Ganja Aircraft Repair Plant. Thank you for the interview and a successful exhibition.

A quick guide to aircraft engines in production and development in Russia and Ukraine in 2008

Compiled by Andrey FOMIN

The review uses photos of Evgeny Erokhin, Alexey Mikheev, Andrey Fomin and from the editorial staff

The reference book includes aircraft engines developed in the USSR, Russia and Ukraine, which are in serial production at Russian and Ukrainian enterprises in 2008, as well as engines at the final stages of development, the flight operation of which may begin in the coming years.

In each section, the engines are arranged in order of increasing thrust (power). In the list of modifications for each type of engine, only those options are considered, the operation of which continues in 2008. The names of the developers, manufacturers and repair organizations are given in accordance with their modern name (in abbreviated spelling).

The year of development is understood as the year of implementation base case engine into serial production. The value of thrust and engine power, unless otherwise indicated, is given for the maximum take-off mode of operation in bench conditions (“full afterburner” mode for turbofan engines). The engine resource value, unless otherwise indicated, is given for the overhaul / assigned resource (separated by a fractional bar).

The basic information and characteristics of those aircraft engines of Russian and Ukrainian design, whose serial production has already been discontinued, but flight operation is still ongoing, can be found in the "Engines-2006" short guide published in the "Vzlyot" magazine No. 4/2006, as well as in the exhibition catalog "Engines-2008", published by LLC "Aeromedia" in April 2008

List of accepted abbreviations

AR IAC - Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee

BB - air propeller

GI - state tests

HPC - high pressure compressor

KND - compressor low pressure

KR - cruising mode of operation

KS - combustion chamber

KSD - medium pressure compressor

LL - flying laboratory

M - maximum mode

OBT - thrust vector deviation

PF - "full afterburner" mode

RS - jet nozzle

RU - reversing device

ACS - system automatic control ser. - series number

ST - free turbine

TV - fan turbine

TVaD - turboshaft engine

TVVD - turboprop fan engine

TVD - turboprop engine

HPT - high pressure turbine

TC - compressor turbine

LPT - low pressure turbine

Turbojet engine - double-circuit turbojet engine

TRDDF - by-pass turbojet engine with afterburner

TRDF - afterburner turbojet engine

TSD - medium pressure turbine

UHT - thrust vector control

TCB - trainer aircraft

FC - afterburner

CR - emergency operation

C beats - specific fuel consumption, kg / kg.h

D ex - diameter of the engine inlet, mm

Gb - air consumption through the compressor, kg / s

G dry - dry weight of the engine, kg

L - engine length, mm

m - the degree of bypass

T r - gas temperature in front of the turbine, K

γ - specific gravity of the engine (ratio of mass to maximum thrust / power)

π к - total compression ratio of the compressor

Full names of enterprises - developers and manufacturers

Aviadvigatel - Aviadvigatel OJSC, Perm. Part of the Perm Engine-Building Complex (PMK). Former names: OKB-19, PMKB, NPO Aviadvigatel.

AMNTK "Soyuz" - JSC "Aviamotor Scientific and Technical Complex" Soyuz ", Moscow. Former names: OKB-300, MMZ Soyuz, MNPO Soyuz.

VMZ - FSUE "Voronezh Mechanical Plant", Voronezh. Former names: plant No. 154, VMZ.

VolgAero - JV VolgAero, Rybinsk, a joint venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma (France).

"Ivchenko-Progress" - SE "ZMKB" Progress "them. A.G. Ivchenko ", Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Former names: OKB-478, ZMKB "Progress".

"Klimov" - JSC "Klimov", St. Petersburg. Former names: OKB-117, GMZ im. V.Ya. Klimov, LNPO them. V.Ya. Klimov, Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Plant im. V.Ya. Klimov ". KMPO - OJSC Kazan Engine-Building Production Association, Kazan. Former names: Plant No. 16, Kazan Engine-Building Plant, KMPO.

MMP them. Chernysheva - JSC "Moscow machine-building enterprise them. V.V. Chernyshev ", Moscow. Part of JSC RSK MiG. Former names: plant No. 500, MMZ Krasny Oktyabr, MMPO Krasny Oktyabr, MMPO im. V.V. Chernyshev, GMMPP them. V.V. Chernysheva.

MMPP "Salyut" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Engineering manufacturing enterprise Salut, Moscow. Former names: plant No. 45, MMPO Salyut, MMPO Salyut.

“Motorostroitel” - JSC “Motorostroitel”, Samara. Former names: plant №24 named after M.V. Frunze, SMPO them. M.V. Frunze.

Motor Sich - Motor Sich OJSC, Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Former names: Plant No. 478, Zaporozhye Motor Plant.

NPO Saturn - OJSC Scientific and Production Association Saturn, Rybinsk. Former names: for STC im. A.M. Cradle - OKB-165, MZ Saturn, NPO Saturn, NPO Saturn named after A.M. Cradle; for the aircraft engine design bureau in Rybinsk - OKB-36, RKBM, AKBM, RKBM; for aircraft plant in Rybinsk - plant no. 36, RMZ, Rybinskoye PO for Motors, RMPO, Rybinsk Motors OJSC.

NPP "Motor" - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Production Enterprise" Motor ", Ufa. Former names: OKB-26, UMKB "Soyuz", UKBM.

OKBM - OJSC Experimental Design Bureau of Motors, Voronezh. Former names: OKB-154-2, OKBM.

OMKB - Omsk Engine-Building Design Bureau, Omsk. Former names: OKB-29, Motor-building KB, OJSC “OMKB”.

OMO them. Baranova - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Omskoe motor-building association them. P.I. Baranova ", Omsk. Former names: plant number 29, plant them. P.I. Baranov, OMPO them. P.I. Baranova

Powerjet - PowerJet JV, a joint venture between NPO Saturn (Rybinsk) and Snecma (France).

PMZ - JSC "Perm Motor Plant", Perm. Part of the Perm Engine-Building Complex (PMK). Former names: plant number 19, plant them. ME AND. Sverdlov, Perm Production Association named after ME AND. Sverdlov, Perm PO Motorostroitel (PPOM), PMZ.

SNTK them. Kuznetsov - JSC "Samara Scientific and Technical Complex named after N. D. Kuznetsova ", Samara. Former names: OKB-276, MZ Trud, Kuibyshevskoe (Samara) NPO Trud, SGNPP Trud.

TMKB "Soyuz" - FSUE "Tushino Machine-Building Design Bureau" Soyuz ", Moscow. Part of JSC RSK MiG. Former names: OKB-500, Soyuz TMKB.

UMPO - JSC "Ufa Machine-Building Production Association", Ufa. Former names: plant No. 26, UMP, UMPO.

Full names of repair organizations

12 ARZ - JSC "12th Aviation Repair Plant", Khabarovsk

24 ARZ - JSC "Plant No. 24 GA", Khabarovsk

121 ARZ - JSC "121st Aviation Repair Plant", pos. Kubinka, Moscow region Former name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "121 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

123 ARZ - JSC "123rd Aviation Repair Plant", Staraya Russa, Novgorod region. Former name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "123 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

150 ARZ - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "150th Aviation Repair Plant" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lyublino-Novoe, Kaliningrad Region.

218 ARZ - JSC "218th Aviation Repair Plant", Gatchina, Leningrad Region. Former name: FSUE "218 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

243 ARZ - Uzbekistan Airways Technologies, Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Former name: plant No. 243 GA

406 ARZ - JSC "Aviation repair plant No. 406 GA", Aktobe (Kazakhstan). Former name: plant No. 406 GA

410 ARZ - SE "Plant No. 410 GA", Kiev (Ukraine)

411 ARZ - JSC "Plant No. 411 GA", Mineralnye Vody

570 ARZ - JSC "570th Aviation Repair Plant", Yeisk, Krasnodar Territory. Former name: FSUE "570 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense"

695 ARZ - JSC "Aramil Aviation Repair Plant", Aramil, Sverdlovsk region. Former name: Federal State Unitary Enterprise "695 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"

712 ARZ - JSC "712th Aviation Repair Plant", Chelyabinsk. Former name: FSUE "712 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense"

"Aviakon" - Konotop ARZ "Aviakon" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Konotop, Sumy region.

BARZ - JSC "Bykovskiy ARZ", pos. Bykovo, Moscow region Former name: plant No. 402 GA

VARZ - JSC "Vnukovsky ARZ No. 400", pos. Vnukovo, Moscow region Former name: plant No. 400 GA

GARZ - SE "Ganja ARZ", Ganja (Azerbaijan)

LARZ - Lugansk Aircraft Repair Plant, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lugansk LRZ - Lutsk Repair Plant "Motor", Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lutsk

MARZ - JSC "MARZ ROSTO", p / o Chernoe, Moscow region.

"Odessaaviaremservice" - Odessa aviation repair enterprise "Odessaaviaremservice" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Odessa

RZGA - JSC "Rostov plant GA No. 412", Rostov-on-Don

UZGA - JSC "Ural Plant of Civil Aviation", Yekaterinburg. Former name: plant No. 404 GA

SHARZ - ZAO Shakhtinsky ARZ ROSTO, Shakhty, Rostov region.

region Former name: plant No. 400 GA

GARZ - SE "Ganja ARZ", Ganja (Azerbaijan)

LARZ - Lugansk ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lugansk

LRZ "Motor" - Lutsk repair plant "Motor" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lutsk

MARZ - JSC "MARZ ROSTO", p / o Chernoe, Moscow region.

"Odessaviaremservice" - Odessa Aviation Repair Enterprise "Odessaviaremservice" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Odessa

RZGA - JSC "Rostov plant GA No. 412", Rostov-on-Don

UZGA - JSC "Ural Plant of Civil Aviation", Yekaterinburg. Former name: plant No. 404 GA

SHARZ - ZAO Shakhtinsky ARZ ROSTO, Shakhty, Rostov region.

Turbojet engines for supersonic combat aircraft


Developer: AMNTK "Soyuz"

Manufacturer: MMPP "Salyut"

Year of development: 1966

Application: MiG-25

Renovation: MMPP "Salut"

Single-shaft turbojet engine with an axial five-stage compressor, a tubular-annular compressor station, a single-stage turbine, a FC and a supersonic controlled PC. Control system - hydromechanical with electronic regulator modes. TRDF R15B-300 (ed. 15B) with a thrust of 11 200 kgf was created for aircraft of the MiG-25 family based on the short-life TRDF KR15-300 (ed. 15K), which was used on unmanned reconnaissance aircraft DBR-1 "Yastreb" and the R15-300 engine (ed. . 15), used on the experienced E-150 and E-152 interceptors. Serially built in 1966-1989. The GI passed in 1969. It was used on all modifications of the MiG-25P interceptors and the MiG-25RB reconnaissance aircraft, adopted as part of these aircraft in 1972. For the upgraded MiG-25PD / PDS interceptors, new modifications of the MiG-25RBT / RBF / RBSh reconnaissance aircraft and the MiG-25BM air defense breakthrough aircraft since 1978, improved TRDF R15BD-300 with improved turbine cooling, a modified gearbox and a resource increased to 500/1500 hours (later 2000 hours) have been produced. To improve the characteristics of MiG-25 aircraft at the end of the 60s. a modernized TRDF R15BF-300 (ed. 65) was developed, and then R15BF2-300 (ed. 65M) with a thrust of 13,500 kgf with an additional sixth compressor stage cooled by a turbine and a number of other improvements, tested since 1973 on an experimental E-155M , but not commercially available. At present, the R15B-300 and R15BD-300 engines continue to operate on the MiG-25RB, MiG-25PU and MiG-25RU aircraft of the Russian and CIS Air Forces, as well as on the MiG-25 family of the Air Forces of a number of foreign countries.

R13-300, R25-300

Developer: NPP "Motor"

Manufacturer: UMPO

Year of development: 1968

Application: MiG-21, Su-15

Renovation: UMPO, 121 ARZ, 218 ARZ, "Odessaviaremservice"

Twin-shaft turbofan engines with axial three-stage LPC, five-stage HPC, tubular-annular compressor station, single-stage HPT and LPT, FC and supersonic adjustable RS. The control system is hydromechanical. TRDF R13-300 (ed. 95) with a thrust of 6600 kgf was created in 1963 for new modifications of the MiG-21 fighter as a further development of the TRDF R11F2S-200 (ed. 37F2S, 1962) with a thrust of 6200 kgf developed by TMKB Soyuz. GI passed in 1969, serially built in 1968-1986. Installed on the MiG-21 SM, MiG-21 MF, MiG-21UM, Su-15TM aircraft. At present, it continues to be operated in a number of countries on the MiG-21 MF and MiG-21UM aircraft. The modified TRDF R13F-300 (ed. 95F, 1969) with modified FCs and fuel automatics, which ensured the implementation of the CHR, was used on the MiG-21SMT aircraft. Serially produced in 1971-1978.

TRDF R25-300 (ed. 25) with a thrust increased to 7100 kgf and high-altitude CHR was developed on the basis of the R13-300 for the MiG-21bis aircraft. Serially built in 1972-1986. At present, it continues to operate in the Indian Air Force on MiG-21bis and MiG-21 Bizon fighters (MiG-21bis UPG, MiG-21-93).

R27F2M-300, R29-300, R-35

Developer: TMKB "Soyuz"

Manufacturer: MMP im. Chernysheva, UMPO

Year of development: 1970

Application: MiG-23, MiG-27, Su-22

Renovation: MMP im. Chernysheva, UMPO, 121 ARZ, 570 ARZ, LARZ

Twin-shaft turbofan engines of the third generation with an axial five-stage LPC, 6-stage HPC, annular CS, single-stage HPP and LPT, FC and supersonic adjustable RS. The control system is hydromechanical with an electronic temperature controller. TRDF R27F2M-300 (ed. 47M) with a thrust of 10 200 kgf was created in 1969 for MiG-23 aircraft on the basis of TRDF R27F-300 (ed. 41, 1967) developed by AMNTK Soyuz with a thrust of 8500 kgf and R27F2-300 (ed. 47, 1968) developments of the Soyuz TMKB with a thrust of 9300 kgf. Installed on MiG-23S and MiG-23UB fighters. Serially built at MMP them. Chernyshev since 1970. At present, it continues to operate on MiG-23UB aircraft in the air forces of a number of foreign countries.

TRDF R29-300 (ed. 55, 1970) thrust 12,500 kgf is further development TRDF R27F2M-300. It is distinguished by a change in the design of the first two LPC stages and an increased by 50K gas temperature in front of the turbine. It was used on the MiG-23M, MiG-23MS, MiG-23MF fighters. Serially built at MMP them. Chernyshev since 1973. Adopted as part of the MiG-23M in 1974. At present, it continues to operate on MiG-23MF aircraft in the air forces of a number of foreign countries.

Basic data jet engines second and third generation for supersonic aircraft
R15B-300 R13-300 R25-300 R27F2M-300 R29-300 R29B-300 R-35 AL-21F-3 Thrust (PF), kgf 11 200 6600 7100 * 10 200 12 500 11 500 13 000 11 200 Thrust (M ), kgf 7500 4100 4100 6900 8300 8200 8550 7800 Ship (PF), kg / kgf h 2.65 2.25 2.5 2.09 2.0 1.8 1.96 1.86 Ship (M), kg / kgs h 1.2 0.96 0.96 0.98 0.95 0.78 0.96 0.88 Tg, K 1230 1223 1313 1370 1443 1400 1513 1370 πc 4.75 8.9 9.5 10, 9 13 12.2 13.3 14.5 Gw, kg / s 144 66 68.5 100 110 105 110.5 104.5 D, mm 1020 678 678 1012 912 986 1004 885 L, mm 6655 4600 4615 4850 4960 4992 5001 5339 Gdry, kg 2590 1135 1215 1725 1775 1777 1778 1750 Yf 0.231 0.172 0.171 0.169 0.142 0.155 0.137 0.16 * CR

TRDF R29B-300 (ed. 55B, 1973) with a thrust of 11,500 kgf was created on the basis of the R29-300 for use on MiG-23BN and MiG-27 fighter-bombers of all modifications. It is distinguished by a modified profiling of the first stage LPC blades, the use of a shortened FC and a simplified PC. It was produced in series since 1973 at the MMP them. Chernyshev and since 1974 at UMPO. It was put into service as part of the MiG-27 aircraft in 1975. At present, it continues to operate in the Indian Air Force on MiG-27M aircraft. Modification R29BS-300 (ed. 55BS, 1974) was intended for use on fighter-bombers Su-22, Su-22M, Su-22M3, Su-22U, Su-22UM3. Serially built since 1975 at UMPO. It continues to operate in the air forces of a number of countries as part of these aircraft.

TRDF R-35 (ed. 77, 1973) with a thrust of 13,000 kgf was created on the basis of the R29-300 for the modernized MiG-23ML fighter, later it was also used on the MiG-23P and MiG-23MLD aircraft. It is distinguished by the use of a new first stage of the LPC, the gas temperature in front of the turbine increased by 90K and its improved cooling. It was produced in series since 1975 at the MMP them. Chernysheva. It continues to operate in the air forces of a number of countries on the MiG-23ML and MiG-23MLD aircraft.


Developer: NPO Saturn

Manufacturer: MMPP "Salut", OMO them. Baranova

Year of development: 1972

Application: Su-24, Su-17,

Su-22M4 / UM3K

Renovation: MMPP "Salut", OMO them. Baranova, 712 ARZ, LRZ "Motor"

Single-shaft turbojet engine of the third generation with thrust of 11,200 kgf with a 14-stage axial compressor, a tubular-annular compressor station, a three-stage turbine, a FC and a supersonic controlled RS. Control system - hydromechanical with electronic gas temperature controller. Created in 1970 on the basis of an experienced AL-21F (ed. 85) with a thrust of 8900 kgf (1966). Serial TRDF AL-21F-3 (ed. 89) since 1972 have been installed (in the "B" configuration) on MiG-23B fighter-bombers, since 1973 (in the "T" configuration) - on front-line bombers Su-24, and then Su-24M, Su-24MR, Su-24 MP and Su-24MK, and since 1974 (in the "C" configuration) - on fighter-bombers Su-17M and Su-20, later on Su-17M2, Su-17M3, Su-17M4, Su-17UM, Su-22M4, Su-22UM3K.

The coming April is significant not only because this year the whole world celebrates the 45th anniversary of the legendary Gagarin flight, which laid the foundation for practical manned astronautics. For 16 years, every even year, the Association "Union of Aviation Engine Building" has been holding an international Salon "Engines" in Moscow. This year it will be held for the ninth time.

The exhibition is traditionally one of the most representative shows of the latest achievements of the domestic aircraft engine building. Taking this into account, we decided to make this issue of the magazine not quite ordinary. A significant place in it is occupied by materials on the recent achievements of Russian and Ukrainian engine builders. We tried to present the reader with the most complete picture of what is happening in this area of ​​aircraft construction, and so that materials on such a purely "technical" topic do not seem overly boring to our ordinary readers, we have chosen different genres for this - interviews, reports, reviews.

Well, in order to give the topic integrity and completeness, we have prepared a short catalog-reference for all types of aircraft engines of Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian design, which are in operation in 2006 or are just getting ready to take their place on board. aircraft... I hope this guide will be useful to readers in order to understand all the variety of domestic aviation power plants and will help you quickly find brief reference information on a particular engine.

See you at the "Engines-2006" exhibition!

WITH Best wishes,

Andrey Fomin

Chief Editor magazine "Vzlyot"

Victor Chuiko: "Through cooperation - towards integration" or 15 years together

In the next, already the ninth in a row, international exhibition About 130 companies specializing in the development and production of engines for aircraft, marine and industrial applications are planning to take part in "Engines 2006". On the eve of this important event, the correspondent of our magazine Valery Ageev met with the President of the Association "Union of Aviation Engine Building" (ASSAD) - the traditional organizer of this exhibition - Viktor Chuiko and asked him to answer a number of questions about the results of the development of the domestic aircraft engine in 2005 and the main tasks for this year.

Viktor Mikhailovich, what successes can you characterize the past 2005? What did you manage to do and what didn't you?

Last year To be honest, for a number of reasons it did not bring any unique results in the Russian aircraft engine industry. However, pre-planned work was carried out on the certification of engines and power plants. And a lot has been done. For example, the state tests and certification of the TA-14 auxiliary power plant, created at OJSC NPP Aerosila (Stupino), were completed, and its production began.

Work continued on the Russian-French aircraft engine SaM-146, intended for a new regional aircraft RRJ. The SaM-146 project is an example of a real full-scale international cooperation of Russian and European aircraft engine builders and a path to the integration of a Russian enterprise into the high-tech world aircraft construction system. This year, the first engines are to be assembled and bench tests should begin.

A large amount of work was carried out on the D-436-148 engine for the An-148 aircraft. It has successfully passed temperature tests from +40 to -55 ° C in Yakutsk. In the second quarter of 2006 it is planned to sign the certificate of certification of this engine.

Last year, work was actively carried out to improve the reliability and service life of the PS-90A engine. He can practically work without removing from the wing before visiting the shop for 10 thousand hours.

If we talk about what we failed to accomplish last year, it is, for example, the fact that we were not able to start testing the new NK-93 aircraft engine at the flying laboratory. And this happened despite the fact that the money was allocated for this. One of the reasons for this situation was the unresolvedness of some organizational issues, as well as insufficient active position management SNTK them. N. D. Kuznetsov on the implementation of this project. A long delay in flight tests can have a negative impact on the fate of this engine.

As for the work plans of the research institutes, their volumes increased by 56%. At the same time, the number of employees decreased by 1.7%, and the average salary increased by 48%. The volume of design work also increased by 15%. In general, if we compare 2005 with the previous year, there is a tendency towards an increase in the volume of work in aircraft engine building (an increase of 10% instead of 3% in 2004).

Viktor Mikhailovich Chuiko was born on November 23, 1931 in Kabardino-Balkaria. After graduating with honors from the Kharkov Aviation Institute in 1956, he worked at the Zaporozhye Design Bureau "Progress", where he rose from a design engineer to a deputy general designer. In 1984 he was appointed Deputy Minister aviation industry USSR, which oversaw the engine building. In 1991 he was elected President of the ASSAD. Doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member of the Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics, the Academy of Transport, laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize and the State Prize.

Which enterprises of the domestic engine-building complex should be especially noted according to the results of the last year?

This is, first of all, OJSC "MMP im. V.V. Chernyshev "( general manager A.S. Novikov), in which the volume of sales in 2005 increased 1.26 times, and wage increased by 37.8% while maintaining the numerical strength. This plant is backed by orders for five years in advance.

The volume of work at MMPP Salyut (General Director Y.S. Eliseev) increased by about 8% - they amounted to 12 billion rubles. For NPO Saturn (General Director Yu.V. Lastochkin) these figures were 27.6% and 8.5 billion rubles, respectively. At OJSC Perm Engine-Building Plant (General Director A.A. Inozemtsev), a 10% drop in work volumes was noted (result - 6.5 billion rubles), at OJSC UMPO (General Director until March of this year - Yu. L. Pustovgarov) - a slight increase of 3% (the volume is about 11 billion rubles). The figures for the leading institutes of the industry - VIAM, TsIAM, VILS, aggregate and aircraft repair plants also increased.

What needs to be done in 2006?

Lots of. This year, bench tests of SaM-146 should begin, certification tests of D-436-148 should be completed, work will be carried out on a new aircraft engine PS-90A2, improvement and creation of industrial gas turbines.

The shape of the engine for the promising short-medium-range aircraft MC-21 should be determined and a competition for its choice among the participating firms should be held. This is, on the one hand, Aviadvigatel OJSC (Perm) with the PS-12 project, and on the other, MMPP Salyut and UMPO, working in cooperation with the Ukrainian enterprises Ivchenko-Progress and Motor Sich under the AI ​​project -436T12. Unfortunately, work on these engines for the MC-21 is being delayed for a number of reasons.

What processes in general took place in the industry last year?

Basically, integration. In particular, the base of NPO Saturn continued to be strengthened - for example, it acquired a controlling stake in the aggregate JSC Inkar. Reached an agreement on unification with OMO them. P.I. Baranov and a number of other Omsk enterprises of the MMPP Salyut.

Speaking in globally, then today there are two projects for the merger of engine-building enterprises. The first one is based on NPO Saturn OJSC. The second provides for the presence of two centers: on the basis of "Saturn" (for the production of engines for the passenger and transport aviation) and on the basis of the Perm Engine-Building Complex (for military aviation). However, it seems to me that both proposals do not take into account the specifics of the production and development of aircraft engines and the development of the industry. At the same time, the competitive environment is artificially eliminated.

I am against forcible unification, because it can make big mistakes that will be difficult to correct later. And therefore I prefer another integration scheme, which, in particular, involves the creation of aircraft engines for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the basis of OJSC MMP im. V.V. Chernyshev ", MMPP" Salut ", UMPO, OMO them. P.I. Baranov and Zavod them. V.Ya. Klimov. In this structure, the state would have a controlling stake.

This combination is also necessary from the technological side. After all, aircraft engines for combat aviation are more heat-stressed, higher-temperature, and more loaded in compressor stages. This determines the design features of turbines, their blades, combustion chambers and compressors. Therefore, a special specialization and cooperation of enterprises is required. And this must be taken into account.

The second structure would be engaged in the production of engines for passenger and transport aviation. It would include enterprises from Perm and Rybinsk. Foreign investments could also be used here.

The fate of the production of aircraft engines for strategic aircraft remains unclear. They were traditionally produced in Samara. Therefore, it would be possible to create a third independent structure, or include them in the first group.

Unfortunately, all proposals for the integration of the engine-building industry are not discussed with specialists - they are implemented “from above”. In addition, there is no clear program for restructuring the domestic aircraft and engine industries. It is not clear what aircraft and engines our country needs, what avionics, what materials, and in what time frame all this needs to be done. And if this is not the case, then all efforts to unite will be in vain.

In my opinion, like any important program, it must be approved by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and put into effect by federal law. The restructuring of the assets of the sub-sectors of the aircraft industry, in particular the engine - construction, should be carried out for the solution of specific tasks, and the schemes for their restructuring and the formation of integrated structures in them should preserve the possibility of tenders for competing projects.

Many Western and domestic analysts argue that the way out of the crisis, in which the domestic aviation industry and engine building found itself, is cooperation with Western industry and access to the markets of Western countries. What do you think about it?

The General Directorate of ASSAD attaches great importance to foreign economic relations of enterprises - members of ASSAD and in its work pays constant attention to working with foreign partners, contributes to the development of mutually beneficial relations domestic enterprises and foreign firms - members of the association.

For example, many foreign companies are engaged in the modernization of the PS-90A aircraft engine in order to increase its reliability and resource: the American Pratt amp; Whitney is engaged in the modernization of the high-pressure turbine and bearing supports, the automatic engine control system - Hamilton Sandstrand ”(Hamilton Sandstrand), engine mechanization system -“ Honeywell ”, oil filters - PALL. German companies BGT, BEHR Industrietechnik and FAG are engaged in onboard system control of the engine, fuel-oil heat exchangers and bearings.

Currently, you can clearly see two forms of participation of foreign capital in the development of domestic engine building. These are the creation of joint ventures, such as NPO Saturn OJSC and the French Snecma, and the purchase of shares, as happened in Perm with PMZ OJSC and the American Pratt-Whitney company. This is our true integration into the global engine building

However, on this path there are various kinds of obstacles - legal, economic and political. For example, in Perm, further development of relations is hindered by the lack of a strategy, in the development of which not only these two enterprises, but also the state represented by Rosprom should participate.

As for integration with Ukraine, it’s probably time to move from a kind of confrontation to peace negotiations. We have many years of experience in interacting with its industry, there are a number of intergovernmental agreements, a state coordinating council for cooperation between the two countries in the field of engine building is working.

The result of this interaction was the creation of the D-436 engines - in versions for the Be-200 amphibious aircraft and the Tu-334 and An-148 airliners. True, the fine-tuning of another engine, the D-27, is going on with difficulty, since the An-70, on which it is used, cannot find a place for itself in any way. In addition, a whole range of engines for helicopters based on TV3-117, VK-2500, etc. have been created together with Ukrainian engine builders.

It is no secret that from 60 to 80% of the complete set of Ukrainian engines falls on Russia. And they, these motors, go to our country and are installed on our aircraft. And the main thing now is not to ruin this cooperation.

But globally speaking, there is still no structure in Russia that would be interested in the development of integration with foreign enterprises... It should be state-owned, since the development, for example, of the same aircraft engine building, ensures the security of the state. Therefore, integration is necessary, but on one condition that it is mutually beneficial to everyone - both Russia and the Western countries.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the formation of ASSAD. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the salon will be held under the motto "15 years together." How will it differ from the previous ones?

Any exhibition must carry a certain semantic load associated with the time in which it was held. The first, "Engines-90", was related to conversion. It said that almost 50% of the Russian military-industrial complex produced for the national economy. The second, in 1992, was held under the motto "Aircraft engines in the air, on land and in water". She demonstrated that engines for shipbuilding, gas turbine installations for pumping gas, oil, and power generation were built specifically in the aviation industry.

Today main question- this is the correct cooperation, according to which the integration will also be chosen. Therefore, the working motto of our salon was the expression “Cooperation - increasing the efficiency of engine building”. A round table will be held on the same topic. It is supposed to discuss the most effective ways of cooperation and methods of integration.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the already existing cooperation and integration of domestic and foreign firms will be presented at the salon. So, in particular, the exposition of RSK "MiG" will unite four engine-building enterprises: JSC "MMP im. V.V. Chernyshev ", FSUE" Plant im. V.Ya. Klimov ", OJSC" Red October "and TMKB" Soyuz ". Already 10 enterprises will be presented at the Salut exposition. It is also widely planned to present the Perm Engine-Building Complex and the Samara Region. Aviation science will be presented by VILS, VIAM, TsIAM, higher schools where there are motor-building faculties. Aircraft repair plants will also have a separate exposition. More than a dozen Western companies and enterprises from Ukraine and Belarus are expected to participate in the show. More than 130 companies are expected to attend. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, NPO Saturn OJSC and Snekma company could not participate in the salon. However, this fact, in my opinion, will not diminish interest in the exhibition. Should interest the participants and held within the salon scientific and technical congress. It is expected to involve about 170 specialists from 34 companies.

Thank you for the interview and a successful exhibition!


A short guide to domestic aircraft engines operated in 2006 in Russia, the CIS countries and abroad

Andrey Fomin

Photo by Alexey Mikheev, Andrey Fomin, Pyotr Butovsky and from the editorial staff's archive

The reference book includes aircraft engines developed in the USSR, Russia and Ukraine, the flight operation of which continues in 2006 in Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad on airplanes and helicopters of domestic and foreign design. The handbook also includes engines that are in the final stages of development, the flight operation of which may begin in the coming years.

In each section, the engines are arranged in chronological order, in the order of their development in serial production. In the list of modifications for each type of engine, only those options are considered, the operation of which continues in 2006. The names of the developers, manufacturers and repair organizations are given in accordance with their modern name (in abbreviated spelling).

The year of development is understood as the year of introduction of the basic version of the engine into serial production. The value of thrust and engine power, unless otherwise indicated, is given for the maximum take-off mode of operation in bench conditions (“full afterburner” mode for TRDF and TRDDF). The engine resource value, unless otherwise indicated, is given for the overhaul / assigned resource (separated by a fractional bar).

List of accepted abbreviations

AR IAC - Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee

BB - propeller

VZL - takeoff mode

GI - state tests

HPC - high pressure compressor

LPC - low pressure compressor

KR - cruising mode of operation

KS - combustion chamber

KSD - medium pressure compressor

LL - flying laboratory

M - maximum mode

OBT - thrust vector deviation

PF - "full afterburner" mode

RPD - rotary piston engine

RS - jet nozzle

RU - reversing device

ACS - automatic control system

ser. - series number

ST - free turbine

TV - fan turbine

TVaD - turboshaft engine

TVVD - turboprop fan engine

TVD - turboprop engine

HPT - high pressure turbine

TC - compressor turbine

LPT - low pressure turbine

Turbojet engine - double-circuit turbojet engine

TRDDF - by-pass turbojet engine with afterburner

TRDF - afterburner turbojet engine

TSD - medium pressure turbine

UHT - thrust vector control

TCB - trainer aircraft

FC - afterburner

CR - emergency operation

C beats - specific fuel consumption, kg / kg.h

D in - diameter of the engine inlet, mm

G in - air consumption through the compressor, kg / s

G dry - dry weight of the engine, kg

L - engine length, mm

m - the degree of bypass

T g - temperature of gases in front of the turbine, K

Y is the specific gravity of the engine (the ratio

mass to maximum thrust / power)

¶ к - total compression ratio of the compressor

Full names of enterprises - developers and manufacturers

"Aviadvigatel"- JSC Aviadvigatel, Perm. Part of the Perm Engine-Building Complex (PMK). Former names: OKB-19, PMKB, NPO Aviadvigatel

AvtoVAZ- Special Design Bureau for Rotary Piston Engines (SKB RPD) JSC "AvtoVAZ", Togliatti

AMNTK "Soyuz" - JSC Aviamotor Scientific and Technical Complex Soyuz, Moscow. Former names: OKB-300, MMZ "Soyuz", MNPO "Soyuz"

VMZ- FSUE "Voronezh Mechanical Plant", Voronezh. Former names: plant No. 154, VMZ

VolgAero- JV VolgAero, Rybinsk, a joint venture between NPO Saturn and Snecma (France)

"Ivchenko-Progress"- SE "ZMKB" Progress "them. A.G. Ivchenko ", Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Former names: OKB-478, ZMKB "Progress"

"Klimov"- FSUE "Plant named after V.Ya. Klimova ", St. Petersburg. It is part of FSUE RSK MiG. Former names: OKB-117, GMZ im. V.Ya. Klimov, LNPO them. V.Ya. Klimova

KMPO- OJSC Kazan Engine-Building Production Association, Kazan. Former names: Plant No. 16, Kazan Engine Building Plant, KMPO

MMP them. Chernysheva- JSC "Moscow Machine-Building Enterprise named after V.V. Chernyshev ", Moscow. It is part of FSUE RSK MiG. Former names: plant No. 500, MMZ Krasny Oktyabr, MMPO Krasny Oktyabr, MMPO im. V.V. Chernyshev, GMMPP them. V.V. Chernysheva

MMPP "Salyut"- FSUE "Moscow Machine-Building Production Enterprise" Salut ", Moscow. Former names: plant No. 45, MMPO Salyut, MMPO Salyut

"Motor Builder"- JSC "Motorostroitel", Samara. Former names: plant №24 named after M.V. Frunze, SMPO them. M.V. Frunze

Motor Sich- Motor Sich OJSC, Zaporozhye (Ukraine). Former names: Plant No. 478, Zaporozhye Motor Plant

NPO Saturn- JSC "Scientific and Production Association" Saturn ", Rybinsk. Former names: for STC im. A.M. Cradle - OKB-165, MZ Saturn, NPO Saturn, NPO Saturn named after A.M. Cradle; for the aircraft engine design bureau in Rybinsk - OKB-36, RKBM, AKBM, RKBM; for an aircraft plant in Rybinsk - plant no. 36, RMZ, Rybinsk PO for Motors, RMPO, Rybinsk Motors OJSC

NPP "Motor"- FSUE "Research and Production Enterprise" Motor ", Ufa. Former names: OKB-26, UMKB "Soyuz", UKBM

OKBM- OJSC "Experimental design bureau of motor building", Voronezh. Former names: OKB-154-2, OKBM

OMKB- JSC "Omsk Engine-Building Design Bureau", Omsk. Former names: OKB-29, Motor-building KB, OJSC "OMKB"

OMO them. Baranova- FSUE “Omsk motor-building association named after P.I. Baranova ", Omsk. Former names: plant number 29, plant them. P.I. Baranov, OMPO them. P.I. Baranova

Powerjet- JV Powerjet, a joint venture between NPO Saturn (Rybinsk) and Snecma (France) PMZ - Perm Engine Company, Perm. Part of the Perm Engine-Building Complex (PMK). Former names: plant number 19, plant them. ME AND. Sverdlov, Perm Production Association named after ME AND. Sverdlova, Perm PO "Motorostroitel" (PPOM), PMZ

SNTK them. Kuznetsova- JSC "Samara Scientific and Technical Complex named after N. D. Kuznetsova ", Samara. It is part of the FPG "NK Engines". Former names: OKB-276, MZ Trud, Kuibyshevskoe (Samara) NPO Trud, SGNPP Trud

TMKB "Soyuz"- Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Tushino Machine-Building Design Bureau" Soyuz ", Moscow. It is part of FSUE RSK MiG. Former names: OKB-500, TMKB "Soyuz"

UMPO- JSC "Ufa Machine-Building Production Association", Ufa. Former names: plant # 26, UMP, UMPO

Full names of repair organizations

24 ARZ - JSC "Plant No. 24 GA", Khabarovsk

121 ARZ - FSUE "121 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense", pos. Kubinka, Moscow region

123 ARZ - FSUE "123 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense", Staraya Russa, Novgorod region.

150 ARZ - Federal State Unitary Enterprise “150 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense”, Lyublino Novoe, Kaliningrad region.

218 ARZ - FSUE "218 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense", Gatchina, Leningrad region.

243 ARZ - Uzbekistan Airways Technologies, Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Former name: plant No. 243 GA

ARZ 406 - JSC ARZ No. 406 GA, Aktobe (Kazakhstan). Former name: plant No. 406 GA

410 ARZ - SE "Plant No. 410 GA", Kiev (Ukraine)

411 ARZ - JSC "Plant No." 411 GA ", Mineralnye Vody

570 ARZ - FSUE "570 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation", Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory

695 ARZ - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "695 ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation", Aramil, Sverdlovsk region.

712 ARZ - FSUE "712 ARZ of the RF Ministry of Defense", Chelyabinsk

"Aviakon" - Konotop ARZ "Aviakon" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Konotop, Sumy region. (GTD-350)

BARZ - JSC "Bykovskiy ARZ", pos. Bykovo, Moscow region Former name: plant No. 402 GA

VARZ - JSC "Vnukovsky ARZ No. 400", pos. Vnukovo, Moscow region Former name: plant No. 400 GA

GARZ - SE "Ganja ARZ", Ganja (Azerbaijan)

LARZ - Lugansk ARZ of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lugansk

LRZ "Motor" - Lutsk repair plant "Motor" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Lutsk

MARZ - JSC "MARZ ROSTO", p / o Chernoe, Moscow region.

"Odessaviaremservice" - Odessa Aviation Repair Enterprise "Odessaviaremservice" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Odessa

RZGA - JSC "Rostov plant GA No. 412", Rostov-on-Don

UZGA - JSC "Ural Plant of Civil Aviation", Yekaterinburg. Former name: plant No. 404 GA

SHARZ - ZAO Shakhtinsky ARZ ROSTO, Shakhty, Rostov region.

Turbojet engines for supersonic combat aircraft


Developer: AMNTK "Soyuz"

Manufacturer: MMPP "Salyut"

Year of development: 1966

Application: MiG-25

Renovation: MMPP "Salut"

Single-shaft turbojet engine with an axial five-stage compressor, a tubular-annular compressor station, a single-stage turbine, a FC and a supersonic controlled PC. The control system is hydromechanical with an electronic regulator of modes. TRDF R15B-300 (ed. 15B) with a thrust of 11 200 kgf was created for aircraft of the MiG-25 family based on the short-life TRDF KR15-300 (ed. 15K), which was used on unmanned reconnaissance aircraft DBR-1 "Yastreb" and the R15-300 engine (ed. . 15), used on the experienced E-150 and E-152 interceptors. Serially built in 1966-1989. The GI passed in 1969. It was used on all modifications of the MiG-25P interceptors and the MiG-25RB reconnaissance aircraft, adopted as part of these aircraft in 1972. For the upgraded MiG-25PD / PDS interceptors, new modifications of the MiG-25RBT / RBF / RBSh reconnaissance aircraft and the MiG-25BM air defense breakthrough aircraft since 1978, improved TRDF R15BD-300 with improved turbine cooling, a modified gearbox and a resource increased to 500/1500 hours (later 2000 hours) have been produced. To improve the characteristics of MiG-25 aircraft at the end of the 60s. a modernized TRDF R15BF-300 (ed. 65) was developed, and then R15BF2-300 (ed. 65M) with a thrust of 13,500 kgf with an additional sixth compressor stage cooled by a turbine and a number of other improvements, tested since 1973 on an experimental E-155M , but not commercially available. At present, the R15B-300 and R15BD-300 engines continue to operate on the MiG-25RB, MiG-25PU and MiG-25RU aircraft of the Russian and CIS Air Forces, as well as on the MiG-25 family of the Air Forces of a number of foreign countries.

R13-300, R25-300

Developer: NPP "Motor"

Manufacturer: UMPO

Year of development: 1968

Application: MiG-21, Su-15

Renovation: UMPO, 121 ARZ, 218 ARZ, "Odessaviaremservice"

Twin-shaft turbofan engines with axial three-stage LPC, five-stage HPC, tubular-annular compressor station, single-stage HPT and LPT, FC and supersonic adjustable RS. The control system is hydromechanical. TRDF R13-300 (ed. 95) with a thrust of 6600 kgf was created in 1963 for new modifications of the MiG-21 fighter as a further development of the TRDF R11F2S-200 (ed. 37F2S, 1962) with a thrust of 6200 kgf developed by TMKB Soyuz. GI passed in 1969, serially built in 1968-1986. Installed on the MiG-21 SM, MiG-21 MF, MiG-21UM, Su-15TM aircraft. At present, it continues to be operated in a number of countries on the MiG-21 MF and MiG-21UM aircraft. The modified TRDF R13F-300 (ed. 95F, 1969) with modified FCs and fuel automatics, which ensured the implementation of the CHR, was used on the MiG-21SMT aircraft. Serially produced in 1971-1978.

TRDF R25-300 (ed. 25) with a thrust increased to 7100 kgf and high-altitude CHR was developed on the basis of the R13-300 for the MiG-21bis aircraft. Serially built in 1972-1986. At present, it continues to operate in the Indian Air Force on MiG-21bis and MiG-21 Bizon fighters (MiG-21bis UPG, MiG-21-93).

R27F2M-300, R29-300, R-35

Developer: TMKB "Soyuz"

Manufacturer: MMP im. Chernysheva, UMPO

Year of development: 1970

Application: MiG-23, MiG-27, Su-22

Renovation: MMP im. Chernysheva, UMPO, 121 ARZ, 570 ARZ, LARZ

Twin-shaft turbofan engines of the third generation with an axial five-stage LPC, 6-stage HPC, annular CS, single-stage HPP and LPT, FC and supersonic adjustable RS. The control system is hydromechanical with an electronic temperature controller. TRDF R27F2M-300 (ed. 47M) with a thrust of 10 200 kgf was created in 1969 for MiG-23 aircraft on the basis of TRDF R27F-300 (ed. 41, 1967) developed by AMNTK Soyuz with a thrust of 8500 kgf and R27F2-300 (ed. 47, 1968) developments of the Soyuz TMKB with a thrust of 9300 kgf. Installed on MiG-23S and MiG-23UB fighters. Serially built at MMP them. Chernyshev since 1970. At present, it continues to operate on MiG-23UB aircraft in the air forces of a number of foreign countries.

TRDF R29-300 (ed. 55, 1970) with a thrust of 12,500 kgf is a further development of the TRDF R27F2M-300. It is distinguished by a change in the design of the first two LPC stages and an increased by 50K gas temperature in front of the turbine. It was used on the MiG-23M, MiG-23MS, MiG-23MF fighters. Serially built at MMP them. Chernyshev since 1973. Adopted as part of the MiG-23M in 1974. At present, it continues to operate on MiG-23MF aircraft in the air forces of a number of foreign countries.

Basic data of second and third generation jet engines for supersonic aircraft
R15B-300 P13-300 P25-300 R27F2M-300 R29-300 R29B-300 P-35 AL-21F-3
Thrust (PF), kgf 11 200 6600 7100* 10 200 12 500 11 500 13 000 11 200
Thrust (M), kgf 7500 4100 4100 6900 8300 8200 8550 7800
C beats (PF), kg / kgf h 2,65 2,25 2,5 2,09 2,0 1,8 1,96 1,86
C beats (M), kg / kgf h 1,2 0,96 0,96 0,98 0,95 0,78 0,96 0,88
T g, K 1230 1223 1313 1370 1443 1400 1513 1370

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