Organizational structure of public catering enterprise management. Organizational structures of management at public catering establishments


In this term paper I am analyzing the question: Organization and management of an ice cream parlor for 50 places”

Ice Cream Cafe is an enterprise specializing in the sale of various types of ice cream with and without fillers, milkshakes, hot and cold drinks, fruits, juices, and confectionery.

Having analyzed that this modern society largely consists of young families and older people, it can be assumed that this topic should be very relevant, but in view of others more global problems, it does not matter much, but it is fixable. profitability turnover management financial

Catering management

Functions of managing a catering enterprise

Analysis of the management process by its functions is the basis for establishing the scope of work for each function, determining the number of managerial employees, designing the structure of the management apparatus.

There are basic, specific and special management functions.

The main functions of management are common to all production and economic systems, they apply to any object of management. They are necessary for solving general management problems and are typical for the entire management process. Based on the content of the work performed, the general management functions are classified as follows:

  • - forecasting and planning
  • - work organization
  • - coordination and regulation
  • - activation and stimulation
  • - control, accounting and analysis.

The implementation of each of the functions of managing an enterprise, a public catering organization includes the above typical elements of the management cycle.

The planning function includes the development of work plans for the organization, the public catering enterprise and each of its structural divisions, and bringing these plans to all members of the team. Plans are developed on the basis of forecasting, modeling and programming. The planning function is the main one in management, since the implementation of all other functions is subject to the tasks of achieving the results determined by the plan.

The work organization function ensures the interconnection and effectiveness of all management functions. Its content is as follows: organization of work on long-term and current economic and social planning; organization of selection, placement of personnel on a functional basis.

The regulation function ensures the sustainability and stability of the public catering system. By performing the function of regulation, uniformity and consistency are achieved in production, service, supply, the given rhythm of the production and trade process, rational flows of raw materials, semi-finished products, means of material and technical equipment, the organizational and technical level of enterprises, set technological standards are maintained. Regulation ensures stable relationships between members of the production team.

In public catering organizations, regulation covers mainly current measures to eliminate various deviations from planned targets and schedules. In management practice, this function

Important management functions are control, accounting and analysis. Effective operational control performance and reliable accounting in the work of all links of production and management is a necessary condition for the successful work of the production team, the correct education of personnel in the spirit of high responsibility for the task assigned and the strictest observance of state discipline.

Control is designed to constantly provide information about the actual implementation of decisions. It is based on the principle of organization feedback that arise in any interaction between the subject and the object in the control system.

The main task of monitoring the activities of public catering enterprises is not only to identify violations of trade rules, but also to prevent them. Control over the work of enterprises is carried out by higher organizations, the state inspection for the quality of goods and trade.

The State Sanitary Inspectorate and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service pay great attention to the activities of public catering enterprises. They exercise supervision and control over the implementation of the norms of the rules of general and industrial sanitary hygiene, as well as control the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological measures. They check the fulfillment of sanitary and hygienic standards in the design, construction and reconstruction of enterprises, organize control over sanitary condition operating enterprises. They have the right to suspend work in case of violation of sanitary norms and rules, to suspend from work persons who are bacillus carriers or who have not undergone a medical examination, to impose a fine on persons guilty of violating sanitary rules.

A specific management function is determined by the tasks of managing the activities of an enterprise (association), catering in general, or specific stages of the production and trade process, or individual areas of economic activity, or tasks information support management, etc.

Specific management functions are classified according to the following criteria. Thus, the tasks of managing the activities of an enterprise (association), the organization of public catering as a whole include: long-term and current technical, economic and social planning, organization of work on standardization, accounting and reporting, economic analysis. The tasks of managing specific stages of the production and trade process include: technical training production, organization of production, management technological processes, operational management of production, organization of metrological support, technological control, sales of products and organization of customer service. The content of specific management functions depends on the location of the enterprise, economic organization in the structure of the public catering management system, its degree of centralization of management functions, etc.

Full or partial coincidence of the content of management functions at different levels indicates their duplication, which reduces the effectiveness of the management system, causes irrational labor costs.

Depending on the degree of centralization of management, the volume and characteristics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, the organization of public catering in management practice, one function can be performed by several structural units or one structural unit can perform several management functions.

In organizations (at enterprises) of public catering, planning for the social development of teams has become widespread, which led to the formation of new special functions:

  • - organization of work to improve the social structure of the workforce, the creation of favorable working conditions
  • - organization of work on the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the social activity of the individual.

Management functions are the basis for building the structure of the management system of public catering enterprises (associations), which directly depends on the content, nature and complexity of their implementation.

    Classification of the essential food. Typology.

    The development of competition. Integration and diversification of public catering.

Classification of public catering. Typology

As already noted, the catering industry is formed as a set of catering organizations operating. In the course of reforming the economy in public catering, there have been significant changes that have created the basis for the development of market relations. The administrative-distributive system of industry management was liquidated, enterprises received legal and economic independence.

With the adoption in 1995 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the types of enterprises that can be formed in Russia, including those in public catering, were clearly defined. According to the Code, the Russian Federation recognizes private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership. At present, as a result of the privatization, the share of the non-state, mainly private public catering sector in the retail trade turnover is more than 90%. V modern conditions anyone who has the desire and the necessary funds has the right to organize their own business, including in public catering, based on a certain form of ownership. The complete independence of catering enterprises is ensured by the fact that enterprises independently determine the goals and ways to achieve them in accordance with the norms of the legislation in force in the country.

According to Chapter 4 of the Code, depending on activity goals organizations can be formed as legal entities of a commercial type or as non-profit organizations. Legal entities of a commercial type include organizations that pursue profit as the main goal of their activities.

According to the Code commercial organizations can be created in the following organizational and legal forms:

    business partnerships and companies;

    production cooperatives;

    state and municipal unitary enterprises. Forums of non-profit organizations may be as follows:

    consumer cooperatives;

    public and religious organizations (associations); -funds;


    associations of legal entities (associations and unions). Household moe "apuuiccmea are commercial

organizations with share capital divided into contributions of participants. There are general and limited partnerships.

Business companies are commercial organizations with an authorized capital divided into shares of the founders. Allocate joint-stock companies, limited companies with additional liability.

The differences between business companies and partnerships are as follows:

  • 1) a company is an association of capital, and a partnership is a
    tingling faces;
  • 2) only individual entrepreneurs or creative organizations can participate in partnerships;

    the constituent documents of companies are the charter and the constituent agreement, and partnerships - only the constituent agreement;

    the participants in the company are not liable for its debts with all their property, and they bear the risk of loss in proportion to their share, and the participants in the partnership may be liable with all their property;

    the company has special management bodies in which the meeting of shareholders is the highest;

    a company can be created by one person who becomes its participant on the basis of the charter.

Furnace associations is an organization whose participants are engaged in entrepreneurial activities on behalf of the partnership and are liable for its obligations with their property.

One person can be a participant in only one full partnership.

The management of a general partnership is carried out by common agreement of all participants, however, the memorandum of association may provide for cases where decisions are taken by a majority of votes. Each participant has one vote, unless otherwise provided by the memorandum of association.

Profits and losses of the partnership are distributed among the participants in proportion to their shares in the share capital, unless otherwise provided by the founding agreement. If, due to losses, the cost net assets becomes less than the size of the share capital, the profit will not be distributed among the participants until the value of net assets exceeds the size of the share capital. Participants are jointly and severally liable with their property for the obligations of the partnership.

Limited partnership(partnership in faith) - such an organization in which, along with participants, carrying out entrepreneurial activities and on behalf of the partnership and liable for obligations with their property (general partners), there are participants who bear the risk of losses within the amount of their contributions and do not take part in business activities.

A limited partnership is managed by the general partners. Contributors can participate in the conduct of the affairs of the partnership only by proxy.

Limited Liability Company it is recognized that the authorized capital of which is divided into shares of certain sizes, and the participants bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their contributions. The number of participants in a company must not exceed the limit established by the law on limited liability companies, otherwise it is subject to transformation into a joint-stock company within a year.

The supreme governing body of a limited liability company is the general meeting of participants. The current management of activities is carried out by the executive body accountable to the general meeting.

A participant in a company has the right to withdraw from it at any time, regardless of the consent of others, and if he agrees, he must be paid the value of a part of the property corresponding to his share in the authorized capital.

Company with additional liability such is recognized, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares, and the participants are liable for the obligations of the company with their property in the same multiple for all of the value of their contributions.

joint stock company is one whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares. Members of a joint-stock company bear the risk of losses associated with its activities within the limits of the value of their shares.

A joint-stock company whose members can alienate their shares without the consent of others is called open. A joint-stock company whose shares are distributed only among a predetermined circle of persons. called closed. The number of participants in a closed company must not exceed the number established by the Law on Joint Stock Companies, otherwise it is subject to transformation into an open company within a year.

The supreme governing body of a joint-stock company is the general meeting, current management is carried out by the executive body, which can be collegiate (board, directorate) or sole (director). In a company with more than fifty shareholders, a supervisory board (board of directors) will be created. The executive body is accountable to the general meeting of shareholders and the supervisory board.

There are also subsidiaries and affiliates.

subsidiaries such companies are called, in the authorized capital of which another main business company or partnership prevails.

addicted is such a company if the other has more than 20% of voting shares or 20% of the authorized capital.

Commercial organizations are also production cooperatives -voluntary associations citizens on the basis of membership with personal labor and other participation and making property contributions for joint economic activities, including trade, provision of services, etc. Legal entities may participate in the activities of production cooperatives.

The constituent document is the charter approved by the general meeting of its members, which must be at least five. The profit of the cooperative is distributed among its members in accordance with their labor participation, unless otherwise provided by the charter.

supreme governing body production cooperative general meeting of members, and if there are more than fifty members, a supervisory board will be created to control the activities of the executive bodies (the board and its chairman). Members of the cooperative are liable for one hundred obligations with all their property.

Commercial organizations can also be state and municipal unitary enterprises.

unitary enterprise - it commercial organization without the right of ownership to the property assigned to it by the owner. The property is in state or municipal ownership and belongs to the enterprise only on the right of economic management or operational management. The management body of a unitary enterprise is a head appointed by an authorized or accountable body to the owner. The founding document is the charter. A unitary enterprise is liable for its obligations with all the property belonging to this enterprise.

Non-profit organizations are consumer cooperative- voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership by making property shares in order to meet the needs of members. The consumer cooperative operates on the basis of the charter. Members of the cooperative are liable within the limits of the property contributed by them. Income from entrepreneurial activities is distributed among the members.

public and religious organizations(associations) Voluntary associations of citizens are recognized on the basis of their common interests to meet spiritual and other non-material needs. Members of these organizations do not retain the rights to property transferred to ownership, including membership fees. They are not responsible for the obligations of organizations.

Fund is a non-profit organization without membership, established by citizens and legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions, pursuing social, charitable, cultural and other socially useful goals. The property transferred by the founders is the property of the foundation. In this case, the founders are not liable for the obligations of the fund. The Foundation operates on the basis of the charter. It has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities necessary to achieve the socially useful goals for which it was created. In order to carry out entrepreneurial activities, funds have the right to create or participate in the activities of economic entities.

institution Recognize* an organization created by the owner to carry out management, socio-cultural and other functions of a non-commercial nature and financed by him in whole or in part. The institution is liable for its obligations with the resources at its disposal. in cash. In case of their insufficiency, the responsibility of the pssm with its property is borne by the owner.

Commercial and non-commercial organizations may, by agreement between themselves, create associations in the form associations and unions, being non-profit organizations for the purpose of representing and protecting common interests, or coordinating business activities. Members have the right to use its services free of charge and retain their independence and the rights of a legal entity. They are responsible for the obligations of the organization in the amount and in the manner prescribed by the constituent documents. Associations (unions) are not liable for the obligations of their members.

In the practice of economic activity, the grouping of enterprises has become widespread by the capacity of the production potential (by the size of the enterprise). On this basis, three groups are distinguished - small, medium and large. Basically, as a criterion for classifying enterprises as one of the groups, the number of employees with differentiation by sectors of the economy is taken, although in the international practice of differentiating business structures, they are also divided on the basis of the value of output and the value of means of production. Since 1996, according to the legislation in the Russian Federation, small businesses in retail and consumer services include enterprises with up to fifty employees. The division of enterprises into medium and large is conditional.

From point of view spheres of reproduction Catering establishments can be classed as:

    divisions of catering enterprises in manufacturing enterprises;

    warehouse and production areas of catering establishments;

    catering industry intermediaries;

    direct catering establishments.

In accordance with GOST R 50647 “Public catering. Terms and definitions” catering establishments differ in types and classes.

Enterprise type- this is his view from characteristic features services, the range of culinary products sold and the range of services provided.

By type of catering establishments are divided into a restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen, snack bar.

A restaurant is an enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

A bar is an enterprise with a bar counter that sells mixed, strong alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, flour confectionery and booth products, and purchased goods.

Cafe - an enterprise for catering and recreation of consumers with the provision of a limited range of products compared to a restaurant, selling branded, custom-made dishes, products and drinks.

Dining room - a public catering establishment that is publicly accessible or serves a certain contingent of consumers, producing and selling dishes in accordance with a menu varied by day of the week.

Snack bar - an enterprise with a limited range of dishes of simple preparation from a certain type of raw material and designed to quickly serve consumers.

Enterprise class- this is a set of distinctive features of an enterprise of a certain type, characterizing the quality of services provided, the level and conditions of service.

The class of the enterprise is determined independently by the owner. However, it is mandatory to confirm the compliance of the enterprise with the selected type and class by certification bodies accredited by the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology in the prescribed manner.

Restaurants and bars are divided into three classes: luxury, superior and first. Cafes, canteens and snack bars are not divided into classes.

The class is assigned to enterprises depending on their compliance with the following characteristics:

    interior - sophistication (luxury), originality (highest), harmony (first);

    comfort - high level (lux), availability (highest, first);

    choice of services - wide (luxury), availability (highest, first);

    assortment of dishes and products - original, refined, custom-made and branded (luxury, higher); varied (first);

5) assortment of drinks, cocktails - wide, custom-made and branded (luxury, higher); a diverse set of complex cooking for restaurants and simple custom-made and branded for bars (first).

The features of the functioning of the restaurant industry as a structural unit of the hotel complex are the following:

services provided to hotel customers are classified as additional;

· the cost of providing breakfast to guests, as a rule, is included in the cost of living in a hotel;

· for catering establishments there is such a contingent of visitors as staying in a hotel;

The share of catering profits in the total profit of the hotel complex is much higher than the share of profits from others additional services.

The last feature of the restaurant business is not always typical in the current situation. As emphasized by A.L. Lennik and A.V. Chernyshev, just a few years ago, any manager would have answered that the basis of a hotel's income is a restaurant and that it is impossible to imagine the existence of a five-star hotel without this establishment. At present, the situation has changed, modern managers are not so categorical, as they have seen from their own experience the difficulty of obtaining a high income from the sale of food and drinks in a restaurant (which makes one look for non-traditional ways to bring them to the consumer). The restaurant today is no longer a stable source of income, on the contrary, the economic situation, forcing to save on everything, is forcing hotel owners to close restaurants in hotels or rent them out.

Food service- this is a division of the hotel that provides services to guests in restaurants, cafes or bars of the hotel, resolves issues of organizing and servicing conferences, banquets, presentations, etc. This service includes:

section of cleaning and washing dishes;


banqueting service

· room service;

catering service.

Kitchen is a manufacturing center. Orders for the production of specific products (dishes) come from the restaurant from the waiters (on the basis of the menu compiled and offered to customers), as well as from the banquet hall, which works by prior order. In the kitchen, cooks prepare the necessary dishes.

Usually cleaning of the kitchen is carried out at night, so as not to interfere with the work of the cooks. Intermediate cleaning is carried out during the day - between lunch and dinner.

A restaurant- a catering company that provides guests with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery, including branded and complex preparations. A high level of service in restaurants is provided by qualified chefs, waiters, head waiters and combined with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

In the structure of hotel complexes there may be several restaurants, or there may not be a single one. In large hotels that are part of well-known hotel chains, there are usually two restaurants - a fashionable branded one and a small one with low prices for food and drinks. Restaurants in hotels serve both the guests staying in them and the general public. They also organize ceremonial and official receptions, meetings, conferences, congresses, provide guests with other services: the sale of souvenirs, flowers, room service, etc. Most restaurants provide a musical program and concerts.

The specificity of breakfast in a hotel restaurant is that almost all guests have breakfast at almost the same time. At the same time, most people are in a hurry to go on business and expect fast service. Hence, the most common type of service at breakfast is a buffet, the abundance of which is determined by the class of the hotel.

Rice. President Hotel Restaurant

Rice. Restaurant of the Baltschug Kempinski Hotel

Rice. Restaurant at Holiday Inn Vinogradovo

Rice. Restaurant of the Metropol Hotel

Rice. Tatiana hotel restaurant

Rice. Restaurant "Russian Cellar" of the Marriott Grand Hotel

In addition to restaurants, a large hotel necessarily has several smaller catering establishments: bars, cafes, buffets, etc.

Bar- a specialized catering establishment that provides guests with a variety of drinks, desserts, sweet dishes and snacks. In the bar there is an opportunity to relax in a cozy atmosphere, listen to music, have fun.

Bar - a small restaurant where visitors are served at the counter, as well as the counter itself, the bar manufactures and sells a wide range of mixed, strong alcoholic and low-alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, desserts, confectionery, and also creates conditions for their consumption at bar counter or in the hall.

Rice. Bar of the Iris congress hotel

Rice. Hotel Bar Katerina

Bars can be classified according to their location in the hotel building:

· the lobby bar serves as a convenient place for meetings and conversations. With the right management, such a bar can be a good source of profit;

· the restaurant bar is traditionally the most attractive element of the restaurant interior;

auxiliary bar - in some large hotels an additional bar is needed, which is outlet located in the back of the hotel building, on the floor. In large hotels there may be several. Here stocks of wines, beer and other drinks are concentrated for serving guests directly in the rooms;

· The banquet bar is located in the banquet hall. Used exclusively for banquets and conferences. Since these events usually involve serving many people at the same time, there are often several temporary bottle tables at different points in the room. As a rule, a banquet bar has a large stock of expensive and popular wines, liqueurs, beer and other drinks;

pool bar. Any high-class hotel (not only a resort) is unthinkable without a pool and a bar with it, where guests can relax with a glass of a drink;

mini-bars - small bars with a refrigerator in the guest rooms. They are designed to supply guests with drinks at any time of the day. The key to the minibar is usually included in the package that the guest receives from the reception. If the guest is not going to use the bar, he may not take this key. Drinks in minibars are replenished daily, and the cost of the drink is additionally included in the total bill;

Night bars

sports bars.

Rice. Banquet service

Rice. Lobby bar of Savoy Hotel

Rice. Lobby bar of Orlyonok hotel

Rice. Lobby bar of the hotel Baltschug Kempinski

Cafe- a small restaurant in which a diverse range of dishes, products and drinks is produced and sold in a limited assortment compared to a restaurant and taking into account specialization. As a rule, coffee, tea, soft drinks, snacks, hot main courses are sold in cafes.

A cafe is a catering establishment that provides guests with a limited range of dishes and drinks, flour confectionery, sour-milk products, combined with relaxation and entertainment. Most hotel complexes in their structure, along with restaurants, prefer to have a small cafe.

Although the restaurants, bars, cafes in the hotel complexes are designed to serve guests as a priority, in most cases they are public. Catering establishments as part of hotel-clubs, boarding houses serve only their guests.

Banquet Service provides banquets, meals for participants of conferences and other similar events in restaurants and banquet halls of the hotel.

Rice. Banquet service at the Holiday Inn Vinogradovo

Ensuring the possibility of banquet services is one of the most important requirements for business hotels. To do this, as part of the premises of catering establishments located in the hotel complex, along with the main restaurant hall, there should be special banquet halls (perhaps several halls of various capacities and for different types banquets), as well as staff with relevant knowledge and practical skills.

The hotel banqueting service can simultaneously prepare a variety of events and sometimes even hold them within one day. The work of the banquet service has both positive and negative features. The positive features include an increased (in comparison with a restaurant) price, a guaranteed load (number of guests), and relatively low labor costs. Disadvantages are the difficult activity of obtaining orders for banquets and, as a result, frequent downtime of the banquet premises. Nevertheless, even small European hotels (the number of rooms is 100-150) have an average of 5-10 banquet halls, and in large hotels (over 200 rooms) the number of such halls can reach twenty, since with successful work the banquet service can reach second place in terms of income (after the number of rooms).

The organization of any banquet includes receiving and placing an order, preparation for the banquet, service. Organized, clear work in preparing for the banquet service depends on how detailed and timely all the details of the banquet are agreed between the customer and the restaurant management. Therefore, it is desirable that the one who will directly manage the preparation of the banquet and the service of guests should be informed in detail about the features of this order.

Banquet service orders are taken directly by the director, head waiter or banquet service manager. An order for an event is issued for each event separately and contains the main information about what should happen and when, i.e. information for customers and service personnel. It can be done in writing or orally (by phone, as a result of a visit). In any case, the following must be agreed:

· the date of the;

a reason for arranging a banquet;

place of the event (name or number of the banquet hall);

start and end time of the service;

· number of participants;

whether any important persons will be present and what type of special attention should be given to them;

Sample menu

Bar opening hours

the type of drinks, when and how they should be served;

time of serving snacks and meals;

details of service at the table;

the cost of serving one person and the entire banquet;

· terms of payment;

Address and telephone number of the customer.

All these details must be confirmed by the client. Usually, the client is sent two copies of the order, one of which is intended for the client, the second he signs and returns to the organizers of the banquet.

In the attached letter, the client is thanked for choosing this particular hotel and notes the importance for the hotel to have such a client. Numerous phone calls allow you to clarify the details and report on how the case is progressing. The number of guests indicated by the client must certainly be specified several times so that there are no overlaps.

Searching for clients for a banquet room is a very specific procedure: it depends on the location of the restaurant, the market segment in which it operates, etc. It is difficult to give any general recommendations here - it all depends on the ability of the banquet manager to find clients.

As for placing an order and holding a banquet, this procedure can be divided into several stages.

1. Offering (and discussing with) a menu, drinks, a microphone, a movie or video installation, etc. to a client. The standard set of banquet services includes:

hall rent;

choice of menu and drinks;

decoration of tables and halls;

musical accompaniment (at the request of the customer);

printing works (invitations, cards with the names of guests);

· service.

At a banquet it is impossible to provide a separate menu for each guest. You have to count on some average taste. Usually the variety is limited to the choice of a second course from two possible ones (meat or fish, beef or chicken). It is advisable to clarify whether all guests can consume standard dishes, and, if necessary, an individual menu can be provided for individual guests.

2. The conclusion of the contract, which stipulates the menu, price, number of guests, the arrangement of tables in the hall. Usually, when placing an order, a deposit (30-50% of the cost) is paid. If the client cancels the banquet in less than 3-5 days, the deposit is not returned.

The price of renting the premises itself usually depends on the cost of the order itself: the more expensive the order, the lower the rent.

3. A week before the banquet, the menu is sent to the relevant services, which must provide the required number of service personnel (waiters) and equipment (tablecloths, dishes, etc.). 2 days before the banquet, the final agreement with the customer is made, primarily on the number of guests. Usually this number is determined "with a margin" of 5-10%. It is advisable to clarify the number of guests 10 days before the banquet, a week before, 3 days before and, finally, 2 days before. No changes to the contract can be made a day before the banquet. One of the main features of banquet service is the need to attract an additional number of waiters to serve guests, often "from outside". These waiters are not familiar with the restaurant, its technology, they do not know each other. Therefore, they must work under the direction of the restaurant staff.

4. At least 30 minutes before the start of the banquet, the banquet manager meets the customer, escorts him to the banquet hall and together with him conducts the last check of the readiness of the premises, tables, additional equipment, as well as auxiliary premises (toilet, wardrobe). Alcoholic drinks are opened in the presence of the customer.

Cold appetizers of fish, butter and fresh vegetables are served first, followed by appetizers of meat, poultry and game. After cold fish appetizers, waiters replace used dishes and cutlery with clean ones for cold meat appetizers. After cold appetizers, hot dishes are served, then the first, second hot dishes, dessert, fruits and hot drinks.

1.5-2 hours after the start of the banquet, a break is usually made for 30-40 minutes so that guests can smoke and dance. At this time, the waiters put the tables in order, ventilate the room, and prepare the next dish to be served.

When accepting an order for banquet services, the customer is offered to get acquainted with the premises for the banquet, coordinate with him the plan for arranging tables, places guests of honor(if this is a banquet at the table, then the plan for placing guests at each table separately, based on the norm of 60-80 cm per person), approximate design of the banquet hall.

When ordering, it is specified whether guests will be served an aperitif cocktail, whether flowers are needed for decoration, music during the banquet and a place for dancing.

It is very important that catering sales staff are provided with appropriate technical and visual aids, such as:

· the possibility of technical equipment of events with computers, a stage, a dance floor, lighting, microphones, musical instruments;

· the image of various arrangements of tables and chairs;

· color slides, photographs of buffets, cold appetizers, hot and cold dishes offered in the menu;

photographs and videos of the events.

An order for a banquet can be accepted many days before it takes place. Despite the fact that the approximate menu of dishes was discussed when accepting the order, it is usually agreed with the customer 2-4 days before the banquet.

When servicing banquets held on a special occasion (birthdays, weddings, corporate holidays, anniversaries), programs corresponding to the event should be drawn up.

On the banquet table, according to the plan for placing guests at the device of each participant in the banquet reception, as a rule, a card is placed, which indicates the surname and initials, and sometimes the titles of the guests.

When holding various anniversaries, family celebrations, banquets on the occasion of signing contracts, concluding business agreements, a banquet-buffet is also organized.

A feature of serving a banquet-buffet is that guests eat and drink standing at tables where no chairs are placed. The menu of such a banquet includes cold and hot appetizers, stand-up main courses, dessert and hot drinks. Snacks should be served in small portions "under the fork", i.e. so that you can eat them without the help of a knife. Hot snacks and meals are also served in small portions so that only a fork can be used.

Banquets-buffets provide for an unregulated stay of guests. They are economical: with equal areas of the hall at a banquet-buffet, you can serve 4-5 times more guests than at a banquet at the table.

Banquet-cocktail - a banquet at which small portions of snacks are served in the form of sandwiches, cakes, cookies, etc.

The advantage of serving the "cocktail" type is that you can receive many guests in a small room, while not requiring a large amount of furniture, dishes, table linen. The cocktail time is short, the cost of organizing it is much less than for other types of banquets. Guests are free to come at different times. Banquet tables are not set.

During the banquet, the manager maintains contact with the kitchen: he must tell how many guests have come, when what to serve, etc. One of the specific features of banquet service is that the waiters leave the hall after changing the dishes.

When preparing for a banquet, it is necessary to determine the number of waiters and other workers required to serve it. The required number of waiters is determined depending on the complexity of the menu, the frequency of changing appliances, the distance of the banquet table from the distribution, service, dishwasher, buffets, the location of utility tables, the provision of dishes, etc.

Directly on the day of the banquet, the manager or headwaiter conducts a briefing with the waiters, during which he informs them who and in honor of whom or what event the banquet is being held, specifies the start time of the banquet, the number and approximate composition of its participants by nationality, gender, age, etc. ., introduces the waiters to the table arrangement plan, the number of guests at each of them and the plan for placing the participants of the banquet at the table, informs the menu of dishes and drinks, the features of the banquet table setting, specifies whether an aperitif will be served, what drinks and snacks to serve during the aperitif, how long it will last, where coffee and tea will be served, how many coffee tables will have to be served.

The concept of " room service» for some time was used in relation to any maintenance of guest rooms in a hotel. Nowadays it is used in a narrower sense - serving food and drinks in rooms.

A first-class hotel must have Room Service, even if it is unprofitable. However, if properly organized, this service can provide up to 15% of the hotel's income. The menu in Room Service is usually limited (sometimes prepared separately from the restaurant), but in upscale hotels through this service you can order any dish from the restaurant. The dish is delivered on trolleys in special containers that provide the required food temperature. The main part of the load of this service falls on breakfast (up to 70%), and, as a rule, up to 3/4 of all morning orders are the simplest "continental" breakfast. In large hotels, Room Service is available around the clock. Prices in this service are usually higher than restaurant prices.

Service in hotel rooms requires special training of staff. It is connected not only with the fulfillment of the wishes of the guests, table setting, the sequence of serving dishes, service techniques, but also with the rules of conduct for staff in the room. That is, one must always be in a state of readiness, when everything that may be required should be at hand.

Hotel customers make orders by phone directly to the maitre d', as well as to the maids who maintain constant contact with the maitre d'. In large hotels, orders can be taken by a duty or senior waiter. Orders to this service can also be received on a card in which the guest marks the menu and the time of serving and hangs it in the evening on the handle of his room outside. The main thing in the work of the service is the speed of delivery, so a special service elevator is usually required. Some hotels, in order to avoid delays in the execution of orders, in the busiest hours for this service, give it elevators for exclusive use.

When accepting an order, it is mandatory to take into account and record the following data:

the number of the room in which breakfast, lunch or dinner should be served;

the number of guests served;

Detailed name and quantity of ordered dishes, snacks, drinks;

the time of the order;

the time of the order.

Having accepted the order, the head waiter passes it on to the direct executors: the waiter, the kitchen workers. Modern hotels (or "latest generation" hotels) have a dedicated room service kitchen adjacent to the main kitchen. This allows guests to offer a more varied menu specifically focused on room service.

For service in hotel rooms, special tableware and appliances are used (metal deep dishes with lids, metal coffee pots, teapots, creamers, various supplies, appliances and equipment for heating and maintaining the temperature of hot dishes and drinks directly in the room), rectangular trays, service trolleys of various designs, lightweight folding portable tables.

There are many definitions and definitions catering. Moreover, each specialist in this business has his own understanding of this type of activity. Nevertheless, I will try to give a definition of catering, which is based on experience joint activities with Western management in the hospitality industry, where this concept actually came from. Catering refers to the activities of organizing and holding various business rituals (business receptions, exhibitions, presentations, press conferences, forums, congresses, conferences, symposiums, seminars, and other events).

Often the concept of catering is associated exclusively with banquet services. However, this is not quite true.

Catering (from English. catering) - the provision of catering services outside the premises of a cafe or restaurant. This service of picnics, outdoor events, festivals, holidays, weddings and receptions is carried out with the help of professional managers. Catering services allow customers to arrange a mini-restaurant anywhere and at any time.

Catering includes the following services:

cooking according to a pre-approved menu;

table setting and service;

Provision of furniture, crockery and cutlery;

provision of musical accompaniment;

Delivery of everything necessary to the venue of the event.

Catering often includes serving pre-prepared and packaged meals.

By the nature and types of catering is:

· in room;

Outdoors (on the street, in nature);

· individual;

travel (for example, exit sale from a car);

Retail sale.

Generally speaking, catering is a catering business. The Americans coined the term. Cater - to supply provisions, serve the visitor, try to please. Originally, the word referred to a person or business that supplies food, utensils, drinks, and other necessities for a social event.

The term "field service" - catering - refers to the type of activity of a company that supplies food, dishes, drinks and everything necessary for organizing a social event. There are three main types of catering:

organization of on-site services in the premises - in addition to catering, the client is offered an appropriately equipped room (banquet hall). This type has a lot in common with traditional restaurant service, however, in this case, the event takes place on the territory chosen by the customer;

Organization of field service outside the premises;

delivery of meals to the client's office.

In this paper, we are only interested in the first two types of catering.

The first two categories of events can be held in the form of regular off-site receptions or banquets. At the same time, projects developed in advance for holding the evening are offered, the room is standardly decorated, dishes and textiles corresponding to the decor are used, the staff is dressed depending on the time of year and the venue of the holiday. Special projects are more creative work for the contractor, since the customer specifies the concept and theme of the project being organized. The idea of ​​conceptuality, known in the "stationary" restaurant business, is also common in field service, so the customer can be offered various cuisines, various concepts of entourage, design. For such events, decorations are specially created, uniforms, tablecloths, napkins are sewn, glass and dishes are ordered.

Preparation for such projects takes 1-1.5 months, requires the creation of a special working group and long hard work. Of course, this service option will cost the customer a lot, but it is very effective.

This form of service is of interest to the organizers not only because it brings profit, but also because it provides an opportunity for self-expression, creativity and improvement of professional skills. It is very convenient for the client when professionals come to him or to the territory rented by him and arrange his own, personal restaurant in a fairly short time. If the celebration of an event takes place in an ordinary restaurant, then the atmosphere is far from familiar and pleasant for all guests, some may feel uncomfortable for a long time. In addition, it is not always possible to close a restaurant and make it available to only one group. The presence of strangers who have nothing to do with the gathered company can also spoil the holiday. The best option is to take guests out into nature or invite them to a hall rented in advance, where there will be no one except the invited and friendly staff. An order of this kind can come from both an organization and an individual who, having a country house or some other venue, would like to have a party.

The organization of outdoor events has a number of specific features: it is necessary to prepare everything in advance (it is impossible to bring the missing cutlery or crockery), so the entire scenario of the event is signed by the minute and a lot of equipment and inventory are duplicated. Before each event, it is advisable to make a list of necessary things and equipment, which is double-checked by the project manager and the head of the catering service.

Today, the technical capabilities and skill level of hotels engaged in catering allow you to hold an event literally in an open field. Lack of water, electricity, heat, roofs for many hotels are no longer obstacles. Therefore, the client's imagination when holding off-site banquets is limited only by his budget.

Catering for outdoor events is an additional service for those guests who have already held events in the halls of the hotel and were able to appreciate its cuisine and level of service. For customers ordering off-site banquet services, a decisive role in choosing a hotel as an organizer outdoor event is provided by the brand of the hotel and its level of service. The circle of clients who apply to the hotel for events outside its walls is usually stable. Usually these are regular customers of the hotel who have already held their events in its halls, or companies whose offices are located in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

However, it is a mistake to say that catering for a hotel is only necessary to maintain the image of a high-class hotel offering a full range of services, since it is a profitable activity for it. It would be more accurate to say that the high reputation of the hotel in the market will be the key to its success in the field of off-site catering. Holding offsite banquets is considered a kind of "aerobatics" in the restaurant business, so many hotels consider it as an effective marketing tool to strengthen their position in the market or attract new customers.

An off-site banquet is different from events held in the halls of a hotel, where everything is familiar and everything is at hand. It requires special skills, organization and team cohesion. In other words, its organization requires special professionalism. Thus, not only the high reputation of the hotel is maintained, but also new customers are attracted from those who were once guests at one of the receptions organized by the hotel.

Rice. Catering service for employees of the travel agency "Capital Tour"

A significant difference, or rather advantage, of catering organized on the basis of a hotel from independent catering companies lies in several key points. Firstly, as a rule, the hotel has its own halls, specially equipped for various types of events. Secondly, being in the structure of a hotel with great financial capabilities, the catering service has the ability to maintain a permanent staff (in particular, waiters and cooks), and also has an extensive technical base (a complete set of professional equipment and furniture for catering).

In conclusion, it is worth noting certain features of catering as a type of business. Of course, it is much more difficult to implement than a restaurant one. The technology for preparing and holding events is somewhat different than in a restaurant. If the client in the restaurant is served the same day, then in the catering for events, you should prepare in advance. Sometimes the preparation process takes a week or more. Indeed, in addition to catering, the concept of catering includes the provision of a wide range of additional services for various types of events. All this requires additional time costs. In addition, if the restaurant has approximately the same action plan for employees every day, then in catering everything is completely different. Each event in its own way, is unique, has its own conditions, dictated by the client. The program of one event can be very intense. So, for example, a company's corporate forum may include a conference, several coffee breaks, seminars, round tables, lunch, a press conference and, at the end, a friendly buffet. All these events included in the program of one day require different forms of organization (using different equipment) and style of service. Huge and sometimes decisive importance in this business is played by specially equipped halls for events. The presence of all these factors requires high professionalism, efficiency and coordination of actions from the staff of the hotel catering service.

An example of the restaurants of the hotel Marriott Grand.ppt

Example restaurants of the hotel Marriott Royal Aurora.ppt

To perform the functions of managing enterprises, public catering organizations, an appropriate structure of the management system is created, which is a set of specialized units interconnected by the process of making and implementing management decisions. With regard to a separate enterprise (association) of public catering, it can be a workshop, typical for large ones, and a workshopless one for small enterprises.

Scale of the structure of the control system - the degree of detail of the representation or graphic representation of the structure. Distinguish: the macrostructure of the management system, the links of which are the governing bodies (subjects of management, which are a legal entity); mesostructure Meso ... .., mez (from the Greek. mesos the middle intermediate part, meaning: occupying an average, intermediate position or characterized by an average, moderate size of something. Prokhorov A.M. Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary Moscow "Great Russian Encyclopedia" 1997. p. .421, which is made up of structural units, a microstructure, the links of which are employees (jobs), and management tools.For example, the links of the management system on the scale of the macrostructure of the Ministry of Trade, on the scale of the mesostructure - the linear functional structural units of public catering associations (the director and his deputies departments: production, public catering, economic planning, personnel, etc.)

Structural subdivision- a link in the management system on a meso- and microstructure scale, for example, functional departments of the primary economic organization of public catering.

A link is a structure-forming element of a control system, a subsystem. Depending on the scale of the structure of the management system, its links can be management bodies, structural divisions, employees or technical means of the management system. The links of the control part of the system are called managers or subjects of control, the links of the control part of the system are called controlled or control objects. A necessary and sufficient condition for selecting an element of the system as a control link is to assign at least one control function to it.

The Ministry of Trade, in accordance with the approved general trade management scheme, determined the links of the existing structure of the public catering management system (the scale of the macrostructure):

· main link - associations, public catering and non-commercial activities (material and technical supply, construction, production and technological, etc.)

· top level - Ministry of Commerce, Department of Trade and Catering.

Relations between links can be of two types: vertical (subordination and leadership) and horizontal (cooperation of equal elements). Vertical communications are divided into linear (mandatory subordination on all management issues) and functional (subordination on a specific group of problems). To characterize horizontal links, an indicator of the total number of employees with whom contacts are established in the management process is used.

The boundary between subordinate control subsystems is the level of control. In a hierarchically constructed system, there are at least two levels of control, and their total number is determined by the complexity of the interconnections of lower-level control objects, which together form the controlled part of the system.

It is necessary to consider the requirements for organizational management structures.

1. The ability to reflect the content of the body's activities, the main elements of management, goals, methods, principles, functions, stages and stages of decision-making and implementation.

2. Flexibility - the ability to respond to changes in socio-economic and organizational and technical conditions.

3. Minimum steps of the hierarchical ladder.

4. Minimum time for the passage of decisions, orders, instructions from higher management to direct executors.

5. Organizational structure should ensure the effective distribution of functions among departments - management links, eliminate duplication of functions in various levels, suggest the need and possibility of its continuous improvement.

6. Relative uniformity of loads on each subdivision of the control apparatus, conjugation of individual links and steps that must be interconnected common goals solving certain problems and tasks.

An important problem in the formation of the management structure is the creation of not only the structure as a whole, but also its management bodies. Structural divisions of governing bodies can be grouped into the following groups:

· Management are those employees who manage all structural divisions management body (head, his deputies, collegium, etc.);

· Industry structural divisions- manage separate parts of the control object;

· Functional structures of the division implement any one management function (for example, the department of the Ministry of Commerce: financial, personnel, social development, accounting, control and audit);

· Auxiliary structures of the division, ensuring the work of the governing body (case management).

Depending on the features of the structure, economic activity and other factors in public catering, linear, linear-functional (combined), program-target management structures are used.

Linear control structure characterized by the fact that all functions are concentrated in linear units and each employee reports to one leader and receives instructions from only one leader. This eliminates the receipt by subordinates of conflicting and unrelated tasks and orders, increases the responsibility of managers for the results of their work.

The linear structure of the management of a public catering enterprise.

The disadvantage of this structure is that each of the controls has relatively little ability to solve functional problems that require special knowledge. Since functional departments are not created, the manager must have versatile knowledge of all management functions carried out by subordinate employees. This limits the manager's ability to good governance enterprise. The use of a linear structure is justified in small catering establishments.

Linear-functional (combined) structure is based on a close combination of linear and functional connections in the management apparatus. It provides such a division of labor in which the linear links make decisions and manage, and the functional ones advise, inform, coordinate and plan. economic activity. The organization of functional actions is based on a linear principle. The head of the functional department is at the same time the line manager of employees directly subordinate to him.

The heads of all functional units are simultaneously included in the system of linear management of the organization, enterprise. At the same time, “manager-subordinate” relationships are built along a hierarchical line in such a way that each employee is accountable to one person. The heads of functional services exercise their influence on production, trade, and management divisions, formally not having managerial rights.

The linear-functional structure is used in large enterprises, public catering associations. The linear-functional structure of the management apparatus frees the manager from a number of functions, for which qualified specialists are to perform. However, it has a number of disadvantages. In complex production systems with branched functional services, the task of the manager to effectively coordinate their activities becomes more difficult, even in the presence of a staff of deputies. The linear-functional structure is also characterized by weak horizontal links between functional departments. Therefore, often some similar management functions are not carried out in a coordinated manner. The constant need to coordinate decisions made at the highest level due to the variety of horizontal links causes a significant delay in the timing of the implementation of goals, a decrease in the quality of decisions made, and an increase in management costs.

The most effective solution to problematic problems is provided by the use of program-target management structure, which is based on the integrated management of the entire production system, focused on a specific goal. The basis of the program-target structure is made up of specially created management bodies that carry out organizational and specialized management of the implementation of the target program. The use of program-targeted management ensures the timely introduction of effective scientific and technical developments into production and management, relieves senior managers from the functions of operational management by bringing the program management bodies closer to the performers and creating direct horizontal links between them, allows using a more effective system for monitoring the implementation of work on program.

The types of program-target management used in organizations, public catering enterprises include project management.

Technologies and organization of catering services
10010365 Socio-cultural service and tourism
10020062 Tourism
08050265 Economics and management at the enterprise
tourism and hotel industry
Institute of Service, Fashion and Design
Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business
Lecturer: Fominykh I.L.
Topic 2. Organizational structure
catering establishments

Lecture plan
● Composition of subdivisions of public
- administrative premises;
industrial premises;
commercial premises;
- warehouses;
- household premises;
- Technical buildings.
● Management structure of the catering enterprise;
● Principles of management and placement of a network of enterprises

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities
The student must:
– Organizational and production structure
catering establishments and its dependence
on the type, class and capacity of the enterprise;
Be able to:
- Offer best option organizational -
production structure of the catering enterprise in
depending on the type, class, capacity of the enterprise and
the nature of the production process.

Organizational structure of the enterprise
1. Key concepts
2. Study material
3. Questions for self-examination
4. Recommended reading

Key Concepts
FRIO - Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers;
The maitre d' is the manager of service processes in
restaurants and bars;
Production personnel;
Service staff;
Organizational structure of the catering enterprise;
Management structure of the catering enterprise.

Entrepreneurial Cycle
catering establishments
Legal system
(control structure)
goods and services
Mass media
Tax system
(control structure)
Accounting system

Structure of divisions of enterprises
Enterprise public
and organization
for staff

Composition of production premises
catering establishments
Industrial premises
catering establishments
(processing of raw materials and semi-finished products)
(production of goth. prod.)
Butcher shop
Butcher shop
Meat and fish shop
Fish shop
Butcher shop
poultry shop
vegetable shop
Meat and fish shop

Storage working
Dry storage
Storage of dairy products
Vegetable storage
And fruits
Fish storage
and fish p / f
Meat storage
and meat semi-finished products
Warehouse composition
catering establishments

Composition of commercial premises
catering establishments
Banquet halls
Shopping room
Commercial premises

Composition of household and technical
premises of catering establishments
Thermal node
Recreation facilities
Toilet rooms

Managment structure
production process
catering establishments
for production
Head production
pastry chef
cook assistant

Compound production staff

● OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. production requirements

Process control structure
catering services
(on the example of a restaurant)
maitre d'
Pom. waiter

Composition of service personnel
catering establishments
● GOST R 50935-96 “Public catering. Service requirements
maitre d'
on distribution
Wardrobe attendant

Shopping room
Marketing Service
Supply Service
Organizational and managerial
structure of public

Organizational structure of the Federation
restaurateurs and hoteliers (FRiO)
The president
Vice President
foreign policy
Vice President
education, certification system
Vice President
politics, events
Vice President
cooperation with government agencies and
Vice President
separate direction
Vice President
Coordinating Council

Questions for self-examination
Organizational structure of P.O.P.
1. Describe the composition of business units
2. Name the factors that determine the composition and structure
catering departments.
3. What premises of catering establishments are combined into a group:
- warehouse;
- trading;
- production;
- household and technical premises?
4. Reproduce the process control structure:
– production;
– maintenance;
- at catering establishments.

Recommended reading
1. Smagin I. N., Smagina D. A. Organization of commercial
catering activities. - M .: Publishing house "Eksmo", 2005.
– 336 p.
2. Usov V. V. Organization of production and service at
catering establishments: A textbook for the beginning. prof.
Education. – M.: IRPO; ProfObrIzdat, 2002. - 416 p.
3. Skobkin S. S. Service practice in the hospitality industry and
Tourism: Textbook / S.S. Skobkin. - M.: Master, 2007. - 493 p.
4. GOST R 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and
5. GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification

Recommended reading
6. GOST R 50764-95 “Catering services. Are common
7. the federal law"Consumer Protection".
8. Magazine "Restaurant Vedomosti"
9. Magazine "Modern Restaurant"
10. Journal “Public catering. Business and art."