Test who I want to work in the future. Career Center


You can start by remembering who you wanted to be as a child. An astronaut, (yes, it happens), a dentist, a businessman - for sure, your hidden dreams live somewhere in your childhood. Yes, as a child, you still knew nothing about life and had little idea about the professions that you dreamed about. But who knows, maybe your unrealized talents are buried there. Remember who you liked to play as a child, who you liked to pretend to be. Yes, yes, even "intelligence agent" and "Arctic explorer" can turn out to be a childhood dream realized in the present.

If the train has not left yet, if you are young and energetic, if you are still studying or in your first year, try yourself in different areas. You can always find time for this. While you are young, you can learn the ins and outs of restaurant life by becoming a waiter, or big stores by signing up as a sales assistant. You can earn extra money as a guide, a museum employee, you can, if you wish, find a place in a hospital, clinic. Of course, you will be paid little, but the experience gained is priceless. Subsequently, it will be much easier for you to decide whether you want to work here or there.

The next step, which will allow you to understand whether you are on the right path, is Internship at the university. By that time, you will have already gained certain knowledge and a certain idea about the profession that you will receive after graduating from the university. On the other hand, if you suddenly realize that this is not for you, that for some reason you are studying to be a history teacher when you want to build nuclear submarines You still have time to turn the other way.

If you are already an adult, an accomplished person, and the business you are doing does not bring either money or pleasure, you still have the opportunity to try yourself in another area. There are many recruitment agencies that can send you to work abroad. There you can get acquainted with other activities that you may never have done. After that choose new job- or learn to appreciate and love more the specialty that you once spent your best years studying and in which you are working now.

When choosing a business to your liking, listen to the voice of your heart. The voice of the heart will tell you exactly what you want to do and what you generally expect from work. If you need a job that will bring pleasure and no matter how much money they pay for it, then look for just such a job. If the main thing for you is wage and the possibility of career growth and it is this, and not the business itself, that will bring you pleasure - then look for a "gold mine". Just don't get the gold rush!

In addition to the fact that we all have individuality, over time it becomes important to choose your future profession. But, it is not possible to do this without understanding what we want to do. Most often, these thoughts visit us from childhood under the influence of adults. It is they who ask the questions from which we think about who to become in the future. At school, everything is very clear. The main thing is to study. But further life confronts everyone with a difficult choice, in which it is desirable not to make a mistake. After all, the future of man is connected with this.

Why is it difficult to decide who to become?

Since each of us is unique, it is worth choosing your favorite business yourself. But, since the decision has to be made even in school years, many advisers are trying to help in this. Of course, they do not want anything bad, sincerely trying to give good advice. But, sometimes adults do not understand that each child is individual, and therefore no one else will determine better than him what he should do. It is very good when relatives and friends listen to children, trying to understand what they need. But, it happens so infrequently.

The second reason why it is sometimes so difficult to understand who to become is money. The financial component sometimes pushes us to choose a profession in which "the soul does not lie", but there is an opportunity to earn money. But, most often, it is those people who make their choice according to the dictates of the heart, and not the commercialism of those around them, who make their way in the material plane.

The third factor that makes it difficult to understand who to become in the future is geographical location. After all, for example, it is difficult to become a sailor or mountaineer, having been born in the desert. On the other hand, with a strong desire to achieve something, a person will always find an opportunity to realize his plan. And in this he will not be hindered by uncomfortable coincidences of circumstances, since the world is quite friendly to those who go to their goal.

What should be considered when choosing a profession?

What you should not focus on when trying to understand who to become is discussed above. Now let's answer the question, what should we pay attention to:

  • An inner voice that, if you listen to it, will tell you the right direction;
  • Career guidance tests that the Internet is full of (the main thing is to pass not one, but as many of them as possible to see which results are more common);
  • Expanding your worldview, because it is difficult to understand who to become in the future if you do not know all possible specialties;
  • The opinion of representatives of professions of interest, in order to find out from competent people all the pros and cons of such a choice;
  • Your inclinations, because it is important not only to want to become someone, but also to have the necessary abilities for this.

Now let's look at the main ways to make the right decision.

How to understand who to become?

In case of a difficult choice, you can resort to a number of simple tips.

Forget for a while about the wishes of relatives

This advice may seem selfish enough. But, on the other hand, a whole life is being decided. And, for example, having pleased your parents and having entered a certain university on their recommendation, you can later regret it until old age. It is important that the choice does not sound like a whim of a child, but like an adult's decision. And you have to fight for your happiness. Having mastered suitable profession, a person will have more opportunities to do something good for their loved ones, to take care of them.

Take a closer look at your hobbies

Very often, hobbies are the key to understanding the question of who to become. After all, the choice of work can be dictated by the whole group social factors, and a hobby is a voluntary choice. The world is full of opportunities for the realization of the most original and unusual talents. Everyone has the right to find himself in the occupation that he likes and suits best.

Understand what works best

No less than the desires for a future profession, a person’s capabilities can also say. Especially if the choice of who to become occurs between several types of activity. In this case, it is important to realize what you can do better from what you like. For example, you can love singing and dancing equally, but have great ability in choreography. In this case, it is not right to choose vocals, knowing that you will achieve more in the art of dance. It is better to be a first-class dancer than a mediocre singer.

dream more often

Man is always free in his fantasies. And the flight of thought can take you in any direction. The main thing is to be sincere to yourself. Understand what you really want. Perhaps then the answer to the question of who to become in the future will not cause problems? After all, many dreams do come true. You just need to really want and start moving in the chosen direction, not being afraid of difficulties and trials. Since the reward for overcoming them will be the long-awaited success.

Imagine yourself in the future

It doesn’t matter how a person takes this very place in life. The main thing is to imagine yourself exactly where you need to. Calculate everything to the smallest detail. The size of the office, the view from the window, the color of the furniture, the salary and much more. And then proceed to build a life route in the opposite direction, from the ultimate goal. And, in the end, having reached the present day, just start step by step closer to the cherished dream.

Practice in your chosen profession

Sometimes immersion in the process helps to understand how much it suits a person. Let's say someone wants to be a doctor since childhood. Perhaps due to watching thematic films or just to be like one of the people who are authoritative for him. Everything on the screen looks amazing. But, as soon as he looks at the work of a physician from the inside, this can cause completely different emotions. Therefore, when trying to choose a future profession, it is so important to learn more about it in order to have enough information to decide what to become.

Remember childhood hobbies

The character of a person and his basic inclinations are laid in early childhood. After analyzing what you liked to do in the early years of your life, you can find the answer to the question about your future profession. It's not a bad idea to ask your relatives about it. Perhaps they will remember some details that will be useful in choosing a suitable specialty.

When wondering who to become, you should learn to listen to the prompts of your inner voice. Analyze what works best. It is desirable to draw a clear line between want and can. At one of the points of their intersection, perhaps lies the profession that will help a person realize his potential.

What professions will be the most demanded, interesting and highly paid in the world in the next decade? Journalists from several US economic publications tried to answer this question at once. For comparison, we took only those specialties, the average salary of which is not less than 50 thousand per year and with a total number of employed more than 15 thousand people. As a result, leaders emerged: software engineers, professors teaching at higher educational institutions, financial advisors, HR directors large companies, marketers, real estate appraisers, nurses, pharmacists and psychoanalysts. Each of these professions is not only popular now, but has a very good prospects in future.

For example, nurses and pharmacists will be needed more and more as Western society ages and the need for skilled care for the elderly increases. Programmers are in demand in all areas of the economy developed countries- from video games to the military industry and retail chains who are fully computerized. Institute professors do not lose popularity due to the huge prestige higher education and serious state support theoretical science. The need for financial advisors and real estate appraisers is a consequence of the fact that the Western population is getting richer and no longer wants to keep money in banks. It, especially its elderly part, expects that the money will "work" with the help of specially trained people.

Well, psychoanalysts, apparently, compensate for the exorbitant stress that has become an inevitable consequence of a developed economy. , loneliness, aggressiveness must find a civilized way out, and this happens on the psychoanalyst's couch.

FORBS magazine has published its own ranking of the popular professions of the future. In particular, there will be such specialties as: genetic engineering technicians, whose services will be used by employers studying a potential employee (it will be possible to actually read the candidate's DNA); animal lawyers who will defend our smaller brothers in courts (because in 20 years people and animals can be equalized in rights); cinema holographers that will serve the film industry - it is expected that it will soon switch completely to three-dimensional films. However, there are professions that are not in danger. There will always be politicians, undertakers, tax inspectors, hairdressers, artists, soldiers...

Demanded professions in Russia

Russia, although it is moving along the same path as the Western world, has its own characteristics of the professional market. Therefore, the parents of current schoolchildren need to keep these features in mind - and plan a biography today. What professions will be in demand in our future the most?


Five years ago, a good half of graduates stubbornly enrolled in economic and legal specialties, while there was and still is a shortage in technical universities. However, the situation is changing every year. "The shortage of engineers and production technologists is especially acute in the labor market - after all, many large holdings are actively buying up former Soviet heavy engineering enterprises, chemical production, ship repair and shipbuilding plants, etc., - says Kira Martanova, head of the recruitment group personnel center"UNITI". - Large city-forming industries are being revived in many regions. Of course, there is a shortage of specialists. The shortage of skilled workers is growing faster and faster: millers, turners, foundry workers.

Where do they teach: MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, MAI, MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University, etc.

IT specialists

Very interesting market Information Technology and communications. It already has a shortage of engineering personnel for the design, installation and operation of communication networks. Specialists with systems thinking, knowledge in the technical areas of these areas are especially valued. And besides, very soon there will be a huge demand for specialists in the field of digital broadcasting. At present, networks of satellite, cellular and fiber optic communication, there is a huge number of projects in conjunction with foreign companies - manufacturers of equipment. Those who receive this specialty will not have problems with employment.

Where do they teach: Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics), Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Moscow State University Communications and Informatics, MEPhI, St. Petersburg State Technical University.


Everyone knows that Russia is experiencing a construction boom that will continue for the next ten years. Therefore, estimators, foremen, architects, design engineers will be needed in large numbers. In addition, specialists in the field of electric power, water supply, ventilation and other professions actively used in construction will become especially popular. Kira Martanova says that the demand for these specialists has at least doubled over the past few years.

Where do they teach: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow Institute public utilities and Construction, Moscow Institute of Architecture, St. Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineering.

Banking professionals

Our country is preparing to enter the WTO, and therefore brings its banking system in line with international standards. Accession to the WTO will lead to the fact that many foreign companies, and in order to compete with them, qualified personnel will be required. Of course, they will be the highest paid. In addition to bank employees at all levels, there will be a great need for professionals insurance business: underwriters (those who assess risks, create an insurance product and sign an agreement with clients on behalf of the company) and specialists in various products: from OSAGO to life insurance.

Where do they teach: financial academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, REA im. G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance, etc.

Service Professionals

“Undoubtedly, society will get richer,” Dmitry Shevchenko, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising of the Russian State Humanitarian University, is convinced, “the difference in consumption between the rich and the poor will be quite insignificant, as it happens in many countries. As they say, the service equalizes the claims of different layers.However, the importance of individuality, tastes will increase.Therefore, private doctors, lawyers, priests, psychologists will be in greater demand.Demand for designers will continue to grow in many areas of life - the construction of houses, dachas, land plots. will appear great amount private small hairdressers, clinics, cafes, restaurants, schools, shops and universities. More and more proposals will appear to satisfy individual tastes - which means that managers, marketers, advertisers, PR specialists, image makers, specialists in the field of creating special events, events, parties, presentations and so on will be required.

Where do they teach: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, REA im. Plekhanov, Moscow State Law Academy, MGIMO, Russian International Academy of Tourism, Moscow State Institute of Service, Russian University Friendship between nations.


Not all doctors will be equally in demand. Some areas are already beginning to come to the fore in terms of salaries and prestige. “Every year more and more students want to be plastic surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists, urologists and dentists. This is quite understandable: people are ready to pay for the services of these doctors, and almost everyone needs them in the modern world,” explains Yulia Danilogorskaya, Ph.D. DSc, Assistant of the Department of Hospital Therapy of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov - In the future, specialists in laparoscopy (since this is a low-traumatic surgery), in hematology and oncology (in last years a lot of new things have appeared here), in interventional cardiology (this is stand-up and other modern methods treatment of coronary heart disease). In a word, the most promising in medicine are high-tech methods of treatment that use precise technology. But the qualifications must also be the highest, because the doctor must be able to handle this technique."

Where do they teach: MMA im. I.M. Sechenov, Russian State Medical University, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Faculty of Fundamental Medicine).

And many others

In addition, some other professions also have good prospects in the coming years, and some of them were previously unfamiliar to us. So, there will be a great demand for: logistics and transportation specialists, professionals in the field of personnel management (HR directors and managers), biotechnologists and bioengineers, specialists in the field of nanotechnology. There continues to be a huge demand for all kinds of sales professionals: store managers, sales representatives, product managers, supervisors, etc. The higher the competition in the market, the more professionalism is required from those who sell the goods, therefore, the higher their wages.

Career guidance for schoolchildren: how to study?

The ideal higher education in the future should consist of two levels. At the first stage, a young person receives fundamental knowledge, at the second - a narrow specialization. "Modern companies that have come to Russian market, - says Evgenia Zaitseva, press secretary of Moscow State University. L.V. Lomonosov, - we need, on the one hand, people with a good base who know the academic foundations of the profession, and on the other hand, who know the environment of a particular business. Therefore, many managers pay graduates of prestigious universities an additional two-year master's degree, which makes it possible to adapt to business." This is especially necessary for those students who study management. world economy", "international relationships", - explains Dmitry Shevchenko. - At the time of graduation, they are only 21-22 years old. They have no work experience and cannot have. They are simply too young. And when we all switch to a two-level education system, these areas will go as magistracy, after completing a bachelor's degree in history, philology, linguistics, sociology, philosophy and other basic sciences.

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What professions will be the most demanded, interesting and highly paid in the world in the next... Demanded professions in Russia. Russia, although it is moving along the same path as the Western world, has its own characteristics of the professional market.

It is difficult to figure it out on your own, even if there are many interests. After all, you need to know what professions are: what a person does, what object he works with and what requirements he imposes given profession to a person. This is what you need to know when choosing a profession.

To tell the truth, for each of us there are about ten suitable and pleasant professions. But you can’t go ten ways: you have to choose the most pleasant and most suitable profession.

What determines the choice of profession?

Here we will not open America for you. The choice of a profession depends on the interests, abilities, values ​​of the person who chooses, age, financial capabilities and family plans, and on the place of residence. But even if you know all this about yourself, what to do with this knowledge? And how to understand what profession they indicate? There are two ways: try to diagnose yourself or trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try to pass the tests. There are career guidance tests and there are tests for professions. Try this and that. There is a 7-step methodology for choosing a profession. It is not a test, but it helps to understand your desires. You can finally listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions, and even try to work during the holidays in some company and carefully look at what people are doing there. And all this can help a lot, but if it doesn’t help, then I will help.

According to statistics, 90% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs and want to change their field of activity. These figures indicate that the population is very irresponsible in choosing a profession. Someone takes into account only the opinion of their parents, others choose a university that is located in their city, not paying attention to the lack of the right faculty.

The working day in this case becomes a heavy burden, and a constant routine eats from the inside. This problem especially affects the fair sex. Passing the test for girls " Future profession”, you will be able to more accurately determine your preferences based on your personal perception of the world around you. Answering questions sincerely, you can get an interesting result, revealing new directions, and expanding the horizons of your knowledge.

Free test for a profession for girls will help determine:

  • suitable profession;
  • optimal activities;
  • discover talents for further development;
  • creative potential.

After receiving a detailed answer, you will understand which field of activity suits you the most. You should not follow the lead of other people, the trends of society. From right choice depends on your happiness, and the possibility of strengthening it.