Fear of starting a new job. How to settle into a new job without too much stress

But they did not mention the fear that almost all people experience when entering a new job. It is unlikely that he has any scientific name, but this fact does not prevent the beginner from worrying and being afraid to tremble in the knees, sorting through the possible scenarios in his mind and presenting chilling pictures: either the team does not accept him and builds all sorts of intrigues, then the boss turns out to be a tyrant, distributing stupid orders. Not surprisingly, the first day new job, as well as its expectation is a serious test for any of us. About how to overcome it with the least mental loss - in the reasoning of the author of "Cleo".

Maybe it's me who is especially impressionable, or maybe it happens to almost everyone, but the first day at a new job is always difficult for me, and even waiting for it is completely exhausting. It begins, as a rule, in a couple of days, bringing a lot of unanswered questions and activating a rather rich imagination. The latter does not spare me at all: I imagine how my colleagues arrogantly laugh at any of my awkward actions, do not want to help in anything, and at dinner they pretend that I do not exist at all. Do I need to say that the day before I go to work, I almost hate her? The fear of the unknown kills absolutely all the positive emotions that I experienced until recently, and all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am afraid to misunderstand the first task, I am afraid of becoming the subject of ridicule and jokes in an already established team, I am afraid, in the end, that this team will not accept me into their “family” and I will, weeping bitterly, dine alone in the toilet cubicle, as they show in American teen comedies. Of course, the latter is nothing more than irony, and schoolchildren rather than adults experience such fear, but we are not alien to feelings about forced communication with new colleagues. Even the most self-confident person worries when they find themselves in an unusual environment.

Even the most self-confident person worries when they find themselves in an unusual environment.

Since I have already changed jobs more than once, I went crazy with fear on the eve of the first working day more than once. And at some point I decided that it was impossible: it was stupid to be afraid in advance of what might not happen. Such “empty” emotions become only a source of stress and certainly do not help us to work productively and win over people. If you lose your appetite at the thought that tomorrow you will go to new office new colleagues and boss, then try to pull yourself together with the tips below. For me they really work.

Separate the wheat from the chaff

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something that is not clear, it is even more uncomfortable. Based on this, I decided that from now on I will always determine whether my fears have any basis. This helps a lot to get rid of far-fetched fears that are exhausting no less than real ones. To understand if there is a real threat, I write out all my fears on a piece of paper and critically evaluate what can actually happen from this, and what is the fruit of my rich imagination. When there are half as many “enemies”, it becomes much easier to fight.

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you are afraid of something that is not clear, it is even more uncomfortable.

Win mentally

So, we understood what situations really should be feared. But we also know that there is no guarantee that events will develop exactly according to this negative scenario, perhaps everything will work out in the best way. What does "best" mean to you? Imagine how you come to work and see that it is a real dream. Colleagues are friendly, the boss is understanding and tactful, your workplace- comfortable and modern. What more could you want? Set yourself up in a positive mood today, mentally conquer all your fears so that tomorrow you can come to work in a good mood and not expect a dirty trick from everywhere.

Needle-tailored suit

Prepare your clothes for the first day of work in advance. Firstly, the people around will obviously not be delighted with a new colleague who will come to the office in a wrinkled skirt and a washed-out blouse. Secondly, you yourself will feel more confident knowing that you are dressed to the nines. Of great importance is the same and what kind of clothes you choose. Of course, if the company has a dress code, then everything is quite simple: comply with it, and there will be no problems. But if there are no clear rules, you should be careful: no mini-skirts, children's T-shirts and jeans with a low waist. Think about it: you yourself would be wary of a new girl who showed up for work in what she most likely went to the club yesterday.

Smile but don't bother

Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and why.

Now let's talk about the first working day. Your behavior is just as important as yours. appearance. You know that a smile is disarming, and excessive helpfulness is alarming, so be friendly with new colleagues, but do not go too far: you should not intentionally try to please someone and go out of your way, just to new boss noticed you today. Perhaps he will notice, thinking: “Who did I hire?”, But this one is not at all what you need. Therefore, do not take on everything at once (no one expects that on the first working day you will grab the stars from the sky), do not brag about your successes and knowledge, but rather absorb new information like a sponge. Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is here and why.

Erofeevskaya Natalya

For a number of reasons, the old work has ceased to suit? A small salary, work volumes growing every week, loss of interest in fulfilling duties and their effectiveness, disagreements in the team, ... - you understand: yes, something urgently needs to be changed. But… as soon as it comes to a concrete realization and the search for a new job, you are seized by a monstrous panic, a stressful psychological rejection of cardinal changes in life and a physical tremor in the knees. What will be the new job responsibilities and will I be able to handle them? How friendly will the team be? How will the relationship with the leader develop? Will I survive the probationary period and not lose my self-esteem? So many questions and not a single answer until you open that very new door to a new office.

Often, the fear of a new job literally paralyzes: perhaps such a fear, inexplicable by modern intelligence, has been going on since ancient Soviet times, when running from one workplace to another was simply not accepted. A real Soviet person went to work immediately after an institute or technical school and worked in one place and in one work team until retirement. “She gave forty-five years to our enterprise!”, “He went through a difficult labor path from an apprentice to a foreman!” - familiar? , as they say, for centuries and, even if something did not suit them very much, they put up with it, not dreaming of a new job. The conservatism of thinking has gone away over time, and people no longer cling to their work, but fear ... fear of the new and unknown remains.

According to psychologists, changing jobs every four or five years is not only recommended, but also necessary, because this allows you to move on, acquire new skills and abilities, develop flexibility of thinking and not “grow with moss on the spot.” But a lot of people are crushed by a natural desire to change something - and all because of it: fear of a new job and a new team.

Why are people afraid of a new job?

Of course, not everyone strives for novelty in their work: someone will find it much more convenient and calmer to have such a familiar workplace with duties learned by heart and the same work performed day in and day out to automatism. Everything is familiar here and why change to something new? But another category, and it is these people that will be discussed in the article, is terrified of changing jobs after sitting for several years in one place - even if a better salary and better conditions are expected there. Why? There are several reasons for this:

Such people will certainly, when thinking about changing jobs, ask themselves questions: what if in a new job you have to do something that you have not encountered before? What if I'm not smart enough and look stupid? Suddenly, new opportunities will turn into a protracted exhaustion of nerves and the realization of one's own incompetence?
. If a person is not distinguished by sociability and it is difficult for him to make new acquaintances, including business ones, it is especially acute in another work collective. This is not entirely the fault of the worker himself - a lot depends on the team in which he comes. , for example, a newly arrived woman may not be accepted at all - communication will remain alien and aggressive, no matter what you do. Another negative option may be your coming to the place of a person who was loved and respected in the team, but due to circumstances he can no longer work: constant comparison with him may be far from in your favor.
Twisting yourself. Sitting and thinking endlessly about new people, new tasks, a new office, realizing that you are not ready to break away from a warm and so familiar place, can lead to enough. You should either calm down and let go of the thought of possible prospects, or take a breath and exhale and plunge headlong into a new working life, solving problems as they arise.
Fear of the authorities - this point partially follows from the first: low self-esteem does not allow you to immediately position yourself as a competent, punctual and responsible employee, and therefore a person begins to tremble even before entering the boss's office. If the boss turns out to be correct and gives time to adapt to the duties and the new team - cheers, this difficult psychologically and emotionally stage will pass almost imperceptibly for you. If the leader is strict, harsh and unfriendly, then the development of a negative scenario is also possible.

The scale of the new work is intimidating. Moreover, the “scale” is literally: it is psychologically difficult to move from a small cozy office to a huge glass office. A person gets used not only to the environment, but also to the volumes of this environment.

The reasons for the fear of a new job, of course, have a psychological background, and therefore, only by dealing with them, you can overcome this depressing phobia.

How to deal with the fear of a new job

It happens that the thought of a new job is exhausting not only emotionally, but also physically: a person loses his appetite, at night he has nightmares with an animal boss, angry colleagues and dissatisfied customers (if work in the service sector is supposed), his head hurts, blood pressure jumps sweaty palms and difficulty breathing. These are all manifestations, with which it is almost impossible to cope with simple self-exhortations - you need to seek the advice of a psychologist or, which many choose, give up thinking about new perspectives.

If the fear of a new job is not so strong, then try to "persuade" yourself: in the end, you can always just try - and if you "do not settle down" in a new place, move on in search of real interest and comfort.

Talk to yourself: if the pros of a new job outweigh the cons, and the desire to change your life is still strong, there is every chance of finding a new and interesting activity

Ambitious people will be spurred on by the possibility of their own professional growth and the acquisition of useful skills: if the future work promises to be successful in terms of career, then in order to achieve the desired goal, a person is capable of much - fear will recede by itself.

New people - different people

The new labor collective is not teenage children who are able to “smear” the newcomer. In your thoughts, start from the fact that adults will meet you - of course, they will not hug and kiss you, this is not America. And if you are met with indifference - well, that's not bad: having figured out how to behave in a new team, over time you will become part of this close-knit team. Try to belittle your abilities less, don’t cry over your own clumsiness and mistakes (everyone has them), don’t hold yourself arrogantly, but don’t try to get close to colleagues in the very first days. Stop, look, listen more than you talk, don't be intrusive and don't torment yourself with the questions: "What are they talking about behind my back?" and “How do they look at me?”.

Morally, you should prepare yourself for the fact that and wonderful person can not always be accepted by the established team, and he will remain an outsider: well, this makes it possible to concentrate only on working moments and working relationships.

If you are afraid of new people, including at work, develop a sense of independence and self-confidence, get rid of hypersensitivity to the opinions of others

Lonely people of both sexes, panicking in front of new colleagues, will be helped by the thought: what if I meet Her or Him there? Think about it - after all, it often happens: and then you won’t drag yourself to work, like hard labor, but fly on wings.

Fear of a new leader

Fear of the boss is a separate category of “working” fears: there is always a risk of getting a new leader, even without changing jobs. This is not the worst case scenario: you remained in the same team, at your same workplace, it is possible that the work performed will remain the same. But people are different, and leaders also meet with different characters and visions of the work of the organization - from literate and correct people to petty tyrants and adherents of the totalitarian regime. Whether or not you are afraid of a new boss, there are only two options: either you learn to communicate with the boss, despite his views on work and subordinates, or you should think about finding a new job.

Getting along with your boss is a whole science, the study of which will have to be (whether you like it or not) approached responsibly and seriously. The leader is the person on whom your working life and acceptance of its results directly depend. After all, a lot of requirements are also presented to the boss, which, if necessary, you can clarify: the specifics of the tasks set, official duties and the possibility of their implementation (including technical), criteria for evaluating the work done. Yes, not all bosses are good, and sometimes you may have to - this is also a communication experience, and it will certainly come in handy in the future.

And again - like the first time? ..

A lot depends on the temperament and character of the job seeker himself: some take both sidelong glances and whispers of colleagues in the corners to heart, others distance themselves so much that such “impenetrability” will border on indifference and unhealthy indifference. Sociable people usually do not suffer from questions about how comfortable they will seem in a new, unfamiliar place - relying on the strength of their own, they will indeed be in the black. A cheerful and sociable character, unwillingness to gossip, and the right attitude to work do wonders: it is easy for such a person to adapt to the new business community, make friends, and create normal contact with the boss.

It will be more difficult for those who relate, but such people usually do not strive to work in huge companies with hundreds of employees - they understand that they feel more comfortable, more confident and calmer in a chamber-sized office with a minimum of colleagues.

Separately, it is worth noting the case when the negative experience of starting a new job has already taken place in life - yes, then I had to endure the boss’s chicanery, the lack of help and understanding of colleagues, and possible mistakes in work duties. If a person has drawn conclusions for himself, then, despite the fear of another job, it will be easier for him even with a sad past experience. In such cases, it is important not to allow yourself to self-program yourself for another work failure: the scenario will not necessarily repeat itself, and therefore go “for the first time to first grade” with pleasant excitement and expectations of only positive and useful things.

And finally. The only really effective way to get around the fear of a new job and a new team is the need for “daily bread”: a person must support himself, and if he also has a family and children, then the need to earn money to support them, pay utility bills, education, clothes and shoes throws aside all sorts of fears. For the sake of life wages people are able to give up even their own phobias cherished over the years: fear will give way to interest and vital necessity, stress will pass, and changes in the working biography will turn out to be for the better - you won’t know until you try!

January 17, 2014, 12:40

Fear of a new job occurs in insecure individuals. This is influenced by the lack of experience in the required field, lack of awareness of the topic, low self-esteem. Young mothers are especially panicking after maternity leave, who have lost their qualifications.

Fear of work is inherent in insecure individuals

Fear arises before a new boss, position, team. But breathing techniques and affirmations (positive attitudes) will help. If a person is unable to cope with his fear on his own, you can contact a psychotherapist.

Reasons for fear

Fear appears for various reasons - a change in the workplace, team, bosses. A new, high position causes stress. A person worries before an interview, probationary period, internships. He is afraid of not passing the screening exam, the results of which mean failure or success. The reason may be a negative experience at the previous place of work - distrust of colleagues, an aggressive and overly hardworking boss, poor working conditions, low pay labor. The person is worried that the same situation awaits him now.

Fear of the boss

Often, when changing jobs or during a move, an employee thinks about the boss. After all, he does not know about it personal qualities in relation to employees. Afraid of excessive demands and aggression on the part of the director.

It happens that worldwide famous company invited an employee. He got used to the new workplace, established contacts with colleagues, began to cope well with his duties. Suddenly the boss changed. Instead of a kind and understanding, a ruler-dictator came. He does not take into account the initiatives and ideas of employees, he is not interested in other people's problems.

Women and young mothers are especially afraid of such bosses. Worried that they will not cope with such pressure, they leave their new place of work.

Others decide to take such a step because of their unwillingness to get mental disorders.

Fear of the team

A new person in the formed team cannot be left without attention. At first, he will be the main object of gossip, sometimes even ridicule. But if the employee initially correctly introduces himself, then such a situation can be avoided.

The main reasons for the appearance of fear of the team are tied to fear:

  • be professionally unsuitable;
  • not being knowledgeable enough in the right area;
  • fail to meet the set goals (failure to meet the deadline, do the task incorrectly, make a mistake in the calculations, etc.);
  • not being able to find contact with colleagues;
  • be redundant;
  • be rejected and misunderstood.

A positive attitude will help to achieve the location of colleagues on the first working day. Negative attitudes need to be changed to positive ones. It is necessary to imagine that the newcomer is greeted with joy. They show a new workplace, share secrets, talk about the boss. You need to remember all your successful attempts to meet people. It happens that an appropriately told anecdote or a funny story relieves tension in a conversation.

social fears

Fear of a new job

A new position means new responsibilities, higher demands. Increased responsibility. If this is a leadership position, then the person must control the work of subordinates. It is the leader who is responsible for any trouble, incorrectly done task, errors in the report. The main reasons for the fear of the position:

  • be not perceived by subordinates;
  • not cope with a large number of tasks;
  • make mistakes in calculations, reporting, distribution of bonuses;
  • to be ridiculed for a ridiculous act;
  • not justify the trust of the boss;
  • stay at work until late or continue working at home after the end of the shift;
  • make bad decisions, etc.

For some employees, even a high salary is not an argument. They are afraid to disappoint the boss who offered new position. Features are clearly manifested: self-doubt, low self-esteem, suspiciousness. There comes a panic attack, hysteria, nervous breakdowns.

When moving to a new position, people are often afraid to stay at work until late.

Who is afraid of a new job

People who want to change jobs are subject to fear. They are afraid to disappoint the leadership, to be rejected by the team, responsibility. The responsibilities seem to be difficult to handle. Any invitation to the director's office causes anxiety and panic. There is always a feeling that someone will do the job better, and the leader wants only to scold and punish.

  • loss of qualification;
  • the presence of a small child (requires long care and supervision);
  • frequent sick leave;
  • incomplete education;
  • lack of skills to work with the necessary computer programs or equipment, etc.

Too emotional and self-critical personalities are afraid of a new job. They are afraid of any change. They consider themselves insufficiently prepared, suitable, trained. Looking for ideal conditions. Fear of a new job arises among those who radically change the work area. Their knowledge is limited to theoretical knowledge and lack of practical skills. But they have great motivation, the desire to learn something new, to work on their own development.

Are going through a start professional activity freelancers. Unstable profits, the fear of not finding a customer or performing the task incorrectly are their main fears.

They are afraid of an irregular work schedule, low pay, high demands. Due to unsuccessful activities, they can get a bad reputation.

A person with a new job phobia has a feeling of fear at the mention of it. He takes new changes too close to his heart. But there are those in whom such signs are not too pronounced and noticeable to others. These people have the ability to control their own emotions. However, especially observant colleagues, after a while, may notice the strange behavior of a beginner. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • pale skin of the face;
  • low pressure;
  • feeling unwell;
  • depressed mood;
  • excessive fearfulness and suspicion;
  • strange, atrophied facial expression;
  • slight trembling;
  • nausea;
  • muscle weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • hysterical laughter, etc.

External manifestation - bags under the eyes. They are pronounced, they cannot be hidden. This indicates a sleep disorder - insomnia. It is associated with emotions, panic, anxiety. Fear of a new job causes mental disorders. The person becomes unbalanced, fearful.

Physiological manifestations of fear and anxiety

Ways to get rid of fear

Successful stewards often speak in public and give advice on getting rid of the fear of a new job. They share their success stories, talk about techniques. The most popular among them are affirmations, breathing techniques.


A positive attitude is the key to success. Affirmations will help cheer you up before the first day of work. They will improve the psychological state, eliminate all fears, relieve self-doubt. Examples of affirmations for setting yourself up for success:

  • I am an excellent specialist, so everything will work out;
  • I have rich practical experience, I know how to act in a difficult situation;
  • I'm not afraid, I'm stress-resistant;
  • I have many important, good skills, I will quickly get used to it;
  • every employer will want to cooperate with me;
  • my new job is perfect for me;
  • my qualities are just created for this position;
  • I am successful in my work;
  • I love what I do;
  • I receive the desired salary;
  • I am loved and respected by my colleagues;
  • I have excellent career prospects, etc.

Works here psychological technique- self-indulgence.

A person sets himself up for a positive outcome. He must accept his failures as a need for self-development, an opportunity for personal growth. After all, thoughts are a powerful source of energy.

Breathing techniques

Any breathing exercises should be done standing or lying down. The eyes must be closed. It is important to present a beautiful landscape or a picture that evokes peace. It is necessary to control the inhalation and exhalation. Initially, it is important to focus on them. It is important to relax all the muscles in the body. Some breathing techniques:

  1. Belly breathing. Inhale 3-5 s, exhale 4-5 s. Interval - up to 3 s. It is necessary that in the process the stomach inflates.
  2. Breathing with collarbones. When inhaling, the clavicles rise, when exhaling, they fall. The interval between breaths is 3–5 s.
  3. Wavy breathing. 3 organ systems are involved - the abdomen, collarbones, chest. Inhalation starts from the abdomen, goes to the collarbones, and then to the chest. Exhalation is in reverse order.

It is enough to repeat each exercise 3-5 times. You shouldn't overstress. While inhaling, it is necessary to imagine that the body is filled with pure energy and calmness. With an exhalation, all the negativity comes out. In addition to breathing exercises, a person carries out a meditation session.

Will psychotherapy help?

There are situations when a person does not know how to overcome the fear of a new job. Therefore, it is worth contacting a specialist. A psychologist can help you get over yourself. After the course of treatment, the patient will have a desire to work, learn new things. He will successfully overcome the fear of the team, position, boss.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is built on introspection. Discussed first possible reasons emergence of fear. This will help to create the most suitable course of treatment and get rid of the phobia. During the session, the patient must answer the following questions:

  • what happens if I get a new job;
  • what happens if I say something wrong at the interview;
  • why I am afraid of being rejected by the team;
  • what is the reason for my fear of the authorities;
  • what happens if I get promoted;
  • what scares me about career growth;
  • Why am I afraid to change jobs?
  • why I think that my knowledge is not enough, etc.

With the help of these questions, the client analyzes his own behavior. He has a desire to overcome negative attitudes, change them to positive ones.

An important requirement is that the doctor must be really interested in curing his patient. The client should be as open and honest as possible.

Treatment takes place in several stages. Consists of individual sessions and homework assignments. The psychotherapist helps to positively tune in to the interview. If suddenly something does not go according to plan, a person knows how to calm himself and keep calm. He learns to control himself during a stressful situation. A nervous boss or envious colleagues do not cause irritation or anxiety. Homework can be role-playing game. The patient needs to imagine that he is the boss, and the doctor is his employee. Let the client share his feelings, emotions. It is important to understand where the fear of the director comes from.

If the fear of new responsibilities is to be overcome, have the patient describe his image of the ideal manager. It is important to accurately determine its positive qualities. It helps to read books from successful top managers, businessmen, leaders large companies. They need to be highlighted strengths and understand what the patient needs to work on in order to reach the same heights.

If suddenly the client is experiencing being rejected in the team, the therapist suggests attending group classes. They will help you become socially active and stop being afraid of a large group of people.

Psychotherapy will help get rid of the fear of the director and the new team


The phobia of a new job may arise due to low self-esteem, skill level, insufficient knowledge in the desired area. It happens that a person has high expectations, and the reality is disappointing. Some people are worried about the new team, others are afraid of the new boss. In still others, muscle weakness appears due to promotion or a new position.

Affirmations and breathing exercises will help overcome fear. It is important to have a positive attitude and good preparation for the interview. If a person cannot cope with fear on his own, you can use the services of a psychotherapist. He will conduct cognitive behavioral therapy and help the client change the type of thinking and behavior.

Summer is a traditional period of "calm" in the labor market. But in the fall, thousands of employees join new teams: someone gets their first job, and someone changes the company or field of activity.

“The first three months of a job in a new job is essentially a continuation of the interview,” says Amanda Augustine, an expert at TheLadders, a job search service for professionals. “From the very first day you have to be in good shape,” she explains.

Having advised high-level professionals for many years, Amanda shares some of her observations about how employees behave in the workplace, who subsequently take root in the team and achieve success.

1. Get to know

Don't wait for colleagues to come up to you to get to know each other - take the initiative. Greet and chat with new people at every opportunity: in the elevator, in the kitchen, in the smoking room. “Co-workers may not have time for a long conversation with a newcomer,” says Amanda. “Start with those people who are closest to you, with those who work directly with you.” In addition, colleagues themselves are interested in you adapting to work in the company as quickly as possible - after all, your activities affect the overall result.

2. Make friends with someone who has been here for a long time and can help with advice.

Find out which colleagues have been working for the company long enough to be aware of all the intricacies corporate policy. Find a "veteran" who has already learned what approaches work and what doesn't, and ask him to help you get used to the new place. “Each company has its own slang and “inside jokes”, stories from the life of the team,” says Amanda Augustine. “Instead of trying to understand the cultural subtleties on your own, find a person who will help you decipher the local “communication codes” and initiate you into rules of conduct."

In addition, you will need someone to go to with stupid questions: where to get a pencil, who is in charge of computer repairs, when water and cookies arrive. Going to the manager with such problems is ridiculous, but asking a colleague about the little things is quite appropriate.

3. Set expectations

"Work according to the expectations of your superiors," advises Amanda. Try to find out at the interview what kind of results are expected from your work and by what criteria you will be evaluated. The first 3 months are best spent working on "meeting expectations".

If you have taken a leadership position, make sure that your new subordinates are aware of your requirements. The first week of work can determine the direction and tone of all future communications.

4. Find out who is on your team

Pay attention to how your colleagues react to you. It is possible that you took a place that someone from more experienced employees was aiming for. So do not relax right away, but watch nonverbal cues and what they say behind your back. At the same time, it is worth helping colleagues and generally behaving as kindly as possible in order to avoid insults and misunderstandings, at least in the first months of work.

5. Remember where the coffee is

Purely domestic issues can destroy not only the family, but also relationships in the team. A newcomer, although cute and professional, but always rearranging the sugar bowl in the common kitchen, is insanely annoying. So try at first to return things exactly where you got them from, learn your office habits and get used to them.

6. Fit the legend

It does not matter how you managed to get hired, and what exactly you talked about your talents and skills in an interview. It is important that at least in the first few weeks you are as close as possible to the impression that you made at the interview.

If you've been focusing on your social media or analytical talents, set up a company account or start preparing summary reports on office performance. It is important that this activity is noticed by management. At the beginning of cooperation, you will already receive enough attention - so feel free to show what you are working on. cook full list your goals and success. If it is not useful to you now, then it will do for future recertifications or as an argument for demanding a raise in your salary.

7. Ask, ask, ask

The worst thing you can do in the first week of work is to remain silent in the corner. If you are planning to build a career in a company or change the usual course of things in the office, first figure out how everything really works here. In addition, the desire to learn about the usual rhythm of office life will help win the favor of colleagues. As you know, it is not customary to go to a foreign monastery with its charter. And you have a chance to prove that you are ready to learn and adapt to others - at least in small things.

8. Organize your work

You have to take in a lot new information, even if you came to a job that you did for a long time, but in a different company. Build your working day reasonably and conveniently so as not to create chaos.

Moving to a new job is also a great opportunity to develop good habits and overcome bad habits. If you have long wanted to start using the time planner, there is no better moment.

9. Show yourself in public

Try to "light up" before the maximum number people. The faster they remember you and start to recognize you, the faster they will get used to you as part of the team. Yes, not everyone is easily given a relaxed behavior in a new place. But just free communication and the absence of tension is an indicator that you have become "one of your own" in the team.

But just "trading face" is not enough. Feel free to speak up on topics in which you consider yourself competent. So you earn yourself the title of an expert in some areas. And if you make a mistake, you, as a beginner, will be forgiven.

10. Make friends with new colleagues on social networks

In the office, there are not so many opportunities for informal communication. Thank you social networks: in order to get to know a person better and understand how they live, we no longer have to study his habits for years or ask mutual friends. It is better to start "virtual acquaintances" with professional social networks, for example, with LinkedIn (Facebook, and even more so Vkontakte, is perceived by many as an exclusively personal space, where one does not want to allow "just acquaintances").

11. Get to know colleagues from previous jobs

It may sound contradictory, but moving to a new place is good time to get to know people from the previous team again. You may be surprised to learn that the most interesting colleagues are not at all those with whom you worked on the same project, but, for example, an inconspicuous lawyer from a neighboring department. Now, when you are not bound by strict corporate rules and the work "turnover" does not distort the perception of a person, you can make "new old friends".

Another bonus from communicating with former colleagues is that right now, when you are not actively looking for a job, it is easiest for them to write you a couple of recommendations in the same LinkedIn.

12. Find your way to a pharmacy and a normal cafe

Explore the surroundings. Moving to a new job is almost like moving to new apartment. Few people pay attention to the infrastructure right away, but if necessary, it turns out that there are no “very urgently needed” things nearby. So on your way to work mark where the nearest shopping center, where you can have a snack or drink coffee, where is a pharmacy "in case of emergency" and where it is most convenient to call a taxi. Believe me, all these little things will be very useful to you if you are going to stay in the company for a long time.

Fear of work is a serious problem that prevents people from planning their lives normally, building a career and earning money. Everyone strives for comfort and better living conditions, but the situation does not always turn out the way we would like. Problems that arise in a team, a lack of personal qualities, a banal disrespect for a leader can leave a negative impression on an overly receptive person, resulting in ergophobia.


In order to learn how to properly manage emotions and impressions, thus overcoming a problem, you need to figure out what it is? The name "ergophobia" in Greek means "ergo" - work, "phobia" - fear. Thus, the direct purpose of the term is the fear of working. However, psychologists also include in this concept an aversion to work.

Some people, having experienced a bad work experience or passed several interviews without success, are ready to give up. They have a fear of going to work, they do not want to overcome difficulties and conquer peaks, believing that they will again fail or be humiliated. Such people choose the lifestyle of a slacker - they spend their days in front of the TV or computer, daily looking for excuses. Contained by their close relatives trying to persuade the dependent to resume the search suitable job. And what is the content of a normal working person? This is a product of negativity in the family.

Psychologists characterize ergophobia as a state of social anxiety disorder. The diagnosis is made when a complex of mental problems is observed. The basis lies in the fear of communicating with people at work, the inability to agree, ask again, clarify. During the interview, the patient is afraid to show himself with better side, demonstrate confidence, and such a candidate is hardly needed as an employee.

Many people are afraid of highly skilled labor and leadership positions, since you will have to overcome difficulties, bear additional responsibility, control subordinates, be strict, demanding. Not every person has necessary qualities, and, knowing that career growth is possible in the chosen position, complexes begin to form.

Ergophobia can become a big problem if its development is not stopped in time. No one can not communicate with people or go to work, only people with disabilities, so you need to work on yourself and your own fears. Every day you go to achieve your goals - shopping for groceries, doing homework with the kids, cleaning, fitness. At the same time, no one panics from this - you should also set yourself up for communication. Read more because interesting people attract attention, as they can tell what others do not know.


Fear of work can occur in everyone, regardless of age, level of upbringing and education. Even a mega-successful person can encounter ergophobia at any time. The main causes of pathology are:

  • Schizophrenia - with this mental illness, patients have a fear of all social situations. With such a diagnosis, people usually do not get a job, as they have a disability and receive a pension.
  • I'm afraid of being rejected - once successful people Those who hold high positions and are then unexpectedly fired are automatically afraid to experience similar emotions again.
  • Medications - Some medications have a side effect of fatigue and lethargy. Such states make us afraid of the tasks set by the management.
  • Stressful state - it occurs under the influence of problems at work, at home. A person begins to take sedatives, falling into a kind of trap, since sedatives can only aggravate the situation.
  • Psychological trauma - if during labor activity had to endure extreme stress, such as taking hostages in the workplace, robbery, pathological harassment by colleagues, or intimidation to perform tasks outside of job description, a phobia is formed.
  • Increased anxiety - if you are afraid to speak to the public, communicate with colleagues daily, give instructions, then sooner or later this can lead to a stressful situation that causes disgust for work.
  • History of depression - people suffering from this mental disorder are more susceptible to difficulties at work. Accordingly, they are more prone to ergophobia.

How does a phobia manifest itself?

The symptoms of the disease are different, they are often confused with disgust and dislike to get up in the morning, put yourself in order, dress and go, bypassing traffic jams, to your favorite job. In part, these symptoms can be attributed to a phobia, but the real fear of work manifests itself in a more serious form - just the thought of it leads a person to a panic attack, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and even numbness of the limbs.

Symptoms of ergophobia include nausea and vomiting, sweating, dizziness, "stars in the eyes", foggy state, inability to take right decisions, misunderstanding of what others say, possible memory lapses.

With ergophobia, the fear of working manifests itself only internally - from the outside, a person does not differ from those around him, he can even pretend that he is working, but in fact a fire breaks out inside him. There are many processes going on in their minds, they can suddenly run to the toilet and start crying, they have a desire to hide from people, from sunlight, sometimes they have thoughts of suicide.

The disease may be accompanied by additional pathologies- often people try to wash down fear with alcohol, take drugs, thus wanting to distract themselves from problems. At the same time, they believe that they are beginning to cope, but in reality they exacerbate the situation.

Symptoms of this phobia also include an unwillingness to perform certain functions, and this leads to reprimands and dismissal. As a result, relations with relatives and friends worsen, money debts appear, a person ceases to monitor his health and personal hygiene. All this can lead to sad consequences up to the loss of property and real estate.


How to overcome the fear of work? Self-treatment of a phobia is recommended only in mild cases. By repeating “I can do it, I can do it,” many people really get out of their state of isolation and achieve their goals. But in advanced situations, you can’t do without the help of a psychologist - treatment involves hypnosis, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, and counseling. The main problem at this stage arises from the lack of money for an appointment and the same fear of admitting to yourself and the doctor that you have a pathology.

Treatment is possible in groups - psychologists often conduct training sessions that motivate them to achieve success. Thanks to such conversations, a person has the opportunity to get rid of the imposed fear, to understand how not to be led by emotions, and what to do if, nevertheless, manifestations of panic are haunted during the day. Treatment by psychotherapists does not bring the first results immediately - many people need long sessions and conversations.

It is possible to cure the fear of a new job, an experienced specialist will suggest behavioral techniques that will help not to be afraid of novelty, communication and difficulties. If the fear of not coping with work still haunts, or treatment for a particular person is not an opportunity to get rid of complexes, you can work at home. Many people deliberately do not want to expose themselves to stressful situations from conversations with superiors, so they become freelancers.


There are a lot of phobias, people are afraid of heights, confined spaces and other things that accompany them everywhere. But how to overcome the fear of a new job, if there will definitely be circumstances ahead, due to which the employee will be obliged to look for solutions? It is important to understand yourself in this matter - money and a career, of course, are important, but health and the future are more important. Perhaps the height taken turned out to be too difficult to conquer and it is worth changing jobs? Or retrain for another qualification, changing profession?

There are many stories when, for example, an employee was afraid to work with men because of possible sexual harassment (and this is also one of the reasons for ergophobia), eventually quit and got a job in a women's team for another position, found like-minded people and friends. The main thing is not to be afraid of change - if the work brings discomfort, you should think about changing it. After all work time occupies half of our life and leaves an indelible impression on its quality.