monitoring of the condition of the equipment and timely repair;
  • selection of the safest waste disposal method.

Environmentally friendly production processes must meet the following requirements:

  • lack of pollutants;
  • production without waste;
  • safety for workers' health;
  • the minimum level of energy consumption;
  • efficiency of resource consumption.

In practice, to confirm the environmental safety of products, environmental labeling is used - a special sign or symbol that is assigned as a result of an appropriate check for compliance with the developed environmental indicators. The mark confirms that a product or service is safe for both the consumer and the environment. Figure 2 shows the various ecolabels adopted at the international and national levels.

Figure 2. Examples of ecolabels. 1 - "Blue Angel" (Germany), 2 - "EU Flower", 3 - "Nordic Swan" (Scandinavian countries), 4 - "Environmental Choice" (Canada) , 5 – "Eco-sign" (Japan), 6 - "Leaf of Life" (Russia)

A prime example of a company following green marketing is Amway, which provides business opportunities in over 80 countries and regions. The main goal of the formation of a mechanism for greening marketing is to create conditions that ensure the greening of production through the use of economic levers and incentives.

The products of this company have special environmental characteristics, which are confirmed by the UN Environmental Prize and the Greenpeace Environmental Awards.

The company uses biodegradable packaging in its production - packaging that, under the influence of environmental factors, decomposes into safe natural substances in a short time.

Today, not all segments of the population can purchase environmentally friendly products of this company. The manufacturer requires high costs for technological equipment, research and development, entering a new market, which leads to an increase in the cost, and, consequently, the price.

The example of Amway proves that environmental marketing is a positive tool for the sustainable development of the company, as well as for the protection of the natural environment.


  1. WWF Living Planet 2014. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://www.footprintnetwork.org/images/article_uploads/LPR_2014_SUMMARY_ru_net.pdf (Date of treatment 04.25.2016).
  2. Smirnova El. Environmental marketing and its foundations. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://www.marketing.spb.ru/lib-mm/strategy/eco_marketing.htm (Date of treatment 05/27/2016).
  3. ECO CERTIFICATION "LEAF OF LIFE" - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://ecounion.ru/list-life/-program/program-list-life/ (Date of treatment 05/01/2016).
  4. Eco-labeling (eco-labeling) and conformity marks. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://arena-rv.ru/ekomarkirovka.html (Date of treatment 05/01/2016).




1.1. Entrepreneurship and sustainable development
1.2. Environmental marketing concept
1.3. Eco-marketing concepts

2.1. Market and sustainable development
2.2. External and internal environment of ecomarketing
2.3. Market research

3.1. Characteristics of an ecological product
3.2. Product life cycle

4.1. Price policy
4.2. Types of market competition
4.3. Pricing factors

5.1. Distribution of goods
5.2. Retail and wholesale
5.3. Marketing communication

6.1. Mission of the company
6.2. Strategic marketing planning

7.1. Exploring the Marketing Environment
7.2. Decision on the advisability of entering environmental goods on the external market
7.3. Decision on methods of entering the international market
7.4. Decision on the structure of the eco-marketing complex.
7.5. Deciding on the structure of the marketing service






5.1. The nature of the impact on the environment ...
5.2. Pollution classification
5.3. General requirements for environmental control. Control methods. Control systems








Sustainable development presupposes the development of new markets for the sale of manufactured products while ensuring the necessary profitability of production and preserving the environment. It becomes more and more difficult to achieve this as the productive forces develop, since production and its impact on the environment are increasingly burdened by environmental problems. The use of natural resources must become more rational, and production processes and consumption must be more environmentally friendly.

Due to its large reserves of hydrocarbon and mineral resources, Kazakhstan has attractive economic prospects. With the introduction of new legislation on foreign investment, taxation, rights to oil and underground resources, conditions for foreign investors will improve. This should lead to the development of the economy at a new level with environmental restrictions, that is, the existence of a maximum level of exploitation in each region, which is determined by the natural potential, will be taken into account. Depletion of natural potential and violation of ecological balance leads to a sharp impoverishment of economic opportunities. Therefore, regional planning should also include environmental objectives, namely:
- issuance of permits for economic activities, taking into account the requirements of the environment;
- monitoring compliance with the conditions for the implementation of these permits and environmental risk;
- taking into account territorial, demographic and other features when carrying out environmental protection activities in the regions;
- ensuring the right of access to the territory of any production facilities for assessing the ecological state, economics of natural resources.

Verification test for section 1. [Krylova M. I., 1995]

1.Ecomarketing is
a) produce and sell what the consumer needs, taking into account the environmental consequences;
b) sell what has already been produced without taking into account the needs.

2. What system is eco-marketing?
a) production;
b) sales;
c) production and marketing.

3. Management of environmental marketing is based on the concept:
a) improving production;
b) intensification of commercial efforts;
c) marketing;
d) social and ethical marketing;
e) improving the product.

Situational task for section 1. [1994]

ConAgra / Du Pont: Benefits from Waste Recycling

Ecochem was founded in late 1990 by ConAgra Inc., the world's fourth largest food manufacturer, and Du Pont, the world's largest chemical manufacturer. Ecochem is unique in that it receives waste from ConAgra and, using Du Pont technology, produces a biodegradable material like plastic, thus solving two environmental issues - production safety and waste packaging.

Ecochem uses the latest technology to produce lactic acid and polylactides from cheese waste and corn by-products. Lactic acid is mainly a food additive, and polylactides are a new type of plastic that easily decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. While the economic benefits of these technologies and the power of the founding companies meant huge commercial success, the birth of the new company was difficult enough.

Globally renowned brands support environmental movements and animal welfare foundations. What are the benefits pursued by companies and is the investment in good deeds pays off? Let's look at specific examples.

The importance of co-marketing of the largest corporations with environmental organizations for nature conservation

One of the world leaders in the production of soft drinks - the Coca-Cola Company has been implementing various initiatives to protect the environment over the years. The priority of the world giant is such areas as respect for fresh water supplies, waste and packaging recycling, as well as energy conservation issues. Every year, Coca-Cola organizes various environmental projects, providing targeted grants to support environmental organizations.

Coca-Cola joins Bear Patrol

In 2008, the Coca-Cola Company acted as a partner in a unique project - the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) "Bear Patrol". The goal of the program was to preserve the population of polar bears on the Arctic coast of the Russian Federation, which is home to about a third of all polar bears from around the world.

As part of a joint project with WWF, Coca-Cola funded the work of bear patrols. The proceeds from the well-known brand went to salaries for employees, the purchase of snowmobiles, providing communications and other needs. The eco-marketing program has saved the lives of dozens of polar bears. But, in addition, a campaign was carried out calling for more responsible behavior of the people themselves.

The campaign is remembered by many, as the polar bear has long been a symbol of Coca-Cola. This and many other projects of the company find a response among millions of adherents of the brand (see), so we can say with confidence that joint projects with environmentalists, conducting environmental marketing is an excellent chance for the company to improve its image and strengthen its reputation.

Promotion against the background of the symbol is a good idea, which was also used in the digital campaign of the Singaporean beer brand Tiger and WWF. Project 3890Tigers Is an attempt to draw public attention to the problem of the disappearance of tigers. That is how many - 3890 representatives of this wonderful species are found in the wild.

World famous artists of various styles and trends were involved in the project. They have created unique filters, using which, from an ordinary user selfie, a real work of art is obtained. According to the organizers, in a joint project, they sought to combine modern technology, art and the problem of exterminating tigers. And they did it perfectly!

The collaboration of the beer company with a leading environmental organization has opened up new opportunities for brand positioning. Fans of a particular brand of beer had the opportunity to join the high mission and become participants in the environmental movement. In addition, they did not have to pay any fees or donations to express their position, according to the company's environmental marketing concept.

Corporations tackle the problem of planet pollution from plastic packaging

The problem of containers and packaging is becoming more and more important for large manufacturers. Recycling and recycling are key areas of eco-strategies for many companies, but not everyone can pull this off on their own. In this regard, joining forces will allow us to optimize costs and create more efficient production.

This co-branding strategy formed the basis for cooperation between the Danone group of companies and a division of the Swiss company Nestlé - Nestlé Waters. The company has set itself the goal of reducing the production of plastic containers, which are one of the most powerful and common "pollutants". Production is planned to be arranged on the basis of a startup Origin Materials- a company that has developed a technology, thanks to which it will be possible to abandon unsafe plastics and thus implement an ecological marketing strategy.

Environmental projects and environmental marketing have a positive impact on the image of any company. By attracting the attention of consumers who are not indifferent to environmental problems and the disappearance of rare species, you can attract a specific audience. Co-marketing with a green organization is one of the noblest yet most effective ways to build customer loyalty, build a profitable reputation, and drive sales.

But no matter what benefits and goals the company pursues, the main thing is that those who need help receive the attention and support of the strong and successful.

Expert opinion -

Are corporations saving nature or destroying it?

Alena August, coordinator of the public environmental project "Children of the Kremlin Christmas tree"

In the course of analyzing the data for the formation of the ecological rating of the regions of the public organization "Green Patrol" we often have to deal with a brightly negative attitude towards corporations, one way or another affecting the ecological balance. But negative assessments do not always correspond to the true state of affairs. The bottom line is that a huge number of industries located in Russia are trying to move to a new level of environmental safety on their own, but ... we would be happy to go to heaven, but technical re-equipment costs a lot of money and takes time.

The story is that it is essentially easier to demolish the plant and rebuild it. But who would dare to do this? Nevertheless, work on re-equipment is underway, and somewhere manufacturers need purely reputational support - you have to work with public opinion, because sometimes negative myths about environmental harm are not based on anything, but nevertheless they are very tenacious. The project "Green Certificate" is aimed at work in this direction, when production facilities undergo an independent expert assessment in the environmental direction, and according to its results they receive (or not) a "green certificate". Moreover, it can be awarded in the position "Retrofitting under the control of ecologists", which motivates both entrepreneurs and the public for positive changes.

It is also important not only to pay attention to corporations, but to radically change the position of society from consumer-user to civil-responsible. And we are working on educating a young responsible generation in the project "Children of the Kreslevskaya Christmas tree" - where children independently raise the children of the real Kremlin Christmas tree, with which they celebrated the New Year 2017 on the Cathedral Square of the Kremlin - from seed to tree. Thus, they get a living experience of understanding that nature works every day on the world in which we live, and also an attitude towards ecology as a new fashion in the relationship between man and nature is formed. Children share in groups on social networks photos of their wards Christmas trees, germination experiences and advice.

The article was prepared by the specialists of the Russian Co-Marketing Association.