School education 33 RF electronic journal entry. Electronic diary

Electronic diaries and journals

Regulatory support for the implementation of the AIS “BARS. Education -Electronic School»

Documents on the implementation of services in in electronic format, incl. electronic journals and diaries
Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 N 1993-r
Decree of the Governor of the Administration Vladimir region of June 4, 2010 N 663 "On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 N 1993-R"
Decree of the Governor of the Vladimir Region dated April 7, 2014 N 338"On the State Program of the Vladimir Region "Information Society" (2014 - 2020)"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 N 582 Moscow "On approval of the Rules for posting on the official website educational organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and updating information about the educational organization"

Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2014 N 108 "On approval of guidelines on the features of ensuring information accessibility in the field of television, radio broadcasting, electronic and information and communication technologies"
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2014 No. 785 "On approval of the requirements for the structure of the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and the format for presenting information on it
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 14, 2015 No. 236-r
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2011 N 729-r
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 25, 2014 N 2125-r
BARS.WEB - ELECTRONIC SCHOOL. User Guide: Student and Parent

Portal of state and municipal services in the field of education of the Vladimir region "Electronic education". Services:

  1. Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions implementing the main educational program of preschool education (kindergartens): https://obrazovanie33.rf/statementkinder
  2. Enrollment in an educational institution: https://education33.rf/statementschool
  3. Providing information on the procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, including in the form of a unified state exam, as well as information from the databases of the Vladimir region about the participants of the unified state exam and the results of the unified state exam: https://education33.rf/egegia
  4. Providing information about the current progress of the student, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic progress log: https://school.obrazovanie33.rf/auth/login-page

Electronic journals and diaries. Login to your personal account


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 No. 582 “On approval of the rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” and updating information about an educational organization”;

3. Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."

4. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 1993-r “On Approval of a Consolidated List of Priority State and Municipal Services Provided in Electronic Form”.

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2011 No. 729-r “On approval of the list of services provided by state and municipal institutions and other organizations in which a state task (order) or a municipal task (order) is placed, subject to inclusion in the registers of state or municipal services and provided in electronic form»

6. Resolution of the Governor of the region dated 04.06.2010 No. 663 “On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12.17.2009 No. 1993-r”.

7. Decree of the Governor of the region dated 17.07.2013 No. 831 “On amendments to the resolution of the Governor of the region dated 04.06.2010 No. 663 “On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 17.12.2009 No. 1993-r”.

8. Order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region dated May 7, 2014 No. “On putting AIS into operation” Informational portal educational system of the Vladimir region”.

9. Resolution of the Governor of the region dated 06/04/2010 No. 663 "On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/17/2009 No. 1993-r".

10. Decree of the Governor of the region dated July 17, 2013 No. 831 “On amendments to the resolution of the Governor of the region dated June 4, 2010 No. 663 “On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 No. 1993-r”.

the Automated Information System (AIS) “BARS. Education - E-School.

Login to the system "BARS - e-school" is performed using the login and password indicated on the card on the school.education33.rf portal

Also in the upper right corner of the site page there is an active button " Electronic diary", by clicking on which you can get to the ED page.

For competent work in the BARS. Education – E-School” compiled by guide for parents and students. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

For all questions arising on the system "BARS. Education - E-School" you can contact the school e-mail or directly to the class teachers.

BARS Web Education (BARS 33) is one of the projects in the system of school e-education, designed to simplify the work with documents, as well as quickly convey information to all participants in the educational process.

Important components modern education are an electronic diary and a journal that replace the corresponding paper documents. This is due to the fact that working with such documents is more convenient, and information that students, parents and teachers can refer to is available at any time convenient for them.

Due to its accessibility, the electronic diary BARS 33 is widely used in the school system. To obtain the necessary information contained in it, it is enough only to have a device with Internet access.

In addition, the information stored in the diary is reliably protected from strangers, since to access it you must enter a login and password, which you can get at your educational institution, which must first be connected to the system.

If you lose your password, it is possible to recover it, for which you need to go to the "Forgot your password?" and provide an address Email, which will receive a password recovery message.

You can also enter the electronic diary provided by BARS 33 through the ESIA - the Unified Identification and Authentication System. Why you need to go to the appropriate tab and specify the available login (number mobile phone or email address) and password. If necessary, you can also register in the system. It is worth considering that only persons who have reached the age of fourteen will be able to enter the diary through the ESIA.

In general, the BARS 33 electronic diary is a document containing information about a student's progress, class attendance, and behavior in class. There is also a schedule of classes, as well as homework. In addition, the diary acts as a convenient platform for communication between teachers and parents, so that the latter can take an active part in the school life of their child.

Dear parents!

In pursuance of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1993-r dated October 17, 2009 “On Approval of a Consolidated List of Priority State and Municipal Services Provided in Electronic Form”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 729-r dated April 25, 2011 “On Approval of the List of Services Provided by State and municipal institutions and other organizations that place a state task (order) or a municipal task (order) to be included in the registers of state or municipal services and provided in electronic form "in order to ensure quality education that meets the requirements innovative development of the economy, the provision by educational organizations located on the territory of the Vladimir Region of state and municipal services in the field of education in electronic form, as well as the systematic implementation and effective use of information and communication technologies in the processes of organization and functioning of the regional education system, in general educational institutions electronic document management, licensed software providing full protection of information: Automated Information System (AIS) “BARS. Education - E-School.

The management and staff of MBOU "Secondary School No. 19" invites you to take part in the development of a computer automated information system (AIS, system) "BARS.Web-Electronic School".

AIS is designed for prompt mutual informing of students, teachers and parents about the educational process.

AIS is designed for a user with only basic Internet skills. You do not need to install any programs on your computer. the system is a Web site. The system is provided with detailed help in Russian.


Once logged in, you will see the following menu:

Diary (see item 2. Diary, p. 5);

Schedule (see item 3. Schedule, p. 7);

Ratings (see item 4. Ratings, p. 10);

Homework (see item 5. Homework, p. 12);

School (see item 7. School, p. 13).

Student's personal page (see p. 8. School, p. 14).

Now examine, please, all sections of the site.

We ask you during the quarter, regularly look into the AIS, view the diary of the child's tasks and exchange messages with the class teacher and, if necessary, with teachers and school leaders.

About technical problems of working with the system, suggestions for its improvement, please inform the class teacher.

We really hope that the use of AIS "BARS.Web-Electronic School" will be useful in our joint work for the education and upbringing of your children. We count on your help in improving the system itself.

Sincerely, the teaching staff of MBOU "Secondary School No. 19".

Portal of state and municipal services in the field of education Electronic educationhttp://education33.rf


1) Acceptance of applications, registration and enrollment of children in educational institutions that implement the main educational program of preschool education (kindergartens): https://education33.rf/statementkinder

2) Enrollment in an educational institution:https://education33.rf/statementschool

3) Providing information on the procedure for conducting state (final) certification of students who have mastered the educational programs of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, including in the form of a unified state exam, as well as information from the databases of the Vladimir region about participants in the unified state exam and about the results of the unified state exam:https://education33.rf/egegia

4) Providing information about the current progress of the student, maintaining an electronic diary and an electronic progress log: https://school.education33.rf/auth/login-page

Electronic journal and diary

The maintenance of an electronic journal and a diary at school takes place in accordance with federal law N210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services." The school uses an automated information system"Leopard. Education - E-School.

System "BARS.Education-Electronic School" it modern system education control. The "electronic school" system improves the quality control of the educational process and ensures its openness for parents. In the learning process, interaction between teachers, students and parents is ensured. Each institution has access through the web interface and receives personal page. You can

To obtain a Login and Password, you must contact the class teacher.


Management student and parent

Management mobile diary "My Diary"

Password recovery

Regulatory support for the implementation of the AIS "Bars. Education - Electronic School"

  • the federal law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation".
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 10, 2013 No. 582 “On approval of the rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunication network “Internet” and updating information about an educational organization”;
  • Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services."
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2009 No. 1993-r “On Approval of a Consolidated List of Priority State and Municipal Services Provided in Electronic Form”.
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2011 No. 729-r “On approval of the list of services provided by state and municipal institutions and other organizations in which a state task (order) or a municipal task (order) is placed, subject to inclusion in the registers of state or municipal services and provided in electronic form"
  • Order of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region dated May 7, 2014 No. “On putting into operation the AIS “Information Portal of the Education System of the Vladimir Region”.
  • Decree of the Governor of the region dated 04.06.2010 No. 663 "On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12.17.2009 No. 1993-r".
  • Decree of the Governor of the region No. 831 dated July 17, 2013 “On amendments to the Decree of the Regional Governor dated June 4, 2010 No. 663 “On the implementation of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2009 No. 1993-r”.