Presentation of mineral fertilizers. Presentation "Phosphorus" presentation for a lesson in chemistry (grade 9) on the topic Urea - the most valuable fertilizer


  • Phosphorus was discovered by the Hamburg alchemist Hennig Brand in 1669.

Hennig Brand

  • A little later, phosphorus was obtained by another German chemist - Johann Kunkel

Johann Kunkel

  • Phosphorus is a simple substance (proved by Lavoisier)


Element characteristic

III period

V Group

main p / gr. (BUT)

5 valence electrons

Oxidation states:

-3, +3, +5

Physical properties

Elemental phosphorus under normal conditions represents three stable allotropic modifications:

white red black

White phosphorus P4

Soft, colorless substance, poisonous, has a garlic smell,

t°pl.= 44°С, t°boil.= 280°С, soluble in carbon disulfide (CS 2 ), flying. It is highly reactive, oxidizes in air (self-igniting at the same time), glows in the dark.

Phosphorus is mentioned in the famous work “The Hound of the Baskervilles” by A. Conan Doyle.

“ … Yes! It was a dog, huge, pitch black. But none of us mortals have ever seen such a dog. Flames shot out of her open mouth, sparks flew from her eyes, iridescent fire flickered over her muzzle and nape. In no one's inflamed brain could a vision more terrible, more disgusting than this hellish creature that jumped out of the fog at us ... A terrible dog, the size of a young lioness. Its huge maw still glowed with bluish flames, its deep-seated wild eyes circled in flames. I touched this luminous head and, taking my hand away, saw that my fingers also glowed in the darkness.

Phosphorus, I said.

Was it right


Conan Doyle?

red phosphorus P

Odorless, red-brown color, non-toxic. The atomic crystal lattice is very complex, usually amorphous. Insoluble in water and organic solvents. Stable. Doesn't glow in the dark

black phosphorus

Polymer substance with a metallic sheen, similar to graphite, odorless, greasy to the touch. Insoluble in water and organic solvents. Atomic crystal lattice, semiconductor. t°boiling= 453°С (sublimation),

t°pl.= 1000°C


  • White phosphorus is obtained by the reduction of calcium phosphate (in an electric furnace):
  • Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 3SiO 2 + 5C

3CaSiO 3 + 5CO + 2P

  • Cr blue and black

phosphorus is obtained from white

Chemical properties

1. Interaction with oxygen:

4P+5O 2 (ex.) = 2P 2 ABOUT 5 ( phosphorus oxide V )

2 .Interaction with halogens:

2P+5S l 2 (ex.) = 2PCl 5 (phosphorus chloride V )

2P+3 Cl 2(missing) = 2 PCl 3 (phosphorus chloride III )

3.Interaction with sulfur:

2P + 5 S (ex.) =P 2 S 5 (phosphorus sulfide V )

2P+3S ( insufficient) =P 2 S 3 (phosphorus sulfide III)

Phosphorus interaction with water

  • 4P+6H 2 O=PH 3 + 3H 3 PO 2

phosphorous acid

The salts of this acid are called hypophosphites

In them, phosphorus exhibits an oxidation state +1!

Phosphorus in nature

  • The content of phosphorus in the earth's crust is 9.3 10-2 (by mass). In nature, phosphorus occurs only in the form of compounds. The main minerals of phosphorus are phosphorite Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 and apatite 3Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 CaF 2 .
  • In addition, phosphorus is part of protein substances, as well as bones and teeth.

The use of phosphorus

For military purposes

Match production



Nutritional supplements

military production

  • The use of white phosphorus
  • The US used phosphorus weapons in the Iraq War (2003)

Match production

  • Red phosphorus is used for match heads
  • Phosphorus helps light matches


  • Phosphorus is the substance that has the highest smoke emission factor. It produces very dense and persistent white smoke when burned.


  • Phosphorus is found in detergents

Nutritional supplements

  • Phosphorus is used as food additives
  • Attention!!! Coca-Cola contains phosphoric acid!

Table 1. Top 10 countries in the world with the largest population, mid-2009, 2025 and 2050 (million people), 2009-2025-2050 1. China China India India India China USA3073. USA3583. US Indonesia 2434. Indonesia2924. Indonesia Brazil 1925. Pakistan2465. Pakistan Pakistan 1816. Brazil2126. Nigeria Bangladesh 1627. Nigeria2077. Bangladesh Nigeria 1538. Bangladesh 1958. Brazil Russia1409. Russia Congo, Dem. Republic of Japan Mexico Philippines 150 9.2 billion Forecast for 2050 6 billion

Now the world's population is more than 6 billion people and it is growing. What to feed him??? Chemists around the world create various fertilizers to increase the mass of products grown on earth. In 2000, one in three people in the world ate grains and other agricultural products, which were obtained through the use of mineral fertilizers. The world's population is growing, but grain production is not

To grow a full crop cultivated plants must be protected from weeds and diseases. Chemical substances used to kill weeds are called herbicides. This word comes from the Latin "coat of arms" - grass, plant and "cide" - to kill. There is currently a large assortment complex organic compounds with herbicidal properties.

Structure of the chemical industry Basic chemistry Production of polymeric materials Production of mineral fertilizers Recycling polymer materials Chemistry of organic synthesis Other industries (photochemistry, paint and varnish) Mining and chemical industry Industries that provide raw materials chemical industry(coke chemistry, oil refining, etc.)

Mineral fertilizers Depending on what nutrients are contained in mineral salts, fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers contain one nutrient. These include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and microfertilizers. Complex fertilizers contain two or more main nutrients at the same time. Fertilizers are solid (granular, powdered) and liquid (poor up to 40% of the nutrient and concentrated more than 40%). Mineral fertilizers are inorganic compounds containing nutrients necessary for plants.

Production of mineral fertilizers NITROGEN POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE Near raw material bases Near metallurgical plants and gas pipelines Near raw material bases Apatity Apatity Voskresensk Voskresensk Nizhny Novgorod Nizhny Novgorod Solikamsk Solikamsk Bereznyaki Bereznyaki Lipetsk Cherepovets Novgorod Novokuznetsk

Potash fertilizers - increase the yield, quality and resistance of plants. They contain the nutrient element potassium, which positively affects the resistance of plants to drought, low temperatures, pests, allows plants to use water more economically, enhances the transport of substances in the plant and the development of the root system, promotes the accumulation of carbohydrates (sugar-beet, starch-potato). When it is introduced, photosynthesis is enhanced, the fruits acquire a brighter color and aroma, and are stored longer. The introduction of potassium is necessary especially for root crops.

It was salt - "Permyanka", along with valuable furs, that constituted the main source of income for the "Lord of Veliky Novgorod". Salt was the basis of the wealth of the Stroganovs, Golitsyns, Shakhovskys. Their breweries produced up to seven million poods of salt per year. Perm salt - "Permyanka" - was traded not only in Russia, but also in other European countries.

Phosphorus fertilizers contain the element phosphorus 1. water-soluble (ammophos, diammophos, superphosphates), 2. sparingly soluble - very poorly soluble in weak acids, insoluble in water (phosphate rock, bone flour). 2. sparingly soluble - very poorly soluble in weak acids, insoluble in water (phosphate rock, bone meal).

The value of phosphorus fertilizers The value of phosphorus fertilizers It is part of complex proteins involved in the process of division of the cell nucleus and in the formation of new plant organs. It is part of complex proteins involved in the process of division of the cell nucleus and in the formation of new plant organs. It plays an important role in accelerating the ripening of fruits and berries. It plays an important role in accelerating the ripening of fruits and berries. Promotes economical moisture consumption Promotes economical moisture consumption Significantly increases the winter hardiness of plants Significantly increases the winter hardiness of plants Phosphorus improves taste and enhances the flow of nutrients from leaves to fruits and berries. Phosphorus improves taste and enhances the flow of nutrients from the leaves to fruits and berries. Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of fruit and berry crops. Phosphorus plays an important role in the life of fruit and berry crops. If there is not enough phosphorus, growth slows down, flowering and ripening are delayed, taste deteriorates, and yields decrease. If there is not enough phosphorus, growth slows down, flowering and maturation are delayed, taste deteriorates, yields decrease. Excess phosphorus is harmful. Excess phosphorus is harmful.

Nitrogen is the main nutrient for all plants: without nitrogen, the formation of proteins and many vitamins, especially B vitamins, is impossible. Nitrogen regulates the growth of the vegetative mass, determines the level of crop yields, and increases the protein content in grain. Plants absorb and assimilate nitrogen most intensively during the period of maximum formation and growth of stems and leaves. Nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the development of the green part of the plant.

Calculation of nutritional value CO (NH 2) 2 W \u003d n X Ar (N) X 100% / Mr substances% 2 +++ W \u003d 14 () \u003d

Calculation of nutritional value CO (NH 2) 2 W \u003d n X Ar (N) X 100% / Mr substances% 2 +++ W \u003d 14 () \u003d 47%

In ancient times, salt was a valuable commodity, a significant part of which was imported into the country from abroad. The first structures in the salt mines were: chests for storing brine, vats, barns, brine-lifting pipes. By the end of the 17th century, the extraction of salt came to the fore.

EDUCATIONAL: 1. To form the concept of mineral fertilizers, their importance in the national economy and the principles of location of enterprises producing fertilizers. 2. Give a classification of fertilizers 3. Consolidate students' skills - write chemical formulas and make chemical calculations. 4. Learn to compare resource and production maps. EDUCATIONAL 1. To educate students in accuracy in taking notes. 2. Develop mindfulness when working with the map 3. Cultivate respect for nature 4. Teach students to love their body and not eat "harmful foods"

Lesson in 9th grade. Phosphorus

ensure that students learn about phosphorus as a chemical element and a simple substance; allotropic modifications of phosphorus; develop the ability to compare; Lesson Objectives:

The discovery of phosphorus Hamburg alchemist Henning Brand 1669 "Phosphorus" - from the Greek "light-bearing"

period Phosphorus as a chemical element group of valence electrons oxidation states higher oxide hydrogen compound


With metals: Ca + P = C non-metals: P + O 2 = P + S = CHEMICAL PROPERTIES

with Berthollet salt explodes on impact, ignites: KClO 3 + P = P 2 O 5 + KCl


Physiological action of white phosphorus The result of the use of excessive amounts of phosphorus The appearance of deformed frogs is the result of the use of phosphorus fertilizers that are washed into rivers and ponds Phosphorus necrosis is damage to the jaws

heating a mixture of phosphorite, coal and sand in an electric furnace: Ca 3 (PO 4) 2 + C + SiO 2 → P 4 + CaSiO 3 + CO Obtaining phosphorus

PHOSPHORUS APPLICATIONS Fertilizers Pesticides Match production Smoke screens Semiconductors Paint production Corrosion protection Water softening Detergents

HOMEWORK § 19.9 (L.S. Guzey), Individual assignments. Prepare reports: 1) about the history of matches; 2) about biological role phosphorus and its compounds. REPEAT?


US troops used phosphorus bombs in Iraq, 2004.

Molecules P 4 have the shape of a tetrahedron. This fusible t (pl) = 44.1 o C, t (kip) = 275 o C, soft, colorless waxy substance. It dissolves well in carbon disulfide and a number of other organic solvents. Poisonous, flammable in air, glows in the dark. Store it under water. WHITE PHOSPHORUS

There are several forms of red phosphorus. Their structures have not been definitively established. It is known that they are atomic substances with a polymeric crystal lattice. Their melting point is 585-600 o C, the color is from dark brown to red and purple. Not poisonous. RED PHOSPHORUS

Black phosphorus has a layered atomic crystal lattice. It is similar in appearance to graphite, but is a semiconductor. Not poisonous. BLACK PHOSPHORUS

period Phosphorus as a chemical element III group V A valence electrons 5 oxidation states -3, +3, +5 higher oxide Р 2 О 5 hydrogen compound РН 3

2. Problem: What is the mass of phosphorus in your body if you know that phosphorus is ≈1% of body weight? REPEAT 1. FINISH THE EQUATIONS: P + F 2 \u003d Al + P \u003d Indicate the oxidizing agent and reducing agent 3. Carry out transformations: P PH 3 P 2 O 5 H 3 RO 4

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Content Introduction……………………………………………………………………………. The history of the development of phosphorus………………………………………………………... Natural compounds and the production of phosphorus……………………………………... Chemical properties ……………………………………………………………… Allotropic changes………………………………………………………….. a) white…………………………………………………………………………….. b) red………………………………… …………………………… c) black……………………………………………………………………………. Phosphorus oxides……………………………………………………………………… Orthophosphoric acid……………………………………………………… ……... Orthophosphates………………………………………………………………………. Phosphorus in the human body…………………………………………………….. Matches……………………………………………………………… …………………. Phosphate fertilizers…………………………………………………………….. Conclusion…………………………………………………………… ………………. 1. The value of phosphorus………………………………………………………………….. 2. The use of phosphorus…………………………………………… ………………… Bibliography………………………………………………..

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Introduction: The fifth group of the Periodic Table includes two typical elements nitrogen and phosphorus - and subgroups of arsenic and vanadium. There is a significant difference in properties between the first and second typical elements. In the state of simple substances, nitrogen is a gas, and phosphorus is a solid. These two substances received a wide range of applications, although when nitrogen was first isolated from the air it was considered a harmful gas, and a lot of money was made from the sale of phosphorus (phosphorus was valued for its ability to glow in the dark).

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History of Phosphorus Discovery Ironically, phosphorus has been discovered several times. And every time they got it from ... urine. There are references that the Arab alchemist Alhild Bekhil (XII century) discovered phosphorus during the distillation of urine mixed with clay, lime and coal. However, the date of discovery of phosphorus is considered to be 1669. The Hamburg amateur alchemist Henning Brand, a bankrupt merchant who dreamed of improving his affairs with the help of alchemy, processed a wide variety of products. Assuming that physiological products might contain the "primordial matter" thought to be the basis of the Philosopher's Stone, Brand became interested in human urine. He collected about a ton of urine from the soldiers' barracks and evaporated it to a syrupy liquid. This liquid he distilled again and obtained a heavy red "urinary oil", which was distilled to form a solid residue. Heating the latter, without access to air, he noticed the formation of white smoke, which settled on the walls of the vessel and shone brightly in the darkness. Brand named the substance he received phosphorus, which in Greek means "light-bearer". For several years, the "preparation recipe" for phosphorus was kept in the strictest confidence and was known only to a few alchemists. Phosphorus was discovered for the third time by R. Boyle in 1680. In a somewhat modified form, the old method of obtaining phosphorus was also used in the 18th century: a mixture of urine with lead oxide (PbO), common salt (NaCl), potash (K2CO3) and coal (C) was heated. Only by 1777, K.V. Scheele developed a method for obtaining phosphorus from animal horns and bones.

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Natural compounds and the production of phosphorus In terms of prevalence in the earth's crust, phosphorus is ahead of nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine. Unlike nitrogen, phosphorus, due to its high chemical activity, occurs in nature only in the form of compounds. The most important minerals of phosphorus are apatite Ca5 (PO4) 3X (X is fluorine, less often chlorine and a hydroxyl group) and phosphorite, the basis of which is Ca3 (PO4) 2. The largest deposit apatite is located on the Kola Peninsula, in the region of the Khibiny Mountains. Phosphorite deposits are located in the Karatau mountains, in the Moscow, Kaluga, Bryansk regions and in other places. Phosphorus is part of some protein substances contained in the generative organs of plants, in the nervous and bone tissues of animal and human organisms. Brain cells are especially rich in phosphorus. Today, phosphorus is produced in electric furnaces by reducing apatite with coal in the presence of silica: Ca3(PO4)2+3SiO2+5C 3CaSiO3+5CO+2P Phosphorus vapor at this temperature consists almost entirely of P2 molecules, which, when cooled, condense into P4 molecules.

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Chemical properties The electronic configuration of the phosphorus atom is 1s22s22p63s23p3 The outer electron layer contains 5 electrons. The presence of three unpaired electrons on the outer energy level explains the fact that in the normal, unexcited state, the phosphorus valence is 3. But at the third energy level there are vacant cells of d-orbitals, therefore, upon transition to an excited state, 3S-electrons will separate, go to the d sublevel , which leads to the formation of 5 unpaired elements. Thus, the valency of phosphorus in the excited state is 5. In compounds, phosphorus usually exhibits an oxidation state of +5 (P2O5, H3PO4), less often +3 (P2O3, PF3), -3 (AlP, PH3, Na3P, Mg3P2).

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Allotropic modification Density tpl. Boiling point Appearance and characteristics White 1.82 g/cm3 44.1°С 287.3°С White crystalline powder, poisonous, ignites spontaneously in air. At 250-260°C it turns into red (Fig. 3). Very soluble in carbon disulfide. Red 2.34g/cm3 590°С 416°С Red crystalline or amorphous powder, non-toxic. At 220°C and 108 Pa it transforms into black phosphorus. Lights up in air only when ignited. The color of red phosphorus, depending on the method and conditions of preparation, can vary from light red to purple and dark brown. Black 2.7 g/cm3 The most stable modification. In appearance, it is similar to graphite. When heated, it turns into red phosphorus. Under normal conditions, a semiconductor, conducts electricity under pressure like a metal. Unlike white phosphorus, red and black phosphorus do not dissolve in carbon disulfide, they are not poisonous or flammable.

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White Phosphorus The white modification of phosphorus, obtained by condensation of vapors, has a molecular crystal lattice, in the nodes of which P4 molecules are dislocated. Due to the weakness of intermolecular forces, white phosphorus is volatile, fusible, cut with a knife and dissolved in non-polar solvents, such as carbon disulfide. White phosphorus is a highly reactive substance. It reacts vigorously with oxygen, halogens, sulfur and metals. Oxidation of phosphorus in air is accompanied by heating and glow. Therefore, white phosphorus is stored under water, with which it does not react. White phosphorus is highly toxic. About 80% of the total production of white phosphorus goes to the synthesis of pure phosphoric acid. It, in turn, is used to produce sodium polyphosphates (they are used to reduce the hardness of drinking water) and food phosphates. The rest of the white phosphorus is used to create smoke-forming substances and incendiary mixtures. Safety engineering. In the production of phosphorus and its compounds, special precautions are required, because white phosphorus is a strong poison. Prolonged work in an atmosphere of white phosphorus can lead to disease of bone tissue, loss of teeth, necrosis of jaw areas. When ignited, white phosphorus causes painful burns that do not heal for a long time. White phosphorus should be stored under water, in airtight containers. Burning phosphorus is extinguished with carbon dioxide, CuSO4 solution or sand. Burnt skin should be washed with KMnO4 or CuSO4 solution. The antidote for phosphorus poisoning is a 2% solution of CuSO4. During long-term storage, as well as when heated, white phosphorus turns into a red modification (it was first received only in 1847). The name red phosphorus refers to several modifications at once, differing in density and color: it ranges from orange to dark red and even purple. All varieties of red phosphorus are insoluble in organic solvents, and compared to white phosphorus, they are less reactive and have a polymer structure: these are P4 tetrahedra connected to each other in endless chains.

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Red and black phosphorus Red phosphorus is used in metallurgy, the production of semiconductor materials and incandescent lamps, and is used in match production. The most stable modification of phosphorus is black phosphorus. It is obtained by allotropic transformation of white phosphorus at t=2200C and high pressure. In appearance, it resembles graphite. The crystal structure of black phosphorus is layered, consisting of corrugated layers (Fig. 2). Black phosphorus is the least active modification of phosphorus. When heated without access to air, it, like red, passes into vapor, from which it condenses into white phosphorus.

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An experiment illustrating the transition of red phosphorus to white 1-molecules of white phosphorus; 2-crystalline. black phosphorus lattice 3

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Phosphorus (V) oxide - Р2О5 Phosphorus forms several oxides. The most important of them is phosphorus oxide (V) P4O10. Often its formula is written in a simplified form - P2O5. The structure of this oxide retains the tetrahedral arrangement of phosphorus atoms. White crystals, t melt = 5700°C, boil t = 6000°C, ρ = 2.7 g/cm3. Has several modifications. In vapor it consists of P4H10 molecules, it is very hygroscopic (used as a desiccant for gases and liquids). Preparation: 4P + 5O2 = 2P2O5 Chemical properties All chemical properties of acidic oxides: reacts with water, basic oxides and alkalis 1) P2O5 + H2O = 2HPO3 (metaphosphoric acid) P2O5 + 2H2O = H4P2O7 (pyrophosphoric acid) acid) 2) P2O5 + 3BaO =Ba3(PO4)2 Due to its exceptional hygroscopicity, phosphorus (V) oxide is used in laboratory and industrial technology as a drying and dehydrating agent. In its drying effect, it surpasses all other substances.

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Orthophosphoric acid. Several acids containing phosphorus are known. The most important of them is orthophosphoric acid H3PO4. Anhydrous orthophosphoric acid is a light transparent crystals, deliquescent in air at room temperature. Melting point 42.35°C. With water, phosphoric acid forms solutions of any concentration.

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Orthophosphoric acid. Obtaining phosphoric acid In the laboratory In industry, the oxidation of phosphorus with 30% nitric acid: 3P + 5NO3 + 2H2O = 3H3PO4 + 5NO concentrated by evaporation. The thermal method consists in the reduction of natural phosphates to free phosphorus, followed by its combustion to P4O10 and the dissolution of the latter in water. Orthophosphoric acid produced by this method is characterized by higher purity and higher concentration (up to 80%).

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Physical properties of H3PO4 Orthophosphoric acid in its pure form under normal conditions is a colorless rhombic crystals, melting at a temperature of 42.3 ° C. However, chemists rarely encounter such an acid. Much more often they deal with H3PO4 * 0.5 H2O hemihydrate, which precipitates in the form of colorless hexagonal prisms when concentrated aqueous solutions of phosphoric acid are cooled. The melting point of the hemihydrate is 29.3°C. Pure H3PO4 after melting forms a viscous oily liquid with low electrical conductivity and greatly reduced diffusivity. These properties, as well as a detailed study of the spectra, show that the H3PO4 molecules in this case are practically not dissociated and are united by strong hydrogen bonds into a single macromolecular structure. As a rule, molecules are connected to each other by one, rarely two, and very rarely three hydrogen bonds. If the acid is diluted with water, then its molecules are more likely to form hydrogen bonds with water than with each other. Because of such "sympathy" for water, acid mixes with it in any relationship. The hydration energy here is not as high as that of sulfuric acid; therefore, the heating of H3PO4 upon dilution is not so strong and dissociation is less pronounced. According to the first stage of dissociation, phosphoric acid is considered an electrolyte of medium strength (25 - 30%), according to the second - weak, according to the third - very weak.

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Chemical properties of orthophosphoric acid are common with other specific acids 1. An aqueous solution of the acid changes the color of the indicators. Dissociation occurs in steps: H3PO4 ---> H++H2PO4- H2PO-4 ---> H++HPO42- HPO42- ---> H++PO43- Dissociation is the easiest in the first step and most difficult in the third 2. Reacts with metals located in the displacement row to hydrogen: 6Na + 2H3PO4 ---> 2Na3PO4 + ZH2 3. Reacts with basic oxides: 3CaO + 2H3PO4 ---> Ca3 (PO4) 2 + ZH2O 4. Reacts with bases and ammonia; if the acid is taken in excess, then acidic salts are formed: H3PO4 + 3NaOH ---> Na3PO4 + ZH2O H3PO4 + 2NH3 ---> (NH4) 2HPO4 H3PO4 + NaOH ---> NaH2PO4 + H2O 5. Reacts with salts of weak acids: 2H3PO4 + ZNa2CO3 --> 2Na3PO4 + ZCO2 + ZH2O 1. When heated, it gradually turns into metaphosphoric acid: 2H3P04 ---> H4P207 + H20 (diphosphoric acid) H4P2O7 ---> 2HPO3 + H2O ) a yellow precipitate appears: H3PO4 + 3AgNO3 ---> Ag3P04 + 3HN03 yellow precipitate 3. Orthophosphoric acid plays an important role in the life of animals and plants. Its residues are part of ATP adenosine triphosphoric acid. The decomposition of ATP releases a large amount of energy. You will learn more about ATP in the course of general biology and organic chemistry.

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Chemical properties of H3PO4 When neutralizing phosphoric acid with alkalis, salts are formed: dihydrophosphates, hydrophosphates, and also phosphates, for example: H3PO4 + NaOH = NaH2PO4 + H2O sodium dihydrogen phosphate H3PO4 + 2NaOH = Na2HPO4 + 2H2O sodium hydrogen phosphate H3PO4 + 3NaOH = Na3PO4 + 3H2O sodium phosphate

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Phosphorus in the human body In the human body weighing 70 kg. Contains about 780 g of phosphorus. In the form of calcium phosphates, phosphorus is present in the bones of humans and animals. It is also included in the composition of proteins, phospholipids, nucleic acids; phosphorus compounds are involved in energy metabolism (adenisine triphosphoric acid, ATP). The daily need of the human body for phosphorus is 1.2 g. We consume the main amount of it with milk and bread (100 g of bread contains approximately 200 mg of phosphorus). Fish, beans and some types of cheese are the richest in phosphorus. Interestingly, for proper nutrition, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the amount of phosphorus and calcium consumed: the optimal ratio in these food elements is 1.5/1. An excess of phosphorus-rich food leads to leaching of calcium from the bones, and with an excess of calcium, urolithiasis develops.

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Matches The incendiary surface of a matchbox is coated with a mixture of red phosphorus and glass powder. The composition of the match head includes oxidizing agents (PbO2, KClO3, BaCrO4) and reducing agents (S, Sb2S3). With friction from the incendiary surface, the mixture applied to the match ignites. The first phosphorus matches - with a white phosphorus head - were created only in 1827. 6P + 5KCLO3 = 5KCL + 3P2O5 Such matches caught fire when rubbed against any surface, which often led to fires. In addition, white phosphorus is highly toxic. Cases of poisoning with phosphorus matches are described, both due to careless handling and for the purpose of suicide: for this it was enough to eat a few match heads. That is why phosphorus matches were replaced by safe ones, which serve us faithfully to this day. industrial production safety matches began in Sweden in the 60s. XIX century.

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Mineral fertilizers Fertilizer name Chemical composition Color and appearance Obtaining in industry and being in nature 1. Nitrogen fertilizers Sodium nitrate (sodium nitrate) NaNO3 (15-16% N) White or gray crystalline substance with hygroscopic properties (impurities give gray color) Obtained during the production of nitric acid. Nitrous gases (N0 and NO2), not absorbed by water, are passed through soda solutions: Na2CO3 + 2NO2 --> NaNO3 + NaNO2 + CO2 Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate) KN03 (12.5-13% N) White crystalline substance Relatively small deposits of KNO3 are located in Central Asia. In industry, it is obtained as follows: KCl + NaNO3 ---> NaCl + KN03 Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) NH4NO3 (15-16% N) White crystalline, very hygroscopic substance Obtained by neutralizing 48 - 60% nitric acid with ammonia: NH3 +HNO3 --->NH4NO3 The resulting solution is concentrated and crystallization is carried out in special towers

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Mineral fertilizers Fertilizer name Chemical composition Color and appearance Obtained in industry and found in nature 1. Nitrogen fertilizers Ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4 (20.5-21% N) White (gray or greenish due to impurities) crystalline powder , slightly hygroscopic Obtained by the interaction of ammonia with sulfuric acid: 2NH3 + H2SO4 ---> (NH4)2SO4 Carbamide CO (NH2) 2 (46% N) White fine-crystalline, hygroscopic, sometimes granular substance Obtained by the interaction of ox- carbon dioxide (IV) with ammonia (at high pressure and temperature): CO2+2NH3 --->CO(NH2)2+H2O 2.. Phosphate fertilizers Simple superphosphate Ca(H2P04)2 2H2O CaSO4∙2H2O (up to 20% P2O5 ) Gray fine-grained powder Obtained by the interaction of phosphorites or apatites with sulfuric acid: Ca3 (PO4) 2 + 2H25O4 ---> Ca (H2PO4) 2 + 2CaSO4

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Mineral fertilizers Fertilizer name Chemical composition Color and appearance Obtained in industry and found in nature 2.. Phosphate fertilizers Double superphosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 H2O (40% P205) Similar to simple superphosphate Production is carried out in two stages: a)Ca3(PO4 )2+3H2SO4 --> 2H3PO4 +3CaSO4 CaSO4 precipitates and is separated by filtration: b) Ca3(PO4)2+4H3PO4 --> 3Ca(H2PO4)2 3. Potassium fertilizers Potassium chloride KCl (52-60% K20) White crystalline substance Potassium chloride occurs naturally as the mineral sylvinite (NaCI∙KCI)

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Mineral fertilizers Fertilizer name Chemical composition Color and appearance Obtained in industry and found in nature 3. Potash fertilizers Ammonium dihydroorthophosphate NH4H2PO4 (with impurities) White (grayish due to impurities) crystalline powder Obtained by the interaction of phosphoric acid with ammonia: NH3 + H3P04 ---> NH4H2PO4 Ammonium hydrogen orthophosphate (NH4)2HPO4 with (NH4)2S04 and other impurities Same as ammonium dihydroorthophosphate Prepared similarly to ammonium dihydroorthophosphate: 2NH3+H3P04 ---> (NH4)2HPO4

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The importance of phosphorus Phosphoric acid is of great importance as one of the most important components of plant nutrition. Phosphorus is used by plants to build their most vital parts, seeds and fruits. Orthophosphoric acid derivatives are very necessary not only for plants, but also for animals. Bones, teeth, shells, claws, needles, spikes in most living organisms consist mainly of calcium orthophosphate. In addition, phosphoric acid, forming various compounds with organic substances, is actively involved in the metabolic processes of a living organism with environment. As a result, phosphorus derivatives are found in bones, brain, blood, muscle and connective tissues of human and animal organisms. There is especially a lot of phosphoric acid in the composition of nerve (brain) cells, which allowed A.E. Fersman, a well-known geochemist, called phosphorus an "element of thought." Very negatively (animal disease rickets, anemia, etc.) affects the state of the body by lowering the content of phosphorus compounds in the diet or introducing them in an indigestible form.

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The use of phosphorus Orthophosphoric acid is currently used quite widely. Its main consumer is the production of phosphate and combined fertilizers. For these purposes, about 100 million tons of phosphorus-containing ore are annually mined all over the world. Phosphorus fertilizers not only help to increase the yield of various crops, but also give plants winter hardiness and resistance to other adverse climatic conditions, create conditions for faster ripening of crops in areas with short vegetative period. They also have a beneficial effect on the soil, contributing to its structuring, the development of soil bacteria, changing the solubility of other substances contained in the soil and suppressing some of the resulting harmful organic substances. A lot of orthophosphoric acid is consumed by the food industry. The fact is that dilute phosphoric acid tastes very pleasant and its small additions to marmalades, lemonades and syrups significantly improve their taste. Some salts of phosphoric acid have the same property. Calcium hydrogen phosphates, for example, have long been included in baking powders, improving the taste of rolls and bread. Other industrial applications of phosphoric acid are also of interest. For example, it has been observed that the impregnation of wood with the acid itself and its salts makes the wood incombustible. On this basis, fire-retardant paints, non-combustible phosphorwood boards, non-combustible phosphate foam and others are now being produced. Construction Materials. Various salts of phosphoric acid are widely used in many industries, in construction, in various fields of technology, in public utilities and everyday life, to protect against radiation, to soften water, to combat boiler scale and to manufacture various detergents. Phosphoric acid, condensed acids and dehydrogenated phosphates serve as catalysts in the processes of dehydration, alkylation and polymerization of hydrocarbons. A special place is occupied by organophosphorus compounds as extractants, plasticizers, lubricants, gunpowder additives and absorbents in refrigeration units. Acid alkyl phosphate salts are used as surfactants, antifreezes, special fertilizers, latex anticoagulants, etc. Acid alkyl phosphates are used for extraction processing of uranium ore liquors.

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Tasks Phosphorus 1. Write the electronic formula of the phosphorus atom. Explain what happens to the electronic configuration of an atom when it exhibits the highest degree oxidation. 2. What oxidation states can phosphorus exhibit in compounds? Give examples of these compounds. Write the electronic formula of the phosphorus atom in the +3 oxidation state. 3. What are the main differences in the physical and chemical properties of red and white phosphorus. How can red phosphorus be separated from white impurities? 4. Calculate the relative density of phosphine from hydrogen and air. Is phosphine lighter or heavier than these gases? 5. How can one make the transition from red phosphorus to white and vice versa? Are these processes chemical phenomena? Explain the answer. 6. Calculate the mass of phosphorus that must be burned in oxygen to obtain phosphorus (V) oxide weighing 3.55 g? 7. A mixture of red and white phosphorus weighing 20 g was treated with carbon disulfide. The undissolved residue was separated and weighed; its mass was 12.6 g. Calculate the mass fraction of white phosphorus in the initial mixture. 8. What is the type of chemical bond in compounds: a) РН3; b) PCl5; c) Li3P. In polar substances, indicate the direction of displacement of common electron pairs. 9. Phosphine can be obtained by the action of hydrochloric acid on calcium phosphide. Calculate the volume of phosphine (normal conditions) that is formed from 9.1 g of calcium phosphide. The mass fraction of the product yield is 90%.

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Orthophosphoric acid and its salts 1. Write the reaction equations between phosphoric acid and the following substances: a) magnesium oxide; b) potassium carbonate; c) silver nitrate; d) iron sulfate (II). 2. Write the equations for the reactions between phosphoric acid and potassium hydroxide, as a result of which 3 types of salts are formed: medium and two acidic. 3. Which of the acids is a stronger oxidizing agent: nitric or orthophosphoric? Explain the answer. 4. Write the reaction equations that can be used to carry out the following transformations: P → P205 → H3P04 → Na3P04 → Ca3(P04)2 (P04)2→Ca(H2P04)2 Write the equations for these reactions. 6. Using the electron balance method, select the coefficients in the schemes of the following redox reactions: a) РН3 + О2 →Р2О5 + Н2О shares of phosphoric acid 40% can be obtained from phosphorite weighing 100 kg with a mass fraction of Ca3 (PO4) 2 93%? 8. Phosphoric acid weighing 195 kg was obtained from natural phosphorite weighing 310 kg. Calculate the mass fraction of Ca3(PO4)2 in natural phosphorite. 9. An aqueous solution containing 19.6 g of phosphoric acid was neutralized with 18.5 g of calcium hydroxide. Determine the mass of the CaHPO4 2H2O precipitate formed. 10. There is a solution of phosphoric acid weighing 150 g ( mass fraction H3PO4 24.5%). Calculate the volume of ammonia (normal conditions) that must be passed through the solution to obtain ammonium dihydrogen phosphate. 11. What salt is formed if potassium hydroxide (2.8 g) is added to a solution containing H3PO4 weighing 4.9 g? Calculate the mass of the resulting salt

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Mineral fertilizers 1. What nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers do you know? Write the reaction equations for their production. Why do plants need nitrogen and phosphorus? 2. Determine the mass fraction of phosphorus (V) oxide in the CaHPO4 2H2O precipitate. 3. Mass fraction of phosphorus(V) oxide in superphosphate is 20%. Determine the mass of superphosphate that must be introduced under a fruit tree if phosphorus weighing 15.5 g is required for the normal development of the tree. 4. The mass fraction of nitrogen in the fertilizer is 14%. All nitrogen is included in the fertilizer in the composition of urea CO(NH2)2. Calculate the mass fraction of urea in this fertilizer. 5. In superphosphate, the mass fraction of phosphorus (V) oxide is 25%. Calculate the mass fraction of Ca(H2PO4)2 in this fertilizer. 6. Calculate the mass of ammonium sulfate, which should be taken in order to apply nitrogen weighing 2 tons to the soil on an area of ​​5 hectares. What mass of fertilizer should be applied to each square meter of soil? 7. Calculate the mass of ammonium nitrate to be applied to an area of ​​100 ha if the mass of nitrogen applied to an area of ​​1 ha is to be 60 kg. 8. Phosphorus (V) oxide weighing 0.4 kg must be introduced into the soil under the fruit tree. What mass of superphosphate should be taken in this case, if the mass fraction of assimilable phosphorus (V) oxide in it is 20%? 9. Under the fruit tree, it is necessary to add ammonium nitrate weighing 140 g (the mass fraction of nitrogen in nitrate is 35%). Determine the mass of ammonium sulfate that can be used to add the same amount of nitrogen.

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References: 1. F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis. CHEMISTRY. Textbook for grade 9 educational institutions. - M., 5th edition, ENLIGHTENMENT, 1997. 2. CHEMISTRY. Reference materials. Under the editorship of Yu.D. Tretyakov, - M., EDUCATION, 1984. 3. CHEMISTRY. Schoolchildren's handbook, - M., 1995. 4. CHEMISTRY. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 17, AVANTA, 2000 5. Weser V.-J., Phosphorus and its compounds, trans. from English, - M., 1963. 6. Internet: