Informatics in the profession of laboratory assistant ecologist. Course of professional retraining of laboratory assistants - ecologists

Ecologist (environmental engineer) - a specialist who analyzes the situation and develops measures to reduce existing and possible harm to nature. An ecologist identifies the causes of natural disasters and develops ways to reduce the impact of the human factor on the environment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, chemistry, biology and geography (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

In the future, problems of conservation will become increasingly important. environment. In connection with the growth of the emission of harmful elements into the atmosphere, environmental problems are put in one of the first places. The demand for professional ecologists will increase, but the requirements for them will also increase. The profession of ecologist will become one of the most demanded and important.

Environmentalists are trying to understand and explain, for example, why lakes dry up or its inhabitants die. They study the state of land, water, air, as well as the degree of impact industrial productions on people, plants, animals. Ecologists identify the degree of pollution, analyze the causes and make a forecast of the situation in the future.

Environmental engineers are faced with the development and coordination in government bodies environmental protection documents that substantiate the environmental safety of various projects and industrial production. Specialists in laboratories conduct research on the content of specific and major pollutants in the air of cities.

At the moment, qualified ecologists are needed to conduct examinations at the beginning of the construction of any residential buildings, factories, transport road facilities. Without a positive conclusion, none of the construction projects will start work. Moreover, each enterprise must conduct its activities under the close supervision of environmental engineers.

Studying the fundamentals of environmental management is especially important in connection with Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). The World Trade Organization (WTO) plans to adopt and implement international ISO standards providing a unified global system of requirements for managing the quality of services and goods. One of the most important world standards is ISO 14000. The subject of this standard is the environmental management system (EMS), the application of which makes it possible to effectively combine the economic growth company's income while maintaining a favorable environment. Knowledge of standards ISO series and their implementation in the organization mandatory requirements to future ecologists.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • be able to freely understand environmental legislation, standards and regulations;
  • knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, processes taking place in the environment;
  • have an idea of ​​the procedure for conducting an environmental review;
  • know the methods of environmental monitoring;
  • have computer modeling skills;
  • understand foreign and domestic experience in the field of environmental protection;
  • be able to draw up the necessary reporting and documentation on environmental protection;
  • possession foreign language(for the possibility of business trips or work abroad).

Personal qualities

  • diplomacy, flexibility, civic courage (for challenging actions officials, authorities, state structures);
  • internal discipline;
  • stress resistance;
  • scrupulousness, responsibility, accuracy;
  • accuracy (no mistakes allowed);
  • Analytical mind;
  • passion for wildlife, the ability to scientific creativity;
  • skill to work in team;
  • independence;
  • decency;
  • performance.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • obtaining moral satisfaction from the work done, in connection with the receipt of wages through the improvement of the environment;
  • qualified environmentalists are popular among employers and this demand will grow;
  • university graduates already have some work experience due to the necessary internships in production, which contributes to the acquisition of useful contacts and recommendations (this will simplify and accelerate career growth);
  • an environmental engineer who has received the necessary qualifications can count on a fairly profitable job in the petrochemical, construction or energy industries;
  • the ecologist profession is international, which makes it possible to work abroad ( given profession is in greater demand abroad than in Russia);
  • The work of an ecologist is quite interesting and involves business trips.


  • low salaries of environmentalists;
  • the ability to work in extreme conditions;
  • health hazard due to the need to work with harmful substances.

Place of work and career growth

Ecology graduates can start their careers in state structures(for example, Rostechnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring, Ministry Agriculture, Ministry forestry and natural resources, etc.). In environmental protection organizations, at large enterprises, in municipal structures there is a staff unit ecologist.

A young specialist usually starts his career as a technical assistant. Later, he can become a coordinator and take on a certain direction. The next stage of career development may already be the supervision of several coordinators.

V commercial organizations environmentalists have a higher wages, but the experience and qualifications of an environmental engineer are of great importance in the formation of salaries.

The highest demand for environmental specialist in industrial enterprises. However, you can also get a job design organization, which provides services to various factories, construction companies.

The main places of work of ecologists:

  • Research Laboratories;
  • Environmental structures in the enterprise;
  • State structures, bodies of control and supervision;
  • environmental organizations;
  • Construction companies;
  • Plants and factories.

There are many laboratories in Russia that perform environmental studies of the environment, as well as tests to determine the environmental friendliness of various products. The environmental laboratory assistant uses special equipment in order to effectively characterize these indicators. The work is quite complex and responsible, which implies that the employee has special knowledge and skills.

It is worth considering the fact that every enterprise specializing in production is obliged to monitor the environmental performance of its products, which allows us to conclude that the specialty of an environmental laboratory assistant will always be in demand and relevant.

Professional retraining in the direction of "Laboratory assistant-ecologist"

A qualified laboratory employee must know how to perform the necessary tests using the necessary equipment, perform dosimetric control, analyze the substance, determine it chemical composition, prepare special solutions. Moreover, laboratory assistant ecologist, training which was successful, must be able to use measuring instruments, prepare reagents and samples, calculate measurement results, draw up documentation.

Tutorial professional retraining for laboratory assistants-ecologists also includes knowledge about:

  • possible methods for conducting analyzes and subsequent mathematical calculations of the results obtained;
  • principles of operation and arrangement of laboratory equipment;
  • rules for the preparation of samples taken;
  • characteristics and qualities of acid-base solutions.

Retraining of environmental laboratory assistants includes the development of such practical skills as preparation for research, rules of application glassware, tracking environmental pollution;

determination of the concentration of substances in the taken material, the parameters of the taken samples, etc.

Upon completion of the training, MASPK issues a diploma of the established sample to the environmental laboratory assistant that meets all the requirements of education in the Russian Federation. The document gives the owner the right to work in enterprises equipped with laboratories. Having chosen the profession of laboratory assistant-ecologist, you will not have problems with employment.

For admission to study, you need a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education. The course is also available to those who are currently studying.

You can always apply for training and seek advice by calling 8-499-271-57-64. A special registration form is also available on our website. Write to us and we will promptly contact you.

Training courses for laboratory assistants, ecologists in MASPC

So, the algorithm is very simple: you choose a course, register, pay for tuition, and after mastering the program you get a diploma.

Training with a group order can take place in person. In general, our students receive additional education remotely. The remote format allows you not to break away from the main work and is not an obstacle to fulfilling your direct duties. This is facilitated by a flexible study schedule.

Portal distance learning Academies are always at your service, our teachers will provide online consultation, we also provide support and assistance in your independent work. You have access to modern educational materials, mentoring by experienced teachers. All this allows you to get comprehensive theoretical knowledge, as well as develop practical skills.

The cost of training in each case is calculated individually. It depends on the chosen course and its duration, your region of residence, as well as the number of students from one organization.

MASPK is a comfortable environment and a reliable result of your training.

Profession "Laboratory assistant-ecologist"

"Laboratory assistant-ecologist" is one of the most demanded professions in modern market labor.

Ecology ... A beautiful word that came to us from abroad. And now, perhaps, you will not find a person who would not hear him. It has firmly entered our lives, in all industries, in the minds of people.

Ecology tells about the reality in which we live and warns about what may happen in a few years.

Our technical school is the only one in the Khabarovsk Territory that trains workers for the profession of "Laboratory Ecologist".

The profession "Laboratory assistant-ecologist" has its roots since antiquity.

From the first steps of its development, man has been inextricably linked with nature. He was always dependent on its resources and was forced to take into account the peculiarities of the way of life of animals, fish and birds. The ideas of ancient man about the environment were not of a scientific nature, but over time served as a source of accumulation of knowledge.

Ancient Greek scientists had a great influence on the development of ecological knowledge. They put forward the first theories about the origin of plants and animals, tried to explain the processes of nutrition and growth of living organisms. As an independent science, ecology was formed by the beginning of the 20th century.

Ecologists are those experts who try to explain why rivers dry up, fish die, or snow falls in summer. They study the state of water, land, air, the impact of industrial waste on plants, animals and humans.

In 1969, on the basis of the city vocational technical school No. 35, the profession "Laboratory assistant" was opened. chemical production».

V different time the school trained students in the following professions: “Laboratory assistant of chemical production”, “Laboratory assistant of chemical analysis”.

In 1999, a new profession "Laboratory assistant - ecologist" was opened at the school. The emergence of the profession "Laboratory assistant - ecologist" is caused by the need for qualified care for the environment.

"Laboratory assistant-ecologist" studies and investigates the sources of pollution of the natural environment; monitors compliance with organizational rules and regulations for environmental protection; works on purification of industrial waters and prevention of environmental pollution.