How to properly prepare for a photo shoot in the studio. Preparing for a photo session

Very often, models ask questions about what to wear for a photo session. the evening before the photo session. The photographer's task is to explain to clients why it is necessary to prepare for a photo shoot in advance, send the recommended list of things at the time of booking and ask for advice during the preparation. Of course, first of all, the photographer takes pictures of people, their emotions, relationships, but in the frame, clothes, their texture and color are very important.

Well-chosen images for the whole family that harmonize well with each other and with the place where the shooting is taking place is the first step to beautiful photographs. I would even say that this is half the battle. Of course, not everyone in their wardrobe will immediately find what they need for shooting. Therefore, the earlier the models begin to be assembled, the more successful the selected images will be.

5 main mistakes when preparing for a photo shoot

As we said before - preparing for a photo session is already 50% of a successful shooting. I have collected 5 main mistakes when preparing for a photo shoot:

1. Bring suitcases of things for the photographer to choose himself

In addition to the fact that sorting things out in the studio takes time to shoot, it is still far from always possible to find something in this suitcase that will look good in the photo.

2. Bring your favorite clothes, regardless of recommendations

Not always your favorite clothes, which look great in everyday life, will also be good for a photo shoot. Clothes that are too bright will catch the eye, black color will be perceived as spots against the background of bright grass, prints and drawings will distract from the most important thing.

3. Choose clothes for all family members separately from each other

A very common mistake. Separately, all are good, but together the images may not be in harmony with each other either in style or in color. In the photo, the family is perceived as a whole, so no one should bring dissonance to this holistic image. If the child is wearing jeans and a plaid shirt, it means that dad's black sweater and trousers are better left at home.

4. Prepare to shoot the day before

In the wardrobe of the models, there may not be something that will look good in the frame, or something that you would like to take in the wash, it is that blouse that will be forgotten by the grandmother, and the socks are lost.

5. Putting things in a bag or bag

Until the models reach the location, it turns out that all things are crumpled, even if they were ironed. As a result, you will get a sloppy picture and wrinkled things will always be conspicuous in the photograph.

Now let's see how prepare so that everything is perfect

✔ Before shooting, it is necessary to give recommendations on the style, color, texture of clothing that looks good in the photo. You don't have to bring everything in your wardrobe, because you are not taking off your clothes, but your family, so 2 perfectly matched different looks for the whole family are much better than a suitcase of unsuitable clothes.

✔ The best things for shooting are simple things of pastel colors from natural fabrics without patterns, prints and rhinestones. Even if models don't usually wear such things, you will be surprised how great they look in the photo. Knitting, simple geometry is what you need)

✔ It is the clothes that dictate the mood and style of shooting to us, harmoniously selected images evoke a feeling of harmony in relationships. Therefore, we select 2 images and general details that visually unite all participants in the photo session. Plaid shirts, knitted sweaters and dresses - there are a lot of options.

✔ When preparing for a photo shoot in advance, for sure, many ideas will arise from which you can choose exactly what you need! Nothing suitable? It's not scary, there is always an opportunity to buy these things, and leaving them after a photo session or handing them back to the store - there is always a choice.

✔ The day before shooting, you need to iron all things and carefully pack them in clothes covers so that nothing is wrinkled. Several times it is worth checking whether everything that you wanted to eat with you. If the shooting takes place in the studio, ask the clients to wash the soles so that the children are clean and comfortable to run barefoot or crawl)

So, the main task is to explain to clients that preparation is really important and will form the appropriate mood at the photo session, therefore, it should be given special attention so that at the photo session it remains only to be with each other and enjoy what is happening without thinking about clothes. After all, the most important thing is to catch emotions and see love!

In this article, we will share with you useful information about how to prepare for a photo shoot and put everything on the shelves.
Advice 1.
References and examples.
After you have made a long journey to find a photographer, and have found a suitable person for yourself, the first part of the preparation comes - References and examples. It is at this stage that you must understand what you want from the photographer and from the photo session in general, in order for your photo session to turn out colorful and you are satisfied with it, you need to show the photographer what you want to get at the end. For examples, both bows and the work of other photographers in general, who have a certain style and attract you with their beauty, are suitable. But do not forget that if you are working with a novice photographer or the works that you have shown are a unique author's retouching of the photographer, then you should not rely on the fact that your photographer will be able to do exactly the same. If you want to get a beautiful photo shoot with unique processing from famous photographer, then you need to go to him - and not ask him to do something similar, you may not like the result. You can also choose a reference pose, which will also help you and your photographer to make the photo session more productive and beautiful.
Tip 2.
Do not neglect the services of a stylist and makeup artist. If you know how to use cosmetics well, this does not mean that you can prepare yourself for a photo session without any problems. The profession of makeup artists exists for a reason, and real professionals in their field work here, unless of course you are looking for novice makeup artists who really do not know how to do anything, then preparing for a photo session on this point will also not bring you big disappointments. You can also contact a stylist - who will help you choose things for a photo shoot, and can also be present at the shooting and help you directly on the spot.
Tip 3.
Be sure to keep your shoes clean! If you bring several pairs of shoes with you, make sure they are clean before going out. It is imperative to take only clean shoes to the studio, and clean not only in the sole area, but also over the entire surface. Shoe cleaning while processing photos will take extra time from the photographer and this will affect the attitude towards you. So it's best to think about it ahead of time and not look like a pig in the eyes of your photographer.

Tip 4.
Appearance. Prepare for a full-scale photo shoot - do yourself a manicure and pedicure. Depilation should be done at least 24 hours before filming, in case you get irritated, so that it would have passed before you take pictures. This list can be supplemented with such unnecessary things as going to the solarium, applying makeup at home (if you ordered makeup from a makeup artist) and having a dirty head.
Tip 5.
You should not consume a lot of salty food, water on the day of filming, and categorically refuse alcohol. All this will only make you worse and turn your face into a big, swollen lump.
Tip 6.
Calm, the main thing is calm.
Before filming, you should definitely have a good night's sleep, and be very vigorous in order for you to look good in photography, also do not forget about contact with the photographer - you must have established contact so that you can lose at least a little of your shyness, flutter and follow all the commands of the person who is looking at you on the other side of the lens.
Tip 7.
Take with you to the photo session as many things and shoes as possible, and also do not forget about accessories. How many things do you need to take with you to the photo session? A lot ... a lot, on average you need to at least take things based on time. For example, for an hour-long photo session, you can take 2, maximum 3 images, and for photo sessions lasting two or more hours, you can already take a fairly large number of images or clothes. People often choose the wrong clothes for themselves, thinking that they look good in it - but whatever happens, you can just take a suitcase of things with you (if your position allows you, of course) and choose an outfit with a photographer or decide on him by throwing off the photos of things to your photographer before the photo session.

Tip 8.
Self confidence. In order to be more relaxed at the photo session and to make the best shots possible, then you would not hurt to spin a little in front of the mirror, curl up and experiment with poses. Thanks to this, you will understand in which poses you look beautiful and may be able to refine the poses in which you do not look very good.
Tip 9.
Charger. Do exercises in the morning, this will help you to move and stretch your muscles, thanks to which you will be very mobile and flexible during the photo session, you will be able to take various poses and hold these poses for a long time.
Tip 10.
Smile. One and many important details is your smile and your mood. Remember - in a photo session you must look great, have a beautiful smile and be in good mood... If something happened to you on the eve, then try to reschedule the photo session, and if it happened right before the shooting, then in no case do not take alcohol to * raise * your mood.

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Successful photos are a memory forever. And if in order for everything to be perfect, you have to make a thousand and one frames, then we hasten to rejoice that there is salvation from this. It is enough to know how to put your foot, how to turn your head, how to effectively reach out your hand - and good shots guaranteed. Professional photographer Marina Khomenko shares juicy shots and posing secrets on her blog.

Marina lives in Bali. Before moving to the island, she and her husband lived in a small village in the Primorsky Territory. They had their own shop there. But 2 years ago, the couple decided to completely change their lives, and the girl publishes the result of this on her instagram. We are in site We adore high-quality photographs and want to learn how to take the same, so Marina and her account became the object of research for us.

How to relax in front of the camera

The fear of being shackled or ridiculous is our brightest fear. People who come to a photo session for the first time are often very shy. Choose a photographer you feel comfortable with. Talk to him before shooting, tell him what kind of pictures you are waiting for, what are you afraid of.

To overcome intense excitement, breathe deeply: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Let your muscles relax, you can even jump. Do not try to smile if you are not sure that smiling is natural. Remember to keep moving as you shoot. Work with your shoulders, body, head, transfer body weight from one leg to the other. But don't be in a hurry: first you changed your legs, then your hands, worked your shoulders, looked away in the other direction, and so on. This way you are more likely to get good photos.

On whom the result depends

The photographer usually has a lot more responsibility. He will always find contact with you and will try to conduct a photo session in a positive atmosphere. And he will definitely help you with posing. You can experience pleasure not only from the pictures received after a month, but also from the shooting process. And it really raises self-esteem. Choose the “right” photographer, and you will want to return to him more than once.

How to hide body flaws

  • Keep your back straight and straighten your shoulders.
  • Bend your back as much as possible to keep your figure graceful.
  • When photographing sideways, do not press your hands to the body: even if the forearm is thin, it will still be flattened.
  • Watch your feet - pull the toe.
  • The body should be directed away from the camera, hands are not pressed so that the waist is visible.
  • To make your legs appear longer, turn them slightly to the side.
  • Life hack for a beach photo shoot: it is best to wear a one-piece swimsuit. It will also look beautiful if the lower edges of the swimming trunks are pulled up a little.

Posing for portraits

  • Relax your face, you can squint your eyes a little, but just don't overdo it. Otherwise, you will "sleep" on all frames.
  • Do not use your lips to "pyu", it looks ridiculous in the photo. This is suitable for selfies where you see and control your face.
  • You can breathe through your mouth, open it slightly. But only slightly!
  • If your hands are in the frame, relax your hands and do not turn their backs towards the camera.
  • Do not lower your head low so that a double chin does not appear.
  • And the most important thing is a good mood! Then posing will not be difficult.

Where to put your hands

  • Try to place your hands sideways to the camera, but do not strain them.
  • When posing, one hand can be left at the waist, and the other can be lowered down in front of the leg.
  • You can cross your arms under your chest. But note that both brushes should be visible and directed sideways towards the camera.
  • Don't hide one hand under your armpit.
  • Looks good with only thumbs in the pockets.
  • Hands beautifully placed near the face are the key to a cool and unusual portrait.

How to be with legs

  • Place your feet on your toes. This not only lengthens them, but also makes them more graceful - it is not just that high-heeled shoes were invented.
  • Do not point your knees towards the camera, so as not to add 2-3 extra pounds to your legs.
  • Try to change your position when posing, do not forget to move in order to get more successful shots.
  • Watch your feet. Do not bend your toes down too much or bend your toes up too much. Keep the curvature of the foot straight or in the shape of a shoe. It happens that everything in the picture is perfect, the model has positioned her leg correctly, and her foot, and her thumb sticks up, so much so that it attracts attention. Such a photo immediately into the furnace.

Photo sessions are very popular today. However, in order for the result to exceed expectations, you need to properly prepare! Consider our advice.

Photoshoot depends on successful work only half of a professional photographer. The other 50% is your careful preparation. Neither correctly placed light, nor modern optics, nor chic decorations can hide fatigue and bad mood.

1. Calm, only calm!

Get a good night's sleep before taking a responsible shoot. This will help you to be cheerful, to be in a good mood, then the pictures will turn out great.

2. Proper nutrition

  • On the eve of the photo session, you should not drink a lot and eat salty foods. Naturally, a categorical ban on alcohol, unless, of course, you want your face to turn into a swollen lump.
  • It is also not worth going to a photo session with an empty stomach ̶ be prepared for the fact that during the preparation and conduct of the photo session you will get tired and hungry. A small snack will give you strength and inspiration.

3. Makeup and beauty

  • Photographers' digital cameras capture even the smallest details of the image. This means that any unevenness in the skin will become noticeable. The choice of makeup should be approached as responsibly as possible.
  • A couple of days before the photo shoot, start using anti-oily sheen. To hide the shine on the skin, you can use a foundation or powder to match.
  • It is better to smear your lips with a persistent gloss or lipstick, which will not quickly be "eaten".
  • As for the makeup artist and stylist: if you show photos with makeup and styling that you like, you will make their work as easy as possible, and you will ensure the desired result for yourself.
  • Start using the whitening strips a couple of weeks before your photo shoot. Or make an appointment with your dentist for a professional whitening. Nothing paints a person like an open bright smile.
  • Tidy up your eyebrows a few days before the photo session. Do not pluck hairs the day before the shoot.
  • Neat manicure, natural nail colors, moisturized hands. Men will also do well.

4. Rehearsal

In the evening, stand in front of a large mirror and rehearse the movements, gestures, and postures that you think you look most successful in. So, you will understand which angles are the most successful, and which ones are better to forget. Look through internet sites, look through magazines.

5. Budget

If you don't have a lot of money, you don't have to deny yourself the pleasure of filming with a professional. You can save on styling and makeup. In addition, you can take your outfits to the photo session.

6. Clothes and footwear

  • Do not be lazy and think over your image the day before. Spend a couple of hours in front of the mirror choosing clothes and accessories. For a successful photo session, 3-4 outfits are useful, preferably diverse.
  • High heel shoes are an indispensable attribute of a photo shoot. Even with a swimsuit and denim overalls, they will look perfect. The heel lengthens the height and makes the posture more graceful, and the hips and butt - toned.
  • Ideal - ballet flats or wedges.
  • No worn-out sneakers or flip-flops for men. But absolutely new, not worn-out shoes are also bad. A photo session for him is already a huge stress, there is no need to bring additional discomfort.

7. Accessories

Bring some accessories with you. Scarves, hats, glasses, fruits and umbrellas, balls, T-shirts, tinsel, cups, Stuffed Toys- all this is useful for successful photos. Several of these funny accessories will help you take versatile photos.

If you choose light-colored clothes, grab a bright blanket or bedding. They will come in handy if you have a photo session in nature.

8. Hygiene procedures

Be sure to prepare your body for the shoot: shave your legs and underarms. Keep in mind that it can get hot in the studio, so it's best to use an antiperspirant.

9. Want to take nude photos?

Then it is better not to choose tight underwear and clothes. Traces from them do not disappear for a long time. Be sure to take a robe with you so that you can quickly put on it at any time.

10. Professionals always pay special attention to the eyes

The ability to control your eyes is very important for a good photo shoot. Try to show different emotions: laughter, smile, pain, joy, anticipation, anger. Don't be afraid to sound silly - monotonous shots are very boring.

11. Charging

Exercise in the morning. So you can stretch your muscles, and during the photo shoot you can be mobile and relaxed.

12. Personal contact with the photographer

Choose a photographer whose image you like. In this case, you can successfully do the joint work.

13. The idea is important

Start with a general idea. The easiest way to create a board with inspirational ideas and examples is on Pinterest. The more detailed you describe your idea, the better.

If you have time, check out the location before filming. Perhaps in real life you don't like something and want to change it.

15. No surprises!

Don't want any nasty surprises? Then, 24 hours before the shooting, you should not visit the solarium and beautician. Take care of this beforehand.

16. Shooting with children

  • Timing is essential for family photography, especially for children. They should be well-slept, well-fed and not tired - the mood is very dependent on these factors.
  • Strange new person with large cameras can scare the baby, so explain everything to him in advance. Tell him that something fun and unusual is in store for him. Do not forget about incentive prizes during the photo session.
  • He will be able to refuel and stock up on energy for new adventures if you take a snack with you.
  • Children are natural, they will not smile when they are not funny. Therefore, the photographer will try to make the child laugh, if necessary.

17. Consent and mood

Make sure that all participants in the photo session, if not delighted with the planned event, then at least the thought of it does not make them disgusted. If someone is categorically against, do not drag him by force. The photographer can create all the conditions for beautiful photo but the sour expression on the model's face is beyond his control.

18. Relax and be yourself

  • Perhaps one of the main tips ̶ relax! Emotional stress is completely reflected in facial expressions and postures.
  • Do not be afraid of photographers and do not be shy about them! Act naturally and at ease. Then very soon you will be able to view beautiful and high-quality photos!

How do you prepare for a photo shoot? Write to us!

Often, when people first come to the studio, you can hear “I’m not good at photography,” “I don’t know how to pose,” or, in general, “I’m not photogenic.” To be honest, I hear it all the time.

Many people in front of the camera get lost, do not know what to do, how to behave in front of the camera. Therefore, the outcome largely depends on the mood of both the client and the photographer.

In order to get beautiful photo shoots, it is not necessary to memorize poses in order to know how to behave in front of the camera. In my work, I realized: the main thing is to catch one wave.

If the photographer feels a person, it is much easier for him to convey the individuality of each in the photographs.

After all, all people are different and completely different from each other. And to catch your zest is the task.

I understand that models are far from coming to me. These are more often ordinary people who have not been taught how to pose correctly and how to behave in front of the camera. And I really like it! Why? Because there is live communication. In the process of shooting, we communicate, get to know each other, we work together, we play.

Based on experience, I have developed my own style of work. When shooting, I like to improvise.

And if at first, when I was still learning to photograph, I was very worried before each shooting, studied the work of the masters, tried to remember everything. Now I try to follow the person, attracting him to joint creativity.

Naturally, at the beginning of the shooting, everyone, without exception, has some shyness and a little stiffness. And this is understandable. Not every day you come to a professional's studio. Even my friends, once in the studio, get lost. But after 10 minutes, they practically forget about the camera.

At the beginning of our work, a lot depends on the photographer. People who come to the studio should feel comfortable and, as they say, at home! And I give them this opportunity, trying to create conditions as comfortable as possible. And here knowledge of psychology turns out to be very useful.

When a person realizes that he is accepted for who he is, he relaxes after a while. I say: “Are you shy? Show me how you do it. " And we start to play.

I understand that you cannot be too serious in this matter. We're fooling around together. And the person gradually opens up in front of the camera. Then my task is to catch these moments in time.

I love this time. When you see a real person, without embellishment, without masks. He doesn't pose for the camera, he just lives.

Ideas often appear spontaneously while shooting. It is these shots that turn out to be the most emotional and memorable. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

The most common question "How can I get up?" I answer: “Stand up anyway, just don’t pose. Take a comfortable position for yourself. " I give the person freedom. Then the initiative comes from him. And during the work I am already correcting and suggesting.

Of course, it's easier to point your finger and say "how to stand up." But it will be just a lifeless sculpture, without a soul. I want to see real live emotions.

Last but not least, if you think you are not photogenic and do not work well in photographs, then you will. As long as this thought lives in you, you will be afraid, and the camera sees it. No professional can help here.

Although I had cases when already quite mature women during the shooting were so revealed that I myself was amazed. They came with the thoughts "here it is fat, there is smallish", constrained and insecure. And by the end of the shooting, I myself did not recognize them. We looked together and wondered. It turned out amazingly beautiful photo sessions.

All because they forgot about their shortcomings and were just themselves. Nobody told them how best and what to do. They were just allowed to be. They were not appreciated, they were simply accepted. It is this feeling that many people lack so much.

By the way, a photo session is a great gift. Recently, my good friend, which I decided to give a photo shoot for her birthday! And what came of this, see for yourself :)