Linder Kani Jony Ive. Legendary Apple designer

Agree that Apple products have gained immense popularity primarily due to its concise and thoughtful design. And behind all this is a very qualified and well-coordinated team of design engineers led by Jony Ive. Today we will try to introduce you to this amazing.

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Was born Jony Ive in the suburbs of London, Chingford, in 1967 in the family of a school teacher. Ive himself does not really like to communicate with the press about his childhood and youth. His biography, unfortunately, is scarce in facts. The only thing known about his personal life is that he grew up, like most of his peers, in a typical British family and received an absolutely typical London education. For a long time he lived in Twin Peaks in a small house with his wife Heather, who is a writer and historian in one person.

In the fall of 2012, the family Jony Quince bought a house on the "Gold Coast" of San Francisco for $ 17 million. Also, it is known that the property of the chief designer of Apple has an expensive Aston Martin.

Jonathan Ive loves music very much. He spends part of his free time listening to various performers and bands. Perhaps this is why the iPod was created with such warmth and still does not cease to please users with its design and conciseness.

In 1985, Ive entered the Polytechnic College, where he studied design art. Since 1989, he has been working as a designer in one of the London studios - Tangerine. It is here that he begins his creative journey from the design of electrical outlets to televisions.

Thanks to professionalism, diligence and a non-standard approach to design, in 1992 Jonathan Quince invited to the Apple design team. And already in 1998, Steve Jobs appoints him to the position of vice president of industrial design.

While working in Cupertino, real fame came to Quince. Since developing his first iMac, Jonathan has been the talk of the world. He turned the design foundations in the world of computer technology, bringing some minimalism and harmony into it. All modern computer users should be grateful to him for the fact that on store shelves next to dull gray and black boxes, you can see bold design solutions. His trends were picked up by other engineers and designers, and most of the companies producing players, phones and computers began to pay more attention to the appearance of their devices.

Like a true gentleman, Jonathan denies the fact that it was he who played a decisive role in the development of the design of the iPod players and the iMac all-in-one. Joni shares the glory with every member of his team. The fruits of the work of his department in 1999 were the 22-inch Apple Cinema Display, PowerMac G4 Tower and iSub, and in 2000 the Apple G4 Cube. By the way, Quince is considered to be the main supporter of the introduction of Retina displays on Apple devices. After a successful test in the iPhone 4, the Retina display moved to the iPad, and later to the MacBook.

The whole team is of the same opinion in the development that all products should be refined, stylish and comfortable to use. Quince's concept is simple - the user should not see unnecessary bolts and cogs and unnecessary controls. As Jonathan admitted in one of his interviews, his main goal is to create such devices so that users do not read the instructions for them.

At the end of 2011, the Queen of England, Elizabeth II with the honorary title of Knight Commander of the Honorary Order of the British Empire. He is now Sir Jonathan Ive.

This is exactly what one of the creators of the wonderful Apple technology looks like, which many of us use every day at home, at work and on vacation.

Other designers have noticed this and have begun to say that the item has a "johniness" - a special property that makes people want to touch and play with it. Quince's trademark - to add tactile elements to the design - appeared already then.

Perfectionist controversy

Jony wanted to make special screws of a certain shape and type on the handles. Rubinstein countered that the cost would be astronomical and would delay the release of the machine. He was responsible for timely delivery and vetoed these screws.

Power Mac Cube

In 2000, all four cells of the table were filled, and Joni, together with a group of designers, embarked on the most ambitious project at that time - the Power Mac Cube. Cube was the first attempt to create the "perfect" computer, to fit the power of a desktop computer into a small package.

The birth of the iPhone

“Because Steve formed an opinion very quickly, I didn't show him the multi-touch system in front of others,” Joni says. - He could say "suck" and ruin everything. Ideas are very vulnerable, so you have to be careful while they are in the development stage.”

Strict Steve

They tell different versions about the transition from plastic to glass. Jobs is said to have carried a prototype iPhone in his pocket along with his keys and was furious when he saw scratches on the screen: "I'm not going to sell a product that can be scratched."

Select iPad size

At first, Jony ordered twenty models of various sizes, proportions and screen shapes. They were placed on one of the studio's display tables for Joni and Jobs to play with. "That's how we figured out what screen size we wanted," Joni said.

Sir Jonathan Paul Ive- Anglo-American designer, chief design officer of Apple.

It was he who created and thought appearance iMac, Mac Pro and MacBook computers, he is responsible for the design of the iPod, iPhone and iPad. A large number of his ideas are used in all modern devices of the company.

Ive is not used to bringing his personal life to public judgment, he very rarely gets into the lenses of television cameras and on the front pages of news publications.

Here are some interesting facts from the life of one of the most prominent designers of our time.

1. Jonathan's father was a jeweler

Mike Ive was a jeweler by training and taught jewelery in college for a long time.

He instilled in his son a love of creativity, in every possible way encouraged manual labor and the creation of unique things.

2. As a student, Jonathan was already designing phones

One of Quince's teachers recalled that he often drew and thought through the design of cell phones to the smallest detail.

The young man imagined them small and thin at a time when they looked like big heavy bricks.

3. Ive designed combs and toilet bowls

In 1989, Jonathan Ive begins his career at Tangerine Design. The London-based firm took on a variety of projects, regardless of the scope.

During the period of work, Ive's portfolio was replenished with sanitary ware, furniture and combs. One of the projects was even the design of the toilet bowl, which was abandoned by the customers because of too expensive production.

4. Jony Ive might never have met Jobs.

Until return Jobs Apple worried not better times. Ive, who had been with the company since 1992, considered changing jobs in 1996.

The vice president of the company highly appreciated Quince's talent and went for a substantial raise to keep Quince at Apple.

5. Ive promoted white at Apple

Jobs agreed only to the shade of moon gray, but Ive managed to convince Steve and start using white as the main one for Apple products and services.

6. Quince has a secret lab at Apple

Jonathan's studio is carefully hidden from prying eyes. Only a few high-ranking employees of the company know about its location and have access to it.

Former vice president of iOS development Scott Forstall admitted in an interview that he had never been to the Quince lab and did not know where it was.

7. Jony Quince's office is an empty glass cube

Some of Apple's executives describe Quince's office as a large glass cube. Inside the room where Jonathan draws inspiration, there is only a table, an armchair and a table lamp, there are no personal items or distractions there.

8. Ive can't talk about working at Apple with almost anyone.

One of the points in the contract between Apple and Jonathan is an expanded obligation to maintain the confidentiality of corporate data.

Ive has no right to discuss projects even with his closest relatives, he cannot demonstrate developments or details, he is forbidden to bring his children to work.

9. Ive does not want to lead Apple

Close friends and colleagues often ask Jonathan about possible career opportunities. Ive always replies that he is not interested in management issues and leadership, he only wants to do his favorite thing at Apple.

10. Ive participated in the creation of the cartoon

In 2008, a full-length computer cartoon was released. WALL-E from the studio Pixar. Ive took part in the development of the design of one of the main characters - a robot EVE (EVE).

11. Ive won several titles in the UK

In 2005 he received the rank of Commander British Empire, the 2006 queen Elizabeth II awarded him the title of Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Only in 2012, Quince was knighted in Britain.

12. Jonathan values ​​simplicity very much.

In this they are very similar to Jobs. Quince's goal has always been to create a device that can be used without instructions.

Here is one of his quotes about the simplicity of devices:

We get rid of everything superfluous, from what we do not consider necessary. If the functions of four buttons can be fit into one, we will do so. Our goal is to make the device user-friendly and to simplify production as much as possible.

13. Quince's salary at Apple is carefully hidden.

The designer of most Apple products, Senior Vice President Jonathan Ive, was a kindred spirit. He is not among the richest or high-ranking individuals, but is considered one of the most influential as the creator of the design for the iPod.


Jonathan Ive was born in 1967 in London, where he spent his childhood and school years. He graduated from Newcastle Polytechnic University where he studied art and design. In 1987 he married, two twins were born in the marriage. He knew his business very well, so already in 1989 he got a job in a design company. Then his first principles began to take shape: work not for the sake of money, but to create a quality product. He was quickly noticed by management and became a co-owner of the firm.

In 1992, Ive moved to San Francisco, as he was invited to Apple. At first, the work did not inspire him, the priority was only profit growth and optimization. Nobody thought about the design, everything was done hastily and thoughtlessly. As a result, the company produced 55 low-grade products. With the return of Jobs, everything changed, and Jonathan Ive, a designer with a capital letter, changed his mind about quitting the "apple" corporation. Steve almost immediately noticed and appreciated his brilliant potential, making him a central figure in creating the design of Apple products. This is how the first multi-colored iMac was born, selling two million units in its first year.

Career at Apple

In 1997, Jonathan Ive was promoted to vice president of industrial design at Apple Corporation. After the original premiere of the iMac, Apple's twenty-two-inch laptop followed. In 2000 he received an honorary doctorate from the university. At the same time, the Apple G4 Cube was launched. In 2002, the iMac with 15-inch and 17-inch articulated displays and the eMac went into production. A year later, the premiere of the lightest and thinnest laptop in the world (at that time) PowerBook took place. In 2004, the mini iPod and the super-thin iMac G5 were released.

In 2005, Ive was promoted to senior vice president and introduced the mini Mac. In the same year, the touch and touch smartphone iPhone was released. He was awarded the Order and in 2012 he was knighted. Jonathan Ive designed Eve's robot for WALL-E. In 2010, the company introduced the Apple iPad tablet computer. From 2012 to 2013 worked on iOS 7 design.

About human qualities

Jonathan, without exaggeration, is the father of almost all Apple products. With Steve Jobs, they were kindred spirits, friends, shared views on the world, although not without disagreements. Jobs often came to his creative studio - "glass cube". Jonathan Ive, an Apple designer, is a very humble and shy person who is immersed in work. Many of the company's products, more than 200 patents, were originally conceived and developed by Jobs and Ive. Jonathan had access to all resources and almost as much authority as Steve himself. According to Ive, the key to success is a close-knit team. They have been working together for a long time, they understand each other perfectly, they know what the “best product” should be.

With all his stunning success, Jonathan Ive remained a very uncommunicative and secretive person. His main character trait has always been shyness, and he never discusses his personal life at all. Ive lives in California with his wife and children and regularly visits his native England. He loves techno music, knows how to dress with taste, owns an Aston Martin, otherwise no frills. He had a love for fast cars for a long time, even got into a car accident in his Aston.

  1. As a student, Ive worked on watch design and mobile phones. They turned out to be similar to modern devices: ultra-thin and thought out to the smallest detail.
  2. After graduating from college, already working at Tangerine, he designed a bathroom, but the client refused original idea because of its high cost.
  3. Jonathan's father was a famous silversmith who developed curricula for design schools in England.
  4. It was Ive who introduced the fashion for white, back in school he created white designer things. At first, Jobs was against white and only agreed to gray and black.
  5. When a talented designer wanted to leave Apple, his boss gave him a promotion and motivation.
  6. Jonathan loves to play techno and other music in the company's studio, where many employees play football, ride a skateboard.
  7. Quince's personal studio - a "glass cube" - is equipped with a minimum of things, there is a table, a chair, a lamp, there are not even family photos. The cube is so simplified that employees cannot find the entrance to it on their first visit.
  8. The designer keeps all developments a secret, even from relatives. His children were not in his studio.
  9. Ive does not aspire to high positions, and managerial aspects do not bother him much.
  10. It was Jonathan and his wife that Steve Jobs called to his room after the operation. He had a tumor removed from his pancreas.

Pursuit of simplicity

Jonathan Ive, a designer, doesn't like spending money on expensive living, but gives his time to create great products that inspire users. The iMac, for example, has a robust, multi-directional screen that allows you to work in any position. This mechanism was developed during 3 months of hard work.

Quince's love of simplicity and convenience was shared by Jobs. The designer defined his main task as the creation of minimalistic devices that do not require instructions. He gets rid of everything superfluous, leaving the necessary. Jonathan believes that if the functions of four buttons can be combined into one, then so be it. Apple's goal is convenient devices, the maximum simplification of production. Ive not only worked on the main line of the company, but also created applications for gadgets. General representations made Quince and Jobs close friends, resulting in a fruitful collaboration.

Idea Factory, where Ive spends a lot of time, is a popular location in the campaign. It can be called the Californian heart of the Apple campus. This is not just a studio where employees ride skateboards, throwing models and prototypes around, but also workplace world famous designer. New and interesting details about the work of this top-secret organization can be found in a recently published book.


Despite strong friendship and mutual understanding, Jonathan and Steve did not always find agreement. In an interview for a forthcoming book about Jobs, Ive spoke about previously unknown details. It turned out that Steve appropriated Jonathan's inventions, said that he came up with them himself, without mentioning Quince's name. He didn't like that Jobs called his work his own. Jonathan was not greedy or ambitious, but rather fair.


Jony Ive, whose biography confirms that he may in the future become head of Apple's CEO department, was closest to Steve. But for a designer, creativity comes first, not money, his modest nature is not at all suitable for high management. In fact, Jonathan "carries" the company on himself. He develops beautiful designs for Apple products, striving for the embodiment of perfection and minimalism, helping to create gadgets that are true works of art. Many tend to believe that Jobs alone pulled Apple out of a state close to bankruptcy, but the heights and success achieved would not have been without Jony Quince.

What will happen to Apple without Quince? Today, one thing is clear: now there is no Jobs, and Quince's power is only increasing. Now he carries out industrial design not only of devices, but also of interfaces, software. Nevertheless, attention bypasses Jonathan, with the exception of videos about the launch of new products.


Jonathan Ive, from whose history it is known that he worked side by side with Steve Jobs for several years, participated in the creation of unique products. This creative alliance pulled Apple out of near-bankruptcy and turned it into a international Business. Two books can be read about Jonathan Ive today, released in 2006 and 2007. Modest and not fond of flickering in public, a man created the highest standards of style, beauty and simplicity that have entered the lives of millions of people around the world.

About the book
Thanks to Jonathan Ive and his fruitful collaboration with Jobs, iconic Apple products were born: the iMac, iPhone, iPod, and iPad.

Who is this book for?

These projects not only made Apple a wealthy company, but also changed the entire industry, creating an army of fans and a powerful brand. In addition, Jonathan Ive has won countless awards, made the Time 100 list, and been knighted for his services to design and entrepreneurship.

Despite all these achievements, little is known about the humble Johnny Quince to the general public. Linder Kani shows the path of a creative genius from a student at the British School of Art to a person who has influenced the lives of many of us.

Based on interviews with Ive's colleagues and the author's excellent introduction to the world of Apple, this study provides insight into the man who changed the way we work, play and connect with each other.

Who is this book for?
For those interested in design

For those who love iconic Apple products and want to know more about how they were made
