Kondratiev Alexey Vladimirovich. Alexey - personal page Magician alexey kondratiev

Mikhail Sadovsky
Closet full of time
chapters from the book

(about Alexei Kondratiev)

Black autumn. Dark drops of rain. Early dusk. Dead wet asphalt. The light of the lanterns dissolves into blackness and does not fall to the street. End of November. The end of the sixties. This is not a writer's device - this is my road along Tverskaya, then Gorky Street - from the Belorussky railway station down to the Telegraph. Pushkin's pharmacy is still alive, to which he repeatedly turned (whom did she prevent that she was demolished in Khrushchev's freemen?), And there, either since then, they are still Pushkin's, or for some other unknown reason, they love writers, artists, composers especially young ones. The pharmacist is an old Jewish woman with thinning red hair. How did she recognize us, unknown to anyone, but only beginners, promising, young, ambitious, penniless, with our ridiculous colds, coughs, necks, wrapped scarves in this vile rain and darkness - both literally and figuratively? May she forgive me, her name flew out of my memory, but she herself, as a close person who has done a lot of good, is before her eyes. You don’t even need anything, but everything is in short supply according to the then Soviet life , but you still want to come in if you are nearby and in a hurry by, just to say hello and answer some trifling questions, and in return for this you will get so much warmth in a smile and "come in if you need something." The thaw of the 1950s has long since ended, and like this autumn, black timelessness has crept in. And my care drives me along Tverskaya to Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky lane, 9, to the last, tenth floor, where the publishing house "Soviet Writer" is located. But I'm not going into it. And I'm not carrying a manuscript. There, in the back room, there is one table, and at this table is my hope and salvation. This is the secretary of the trade union committee of writers at the publishing house "Soviet Writer", since I left "on free bread", i.e. I don’t work anywhere and I’m not listed, which means that, according to Soviet laws, I’m a parasite. This organization, the Trade Union Committee of Writers, has nothing to do with the publishing house, except for the neighborhood, and has existed since the early thirties, even before the first Gorky Congress of the Writers' Union. such trade unions of writers - there are several of them in the capital, and they certify that you really live by literature. I remember the recent frightening trial of Brodsky with a disgustingly unscrupulous judge, and it’s scary to fall into the same clutches yourself - you can’t get away from them. Who told me that there is such a saving organization? In my opinion, the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky, who began to appear in the literary world a little earlier than me, shared his experience ... And here I am on the outskirts of this house, built at the beginning of the century, remarkable in many ways and known to native Muscovites as the house of the merchant Nirinzee. .. For me, as it turned out later, this house is generally special, because over the years I got to know many of its inhabitants, because it houses the GITIS educational theater, and in the house next to it is the museum-apartment of Alexander Borisovich Goldenweiser, where I met his widow, the wonderful Elena Ivanovna, and where he performed with his poems, and in the next entrance - the composer Leonid Afanasiev, with whom I became friends and worked together, but ... but that's up to another story. And so I go upstairs on the slowest huge elevator in Moscow, made at the Smirnov manufactory at the beginning of the century, I pass through the endless editorial room with a dozen tables littered with manuscripts, the publishing room. And then - certificates, a questionnaire, recommendations ... A certificate of a fee per month (it was necessary to scrape together from various publishing houses, newspapers, editorial offices, radio at least 50 rubles a month, the living wage of a poor writer) and, of course, "photography, as in passport". And then - saving membership card! And you can now provide a certificate on the form to the police and house management! I am a writer! Pushkin also called himself a writer!!! You can even get a testimonial! You can get acquainted with good people who were united by one path - narrow and, oddly enough, not yet blocked by power! And what would be easier for her! Yes, with one frowning glance and a stroke of a pen! I have made friends with many of them over the years. But today is the first meeting of the children's section, to which I was accepted. This means that those who write for children have gathered. There are few of us: rain, old age of most of the members who have been in this trade union committee (or group committee, as it is also called) almost from the day of its foundation. Talk about helping someone. He is ill, and someone volunteers to help, and then someone else - and for the first time I hear the name Kondratyev. He lives, it turns out, not so far from me. And I immediately get to work. Aleksey Nikolaevich Kondratiev... The poet Alexei Kondratiev, whom I have never seen, heard or read... No one, perhaps, will restore the date and month, but I am not writing Kondratiev's biography, and not memoirs. It was only in passing that I remembered the beginning of our friendship, and I would have kept silent about this, but we are talking about the writer Kondratiev, and there is no need to explain how the writer is tied to his time. So, what was it then ... time ... autumn, nondescript and terrible under the top layer of duckweed ... even in the 68th year ... spider power ... I lived in a new residential area and was the owner of an unprecedented luxury - a telephone! I called Alexei Nikolaevich and asked when I could visit him. He answered me that at any time, because he very rarely gets out of the house. And I went without suspecting anything. What was there to suspect? In response to my call, the door buzzed and opened itself, and from the depths of the apartment came: "Come in!" I moved along the corridor and at the end of it, through the open door of the room, I saw a large face and huge eyes behind glasses, staring at me ... through a mirror on a bracket attached to the wall ...
He lay. And this obliquely installed mirror, which obeyed his hand, told him: who entered the door, what bird sat in the feeder on the balcony, what was shown on the TV, where the book was - on the table or ... He was lying, he could not change his position . I was a little confused, obviously, but it was not this that remained in my memory, but the feeling of a very strong handshake and two dumbbells on a blanket on both sides of my covered legs. I would like to present to you, my dear reader, all the poems of Alexei Kondartiev. There are not so many of them, but it is impossible, unfortunately. I will call today only those that will help to paint his portrait. You will find the rest yourself, if you really want to, because it was also published by central publishing houses. One book for adults was published in the same "Soviet Writer" in Moscow. So, here are his poems.

I was born two months after my father's arrest. And since then it has not happened to hang himself. It looks like I'll live until the end.

I keep, as a shrine, paper, That the father was not a criminal. And I repeat, like a lesson, like an oath, That the end is the crown of the whole thing.

The son of the enemy of the working people (five years before the close war) - I turned a year and a half, As I left my native city.

There was Saratov, where we were starving, And fright from air raid alerts ... You, perhaps, have seen no less. I'm not boasting here, God knows!

Believe me, it is written honestly, I did not break into a cry anywhere. Are you interested? Interesting? Dear staff member.

Yeah! Personnel is everything for us! And, indeed, until his last moment, no one had ever heard a cry from him - after all, that's what he was like! Completely different!


Hammer and nail were friends.

They beat the nail on the hat with a hammer.

And hiding in the wall from fear,

Nail was surprised at his friend's zeal.


In more often porcini mushrooms from care frown their foreheads! And the toadstools boldly look at the people without worries!

Much later, when this person was no longer in the world, I realized that then, from the moment we met, he was struck by his sense of time. His surprisingly active, active participation in life seemed to be ahead of time, as if he knew the secret " world wide web"- the Internet to its inventors, owning it not monopoly, but sharing it with hundreds, if not thousands of acquaintances and friends! he was inflamed, but was just another vital organ. Alexey Nikolaevich had time to read all the news, remembered who published what poems, what books were published, knew all the news from writers' circles and not only. He lacked direct communication, and he replaced him everyone accessible ways. There was a "Festival" receiver on the bedside table, donated, in my opinion, by the orphanage, and this very good device had a remote control. Craftsmen from some school ran wires to the door lock, and guests could enter the apartment, and the "Skillful Hands" circle of the orphanage taught the TV to turn on and switch programs using the same wires at a distance. But then in the USSR they had not even heard of the most common current "controllers", which would change the program, and louder and quieter - please, ready ... And the window opened by him, and the board with paper drove up to his chest - such a small writer's table. And the poems from here, from under his pen flew to the editorial office.

According to the words, how can I get on the stones, not hoping for a reward? Will I move? I'm tearing through my fence.

And for good or for worse, I do not yet know; apparently, there will be no miracle - the hand will not reach out.

And the same torment, for someone, perhaps - in the Universe is imprisonment: He is ready to destroy himself, he fights there in bitterness - he wants to gouge the wall.

These verses need to be read. Shut up. Learn. And, without showing it to their author, marvel at his courage and optimism... - Listen, Alexey Nikolaevich, please help! - I'm on the phone to him ... - Sir Michel, I'm at your service ... - this is him in response. - The line tormented - no way! Zaelo! And he is a wonderful versifier! And this is a common thing (and he calls me often) when you really get into a dead end and get nervous and fight, and ... Oh, those lies about inspiration and ease of writing! - Sir! I'm listening, read! - he never said in decades that he was busy, that ... how many reasons in this world ... Maybe he was hiding behind a joke? - Oh, sir, your wife left you! - Now you are lonely! .. - No, sir, my fate is mitigated Until the end of the term! But no one softened his fate. There was an ordinary boy with fate twisted by wild power. He lived like millions of the same. Link - yes, but football, school, cinema ... And at the age of 14, a special disaster struck - poliomyelitis. For what, you ask? And the fatal number, or something - fourteen operations. They didn't help...

I will compose another fate and send it to the almighty God: let the archangel raise the trumpet, announcing a great alarm! It will trumpet over my head: - Pay attention as soon as possible: a person is dissatisfied with fate - we urgently need to change the universe!

Friends came to him - especially to take a walk with him, they rolled a carriage along Leninsky Prospekt to the Sparrow Hills or to the Park of Culture and enjoyed the humor and optimism of Alexei Nikolaevich. Both are not easy: the stroller in the assembled form in the elevator - well, no way, but there are so many steps in the entrance to the door ... And in the theater - it is not provided, in the cinema - too. And in the library... The word invalid meant: defective. And get rid of it, and wallow with your own worries, you don’t see something - you would have to deal with the “normal” ones. And they, those in power, understood, so much so that the crunch was in all cities and villages!

Apparently, there are no saints in the world, let's put up with this simple truth; saints - and not for long - only children, and then - either a cult, or stagnation.

But once in my life I would like to see a saint who is both all-pervasive and all-good, and hear the word of a sinless soul: - Did you not betray? So I'm not your enemy.

More than one party boss of those times would have gnashed his teeth from these lines ... But could they have been published ?! They were born a long time ago, they came to people only in the 90s. Chief Editor very famous children's magazine by virtue of his age and, obviously, his position, he taught me, young and green, that one should visit the editorial office, because "manuscripts are few, we must know well who we publish, how he lives, what he thinks" and so on. Perhaps he also served in another department, but I will not mention his name. Yes, next to Alexei Nikolaevich ... But he, Kondratiev, never stooped to explain why he could not visit the editorial office. He naively believed that the manuscript was enough, that it spoke for itself. Of course, as he got a name, it became known in literary circles why he was not present at meetings, at the Writers' Union, and did not appear in the editorial offices. But not everyone could comprehend that "compassion is given to us, as grace is given to us." After all, this is a state of mind, and here only God's providence and nothing more. I started such "fun", I honestly admit: I took the manuscript of Alexei Kondratiev and carried it to the very magazine where, if they didn’t hate me, then they couldn’t stand me (also because they had to print me from time to time, due to independent circumstances, but more on that another time). So, with the manuscript of his friend, colleagues - and for them, of course, the secret is that a friend! - I went to this editorial office and sought (at the same time, the faces of those working in it became distorted with anger) so that his poems would be read carefully and not in a year, but urgently. And to motivate them if they don't want to print. Motivated! But it would be better to print! And they printed ... I would never go with my own poems - I could not afford to humiliate myself, but I considered it an honor with strangers (for them - strangers, but for me - relatives). I went with his poems to those editions where I, with my poems, the entrance was closed, I went to those editions where I was known and loved, and even about those where I sat in the editorial councils - and there’s nothing to say ... It’s difficult it was always difficult to publish in Russia in those years, however, and always difficult: editorial plans are full - this is not Malaya Zemlya and Alexei Kondratiev is not G. Markov or S. Mikhalkov. And there is no paper - this is not "Small Land" and Alexei Konratiev is not G. Markov and not S. Mikhalkov. Don't think it's a typo! Everywhere they answered with the same firmness ... They don’t have any these poems have no place in the plan, no paper, but the economy is planned! And yet we celebrated victories! - Sir Michel! - the joyful voice of Alexei Nikolaevich was heard in the receiver. - With your prayers ... - he was so happy with each of his published lines! - Come on, Kondratiev! I fight with him. - Poems, they are poems in this edition. - Enough, sir, do not be modest! Do we drink champagne? - Let's drink! He sent out his publications and books, books in dozens ... no, it happened, and hundreds! And how much money did it cost! I don't know if he got enough money? And Olenka, his wife and, to the best of her ability, a secretary, dragged parcels to the post office ... It was also difficult for her to move ... this illness did not pardon her either ... But they helped. Either the postman who brought abundant mail to Kondratyev's house, then friends, then schoolchildren, children with whom he was friends ...

A strange child came up to me and gently pressed his warm side. - Oh my God! - I called inadvertently, - Immeasurable gift is not my fault.

That girl - five, six years old - I gently stroked the ashy strands; her eyes played hide-and-seek with me - her eyes flashed - and again it was like that.

Laugh, but then I was great, I would have rushed to the snake's sting! But the girl ran away laughing... It's a pity that I didn't die at that moment.

No! Thank God he was wrong! Though poets and predictors of their fate at all times ... Pashka was born to him! Pavel! Son! He and Olga were as happy as they can be kind people! And such verses went! Especially for children! .. I would like to collect them all in one “house” with hard covers, but who will publish in our mercantile time? Or maybe that’s why? Maybe because of commercialism they will publish it? Read on:

TAYA, TAYUSHKA, TAYUSHA... (Lullaby for Taya)

Taenka - Taya, Taenka - Taya ... Do you want me to count the rain with you? Knock-knock... darkened glass: How much water has flowed from the sky!

The streams flow and flow, repeating: "Taenka - Taya, Taenka - Taya ..."

The trees are bored now outside the window, The trees whisper about this and that... The song of the leaves is so simple: "Taenka - Taya, Taenka - Taya ..."

And conscience gnaws. The most terrible punishment of oneself is regret... I will explain... I will repent... maybe it will become easier... He never complained, never! He will only say: "Sir Michel! If you are going somewhere, take me into the car with you: I can fit in the Zhiguli, but not in the Moskvich!" And I have "Zhiguli" appeared! And we ride together - he is behind and a stroller folded next to him ... He lacked vivid impressions - streets, cars, houses, stalls, passers-by ... Do we really think about how wonderful it is just to walk down the street, what happiness it is! But it turns out! And I run to the editorial office, and Alexey Nikolaevich looks at Neglinka, I'm naively in a hurry - he's alone! And he says with regret: "You have already returned! .." I was in too much of a hurry, probably, and too few times he sat in the back of my car and commented on the life around him with indescribable humor and observation... I often drew from his optimism when I was really bad. "And he?" I asked myself. "How is he?" And literally everything, except for the health of relatives and friends, faded and shrank. All these "thumps" from the editors, distorted by the editors of the book, who were "circumcised" many times, all these non-admissions to the Writers' Union, all these anti-Semitic cries at closed editorial councils, which I was later told about, and author's evenings canceled for the same reason , and the prizes not awarded at competitions (under the motto, of course), when they found out who the author is - what is it? Dust... And he, Kondratiev, inspired the joy of living by being nearby... So how could one tear oneself away from it, hurry up and then justify oneself with family, children and one's sores... Let me show you one of my experiences in verses that you can’t express otherwise ...

*** Do not put off meetings And linger for a long time, For the future, do not save an hour, Do not return a day as a debt.

Why reproach yourself later, Neither add nor correct, Do not repeat anything, Do not send telegrams.

And the loss of each pain - A friend's opposition, The devil and God agreed: In punishment - suffering!

How many times a nightmare will knock you out of bed, Time is the most scary beast- Scorches the soul in the body.

Don't ease the pain of loss. There is nothing to replace the loss. Regret is now secured, no matter how eternal.

Do not postpone meetings, Do not be lazy, do not be stingy, No matter how you list life, Hurry up to see you!

How many times does this happen in one's life... and one suffers afterwards... it's hopeless... forever, after all... Excuse me, Alexei Nikolayevich! , in my opinion, this doesn’t interfere with making friends ... It seems to me that there is neither age (we are almost the same age), nor position ... Well, it happened ... before I didn’t notice somehow ... But I was always surprised , no, admired HOW he did poetry. Not at all like the one whom the leader appointed "the best poet of the proletarian era," who wrote the book "How to make poetry?" ore", but worked as a jeweler, carved carefully, gently, as if from a fresh resinous pine plank every line. Therefore, they are all indispensable in every stanza. Listen carefully. Look at the depth of the lines, and sometimes at their location...

Everyone loves a birch, It is warmed by us: Everyone prays to the beauty of the Birch light.

From sweet whiteness, From affectionate sadness Again, the eyes are clear, As if at the beginning.

At the beginning of feelings and days, When there were many... Now we are in front of her In anticipation of the outcome.

The result is incorrigible, And therefore, in fright, We look at her, Longing for each other.

Tomit worldly rubbish; But mercifully, nevertheless, Her living skin cools the Face.

Everyone loves birch...

I want to be silent and listen to his voice, because the verses once heard in the author’s performance later, when reading, will definitely sound in his voice, even those that he didn’t read to you - this has been checked many thousands of times ... And Kondratiev’s voice is so muffled - voiced, you know, maybe Utesovsky? Recognizable. See...

On the way I learned from the wind, What can not be found by the meter!

He fled From a kilometer Under the cover of Night!

They say that this meter will not return to the kilometer;

And without a meter Kilometer Became a meter Shorter!

Emelya grinds with his tongue for a week! And everyone scolds the talkative Emelya as a fool! Emelya is afraid to be silent, not to speak or shout; and hear for the first time what others are saying.

Gymnasts flew under the dome of the circus! The Lions watched them closely. They growled for warning: "Do not try to fall, gymnasts!"


The man looked at his watch and pulled his mustache. The less the clock hurried, the thinner the mustache.

Is it possible to be a cobra and still be kind?

And sometimes he called so that I could rejoice with him at his luck, although it was late, and it was hard to endure until tomorrow morning ... He felt very subtly and precisely who and how treats him ... Like any artist, but he especially, the sharpness of sensations was extraordinary ... And his voice sounds, and he is waiting ... for praise, or maybe criticism? .. But, in my opinion, - admiration!

Nobody chooses their genes. Enter the hyena position.


The eyes of the rhinoceros are weeping: the road is closed to people for him. After all, people because of this thick skin do not see the subtleties of his nature.

Mosquitoes are not welcome anywhere, Mosquitoes are not welcome everywhere. After all, on his bites Steady tastes.

Nightingale Nightingale Met a Sparrow: Under big secret They began to sing a duet!


A sparrow is merry in the cold! A sparrow is merry in hunger! And where does he hide grief? I don't know, kill me!


Grandmother dropped a sad tear on the goat, But not a tear for the grandmother At the insensitive goat.

I noticed, and you, probably, that people who see poorly, their hearing becomes sharper, people who don’t hear well have excellent eyesight ... Nature, as it were, compensates, tries to correct its injustice ... The sharpness of Aleksey Nikolayevich’s feelings is amazing , and with titanic work he managed to achieve from himself the most accurate expression of his experiences and amazing sincerity when he writes about the most secret, intimate moments of his life ...

By chance, at the whim of fate, now I would see you, without reproach, sadness and prayer, a woman is my second heaven.

Forgive me that you could not forget the frightened hands of the darkness, your body is a living stream, two hearts are nocturnal.

A day burnt through with bitterness, cold fatigue in the evenings ... So I didn’t have to forget you. Forgive me for staying with me.

After his death, I learned that at the time of my battle with the Writers' Union, he called the party committee there and shamed its members for their methods of existence and leadership. It was no coincidence that he was a children's writer - he believed in goodness. And I did not believe that there are people who profess something completely different ... I often think about him. Not about poetry (they are in me, already like a part of me, it’s bad, impossible without them), but about him. Another fate of a man who did not give up, trampled by the imperial monster... Just listen, who could write such verses:

Let's talk about hope. Still, how could she not be? After all, she had come before, Though she could not love.

She walks around the house like a mistress, She looks into a book, into a notebook... So she didn't come to someone else's house Again, first, again.

That's how he knew how to love...

Talk to me, talk, even if the beginnings are random and petty; gift me, gift me, for no particular reason.

I will not leave a bright world with me, I will distribute it to everyone I meet; I will glorify the nameless soul in cities far from us.

Give your hands in parting, because we do not expect meetings; only the heart promises to remember the face, and the voice, and the speech.

Alexei Kondratiev was wrong this time. He will meet with us many times, because he did not leave this world, but grew through it with his poems, became a part of it.

The company is currently eliminated! Liquidation date: 06/20/2017

The organization was registered on June 24, 2011 by the registrar "Inspectorate of the Federal tax service in the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658" legal address: 620142, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, Zwilling street, 53, apartment 8.

When registering the company, the following details were assigned: TIN 6673996548 PSRN 1116600002375. Registration number in the Pension Fund: 075032110155. Registration number in the FSS: 661331208966151.

Primary activity according to OKVED: 64.9. Additional View activities according to OKVED: 88.10.

Legal entity status: Liquidated
Full name:
TIN: 6673996548
OGRN: 1116600002375
Legal address: 620142, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg city, Zwilling street, 53, apartment 8
- organizations registered at this address: 1
(operating - 0, liquidated - 1)
  • is a leader in 3 organizations (operating - 1, inactive - 2).
  • is a founder in 4 organizations (active - 1, inactive - 3).


OGRN 1116600002375
TIN 6673996548
checkpoint 668501001
Organizational and legal form (OPF) Charitable foundations
Abbreviated name of the legal entity CF "PBC "KUDESNIK"
Region Sverdlovsk region
Legal address
Name Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the Verkh-Isetsky District of Yekaterinburg, No. 6658
The address 620014, Yekaterinburg, Khomyakova st., 4
Date of registration 24.06.2011
Date of assignment of OGRN 24.06.2011
Accounting in the Federal Tax Service
Registration date 25.11.2013
Tax authority Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 31 for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6685
Information about registration in the FIU
Registration number 075032110155
Date of registration 28.11.2013
Name of the territorial body Control pension fund Russian Federation in the Oktyabrsky district of Yekaterinburg, No. 075032
Information about registration in the FSS
Registration number 661331208966151
Date of registration 15.07.2016
Name executive body Branch №15 State institution- Sverdlovsk regional office Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, No. 6615

History of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

The date: 24.06.2011
UAH: 1116600002375
Tax authority:
Reason for the change: Creation of a legal entity
The date: 25.11.2013
UAH: 2136600052191
Tax authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6600
Reason for the change: Changing the information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
The date: 25.11.2013
UAH: 2136600052224
Tax authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6600
Reason for the change: State registration of changes made to founding documents of a legal entity related to making changes to the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, based on an application
The date: 12.07.2016
UAH: 2169600067305
Tax authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6600
Reason for the change: Adoption legal entity decisions on liquidation and appointment of a liquidator
The date: 12.12.2016
UAH: 2169600121304
Tax authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6600
Reason for the change: Drawing up an interim liquidation balance sheet of a legal entity
The date: 20.06.2017
UAH: 2176600060129
Tax authority: Department of the Federal Tax Service for the Sverdlovsk Region, No. 6600
Reason for the change: Liquidation of a legal entity
  1. LLC GK "M2" — Active
    TIN: 6671343991, OGRN: 1116671001358

  2. — Liquidated
    TIN: 6673996548, OGRN: 1116600002375
    620142, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg city, Zwilling street, 53, apartment 8
    Liquidator: Komarov Alexander Sergeevich
  3. — Liquidated
    TIN: 6671386466, OGRN: 1116671023380
    620075, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg city, Lunacharskogo street, 81, office 24
    CEO: Zniman John Harm
  1. — Liquidated
    TIN: 6673128460, OGRN: 1056604854855
    620135, Sverdlovsk region, city of Yekaterinburg, Shefskaya street, 14, apt. eleven
    General Director: Kruglyankin Alexander Vladimirovich
  2. LLC GK "M2" — Active
    TIN: 6671343991, OGRN: 1116671001358
    101000, Moscow, Arkhangelsky lane, building 6, building 2, floor 1 room 2A
    Director: Chizhova Ekaterina Viktorovna
  3. — Liquidated
    TIN: 6673996548, OGRN: 1116600002375
    620142, Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg city, Zwilling street, 53, apartment 8
    Liquidator: Komarov Alexander Sergeevich

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Member of the Presidium of the Constitutional Court of the NSS of Russia, Deputy Chairman of the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, executive representative state power Tambov region from 23.09.2015

Member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council of the Non-State Sphere of Security of Russia www.ksnsb.ru

Co-Chairman of the Editorial Board of the National Media Portal "The Guardian"

Expert on:

Geopolitics and foreign policy areas of activity: Syria, America, Crimea, Ukraine, Korea, Georgia, Caucasus, Libya, Donbass, Afghanistan;

Terrorism and the fight against it, international politics, military-patriotic education, military cooperation, patriotism, democracy, defense and security, information security, the safety of children at school and other areas of public security.

State awards

1998 - Order of Courage;

2005 - medal of the Order "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree (with the image of swords);

2005 - Order of Military Merit;

2008 - Order of Courage

2017 - Order of Honor


Born on September 30, 1971 in the village of Pichaevo, Pichaevsky district of the Tambov region. After graduating from secondary school, he studied at the Penza Military Artillery Engineering School and the Frunze Military Academy in Moscow. In 1993 he served in the Ulyanovsk Airborne Division. From 1998 to 2010 he served in parts special purpose. He served in the Chechen Republic (participated in both companies), took part in a peacekeeping operation on the territory of the autonomous region of Kosovo (SFRY). Has injuries. In 2001-2003 he studied at the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Received the NATO Medal for Service to Peace. He was awarded two Orders of Courage, the Order of Military Merit, and a medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

Prior to joining the City Duma, he worked as deputy commander of military unit No. 54607. In 2010, he headed the list of the United Russia party in the elections to the Tambov City Duma.

After the election, he was elected chairman of the city Duma. Since October 2010 - the head of the city of Tambov. On September 23, 2015, he was appointed to the post of senator from the Tambov region. In 2016 he graduated from the Tambov State Institute. G.R.Derzhavina (master)

Secretary of the Local Political Council of the local branch of the city of Tambov of the Tambov regional branch of the United Russia Party. Member of the Presidium of the Regional Political Council of the Tambov regional branch of the United Russia Party.

Chairman of the Security Subcommittee of the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

The Safety Subcommittee is responsible for:

internal and external security of the Russian Federation;

consideration of acts on the introduction of a state of emergency;

preliminary consideration of the issue of appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and his deputies;

ensuring the organization of law enforcement agencies and federal bodies executive power included in the system of forces and means of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, as well as performing law enforcement functions (special bodies), including in the main areas of their activities:

combating terrorism and crime, providing intelligence, counterintelligence, border and information security;

protection of the individual, society, state from unlawful encroachments;

prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses, detection and disclosure of crimes, search for persons;

proceedings on administrative offenses, execution of administrative penalties;

law enforcement in public places, security traffic, control in the field of arms trafficking, control in the field of private detective (detective) and security activities, protection of property and objects;

state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials law enforcement and regulatory authorities, as well as other protected persons;

registration of citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation and control over compliance by citizens and officials with the rules for registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation;

registration and issuance of documents to foreign citizens and stateless persons for entry into the Russian Federation, residence and temporary stay in the Russian Federation;

control over compliance by foreign citizens and stateless persons with the established rules of residence and temporary stay in the Russian Federation;

implementation of migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation;

implementation of measures to prevent and combat illegal migration;

control over the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors and the implementation of measures to counteract their illicit trafficking;

detection, prevention, suppression, disclosure and preliminary investigation of crimes, as well as the implementation of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses that are referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation, respectively, to the jurisdiction or competence of the bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;

coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in the field of trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as in the field of combating their illicit trafficking;

implementation, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, of interaction and information exchange with international organizations and competent authorities of foreign states in the field of combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as representing the interests of the Russian Federation on countering illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors in international organizations;

execution of criminal penalties, detention of persons suspected or accused of committing crimes, and defendants;

ensuring law and order and legality in institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of deprivation of liberty and in pre-trial detention centers, ensuring the safety of employees of the penitentiary system, officials and citizens located on the territories of these institutions and remand prisons;

protection and escort of convicts and persons held in custody along the established routes of escort, escort of citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless persons to the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens and stateless persons in case of their extradition;

protection of psychiatric hospitals (inpatient facilities) of a specialized type with intensive supervision.

Volunteers of the volunteer organizations "Inspired", "Agency for Good Deeds", "Druzhina" and the regional branch "Young Guard" visited the Ust-Koksinsky district of the Altai Republic.

T. Kusaiko: Citizens are not informed about what they are required to provide free of charge in a medical organization when applying for medical care

The senator held a working meeting with representatives joint-stock company"Insurance company" SOGAZ-Med ".

Vladimir region

The unique project "Vladimir - the cultural capital of the World Cup" brought together more than fifty entertainment events throughout the region. The championship was held from June 14 to July 15 in 11 cities of Russia. And although Vladimir is not one of them, here they were especially preparing to receive football fans. Information booklets were issued for the guests in different languages, and a “fan menu” was developed in local restaurants. During the World Cup Vladimir region visited by over 450 thousand people.

Traditionally, local journalists will tell about other events taking place in the region in July.

Seven minutes for an accurate diagnosis

The availability of high-tech medicine in the Vladimir region is increasing not only in the regional center, but also in regional centers.

New "stars" of "Vladimir Dawns"

The traditional regional exhibition of achievements in animal husbandry "Vladimir Dawns-2018" this time was held on the basis of the agro-tourist complex "Bogdarnya" in the Petushinsky district and coincided with the "Syrmarka" festival and the Day of Milk. A solid company of participants gathered: 25 agricultural enterprises, about 20 farmers and the same number of processors.

First Vice Governor Vyacheslav Kuzin: "The regional budget reflects a positive trend in the economy"

“All parameters of the growth of the revenue side, the budget’s own revenues in 2018 have a positive trend,” said Vyacheslav Kuzin, First Vice Governor, Director of the Department of Finance, Budget and Tax Policy, commenting on the results of the regional budget execution and the “May” presidential decrees in the first half of the year .

Andrei Klishas took part in a meeting of the Board of Trustees for the revival of the historical appearance of the Sarov and Diveevo monasteries

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey Klishas took part in the meeting Board of Trustees on the revival of the historical appearance of the Sarov and Diveevo monasteries.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the KChR is preparing proposals for inclusion in the National Projects

During a working meeting with the Head of Karachay-Cherkessia Rashid Temrezov, Minister of Industry and Trade Murat Argunov reported on the results of work to improve payment discipline in the fuel and energy complex of the republic.