How to make liquid from bar soap. How to make liquid soap at home

Nowadays, many people are thinking about making soap with their own hands. It is known that in the manufacture of all household chemicals the manufacturer uses a lot of harmful substances, which sometimes cause only harm instead of good. People who care about their health try to make liquid soap with your own hands, since a home-made remedy will have a large number of useful properties and will be very effective, in addition, it is easier to add useful components, such as oils, vitamins and many other necessary ingredients, to a liquid substance.


Few people know that you can make soap from scratch with your own hands at home. A person can thus protect himself from harmful chemical additives included in factory products. The big advantage of liquid soap is that it is one of the most hygienic products for cleansing the skin, since such products are poured into containers with a special dispenser, thus the liquid will not come into contact with the dirty hands of the person who is going to wash them in any way, which is not characteristic of classic solid soap and is its big drawback.

Also, liquid soap, due to its consistency, can be easily diluted with a useful component, for example, glycerin, oils, herbal tinctures and many others. It is also important to note that liquid soap can be not only classic for cleaning hands, but also cosmetic, household or children's. A huge advantage of liquid soap is that it is very convenient to store and take with you on a trip. Antibacterial liquid soap is an indispensable tool for any traveler. Not a single person who monitors personal hygiene can do without it.

It's no secret that liquid soap is much more loyal and gentle than its solid counterpart. It dries the skin of the hands to a lesser extent and leaves only pleasant sensations on it after its use. It has a positive effect on the ph-balance of the skin. This value for liquid soap is no more than seven units, while the skin ph is five units, and the balance of solid soap is more than 10. That is why the liquid does not disturb the skin balance and does not overdry the skin.. But despite all this, the substance is able to create a protective layer of very small thickness on the skin, which is absolutely imperceptible, but necessary.

In addition, a liquid detergent contains less alkali than a solid one, so all the necessary beneficial features, which are contained in other additives, such as oils, esters, extracts, acids are not lost in it and it retains their benefits much longer.

Also, experts have calculated that any liquid soap is more economical than its solid counterpart, because often people simply do not know what to do with the remnants of solid handwash and simply throw them away. While liquid soap is consumed to the last drop, and the dispenser on its packaging allows you to control its supply in the required size.

Experts point out that all such purchased products contain a large amount of dyes, so it is better to cook them at home. They also do not recommend adding artificial preparations to it - fragrances and dyes. But in this way you will not be able to get such a bright aroma and color of a homemade remedy that a purchased counterpart has, but a homemade one will be much more useful.

If you want to protect your skin from the harmful effects of store-bought products, try making your own much less harsh liquid soap yourself. It can also be prepared for children, it should have a more foamy structure and a soft composition so that it does not dry out the delicate skin of the baby and does not sting the eyes when it gets into them. That's why it's important to cook natural soap for children at home to protect them from exposure to harmful chemicals.


Any liquid soap has a standard recipe. Not a single such tool can do without the inclusion in its composition alkalis, because it is this substance that can cleanse the skin. A lot of people use it as alkali potassium substances, that is, KOH. The second option is sodium hydroxide. This soap is able to remove sebum, which absorbs all harmful substances and dirt. It is also important to consider that alkali should be a certain percentage in this product, its excess can be harmful, since soap will dry out the skin and destroy its upper layers and cells.

Also, the formulation of natural liquid soap may include various oils, as well as natural wax, algae, herbal extracts and tinctures, vegetable and fruit juice, essential oils, which are natural antioxidants and have a positive effect on the skin, and many other products. All of them are able to have a protective and regenerating effect on the skin.

When making liquid soap based on glycerin you can increase the level of moisture in the skin, so experts recommend using soap products based on it for those who have very sensitive and delicate skin. But it is also important not to exceed its norm, since an excess of glycerin can lead to dehydration of the dermis. Also, some soap makers offer to add to natural liquid soap petrolatum. They indicate that this remedy can help cope with dry skin and prevent its peeling.

Very useful as a liquid cleanser natural honey, because it perfectly cares for the skin and makes it velvety and pleasant to the touch. It helps restore the skin. If you want to make a liquid face wash, try including eucalyptus oil as it is anti-inflammatory and can help with pimples and irritation.

To make the texture of the liquid product more delicate, you can cook it on milk, since milk soap will take care of the skin very gently, enveloping and cleansing it, in addition, it goes well with honey.

For those who have very sensitive skin, it is better to make homemade liquid soap. with chamomile extract, since such a tool has a calming effect and helps restore the protective functions of the skin.

A universal additive in any liquid soap will be citrus oil, that is orange, grapefruit, lemon oil. These products are natural antioxidants, they are able to rejuvenate the skin, smooth it and refresh it. They accelerate the recovery processes in the skin and perfectly nourish it.

Very useful is stearic acid liquid soap, which not only makes it thicker, but is also responsible for the formation of a thin film on the skin, which has a protective effect. Stearic acid does a great job of soothing irritation and flaking, and it's also great at protecting the skin from external aggressors such as Sun rays, high humidity, and cold. In addition, this acid has a positive effect on the production of collagen by the skin, therefore slowing down the aging process.

How to DIY

Do-it-yourself liquid soap can be prepared different ways. For instance, from ordinary lumpy means or from remnants. This cooking option is more economical, since a home-made remedy from leftovers and pieces will entail a minimum of costs. Small pieces can be broken by hand, and larger remnants must be grated on a regular grater.

In case you don't have any soap residue, you can prepare a liquid cleanser. from a solid piece. A lot of people are wondering how to make soap on their own. A large number of recipes will come to the rescue. homemade soap from the finished soap base. It can be purchased at a specialized store, it will be the base to which you need to add all the necessary ingredients to get a handmade washing gel.


Potassium soap It is called so because it is made on the basis of potassium hydroxide. It can also be made with one of the vegetable oils that will form its basis, for example, with olive oil. You can also add citrus oils to it, which have a very pleasant aroma. Be sure to add alkali and water. In this case, water should be about 30% of the total volume of the product. An important component is overfat - it should be 5%.

To prepare this product, you need to beat it with a blender. After that, you will get soap in the form of a clot. In order for it to become liquid, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2.


You can also cook very healthy castile soap. It will include approximately 700 g of olive oil, 100 g of coconut oil, a decoction of chamomile with a volume of approximately 300 ml, and 100 g of palm oil. You will also need sodium alkali, about 120 g. This soap is prepared in a cold way, that is, all components are mixed without heating. This tool is very soft and gentle, it perfectly affects the skin and maintains its balance.

for dishes

Many housewives strive to make dishwashing liquid at home, because everyone knows that purchased analogues contain a huge amount of harmful chemical additives that are so harmful to the delicate skin of women's hands. To prepare a liquid home remedy, you need to take a standard bar of laundry soap, six tablespoons of glycerin, about a liter of hot water, a couple of tablespoons of vodka, and a few drops of your favorite flavoring so that the product has a pleasant smell.

To prepare this liquid soap, you need grate classic laundry soap on the smallest grater, and then add it to 1/2 liter of hot water and leave until dissolved. This mixture must be stirred, then the remaining half of the hot water can be added there. After all the pieces of laundry soap are completely dissolved, in this mixture glycerin and vodka are added also don't forget to add some fragrance or essential oils with a pronounced odor, such as sweet orange oil.

All this must be thoroughly mixed and left to cool. The cooled product will thicken and will have a semi-liquid consistency. After that, it can be poured into a convenient bottle with a special dispenser. This soap foams beautifully and is therefore great for washing dishes, in addition, it does not have a harmful effect on the skin of your hands and does not disturb its water balance. This soap is absolutely harmless, it can be used constantly, in addition, it perfectly removes excess grease and scale from dishes and perfectly cleans them.

If you have a large family, or you usually buy things in bulk so that you don't run out of them, then you certainly know that liquid soap- this is a thing that is consumed quite quickly on the farm, and it has to be bought in large quantities.

For those who want to save money and prefer more natural and healthy products, we will tell you how to cook 4 liters liquid soap very fast and cheap. How to do it? Read our article.

Liquid soap recipes

Liquid soap is used both for personal hygiene and for washing dishes (as a detergent) or for washing clothes.

There are very simple and affordable recipes for its preparation. They will help get rid of the need to constantly buy this product, which is very quickly consumed on the farm.

Recipe N° 1: Personal Care Liquid Soap

You will need a bottle with a dispenser, any solid soap, a few tablespoons of liquid glycerin (or olive oil) and distilled water.

Grate the soap or finely chop it into pieces. Boil water in a saucepan.

The ingredients should be taken in the following proportion: 3 parts of water for each part of grated soap. Pour the grated soap into the water and boil it over low heat. At the same time, stir it with a spoon so that the soap chips dissolve better. When this happens, take the soap off the heat and add the glycerin.

To give your soap more moisturizing properties, or if you don't have glycerin, you can replace it with olive oil. And to make the soap smell pleasant, you can drop a little essential oil into it, for example lavender.

Wait until the liquid soap has cooled down, and pour it into a container with a dispenser (you can take a bottle from an already finished soap).

Recipe N° 2: Personal Care Liquid Soap

This option is similar to the previous one, only it does not need to heat the mixture. You will need 65 grams of grated soap, 330 ml of distilled water, 30 ml almond oil(perfect for dry skin) and 20 drops of any essential oil of your choice.

Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix them well so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. The soap is now ready for use.

Recipe N° 3: Personal Care Liquid Soap

In this recipe we get more soap than in the previous ones. You will need 1 liter of water, 25 grams of caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) in granules, 125 ml of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

Pour water into plastic bottle(soap will be stored in it), and add a little caustic soda there. Since it is very caustic, you need to do this in a mask and goggles.

Then add oil and salt. Close the bottle and shake it vigorously until all the ingredients are mixed. For 15 days, the mixture should be stirred twice a day. Keep it in a cool and dark place. After that, the soap can be scented with essential oil, and it is ready to use.

Recipe N° 4: Personal Care Liquid Soap

With this recipe, one bar of soap turns into almost 4 liters of liquid soap. Big savings for our wallet!

All we need is a bar of coconut soap weighing 150 grams, a tablespoon of glycerin and distilled water.

We rub the soap on a fine grater. We heat distilled water and, without waiting for it to boil, add grated soap there. Take this mixture off the heat. Mix it well with a blender. Then add another 6 cups (1.4 liters) of distilled water and mix again.

If the consistency seems too thick, add more water, and if the consistency is too thin, add soap and stir the mixture longer.

Recipe N° 5: liquid dish soap

In this case, we will need borax, baking soda, castile (or baby) soap, water, an essential oil of your choice, and distilled white vinegar. Pour two tablespoons (30 ml) of vinegar into a cup of water (250 ml).

Heat this mixture in a saucepan over medium heat and when it comes to a boil, reduce the heat. Add a cup of borax and baking soda. Mix well until all ingredients are dissolved. Add half a cup of castile soap while continuing to stir, and finally, drizzle in the mixture, for example, lemon oil.

When the soap has cooled, pour it into a glass container with a lid.

Recipe N° 6: liquid dish soap

According to this recipe, we get more than a liter of detergent. You will need one liter of water, 4 tablespoons of baking soda and Marseille soap without glycerin (300 g). The tools you will need are a 1.5 liter bottle with a plastic cap, a medium saucepan, a heat-resistant bowl, and a funnel.

Put the water on the fire, and while it is heating, grate the soap. Before the water boils, pour two cups into a separate container and add baking soda to it.

Bring the rest of the water to a boil. When this happens, pour grated soap into it and stir for a few minutes. Then add water with soda and cook over low heat, stirring. Turn off the heat and let the soap cool down.

Now it can be poured into a bottle with a funnel, the soap is ready.

Recipe for liquid soap for washing clothes

This soap recipe uses caustic soda again, so don't forget to protect your hands, face, and clothing.

We will need the following ingredients: 1 liter of vegetable oil (strained), 200 g of caustic soda, a teaspoon of salt, two liters of water and essential oils of our choice in order to so that after washing the clothes have a pleasant aroma.

Soap according to this recipe is best prepared outdoors. In a large bowl, mix water with caustic soda, add oil and salt to them. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon for 45 minutes (you can intermittently).

Let the soap infuse for two days in a closed container. At the same time, do not forget to stir it several times a day. After heating the water, but not bringing it to a boil, add it little by little to the mixture, stirring vigorously. You can also add oils or essences.

We pour liquid soap into bottles (don't forget to just sign them), and leave it for a week to infuse it. Now you can wash!

How to make liquid soap: 4 interesting options

It is not difficult to prepare liquid soap, so even a beginner can handle this task. Today, on the shelves of cosmetics stores and pharmacies, you can find a wide variety of cosmetic products that are designed to different type skin and have their own characteristics and characteristics. However, such a large selection does not at all indicate the high quality of cosmetics. Many people prefer to make their own soap. This allows you to choose only natural ingredients High Quality and also take into account the type of skin. How to make liquid soap? – The answer to this question can be found in this article. It is important to follow the advice of professional soap makers.

What is liquid soap made from?

Sometimes, the use of hard soap leads to dissatisfaction and irritation. Very often, such soap becomes limp in the soap dish, falls apart into pieces and eventually has an unpleasant texture. Liquid soap has become quite popular, as it is convenient to use by pouring it into a jar with a dispenser.

You can make your own liquid soap. The easiest way is to use baby soap.

Soap can be given any properties by adding essential oils and various useful fillers to its composition. Soap can be moisturizing, softening, bactericidal or nourishing. It is important not to overdo it with the number of components. For example, when mixing fragrances and essential oils, care must be taken, as some combinations can spoil the aromatic properties of the soap.

For the preparation of liquid soap, you can use both old remnants and baby soap.

How to make liquid soap:

  • Boil herbal decoction of chamomile, mint or lemon balm. It will give the soap soothing properties to the skin. The broth should be prepared exclusively in a water bath - only then the herbs will transfer their beneficial properties.
  • The finished broth is diluted with boiled water. The result should be 8 glasses of solution.
  • Grate baby soap (preferably unscented) on a fine grater. It is important to remember that the thinner and smaller the sawdust, the more uniform the composition will be. Enough glass of soap shavings.
  • Soap shavings are added to the herbal decoction and put on fire. It must be slow. While the soap is melting, it should be thoroughly mixed. The composition may seem liquid, but after supplementing it with other components, it will thicken within a few hours.
  • A large spoonful of glycerin is added to the cooled composition and mixed well.
  • Essential oil is added to liquid soap. Before this, an allergy test should be performed.

Dyes can be added to the composition of the soap if desired. They can be edible or natural. As dyes, you can use milk, coffee, decoctions of herbs, juices.

How to make liquid soap at home

To make a liquid consistency soap, you can use a soap base, a piece of baby soap and a pile of old remnants. Such preparation will not take much time and will be very economical. In addition, it can be given specific properties that will positively affect the condition of the skin.

In pharmacies and cosmetics stores, you can often find liquid soap for personal hygiene. You can make your own soap at home.

You can make liquid soap, which is brewed at home, fragrant with the help of special aromatic oils.

In order for the soap to take care of the skin, olive oil and distilled water can be used to make it. Liquid soap is stored in a container with a dispenser. There are a large number of simple dispenser bottles and creative, original bottles on the market today.

Soap making process:

  • Grate remnants or soap on a fine grater. Fill with hot water.
  • For every part of grated soap, there are three parts of water or herbal decoction.
  • Chips and water must be kept on low heat, stirring constantly.
  • After removing the heat, add a large spoonful of olive oil to the soap.
  • After the mixture has cooled, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it.

This soap will perfectly moisturize the skin and protect it from the influence of cold water and wind. This is an economical option that allows you to get more liquid from one bar of soap. So that the soap has a beautiful color, natural or artificial dyes can be added to its composition.

Cooking liquid dish soap

Today, manufacturers offer a large number of dishwashing detergents. But most of them contain dangerous chemicals that, if not washed thoroughly with water, can be harmful to health. To be sure of the quality of the dishwashing liquid, you need to prepare the composition yourself.

Dishwashing soap does not contain harmful ingredients and perfectly fights dirt even when using water at low temperatures.

Before you start soap making, you should prepare in advance all the necessary materials and ingredients for work

To make soap, you need to purchase borax, baking soda, baby soap, clean water, distilled vinegar. You need to prepare the mixture in the kitchen. For cooking, use special utensils.

Cooking process:

  • Pour clean water into a 250 ml glass.
  • Add two large spoons of vinegar to the water.
  • Heat water with vinegar over low heat, wait until it boils.
  • Pour a glass of borax and a glass of baking soda into the liquid.
  • To mix everything.
  • Add half a cup of crushed baby soap.

The composition is thoroughly mixed until it becomes homogeneous. After cooling, add a few drops of lemon oil to it. Store the product in a glass jar with a lid.

We make liquid soap from remnants

Very often people do not like to throw away remnants, but I don’t know what to do with them. Useful advice- prepare liquid soap, which will allow you to make soap by adding additional useful components to it. Soap made by yourself will definitely be environmentally friendly and harmless.

Those who have tried making soap on their own no longer use store-bought soap and don't spend money on buying it.

In order to prepare liquid soap yourself, it is best to use remnants that are similar in smell and color.

If you have a blender at home, cooking will be very quick and easy. In order to cook useful soap, it is necessary to collect soap chips, prepare glycerin, honey, essential oil. To make soap, it is better to use purified soft water.

Cooking process:

  • Rub the remnants (200 gr). They should be as small as possible.
  • Pour the remnants with a glass of boiling water.
  • The composition must be whipped with the slop of a hand blender.
  • Enrich the composition with a spoonful of glycerin, a few drops of essential oil and a spoonful of honey (if you are not allergic to it).
  • After a quarter of an hour, beat the composition again.

It is good to store such a composition in a special container with a dispenser. Instead of honey, you can add a variety of ingredients to soap. It can be various decoctions of herbs, milk, vegetable oils, cocoa, fruit juices. It is important to consider the needs and condition of the skin. Soap can be made nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing, disinfecting, soothing. When cooking, it is important to be careful and follow safety precautions. If the child drank soap, he should be given plenty of water to drink and consult a pediatrician.

Instructions: how to make liquid soap (video)

Liquid soap is very pleasant to use. Unlike solid soap, it does not get wet, does not break into pieces, does not leave remnants. But you can cook it using just baby soap and soap remnants as the basis. Making your own soap is very easy. It is important to correctly calculate the proportions and choose fillers that will improve the properties of soap. Such soap is much more economical than buying solid soap. And self-preparation leaves no doubt about the quality and safety of soap for health.

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Today, a huge range of hygiene products is presented on store shelves, but home cosmetics are still popular. And all because in such a product you can be sure one hundred percent.
Making homemade liquid soap is a great way not only to make safe, high-quality beauty products for the whole family, but also a great way to recycle soap residue that you might feel sorry to throw away. Such soap is easy to prepare, costs mere pennies, and it is pleasant and comfortable to use it. The presence of herbs and essential oils in the composition makes such a hygiene product soft and beneficial for the skin.

In addition, those who plan to seriously engage in the manufacture of home cosmetics should start with the preparation of liquid soap. The fact is that, for example, solid curly soap and other cosmetics are more painstaking in production, and in any training you always need to go from simple to complex. Therefore, this composition can help you gradually get involved in the process.

So, you will need:
- high-quality baby soap (1 pc.) or soap residues / remnants (100g)
- glycerin (1 tablespoon)
- orange essential oil (or any of your choice)
- dry chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort (optional).

Liquid soap can also be made on the basis of ordinary water, but a decoction of herbs produces a product that is more beneficial for the skin. If you decide to go the simplest way, then you can simply omit the decoction preparation step and use distilled water instead.

So, 8-10 tbsp. l. dry grass (, calendula and St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and bactericidal properties), pour clean water so that it is completely covered, and bring to a boil over low heat. After boiling, boil the broth a little (2-3 minutes) and, turning it off, leave it for half an hour to infuse.
Then we filter the resulting herbal composition and dilute it with boiled water so that about 10 glasses of the finished product are obtained. If you are making soap based on water, then also proceed from this volume of liquid.
Now let's deal with soap: it needs to be grated. It is best to use the children's variety, as it has a neutral smell. You should end up with 1 cup of soap flakes, so if you use remnants, be guided by this amount.

Prepare a suitable dish in which you will cook our liquid soap. Now pour the resulting flakes into the broth, mix and put on the stove. We heat the mixture until it becomes homogeneous and the flakes are completely dissolved in water. To get the right consistency of soap, stir the liquid while it boils. It will take quite a bit of time: our soap-herbal decoction will be ready in just a few minutes.

We wait until the mixture cools down. Then add glycerin and essential oil and mix well.
Please note that initially the solution will be liquid. It will take a little time to thicken it, but after a few hours the mass will acquire the desired consistency. It will be possible to bottle it after 12 hours, when the mixture has completely cooled.

If in the end the soap turns out to be too viscous, then it can easily be brought to the desired density with a mixer and water: just beat the composition and it will become thinner.
If, after cooling, the soap remains watery, then it can be heated again with the addition of an additional amount of soap flakes. You can vary the thickness of the soap at your discretion: someone likes a more liquid composition, while someone, on the contrary, prefers a viscous consistency.
If you want the soap to be colored (pink, pale green or blue), then add to ready composition a little food coloring (follow the directions on the package)
Ready-made soap can be used at home or packaged in a beautiful bottle with a dispenser, used as a gift for loved ones.

Liquid soap is considered a more economical product than solid soap. By making it at home with the addition of healing ingredients, we get a fabulous blend for our skin. The process of creating liquid soap with your own hands is very exciting and interesting. You will feel like a magician experimenting with different oils and fragrances. So it's time to get down to business and learn how to make liquid soap at home. Liquid soap contains less alkali, which means that it does not dry out the skin.

How to make liquid soap at home

What does it take to learn how to make soap from scratch?

  • Ingredients;
  • good mood;
  • our article.

Do not forget about the alkaline solution. In order to prepare it, you need to remember a few important points and rules. Before starting the preparation of the lye solution, be sure to put on protective equipment and open all windows in the room. Weigh the required amount of distilled water, and prepare the required amount of lye in advance. Control every moment, add lye to water, not the other way around. If you are not careful, you can face unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.

Before making soap, we will provide you with a list of tips, without which the cooking process will be boring and costly.

  • if you decide to make a liquid soapy substance, collect remnants of homemade bars and use them for their intended purpose;
  • use healthy and natural ingredients for your soap;
  • do everything exclusively according to the recipe, add the ingredients in their order and in the right amount;
  • use a special container;
  • before rubbing the remnants, put them on the battery;
  • in order not to overdry the skin, add essential oils;
  • add alkali directly to the water, otherwise a dangerous chemical reaction may occur;
  • cook in small batches. Since it is a natural product, it therefore spoils faster;
  • if the finished product is too thick, dilute it with water.

You can make liquid soap at home or make your own using recipes and advice from experienced soap makers. When buying all the ingredients, do not forget about the dispenser (it is better to choose a mechanical one).

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for making liquid soap. An obligatory component of any recipe are oils and vitamin complexes.

List of essential oils:

  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • lemongrass;
  • sweet orange;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • lemon.

Types of vitamins suitable for soap base:

  • vitamin A (for hair health);
  • vitamin E (to improve the immune system);
  • vitamin D (for skin health).

The production of liquid soap cannot do without a soap base. There are two types of it: transparent and white. Choose a base with a lower percentage of sodium lauryl sulfate. Such products will foam less, but will be more useful.

Below is the most popular and healthy recipe that will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • 270 g olive oil;
  • 670 g coconut oil;
  • 270 g castor oil;
  • 960 g of purified water;
  • 80 g shea butter;
  • 300 g potassium hydroxide flakes.

Cooking method. Pour all oily products into one container and mix them. After that, put them on a small fire. Add cereal and mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Blend with a blender until a thick paste forms. Boil for about 5 hours. At the end, add an essential oil (if you want your soap to smell nice). Everything, the soap is ready!

How to make liquid soap from remnants?

If your family has remnants lying around, you can give them a second life and make a wonderful liquid soap out of these leftovers. If this is a large piece of remnant, then it needs to be grated, but if these are small pieces, then just break them. It is important to observe the proportion of water and mile chips.


  • remnants 100 gr;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of glycerin;
  • orange or lemon flavor (for freshness);
  • oils, vitamins A or E;

Cooking method:

  • grate the bar on a fine grater;
  • Heat the water to a boil and gradually pour the mixture into it, stirring it until the soap is completely dissolved. After that, turn off the fire and let the soap cool down a bit;
  • add glycerin and vitamins. Pour into jars.

Let's share another recipe for herbal antibacterial soap. To prepare it, we need no more than 50 grams of remnant and about a liter of purified liquid. It is better if it is a decoction of string and chamomile. We add flavorings, some dyes and moisturizing ingredients. If you do not know how to properly brew herbal infusion, then pay attention to the packaging. Manufacturers usually indicate proportions per liter of liquid. Strain the resulting broth carefully. Add soap shavings to the previously prepared broth and mix. The resulting mixture is left for 24 hours.

How to make liquid soap from solid?

Can you make liquid soap from solid soap? Of course, yes! Liquid soap is just made from regular solid soap. Before cooking, you must decide what you need liquid soap for. It is on the basis of these criteria that you have to choose solid soap. If you need a simple cleanser, then feel free to make it from a regular bar of antibacterial soap.


  • 2 liters of purified water;
  • 250 g of soap;
  • E and A vitamins;
  • glycerin (optional)
  • essential oil.

Preparation: cut the bars into small pieces or grate. Add water and put the resulting mixture on low heat; stir until dissolved. Turn off the heat and add the glycerin to a homogeneous mixture. Once cool, add essential oils.

Homemade liquid soap can be made from baby soap, regular soap, or soap base. If you want to get a detergent for dishes and other household items, it is better to use laundry soap without glycerin. There are three types of store-bought laundry soap: 65, 70, 75%. The higher the percentage, the greater the fat content and, therefore, this product fights pollution better. The household bar itself is very useful in everyday life, but if it is liquid, its usefulness will increase. Use it only for its intended purpose, if you do not want to harm your body.


  • 200 g of laundry soap;
  • 15 ml of boiling water;
  • 1 tablespoon of table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp honey;
  • 1 st. l olive oil;
  • 1 tsp of any vitamin;
  • 1 tsp chlorophyllipt;
  • lavender essential oil;
  • 0.5 st. l baby cream;

Cooking method:

  • grate the bar on a grater;
  • fill with water and leave for a couple of hours;
  • add honey, castor oil, olive oil and stir;
  • add vinegar to the mixed mixture;
  • add glycerin, chlorophyllipt and vitamins;
  • shake everything in a mixer.

Natural laundry soap is the best at removing dirt, replacing powder for washing clothes in a washing machine, and suitable for washing dishes.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • 2 kg of soda;
  • 2.5 liters of hot water;
  • 250 g of soap;
  • essential oil.

Cooking process. Boil 1.5 liters of water, grate the soap and pour boiling water over the mixture. Put on low heat and stir until a homogeneous mass appears. In another bowl, dilute soda 1: 2, where 1 is water and 2 is soda. Add a mixture of baking soda and water to the soap mixture and mix until smooth. Add oil (essential) as desired. Pour into dispenser.

This mixture can be poured into the drum of the washing machine, approximately 100-200 ml. Soap is suitable for all fabrics except wool.

Benefits of laundry soap:

  • fights inflammatory processes;
  • fights viruses;
  • fights fungal diseases;
  • fights with thrush;
  • fights diseases of the oral cavity (rinse with a solution of water and soap);
  • relieves swelling (take a towel, wet it and rub it with soap; attach to the swelling);
  • remedy for abscesses;
  • hair loss remedy (use with shampoo).

If you want to make soap for washing, then use baby soap for the base. Always apply cream after washing. To prepare a cleanser, you will need an antibacterial or laundry soap.

If you want to make your soap unique and inimitable, then you can not do without additional components. This is where you let go of your imagination and make creative decisions. To make your soap unique, use honey or lotion. It is these ingredients that will give it moisturizing functions. To increase antibacterial properties, add 20 drops of lavender oil. Choose food colorings and then the color palette will not only be pleasing to the eye, but will not cause allergic reactions.