Sytin Georgy Nikolaevich life-giving force. The soevus method is a method of psychocorrection

This book contains settings for healing in case of pathological disorders of the internal structure of the body, individual bodies, bones and joints.

1. How to assimilate moods

It is easier to absorb the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can say the mood on the tape recorder for yourself. The tone of presentation should be business-like, firm, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, say the mood out loud, but there are no conditions - read or say it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read. This is how you like it. While listening, you can also do something around the house. But it is better if you try not to be distracted and focus.

To assimilate the moods, use the wasted time, for example, when going to work and home.

Set yourself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. In this you will be helped by the mood to strengthen volitional attention.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is assimilated only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to behave as actively as possible (it is better to walk), make efforts to memorize the text. This improves absorption efficiency.

To assimilate a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember it).

Those fragments of the text that you like best and have a special meaning, it is useful to listen, read or pronounce from memory more times. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.

2. Divine attitude to overcome the difficulties of assimilation of attitudes

The life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Enormous Divine power pours into my head. The colossal Divine energy of rapid creation - rapid development is pouring into my head.

The head is born more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more strong. Every minute the head is born more energetic - more energetic - more and more powerful. Every minute the head is born more energetic - more and more powerful.

Enormous Divine power flows into the frontal lobes of the brain. Enormous energy of development flows into the frontal lobes of the brain - into the brain mechanisms of the will. The brain mechanisms of will are increasingly strengthened. Constantly around the clock, the brain mechanisms of the will are sharply intensified. The will sharply increases - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase - the will sharply increases. I am born as a man of ever stronger will - ever stronger will. My spiritual power is sharply increasing.

I can start working on myself at any time. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. I always have enough will to begin to assimilate the moods I need. I try to clearly and firmly remember: I am always - at any time able to begin to assimilate the moods I need. My will is sharply strengthened - my will is sharply strengthened.

The colossal Divine energy of rapid development flows into the frontal lobes of the brain, the colossal Divine power flows. The frontal lobes of the brain sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of will sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase. Day and night - the ability to volitional effort is continuously sharply increasing - the ability to volitional effort is sharply increasing.

At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in the work on myself. I can overcome all the difficulties in working on myself at any moment. I firmly know this as a real fact: at any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of being included in the work on myself. At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of the beginning of mastering the mood. I can begin to assimilate the moods I need at any time. At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in the assimilation of attunements. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: I can always - at any time I can start working on myself, I can always - at any time start working on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I always have the will to overcome all the difficulties of being included in the work on myself and begin to assimilate the moods. Always - at any time, at the slightest desire, I can begin to assimilate the moods I need, I can begin to work on myself. My will sharply increases, my ability to overcome all the difficulties of being included in work on myself increases sharply, my ability to be included in work on myself increases sharply.

I can always - at any time completely switch off from the outside world and fully concentrate on mastering the mood, overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in work on myself. At any time, if I wish, I can begin to work on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. Nothing is impossible for me, I dare everything, I can do everything. I firmly know as a fact that I can always start working on myself. Always - at any time, if desired, I can start working on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I have a strong enough will to overcome all the difficulties of turning off from the outside world, in order to fully concentrate on working on myself - on mastering the mood I need.

Huge - colossal power life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Day and night, around the clock, colossal Divine power pours into my head. I try to comprehend as deeply as possible: the Divine pure cosmic power flows into me in a constant stream. Divine cosmic energy flows into my head with a constant, continuous stream. Day and night – around the clock the energy of the head increases – the energy of the head sharply increases – the strength of the head sharply increases.

Day and night - around the clock, the brain is born more and more energetic - more and more powerful. Constantly-continuously sharply increases my spiritual power - constantly-continuously sharply increases my spiritual power.

I firmly know that I can always start working on myself. I always have enough spiritual strength to force myself to work on myself, to begin to assimilate the mood I need.

The life-giving Divine newborn life, at the command of the Lord God, pours into my head with enormous, colossal power. At the command of the Savior, holy Divine power flows into my head in a constant stream. Constantly, continuously, I feel the influx of everything new - everything new energy, all new - all new Divine power. I constantly feel an increase in spiritual power - I constantly feel an increase in spiritual

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows.

The life-giving Divine newborn life fills me with enormous, colossal power: the Lord God Himself recreates me as a newborn-young, newborn-young indestructibly healthy - Divinely healthy - untouched by life. The Lord God Himself re-creates me perfectly healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy. All body systems are born healthy - ideally healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power pours into my body. All my body is constantly-continuously-around-the-clock being born more and more young - more and more young - more and more young - more and more resilient - more and more strong: a colossal Divine power flows into my body.

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Life-giving power. help yourself

The word that heals

Remember how the heroine of A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya” spoke blood: “She tightly grabbed my arm above the wound and, bending her face low, began to quickly whisper something, pouring over my skin with hot intermittent breathing. When Olesya straightened up and unclenched her fingers, only a red scratch remained in the wounded place.

I wonder what the beautiful witch whispered? I once asked this question to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, the author of the book that you opened, and I heard in response:

Most likely this old conspiracy - I wrote it down in the Smolensk region, not far from Polissya, where the action of Kuprin’s story took place: “St. George rides a horse, his horse is brown, and you don’t bleed ...”

And what does "do not kan" mean?

I don’t know for sure, perhaps there is a common root with the word “beep”. But measurements of biopotentials show that it is precisely this that has a hemostatic effect.

Modern scientific methods next to an old conspiracy?! G.N. Sytin does not find this neighborhood strange. Everyone knows: the word can hurt, plunge into despair, or even cause a real illness, but it can also heal, heal spiritual wounds (the whole world is based on this principle). modern psychotherapy). But can a word in the true sense become a “medicine” not only for the soul, but also for the body, a “medicine”, not only comparable to, alas, medicines that are extremely familiar to us, but also in many ways superior to them? Few would dare to admit this today. And among these rare exceptions is the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor G.N. Sytin.

For more than forty years he has been treating with a word - and treating successfully - from neurosis and insomnia, from coronary heart disease and hypertension, from peptic ulcer and sciatica, from respiratory diseases.

Those who are unable to recognize the triumph of the healer's faith in the healing power of conspiracies at the end of the 20th century, in the era of the scientific and technological revolution, may say: "Charlatancy!" The less biased will probably be surprised: “Miracles!” Georgy Nikolaevich himself has a different opinion:

There is no mysticism, miracles, no quackery. Everything is based on strict science - on the teachings of I.P. Pavlov about speech as the second signal system and its connection with the human subconscious, which controls the physiological processes in the body. And since there is such a connection, then with the help of the word it is possible to exert a targeted influence on the psyche and, through it, on these processes, restore and strengthen the functions of internal organs, and mobilize self-regulation.

Those who believe that Sytin is treating with old grandfather conspiracies will be mistaken. No doubt, he knows them well - it was not in vain that he collected and studied them for many years. But all this work was required only in order to understand the principles of construction and impact of healing texts of traditional non-drug medicine. And G.N. Sytin developed a scientific method for compiling his own original medical texts that have a targeted effect on the body. It was called the method of verbal-figurative emotional-volitional control of a person's state, abbreviated SOEVUS.

The method has a long history, closely intertwined with the difficult life path of its creator. And it began on a cold December morning in 1943, when Private Georgy Sytin went on the attack with his platoon. He did not reach the enemy trenches: a fragment hit his hand, then a close explosion of a shell - and darkness. The unconsciousness after a severe concussion lasted a long time, and its consequences could put an end to the fate of a young guy. Loss of memory. Limited mobility. A disabled person in his early twenties… And in this difficult period of his life, G.N. Sytin found support in psychology, which he began to get involved in at school. Goga Sytin was interested in how to develop volitional qualities, use them for self-improvement, and he asked for advice from the outstanding Soviet psychologist K.N. Kornilov. Correspondence began between the venerable scientist and the schoolboy. In letters to K.N. Kornilov, a broad program of acquaintance with psychology was planned. Later, when Sytin came to psychological science, Kornilov would become his supervisor and be the first to approve the ideas developed in Georgy Nikolaevich's PhD thesis. Knowledge of the basics of psychology, plus a rare will, perseverance, a desire to return to a full life - the SOEVUS method grew out of this.

Current page: 1 (the book has 28 pages in total)

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Life-giving power. help yourself

From the author:

This book contains settings for healing in case of pathological disorders of the internal structure of the body, individual organs, bones and joints.

1. How to assimilate moods

It is easier to absorb the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can say the mood on the tape recorder for yourself. The tone of presentation should be business-like, firm, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, say the mood out loud, but there are no conditions - read or say it from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read. This is how you like it. While listening, you can also do something around the house. But it is better if you try not to be distracted and focus.

To assimilate the moods, use the wasted time, for example, when going to work and home.

Set yourself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. In this you will be helped by the mood to strengthen volitional attention.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is assimilated only in the process of listening or pronouncing it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes into full compliance with the content of the mood.

When mastering the mood, try to behave as actively as possible (it is better to walk), make efforts to memorize the text. This improves absorption efficiency.

To assimilate a mood means to bring oneself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember it).

Those fragments of the text that you like best and have a special meaning, it is useful to listen, read or pronounce from memory more times. It is especially useful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.

2. Divine attitude to overcome the difficulties of assimilation of attitudes

The life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Enormous Divine power pours into my head. The colossal Divine energy of rapid creation - rapid development is pouring into my head.

The head is born more and more energetic - more and more energetic - more and more strong. Every minute the head is born more energetic - more energetic - more and more powerful. Every minute the head is born more energetic - more and more powerful.

Enormous Divine power flows into the frontal lobes of the brain. Enormous energy of development flows into the frontal lobes of the brain - into the brain mechanisms of the will. The brain mechanisms of will are increasingly strengthened. Constantly around the clock, the brain mechanisms of the will are sharply intensified. The will sharply increases - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase - the will sharply increases. I am born as a man of ever stronger will - ever stronger will. My spiritual power is sharply increasing.

I can start working on myself at any time. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. I always have enough will to begin to assimilate the moods I need. I try to clearly and firmly remember: I am always - at any time able to begin to assimilate the moods I need. My will is sharply strengthened - my will is sharply strengthened.

The colossal Divine energy of rapid development flows into the frontal lobes of the brain, the colossal Divine power flows. The frontal lobes of the brain sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of will sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase. Day and night - the ability to volitional effort is continuously sharply increasing - the ability to volitional effort is sharply increasing.

At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in the work on myself. I can overcome all the difficulties in working on myself at any moment. I firmly know this as a real fact: at any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of being included in the work on myself. At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of the beginning of mastering the mood. I can begin to assimilate the moods I need at any time. At any moment I can overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in the assimilation of attunements. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: I can always - at any time I can start working on myself, I can always - at any time start working on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I always have the will to overcome all the difficulties of being included in the work on myself and begin to assimilate the moods. Always - at any time, at the slightest desire, I can begin to assimilate the moods I need, I can begin to work on myself. My will sharply increases, my ability to overcome all the difficulties of being included in work on myself increases sharply, my ability to be included in work on myself increases sharply.

I can always - at any time completely switch off from the outside world and fully concentrate on mastering the mood, overcome all the difficulties of inclusion in work on myself. At any time, if I wish, I can begin to work on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. Nothing is impossible for me, I dare everything, I can do everything. I firmly know as a fact that I can always start working on myself. Always - at any time, if desired, I can start working on myself - I firmly know this as a real fact. I have a strong enough will to overcome all the difficulties of turning off from the outside world, in order to fully concentrate on working on myself - on mastering the mood I need.

Huge - colossal power life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head. Day and night, around the clock, colossal Divine power pours into my head. I try to comprehend as deeply as possible: the Divine pure cosmic power flows into me in a constant stream. Divine cosmic energy flows into my head with a constant, continuous stream. Day and night – around the clock the energy of the head increases – the energy of the head sharply increases – the strength of the head sharply increases.

Day and night - around the clock, the brain is born more and more energetic - more and more powerful. Constantly-continuously sharply increases my spiritual power - constantly-continuously sharply increases my spiritual power.

I firmly know that I can always start working on myself. I always have enough spiritual strength to force myself to work on myself, to begin to assimilate the mood I need.

The life-giving Divine newborn life, at the command of the Lord God, pours into my head with enormous, colossal power. At the command of the Savior, holy Divine power flows into my head in a constant stream. Constantly, continuously, I feel the influx of all new - all new energy, all new - all new Divine power. I constantly feel an increase in spiritual power - I constantly feel an increase in spiritual

I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows. I feel more and more vividly - more and more vividly I feel how my spiritual power grows.

The life-giving Divine newborn life fills me with enormous, colossal power: the Lord God Himself recreates me as a newborn-young, newborn-young indestructibly healthy - Divinely healthy - untouched by life. The Lord God Himself re-creates me perfectly healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy. All body systems are born healthy - ideally healthy - absolutely healthy - Divinely healthy.

The life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power pours into my body. All my body is constantly-continuously-around-the-clock being born more and more young - more and more young - more and more young - more and more resilient - more and more strong: a colossal Divine power flows into my body.

At the command of the Savior, the healing silvery, brighter than the sun, holy Divine light pours into my body. By the Lord God Himself, I am completely filled with Divine light - completely filled with Divine light.

I am reborn all over again as a newborn-whole, I am reborn all over again as a newborn-whole primordial-whole - Divinely whole - untouched by life.

The newborn colossal Divine number of hairs on the head is constantly being restored.

Instead of lost teeth, new unusually strong snow-white teeth are constantly born.

My entire body is constantly rebuilding its newborn Divine wholeness. I try to remember brightly, brightly, firmly: my whole body - all my tissues restore the newborn wholeness, all the skin restores the newborn wholeness, the primordial Divine health. My whole body is constantly-continuously restoring the original Divine health, my whole body is constantly-continuously restoring the original Divine health. I am constantly-continuously getting healthier-strengthening, I am born Divinely healthy.

Divine holy pure force flows into all systems of the body, Divine pure cosmic energy flows into all systems of the body. I constantly feel a direct connection with the cosmos. I constantly feel a direct connection with God himself - I constantly feel a direct connection with God himself. I constantly feel the birth of ever new - ever new Divine forces, I constantly feel the birth of ever new - ever new Divine forces, I constantly feel an increase in strength - I constantly feel an increase in energy.

I am born more and more energetic - more and more energetic. Every minute - day and night - around the clock every minute I am born more energetic - I am born more energetic - every minute I am born more energetic - I am born more energetic - every minute I am born more energetic, a constant flow the Divine cosmic energy of life flows into me.

I always have enough energy to start assimilating the mood. I always have enough energy to overcome all the difficulties of being included in work on myself - I always have enough energy to overcome all the difficulties of being included in work on myself. I try to remember this clearly, brightly, firmly: I always have enough energy to overcome all difficulties in order to start working on myself. I always have enough spiritual strength - I always have enough spiritual strength to overcome all difficulties, to start working on myself. I firmly know as a real fact: I can always, at any time, start working on myself, I can heal myself - rejuvenate myself. I try to assimilate this as deeply as possible, to understand it to the end: at the behest of the Lord God, I can always, at any time, start working on myself. The Savior Himself commanded me, at the first desire, to immediately begin to work on myself. The Lord God Himself endowed me with the opportunity to start working on myself at any time. I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible: the Lord God himself endowed me with the ability to start working on myself at any time. I can always, at any time, start working on myself.

When I have difficulties and malfunctions in the body, I always have the strength to immediately eliminate them. The Lord God Himself endowed me with the opportunity to immediately eliminate any problems that arise in my body - I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible. I always have enough will - spiritual strength in order to eliminate all the problems that may arise in my body - I try to comprehend this as deeply as possible.

I can always immediately overcome any difficulties, I can do anything. By the command of the Savior himself, I can do anything. The Savior Himself endowed me with holy Divine all-conquering spiritual power. The Lord God Himself endowed me with the ability to overcome all the difficulties of life. I always - at any time I can add energy, I can turn to the Lord God for help and ask the Lord God for energy. And I will immediately feel how the additional energy of life is pouring into me, how I immediately become even more energetic - even more energetic. If I don’t have enough energy to work on myself, at any moment I can turn to the Lord God for help, ask for energy, and right now, right now, an additional flow of the Divine energy of life is pouring into me, and I immediately have enough energy and strength to start working on yourself.

I firmly know as a real fact that I am always supported by Divine blessing, I am always, always supported by Divine mercy. I can always get any help from the Lord God - I always try to remember this clearly and firmly. If I lack energy, I can turn to the Savior for help, I can turn to the Mother of God for help - and they will always help me. At the same time, I feel the addition of new energy.

I can always overcome all the difficulties of engaging in work on myself, I can always begin to heal myself, I can begin to rejuvenate myself, I can fill myself with more and more energy of life, more and more forces of life.

I firmly know as a fact that I can always have enough strength, enough energy to carry out the necessary work in life. I can always have enough strength, enough energy to carry out work pleasing to the Lord God - I firmly know this as a real fact.

The Lord God Himself always helps me to maintain the primordial Divine indestructible health. I am born divinely healthy - indestructibly healthy.

3. Divine mood to develop the ability to work on oneself

The life-giving Divine newborn life pours into my head with colossal power. Colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development pours into my head. A colossal Divine cosmic energy is pouring into my head in a constant continuous continuous stream.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into all billions of nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord at the same time.

In the brain-spinal cord - in all my nerves - in my entire nervous system, the Divine cosmic force flows in a constant stream. Day and night, in a constant-constant-continuous-constant stream, a colossal Divine cosmic force flows into my entire nervous system. Day and night, constantly-constantly-continuously sharply intensifies - the nervous system sharply intensifies, the nerves get healthier and stronger, the nervous system intensifies, the nerves get healthier and stronger.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows in a constant stream into the brain-spinal cord - into all my nerves - the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid creation.

My whole nervous system is born serviceable - more and more strong - more and more energetic perfectly serviceable - absolutely serviceable. All brain mechanisms are born of enormous, colossal strength. All brain mechanisms are born serviceable - ideally serviceable - absolutely serviceable. Energetic-strong perfectly serviceable - absolutely serviceable - absolutely serviceable brain mechanisms are born. A perfectly serviceable - ideally healthy - absolutely healthy strong - more and more strong nervous system is born - more and more strong - more and more healthy - more and more strong nerves. There is a constant strengthening of the nervous system.

There is a constant renewal - a constant improvement of the entire nervous system.

The life-giving Divine newborn life is pouring into my head with enormous, colossal power - the colossal Divine cosmic power is pouring into my head.

My thought intensifies sharply. My thought becomes omnipotent. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. My thought is all-powerful. My thought has the real power of materialization. My thought has the power of real materialization. I try to understand this as deeply as possible. My thought constantly sharply intensifies, my thought constantly sharply intensifies. My thought becomes omnipotent. My thought has the power of real materialization. I have long ago completely destroyed all doubts that my thought is omnipotent. I firmly believe with Divine power that my thought is omnipotent. My thought has the colossal power of real materialization.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into the brain mechanisms of thinking day and night - constantly-continuously-constantly day and night, the colossal Divine cosmic power flows into the brain mechanisms of thinking. Day and night, around the clock, all the brain mechanisms of my thinking sharply increase. Day and night - constantly, constantly sharply intensifying - sharply intensifying all the brain mechanisms of my thinking. My thinking is sharply activated. My thinking sharply intensifies - my thought sharply intensifies. Constantly-continuously sharply amplifies my thought. The power of the materialization of my thought is constantly growing. An omnipotent thought is born. I try to comprehend it as deeply as possible: my thought is omnipotent.

Everything that I say about myself has the colossal power of real materialization. Everything that I say about myself will necessarily-inevitably be exactly as I say: my thought is omnipotent.

I have long ago completely destroyed all doubts that my thought is omnipotent.

With Divine colossal power, I firmly believe that my thought is omnipotent. I know for sure that my thought is omnipotent.

Into all the brain mechanisms of my thinking, day and night - around the clock-constantly-constantly-continuously, the colossal Divine cosmic power flows into all the brain mechanisms of my thinking. Constantly-constantly sharply amplify the brain mechanisms of thinking. The brain mechanisms of thinking are constantly, constantly sharply intensifying - my thought is constantly sharply intensifying.

My thought has the colossal power of real materialization. And so my thought is omnipotent. My thought is all-powerful. I try to comprehend it as deeply as possible: my thought is omnipotent. Everything is necessarily inevitable, with iron necessity, in a fatal way, exactly as I say about myself: my thought is omnipotent.

A colossal development flows into the brain mechanisms of thinking in a constant stream, the Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows, the constant cosmic Divine power flows, the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid creation flows. The brain mechanisms of thinking are constantly updated - improved - constantly sharply enhanced. The brain mechanisms of thinking are constantly improving - constantly improving - constantly sharply intensifying - constantly sharply amplifying my thought. Brain mechanisms of thinking of a huge, colossal force, colossal indestructible force are born. Brain mechanisms of my thinking are born.

My thought is omnipotent, my thought is omnipotent - I try to understand this as deeply as possible: my thought is omnipotent. Everything will inevitably and inevitably be exactly as I think of myself, as I speak of myself. My thoughts - my words have the colossal power of real materialization.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into the brain mechanisms of thinking in a constant, constant stream, the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid creation flows, the colossal Divine cosmic creative life force flows, the colossal Divine cosmic creative life force flows. Constantly updated - constantly improved - the brain mechanisms of my thinking are constantly sharply strengthened. More and more deep thinking is born, more and more penetrating into the laws of the Universe. More and more powerful, more and more energetic thinking is born. More and more powerful, more and more energetic thinking is born.

The life-giving divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power pours into my head. Silvery dazzlingly bright holy Divine light flows into my head in a constant stream, silvery dazzlingly bright life-giving-life-giving Divine light of colossal power flows into my head, dazzlingly bright pleasant-pleasant Divine light flows into my head.

All through the head is always-always bright-bright-bright-light. All through the head is always-always bright-bright-bright-light. All through my head is always-always bright-bright-bright-light. All through my head is always-always bright-bright-bright-light. All through and through my head is always, always bright-bright-bright-light, in the eyes it is always bright-bright light, in the eyes it is always bright-bright light, in the eyes it is always bright-bright light.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy is pouring into my eyes in a constant stream. Enormous Divine energy flows into my eyes. The colossal Divine cosmic energy is pouring into my eyes in a constant stream. In a constant, continuous flow, the colossal Divine cosmic energy pours into my eyes.

The brightness of my eyes increases dramatically. The brightness is constantly increasing, the brightness of my eyes is increasing. More and more radiant eyes are born, more and more shining beautiful young eyes are born, more and more bright, more and more radiant young radiant eyes are born. More and more radiant eyes are born - more and more brilliant - more and more brilliant eyes are born - more and more brilliant radiant young beautiful eyes are born. Royal pride shines in my eyes, royal majesty shines in my eyes.

In the eyes is always bright, bright light. In the eyes is always bright, bright light. The whole head is always bright-bright-bright-light, in the eyes it is always bright-bright light.

Colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into all brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself. The colossal Divine cosmic force is pouring into all the brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself - the colossal Divine cosmic power is pouring into all the brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself in a constant, continuous stream.

My ability to work on myself is rapidly developing. My ability to work creatively on myself is rapidly developing.

The brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself are constantly updated, improved, constantly updated, improved, constantly updated, improved all the brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself, constantly updated - constantly improved - all the brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself are constantly developing. All brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself are constantly sharply intensifying - sharply intensifying. Colossal Divine cosmic power is constantly pouring into all brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself. All brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself are constantly and constantly sharply intensifying - all brain mechanisms of creative work on oneself are sharply intensifying.

Constantly-constantly increases my efficiency in the field of work on myself. Constantly-constantly increases-increases my efficiency in the field of work on myself. Every day - every day my efficiency in the field of work on myself increases. I can work on myself for hours on end, knowing fatigue, not knowing fatigue. I can work on myself all day long with fresh energy - with great energy. I can work on myself all day long with fresh energy - with great energy.

After a whole day of work, I am a cheerful-fresh person, cheerful-fresh-energetic. After a whole day of work on oneself, the whole head is bright-bright-bright-light, bright-bright light in the eyes; as on a beautiful sunny spring day in my eyes it is light, my whole head is bright-bright-bright-light through and through.

My ability to work creatively on myself is rapidly developing.

Colossal Divine cosmic force flows into the brain mechanisms of the will - into the frontal lobes - into the frontal lobes of the brain - into the brain mechanisms of the will.

Colossal Divine Cosmic Power flows into the anterior – frontal lobes of the brain – into the brain mechanisms of the will in a constant, constant stream.

In the frontal lobes of the brain - in the brain mechanisms of the will, a colossal Divine power flows in a constant, constant stream - the colossal Divine energy of rapid development flows - the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid-rapid development flows.

In the frontal lobes of the brain - in the brain mechanisms of the will, the colossal-colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development - rapid creation - is poured in a constant, constant stream - the colossal Divine cosmic power is pouring.

Constantly-constantly continuously-constantly sharply increase the frontal lobes of the brain - the brain mechanisms of will sharply increase - the frontal lobes of the brain sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of will sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of volitional effort sharply increase, my volitional activity sharply increases - my volitional activity sharply activates - my volitional self-government is sharply activated - my self-government is sharply increased - self-control is sharply increased - self-control is sharply activated - self-control is sharply increased - my volitional activity is sharply activated - my volitional activity is sharply intensified.

My spiritual power is sharply increasing, my spiritual power is constantly-constantly increasing, my spiritual power is constantly increasing sharply. The complete domination of the spirit over the body is born. The complete domination of the spirit over the body is born.

My whole body - my whole body obeys me unconditionally, unquestioningly. My whole organism mobilizes all its limitless possibilities for the exact execution of everything that I say about myself.

Self-management sharply increases - self-management sharply becomes more active - self-control sharply amplifies. All my abilities in the field of creative work on myself are sharply activated - sharply intensified - all my abilities in the field of creative work on myself are rapidly developing.

I see more and more clearly - more and more clearly - more and more clearly - more and more clearly ahead of me a long-term, long-term, cheerful, joyful youth through hundreds of years - through numerous generations of my own offspring.

I see myself more and more vividly - more and more vividly, I see myself as a long-term, long-term person. I see myself more and more vividly as a newborn-young beautiful young man, who has everything ahead, who has his whole life ahead, who has a long-term, long-term cheerful joyful youth ahead.

I am constantly getting better and stronger. All my faculties are rapidly developing - all my mental faculties are rapidly developing, the will is rapidly strengthening - the will is rapidly strengthening.

At the command of the Savior himself, an all-conquering will is born. At the command of the Savior, an all-conquering will is born in me. An omnipotent volitional thought is born. An all-powerful strong-willed creative thought is born - an all-powerful strong-willed creative thought is born. My work on myself is sharply activated - my work on myself is sharply intensified - sharply activated. My overall working capacity is sharply increasing - working capacity in the field of work on myself is sharply increasing.

The colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows into the brain mechanisms of volitional effort day and night in a constant, constant stream. Day and night, around the clock, a colossal Divine cosmic force flows into the brain mechanisms of volitional effort in a constant, constant stream. Day and night - constantly-constantly-continuously sharply increase the brain mechanisms of volitional effort. Every day I become capable of more and more powerful efforts - of more and more powerful volitional efforts. I am more energetic - more and more powerfully controlling all my feelings - all my thoughts - all my behavior. My self-management of thoughts and feelings - all my behavior - is sharply enhanced.

Constantly-continuously, the brain mechanisms of volitional effort are sharply intensifying - all my volitional activity is sharply intensified-activated. My strong-willed creative work on myself is sharply activated. It sharply intensifies - my strong-willed creative work on myself is sharply activated. The efficiency of my work on myself sharply increases - the efficiency of my work on myself sharply increases. The life-giving, life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous, colossal power flows into all the cerebral mechanisms of the brain.

Day and night - around the clock, at the behest of the Savior, the colossal force of the life-giving Divine newborn life flows into all the cerebral mechanisms of the brain in a constant, constant stream - the colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development - rapid creation - the colossal Divine cosmic force flows.

Day and night - constantly all brain mechanisms are sharply enhanced. Day and night - constantly all the brains sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of memory sharply increase - the brain mechanisms of memory increase sharply, sharply. An ever brighter – ever stronger – ever stronger memory is being born. More and more vivid - more and more vivid - more and more strong - more and more durable memory is born.

All the brain mechanisms of memory constantly and continuously sharply increase - sharply increase. Constantly my memory is sharply enhanced - memory is sharply activated - memory is sharply enhanced. All the brain mechanisms of all types of memory are constantly and continuously sharply enhanced. The brain mechanisms of semantic memory are constantly sharply enhanced. The brain mechanisms of visual memory are constantly sharply enhanced.

Visual volitional creative images become more and more vivid - more and more vivid - more and more stable - more and more powerful - visual creative images become more and more vivid.

Auditory memory is sharply enhanced - auditory memory is sharply enhanced. All brain mechanisms of all types of memory are sharply intensified - sharply intensified - sharply activated.

At the command of the Savior, the life-giving Divine newborn life of enormous colossal power constantly flows into all brain mechanisms of all types of memory. All brain mechanisms of memory are constantly and constantly sharply enhanced. All brain mechanisms of memory sharply increase - sharply increases memorization sharply becomes more active - sharply increases - memorization sharply becomes more active.

Colossal Divine cosmic power flows into everything - into all brain mechanisms of all types of memorization - colossal Divine cosmic energy of rapid development flows. All brain mechanisms of all types of memorization sharply increase - sharply increase - semantic memorization sharply increases - semantic logical memorization sharply increases - visual memorization sharply increases - auditory memorization sharply increases. The memorization of movements sharply increases - the memorization of movements sharply increases.

Life-giving power. Help yourself. Sytin G.N.

M.: Energoatomizdat, 1990. - 416 p.

For recovery, a method of verbal-figurative and emotional-volitional control of a person's state is proposed, which is based on the methods of psychotherapy and some aspects of alternative medicine. The texts of healing psychological attitudes for various diseases are given. The method has been tested and recommended for use by the USSR Ministry of Health. In particular, it was successfully used for the rehabilitation of patients affected by the Chernobyl accident. The method is harmless and can be used at home on its own.

For a wide range of readers interested in psychotherapy; also recommended by doctors.

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Table of contents
The word is healing.
From author 10
Chapter 1
1.1. general characteristics method 17
1.2. Theoretical principles of building attitudes 23
1.3. Recommendations for the assimilation of attitudes. 24
1.4. Self-change techniques 36
Chapter 2 Healing Attitudes 75
2.1. On the stability of the nervous system (first option) .. 77
2.2. On the stability of the nervous system (second option) ... 84
2.3. For healthy sleep (first option) 95
2.4. For healthy sleep (second option) 99
2.5. To overcome neurasthenia 102
2.6. On sustainability in life 105
2.7. On the healthy lifestyle life 108
2.8. For the improvement of the head
2.9. To remove the left-sided facial tick 120
2.10. For recovery after a stroke 137
2.11. For recovery in schizophrenia 141
2.12. For recovery with obsessive hypochondria 167
2.13. On bold speech behavior 178
2.14. Against stuttering 187
2.15. For long-term female beauty (first option). 194
2.16. For long-term female beauty (second option) .. 195
2.17. For feminine tenderness. 199
2.18. For long-term male beauty. 202
2.19. From impotence 212
2.20. For male power. 224
2.21. Anti-smoking 242
2.22. For the improvement of the respiratory system 246
2.23. For the general improvement of the heart 251
2.24. For heart rejuvenation 258
2.25. On the stability of the heart 262
2.26. For spare heart strength 265
2.27. To relieve excitation of the heart 273
2.28. To the bliss of the heart 274
2.29. To reduce high blood pressure (first option) 280
2.30. To reduce high blood pressure (second option) 285
2.31. On the stability of blood pressure 288
2.32. Against cardiac arrhythmia 296
2.33. To overcome overeating 302
2.34. Against obesity 309
2.35. Anti-scaling 310
2.36. For the improvement of the fingers 324
2.37. To restore sensitivity in the fingers 326
2.38. For the improvement of the stomach 328
2.39. For the improvement of the stomach with peptic ulcer 334
2.40. Against diabetes 336
2.41. For the improvement of the liver 339
2.42. For the improvement of the kidneys 348
2.43. To overcome bedwetting in children 349
2.44. For the destruction of all infections by the body and absolute recovery 353
2.45. For bold behavior and high performance 362
2.46. To restore functionality during operation 367
2.47. To work (learn during labor activity) 371
2.48. For longevity (first option) 373
2.49. For longevity (second option) 382
2.50. Healthy spirit 407
2.51. To improve the health of a doctor through communication with patients 411
2.52. To improve the health of a doctor after communicating with patients 412

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From the author:
1. How to assimilate moods
2. Divine attitude to overcome the difficulties of assimilation of attitudes
3. Divine mood to develop the ability to work on oneself
4. Divine mood for strengthening - head rejuvenation
5. Divine mood to relieve headaches and pain in the heart area
6. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the heart
7. Divine rebirth of a man's youth
8. Divine Attitude for Healing the Cranial Nerves
9. Divine mood for healing the lower back - kidneys
10. Divine rebirth of a woman's youth
11. Divine return to past stages of development
12. Divine return to the past stages of a man's development (health - rejuvenation)
13. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the heart in case of pathological disorders of the internal structure
14. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the organs of the throat area with pathological changes in the internal structure
15. Divine mood for the correct internal structure of the kidneys, healing - rejuvenation in case of pathological disorders of the internal structure
16. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the pancreas in case of pathological disorders of the internal structure
17. Divine development of muscles with pathological changes in the internal structure
18. Divine rejuvenation of bones, bone marrow, joints with pathological disorders of the internal structure
19. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the liver with pathological disorders of the internal structure
20. Divine healing - rejuvenation of the stomach - intestines with pathological disorders of the internal structure
21. Divine skin rejuvenation, appearance body, subcutaneous tissues with pathological disorders of the internal structure
22. Divine healing from sciatica
23. Divine strengthening of the heart, the birth of the need for physical exercises
24. Divine healing from the ulcer of the bulb 12 of the duodenum
25. Divine head rejuvenation
26. Divine birth of the newborn young cardiovascular system - the birth of the need for sports strength exercises
27. Divine mood for a comprehensive return to the past stages of development
28. Divine mood - I reject the disease more and more
29. Divine protection of the heart
30. Divine mood for a healthy daily cycle of life
31 Divine healing of the respiratory system, destruction of infection

1.1. General characteristics of the method

The SOEVUS method (or the method of psycho-correction) includes: healing moods1 (texts), the principles of building moods, the methodology for their assimilation and self-change techniques, as well as ways to use this method in different conditions and with different goals.

The basis of the SOEVUS method is the settings developed by the author. They create psychological support for doctors, especially doctors who treat seriously ill patients; increase the effectiveness of the treatment used by doctors; provide psychological support to patients; contribute to the restoration and strengthening of the physiological functions of individual internal organs and entire systems of the human body. To solve each of these problems, the method has an appropriate system of standard settings. If necessary, individual moods are developed, taking into account the specifics of the general condition of a person, his age and the characteristics of violations of individual physiological functions.

Since the SOEVUS method contains settings for physicians, it can be used in all areas of medicine.

Psycholinguistic studies of texts of moods have shown that their construction differs from all prayers, incantations, texts known so far, used in psychotherapy. The specificity of the structure and the semantic content of individual mood formulas ensure their high efficiency, so they are not subject to editing (the efficiency of its application is sharply reduced). The settings of the SOEVUS method are based on semantic elements that were created for the first time and therefore are still unknown. In cases where treatment is hampered by the patient's obsessive ideas about his poor heredity, attitudes based on the following basic semantic elements are used:

“A new, reborn life is pouring into me. Newborn life gives birth in me new-healthy-
long-term-long-term heredity. The newborn life gives birth in me to a healthy young life both at fifty and a hundred years old. I have inherited a healthy, cheerful young life now, and in thirty years, and in fifty years. And in thirty, and in fifty years I will be a young cheerful-
invincibly healthy."

In cases where the treatment is hindered by the patient's obsessive ideas that he is aging and therefore cannot be cured anyway, settings based on the following basic semantic elements are used:

“A person inspired by the idea of ​​healing surpasses time, aging and all diseases, all the elements of nature and all-powerful fate with his power. Rapidly rapidly developing newborn life flows into my head, into my whole body, moves time inside me in the opposite direction: forward, moves my date of birth forward through past years, brings me into full compliance with the new date of my birth, the end of my future life goes farther and farther into future years, my life, moving into the future, is continuously lengthening. I become younger both in soul and body. Newborn youth is born in my soul, the whole body is born newborn young, monolithically strong, smooth beautiful young body. Every day I live lengthens my future life, and in this sense I live by the law: "The older - the younger."

The withering processes observed by a woman can cause pessimism in treatment and slow recovery. To overcome this negative phenomenon, attitudes based on the following main semantic elements are used:

“The newly born, new, rapidly developing newborn life is pouring into my face. Newborn life gives birth to a new-newborn fresh-newborn young primordially beautiful beautiful face; the freshness of youth is born in my face, the beauty of youth is born in my face, the joyful freshness of youth is born in my face. The whole face is filled with an even pink color. Under my eyes, my face is born newbornly full, bright pink - ruddy. A healthy young blush on all cheeks flares up brighter. The rapidly developing newborn life flows into my lips, the colossal energy of development flows into my lips, the bright red color flows into my lips, my lips are born bright red, like poppies, like a child, my lips are newborn red, bright red, like poppies."

The patient's ideas about the destruction of any tissue, for example, the lung, under the influence of a disease process in the SEVUS method are opposed to the mood for the development of this tissue:

“The rapidly developing newborn life is pouring into my lungs, the rapidly developing newborn life is pouring into every cell of the lung tissue, the colossal energy of the development of newborn life is pouring into every cell of the lung tissue, the rapid and rapid development of newborn life is pouring into every cell of the lung tissue, lung tissue is born rapidly developing neonatally, whole newborn-newborn whole-newborn fresh, lung tissue of colossal vital energy, colossal vitality is born. My lungs merrily come alive and get healthier. And the heart drives the blood through the lung tissue with a rapid stream, the blood washes and flushes the lung tissue with a rapid stream, the entire lung tissue is born newborn clean - newborn clean, newborn healthy, primordially healthy. To each cell of the lung tissue, the blood carries an abundance of excellent nutrition, the entire lung tissue lives full-blooded, joyful. healthy life. Newborn life gives birth to lungs, energetic, strong, indestructibly healthy. An indestructibly strong, indestructibly strong heroic healthy young breast is born, breathing is light-free, soundless, inaudible free breathing, And all internal organs, all body systems work with enormous, colossal power for the complete recovery of the lungs, for the birth of a newborn whole lung tissue. The brain-spinal cord more and more energetically - more and more energetically activates - activates the birth of a newborn whole lung tissue. In the trachea, in the bronchi, the nerves are getting stronger and stronger. The whole organism mobilizes all its reserves for the birth of newborn healthy - newborn healthy - newborn whole lungs. My lungs are born newborn whole - newborn fresh, pristine healthy - newborn healthy.

In case of violation of the function of any organ, the SEVUS method contains settings that help the attending physician to form in the patient the idea that “... this organ washes the blood clean, nourishes it very well, brings energy and strength to the organ, the brain and spinal cord energetically correctly controls the work of the organ, more and more energetically activates the work of the organ, this organ comes to life, merrily-joyfully comes to life, gets healthier, works more and more energetically-merrily-joyfully, lives a healthy full-blooded life.

During practical work It is constantly observed that in people who assimilate any system of attitudes, somatic changes occur in the assimilation of the semantic content of attitudes.

The SOEVUS method in its structure contains settings and general, for example, bold behavior and high performance, stability in life, and others.

Description of the method. SOEVUS is a complex method of managing a person's state, which consists in the speech management of his mental and somatic state.

The theoretical basis of the method consists of various problems fundamentally developed in foreign and domestic scientific research in the field of physiology, medicine, psychology and pedagogy. The SOEVUS method is based on the teachings of Academician I.P. Pavlova about the word as a real stimulus for a person and about signal systems; theories functional systems Academician P.K. Anokhin; the fundamental principle of the unity of the mental and somatic, adopted in domestic medicine; theoretical foundations self-regulation, developed by Soviet psychologists and teachers; self-education; mass mental phenomena and ideas; will and emotions; principles and methods of training and education developed by Soviet teachers.

The SOEVUS method differs in many respects from all existing methods state management. In this method, the psychosomatic state of a person is controlled by the complex influence of speech or individual words, a person’s ideas about himself, others or something, his emotions, volitional efforts, mass mental phenomena, socially significant relationships and special physical techniques and exercises. All this is achieved by a specific construction of attitudes, through the assimilation of which the state is mainly controlled.

Classes on state management according to this method in the form of attitudes can be recorded on tape, rewritten or reprinted, respectively, for their further listening, reading (inwardly and aloud), memorization and deep lasting assimilation.

In addition, this method provides not only independent studies in private. The possibility and usefulness of the participation of a methodologist, who plays the role of a state management activator (AMS), helping a person to assimilate the mood he needs, cannot be ruled out. The activity of the AUS methodologist is characterized by great activity. If in regular training sessions the teacher, as a rule, waits until the student learns a new educational material, and only as a rare exception he reads it aloud together with the student, the methodologist must pronounce the mood from memory, while trying to activate the person as much as possible with the help of specially developed techniques in order to firmly assimilate the mood. To do this, he uses emotional
the expressive side of speech, semantic pauses and semantic stresses, oral remarks, pronounces special moods for the activation of mental activity. It can also be special techniques, for example, the laying on of one’s own hands or the hands of the practitioner himself on certain places of the body, which are discussed in the mood, to focus on a specific organ or part of the body; stroking the head, face, massage of the scalp with a massage hair brush or hands to improve cerebral circulation; exercises for slow movements; exercises for static neuromuscular tension and others. A methodologist can conduct classes with one person or with several people at the same time.

This method also allows for the possibility of performing the role of AUS by one of the trainees or all the trainees in turn, especially if doctors are involved. It is desirable to pronounce each assimilated mood to someone who has mastered it well and can do it without text (but if necessary, you can also look into the text). Due to the fact that the AUS methodologist himself pronounces the mood being assimilated by the trainees aloud, all the trainees and the methodologist himself are at this moment under the influence of a mass mental phenomenon, which is a very powerful stimulator of the assimilation of the mood.

Speech elements are used as AUS in the settings of the SOEVUS method, carrying out the inclusion of will, positive emotions in the work, and the influence of representations, which reflect the mobilizing power of the system of socially significant relations, is also taken into account. These speech elements activate and stimulate the assimilation of attitudes. In addition, the moods contain the most effective verbal formulas for managing mental and physiological processes, selected as a result of many years of research.

1.2. Theoretical principles of building attitudes

The mood should include expressions like: “I try to feel as clearly as possible. . . ". This technique connects the right feelings to the work. Or it can be expressions like: “I try to make an effort to feel as clearly as possible. . . ". This technique activates the influence of volitional efforts. The mood should include verbal formulas that reflect the systems of vital human relationships, for example: “I try to bring as much benefit to the state as possible with my work” or “I love my wife, children, I will try to bring them as much joy and happiness as possible”, or “ I will work hard on myself so that people will be pleased to communicate with me.

Attitude should generally be based on positive statements, such as "I have a strong will." You can not use such expressions: “My head does not hurt”, “I do not have a sick heart”, as they have a negative effect. The attitude should be based on the suppression of doubts: "I suppress all doubts that I have a healthy young heart."

The mood can be both typical and individual, reflecting individual and age features the person for whom it was designed.

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