Agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Sale of farm franchises Franchise of farmers offers

For those who live in a metropolis, it is much easier to come up with a business idea and implement it. A large number of people and a great demand for goods and services in various fields gives rise to interesting and profitable ideas your business. But what about those people who live in small towns or villages? In this article, we will share with you best business ideas in agriculture and tell you how you can minimum investment start your own business.

The main contribution to the development of business in a small town or village, of course, is made by a small number of people. But don't think that the only way earn in the village is farming. Thanks to the development of new technologies, the introduction of the Internet, today there are many alternative options for earning money in agriculture.

Speaking about the relevance of business projects in this area, it is necessary to note the demand for agricultural products, which are needed by residents of small and large cities.

Especially the relevance of the development of the agricultural sector and the production of environmentally friendly clean products has grown now that the market is ubiquitous large companies that offer products with pesticides and GMOs.

At the same time, the level of knowledge among people is increasing and there is a need for clean products without GMOs, which large companies are simply not able to supply to the market. This is where small business comes to the rescue, which, due to the peculiarities of taxation, small volumes of production, etc. can offer really high quality and pure products.

One article is not enough to list all the effective ways to make money in agriculture. Here we will give preference only to the most popular and cost-effective options.

Feature of business in agriculture

Creating a farm, of course, takes a lot of time and effort. To be successful in this business, you need to work hard. Therefore, you should not rely on passive income here.

You need to determine the specifics of business development. This can be implemented in two directions: in a highly specialized breeding of animals, birds, etc. Or simply create your own agriculture, which is considered the most attractive direction in terms of profitability and profitability.

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and get your hands on permits. It is also necessary to draw up a detailed business plan that will help analyze the competitive environment, see the pros and cons entrepreneurial activity, understand the threats and development prospects.

You will especially need to create a business plan if you plan to attract investors to start a business. No investor or bank will issue a loan if they do not familiarize themselves with detailed business a plan reflecting the production, organizational and financial part.

When creating a business plan, do not ignore hidden threats, calculate all possible weak sides project.

Considering the specifics of business in agriculture, seasonality, weather conditions, etc. play an important role. Also, do not forget about the competitive environment, which will dictate its own rules and largely affect profits. Therefore, before entering the market with your proposal, analyze it and find a niche that is not filled.

Calculate the payback, the cost of purchasing equipment, raw materials, outline the way to sell products. It is quite possible that after writing a business plan, you will see that the available capital is not enough for you to open a business. Then you have to contact the bank or investors. This, in turn, will entail a new factor affecting the payback and miscalculation of profitability. Calculate these now economic indicators taking into account new inputs.

After drawing up a business plan, it will be necessary to resolve the issue with the land in local authorities. If you decide to involve business partners, neighbors, relatives, etc. to open a project, be sure to conclude a farm agreement certified by a notary. This will make it possible in the future to avoid judicial strife and misunderstanding regarding the division of property, profits, etc.

After that, start building the structures that you will need to implement the project (shed, workshops, greenhouses, sheds, office buildings, etc.). It is necessary to conduct electricity, water, heat.

The next step will be the search for personnel, which will also require a lot of effort. Taking into account countryside, you will not have much choice in hiring staff. At the same time, the success of the enterprise depends entirely on the efficiency and specialization of employees. Therefore, before you start looking for staff, clearly outline the list of necessary requirements.

Top 10 Farming Ideas

Idea number 1. Greenhouse

To implement this idea, it is necessary to rent a small plot of land, build a greenhouse, purchase equipment and seeds.

For greenhouse farming and growing vegetables, herbs, it is necessary to purchase special equipment that will provide the plant with heat and light. In addition, it is necessary to think over the irrigation system in the greenhouse.

Before embarking on the implementation of this idea, you need to decide on the format of the business and the type of product that you plan to grow. To do this, you need to conduct a market analysis, study the competitive environment and determine distribution channels.

The analysis will allow you to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project, calculate the payback and profitability of the business.

For different regions, depending on climate and saturation competitive environment, may be in demand different types vegetables and greens: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, lettuce, parsley.

To expand the sales market, you can take into account the seasonality of products and grow different vegetables in different seasons.

A well-equipped greenhouse allows you to get up to 5-6 crops per year.

To implement this type of business, it is necessary to pay attention not only production plan, greenhouse equipment and recruitment, but also marketing. It is important to think over distribution channels, find intermediaries.

One of the optimal solutions is to conclude a contract for the supply of products to a supermarket chain. This will allow you to reach financial stability and think about expanding your business.

We have already written about how This plan will allow you to calculate the payback of the business, profitability and assess the competitive environment.

Idea number 2. sunflower cultivation

One of the advantages of this type of business is little competition with high demand.

At the same time, sunflower cultivation does not require huge investments and can be implemented even by a novice entrepreneur.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to purchase seeds, rent a plot of land, equipment for sowing and workers. You also need to take care of the storage of seeds.

As for paperwork and taxation, a simple form of IP is suitable for this type of business.

If we talk about the very specifics of the cultivated crop, then it is very unpretentious, not subject to weather conditions, pests. Harvest after sowing occurs after 5 months. With minimal costs, you can count on a good profit.

But if you decide to take on the cultivation of sunflowers, you must consider one factor. This culture completely selects all useful substances from the soil, therefore, within 5-7 years, nothing can be sown in this area. Therefore, it is not worth taking a plot for a long-term lease for sowing sunflower.

If you want to focus only on growing sunflowers, you will have to rent a new plot every year.

Many entrepreneurs who invest in agriculture do the following. In the first year, they sow the field with sunflowers. And in the next 7-8 years, a greenhouse will be equipped on this site.

The profitability of the sunflower growing business covers investments by 2-3 times.

Idea number 3. Growing hazelnuts

This is a fairly profitable business, which is characterized by little competition with high demand. Hazelnut grows in Russia, mainly in the foothills.

As a home culture, this tree is not very common, which explains the lack of much competition in this segment. At the same time, hazelnuts do not take up much space, do not require much care, and tolerate weather fluctuations well.

And it’s not worth talking about the benefits and excellent taste of hazelnuts. Rich in fiber and high in fat, this nut is very popular among the population, used as a raw material for the manufacture of confectionery, cosmetic products.

In addition, interest in this business is due to the fact that hazelnuts can be sold in several directions:

  • raw;
  • in a purified form;
  • packaged and fried.

The nut kernel occupies about 50% of the total mass of the nut.

Before acquiring a plot of land for sowing hazel, it is necessary to analyze the soil. It should contain a rich composition of magnesium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, the pH should not go beyond the limits of 6.8-7.2 units. Otherwise, you will not have to count on a high yield of hazelnuts.

Seedlings for hazelnuts should be only from vegetative propagation, and the interval for planting seedlings within 3-4 meters. For sowing one hectare of hazel, you need to purchase about 600 seedlings.

To reduce risks, use several varieties of hazel that will cross-pollinate. If you are planning to implement large scale business, then for each type of plant, select 2-3 rows.

During the first 5 years, while the hazel has not grown very much, it is recommended to plant the space between the rows with other crops that are in demand on the market. This, firstly, will allow you to immediately start making profits, and secondly, it will minimize risks as much as possible. Pay attention to early vegetables and herbs, such as onions, beets, potatoes, herbs. In any case, you will receive income from hazel only in the fifth or sixth year.

Idea number 4. Breeding meat breeds of chickens

Of the positive aspects, it is immediately necessary to note the profitability of this type of business. For breeding, broilers are considered the best breed. Chickens, depending on the species, may vary in color and weight.

To implement this business idea, you need to rent or build a room, buy cages, an incubator, food and the birds themselves.

To minimize the risk, choose your chicks very carefully.

Vegetable food is suitable as feed. At the same time, to reduce costs, you can rent a small plot of land and grow potatoes, greens, pumpkin, beets and carrots on your own.

The main type of risk in this business is the frequent illness of chickens. That's why great attention it is necessary to pay attention to care, examination by a veterinarian, high-quality feed.

Idea number 5. Breeding dwarf cows

This is a very exotic type of business that can bring good profits. The advantage of this entrepreneurial activity should be noted the lack of competition, which will allow you to take a leading position in this niche in a short period.

One cow gives approximately 6-8 liters of milk per day. Milk yield depends on the breed, on quality care and feed.

To ensure this business, it is necessary to immediately take care of a good pasture, where dwarf cows will have good nutrition. The advantage is that the pasture for feeding dwarf cows needs 2-3 times less than for standard ones. From an economic point of view, keeping a standard one cow is not justified today. But dwarf cows show a very good business profitability with proper organization.

Another distinctive feature of keeping a dwarf cow is the taste of milk. It is much healthier and tastier and retains its freshness up to a day, without a refrigerator.

Idea number 6. Freezing vegetables and fruits

This type of business today is considered very promising and in demand. Despite the great competition, it has a good payback.

This type of production allows you to save useful vitamins and minerals in fruits and vegetables and store them for a long time in the freezer.

To implement the idea, it is necessary to rent a room, purchase equipment, a plant for cleaning and drying vegetables and fruits, a shock freezing chamber and a packaging machine.

In addition, it is necessary to immediately consider where it will be stored finished products until the moment of sale. A very important step is the search for distribution channels, because each freezer costs a lot of money, so storing a large amount of products will be unprofitable.

Practice shows that the average payback of a business is 3-4 months.

Idea number 7. Implementation of chicken eggs

This business is similar to broiler farming. In terms of costs and equipment, it is necessary to purchase incubators, cages, and light for laying hens.

To start the project, you can purchase from 15 to 20 chickens. The principle of the business is simple - selling eggs on the market or through a chain of stores.

Given the great competition in this niche, it is necessary to think over the marketing strategy and distribution channel in advance. This business is distinguished by the fact that it makes a profit all year round, which allows you to receive a stable income and contributes to the establishment of stable trade relations.

Idea number 8. Growing oyster mushrooms

Growing mushrooms will allow you to reach a stable income in a fairly short time. Despite the high competition, there is a great demand for this category of goods. In addition, oyster mushrooms, unlike other varieties of mushrooms, are unpretentious.

The most minimal cost method is growing mushrooms on stumps. But the disadvantage of this method is low yield and long waiting time. In addition, you will be dependent on weather conditions, which increases financial risks.

Hemp for growing mushrooms must be clean, with a flat surface, without mold. The cultivation technology is quite simple. The stumps are soaked for three days in water, which allows you to create the necessary level of humidity. This level of humidity will be enough to lay the mycelium (seed).

Starting from May, the stumps are taken out into the garden, into the garden. This should only be done after the risk of frost has completely passed. Stumps should be in a shaded area. To increase productivity, it is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the stumps.

To implement this business idea, it is necessary to prepare a basement, a greenhouse.

Idea number 9. Harvesting and packaging of black soil

This startup is original and will help bring a good income, given the low competition in this area.

The principle of the idea is as follows. Elaboration and harvesting of black soil, which is characterized by a high content of nutrients for growing various crops. The main focus here should be on the definition target audience, which will allow you to properly organize the sales channel and reach a stable income.

The target audience of this business will be gardeners and farmers. Chernozem is a unique product that will allow farmers to increase their yields. The fact is that there are not so many fertile regions in Russia, so the purchase of high-quality black soil for growing plants, flowers, vegetables is relevant for many farmers.

Idea number 10. Breeding rabbits

Rabbit farming is becoming a popular business option in the Agriculture lately.

The advantage of animal breeding is high profitability and quick payback, as well as ease of care. This makes rabbit breeding an ideal start-up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Rabbit meat is a dietary product with high digestibility (90%). This favorably distinguishes it from the same pork, which is digested by 60%. Rabbit meat is low in fat and cholesterol, which makes it popular among young mothers, pregnant women, and people who are on a diet.

Business pays off within 8-9 months with proper planning. In addition to the direct supply of meat, farmers can breed rabbits for sale to other farms. This will allow you to organize business in two directions and eliminate the seasonality factor.

Another line of business activity may be the sale of rabbit skins. The downside of this entrepreneurial activity is the high mortality among animals, which necessitates the purchase of high-quality feed, payment for veterinary services.

Depending on the line of business, it is important to purchase the right breed of rabbits. Among a large number of breeds of rabbits there are purely meat breeds, intermediate and skin breeds.

It will be difficult for people who do not understand this area to purchase the right equipment and breeds of rabbits, so it is best to seek the help of experts. So, for example, meat breeds are not suitable for selling skins, since their wool is not good enough.

In this article, we have provided only a small list of business ideas for the agricultural sector that will help you start your own business with minimal investment.

Video. Profitable business ideas for agriculture

Business in agriculture is again becoming in demand. This is due to the trend of the current time for a healthy diet "from the garden." Along with the development of the agricultural business, the agricultural franchise is also gaining popularity, or, as it is also called, agro-franchises.

Crop and animal husbandry, pet supplies franchises are becoming popular. In fact, an agricultural franchise is an acquisition finished business plan for the production and sale of a specific product that is in demand on the agricultural market. Most often, such a franchise is offered by the administrations of the region.

Why Franchise?

Many people remember the economic systems organized in the villages, which were engaged in the production and marketing of agricultural products. They are also called agricultural cooperatives. However, this way of managing fades into the background, yielding to the franchise in many respects. Franchising in agriculture- a kind of replacement of the existing system of cooperatives.

With quality support from local entrepreneurs local authorities running an agro-franchise business solves the problems of employment in the countryside, and also provides the population with access to fresh rural food products.

Agricultural Franchise Options

Among the options for doing business in agriculture are the following:

  • growing seedlings of flowers;
  • growing vegetables;
  • breeding rabbits;
  • breeding of cattle;
  • raising and breeding other animals;
  • raising chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, etc.;
  • growing oyster mushrooms;
  • organization of egg production, etc.

Interestingly, in the Perm Territory, the local administration actively supports agricultural franchises. Every year, new options for doing business on a franchise in agriculture are introduced there. At the same time, the administration takes on part of the costs of the franchisee as subsidies to the individual entrepreneur.

A franchise for agriculture in the Perm Territory, for example, will cost from 70 to 500 thousand rubles.


The production sector in agriculture is more popular than all the others, it can be both crop production and animal husbandry.

In our country, the volume of production in animal husbandry is not so great today. Therefore, demand from big stores amazes even experienced entrepreneurs. To take advantage of the terms of the franchise means to quickly acquire livestock and obtain permits.

Crop production is becoming obsolete, since no one wants to work in the endless fields, which means that it becomes more difficult to make a profit from it. However, small "fazendas" that fit even in city apartments are beginning to enjoy popularity. People actively grow mushrooms, seedlings, flowers, and more to earn money. True, it is always more useful to take the advice of experienced farmers who will help you gain a stable income from fields and orchards. Franchising in agriculture thrives thanks to farmers.

In fact, you can always choose the best type for starting your own business, including in the agricultural business. Moreover, more and more attention is gradually drawn to agriculture.

Interestingly, the demand is growing for cattle services, and not for pets.

Agricultural income

However, there is still a wary attitude towards farming: it is believed that this is not enough profitable option activities. Not many people know that such an unconventional type of activity can generate sufficient profit for the development of the enterprise. In order not to "burn out" in such a business, there are franchises in agriculture.

A stable income in agriculture directly depends on numerous reasons. Franchisors are ready to inform their franchisees after signing a franchise agreement, so they manage to fully return the spent cash. So the payback period is minimal, which is rare even in the traditional field of business.

Thus, having risen to a new stage of business - ready business franchise - agriculture in our country is beginning to revive. However, state support continues to play an important role here.

Poultry farm "DomKur Dominant" - This is a discovery own business in the most profitable segment of the poultry industry. The activities of the poultry farm are directly related to the rearing and sale of chicken pullets for meat and eggs.

The necessary conditions to start
Become a franchise partner of the Dom Kur poultry farm;
Agricultural premises from 650 - 1300 sq. m;
Employees - 2 people.

Investments in the DomKur Dominant franchise

START package

Starting investment: 2 523 000 rubles
Payback period: from 4 months
Turnover per quarter: from 2,660,000 rubles
Royalties: 60,000 rubles/quarter
Lump sum: 400 000 rubles
Other current payments: missing

Package "FULL"

Starting investment: 3,965,000 rubles
Payback period: from 7 months
Turnover per quarter: from 5 320 000 rubles
Royalties: 60,000 rubles/quarter
Lump sum: 500 000 rubles
Other current payments: missing

The lump-sum fee includes a fee for joining the franchise network with the subsequent use of intellectual property, trademark and technologies for commercial purposes, advertising and Information support partner, drawing up technical documentation for starting a poultry farm project.

Submit an application

History of success

The private enterprise was founded in 2010.

To date, the production capacity of the poultry complex is six buildings, including a feed workshop and a hatchery, which was built in 2015, having completed the full production cycle with its commissioning.

A new stage in the development of the farm was 2013, when an agreement was concluded with a private company Dominant CZ: our poultry complex became the exclusive representative of this breeding breed of chickens in the territory Russian Federation. This breed attracted attention not only with its original color, but also with a high level of adaptability to local conditions, unpretentiousness, and high egg production. On average, chickens of this breed bring up to 290 - 300 eggs per year, the weight of a one-year-old laying hen reaches 2.8 kg.

Among the advantages of the poultry complex in terms of keeping and breeding poultry, it should be noted:

  • Own annually updated Dominant parent stock
  • Full production cycle
  • All vaccinations at the time recommended by the breeder of the Dominant breed
  • Strict adherence to recommendations for keeping and feeding livestock
  • Own production feed, only from natural ingredients
  • The bird is mainly kept on the floor, which allows it to quickly adapt to new conditions at the end user.

These advantages, as well as well-established processes for rearing poultry allow you to get a healthy bird that easily adapts to climatic conditions. Dominant chickens are ideal for young breeders or beginner farmers.

On the site of the Dominant poultry complex, you can buy hatching eggs, day-old young, pullets, as well as adult birds of the Dominant breed wholesale or retail from the manufacturer.

DomKur Dominant poultry farm franchise business model

On the example of the FULL franchise package, the revenue from one cycle is 5,320,000 rubles (20 thousand chickens).
The cost of a chicken (affiliate) - 50 rubles;
Feed - 60 rubles;
Growing costs - 20 rubles;
The average price of a pullet is 280 rubles;
Costs - 130 rubles;
Total profit - 150 rubles;
Markup - 100%
Fall - 5%.

Requirements for Domkur Dominant Franchise Buyers

  • Seriousness of intentions in the development of this business;
  • Availability of necessary investment and working capital;
  • Willingness to comply with corporate standards and recommendations;
  • Agricultural premises - 650 - 1300 sq. m (rent / property).

Requirements for the premises

  • Suitable for any agricultural premises
  • Required area: from 650 - 1300 sq. m (15 heads per 1 sq. m)
  • Height: 2.5 - 3.5 m.
  • Electricity: 15 - 25 kW, 220V.
  • Water: daily consumption 2 - 2.5 tons (a well will do).
  • Typical buildings: barns, pigsties, poultry houses and so on.
  • Distance of at least 500 m from residential areas.

Benefits of DomKur Dominant poultry farm franchise

Low cost production areas, payback guarantee, non-refundable subsidies under the federal program from the Ministry of Agriculture, quick payback 4 months - 1 cycle, quick start - 2 months, preferential taxation system ESHSN.

The first production franchise in the field of agriculture, the most profitable segment in the poultry industry. High standards and quality of presented meat and egg crosses.

Goose breeding franchise can be a very profitable business. But before we go directly to the topic, let's figure out what a franchise is. This definition is a contract between a person and a large enterprise with its own brand. The essence of the contract is the perpetual lease of the trademark received from the enterprise with further use at the place of residence.


Recently, the concept of an agro-franchise has appeared, which began to actively develop in one of the republics of our country. Building a business, in this case, is based on the fact that a large poultry company or agricultural enterprise provides people with a number of technologies, planting material or young animals. In this case, part of the responsibility lies with the initiator, who must carry out a full or partial purchase of products from the tenant.

How it works

To date, a number of franchises have been developed that can be used by private owners or owners of small farms. Anyone can turn to poultry farmers, beekeepers or sheep farmers, get animals and start developing their own business.

Interestingly, you can buy a franchise with the acquisition social assistance. Its size is determined directly by the economy and depends on whether it is personal or individual entrepreneurship.

What does a franchiser do?

At the moment, a certain goose farm, which has a full cycle, assumes the following obligations:

  • get eggs from females;
  • laying them in an incubator for subsequent hatching;
  • caring for the young;
  • slaughter of a bird;
  • processing of meat products.

An example is the following contract, which is concluded between a farmer or individual entrepreneur. In this case, the poultry farm will provide young animals for rearing. The fattening period takes 120 days, then the person must give back the livestock in the amount of 20%. It has its own bars, where the minimum weight corresponds to 5.5 kg (on average, a bird weighs from 3 to 4 kg).

If fattening was carried out in an intensive way, then you can get a bird weighing up to 8 kg. The geese that need to be returned are usually heavier, in which case the farmer receives monetary compensation. From the remaining herd, downy products must be sold for a certain price.

Here, in this way, the breeding of geese in a franchise looks like, and how much it will be a profitable event should be judged directly by a person who decides to do such a business.

In the countryside family business breeding pets can be a source of good income. Breeding poultry does not require sophisticated equipment and heavy physical costs. And if it is difficult enough to compete with poultry farms that produce chicken meat, then breeding geese can be an excellent alternative. Goose meat is rarely found on store shelves. In addition, in addition to meat, you can sell eggs, fluff, feathers and even litter as a good fertilizer.

Room for geese

For breeding geese, you need a room. As a rule, in the yards of rural houses there are always outbuildings, so you can use a ready-made barn, or build a new one.

Geese perfectly tolerate negative temperatures, but you need to know that they are sensitive to drafts and dampness. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the wind does not walk in the room and it is dry. To this end, windows, doors and manholes for birds are always arranged on one side - from the south, from where cold winds rarely blow, and solar radiation is maximum. Check the roof carefully to make sure it doesn't leak and ensure the floor is dry. It is better to cover the earthen surface with sawdust or straw.

The area of ​​the barn for geese depends on the number of heads. It is necessary to count on the fact that at least 1 m 2 per adult, taking into account the fact that the height from floor to ceiling will be 2 meters. It is desirable to have an aviary near the barn, its area should also be calculated by the number of individuals: 1 m 2 per bird.

Brief description of some breeds of geese

Purchasing birds should be thoroughbred, taking into account the priority purposes of breeding: for meat, for eggs, for goose liver. When choosing a breed, one should also take into account the climatic conditions of the region and the resistance of birds to diseases.

Of the most popular, which are most often bred in domestic and farms are the following breeds:

  • Gray. Birds of a strong physique, males reach a weight of 8 kg, females - less, up to 6 kg. One female per year lays up to 40 eggs. The breed is attractive for its endurance and stability.
  • Kholmogorskaya. The breed is easily distinguished by a bump on the forehead and a skin fold under the beak. This breed is larger than gray, the weight of the male reaches 10 kg, the female is 2 kg less, the egg production is the same as that of the previous breed.
  • Toulouse. As the name implies, the birthplace of the breed is France. Therefore, one of its shortcomings when breeding in the temperate zone of Russia is its thermophilicity. However, they are also bred for high quality: Toulouse geese are the fattest, the weight of the male reaches 12 kg. In addition, they are indispensable for farms that breed geese to obtain a liver; in geese of this breed, the liver is the largest and can reach 1 kg. On the domestic market you can find a breed more adapted to Russian conditions, bred by crossing Toulouse geese with Roman ones, however, these birds are significantly inferior in weight to Toulouse.
  • Italian. Suitable for both growing for meat and for the purpose of obtaining eggs. Italian geese grow fast, and one goose takes fifty eggs a year.
  • Legart. In many households, this breed is preferred. Geese gain weight well, while consuming a moderate amount of food. At the age of two months, goslings already weigh 6 kg.
  • Kuban. For entrepreneurs planning the sale of goose eggs, "Kubans" are best suited. The productivity of females is 70 - 90 eggs per year. For growing for meat, the breed is not so beneficial, since the weight of geese and ganders is 4 and 5 kilograms, respectively.
  • Linda. One of the most common breeds in our country, bred by breeders under Nizhny Novgorod and well adapted to temperate climates. It is an early maturing meat breed. Specialists really appreciate such a feature of Linda geese as the continuation of growth after the molting of young animals in the period from August to November, when the maximum variety of food is available.

Acquisition of poultry, equipment and feed

Having chosen the breed that is optimal for your region, you can buy geese. The price of chicks depends on their age, the younger the goslings, the cheaper. But the more difficult it is to feed and grow the entire livestock without loss. Weekly goslings in bulk cost an average of 180 - 200 rubles apiece. For getting good income optimal number of birds is 600. Thus, from 108 to 120 thousand rubles will be spent on the purchase.

For further breeding, it will be more profitable to purchase an incubator. If the livestock is several hundred birds, then a domestic variety of an incubator with a capacity of 100 - 160 eggs will not be enough. It would be optimal to purchase a farm model in which several hundred goose eggs can be laid at the same time.

The cost of such devices of domestic production is, depending on specifications, from 30 to 65 thousand rubles. Incubators with a capacity of 1000 eggs or more cost from 100 thousand rubles. You will also need to purchase feeders, drinkers, infrared heaters to maintain the right temperature for the chicks.

It is also necessary to immediately reserve funds for the purchase of feed. In the first days of life, chicks, as a rule, are fed with natural food: vegetables, herbs, chopped eggs, cereals, cottage cheese. There are also specialized feeds for goslings. At the age of three weeks, the chicks can already be transferred to adult food. Having a free-range area with a pond significantly reduces the cost of buying food.

Profit, replenishment of livestock

Initially, with a limited amount of funds, you can buy only a hundred heads, and in subsequent seasons, grow juveniles on your own in an incubator or with the help of a brood hen. A mother hen can sit and raise a little more than a dozen chicks at the same time in a season. For the hen, you should arrange a secluded quiet place in the back of the barn, where no one will disturb her. The withdrawal period for goslings is 28 days.

If breeding is carried out in an incubator with a large capacity, then the resulting goslings can be used not only to replenish the livestock of their own herd, but also for sale. Raised goslings reach a price of 500 rubles or more.

A goose carcass is sold at a price of 1200 rubles. The peak of demand falls on the New Year and Christmas holidays. Experienced farmers also use down, making pillows on their own, or handing it over for production.

You can sell down to intermediaries at a price of 300 rubles per kilogram. You can also sell litter as valuable fertilizer. Eggs can be sold at a price of 30 - 50 rubles apiece. Thus, from a reared livestock of 600 geese, you can get an income of 1.2 - 1.4 million rubles a year, taking into account the sale of carcasses, eggs and down.

At the same time, with initial costs, you can meet 250 - 300 thousand rubles. This will include the cost of building a barn, buying hundreds of goslings, equipment and feed for the first year, an incubator. And already in the second season, having laid the required number of eggs in the incubator, you can reach the estimated number of 600 individuals.

If there is a sales market, breeding geese may well become the main activity that brings a stable good profit.