A school-wide event by March 8 for high school students. Competition "Much from Nothing"

Department of Education of the Yakovlevsky District Administration

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2 in the city of Builder of the Belgorod region"

Give the girls the whole world

Mysterious, big.

Let girls always be friends

With you and with me!

And we won't offend

Girls never

Dare to suddenly offend someone

Streams murmur, beams blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch again.

A cheerful bumblebee is buzzing spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings shout.

Starlings scream in all directions:

"Spring is in! Spring is on the way!"

Leading : Good afternoon, dear guys, today we have gathered on the eve of International Women's Day - March 8, today our girls will fight for the title of the most beautiful and charming, dexterous and skillful.

As you know that the times of the economic crisis are very difficult, and it is easiest for rural residents to live, today our girls will plunge into the village idyll. And the task for them will also be unusual - our girls will act as milkmaids.

Well, we'll see how our participants can milk a cow. (In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers). Who needs more?

Well done girls, we can say that you have already mastered the profession of a milkmaid, but we are moving on to the next competition

Leading : Life sometimes puts us in the most unthinkable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How would you behave in the following circumstances:

1. A “fashionable dress” was brought to the store, the cost of which is equal to 3 salaries of your father. How do you persuade your dad to give you such a gift?

Wonderful answers came from the participants, well, let's find out how our beauties will behave in the following situation:

2. Your boyfriend arrives 40 minutes late for a coffee date in burdock, with traces of lipstick. Your actions?

Well, none of those present probably doubted that our girls would cope with this task.

Leading : And now the blitz is a tournament!

How much does a loaf of bread cost?

A liter of milk?

How much does a kilogram of nails cost?

A dozen eggs?

washing powder?


A liter of petrol?

Wanted to get to our bachelorette party?

Our girls are well versed in modern prices, thunderous applause!

Well it's time intellectual competition!

(Questions are asked one by one to the participants)

    A type of utensils painted with blue patterns only. (Gzhel).

    The most noble type of glass. (Crystal).

    A vessel designed to hold flowers. (Vase).

    Paper or linen squares for wiping hands and lips after eating. (Napkins).

    A set of dishes for tea, coffee or lunch. (Service).

    A flat stand on which a lot of dishes are placed at once to serve them to the table. (Tray).

    Sometimes kitchen, sometimes pirate. (Knife).

    Bottle stopper. (Cork).

    Salt utensils. (Salt cellar).

    A napkin placed on the table. (Tablecloth).

    What epithet is invariably added to the name of the Russian Empress Catherine II? (Great).

    What was the name and surname of D'Artagnan's beloved? (Constance Bonacieux).

    What names of the months of the year can become female names? (March - March, May - Maya, July - Julia, August - Augusta).

    What flower names are also female names? (Rose - Rose, lily - Lily, daisy - Margarita).

    Whose portrait is this?

    Eyes like the sky, blue

    Which heroine of Leo Tolstoy felt her eyes glow in the dark? (Anna Karenina).

    What bird did you fly into warmer climes Thumbelina? (On a swallow).
    10. What is the name of the old investigator from the novels of the writer Agatha Christie? (Miss Marple).

    Name and surname of the world's first female astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova).

    What was the name of Chekhov's "lady with the dog"? (Anna Sergeyevna).

    What eye color did Natasha Rostova have? (Black).

    The name of the main character of one of the plays by A. N. Ostrovsky is translated as "seagull". What is the name of the heroine and the play? (Larisa. "Dowry").

    What flowers were carried in the hands of the heroine of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"? (Mimosa).

    What poet said about a Russian woman: “He will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut”? (N. A. Nekrasov).

    The heroine of which novel was affectionately called by her patronymic - Nilovna? (“Mother” by A.M. Gorky).

    The heroine of the book of the writer P. P. Bazhov "Ural Tales". (Mistress of Copper Mountain).

    In the book of the writer Alexander Belyaev "The Amphibian Man", the main character was named Ichthyander. What was the name of the girl he fell in love with? (Gutierre).

    The name of a girl who at first sight really liked Tom Sawyer. (Becky Thatcher).

Leading : Our girls made us happy! Well done, our strict jury recorded all the correct answers, and we move on to the next competition.

Competition "Smak"

Blindfolded, identify the vegetable by touch and list what dishes you can cook from it.

These are our hostesses, they are remarkably oriented in food even blindfolded!

So the time has come for the next competition, which is called "The Princess and the Pea", our wonderful team captains need to determine by touch the "5th" point the number of peas lying on the chair (the peas are covered with a napkin).

Host: It's time to check how our beauties are ready for family life. Now the girls will have to play the role of a mother who needs to feed “her child”, but first put on the “child” a cap and bib and feed the “baby” with milk from a baby bottle.

Moderator: Yes, the competition was not so easy, it was especially difficult for the “babies” who had to suck 250 ml of milk through the nipple! Well, the girls coped with this final stage of our event by 100%! Well done, well, let's give the floor to our strict but fair jury!

We prepared gifts

For dear girls

And we want to congratulate them!

(speech by the jury, awarding the winners, then the boys give flowers and gifts to the girls).

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

Semyonova E.N. MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school"

Semyonova Elena Nikolaevna,

MBOU "Chikhachevskaya secondary school",

Bezhanitsky district,

Pskov region

Target b: - fostering respect and good feelings for girls and women

Hall decoration: - festive decoration, cheerful music, flowers and written congratulations on posters, a sign with the name of the competition on the stage, tables for contestants, equipment for competitions.

Explanatory note : This holiday is a tradition of our school. We conduct it through the stages of training, i.e. in three streams. In the past academic year it was especially interesting for high school students. This was evidenced by the comments of students and colleagues on the pages electronic diary and photos from the holiday. This activity can be adapted for intermediate students as well.

1 presenter..: Dear friends, we have gathered in this hall to congratulate our lovely women and girls on the coming day of March 8 and give them a good mood and our warm words this evening ....

Beautiful day March 8th,
When everything sparkles around
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
I wish you health, happiness,
To never be sad
May you always flourish
In the name of happiness and kindness.

1 leading.. - Maybe there is a bigger date

And probably not alone.

Spring opens.

The denial of aging

The heat of creativity in the blood

Turns time

To Peace, Friendship and Love.

That's why we lift it up

affirming existence,

golden number eight

As your dignity.

2 hosts - “Oh, female! All our glory
She submits to you,
Oh delightful right
Captivate us and drive us crazy!”

Sounds like Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Exit of the presenters. The sound decreases a little, and against the background of the music, the presenter begins to read poetry.

1st presenter: - A star falls from midnight skies,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But stays with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
From heart to heart from dream to dream
The light of a woman will continue the invisible path,
Open only to eternal Kindness,
And Truth, and Love unique ...

(Music turns off)

To languish in you
And tenderness, and courage stock,
So that without resistance to your mercy
The tigers slumbering in us gave up!

Leader 1: Hello!!! Hello, dear viewers, wonderful contestants, dear jury! We are glad to welcome you to our competition "The most charming and attractive". Today we have gathered in this hall in order to bow before female beauty, charm, charm.

2nd presenter: A woman ... In all ages, artists, poets, musicians worshiped her ... How many flowers, poems, and what's there, lives were thrown at her feet. Which of the men did not try to comprehend the secret of her charm? But the female gender is always a mystery. Today we have the opportunity to try to lift the veil on this mystery. So we start our competition

1st presenter: First of all, I would like to introduce our competent jury. (The jury is presenting.)

Lead teacher:

Three girls take part in the competition. Let's welcome them.

(Girls are invited to the stage. They go out to the music for the stage.)

Meet the representatives of the fair sex of the classroom teams of the school.

2nd leader:. The competent jury after each competition announces the results. Now we ask the participants to take their places. We announce first competition "WARM-UP"

(the competition is conducted by a student from the class, each participant takes turns asking questions)


1) What is between the window and the door? (letter "and")

2) What is easy to pick up from the ground, but you can’t throw it far? (fluff)

3) What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat? (asleep)

1) Which hand is better to stir the tea? (the one with the spoon)

2) In what country was fashion first created? (in Italy)

3) In which country did the jewelry from precious stones: rings, brooches, earrings, bracelets, tiaras? (in Egypt)

1) The Egyptians wore make-up, both men and women. What, according to established tradition, did they tint? (eyes, eyebrows, lips)

2) In the 12th-17th centuries, it was worn around the neck, on a gold chain or at the waist, inserted into a fan, inserted into a frame made of tortoiseshell, ivory, gilded silver. With miniatures and engraving. What is it about? (about the mirror)

3) Name 5 plants that remind of the names of people (Rose, lily, pansies, Daisy, Ivan da Marya)

1 host.. Applause to our participants!!!

2nd host: “The kingdom of a woman is the kingdom of tenderness, subtlety and tolerance,” wrote the great Jean-Jacques Rousseau. How little a woman sometimes needs to conquer a man's heart forever. A coquettish curl, a charming curl, an unusual gait - and the man is already at your feet. Let's see how our participants master this art. I announce second to oncourse.


Participants are invited to go through as fashion models. At the same time, for the participants, it is necessary to prepare boots of 2 types in advance, boots of at least size 41, number them, let the participants pull out the numbers.)

1 - presenter - Applause!!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, the jury is summing up the results of two competitions, we will not let the audience get bored. Please be active and you can help our contestants.

(a quiz is held, tokens are distributed for correct answers)

Spectator competition "Connoisseurs of flowers"

1) “She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands. The devil knows what their names are, but for some reason they are the first to appear in Moscow. These are lines from Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. What colors are we talking about here? (about mimosa)

2) The Latin name of this flower is translated into Russian as a sword. What is this flower? (gladiolus)

3) Translated from Greek, the name of this flower sounds like a rain flower. In the spring of 1734, Dutch children noticed an unknown flower near the water. The entire population of the coastal village came running to look at him. The inhabitants remembered that in the fall, during a storm, a Genoese ship sank nearby, from where this flower, which has since become revered in Holland, like the tulip, fell into the coastal soil. What flower are we talking about? (about hyacinth)

4) The birthplace of this flower is Mexico, where its tubers were eaten, not paying attention to the tops. 400 years ago, this plant was brought to Europe to diversify the vegetable menu of the French, Spaniards and Germans. But the Europeans did not like the tubers, much more they liked the bright flowers of various colors and shapes. The flower has been given different names. What is the name of this flower? (dahlia)

5) What flower served as a hallmark of actors in the Middle Ages in England? By order of Queen Elizabeth, actors could appear outside the theater in an ordinary dress, but always with this flower on their shoes. Soon with this flower, but not on shoes, but behind the ear, Elizabeth herself began to go to the reception. In this form, she is depicted on a silver coin of her time. What is this flower? (the Rose)

Well done! Save your tokens, you can give them to the contestants at the end of the holiday. And now the jury's word.

2 leading .. You constantly inspire poets,
Writers, actors and minds.
Without you, Pushkin would not have written verses,
And we would not have heard Lermontov's stanzas!

1 led: Next( third) poetry competition,

Participants need to complete the phrase by finding the right rhyme.

1) Maybe a loser would have rushed on the run,

But impenetrable all around ...... (taiga)

2) To make a modern make-up,

Acquired by a beauty………(trillage)

3) One can and a lot of jars

The thrush is lucky to …………… (market)

1) In Lukomorye, the cat decided

That he is local ……… (guarded)

2) Sumo champion for cargo

It's good to have a big ………..(belly)

3) The wolf, after watching football, decided in the end:

“Like me, they are also fed………(legs)

Applause to our participants!

2-Vedas: We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
And we sing love songs.

Be happy, cheerful, loved,
Sweet, gentle, and not grumpy,
Make friends with song, humor and laughter,
And keep up with the times!

Next (fourth) competition is the most sensitive.

"Princess on the Pea"

For the competition you will need chairs, buttons on the leg and rags. Only girls participate in the competition. A preparation is made for each girl: a chair is placed, buttons with a leg are placed on it, the buttons are covered with a cloth. Then the girls should sit on a chair, move their booty a little and say how many buttons are on the chair. The first girl to correctly name the number of buttons wins. Buttons can also be replaced with caramels or large beads.

1 - presenter.. Applause!!! In the meantime, our participants are resting, preparing for music competition, the jury sums up the results of two competitions, we will continue the game with the audience. The male half of our school team prepared a holiday greeting

(boys from 11,10, 8 classes perform)

Well done, and now the jury.

2nd ved: competition "chastushechny».( 5)

Our contestants are invited to sing 2-3 ditties, in which the beautiful qualities of girls will be sung.

(maestro, music)

1st presenter: - Next contest - dance. (6 ) This competition is held by lot. Participants will show their skills in the following types of dance: waltz, Russian folk dance and modern. Who gets what - fate decides!

(draw lots - dance inscriptions, prepared music is put on)

Well done, and now while the jury is getting ready, let the girls gain strength for further competitions

Spectator competition "Explainers".

three characteristics word must be specified.

1) Grows in the garden; put in a salad; happens on a dress (polka dots).

2) They sometimes sit there; now it is not fashionable to use them; earlier they were all worn in the rain (galoshes).

3) Girls have it; happens near the sand; in the village it is needed in July (spit).

4) It grows in the field; there is such a game; when it looks like a nose (potato).

Now I say a word, you give 3 different concepts for it.

1) Teachers' Council (this takes place at school; the director speaks there; something is decided there and someone is scolded).

2) Dining room (all students love it; everyone rushes to it; it’s hard to run after it).

3) Chalk (some people like to eat it; there is never enough of it; it makes you dirty).

4) Schedule of lessons (you can’t do without it at school; it hangs on the wall; it is compiled by the head teacher).

2nd Vedas Word of the JURY

May you have long been sung
Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy,
As before, sonnets are written
And poets do not sleep at night,
Building bridges to your loved ones.

Next competition "Milkmaids» ( 7)
(In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers. Who milks more?)

1 Vedas: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

"Temptress"(8) ( turn on the music, mark the time,)

The guys in the hall are given three hearts (paper). Girls must do everything possible so that in 2 minutes the male representatives give them these hearts. What can they do? They can kiss, praise him, tell him a lot of compliments. The actions of girls depend on their imagination and ability to seduce. Guys, if he liked a girl, he gives her one or even two hearts. At the end of time, the girls count how many hearts they have won. The girl with the most hearts wins.

Leading teacher: - And now the most decisive competition. You are witnesses, dear friends, that our participants all deserve the title of "The most charming and attractive" and how can we not demonstrate knowledge and skills for expectant mothers. So the competition: Young mom» (9) ( swaddling, dressing babies and, of course, comforting them) (lyrical music "Mama" by S. Lazarev)

1 Vedas: - While our participants cool their hands from hot male hearts, and calm down from the excitement of communicating with babies, the jury will finally sum up the results, and your attention is invited to a very instructive story. (students of grade 9 show a variation on the theme of Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”)

2 leading. How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And in the heart the flatterer will always find a corner.

(Script parody of Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox")

(The presenter reads the text, it is advisable to choose musical accompaniment)

Somewhere a god sent a piece of cheese to a crow;
(Vasily comes out, holding a wad of money in his hands and counts them with a smile on his face)
Crow perched on the spruce,
(Vasya climbs onto a chair and counts the money again)

I was quite ready to have breakfast,

To that misfortune, the Fox fled close by;
(Natasha comes out with a beautiful coquettish gait, seeing Vasya, walks around the chair)
(Vasily stands “not seeing” Masha)

The fox sees the cheese
Cheese captivated the fox,
(an insidious plan appears on Masha's face, facing the viewer)
(Vasily, noticing Masha, hides the money behind his back)

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He wags his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
(coquettishly and seductively, making movements with his hands along his figure, approaches Vasya) “bewitching” music should sound. (Vasya examines Masha with a smile, but also with caution)

And he says so sweetly, breathing a little:

- Angela“Darling, how good!
Well, what a neck, what eyes!
(walks around the chair, hands gently touching Vasya)
(Vasya carefully watches the girl so that she does not notice anything ...)

To tell, so, right, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
(the girl moves Vasya's hands up and down, while Vasya tries to cover up the money ...)

And, of course, there must be an angelic voice!
(moves his hands along the lower part of Vasya's torso)
(Vasya is pleased ...)
Sing, little one, don't be ashamed!
(Gently pulls Vasily off the chair and begins to hug himself in the chest and hips with his hands, trying to discreetly count the money in Vasya's hand)
(Vasya resists. But not really ...)

What if, sister,
With such beauty
(the girl says these words looking passionately at Vasya's face and imperceptibly runs her hand over a wad of money)

and you are a master of singing!

Veshuniny's head was spinning with praise,
From joy in the goiter breath stole,
(Vasily cannot believe in his happiness, looks at the girl dumbfounded, with hope and full of strength for love ...)

And to Lisitsy's friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its throat:
(Vasya runs up to the girl and hugs her himself, she plays along and hugs him so that Vasya's money falls from his hands and crumbles ...)

(Vasya brings his hand to his head (imitation of dizziness) and, exhausted, sinks into a chair with a blissful smile on his face, eyes closed)

with him was a cheat. (applause)

The floor is given to the jury. Summarizing.

Presenters:- (read line by line)

1. Happy holiday,

2. With a clear holiday,

1. Happy holiday,

2. Wonderful, beautiful.

1. Happy holiday of affection,

2.Love and attention,

1. With the holiday of female charm!

2. Let business always and everywhere

1. You are successful.

2. And today, on a bright holiday,

Together: - May you be the happiest of all!

(as an option, you can offer to congratulate specific girls and poems:

FOR BOYS 1) I am ready to follow you,
And the notoriety will not bother you at all ...
But where would you get your own heads,
To "lose" them left and right?!

I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
Just see Julia
I feel it in my heart, I'm on fire!

How to say I want about Anya,
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know what?!

Angela is - the soul will rise,
No desire - a dull look! ..
I'm drawn to Zhelochka
Feeling sensitive magnet!

Everything with Rita is very handy,
I don't need others Rit:
In essence and in fact
Better not to find Rita.

I look at everything like icons
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Julia, Anya, Zhela, Rita
I love you all, always.

Before you we kneel
We rise, burning and trembling.

(All the guys kneel)

There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give the girls flowers!

1st Vedas: - Everyone in the hall today was rooting for our contestants and also competed. Let's count the tokens, you can give them in the form of points to the participant you like. (give to the jury)

1st place - title "Miss Charm"
2nd place - ...... "Miss Charm".
3rd place - …….. "Miss Sympathy".

Used Books:

Books of various poets and writers at the exhibition

The event is held on the eve of the 8th of March and is a kind of gift and a somewhat unusual surprise for the girls (the entire preparatory and organizational part of the event is entirely the responsibility of the boys).

Such a disco is quite appropriate on Valentine's Day. It is only necessary to correct the script, make small changes.

The main objective of the event- organization of free leisure time for young people, development of their aesthetic worldview, education ethical standards behavior.

Preparatory work

High school students are preparing a place for a disco. If the event is held for several, say, parallel classes, then the school gym is also suitable for holding.

Sports equipment and accessories are taken out, hung up Balloons, the front door is decorated with garlands of artificial flowers; comfortable banquettes are placed along the walls, etc. In front of the entrance to the hall, on the wall, painted flowers are attached, in the middle of which photos of high school students are pasted (you need to know in advance which flower corresponds to the horoscope of this or that girl). Each girl's photo must be glued into "her" flower. An inscription is attached above the flowers with the words of congratulations on the holiday of spring or on Valentine's Day.

Girls come to the disco in clothes of the color that is inherent in their flower according to the horoscope (or choose any flower according to their taste and desire). For example, if a girl was born in September, her outfit, as well as various accessories, should be as close as possible to the tones of the autumn aster flower, etc. Fantasy and fiction in hair and makeup are welcome.

Technical means, attributes: tape recorder, dance music cassette, color music installation; microphone, speakers for sound amplification; cards with the image of flowers, cut in half (according to the number of participants in the evening), artificial flowers.

To obtain a special special effect (if the technical equipment of the school allows), you will need a projector and slides with images of various colors, and a white screen that is attached to the central wall of the room.

Costumes for speakers: two headbands made of red material for attendants, a chamomile hat for playing chamomile, paper-cut flowers for the game Flower Path; "Flower Encyclopedia", artificial flowers (forfeits) for the players. A large baby doll, a cradle for her (for the scene “Do not drink water from your face”); flower themed souvenirs.


Leaders (two young men).

Iris, Astra, Lilac, Forget-me-not (all roles are played by young men).

Mother of Narcissus.

"Worshipers of Narcissus".

Nemesis is the goddess of justice.

The narrator.

Event progress

Dance music plays. The organizers of the evening of relaxation distribute to all the invited cards with the image of flowers, cut in half, with a request to save the cards until the gaming attractions. The presenters come out, the music is muted.

1st leader. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen! Signors and senoritas, as well as signorinas ...

2nd host(pushing his friend to the side, hastily shoves him aside, not allowing him to finish speaking). In a word - hello!

The hall responds to the greeting with friendly applause. The leaders bow ceremoniously in different directions. The welcoming ceremony is somewhat delayed, the presenters pretend that they have forgotten the next line. They "surreptitiously, imperceptibly" push each other, then at the same time blurt out:

Everybody is dancing!

The overhead light is removed, the color and music installation is turned on, rhythmic dance music sounds.

2nd host. And it is dedicated to the spring holiday of March 8 ...

Together. Happy Holidays, girls!

All the young men present at the evening shout with one voice: “Congratulations!”. Slow music sounds, the young men invite the girls to a slow dance. After the end of the music, the partners are taken to their places.

1st presenter(dreamy, addressing the second host). I look into the hall and enjoy, inhale (close my eyes and take a deep breath) and enjoy...

2nd host. Can you share with us what you enjoy so much?

1st leader. I look into the hall and enjoy the beauty of our lovely girls. I inhale the aromas of their perfume and enjoy again ... (rolls his eyes).

2nd host. Yes, a real flower garden, and what a fragrance! (She also rolls her eyes.)

Everyone dances to live, rhythmic music.

1st presenter(second leader). Look, look, what a flower! ..

2nd host(looks around the girls present at the evening). Where?

1st presenter(with annoyance). Oh, there, violet eyes, lips like a rosebud, and a blush the color of a peony ...

2nd host. Some kind of hybrid!

1st presenter(with resentment). You yourself are a hybrid, you can’t even dream! This may be the girl of my dreams, and you are a hybrid, a hybrid!

2nd leader. Come on, then you dream about what we have planned there?

Together. The game "Guess me!".

The game "Guess me!"

A girl comes in the middle. According to her outfit, various accessories (if she has any), hairstyle, makeup, those present must guess which flower she represents. If the players find it difficult to answer, they can ask the flower girl leading questions. According to her answers guess the name of the flower. Then the next flower girl comes out, the game is repeated. The guesser is given one flower and asked to keep it until the scoring at the end of the evening.

The presenters come out, one of them has a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

2nd leader. For whom are flowers? Just don't say that to the girl of your dreams.

1st leader. I won’t say - I’m mute (shows with his hand how he “zips up” his lips), but they (points to a bouquet of flowers) will say everything instead of me ...

2nd host(in bewilderment). How is that?

1st leader. Very simple. Previously, there was a symbolism of flower greetings, in which, with the help of bouquets of flowers, lovers solved various issues: they declared their love, made dates, etc.

The "Waltz of the Flowers" from P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker" sounds. "Flowers" appear: Iris, Lilac, Astra, Forget-me-not. An improvisation dance is performed. The music is gradually muffled, the "flowers" freeze in place in the position that they took at the time the music ended. The first takes the normal position of Iris. He is dressed in all blue, on his face is a half-mask of that glue blue color. Iris rips off her mask with a sharp movement of her hand and throws it into the hall with dignity.

Iris. Your hypocritical feelings will pass, so that there will be no trace left!

He leaves with his head held high. Lilac in a suit of lilac or white (in the hands of a fan of the same color, a large lilac “mole” above the upper lip), “coming to life”, coquettishly playing with the fan, languidly pronounces his words.

Lilac. Every expression of your face and every word of yours speaks of the beauty of your soul!

Sends a "fiery" air kiss to the first host and, playing with a fan, leaves.

2nd host. Wow! This is a flower, I understand!

He presses his hands to his heart and rolls his eyes, thus expressing the last stage of his admiration. Astra comes to life next. She approaches one of the presenters and in a tragic voice full of pathos utters her line.

Aster. Oh my love! Love of my life! How unhappy I am from my unrequited love for you! But your sincere friendship softens the agony of my misfortune!

He begins to "sob uncontrollably", stretching out his hands to the leader. He, fighting off her, asks for help. Two tall fellows with red bandages on their sleeves come out, with difficulty drag the sobbing Astra and take her away. It's Forget-Me-Not's turn. On her head is an elegant hat with a thin veil. Through pantomime, she shows that her heart belongs to her beloved.

forget-me-not. Three words publicize my life's desire: Forget me not!

The “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​sounds again, Forget-me-not, making several dance movements, leaves. Leaders reappear.

1st presenter(referring to the second). Now you understand how with the help of flowers you can not only express your feelings, but also convey your secret message?

2nd leader. Still would! Do you not find that the guests of our carnival are too long without movement? If only they didn't wither! Turn off the lights, turn on the music!

Temperamental music sounds. The light turns off, images of various colors (projector, slides) appear on an impromptu screen. The second presenter appears with a camomile in his hand. Behind him comes the first leader.

1st presenter(humming).

Chamomile, chamomile, field flower,

Blue bell grew next to chamomile.

He wanted to give love to chamomile,

He wanted to protect the chamomile from evil ...

But people came and plucked the flower.

He threw the bell a farewell nod:

"Don't forget, chamomile, don't forget me,

Don't forget, chamomile, don't forget me!


Loves, does not love, presses to the heart,

Spit, kiss and send to hell.

It doesn't matter to chamomile, with whom to stand next to,

It's all the same to a camomile, whose tears to accept...

2nd host(shreds chamomile). Insidious!

He starts trampling the flower with his feet.

1st presenter. What are you? It's just a song, I didn't think you were so sensitive!

2nd host(with vehemence). Such a bell died without experiencing the fullness of happiness from the reciprocity of feelings!

1st presenter(shaking his head). Oh, how everything is running! (Addresses the audience.) We must urgently do something! .. (Turns to a friend.) Why trample the chamomile, we will find it best use. Listen, friend, help, get into the image of this very daisy.

2nd host(indignantly). I AM? Yes, for nothing! And what should be done?

1st leader. Well, that's another conversation. Here, try on this hat. (He puts a camomile-hat on his friend's head. It is necessary to make it so that the petals can be easily torn off. On each petal, a task for the players is written on the inside. For example, perform an impromptu dance to modern music, tell funny joke etc. The most active players receive g/branches. After the game, everyone dances.)

"Parade of Flowers"

2nd leader. In addition to the symbolism of flower greetings, there is a certain "language of flowers". Just listen (I opens the book "Flower Encyclopedia" and reads to the muffled sounds of "Waltz of Flowers"):

“Snow-white flowers in Russia symbolize purity and fidelity. Not without reason, on the day of her wedding, the bride holds in her hands, according to tradition, a bouquet of white flowers ... "

The sound intensifies, a “flower” girl appears, for example, Chrysanthemum, in a snow-white robe. After defiling through an impromptu scene, she leaves. Next, according to the host, a girl in red appears, and so on.

“Red color, fiery red, bloody symbolizes love, freedom, thirst for life, celebration. In the East, it is associated with the element of fire. Orange color brings warmth and sun, symbolizes life, joy and light. Blue color is a symbol of faith, and blue - infinity, sadness, fidelity and trust. Purple is a symbol of greatness, dignity, luxury and friendship. Green is the color of peace and hope...

The sounds of the waltz intensify. To the applause of those present, the “flower” girls reappear. They join hands, converge in a circle, disperse (imitation of an opening flower); after performing a few dance moves, they leave.

A small comic scene is played out about the mythical origin of the narcissus flower. The narrator comes out, dressed in loose white clothes.

Scene-joke "Do not drink water from your face ..."

The narrator. In popularity, the daffodil is second only to the rose. Many poets of all times and peoples sang this unusually beautiful flower. For a long time, the name of a flower was considered a household name, meaning a person in love with himself. Why? Now we will find out...

A young woman comes out with a child (doll) in her arms - the mother of Narcissus (dressed in simple flowing clothes). She puts him in a cradle and turns to the gods with a request to predict. What is the future of her son.

Mother of Narcissus(stretching his hands to the sky).

Heavenly powers, omnipotent gods,

A mother is calling to you!

What do you know about the fate of the baby?

You are foolish in your wish.

Earthly beings are not supposed to know

What is already destined by fate

They are not allowed to change...

Mother of Narcissus (begging the gods).

Have pity, oh gods, on the feelings of a mother!

I'm trying to save my baby...

Freezes in place with hands raised high to the sky. The narrator continues his story.

The narrator. For a long time and passionately, the young woman begged the gods to tell her what fate was prepared from above for her only and dearly beloved son. Finally, the gods yielded to their mother's pleas and predicted to her that Narcissus would live to a ripe old age if he did not see his face.

Narcissus's mother runs up to the "sleeping child", carefully takes him in her arms and, hugging him tightly, leaves. The “grown-up” Narcissus comes out, dressed in a white tunic and sandals, with golden curled hair, a bow and arrows over his shoulders.

The narrator. Years have passed. The baby grew up and turned into a young man of extraordinary beauty. The mother, remembering the prophecy from above, surrounded her son with love and affection, not denying him anything and protecting him in every possible way. Many beautiful girls fell in love with Narcissus. He was indifferent to everyone...

Narcissus walks around the stage, peering into the distance and looking for "game" with his eyes. He takes out a bow and arrows from behind his back, prepares to shoot at the target, but suddenly there is a noise, a crowd of admirers appears. They see Narcissus, exclaim joyfully. Narcissus retreats in fright, the girls resolutely head towards him. With cries of "Mom!" Narcissus runs away. Fans in confusion stop and start talking among themselves. The goddess of justice Nemesis appears, dressed in appropriate clothes.

The girls rush to meet her and ask her for something. Nemesis listens to the request and nods her head in agreement. The girls surround the goddess in a tight ring, thank and leave together.

The narrator. ... Outraged and rejected admirers demanded from the goddess of vengeance Nemesis to punish the proud and impregnable Narcissus. The goddess heeded their prayers.

Narcissus reappears, he looks around fearfully. Seeing that the danger has passed and he was left alone, he takes on a self-satisfied look and approaches the "source". Bending over him, suddenly freezes and assumes the pose of a flower.

The narrator. One day, returning from a hunt, Narcissus looked into a clear source and fell in love with his reflection. The young man couldn't take his eyes off his face. So he died near the source. And in its place grew a fragrant beautiful flower, which was called "narcissus" ...

The moral of this story is this: dear girls, look smaller at your reflection in the mirror. Who knows, what if the admirer, rejected by you, demanded retribution from Nemesis for his defeat? Can you imagine what he could want?

The music sounds again, the color and music installation turns on, slides of flowers are shown to the dancers. There are various game attractions.

Game attractions

"Flower Path"

The players are divided into two teams: "Daisies" and "Cornflowers". Each of them receives three flowers cut out of paper, corresponding to the name of the teams. The first players place them on the floor in front of them and take one step over them; stopping at the third flower, they pick up two others from the floor and shift them in front of themselves. Thus, they reach the goal, run back to their team and pass flowers to the next players. The game continues. The winner is the team whose members quickly "pass" along the "flower path".

"Find your soul mate"

The facilitator pronounces the name of the flower depicted on the card cut in half. Those present at the evening compare their postcards. If a couple is formed - a boy and a girl, they go to the center of the hall. Each pair of presenters attach a flower. Fast rhythmic music sounds, couples dance. The host says the name of the flower. Those present express their sympathy for one or another couple with applause.

The task gets more difficult. Dancing couples are given an apple each. The couple, pressing the apple with their foreheads to each other, must perform a slow dance without dropping the apple. The couple who did not finish the dance and dropped the apple are eliminated.

Further, among the remaining couples, a small competition is held. It can be a flower quiz (see below) or joke contest type: draw with closed eyes on paper a heart pierced by an arrow, with one of the pair drawing a heart, and the second an arrow. Etc.

As a result, one pair should remain. To the sounds of solemn music, they are proclaimed the King and Queen of Flowers and put on crowns woven from artificial flowers. The presenters take pictures of the King and Queen and ask them to give a short welcoming speech to their subjects - the inhabitants of the Flower Kingdom.

In honor of the "crowned persons" a dance is announced. The King and the Queen award memorable souvenirs to the most active participants in game attractions who have collected the largest number of fantas (flowers).

The disco continues in free form.

Additional material Flower quiz

1. Remember the names of people denoting a flower (Rose, Rosalia, Narcissus, Dahlia, Lily, Margarita, Anyuta, Cornflower, etc.)

2. Guess the flower from the description.

This is a delicate spring flower. In Latin, its name sounds like this: "violare". The mention of this flower is often found in a variety of traditions and legends (among European peoples). The ancient Romans drank wine infused with these flowers. (Violet.)

The name of this flower is translated from Latin as "mouse ear", as its fleecy leaves look like it. Since time immemorial, it has been a symbol of constancy and fidelity in love.

Clue: remember the song of V. Rybnik from "Juno and Avos" - "... I will never see you, I will never forget you ..." (Forget-me-not.)

This flower is rightly called the queen of all flowers. Among Christians, it symbolizes love, patience, the martyrdom of the Virgin. And Indian myths say that the goddess Lakshmi was born from the bud of this flower. From its petals, you can make amazingly tasty and fragrant jam, and, according to ancient legends, they can convict witches and werewolves if this flower is white, not red. (The Rose.)

It is a faithful companion of the grain field. It was brought to Europe along with rye in the time of Pliny the Elder. The same Pliny spoke of him as a flower for weaving wreaths. In the old days, good-quality blue paint was extracted from it, and then they began to make vinegar.

Clue: the name of this flower is present in male name(diminutive). (Knapweed.)

It is called wild rose. Thanks to its many sharp spikes, it got its name. (Rose hip.)

This flower has healing properties and a delicate aroma, he himself is the very perfection and beauty. According to Russian custom, this is an invariable part of the Trinity Day bouquet. Traditions say that the burning tears of the Virgin for the crucified son fell to the ground and in their place white flowers grew, from which later red, like drops of Christ's blood, fruits were formed.

Clue: the name of the flower is present in the title of the feature film ("silver"). (Lily of the valley.)

The flower is bright, large, was once considered an emblem of fiery love. In ancient times, it was believed that he had a wonderful, magic power: evil spirits disappear from the place where it grows.

Clue: it usually begins to bloom in late May - early June, it is always present in the bouquets of school graduates. (Peony.)

This flower usually begins to bloom in late August - early September. He dispels sadness and despondency with his cheerful disposition.

Clue: there are only five letters in the name of the flower; he is always present in the bouquets of first-graders. (Aster.)

It is a symbol of purity, youth, purity and charm. In ancient times, the flower was attributed a divine origin and believed that it grew in paradise. The names of the French kings are associated with the name of this flower; it flaunted on their banner. The flower is considered healing and is included in many ointments and creams.

clue: the name of the flower is present in the female name. (Lily.)

3. Think of words in which the name of the flower is “hidden”. For example: spy - peony; Astrakhan - aster; surprised - linen; frosts - roses; shoe - poppy; pioneer - peony, scorpion; etc.

4. Think of cartoons or feature films that have flowers in their titles. For example: "Dunno in the Flower City"; "The Scarlet Flower"; "Fan-Fan - Tulip"; "War of the Roses"; "Flower-seven-flower"; "Violet Saleswoman" and so on.

5. Remember the famous, previously popular songs with "flower" names. For example: “Daisies hid, buttercups drooped ...”, “Lilies of the valley”, “A million scarlet roses”, “Yellow tulips”, “White roses”, “Snowdrop”, “Bouquet”, “Do not pick flowers”, “Lavender” etc.

6. What famous writers, poets sang flowers in their works?

A. Pushkin: poem "Flowers".

N. Ryleev: poem "Jasmine".

A. Fet: poems “The Nightingale and the Rose”, “With a basket full of flowers on my head ...”, “The First Lily of the Valley”, “Bell”, “Autumn Rose”. The story of the cactus.

B. Pasternak: the poem "Lilac".

S. Yesenin: poems "Under a wreath of chamomile", "Flowers tell me - goodbye ...".

A. Akhmatova: poems “Lilies”, “Flowers, cold from dew ...”, “... For lily-of-the-valley paradise ...”, etc.

7. What musical works of famous composers are devoted to the flower theme?

P. I. Tchaikovsky: from "The Seasons" - the play "Snowdrop"; from the ballet "The Nutcracker" - "Waltz of the Flowers".

B.-A. Mozart: Romance "Violet";

A. Alyabyev: romance "Forget-Me-Not".

R. Schumann: play "Lotus".

C. Rachmaninov: romance "Lilac".

MOU Shatunovskaya secondary school. (Naimushina Olga Davydovna, teacher of German.)

B.1. Good evening! Today we have gathered here to congratulate our LOVED













B, 2. YOU, dear teachers, girls, women, mothers, grandmothers,

IN 1. All you girls!


On this spring women's day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac!

B.1. Let your life be beautiful

And the kids are always happy!

Let your house be a full bowl

Good luck, happiness and kindness!

B.2. On this day, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all women. Our boys also did not stand aside. They have a word!

1. We are funny guys

Congratulations girls

Happy women's holiday of spring,

Tenderness and beauty!

2. We sit in the classroom

And look at the girls

Both beautiful and smart

It's better not to find it!

3. There is a magazine on the table,

Well, there are fives in it,

Because in our school

Smart girls!

4. Lucky for you, girls,

You are already happy

Because we have you

Most beautiful.

5. The river runs clean,

Net. to the bottom

Our girls' smiles

Bright as the sun!

6. Why are we all dancing here,

Why are we eating here?

Because all the girls

Congratulations on Women's Day!

7. Lovely girls, always be beautiful,

Gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate,

Mysterious, happy, healthy, loved!

B.1. Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness, find out which of them is the Super Schoolgirl! Participants are invited to the stage! You must come up with a name, a team motto and choose a captain.

Time is up - please introduce yourself!

B.2. A modern girl should be able to do everything! Our first competition is called: "Lay

hair. "To prepare the hairstyle and protect it - 5 minutes,

B.1. So, our girls showed how quickly, skillfully and creatively they can do their hair, dress up and go on a date. Surely you know the lines from the song: “We were both: I was at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you in the cinema ... "Now our girls will invite gentlemen on a date, but in a special way. The date must be appointed in the form of pantomime, it is forbidden to speak.

Task options: Wednesday, 10 pm, at the station.

Tuesday, at 6 am, at the bus stop.

Thursday, at 8 pm, at the monument to A.S. Pushkin.

Friday, 9 am, in the Teacher's room.

B.2 Everyone knows that girls are terrible talkers, especially on the phone. Our next competition is called “CHATTERING”, You need to talk on the phone for one minute without a break. So. let's start!

B.1. You had a great chat, and now let's talk about colors. All the flowers of the world today at the feet of our participants! There are many flowers, do you know the songs in which the names of flowers occur? In 3 minutes, remember these songs and sing them! Time has gone.

Songs: Yellow tulips, White roses, Lilies of the valley., Daisies hid ...

B.2. The musicality of our participants exceeded all expectations. Legends can be made about them. Do you know the legends about flowers? Guess which flower it is!

B.1.8 March is a holiday of spring. Together with spring, love comes to us. How many poems and songs have been written about it! Do you know the names of the most famous couples in love? Each team will receive separate names for women and men. You need to connect them. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice. List of names: Master and Margarita, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Anthony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Yesenin and A Duncan, Pushkin and N. Goncharova. Rostropovich and G. Vishnevskaya, Lensky and Olga, Pechorin and Princess Mary, Red and Scarlet, Shrek and Fiona, Bella and Edward.

B.2. And now our girls will turn into beautiful Cinderellas. They need to blindfold to determine what kind of vegetable it is. (Beets, radish potatoes, turnips.)

B.1. Spices are scattered in the kitchen, everything is mixed up. Cinderella needs to find starch to starch the collars for the ball. The second Cinderella needs to find citric acid. (They are looking for blindfolded.)

B.2. Our next competition is called “Collect linen and clothespins.” We invite 1 participant each. (There are 2 people in clothespins,

it is necessary to collect clothespins blindfolded for a while.)

B.1. And now - A game with the audience. 2 young men are invited. Competition "Ladies' Man" . For every step you need to say a compliment. (For example: Swallow, dawn, sun ...)

We have excellent ladies' men. True connoisseurs of women!

B.2.And we continue our competitive program. different categories, and you, after listening, will have to sing a few lines from this song.

1.Transport - Blue wagon.

2. Names - Antoshka.

3. Geogr. names -Chunga - changa.

4. Insects - Grasshopper

5. Mystery - A secret to the whole world.

6. Light - Lanterns.

7. Geography - Clouds.

Q.1, Our next competition is called UNDERSTAND ME! I am reading summary songs, and you name it.

1. A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly. (“The boy wants to go to Tambov.”).

2. A song about the disappearance of a puppy with red spots and a tail in the form of a brush. (“The dog has disappeared”).

3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka's Song").

4. A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years. ("They teach at school").

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (. "If it's a long, long time ...").

6. A song about a huge bouquet of bright red flowers given to the actress. ("A million scarlet roses").

7. A song about a holiday that happens once a year. ("Birthday").

8. Song about a wooden man. ("Pinocchio").

9. Song about a lazy red-haired boy ("Antoshka").

10. A song about a green insect that was friends with flies. ("Grasshopper").

11. A song about an evergreen tree. ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest").

12. A song about a mythical creature whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. (“I am a water one”),

B.2. On this musical note, we end our competition. While the jury is summing up the results, the word is given ...

There are skinny girls, there are fat girls,

Still there are shorties, still there are laughter.

Sometimes with short haircuts

Sometimes with funny freckles,

Some girls are whiny

And the usual assholes,

But more often still beautiful

And just really cute.

Game with spectators.

We invite our guests to take part in the SPRING RHYMS competition. I name a woman's name, and you find an elegant rhyme for it. So let's start.

Lyudmila kept fidelity to her beloved.

Natalia - you are a bouquet of azaleas for me.

Angela didn't want to get married.

Alena is a golden branch of a maple.

Xenia - spring mood. You brought luck to everyone ....

Irina is a beautiful picture.

B.1. And the postman carries in his bag

A million smiles.

V good mood he enters the house.

Knock-knock for you! Congratulations!

Knock Knock! Three letters for you!

The mail is knocking here and there,

The mail woke up early.

And we have for our ladies

Telegrams like this:

  1. Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from Petersburg,

I wish you all long years.

Here I would like your young age,

I would make a mess.

Love, Peace, Success

I wish you this day. Pieha.

2. USA, Washington.

All borders have been erased between us,

My words fly like birds

Our States congratulate you,

You try to live richly.

Don't go for impeachment

Health to you, good luck personal ..

I sip a glass for you

I congratulate you. Clinton Bill.

3. Moscow, headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Yes, .definitely, on this day

even a stump must love.

I wish you all the best,

Even though it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all join the Liberal Democratic Party.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

I congratulate you! Zhirinovsky.

4. Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

Budget in deep deficit

Do not look for money in the Ministry of Finance!

Send me a translation

Yes, the Duma does not give money!

Are you a teacher? And are you fervent?

I congratulate you! M. Zadornov.

B.2. Well, we give the floor to sum up the results of our jury.

(The jury sums up the results, awards prizes and medals in the following categories:

Princess BOW-

Princess NOTKA-





And now congratulations from the ditty boys!

IN 1. A star falls from midnight skies

And the birds fly away to a distant land,

But stays with you forever

The light of a woman, beautiful and high.

Open only to eternal Kindness,

And Truth, and Love unique ...

Truly immortal words:

Without this captivating light

Head is not spinning with happiness

There will be no hero, no poet!

The dews sparkle, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes

And the universe shines

The light of a woman is splashed across the Universe!

Grandmother Fedor
Baba Yaga

To the music, the children one by one enter the hall and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Dear guests, mothers and grandmothers! Congratulations on the onset of spring, the first spring holiday - March 8!
March 8 is a solemn day,
A day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers!
1st child.
Mom is an expensive word
That word is warm and light!
On a glorious day March 8
Our mothers helmet...
2nd child.
Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it!
Our kindergarten is happy to congratulate
All mothers on the whole planet,
"Thank you" to mom say
Both adults and children!

The song "Mother's Holiday" is performed, lyrics by L. Rumarchuk, music by E. Tilicheeva.

From the heart
In simple words
Come on friends
Let's talk about mom!
1st child.
Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend!
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.
If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out!
2nd child.
I want to congratulate my mother on the holiday,
I'll do anything for my mom
I'll clean my table, wash my toys,
I will make a bed for a doll-girlfriend,
Together with the doll Nina we will bake cookies,
Though from plasticine, but a treat!
We will put our gift to mom on the table,
Together with the doll Nina, we congratulate mommy!
3rd child.
I began to draw a gift to my mother,
The sun came out and calls for a walk.
Sun, sun, don't be angry, it's better to sit next to me,
Mom's holiday once a year, draw and go!
Here is the moon, a rocket, a river, a forest and a garden...
I am glad to give my mother everything in the world!
What else to give mom for the holiday?
We must try and be obedient!
Today, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to us for the holiday! And we also want to congratulate them!
1st child.
My grandmother and I are old friends.
What a good grandmother!
There are so many fairy tales that you can’t count,
And there is always something new in stock!
2nd child.
But grandmother's hands are just a treasure!
Hands do not order grandmother to be idle.
Golden, dexterous, how I love them!
No, you probably won't find others like them!
3rd child.
We love grandma very much
We are very friendly with her.
With a good, kind grandmother
Have fun guys!
There are many different songs
In the world about everything.
And now we have a song for you
Let's sing about grandma!

The song "For whom we sing" is performed, lyrics by O. Fadeeva, music by V. Ivannikov.

4th child.
Today is the best holiday
Today is our mothers day!
The evil clouds have gone away,
And the sun smiled at us.
Invited to visit today
We are our grandmothers and mothers,
We decided to please them
And everyone did something himself!

To the music, children give gifts to mothers and grandmothers. The boys come out.

1st boy.
For the holiday of March 8
We prepared gifts
For dear girls
And we want to congratulate them!

The song “We sang a song” is performed, the words of L. Mironova, the music of R. Rustamov. (In the song, the word "mommy" is replaced by the word "girls").

2nd boy.
Give the girls the whole world
Mysterious, big.
Let girls always be friends
With you and with me!
3rd boy.
And we won't offend
Girls never
Dare to suddenly offend someone -
Look, hold on then!

To cheerful music, the boys give gifts to the girls.

Who loves you children?
Who loves you so tenderly?
Without closing your eyes at night,
Who cares about you?
Mom dear!
And if mom is at work,
Dad is busy as usual
Who will take care of you?
Let's go to kindergarten then!
We congratulate our teachers
We wish you health and happiness in life!
We love you very much, thank you again
For your care, for your love!

The song " Kindergarten”, words by T. Volgina, music by A Filippenko.

Without spring, we know
There is no mother's day!
Where can we look for her?
How can we call her?

Music sounds, Kolobok runs into the hall.

That's such a miracle bun!
Kolobok - ruddy side!
Where did you come from
And why did you come here?
I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,
Kolobok - ruddy side!
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather!
I brought a letter for you...
Where is it?.. Ah, here it is!

Gives an envelope with a letter to the leader.

Thank you, Kolobok
Kolobok - ruddy side!

To the music, Kolobok runs away from the hall.

I wonder who this letter is from? Do we honor?

He opens the envelope and reads.

Hello my guys!
I'll tell you everything in order:
I am Winter, Spring's sister,
Snow, cold master!
I played snowballs with you
And she rode everyone on a sled,
Baba sculpted snow ...
I haven't forgotten anything!
But it's time for me to pack
Yes, go back north.
You don't get bored without me
And meet the Red Spring!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
Sing and have fun
So that everyone around can
Make strong friends!
Then the flowers will bloom
The sun will laugh
Birds will sing songs
And... Spring will wake up!
Well, Winter tells us to have fun and wake up Spring! Let's take her advice!

Finally I came
I found the path!
I hear someone's voices
So miracles are waiting for us!
Just to see them
The riddle must be solved!
Who did they run away from?
All plates, spoons,
And pots and glasses,
Even ladles?
Who is this? Say in unison!
Children (together).
This is Fedor's grandmother!

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