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Daria Bikbaeva

Turn on your heart and brains. How to build a successful creative business

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by law firm Vegas Lex

© Text, D. A. Bikbaeva, 2015

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

* * *

How was this book born? Working for many years with creative people, I began to notice that their stories are in many ways similar: they receive a “correct”, “money” specialty, work conscientiously in their profession, but do not feel happy. And instead of helping such people develop their talents, I often had to explain that what I love can also be a profession and generate income. Only by believing in this, they began their path to success. Over time, my clients, partners and just acquaintances increasingly began to ask how to sign up for my training, where to read about my “method”. I didn't have any courses or books then. But it turned out that it is my experience and confidence in success that are so in demand. When I started conducting seminars and webinars, I did not build complex business theories and tried to convey my knowledge in the simplest possible form, because I know from my own experience that creative people think in a special way. And it worked: I get a lot of feedback and see new creative brands being born. From this, the need to write a book was born - to tell in detail and in an accessible way, using your own and many other examples, how to start and develop a creative business, in order to inspire and instill confidence in those who are just thinking about whether it is time to start. In this book I will tell my own story, because I myself am the best proof that my "method" works.

For a long time I have been looking for myself and a business that will bring me pleasure, money, and most importantly - energy and desire to do it. At first I earned by opening outlets, brought goods from abroad. And I took care of the holidays, as they say, at the call of my heart - I helped relatives, friends, colleagues, everyone who turned to me for help. I didn't consider it a profession.


But one day the quantity turned into quality: one of the leaders entertainment center in Kazan, having attended several events organized by me, invited me to try my hand at being an art director. For me it was a megaproject - an opportunity like this at once, in one leap, to reach a completely new level and turn a hobby into a profession. I, of course, agreed and went to work by calling, but ... for "someone else's uncle." How hired worker held concerts and parties. I perceived any, even the most extraordinary, events as one-day: the scenery was dismantled, people were leaving, and I was forgotten. Two years spent at work from nine in the morning until one in the morning, with a complete lack of understanding of the prospects, but with the expectation of something big and bright, exhausted me, and I decided to quit.


Needless to say, this was a serious step. Making such a decision, I left the “warm chair”, where I was provided with a full social package and a stable income “on the 5th and 20th,” and went nowhere. I well remember the sensations I experienced, standing on the steps of my former office with work book in hand. At that moment, two feelings were fighting in me - the happiness of freedom and the fear of the unknown. And it was at that moment that a very simple and, as it turned out later, very effective solution came to mind.


Having left my home as an art director, I had absolutely no intention of leaving the profession itself. But in order to survive in this situation, I needed a "big fish". To catch her, I had to offer something special that no one had thought of before me. The already non-trivial task was complicated by the fact that my start-up capital was is zero... In a word, they had to rely only on their brains.

I took two A4 sheets. On one I wrote down the names of “big fish” - they were the heads of large republican enterprises “Tatenergo”, “Ak Bars Bank”, “Tatneft”. I studied the problems they face in organizing events, found out everything about their upcoming events - company anniversaries, visits of important guests, corporate parties ... On the second piece of paper I wrote down everything I can offer them to solve these problems. Avoiding common phrases, I suggested specific and at the same time unique solutions, which at that moment no one was involved in the event market.

From these proposals, I asked my friend to make a beautiful collage and print it on a color printer. And then, with one piece of paper in hand, but with very simple, understandable and visualized proposals, I went to potential customers. Without going into details, I will say that my idea worked: I received orders for all Tatenergo events, for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Ak Bars Bank and for the corporate New Year of the TATNEFT company.

I am writing this so that you know: for any beginner, such a start is real. Even if you don't have three business cards, look around - I'm sure: your potential clients are very close! The most important thing to remember:


And as soon as I started doing something in which I believed and which could change for the better my life and the lives of others, things went smoothly. As a result, today the following figures speak about me:

4 successful creative businesses;

12 representative offices in cities of Russia and neighboring countries;

over 400 weddings;

over 800 private and corporate events;

More than 30,000 online listeners;

more than 8000 offline students;

over 200 success stories of creative brands.

And finally, I am a mother of three sons :)

You can too!

Daria Bikbaeva


Creativity and business are compatible!

There is creative work for everyone

Most of us perceive work as hard work. Spending five days a week and eight hours a day worrying about someone else's business, it's hard to imagine that work can be enjoyable. What if instead of charting and reporting, you could draw or play drums or ride horses? Replace these options with your favorite activity. You would definitely feel happier!

Our country is full of misconceptions about business that has grown out of hobbies. The main thing is the stereotype that you can't earn much from creativity. People with certain creative talents annually replenish the number of representatives of the "grain" professions - lawyers, economists, managers ... It's good when there is a real vocation for this business. And if it is not? Then they get a craft that turns work into dull money making. In the morning they reluctantly go to the offices, where they carry out duties that burden them all day, and in the evenings they sew, knit, draw - perhaps, embarrassed by their hobbies, because "you can't make a living with such nonsense." It is doubly offensive because they cannot give much to their profession, and they bury their talents in the ground.

In fact, of course, everything is not so sad. Work can and should be a joy! And my experience is proof of this. My business grew out of hobbies, this business is creative, it does not let me get bored, and even complex projects that keep me in suspense for a long time do not get tired. Because I love what I do, my heart sings with happiness when I feel that I have done something really important.

I want to show that everyone can experience the same feelings of joy and pride in their work.

For many years I have been creating creative business projects and producing talents - the most ordinary people living in different cities of the former USSR. "The most ordinary" - that's what they think. I believe that every person is unique, I believe that if you find yourself and understand where to move on, you can not only achieve your dream, but also make thousands of people happy. Even the smallest steps yield great results. I feel that everyone has a true talent, and have already developed a system for the rapid birth and promotion of "stars" in many seemingly simple professions. A photographer, a tailor, a chef and even the manager mentioned above can turn into stars of photography, fashion, pastry, or, for example, organizing celebrations.

You may not have thought about it, but for women, one of the best times to start a creative business is having a baby. Often, the life of the fair half develops according to a traditional scenario encouraged by society: school, university, diploma higher education(preferably red), several years of office work, marriage, childbirth. And what is birth if not creativity? Having become a mother, a woman finally finds freedom, no matter how paradoxical this statement may seem at first glance. While the child is small, there is no need to go to work that did not inspire her; her personal Groundhog Day is coming to an end. She can devote her time to her beloved ones - a child, a family and, of course, creative hobbies. Some women create outfits of incredible beauty and skill for babies, others make scrapbooking albums with photographs, and still others make almost feature films about their families. This is the time when a woman has time to learn what she really wants to learn, to do what she really wants to do, and not just what is needed, according to others.


How to turn creativity into business and business into a brand

As soon as a person finally takes the first step towards a calling, he is faced with another problem: he does not know how to turn his talents into real business.

Russian schools and universities do not teach business. Newly minted doctors, teachers, lawyers go to hospitals, schools, notaries and apply their knowledge in practice. And musicians, artists, artists graduate from universities, and the whole world is open to them: how and where to use their skills, the university did not explain to them, and the country did not create enough jobs. A producer can partially solve the problem, but if it is already possible to find such a specialist for an actor or musician - a tradition has developed - then, say, a florist or decorator has no producers. Or, for example, representatives of the theatrical direction "living sculptures". Almost every large city today has at least one such team. People can find schools where they will be told how to make makeup for "living sculptures", how to choose and create an image, and finally, how to learn to stand in a certain position for a long time and not get tired. But where to move on with this knowledge, who may be interested in these skills, who are willing to pay for these skills, how to find their client, what to offer them - they will not be taught all this.

What should all these specialists do? You can create without a plan and commitment only for yourself. In order for your favorite business to generate income, it needs to be turned into a business - to learn how to sell the fruits of your creativity, to find a client who will pay for talent. And in order for a business to become recognizable and in demand, it needs to be developed and a brand created.

WaltDisney, Louis Vuitton, MaryKay and many other brands have grown from the hobbies of their creators. A brand is much more than just a business. A brand is those emotions that arise in a client when he hears the name of the brand, sees its logo, and uses the product. And since hobbies can be the most enjoyable job, what if not your talent could create the best brand ever? A brand that will bring joy to others and generate income for you.

Who needs this book?

To begin with, I wrote out the professions whose representatives this book will be useful. If you find your occupation in this list, then this book is guaranteed for you: poet, artist, director, designer (graphic, fashionable, interiors, holidays, jewelry, etc.), fashion designer, theater and film actor, animator, organizer events, stylist, florist, decorator, representative of professions related to needlework (master of leather, fur, wood, clay, dolls, musical instruments, etc.), member of a musical or dance group, solo performer, artist of the original genre, photographer, videographer , manufacturer of haberdashery, jewelry, linen, accessories, soap, home clothes, furniture, etc., website creator, journalist, SMM specialist, retoucher, architect, builder, teacher, restorer, pastry chef, stylist, host of ceremonies or events , composer.

After a while, I realized that this book is a "golden key" for those:

Who considers their profession to be creativity (even if you are a seller of fire alarms or auto parts);

Who creates for their own pleasure and does not consider it a profession;

Who creates and produces creative brands (solo projects, teams, products, services);

Who dreams of turning their hobby into successful business;

Who has already created a successful creative brand and needs to move to a qualitatively new level;

Who is not a creative mind, but who has to work with "geniuses": this book will help you find an approach to such people and successfully manage them;

Who sits today in a permanent, but very boring job, for the sake of a salary and a social package, and at night "embroiders with a cross";

Who has recently become a mother and who has not only a baby, but also the talent to create, who has time for the creative implementation of thousands of ideas;

Who has retired and now has every right and plenty of energy to implement the most daring creative ideas.

You don't need this book if you:

A hired employee, far from creativity, who feels great at his workplace and for whom the main thing is stability and guaranteed pension savings;

A creative person who has found his calling (dancing in a large troupe, playing in the theater, sewing in an atelier, etc.), receiving a stable salary that absolutely suits you, and happily looking forward to a vacation and return to work.

The only way this book can help you is to do much more, if, of course, you want to.

Super task of the book

It is with this word that I want to designate the goal that I pursued when I wrote this book.

I will be absolutely happy if:

Creative professions will become as prestigious as economics and law;

Everyone who reads this book will begin to live ten times more efficiently and “tastier”;

In the event of a fire, they will first of all endure not material values, and family heirlooms are art objects;

Ten of my students will be included in the list of the 100 richest and most famous personalities in the world;

The whole world will again speak about our talents.

What will this book give you?

They say that all successful businesses are built on core human needs... According to my observations, the top 8 of our main needs are:

1) earn more;

2) improve physical fitness;

3) attract the attention of the opposite sex;

4) travel more;

5) do nothing;

6) open your own company;

7) quit smoking;

8) bread and circuses.

Everything in order:

1. Earn more: this is what the book is about. Moreover, it helps to do this with pleasure and in the most efficient way.

2. Improve physical fitness: successful and happy man easier to change for the better and outwardly!

3. Attract the attention of the opposite sex: I cannot promise this 100%, but, given the serious changes for the better on the first two points, the solution to this problem will not be long in coming.

4. Travel more: guaranteed! Moreover, I will teach you how to make money while traveling.

5. Do nothing: this is difficult, because, having found your path, your goals, your dreams, you will no longer be able to do nothing. But at the same time, you will be able to transfer many routine tasks to others.

6. Open your own company: it's as easy as shelling pears, you don't even need to read a book.

7. Quit smoking: this book is not an assistant, unless you set such a goal while reading the book.

8. Bread and circuses: you will start to forget about food, and you will have to create “spectacles” yourself for your clients.

But seriously, this book is the shortest path to success for any creative person. It contains very simple, but the most effective ideas that thousands of others like you are already successfully using - "hopelessly creative."

Of course, creating and developing your own business is a job. But building a creative brand that has grown out of your passions is a very enjoyable job. I have been helping creative people for a long time to turn their talents into business, and business into a brand and have developed a simple and effective system for this. It's not only personal experience- the system is based on a huge number of marketing ideas and concepts "translated" into creative language. Throughout this book, you will find simple and straightforward tools to help you build and grow your brand.

The book is filled with many examples from the creative business. The uniqueness of the stories lies in the fact that their participants practically did not invest in the development of their business. Of course, every specialist needs a tool. A photographer - a camera, a stylist - cosmetics, an artist - paints and canvases. Education is needed, which also often costs money. But even if all this is already there, businessmen still usually have to spend money on development, promotion, customer acquisition, advertising, etc.

In the same book, I will tell you how stars are born with little or no budgets. Moreover, many people also make money on their own advertising and promotion.

What This Book Teaches

After reading the book and completing all the tasks, you can build a successful business doing what brings true pleasure. Exactly build! Step by step we will come up with, design and build a house called "Dream Business", where we really like to live and where we will invite guests.

The construction of an architectural masterpiece is impossible without a combination of creative ideas, systems approach and technical knowledge. For techies-systemists, creativity suffers, creative individuals have a lot of ideas, and there are often problems with implementation. This book will teach any, the most creative person to "build" masterpieces for centuries.

With the help of this book, you can improve:

The quality of your life;

The quality of your business;

The quality of the world around you (the same noble mission that all great personalities who have solved their minor problems think about).

How to use this book

Most effective method- this is to read from the first chapter to the last and immediately translate the tasks and methods into reality. Completed? Keep going! It's like sports training - in order to get results as quickly as possible, you need to train every day.

But you can choose only what you like and is relevant to you at the moment, postpone the rest - come back when the time comes. Do you want to read from the end or the middle? You are welcome! Pick the topic that is most important or interesting to you and start there.

Of course, consistency is important, but it is much more important that you read the entire book, and do not stop reading on a difficult, incomprehensible, or simply unnecessary task at the moment.

Feel free to underline, write in the margins, draw, draw, fold corners, bookmark, tear out and glue the pages in a prominent place. Treat my book like your favorite notebook.

Find the easiest way for you to return to important thoughts. For example, while reading, I immediately write down notes on mobile device especially significant phrases and thoughts. This is very convenient, since I can return to what I have read by pressing one button and being in any corner of the world.

My book is a simple map for a very exciting journey. It is up to you to choose in what way, how quickly and with what result you will master it and go through the proposed route. For some, speed and quick results are important, for others - meaningful work on each item, for the third, a book is an adventure that you want to savor.

Choose your way - it is definitely the most correct!


In each chapter of this book, you will find materials marked with the letters IE - a tool for efficiency. Step by step, I will give you recommendations that will help you save time and increase your success rate. Therefore, I recommend starting to use IE as soon as the book progresses, without putting it on the back burner.


Much attention in this book will be devoted to the compilation of various lists. This is part of my methodology that will help you formulate the right problems and achieve their solution as soon as possible.

Lists will help you organize yourself. After all, time is an invaluable resource that each of us possesses, although, unfortunately, not everyone treats it with due attention. It is no coincidence that thousands of books have been written about how to properly and effectively organize your life. But oddly enough, most of them are designed for people with already the prevailing systemic thinking. And it is initially difficult for a creative person to drive himself into the proposed framework. It is extremely difficult for him to live in accordance with a rigidly prescribed plan for the day. At a certain moment, I myself lived in a tight schedule according to the method of Gleb Arkhangelsky (an excellent author of a book on time management), when I had a schedule literally every 15 minutes. It was very effective. However, working in this mode, I realized that the schedule not only streamlines life, but also, if you like, rob it: so many interesting, beautiful, inspiring, but spontaneously arising things sweep by! And you, tied to the schedule, only look after all this with regret. Apparently, for creative individuals, this method needs correction ...

This made me think that I need to invent my own method that will allow me to live and work as efficiently as possible, taking into account all my characteristics, desires and needs. Perhaps it will be useful for you as well. Keeping in mind a million things to do, plans and notes “do not forget” at the same time, you keep your own brain in a state of stress and because of this you cannot work effectively. To protect yourself from wasted energy and time, get used to immediately write down thoughts and plans that come into your head. And not just write down, but distribute them according to topics: "shopping", "music", "movies", "books", "look on the Internet", "think", "interesting", etc. Such an order in the records will help you in the right situation quickly find the right note.

If I am advised to have a cool book, I immediately put it on the list of books and when I come to book store, I open the corresponding list on my electronic device. It takes me less than ten seconds to do this, and if I took notes in a chaotic manner, most likely, b O most of the information would simply be lost. If an idea comes to my mind, I put it on the list of ideas. As soon as free time falls out (for example, on the way), I highlight it among other points and start developing.

In short, the first step on the road to keeping up with everything and living in pleasure is to write down and organize your thoughts into lists. You will spend some time on systematization, but then for a long time you will free yourself from frantic searches for information that was “somewhere”.

Ideally, all your lists are always at hand. This way you can instantly find the information you need.

It is convenient to use the lists through mobile gadgets. Through search by keywords you can find the note even if you wrote it several years ago.

As you read this book, you will have to write a lot - make and maintain a variety of lists, so get ready: find the way that works best for you!

It's very important to be in the mood for adventure. We are starting an interesting and exciting game. We will dream, choose prizes, celebrate victories, enjoy every moment. Serious business - with bankers and oilmen; our business is exciting and creative!

P.S. The system has shown its effectiveness in my family as well. My eldest son began to earn money at the age of 14, at 20 he decided on the profession of his dreams, received an education and started working in his specialty. When he turned 21, on his page in social network I read a post that for a mom like me became the most the best gift and a compliment: “You know, I realized that I had never worked so much in my life. I always had plenty of free time. But I’ve never gotten so high on what I’m doing. So, friends, the main thing is not quantity, the main thing is quality! "

Daria Bikbaeva

Turn on your heart and brains. How to build a successful creative business

Legal support of the publishing house is provided by the law firm "Vegas-Lex"

© Text, D. A. Bikbaeva, 2015

© Design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

How was this book born? Working for many years with creative people, I began to notice that their stories are in many ways similar: they receive a “correct”, “money” specialty, work conscientiously in their profession, but do not feel happy. And instead of helping such people develop their talents, I often had to explain that what I love can also be a profession and generate income. Only by believing in this, they began their path to success. Over time, my clients, partners and just acquaintances increasingly began to ask how to sign up for my training, where to read about my “method”. I didn't have any courses or books then. But it turned out that it is my experience and confidence in success that are so in demand. When I started conducting seminars and webinars, I did not build complex business theories and tried to convey my knowledge in the simplest possible form, because I know from my own experience that creative people think in a special way. And it worked: I get a lot of feedback and see new creative brands being born. From this, the need to write a book was born - to tell in detail and in an accessible way, using your own and many other examples, how to start and develop a creative business, in order to inspire and instill confidence in those who are just thinking about whether it is time to start. In this book I will tell my own story, because I myself am the best proof that my "method" works.

For a long time I have been looking for myself and a business that will bring me pleasure, money, and most importantly - energy and desire to do it. At first, she earned money by opening retail outlets, bringing goods from abroad. And I took care of the holidays, as they say, at the call of my heart - I helped relatives, friends, colleagues, everyone who turned to me for help. I didn't consider it a profession.


But one day the quantity turned into quality: one of the leaders of an entertainment center in Kazan, who attended several events organized by me, invited me to try my hand at being an art director. For me it was a megaproject - an opportunity like this at once, in one leap, to reach a completely new level and turn a hobby into a profession. I, of course, agreed and went to work by calling, but ... for "someone else's uncle." As an employee, she held concerts and holidays. I perceived any, even the most extraordinary, events as one-day: the scenery was dismantled, people were leaving, and I was forgotten. Two years spent at work from nine in the morning until one in the morning, with a complete lack of understanding of the prospects, but with the expectation of something big and bright, exhausted me, and I decided to quit.


Needless to say, this was a serious step. Making such a decision, I left the “warm chair”, where I was provided with a full social package and a stable income “on the 5th and 20th,” and went nowhere. I well remember the feelings that I experienced, standing on the steps of my former office with a work record book in my hands. At that moment, two feelings were fighting in me - the happiness of freedom and the fear of the unknown. And it was at that moment that a very simple and, as it turned out later, very effective solution came to mind.


Having left my home as an art director, I had absolutely no intention of leaving the profession itself. But in order to survive in this situation, I needed a "big fish". To catch her, I had to offer something special that no one had thought of before me. The already non-trivial task was complicated by the fact that my starting capital was zero. In a word, they had to rely only on their brains.

I took two A4 sheets. On one I wrote down the names of “big fish” - they were the heads of large republican enterprises “Tatenergo”, “Ak Bars Bank”, “Tatneft”. I studied the problems they face in organizing events, found out everything about their upcoming events - company anniversaries, visits of important guests, corporate parties ... On the second piece of paper I wrote down everything I can offer them to solve these problems. Avoiding common phrases, I proposed specific and at the same time unique solutions that no one was involved in at that time in the event market.

From these proposals, I asked my friend to make a beautiful collage and print it on a color printer. And then, with one piece of paper in hand, but with very simple, understandable and visualized proposals, I went to potential customers. Without going into details, I will say that my idea worked: I received orders for all Tatenergo events, for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Ak Bars Bank and for the corporate new year of Tatneft.

I am writing this so that you know: for any beginner, such a start is real. Even if you don't have three business cards, look around - I'm sure: your potential clients are very close! The most important thing to remember:


And as soon as I started doing something in which I believed and which could change for the better my life and the lives of others, things went smoothly. As a result, today the following figures speak about me:

4 successful creative businesses;

12 representative offices in cities of Russia and neighboring countries;

over 400 weddings;

over 800 private and corporate events;

More than 30,000 online listeners;

more than 8000 offline students;

over 200 success stories of creative brands.

And finally, I am a mother of three sons :)

You can too!

Daria Bikbaeva


Creativity and business are compatible!

There is creative work for everyone

Most of us perceive work as hard work. Spending five days a week and eight hours a day worrying about someone else's business, it's hard to imagine that work can be enjoyable. What if instead of charting and reporting, you could draw or play drums or ride horses? Replace these options with your favorite activity. You would definitely feel happier!

Our country is full of misconceptions about business that has grown out of hobbies. The main thing is the stereotype that you can't earn much from creativity. People with certain creative talents annually replenish the number of representatives of the "grain" professions - lawyers, economists, managers ... It's good when there is a real vocation for this business. And if it is not? Then they get a craft that turns work into dull money making. In the morning they reluctantly go to the offices, where they carry out duties that burden them all day, and in the evenings they sew, knit, draw - perhaps, embarrassed by their hobbies, because "you can't make a living with such nonsense." It is doubly offensive because they cannot give much to their profession, and they bury their talents in the ground.

In fact, of course, everything is not so sad. Work can and should be a joy! And my experience is proof of this. My business grew out of hobbies, this business is creative, it does not let me get bored, and even complex projects that keep me in suspense for a long time do not get tired. Because I love what I do, my heart sings with happiness when I feel that I have done something really important.

There is a misconception that you don't earn much by being creative. For this reason, those who have certain creative abilities and talents, annually replenish the number of representatives of the "bread" professions: lawyers, economists, managers. It's good when there is a calling for this. And if it is not? Then work turns into dull money making. But why waste your life on what you don’t love? Your favorite work can be a profession and bring you income, give you a feeling of joy and pride in your work.

The author of the book, Daria Bikbaeva, once walked this path herself, and now she creates creative business projects, produces talents and successfully teaches others about it, conducts trainings and seminars. This book will help you combine business and creativity, your hobby and income, and most importantly, find yourself, live according to your own scenario, create and get joy from every day you live. After all, this is the point.

Chips of the book

  • Simple and straightforward proven tools to help you find your calling and start your business.
  • Detailed action plan.
  • Lots of examples and successful stories from the creative business.

From the author

This book was not born by chance. Working for many years with creative people, I began to notice that their stories are in many ways similar: they receive a “correct”, “money” specialty, work conscientiously in their profession, but do not feel happy. And instead of helping such people develop their talents, I often had to explain that what I love can also be a profession and generate income. Only by believing in this, they began their path to success.

Over time, my clients, partners and just acquaintances increasingly began to ask how to sign up for my training, where to read about my “method”. I had neither courses nor books. But it turned out that my experience and confidence in success are needed and in demand.

I started to conduct seminars and webinars and tried to convey my knowledge in the simplest possible form, because I know from myself that creative people think in a special way. And it worked - I get a lot of feedback and see new creative brands being born. But I want them to become even more, and most importantly, I want to instill confidence that you can do it too. This is how the idea for the book was born. In it, you will find a detailed and accessible story with many examples of how to start and grow a creative business. I will tell my story too, because I myself am the best proof that my method works.

Who is this book for?

For those who dream of turning their hobby into a successful business, and for those who have already created a creative brand and want to move to a new level

For those who work during the day for a salary, but love to sing, embroider or dream of writing a book or making a film.

For those who consider their profession to be creativity, even if you are a seller of fire alarms or auto parts.

Perhaps you recently became a mom and you have time for creativity, or you have recently retired and you have a lot of energy to implement your most daring creative ideas. This book will help bring them to life.

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About the book

Chips of the book
Simple and straightforward proven tools that ...

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About the book
There is a misconception that you don't earn much by being creative. For this reason, those who have certain creative abilities and talents, annually replenish the number of representatives of the "bread" professions: lawyers, economists, managers. It's good when there is a calling for this. And if it is not? Then work turns into dull money making. But why waste your life on what you don’t love? Your favorite work can be a profession and bring you income, give you a feeling of joy and pride in your work.

The author of the book, Daria Bikbaeva, once walked this path herself, and now she creates creative business projects, produces talents and successfully teaches others about it, conducts trainings and seminars. This book will help you combine business and creativity, your hobby and income, and most importantly, find yourself, live according to your own scenario, create and get joy from every day you live. After all, this is the point.

Chips of the book
Simple and straightforward proven tools to help you find your calling and start your business.
Detailed action plan.
Lots of examples and success stories from the creative business.
From the author

This book was not born by chance. Working for many years with creative people, I began to notice that their stories are in many ways similar: they receive a "correct", "money" specialty, work conscientiously in their profession, but do not feel happy. And instead of helping such people develop their talents, I often had to explain that what I love can also be a profession and generate income. Only by believing in this, they began their path to success.

Over time, my clients, partners and just acquaintances increasingly began to ask how to sign up for my training, where to read about my "method". I had neither courses nor books. But it turned out that my experience and confidence in success are needed and in demand.

I started to conduct seminars and webinars and tried to convey my knowledge in the simplest possible form, because I know from myself that creative people think in a special way. And it worked - I get a lot of feedback and see new creative brands being born. But I want them to become even more, and most importantly, I want to instill confidence that you can do it too. This is how the idea for the book was born. In it, you will find a detailed and accessible story with many examples of how to start and grow a creative business. I will tell my story too, because I myself am the best proof that my method works.

Who is this book for?
For those who dream of turning their hobby into a successful business, and for those who have already created a creative brand and want to move to a new level

For those who work during the day for a salary, but love to sing, embroider or dream of writing a book or making a film.

For those who consider their profession to be creativity, even if you are a seller of fire alarms or auto parts.

Perhaps you recently became a mom and you have time for creativity, or you have recently retired and you have a lot of energy to implement your most daring creative ideas. This book will help bring them to life.

about the author
Daria Bikbaeva - a provocateur of business creativity & Wedding expert;
Founder of the Agency for Fateful Weddings "Wedding-VIP";
organizer of significant events in the CIS wedding market;
speaker of all the largest wedding conferences in the CIS;
titled tutor in the wedding and creative business;
the only speaker from the CIS countries at the world congress of wedding organizers Destination wedding congress Greece 2014, Mauritius 2015;
member of the jury of the main CIS wedding award;
author of the books "Turn on your heart and brains" for creative business and "Wedding Organizer # 1".

3rd edition.


In our postmodern society, there is a stereotype that it is impossible to synthesize creativity and business. Every second person will tell you, "You can't earn much on creativity." And this is not very good, because every day people with the most unique talents join the ranks of representatives of the monetary and mainstream professions. Great artists and musicians become unnecessary lawyers and economists. It is good that there are talented lawyers and economists in the world, but what if this does not lie in the heart? In this case, work is a way of making money and nothing more.

The life of a person with such a job turns into a useless existence without the pleasure of what you do. Work should not be a converter of your labor into banknotes. Moreover, it should bring joy and pleasure. Work should be passion. In this area, you can safely listen to the opinion of Daria Bikbaeva - a person who has long known all the things described above, has gone a thorny path. Now Daria creates creative business projects, promotes talents, turning them into stars, and conducts regular trainings and seminars.

This woman wrote a book called Turn on the Heart and Brains. How to build a successful creative business ”. You just have to open it and understand that it was not in vain that you did it. What's in it?

And in it - irreplaceable practical advice, examples and a little note of good life humor. Daria Bikbaeva presents practical cases, among which:

  • Your destiny

Find yourself before looking for your business. Thinking enough time or money will change your life? Forget this misconception. Answer one simple question: "How would you manage your money or free time?" You will find your purpose only by answering this question.

  • This is the path to success

Success is impossible without a set of certain qualities. Without them, any workaholism will turn into a waste of time, and luck will go unnoticed. These skills are not utopian, they can be mastered. They will shorten the path to success several times.

  • Titanic labor

Many people perceive work as stubborn, hard work... They believe that good job done eight hours a day and five days a week. This is not so, because the quality of the work does not depend on its volume and the time spent on it. Work will not give you any pleasure if you spend wagons of time developing someone else's business.

  • Joy of work

We know a lot of misconceptions in the field of business, which has become one of hobbies. The main thing is the stereotype that creativity cannot bring a lot of money. Work can and will be a joy!

  • Promote your brand

Unconditional success is getting your brand tattooed on the consumer's body. Get your brand tattooed on your own body and think about how it should be for other people to tattoo on their bodies.

  • Competitors turn into friends

Make your competitors yours best friends... Support them in critical situations, offer own resources and help. Thus, they will help you someday. There is good!

Who is this book for?

This book was created for those who:

  • dreams of converting the fruits of his hobby into banknotes;
  • created a brand and wants to develop it as a creative one;
  • works 8/5 for money, but in the evenings he writes poetry, sings and dreams of making a film;
  • works in an absolutely ordinary job, but approaches it creatively;
  • has a lot of free time and wants to spend it creatively and profitably.