The happiness of people is the goal of our life. The purpose of life is not to be happy

What am I living for? Each of us asked ourselves this question at least once in our lives. We clearly realize that there is no meaning in an aimless life. But what are our goals? Chances are, most of us just want to be happy. And everyone plans for himself own way achieving happiness.

Ways to Happiness

Many will agree that the meaning of human life is the achievement of happiness for oneself and others. Someone is sure that only rich people can be happy. But one has only to look at those who have a fortune sufficient for a comfortable life for several generations to come, it becomes clear that such people are not at all happy. A person can have many friends, but there is no certainty that this is a sincere friendship, and not the use of relationships for personal gain. A person may be famous, but his entire personal life becomes public. The desire for fame and fortune, obviously, cannot be the meaning of human life.

Some people believe that happiness can be found in knowledge. But it is simply impossible to know everything in the world. In addition, a lot of knowledge is often wrong. And since absolute knowledge is unattainable, it is impossible to achieve happiness in this way.

Many people now believe that a happy person is one who has risen high in the career ladder and has power over other people. But how much strength will it take to stay on top? Such a person is undoubtedly respected, but is he loved? And where is the guarantee that he will not be “written off” when one day he “falls off the pedestal”? It is hardly possible to be happy when all the energy and time goes to work.

What is happiness"?

It is clear that achieving happiness is the main meaning of our life. So what is human happiness? Let's try to list what distinguishes a happy person:

It is hardly worth including money, power or knowledge in this list in the first place, because even without this, you can still be happy. Imagine if one day all financial system, all people will become equal in status, and no one will lead anyone, and all the knowledge that people possessed will become unnecessary. Who will be happy under such circumstances? The answer is obvious: the one who has loved ones and loved ones.

Love is the key to happiness. To love and be loved no matter what and in spite of everything - this is the meaning of human life! To love disinterestedly, not for something, but simply as God loves His creatures. There is no energy in the Universe more unexplored and more powerful than love. It is stronger than instincts, stronger than circumstances, and stronger than death itself. Everything comes to an end, but only love is eternal. loving person happy, and, on the contrary, there is no more unhappy person who does not have love. The Lord has endowed each of us with an innate desire to love and feel love. This means that God has given every person the opportunity to be happy.

Life goals

Happiness can be achieved by developing your ability to love. God has determined for man three main goals, striving for which a person can develop his ability to love and achieve inner harmony and happiness.

The first goal of human life is self-improvement.

God is the Great Teacher and an example for each of us. In an effort to draw closer to Him, we cultivate in ourselves best qualities We direct our actions towards creation. And this means that our self-improvement is impossible without a close relationship with God.

The second purpose of human life is the creation of a family.

We all need love. Love is the energy that gives us strength. In addition to the love of God, we also need the love of our loved ones. That is why every person strives to create a family - a small world where harmony and love can reign. For many, this is the main meaning of life. AND highest goal creating a family is, of course, the birth and upbringing of children.

And, finally, the third goal of human life is self-expression and creativity.

Following the example of the Creator, we strive to create something new, designed to improve the lives of others and beautify our world. We improve in our chosen profession, we invent and create something, seeing this as our calling.

Whatever goals we pursue in life, they will all fall into one of these three main categories. Understanding that the main meaning of human life is love and happiness, and the source of love and happiness is God, it is extremely important for us to build a close relationship with God.

The main goal of our life

There is no greater value in the universe than the pure energy of love. Each person, being born, receives a particle of this energy. And the main meaning of life is to preserve and nurture love, because only this love a person will take with him to heaven. The ripe fruit of love, nurtured by man, will become his air and bread. In fact, earthly life is only preparatory stage to eternal life in heaven. Just as a farmer takes care of his plants, we must protect and grow our love. Then we can count on happy life in heaven. Loving loved ones and sharing love with them is the main "fertilizer" for the seed of love, this is the most important and only meaning of human life!

True happiness is easy to find. You just need to love. Love with all your heart, as God loves all people. Parents are happy when their children are happy. Therefore, by becoming happy, we make our Heavenly Parent happy, and thereby bring the Kingdom of Heaven closer to the earth.

Happiness is the main goal and meaning of human life!

What is the most important thing for a person in his life?

This question can most often be answered that for a person, his own life is most important. Wouldn't a man, some people say, give everything he had to live?

You can also often hear in response that for a person, his health is most important. When a person, other people will say, suffers from a lack of health, he is also ready to sacrifice a lot. Sometimes lack of health brings a person such suffering that he is ready to give even his life, just to get rid of this suffering.

But in fact, for a person, the most important thing is his own happiness, the presence of joy in his life.

Even life and health itself are of lesser importance for a person than his inner spiritual state. This confirms the fact that many healthy people commit suicide when they are unhappy and have no hope of changing the state of affairs. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, there are many examples happy people who have big problems with health, financial situation, etc.

What about extreme situations? A person, even under normal conditions, is often ready to sacrifice his health, and sometimes, in the future, life itself for the sake of receiving positive emotions. For example, a diabetic can eat a piece of cake, an alcoholic drink a glass of wine, although both of them are well aware that this is categorically contraindicated for them. But they still go for it. And all in order to once again have fun.

This once again emphasizes that personal happiness, the presence of joy for a person is more important than their own health and even life itself.

If we look closely at the people around us, we will see that all of them, without exception, are only busy trying to have fun.

Someone tries to get pleasure through food, someone through alcohol, someone through nicotine, someone through intimate relationships, someone through the enjoyment of power, someone through the possession of money, etc.

Even those who do hard and unpleasant work do it in order to receive this or that reward, and with it positive emotions. Only in this case, not immediately, but after a while. For many, their work is not a pleasure, but they go to it and do what they are told to do only in order to get money later, with which they can finally get what they really want.

Whatever a person does, he always ends up doing the same thing. Namely, he always strives to receive positive emotions. The difference lies only in the means by which a person tries to achieve pleasure.

Even heroes who perform feats are driven by the desire to get positive emotions. Perhaps someone will angrily object to this that many people have committed and are performing heroic deeds completely disinterestedly.

And I don't deny it. Moreover, I am sure that this is true. But, nevertheless, I still dare to assert that they all performed and continue to perform their disinterested actions for the sake of personal pleasure.

How can this be? Let me explain what I mean. Selfless people take pleasure in bringing joy to others. This is a special category of people and their peculiarity lies in the way they receive positive emotions. But, despite their peculiarity, they also strive for personal happiness, even if often at a subconscious level.

By the way, this way of getting positive emotions perfect way suitable for living together. In this case, the person himself enjoys, and brings pleasure to others. Only with such values ​​is an ideal human community possible.

If a person who acts selflessly is deprived of the opportunity to rejoice that his actions bring joy to others, then he will certainly lose all interest in such actions. That is, he will lose the incentive to a selfless life and cease to perform selfless acts.

If you now look at yourself, you will see that your aspirations, ultimately, are aimed at obtaining personal positive emotions, at achieving personal happiness.

Thus, personal happiness is the main goal of any person's life!

And it is not necessary that a person consciously set personal happiness for himself as main goal. Happiness is perceived by a person as the main goal at a subconscious level. A person may not understand this and even deny it. But this is true.

What in the eyes of a person is worth spending your life on? Life - it is so valuable for a person that it is a pity for him to spend it in vain.

What is the meaning of human life? What does a person live for?

The meaning of a person's life is to enjoy what he most desires. This is what a person is born for! Only for this a person does not feel sorry for spending his only life.

That is, all human activity, all his life should be built around his own happiness. And this activity, if a person really wants to be happy, will consist in (1) controlling his desires, which should be only for his good, (2) expanding and (3) deepening his possibilities of achieving them, (4) strengthening and (5) protect what has been achieved along the way to your happiness.

This is the meaning of human life. That is what he deserves to live for. Only for this a person does not feel sorry for his precious life.

Thus, happiness is the meaning of human life!


Therefore, it is extremely important for a person to be able to be happy. Otherwise, he will suffer, and the meaning of life for him will be lost.

And here a pleasant surprise awaits a person, which lies in the fact that EVERYONE CAN BE HAPPY!!!

The main thing is to know how to achieve this.

Happiness for a person, especially a growing one, is always a multilateral, complex, extended, changing and developing concept. Happiness is the truth of life in its gradual development.

So, what are the constituent components of the complex phenomenon of happiness, from the harmonic fusion, the combination of what elements does it arise and form? Obviously, first of all, the condition human happiness is its natural and social environment. A person, a child in particular, is in a normal state of body and spirit, is able to feel calm, free and, in the presence of other conditions, when the normal cycle of the movement of nature is harmonious, there are no such natural disasters as heavy rains and floods, huge forest fires, earthquakes , mountain landslides and mudflows, droughts and epidemic diseases associated with them - influenza, typhoid, cholera, plague, AIDS, venereal diseases.

It is also necessary to have normal social conditions, primarily of universal, national, regional and microsocial significance. We are talking about the absence of wars, interethnic and civil clashes, economic upheavals, crises, social and political tensions, manifestations of hostility, nationalism and chauvinism, an avalanche-like increase in crime, manifestations of immorality, mass disintegration of families, degeneration mass culture. What is needed is a clear historical consciousness, a deep understanding of what is happening, and a socially optimistic outlook on the future. Without this, not only the physical but also the mental health of the nation is endangered. These are general terms and Conditions. However, the general, the abstract in society always acquires a concrete historical character.

Another condition for human happiness, along with the environment, is the biological and psychophysical environment of the formation and development of man. The human being is an indivisible, organically integral being, consisting of a physical organism and natural organization, emotional and rational spheres, including both instinctive, unconscious, and rational and intuitive. To immerse a person in a state of happiness, it is necessary not only to have health, the genetically qualitative state of each of the above-mentioned spheres that make up the human personality, but also their harmonious unity, interdependence and interchangeability.

Thus, the opportunity to be happy is provided to children not only by global circumstances, but also by natural, biological, psychophysiological conditions, the harmony of the interaction of internal and external principles.

The third condition for ensuring the happiness of a child can rightfully be considered the availability of opportunities for the full and comprehensive development of his essential natural and spiritual forces, self-realization of his individual-personal essence in labor and any other activity. Each child is a multilateral gifted human being, possessing bioenergy embedded in him, acting and manifesting through his essential forces, each of which naturally requires its development in activities and relationships.

Until now, we have been talking about the most important organic and social conditions for ensuring human happiness. However, the conditions, being necessary for happiness, do not automatically give birth to a happy person, do not provide happiness. Favorable Environment, contributing to the self-development of the individual, general health and the full functioning of organic bioenergy can leave a person in his attitude to life at the level of domestic satisfaction, pleasure, a feeling of pleasant well-being. In the bourgeois ideology, in the petty-bourgeois worldview, this is taken for happiness. A person plunges into an egoistic buzz, which eventually leads him to sensual and moral stupefaction, obesity, pride, swagger, in general, to bestiality and human likeness.

That is why, with other necessary and equal conditions, the core, the basis of human happiness is a healthy spirituality, that which constitutes the very essence of humanity and humanity. In order to be happy, each person needs to overcome in his consciousness the barrier separating human animality from human spirituality, to cross over the animal self, to enter the spiritual self.

However, children of different ages, objectively and subjectively striving for happiness, often experience seemingly significant and significant misfortunes that darken their lives. Depending on the age and level of development of the personality, individuality, misfortunes are experienced by them in the form of short, temporary, random grief or long-term failures, or long-term stable troubles, or not always conscious of genuine misfortune. Temporary, accidental chagrins include quarrels with parents, brothers and sisters, friends, comrades in an informal association. In this group of phenomena that give rise to temporary experiences in children, misfortunes and disruptions in learning, and conflicts with teachers, and temporary failures in games, contests, competitions, business relations, enterprises. How misfortune is perceived by children and adolescents are obstacles to the fulfillment of petty desires, the collapse of illusions, skirmishes with each other, petty humiliation and violence on the part of older children, forced influences from adults.

A feeling of long-term unhappiness arises in children of various age groups as a result of poor health, serious illness; loss of success in learning and systematic underachievement; loss of a positive status in the team, quarrels with friends and boycott on their part, isolation and loneliness, lack of communication; constant dissatisfaction with material needs, lack of real opportunities for self-realization in practical and creative activities; and for adolescence and youth, and as a result of contradictions between ideal love and unsatisfied sexual desires, love without reciprocity.

Adolescents, boys and girls in today's crisis conditions of society are often lured and pursued by persistent misfortunes. Among them are alienation from school and family, a break with school and the prospects of the social structure, self-expression and self-affirmation as a person; entering the path of petty speculation and major offenses; disintegration in the family, the dominance of poverty and drunkenness in it; infection with the psychology of profit, susceptibility to the manipulation of bourgeois mass culture and political machinations; loneliness, infringement in freedom, sense of honor and human dignity; feeling and experiencing feelings of inferiority, humiliation and insult as a result of the deepening social stratification in society, the polarization of wealth and poverty; immersion in the vicious addictions of alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction, smoking; slipping to the social bottom. As a result of all these temporary, accidental, long-term and persistent sorrows, failures and misfortunes, under a combination of adverse circumstances, the most cardinal human misfortune can happen for a child - the loss of the opportunity to acquire true spirituality, a moral and aesthetic attitude to life, to acquire moral freedom of choice, conscience and responsibility. In the secular, sociocultural sense of understanding spirituality, it is opposed by immorality and life beyond good and evil. In the religious interpretation of spirituality, it is opposed to sinfulness.

All these childhood misfortunes must be overcome on the basis of general provisions about happiness and happiness in the process of pedagogical organization of children's life, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of children of different age groups.

Likhachev B.T. Philosophy of education. Special course:

Tutorial for university students educational institutions. –
M., 1995. - S.124-125.

2.5. Love is the goal, content and means of education

It is difficult to overestimate the importance, place and role of love in people's lives and in the system of educational relations between children and adults. With love begins the normal conception of a child; love accompanies his intrauterine development and birth; love hovers over a happy family; Love blossoms the life of a happy person. He loves intuitively and is preparing for great intimate love. Love for people and all living things ultimately makes a person human, able to enjoy life and pass on the baton of love to future generations of children and adults. Love is one of the natural and social foundations morality, the existence of human society. In pedagogy, a lot and often talked about love for children as a obligatory condition pedagogical activity of adults. But the question of love as the main spiritual content of the morality of the individual, as the goal and means of education, was very rarely raised. Perhaps only Christianity speaks of cultivating love for people in a person as a decisive condition for his morality and humanity. In other, especially secular, pedagogical systems, it is rather about the relationship of love between children and adults in a closed pedagogical space, about love as one of the means of shaping the personality, its individual moral traits and qualities. And this, of course, is important. However, from the point of view of the universal ideals of education, love is not only a means, but also a goal that determines the morality, humanism and humanity of the individual.

The content essence of educational, conscious pedagogical love can be characterized by several semantic ideas. First of all, love is a teacher's sincere and indestructible desire for children to be happy. Of course, happiness, understood not as ordinary well-being and complacency, but as the development of all the essential forces of the child, his morality, the ability to achieve harmony in relations with people and to himself. This is the difference between pedagogical love and parental love, which often focuses on indulging children, protecting and protecting them from worries, anxieties, work, anxiety, efforts for self-sufficiency and self-development.

However, the desire for happiness for children alone is not enough to realize it. It is necessary to have an active and active attitude towards the child as a beloved being. Recognizing the child as the subject of education, a loving teacher sees this subjectivity not in leaving the child to himself, leaving him to the mercy of fate, but in constantly entering into close active, meaningful relationships and interactions of cooperation, commonwealth, assistance, co-creation with him. , communication. It is only in these close interactions that a child's personality is born, its active principle is revealed, sparks of talent are manifested, a feeling of joy and an experience of the happiness of being are born.

The teacher's love for children is also characterized by such moral personality traits as devotion to his pupils and sacrifice towards them. Pedagogical love is not just a sentimental feeling, sympathy and empathy, spontaneously and freely arising and fading in the educator. This is also the fulfillment of the highest duties of an adult in relation to the growing one, this is his highest responsibility for children before his own conscience and people who have entrusted him with their most precious and sacred. And, as you know, love-responsibility is a manifestation of the highest human morality associated with asceticism, self-restraint. Renunciation in a number of cases from personal pleasures and conveniences. However, this asceticism is not a negative phenomenon. It gives a joyful consciousness of humanity and spirituality, the highest moral and aesthetic satisfaction as a result of love for children.

Pedagogical love is also characterized by patience and the ability to console. The process of raising children is long, complex, painstaking in its diversity and variety of life relationships. Human nature is enriched and developed slowly and unhurriedly. And only a loving educator, filled with patience in interactions with a child, is able to get into the measured rhythm of the formation of a child's personality, to support the pupil in time. Comfort in failure and encourage in success.

Finally, it is impossible not to note such an indispensable property of pedagogical love as the exactingness of the educator to himself, as self-improvement. The teacher, in order to be at a high level (spiritual) of love for children, should not be dismissed, broken down, stoop to the ordinary, spontaneity and uncontrollability in behavior. This requires daily improvement of one's spirit, will, thoughts, enrichment of oneself with the spiritual culture of mankind and constant performance of practical acts of love. These can be actions of care, mercy, patience, sympathy, help, consolation, respect, attention, friendly participation.

However, pedagogical love is not a one-sided phenomenon, closed only in the personality of the teacher. It exists as a connection, as a loving interaction with children, as an awakening, the development of love in children and reliance on this feeling in them.

What are the main mechanisms for the development of human spiritual love in people in general and in children in particular?

First of all, this is the creation in the children's team, among children, between children and adults of the conditions for the emergence and functioning in relations of feelings that contribute to the free birth of spiritual love. This is both a manifestation of care for each other, and the observance of a certain etiquette, politeness, even gallantry, especially in relations between boys and girls. This encouragement of sympathy and sympathy, positive emotional relationships, delicacy, trust. This is mutual support, loyalty in friendship, camaraderie, and even sacrifice. Of particular importance is the development in children of understanding and feeling the beauty of human spiritual relations, the aesthetics of behavior, clothing, everyday life, and all life. Love in the children's environment is supported by the whole spiritual and moral atmosphere: tolerance towards each other's convictions, but also strictness, exactingness, mutual obligation in business relations to study, to work, to ourselves. The development of love in children is impossible without the struggle against immoral relations and the influences of the environment, individual programs of means mass media, promoting sex, selfishness, violence, cynicism, allowing mockery of spiritual shrines, the spread of foul language. Finally, the birth of a tender, light, vulnerable flower of spiritual love in children's souls is inextricably linked with the moral self-improvement and self-education of young people. You cannot love people if you do not overcome in yourself hostility, disgust for another person, a feeling of anger, envy and revenge.

Another way of origin and development of love for children is feeling, knowing the beauty of the world and creating according to its laws. Beauty, as an objective phenomenon of reality, awakens in a person a free, spontaneously manifested, subjective feeling that stimulates behavior and activity, delivering deep, sublime spiritual pleasure. We can say that beauty is the core of love, its essence.

Finally, there is one more moral mechanism for maintaining and stimulating the sprouts of love in the soul of a child. It is associated with the self-improvement of the individual and consists in the developed ability of internal aesthetic dissatisfaction, readiness for moral repentance. It is important for a person in general, and even more so for a child, to live with the consciousness and experience of his moral and aesthetic imperfection. No matter how a person lives, in his development he can never reach the ideal. And the essence of moral and aesthetic education is not at all to achieve the impossible, the absolute heights of beauty and morality. The essence lies precisely in the endless, as long as a person is alive, self-improvement, in striving for the unattainable, for morality is not a frozen absolute, namely, aspiration, deed, movement, process.

Likhachev B.T. Philosophy of education. Special course: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M., 1996. - S. 140-154.

The purpose of our life is to become happy. 20 life lessons from the Dalai Lama January 16th, 2017

Every morning, when you wake up, start by thinking: “Today I was lucky - I woke up. I'm alive, I have this precious human life, and I won't waste it."
People were made to be loved, and things were made to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the opposite.
Remember that not always what you want is what you really need. Be kinder whenever possible. And this is always possible.
Prosperity comes from action, not prayer.
If God wants to make you happy, then he leads you on the most difficult path, because there are no easy paths to happiness.

Arrogance is never justified. It comes from low self-esteem or temporary, superficial achievements.

The theme of compassion has nothing to do with religion. This is a universal cause, a single condition for the survival of the human race.

If you can help, help. If not, at least do no harm.

I don't celebrate birthdays. For me, this day is no different. In a way, every day is a birthday. You wake up in the morning, everything is fresh and new, and the main thing is that this new day brings you something important.

The purpose of our life is to become happy.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards life, you can be happy even in the most adverse conditions.

Our enemies give us a golden opportunity to practice patience, fortitude, and compassion. I believe that really true religion is a good heart.

We must dominate technology, not become its slaves.

Great change starts with individuals; peace in the world is based on inner peace and peace in the heart of every single person. Each of us can contribute.

Each of us is responsible for all of humanity.

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples, there is no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our heart is our temple; our philosophy is kindness.

The planet doesn't need a lot of " successful people". The planet is in desperate need of peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers and lovers of all kinds. She needs people who are good to live with.

The planet needs people with morality and love, who will make the world alive and humane.

And these qualities have little to do with "success" as it is defined in our society. The Dalai Lama was once asked what amazed him the most. He replied:

- Human.

Initially, he sacrifices his health in order to earn money. Then he spends money on restoring health. At the same time, he is so worried about his future that he never enjoys the present.

As a result, he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he will never die, and when he dies, he regrets that he did not live.

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and this tradition dates back to 1391. Tibetans believe that their spiritual mentor is reborn in different guises, keeping the wisdom of the ages.

The current 14th Dalai Lama is Danjing Jamtso.

He survived many trials during the invasion of Chinese troops into the territory of Tibet and dreams of creating a zone of peace and non-violence, harmony between man and nature on the territory of his country. In 1989 he was awarded Nobel Prize for a plan to restore peace and human rights in Tibet.

His lessons of goodness and light are followed by millions of people who have realized that there is nothing more important than peace and tranquility in the soul: