Seo copywriter what. SEO copywriting - SEO rules and copywriting examples

Communicating with copywriters, I concluded that many of us do not quite understand how the texts differ from each other.

Sometimes the customer does not know what he is paying for: the line between rewriting and copyrighting, seo copyrighting and seo rewriting is very thin. It's not a secret for anyone that seo copywriting is not cheap, but we often write texts for the customer for the given keys, format it and do not suspect what we are doing expensive job, we get paid at a minimum ...

I propose to understand these intricacies in order to appreciate your work.

Forms of modern seo copywriting

With the development of the Internet and public speaking, writing texts is now divided into several types:

  • Rewrite - processing or complete processing (deep rewriting) of the text while preserving the meaning and uniqueness;
  • Seo copywriting - writing text for the given keywords, phrases that Internet users type in the search;
  • Speechwriting - writing text for speeches in front of an audience;
  • Advertising copywriting - writing texts for the promotion and further sale of goods;
  • WEB content - writing various texts to fill the customer's site;
  • Branding - writing texts to promote a trademark, brand;
  • Naming - creating names for stores, companies, services or products.

If you come across a familiar job on this list, urgently revise your prices and take a step further: believe me, if you write decent texts, even if prices rise, you will have clients. At huge amount It is very problematic to find copywriters who are competent, with their own style ...

SEO copywriting news

Many readers of this series of articles are familiar with my friend, a good specialist in the field of search engine promotion, by Maxim Dovzhenko. When the question of writing an article about seo texts came up, I never doubted who I would ask to professionally tell my readers about it.

I myself took these lessons from Maxim when I participated in his practical case... During my studies, I have grown as a specialist, even the style of writing articles has changed. In order not to reinvent the wheels and retell the material from Maxim's lesson, I invited him to write a guest manual.

Good afternoon, dear readers!


Let's start the conversation with the definition of the concept of seo text, which is written in seo copyright.

Сeo text differs from the usual one in that they write it for a specific request. The key request can be one or several. Usually the customer provides them in the terms of reference, in rare cases - the SEO copywriter selects the keys for a given topic himself (this is the work that every SEO specialist usually does). The more thematic keywords are selected, the easier it is to write the text, the better the topic is revealed, and the reader is easier to understand its structure.

Seo text, like a regular copywriter text, should have a plan:

  1. Start
  2. End (conclusion)

The body of the article should be expanded with many additional requests. That is, in accordance with the selected small keys, the text is divided into sections.

For example, here's my latest article on balsamic vinegar. It was created taking into account the new trends in SEO promotion, which I learned about from Maxim's articles. To write this post, the keys were selected, a plan was created and the topic was fully disclosed.

Keyword injection

Previously, 2-3 years ago, the location of search queries in the future SEO text was very important. Parameters such as nausea, the number of requests in the first and last paragraphs and the mandatory inclusion of them in the subheadings were the main elements of a successful article.

As a rule, due to the observance of these conditions, the texts came out unreadable (over-spammed keywords, meaningless, incorrectly formulated morphologically).

Today the rules have changed dramatically. First of all, the usefulness of the text, its readability and its value as a seller became important.

Therefore, a modern SEO text looks the same as a regular magazine article for ordinary people, and only a specialist can notice the presence of key queries in such a text. Now the important thing is just their presence and full disclosure of the topic.

Let us summarize from the above: modern SEO text contains many synonyms, similar to search terms, which expand and enrich the vocabulary of the article. This means that it will become easier and easier to read than past SEO texts.


Any SEO literate text today is formatted. Thanks to a number of rules, within 10 seconds, he should give the visitor from the search an answer to his question. These are the seconds during which a Yandex or Google user simply evaluates the text, viewing its entire structure with the mouse.

And it is in this short time that the modern SEO text should provide clues on the question asked, which give a message for its further reading.

If we trace the behavior of the reader on the site, we will see that the beginning of the articles is read by a small number of people. The bulk of the visitors immediately skims through the entire text.

Key Features of Rich Text for SEO Copywriting

What are these principles and rules of work that allow you to turn a user from a search into a reader of this site? Here are the most basic ones:

  1. Seo copywriting necessarily implies clear text structure... With a cursory examination, it allows you to evaluate the main parts or sections of the published material. Achieved with a well thought out article plan and good headings for each section.
  2. Everything paragraphs should not strain people. Therefore, today SEO copywriting involves the creation of texts in which paragraphs contain no more than 5 sentences average size... The main thing is that a person can, on the one hand, see the finished thought in a paragraph, and on the other hand, he does not look at his proposals for a long time.
  3. Any modern SEO text is always uses media content where needed. These are images and videos. The fact is that a person receives information most of all not from text, but from pictures and videos. It is easier for him to understand and easier to remember the information that is transmitted with their help. Therefore, a modern seo copywriter knows how to work with both pictures and video.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to the competent presentation of the text, which assumes the ability of the SEO copywriter to work with numbers, with lists of the same or similar data. For this, in his arsenal there is knowledge and skills to display complex information using tables and bulleted lists.

Thanks to tables, a copywriter can easily present complex numerical or symbolic information, show important and significant data in a compact and clear form. He does not need to express all these data using a large number of sentences, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by the customer. All information will be collected in one table.

Bulleted lists also perform a special function: they help to keep the text simple, clean up the chaos of information.

I would like to reveal to my readers my secrets of working with bulleted lists. I adhere to the following four rules:

  1. All proposals from the list always have a clear description and do not contain "water".
  2. I try to make the paragraphs symmetrical (if one paragraph consists of one sentence, then the subsequent ones are the same - it’s easier to read them this way).
  3. If the item needs to be expanded, I use the sub-items (the main condition is not to be mistaken in the consistency of information presentation).
  4. I always try to make the sentences of each paragraph have the same structure (I start each paragraph with the same part of speech).

The task of the SEO text is to turn the search engine user first into a reader, and then into a client who must fulfill the set goal (fill out a subscription form, buy a product, leave a comment). After all, it's not a secret for anyone that modern SEO copywriting is writing selling articles and it doesn't matter that we sell a service or information.

Therefore, a competent seo copywriter is not only a smart writer, but also a bit of a marketer and seo specialist.

Dear friends, on my own behalf and on behalf of everyone who will read this guide from Maxim, I want to thank him for taking the time to cover such a serious topic.

Knowing all these nuances and using the formatting rules, any copywriter can become a highly paid specialist. And even if you are just writing for your blog, then this knowledge will also come in handy.

I wish you easy learning and good clients along the way!

Instructions for writing seo texts should include the basic rules seo copywriting... The definition of SEO copywriting and how to write something to show off the TOP 10 in search will be covered in this article.

SEO copywriting is an important component in the success of SEO promotion

Types of tasks for a copywriter

Search engines love uniqueness, and they love SEO-optimized and unique articles doubly. This is why SEO copywriting tasks involve a lot more than just generating words.

Generally speaking, copywriter's tasks are divided into 3 types:

- Copywriting;

- SEO copywriting;

- Rewrite;

- Filling the site with articles on the indicated topics.

Let's consider how seo copywriting and seo rewriting differ from their predecessors:

Copywriting versus SEO

The difference from SEO copywriting is that the result is different. Simple copywriting does not take into account such a goal as the high positions of an article in the search, because the main task here is simpler - to create unique content. And only in the case of seo copywriting, this material is only the first part of the task, the second part is search engine optimization of the text. Therefore, when they say "SEO copywriting" they mean two stages - writing (copywriting) and search engine optimization (seo). Only copywriting of the second type can be considered a way to quickly increase traffic with a minimum number of articles, because search engines love SEO-competent content more than just uniqueness. Therefore, the task of optimizing the article should always be included in the writing of articles for the site. This will increase efficiency by a factor of 10, and the cost (or time spent per page) will not increase much.

Copywriting (filling specific pages) writing original unique content (for subsequent search engine optimization and placement on the site). The result of copywriting is a text that meets the criteria specified in the terms of reference and takes into account the generally accepted norms of writing for search engines:

  1. Volume of at least 1000 characters (for successful indexing by search robots). And in order for the search engine to initially relate to the result of your seo copywriting better - the volume must be higher than this minimum value.

(!) To perform seo-copywriting, a specialist must carefully familiarize himself with the subject matter and activities of the company for the website of which everything is written, study the brief from the client, if provided. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the activities of competing companies in order to better understand the subject matter, the style in which it is necessary to describe services / goods, etc.

SEO copywriting: 2 methods

SEO copywriting is not only writing something unique and interesting by a copywriter, but also “embellishment” for the search engine. Let's take a closer look at two methods of increasing relevance that can be used to optimize our text.

Search engines love articles that repeatedly mention the topic or question she answers. The process of improving an article in seo copywriting is based on the introduction of key phrases and words included in them. At the same time, there are two seo copywriting techniques:

- one-key optimization;

- optimization for several phrases.

Many people are familiar with the first method not by hearsay, because one-key text optimization is a classic technique in SEO copywriting. One search phrase is taken, for example, "how to paste wallpaper", its popularity in search results looks (the wordstat service shows the number of such queries over the last month). Next, the optimizer or seo copywriter looks at the best articles (according to Yandex) in the search results, and analyzes them with advanced tools for seo analysis. All this allows us to identify:

  1. The length of the article to promote.
  2. The number and volume of occurrence of keywords.

The second seo copywriting method is to write an article and optimize it for several keywords. A common mistake of a seo copywriter is trying to sharpen one article for completely different search queries. But the likelihood of such an error can be reduced by selecting queries that are similar in meaning ("car rental", "rent a car", etc.).

By the way, both of these methods are good in their own way. The first allows you to quickly advance in the search for one query, the second is more complex, but allows one article to become relevant "in several keys" and achieve impressive results on several queries at once.

SEO rewriting or copywriting - which is better?

Search engines absolutely do not care whether something was obtained by seo copywriting or rewriting. Technically, it is not possible to distinguish the writing method for search engines - they both turn out to be unique.

Rewrite is a method of rewriting the original source according to the attached technical assignment while preserving its style, semantic content and syntactic markup.

The task of filling the site with articles on the specified topics

To accomplish this task, the copywriter needs to study the general style of the texts on the site, superficially study the topic on which they are written and write material that corresponds to the general style of the site and meets the specified topic. In free execution, the article must also comply with the general rules of writing according to the principles of seo copywriting.

SEO copywriting: 3 basic rules


For successful search engine promotion, the text must be checked for errors even before it is optimized, namely: the articles must be spelling, punctuation and style literate in the Russian language. SEO copywriting must be literate. Therefore, clients do not accept work with errors, illiteracy is a 100% reason to refuse copywriter services.

By the way, spell checking methods are different. You can even resort to an automatic method - for example, I use the text service to check spelling errors.


The text (in both regular and seo copywriting) must have certain literary merit. The presentation style can be artistic, business, advertising, depending on the task and theme / type of site. But in all cases, the language must be literary, easy to read and understand. It doesn't have to be a unique mess of words, just keyword stuffed. The keywords themselves from the search phrase should be as inconspicuous as possible, unobtrusive, organically embedded. Optimization should be invisible - this will ensure a good response from the reader.

The style of presentation is either directly indicated in the TK, or is determined by the copywriter independently based on the analysis of the style of articles already existing on the site.

Often in the TK for seo copywriting you come across keywords that contradict literary content. In such cases, you can change their form, but not too much and not "breaking" such keywords in other words, at most - with prepositions.


The volume is always indicated in the TK for seo copywriting, and for each text it can have a different meaning.

For the webmaster: volume strongly affects the search ranking of pages on the Internet. If the keyword is not just for you, then in order to win in seo-promotion, you need to rely on more voluminous, large seo-texts. In addition to the SEO stuffing, the materials on the site should have such quality as the completeness of the topic. If the material sets out all the key points regarding the search query, then the article does not cost anything to be in the top several weeks after indexing by search engines. Plus, it's much easier to optimize.

Copywriter: if the volume specified in the seo copywriting specification is clearly insufficient to meet the requirements for occurrences and density, it is necessary to inform the customer about this in order to discuss the possibility of correcting the problem.

Article structure

As for the structure, both users and search engines prefer texts with a clear structure - subheadings, lists. The most important thing is simplicity of presentation. Stick to the following method: sentence length - no less than 14 and no more than 25 words. Seo copywriting is an area where one should try to avoid complex sentences in sentences, even if it seems necessary for a successful search term. If you optimize the article correctly, the result will be overwhelming - search engines will really like the text, and the traffic will grow significantly.

Search Relevance

The article should "revolve" around the question posed, and not just answer it. Then not only users will learn how to solve this or that problem, but search engines will unanimously decide that "yes, this article suits us." The more an article is "suitable", that is, relevant to a search query, the easier it is to achieve good results for it - it can easily push the top five in search results.

How to raise the relevance of an article using SEO copywriting methods will be discussed below.

What are the stages of SEO text optimization?

Requirements (for entries and density) for seo copywriting:

1) Within the framework of one sentence, we do not use, under any circumstances, more than one occurrence of the same KS (keyword, it’s a search query) and words similar to it *.

2) Try to write broken into several small paragraphs of 3-4 sentences (maximum 7). The information provided in this way is best perceived by users.

3) According to the meaning, we divide everything into 3-4 parts (beginning, middle, end). Each KS (unless it needs to be used 1-2 times) should be used in each of the parts. Each such part, with the right approach to SEO-copywriting, should be separated by a heading. Each such heading shall use one keyword. In total, each word in headings can be used no more than once.

4) It is not forbidden to compose different COPs within the same paragraph, however, similar * and identical COPs should be distributed evenly through seo copywriting.

5) All KS should be mixed with each other throughout the entire volume, that is, the copywriter should not allow the same keyword to be used 2 times in a row. The same goes for similar COPs.

5) You cannot use the same KS and words similar to it (same root) * in two consecutive sentences. In such cases, it is necessary to use a sentence with other KS or without KS at all, while the length of the sentence should be at least 10 words. This has a positive effect on the speed of search engine promotion.

6) Ideally, we do not use the same COP and words similar to it * more than 1 time in the same paragraph, otherwise, in addition to seo copywriting, you will need to carry out a procedure to reduce nausea.

7) All KS should be evenly distributed over the volume. You cannot concentrate the COP in one part.

8) Ideally, a paragraph should begin with each COP 1 time.

9) It is advisable to use all KS with a small letter, as they are indicated in the TK. If it was optimized in such a way that the use of KS with a small letter led to a contradiction with the rules of the Russian language, then the word should be written with capital letter... For example, the names of cities and countries. If we forget about these elementary rules seo copywriting, then the movement of the article up in the search will be slowed down.

As we already mentioned on the main page of the site, our team has specialists who professionally deal with SEO copywriting... In this article, they share their experience in writing articles that can drive traffic to your site.

SEO copywriting is the art of creating a traffic magnet

Traffic is the site's bloodstream: if it's not there, the site is dead. The owner of any resource understands this. In order for the site to come to life, it is necessary, as they say now, to promote it. What is this promotion? Some people believe that the main thing is to attract visitors to the site in any way, even if exchange exchanges are used for this purpose ... But, to be honest, there is just as much sense from such traffic as from artificial blood circulation in a dead body - zero! Such visitors are not interested in the information on the site - they came here only to, after waiting for a few seconds that the counter counts down, leave it without reading a single line, except, perhaps, the title. So what is the promotion then? First of all, you need to ensure that the site pages have good positions in the search engine results, which directly depends on how these pages will be written. SEO copywriting is exactly the art of writing "tasty" content from the point of view of search engines.

In this article, we will give you recommendations for writing such texts that will be highly appreciated by search engines and eventually brought to the top by them, of course, provided that not only internal (creation of texts pleasant for search engines) is carried out, but also external website optimization. (acquiring links from quality resources).

The information that we present here is based, for the most part, on the results of our observations of the gradual change in the position of the pages of this site in the search engine results. The fact that at the time of this writing, the site for the main request "translation of text from German language"Has an absolute top (first place) both in Yandex and in Google, which allows us to reasonably assume that the principles we use when writing texts are correct.

SEO Copywriting Basics

Let's consider the main points that need to be considered when writing optimized texts.

SEO copywriting? What it is?

First, let's figure out how SEO copywriting differs from simple copywriting.

The tasks of the latter, first of all, include writing literate, high-quality and people-oriented texts that can interest them and answer the questions outlined in the topic of the article. Copywriting is the ability to write for people.

SEO copywriting, in addition to all of the above, has the task of organizing the structure of the text so that it is as relevant as possible to the search query from which visitors will have to come to the site. The complexity of SEO copywriting tasks lies in the fact that it is very difficult to make the text both well readable and, at the same time, well optimized: if a simple copywriter is free in his creative flight, lines of text can escape from his fingers flying around the keyboard without any obstacle , then for a copywriter writing SEO texts, there is always a factor holding back his creativity - a set of keywords that he must place in a certain ratio throughout the text. At the same time, an SEO copywriter must make sure that the created text is of high quality, artistic, and attractive to people. This is the balancing act between SEO and reader focus.

SEO copywriting priorities

If a few years ago an SEO copywriter could write uninteresting but keyword-filled texts, expecting them to take good positions in the SERP, now engaging in such "creativity" means dooming your "masterpiece" to hundredths in advance. or even thousandth positions. What's the matter? The answer to this question is quite simple - now all search engines have begun to pay special attention to the so-called behavioral factors: they track how much time a visitor spends on the site, how many pages he views, whether he comes back to search with the same query, according to who came to this site, and much, much more. All these parameters make it possible to judge the quality of a resource with a high degree of adequacy: if people visit it and stay on it, then it is interesting and useful to them.

Based on the foregoing, we can safely say that, even if the text is written ideally in terms of SEO optimization, but is of little interest to people, then it will either not be in the top or will not stay there for a long time. On the other hand, text that is not optimized enough, or over-optimized (overly saturated with keywords), can be brought to the top by search engines if people read it.

Thus, it can be summarized: the best approach to SEO copywriting will be one that puts the quality of the text itself at the forefront, and puts all the tools of the SEO arsenal in the second important place. In that order, and not otherwise.

Paraphrasing the well-known song from the movie "Heavenly Slow Mover", one can deduce the following simple formula: "First of all, first of all, the people themselves! Well, what about SEO-shki ?! And SEO-shki - then. "

Types of SEO copywriting

The types of SEO copywriting are similar to the basic types of copy that are posted on sites on the web. It can be analytical, scientific articles, informational, news reports, advertising texts as well as fiction. However, from our point of view, analytical articles are most suitable for driving traffic to the site. The fact is that such texts, as a rule, are well structured and have multilevel headings: this provides the author with ample opportunities in the competent distribution of keywords in the text. The piece you are reading right now belongs to this type of SEO copywriting.

In order not to overload this work, we will focus on the features of creating SEO-optimized analytical articles.

Criteria for evaluating the quality of SEO-optimized text

Now it's time to list the criteria that must be met by the text that can drive traffic to the site. For convenience, we will divide these criteria into two groups: the criteria related to the perception of the text by people, and the criteria related to SEO-optimization.

The first group includes the following SEO copywriting quality criteria:



    artistic qualities;


    compliance with the site theme;

    the degree of disclosure of the stated topic;

    the degree of compliance of the article with the user's requests, its relevance;

    clear semantic structure of the text;

    and last but not least, the reader should not even suspect that the text is SEO-optimized (unobtrusive keywords and the organic nature of their fit into the text).

The second group of criteria consists of the following points:

    correct selection of keywords;

    clear multi-level structure of the text, organized using headings (tags );

    competent distribution of keywords in the text and headings;

    reasonably selected "nausea" (percentage) of keywords in the text.

We can confidently assert that the degree of compliance with these criteria of the created text radically affects its position (meaning stable, long-term positions) in the search results.

Having familiarized ourselves with the basic principles of SEO copywriting, we can now move on to presenting practical recommendations for writing texts that can attract traffic to the site from search engines.

Above, we have already identified two branches along which work on the article should proceed: the quality of the text from the point of view of the reader and the optimization for search engines. Concerning, practical advice We will also break it down into two sections: recommendations for improving the reader's orientation of the text and recommendations for fitting it to search engine analysis algorithms.

When mastering SEO copywriting, you should always remember that the text will not be read by machines, but by people.

So, let's move on from general words to specifics. Where to begin? What is considered the starting point for SEO copywriting? From which end to approach it and what to grab? In our humble opinion, it is necessary to start with a clear definition of the topic of the text being created.

Topic Definition - The Starter Leap For SEO Copywriting

First of all, we need to clearly define the topic we are going to write about. This theme, with rare exceptions, must correspond to the theme of the site on which the created material will be posted. When choosing a theme, you need to consider the following points:

    the topic should be relevant, interesting for a wide audience;

At the stage of choosing a topic, it is extremely important to decide on the selection of keywords or phrases for which SEO-optimization of the created text will be carried out. From the right choice a lot of keywords depend. How to choose them correctly, we will consider below in the appropriate section.

Semantic structure is the key to the success of SEO copywriting

Once the topic and keywords are fully defined, it's time to plan for the future piece.

It is sad and embarrassing to see texts (especially those selling texts) in which one and the same thought (“look how good and high-quality we have diapers!”) Is repeated in different ways throughout the text. How hard it is to read an article like this: this kind of creativity is not SEO copywriting, but a scarecrow for site visitors. Thought should develop, lead the reader, revealing to him all the new nuances and shades of the topic under consideration. In order to achieve this effect, you need to structure the text - in other words, draw up a plan for the presentation and disclosure of the topic.

You can advise the following semantic scheme.

This part of the article should be quite short and should be placed in one or two paragraphs: its task is to catch the reader, who usually only skims the text on a diagonal. It depends on the first paragraph whether he will read this article further or not.

The next stage in the development of the article will be a detailed disclosure of the problem, its consideration from various points of view and the designation of the main points that need to be paid attention to when solving it.

The next stage is the formulation of tasks that need to be solved in order to achieve the set goal, as well as the designation of ways to solve them.

After that, you can begin to outline the ways to solve the tasks, with a description of all the pitfalls that may be encountered on this difficult path. This is the main body of the article.

Next comes the conclusion of the article. The most appropriate thing we can write in the conclusion is short review all of the above information with the aim of fixing it in the mind of the reader. The conclusion should be in the last one or two paragraphs. It should consist of succinct, memorable, meaningful phrases, which, as it were, summarize the bottom line under the entire work.

The proposed scheme of the semantic structure of the article is certainly not the only acceptable one, but, from our point of view, it is the most rational and easy for the reader to perceive. The most important thing in SEO copywriting is the understanding that the created text should have a consistent logical development, and not contain endless repetitions of the same idea in different ways.

SEO copywriter must know the language

No matter how well the topic was chosen and no matter how well the structure of the article was formed, if the text itself is written illiterately and talentlessly, all this will not bear the expected fruit.

An SEO copywriter must know the language: he must be able to concisely and beautifully express his thoughts, master the culture of writing, be literate (an illiterate text will immediately scare off half of your visitors) and have his own unique flavor, his own recognizable style.

Here I would like to clarify one point that we did not talk about at the beginning of the article: such a difficult craft as SEO copywriting cannot be learned without teaching competent writing, skills literary speech and the ability to express your thoughts in an interesting way. Our tips for writing copy to get good traffic from search engines to your site are for those who either already have the above skills or are willing to put in the effort to acquire them. For those who believe that it is possible to do without all this, we can immediately say: nothing will come of it! Visitors to your site will not stay for a long time, and search engines, seeing this, will eventually downgrade its pages to three-digit positions in the search results. And that's all - the site is dead! That is why people who adequately relate to their literary abilities prefer to order texts for websites from professional copywriters: they understand that by posting low-quality content, they, in the end, will lose much larger sums than those who pay a specialist for high-quality work.

High-quality SEO copywriting is impossible without knowledge of the topic

Needless to say, the quality of SEO copywriting is inextricably linked with the author's deep knowledge of the topic being disclosed. Some people think that a copywriter should be able to write about everything in the world ... Well, perhaps ... We will not argue and even agree with this opinion: a good copywriter is just that. But there is one "but": before writing about everything in the world, he must study everything in the world ... In other words, before you sit down to write an article to promote the site, you need to carefully analyze the material, question, problem about which you are going write. Otherwise, it may turn out that people who are more competent in this matter will just laugh and leave the page, thinking: "What nonsense!" The result is the same - deterioration of behavioral factors and, as a result, a decrease in the page in the search results.

SEO copywriting is the art of pleasing Googleyandex

Now it's time to move on to presenting SEO optimization techniques. As we already said, the art of SEO copywriting lies in the ability to please two "masters" at the same time - the audience of the site and the search engines. Despite the fact that all search engines strive to rank sites according to the degree of their usefulness to people, nevertheless, there are subtleties that must be taken into account when adjusting the text to the algorithms by which the quality of pages is assessed by machines. Nobody can tell with certainty about these algorithms - they are kept secret, but you can judge them by how certain pages change their positions in the search results.

So let's get started.

Getting started with SEO - choosing keywords

After we have decided on the topic of the article to be created, it is necessary to choose the keywords for which the page will be adjusted. This overriding moment in SEO optimization! The choice of keywords must be approached with the greatest responsibility and attention: it will depend on them how much traffic the generated text will attract.

How to choose the right keys? To do this, you need to resort to the statistical services of Google or Yandex: both search giants have tools that will tell you for which keywords, on average, how many queries are made per month. Google provides a similar tool in its AdWords service, while Yandex provides a similar tool in its Keyword Statistics.

All you need to do is type in the field a word or phrase for which you are going to optimize the page, and see how many requests are made for this key.

Before continuing, we should note that there are three types of keywords or phrases: high-frequency, mid-frequency, and low-frequency. High-frequency queries are usually one or two words long and are typed into the search field by millions of people every month. Low-frequency keywords are requested by Internet users no more than a thousand times and, as a rule, these are not words, but whole phrases. Mid-range keys are the golden mean between the first and the second.

Each of us understands perfectly well that competing for high-frequency requests with sites that have long been well promoted on the web is a bad job. If you decide to write an article with the key "car", be prepared for the fact that no one will ever come to your page from the search. Why? It's simple - this page will be in the thousandth places in the search results, even if it is ideally optimized and well-written. You can imagine how many promoted sites compete on this bread request for a place in the top: if you are not the owner of a resource with several tens of thousands of unique visitors per day, with a link mass (the number of sites referring to you), calculated in four to five-digit numbers, write the text optimized for high-frequency queries is a waste of time and effort.

By choosing a low-frequency query, you can easily bring your site to the top for it, but it will bring much less traffic than you would like. The best way- these are, of course, medium-frequency queries: you can really compete for them, and they will bring pretty good traffic to your site.

Distribution of keywords in the text

The next stage of SEO optimization, which is performed simultaneously with the writing of the text itself, is the distribution of the selected keywords across the article.

As in the previous case, there are pitfalls here. At first glance, everything seems to be simple - put the keywords as often as possible, the main thing - without compromising readability, and you will be happy ... It's not so simple.

From the very beginning of their existence, search engines have been waging a constant and irreconcilable war with spammed content (texts in which keywords are used excessively to the detriment of the quality of the material). If keywords appear too often in the text, this will serve as an alarm signal and the system will apply a pessimizing filter to the spam page, that is, it will lower it in the search results by one hundred to one hundred and fifty positions.

On the other hand, if the keys are found in the text of the page in a small amount, it will be irrelevant to the key request, which will cause the desired positions to be not reached either.

How to be? It's not an easy question. Based on our experience, we can recommend the content of key phrases in the range of 4 to 6% of the total text of the page. But these numbers are not fixed: in some cases, it is advisable to go, as they say, all-in and exceed the upper bar.

In what cases can this be done? Only if you are sure that you can write a text that will be very interesting to people and which will definitely be read. Yes, at first it may get pessimized and will not be visible in the search results for several months. However, if visitors to your site read it and constantly linger on this page, search engines will notice this after a while and realize that they were wrong. And now - the fun part! After the pessimization is removed from the page, it will be super-relevant to the request for which it was optimized. She will instantly take off to the top even on high-frequency request, easily outstripping their promoted competitors. Interesting, right? However, if the text turns out to be unsuccessful and uninteresting, it will remain under the filter forever. What to do is up to you ...

Now let's talk about the principles that need to be followed when distributing keywords throughout the text.

Search engines primarily pay attention to the content of headings and the first paragraphs of text: this is where direct occurrences of keywords should be used. First level heading (tag

) should not just contain an unchanged keyword (phrase), but start with it. Please note: the text you are currently reading is optimized for the query "SEO copywriting", and this is where the heading of the first level begins and many headings of the lower levels.

Did you know that a big, one might say, tragic mistake is made by those who place more than one heading of the first level in the text. In its meaning, this title corresponds to the title of the material: how can a work have more than one title ?! For such a violation, the page (and if there are many such violations on the site, then the entire site) may not just be pessimized, but banned by search engines.

For the best page optimization, it is necessary to use several direct occurrences of keywords and several occurrences in other cases in the first paragraphs of the text.

It is highly desirable that the text has a multi-level heading structure. The point is that a page that only has a first-level heading provides far fewer options for SEO optimization. This is due to the fact that, like people, search engines first of all pay attention to headings, subheadings, and only then examine the text itself. Those who think that a heading system is simply convenient way formatting text. Far from it! Headings are a structuring tool that plays a critical role in page analysis by search engines. The lowest-level subheading weighs much more in the eyes of the machine than plain text.

Based on the above, it can be argued that the distribution by subheadings different levels keywords in direct and indirect occurrences can have a much greater effect than saturating plain text with them.

However, the end of the article needs to be saturated with keywords again: this is required by the logic of writing the text. Search engines reason like this: first, the topic is indicated (the maximum content of keys), then its disclosure takes place, during which there is a partial departure from the semantic core (less content of keys), in the conclusion the results are summed up (again, a large content of keys).

Using semantic highlight tags in SEO copywriting

In addition to the competent distribution of keys in the text and headings, their highlighting using tags can serve as a good service. and ... Visually, the first tag appears in italics and the second in bold text. Their difference from tags and lies in the fact that the latter have the function of formatting a purely visual, and those - the function of semantic highlighting. However, these tags should not be overused: the reader should not get the feeling that what words are being foisted on him senselessly.

Summing Up: Is SEO Copywriting Art Or Science?

Now let's summarize, briefly summarizing everything stated in our extensive opus. So, the sequence of our actions:

    defining the topic of the article;

    careful analysis and selection of keywords (in this case, you need to select the frequency type of query for optimization);

    writing a competent, interesting, qualified text with the simultaneous distribution of keys both for it and for headings;

    controlling the percentage of keywords in the total volume of the text;

    highlighting keys using semantic markup tags.

Now, dear readers, we can say that we have shared with you all the intricacies of SEO copywriting that we ourselves were able to comprehend at the moment. Yes, we cannot with complete confidence to assert that all of the above is the truth in the first instance - no one can assert that. However, we can say that the principles that we have now shared with you helped our site to reach the stable top search results of both Google and Yandex for all queries of interest to us.

What is SEO copywriting - art or science? What prevails in it? We believe that this is a real fusion of the two indicated creative directions, supporting and complementing each other: after all, a serious one is also required here. system analysis and a spark of artistic talent. Well, what is SEO copywriting for you is up to you, and no one else ...

Relevance is the degree to which a page matches a specific keyword or phrase. Each search engine determines relevance in its own way, so the same sites occupy different positions in their search results.

If you have already mastered the basics of copywriting, you will probably be interested in the opportunity to earn money by writing SEO texts, because this kind of work is considered the most highly paid. What do you need to know in order to become a good SEO copywriter and get decent pay for your work?

    • What does SEO copywriting mean?
    • SEO copywriting: sequence of actions
    • SEO copywriting - the main rules of work
    • Conclusion

What does SEO copywriting mean?

In order to understand this term, you need to understand how a website is promoted in search engines. And, it is desirable to know at least the basics of html markup.

SEO copywriting is no longer just about creating unique content. Now your tasks will be much more difficult. You need to write not only an interesting and informative article for Internet users, but also design it in such a way that it helps the site to take a leading position in the ranking of search engines. How can this be done?

For your article to be "liked" by search engines, it must meet certain requirements.

These are special words or phrases that contain the main idea of ​​your article. Thanks to them, search engines will be able to quickly identify your site. It is not difficult to find such "keys". Imagine you want to buy running shoes online. What words will you use to search for what you need? Specialists can help you find key queries for the article. Google programs or Yandex.

The article must be properly structured

Paragraphs should not be too long, as well as individual sentences. The text must contain h1-h3 tags and numbered lists.

The uniqueness of the text must be high

In principle, this is nothing new. Uniqueness is the first thing that a search engine determines. Sites containing non-unique texts may even be blocked by search engines. Therefore, do not forget about this parameter as well.

We recommend the course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

In addition, in writing such texts there are certain subtleties learning which, you can easily become a great SEO copywriter.

SEO copywriting: sequence of actions

So you've decided to write your first SEO article. Where should you start? And what should be the sequence of your work?

First of all, decide on the topic of the article. Of course, it should be relevant and interesting to readers. But the main thing is that you must understand it perfectly. Otherwise, you simply won't be able to create a truly high-quality product.

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The next step will be the selection of keywords for which the text will be adjusted. To do this, it is best to use special Google or Yandex services.

After that, you can proceed directly to writing the text itself. At the same time, do not forget to structure it correctly, highlight headings and design lists. And also correctly enter keywords into sentences.

SEO copywriting is an art, but anyone can master it. All that is required of you is diligence, patience and perseverance.

SEO copywriting - the main rules of work

There are no specific standards for writing SEO articles. Each specialist has his own requirements and preferences. But there are basic rules that it is advisable to adhere to.

SEO copywriting is not just text, with a set of keywords

In order for the page with your article to move to the top positions in the search, the information contained in it must be relevant and interesting to users.

Don't try to include as many keywords in the text as possible.

Search robots do not like texts with a large number of queries, as this increases the "nausea" of the text. This parameter is responsible for the number of specific words in your article. The higher it is, the worse the page is indexed.

You can check this indicator using special online services. The maximum allowable rate is 7.

SEO copywriting must contain headlines

It is advisable to also fill them in with the most important keywords. The first thing that search engines pay attention to is the h1 tag. This is the largest heading and it should appear once in the text. The h2 heading is placed 3-4 times. h3 - may be contained 8-9 times and even more, depending on the size of the article. Also, try not to make headlines with just keywords.

Structure your text correctly

It shouldn't look like a solid sheet. It is desirable that the paragraph should contain no more than 4 sentences. And don't forget the lists! Firstly, it will help people find the information they need faster, after all, SEO copywriting is meant to sell. Secondly, you make the job of search robots easier.

Write "keys" naturally into text

They should look so that a third party reading your article would not even guess how they sound and where you hid them.

Distribute queries evenly across text

Good SEO copywriting doesn't have to contain all of your keywords in one place in an article. This is due to the fact that search engines parse the text in parts. And if it seems to them that a certain part of the article has prohibitive "nausea", the page will not be properly indexed.

Do not overuse introductory words and template phrases

They significantly reduce the uniqueness of the article, which will not have the best effect on the optimization of the entire site.


Summing up, we can say that SEO copywriting is a rather difficult job, which requires a lot of knowledge and skills. However, such work is paid quite high.

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You will need to be able to correctly enter keywords, identify the "nausea" of the article, work with links and headings. And if, among other things, your articles are also interesting, readable and talented, then your income will always be consistently high.

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the job of a copywriter to write SEO copy. SEO texts are the main tool for promoting sites in search engines. Such a text is characterized by the mandatory presence of keywords and compliance with additional requirements.

What should a beginner SEO copywriter know?

If the requirements for a simple text are literacy, ease of perception and semantic load, then in SEO texts it is also necessary to take into account the uniqueness, a certain number of occurrences of "keywords", "nausea" and the use of tags.

Let's consider these concepts in more detail:

1. Uniqueness

This is the very first thing that is determined by search engines. The search engine index contains only those pages that are unique in their content. Search engines can even punish sites that contain non-unique texts. Services for determining uniqueness are called anti-plagiarism and usually use 2 parameters - shingle and GAP.

A shingle is a certain fragment of a text checked by an anti-plagiarism, and GAP is a shingle step. Antiplagiat checks all documents posted on the Web for the presence of such shingles in the texts. The uniqueness of the document depends on the length of the shingle.

2. Keywords ("keys") and "nausea" of the text

Keywords are search terms target audience of interest to the customer. And the task of a copywriter is to write a unique and interesting article where these "keys" will be encountered with the required frequency.

"Nausea" is the frequency of repetition of keywords in the text. Robots really "dislike" texts with high keyword density. The norm of "nausea" is 3-4% of the total number of words in the text.

Some customers indicate the number of "keys" in the terms of reference itself, others immediately ask to enter keywords in the text with a given frequency. One or two direct occurrences per thousand characters of text is considered optimal.

The location of the "keys" is best discussed with the customer in advance. By default, it is better to distribute keywords evenly throughout the text, given that they should not be at the beginning of a sentence.

"Keys" can be used in the text in direct and indirect occurrence. Unless otherwise stated, the copywriter enters "keywords" in the direct entry.

Multi-word complex keys can be separated by comma, dash, colon, parentheses (opening or closing), quotation mark, and semicolon. You cannot break words with a dot, question and exclamation marks.

3. Working with tags

A professional SEO copywriter should be able to use special Internet tools - tags.

Tags are special characters used for hypertext markup of site pages. It is the tags that turn the copywriter text into the textual content of the site. Many customers are ready to adequately pay for the work of an author who knows how to use certain tags correctly.

A tag is a letter or word between two angle brackets - "<» и «>". The first tag, the opening tag, is placed at the beginning of the fragment of the tagged text. The second tag - the closing one, which differs from the opening one by the presence of a slash - is placed at the end of the fragment.

Text tags are used to highlight the required text fragments. The nomenclature of tags is very wide, and their list is constantly updated.

A well-paid job that requires certain skills. Possession of such skills as the ability to correctly enter the "keys", correctly distribute them in the body of the text, determine the "nausea" of the text, work with tags and links, significantly increases your status as a professional SEO copywriter. If, in addition to this, your texts are readable, talented and useful to the customer, then your reputation and earnings will be consistently high.