Entertaining birthday contests for adults. Birthday Contests

Each of the guests in turn tells a poem, expressively, with intonation, in general, in all efforts. After everyone has told, the host says that it's time to find out the winner. And the winner will be the person with the largest foot size. And interesting, and fun, and unexpected.

Dream bags

The leader has two bags. One of them is filled with notes that all the guests wrote at the beginning of the party. The notes indicate what they would like to give to the birthday boy if they could. Each note is signed. In the second bag there are tokens with a variety of tasks - it depends on the organizer. The host brings the first bag to the birthday man, he sorts through the leaves for a long time and finally takes out one of them and reads. Tamada authoritatively says: "This thing will definitely appear in your possession within a year if the author of the note completes the task." And he invites the author to take the token out of the second bag, and then demonstrate how sincere the wish was.

Meet this is an elephant

All guests-participants stand in a circle. Each in turn calls one animal - interesting and most unusual in their opinion. For example, an elephant is big, with a long trunk and kind eyes. When all the guests have named their animal, the host announces that it is time to introduce his neighbor and say a few words about him. The performance goes clockwise. That is, the first guest, pointing to the second, says, get acquainted, this is Yura (the animal does not name, but only describes it with the words that he used to describe the elephant), Yura is big, with a long trunk and kind eyes, and so on. It will turn out very funny and interesting.

When and with whom

Each guest talks about meeting the birthday boy in just three words, for example, September, stadium, last century or winter, shop, coffee, and so on. The birthday man, after listening to the guests, must guess what the guests were talking about the moment they met him. If he guesses, all participants will receive prizes, and if not, the birthday boy will fulfill the desire of the public.


Each contestant will need 2 glasses and a straw. One glass is filled to the top with water. The task is to move the liquid from one container to another using only a straw. The winner is the one who brings as much water as possible to the second glass.

Silent handshake

The focus is on the birthday man, who is blindfolded. The guests take turns approaching the hero of the day and congratulating him, silently shaking hands, and he, in turn, must determine who is so sincere or not very shaking his hand.

Vodka or vodka

Each of the participants on a tray at a certain distance is brought two glasses: one with water, the second with vodka. The guest must intuitively guess where the glass is and drink a glass of vodka for the health of the birthday man. If the guest drinks a glass of water, the guest is fined - he fulfills the wish of the birthday man.

A couple that doesn't give up

Guests are divided into pairs: a woman-man. The participants of each pair stand with their backs to each other, their hands are tied. At the command of the host, all pairs begin to squat, whoever gives up first is eliminated, and so the game continues until the last participant, or rather, until the last pair. The strongest couple, which never gives up for anything, is entitled to a prize.

I see it that way

Each guest receives a sheet of paper and a pencil, as well as a task: to draw a birthday boy, as he sees him. It can be a caricature or a cartoon, a portrait or even a painting in the style of Van Gogh. All guests are given approximately 5-7 minutes for creativity. And then the best picture is chosen by voting, and its author is awarded a prize. And the guests are pleased to express themselves at the holiday, and the birthday person himself will be pleased to receive unique paintings from the guests as a keepsake.

Adults, like children, love entertainment and competition. Dance competitions and comic games at an adult's birthday will create a festive atmosphere and make everyone present at the party laugh and have fun to the fullest. Clockwork relay races and quizzes will bring the guests of the holiday together and create a warm friendly atmosphere.

    Game "Cucumber"

    All guests participate in the game. Among all the participants, the host chooses one person. He will be the leader. All other players stand in a tight circle around him. The hands of all participants must be behind. The leader gives one of the players a cucumber in his hand so that the leader does not understand who has it in his hands.

    After the “start” command, the participants begin to pass the vegetable to each other. At every opportunity, when the driver is turned away, the cucumber must be bitten off. The task of the player in the circle is to determine who is holding the vegetable in his hands behind his back. Having guessed this person, the driver and the one who held the cucumber change places. The game continues until the participants have eaten the entire vegetable.

    Funny contest. It involves 3 people. The host sits the participants at the tables and places three plates in front of each of them: one with a slice of banana, the second with a slice of cake and the third with candy. Then he blindfolds them.

    The task of the participants is to eat as quickly as possible, without the help of their hands, what lies in front of them in the plates. The essence of the competition is that after the players are blindfolded, the presenter replaces the products in each plate. Instead of a banana, he puts a piece of lemon, instead of a cake - an onion, and instead of a candy - a piece of sugar.

    The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

    The game "Nowhere more fun"

    Play game. It involves two men. The host informs them that the outcome of the game will be fun, and the participants will not be completely clean. After that, he sits them opposite each other at the table and puts them in the middle of the table. Balloon. Then the host tells the men that their task is to blow the ball onto the opponent's half of the table. After that, he blindfolds them. The participants do not understand why the host talked about the funny end of the game if you just need to blow off the balloon. But the whole point is that after the men no longer see anything and begin to blow on the ball, the host puts a plate of flour in its place. And then the participants realize that they have become victims of a prank.

    Everyone can participate in the competition. Participants are divided into pairs. Each team gets a banana.

    The task of each pair is to peel the banana from the peel and eat it as quickly as possible, without the help of hands (teeth). The team that completes the task faster wins.

    5 people participate in the competition. The host gives each participant a straw for cocktails and 2 glasses each: empty and with water.

    The task of the contestants is to pour as much liquid as possible from one glass into another through a hole in the straw in 1 minute. The winner is the participant who, after the expiration of time, manages to pour more water through the straw.

It is no secret that in a large and cheerful company Celebrating a birthday is always more interesting. The feast begins, as a rule, with congratulatory words addressed to the birthday man, toasts, then everyone starts to eat, and after the holiday turns into dancing. But, however, in the end, guests can get bored. To prevent this from happening, it is not at all necessary to invite a toastmaster to the celebration, you can do it on your own, having prepared home competitions in advance. In our article, we will consider which adult birthday contests can be of interest to absolutely everyone.

sit-down contests

At the very beginning of the holiday, you can cheer up invited friends and relatives by arranging small contests without even leaving the table.

"Reading minds aloud"

This competition is probably familiar to many, it is often beaten at weddings and anniversaries. Its essence is as follows: the main hero of the occasion or his assistants from friends prepare cuts from songs known to everyone in advance, a headdress is also needed. It is best if it is a wide hat. Then one of the guests walks along the others, putting a hat on his head, at this moment the music turns on. Thus, the hat "tells" others about the thoughts of the person sitting. Very funny contest.

"Guess the Picture"

This competition is suitable at the very beginning of the celebration, when guests are still able to think logically. A small picture is being prepared, the plot of which is familiar to everyone (best of all, something from the classics). Next, prepare a larger sheet, and cut a small circle in it. Whoever wants to lead this competition goes to the picture and moves the sheet along it, opening the fragments of the picture one by one. Whoever guessed the picture - well done!

funny game

The essence of the game is quite simple - you need to use the funny syllable "ha" or "hee" in it. The task of the guests is to pronounce it with a very serious look, while not laughing. Each next player adds a new "ha" or "chi" to the previous chain. If someone starts laughing, the game resets. It won't be easy to stop laughing.

Birthday Contests: help to entertain guests and create a festive mood

Dance competitions

As soon as the guests cheered up, ate, then you can dance.

Dance "train"

Prepare cheerful incendiary music in advance. The guests get into the “train”, and the host commands where in this chain people put their hands forward to the standing one - it can be shoulders, waist, hips, heels, anything. At the command of the host, the hands rise to a new place, and the guests continue to dance. Those who can dance in any position without unhooking from their "trailer" will win.

"Dance with your body"

A very funny game in which the participants are divided into pairs. Each of which, at the command of the leader, dances with that part of the body that the leader calls. For example, feet, hands, cheeks, back of the head and others. That pair, which practically did not go astray, will win. You can complicate the competition by adding balls to it. Dancing with balls is much more difficult and funnier.

"Dance like me"

This competition will awaken dance talent even among those who did not know about it. All guests stand in a circle, and in the middle stands the one chosen by the majority. He will be the main dancer. The task is as follows: to the music, all the guests repeat the movements of the one in the circle. The music changes - the dance changes, then another is chosen as the main dancer. The main thing is to choose interesting musical accompaniments, the most different in sound.

Birthday Contests: there are sitting, dancing, creative

Creative contests

From dancing to creativity.

"Merry tailor"

For this competition you need a thread. Guests are divided into two teams: men and women, in each of which a captain is selected. It is he who will need to “sew” everyone. To do this, the female captain “sews” everyone with a thread, passing it through the sleeves, hairpins and everything that the thread can catch on. The male captain does the same among the men, "sewing" them according to the elements of clothing. Which team completes everything the fastest wins.


Many people know this game since their youth, for adult company it has not lost its relevance. All guests give some of their personal item to the host, and he puts it in a container. She shouldn't shine. Next, one person is selected who will sit with his back to the leader and, with his eyes closed, take out "forfeits", that is, someone's thing. After that, he comes up with some task for the owner of the thing. Each task should be new, for greater gaiety it is better not to repeat them. Such a game will be able to keep everyone present for a long time.


A very fun and creative game for adults. Two people are selected, one of whom thinks of a certain animal (it can be not only an animal, but also any inanimate object). Then the second person comes out, stands in front of everyone and without words depicts what was hidden. The guesser becomes the next "crocodile" and shows a new scene.


The guests are seated at the table. The host chooses a specific topic, for example, movie characters, cartoon characters, or any other. Each of the guests comes up with a word and fastens a note on the forehead of the person sitting next to him so that he does not see what was written. Then, in a circle, sitting next to him with the help of questions, the answers to which can only be “yes” and “no”, tries to guess what is written on his forehead.

Such adult birthday contests will help all big company get to know each other better and get to know each other faster. Finally, a few tips for preparing games:

  1. Try to involve as many people as possible, then the guests will not feel deprived of the attention of the birthday man;
  2. It is better to prepare the requisites for competitions in advance;
  3. There should be enough space for competitions, especially mobile ones;
  4. Think over the musical material;
  5. Stock up on small gift items for the winners and losers.

It is not so difficult to please your guests with interesting entertainment, the main thing is the desire of the birthday man to create a festive and friendly atmosphere. Your family and friends will remember such a birthday for a long time.

When a company of adults gathers around a table to celebrate someone's birthday, then, as a rule, the feast turns into nostalgic memories of the past. There is nothing wrong with this, but turning such a happy day into empty chatter and stuffing your stomachs with delicious food is not at all the format of the holiday that the birthday person wants. How to revive such a company? Of course, use the funniest contests! Their choice is so large and varied that it is suitable for both liberated young people and more mature birthday people.

Alcohol contests


Contests for a company of adults on a birthday are often not complete without alcohol, for example, this one. Before each participant, a glass of alcohol (you can use water) and an empty glass, as well as a straw for a cocktail, are placed on the table. Their task is to quickly pour liquid from one glass to another using a straw.

Funny toast tasks for guests

Not all people love and know how to make toasts, and many simply get off with the banal “I wish you health and happiness!”. Therefore, very funny alcohol contests for the birthday of adults are especially popular. To avoid these difficulties, and at the same time to amuse the audience, you can invite guests to say congratulations in an unusual style. Each guest needs to be given a piece of paper on which instructions are given on how he should pronounce his toast. Here are some fun options here:

  • Compose a congratulatory phrase, all the words of which would begin with one letter, for example, “We wish you hot wishes, a cheerful life, burning women!”.
  • Use some animal in the greeting, for example, “Stay slim like a doe!”.
  • Associate a congratulatory speech with food, for example, "May your life be sweet as honey!".
  • Make a toast in a foreign language.
  • Give a list of words from which the speaker himself must make his own toast.
  • Sing your congratulations.

Vulgar contests

Scrambled eggs

Anyone who is looking for funny mobile contests can choose one that will be the apogee of a party for a well-heated company. The most “torn off” men will agree to participate in it. To the belt of each participant on a rope is tied a transparent plastic bag with a couple of raw chicken eggs with the expectation that they dangle at the level of the knees. The first pair is called to the “ring”. The "fighters", legs wide apart and slightly crouching, begin to swing their egg bags with the help of swaying their hips, trying to hit them on the opponent's balls. The one whose eggs will not stand and break, leaves the battlefield in disgrace, to which the next pair is invited.

The winners who have kept both or at least one egg then meet among themselves, revealing the final winner, who after the end of the competition can be safely called "The Man with the Strongest Eggs" and awarded with a special prize. Although traditionally this game is played among men, it can also be played by women (after all, it is the hen that lays the eggs, not the rooster).

Women things

This is not the end of vulgar birthday contests for adults. The next one is only for men who are going to feel a bit like women for a while. At the same time, the task before them is not at all difficult, every woman does it with ease every day - you need to put on a bra, and as quickly as possible. Such a trick is not easy for all men, so it will be fun for the assembled guests to watch the attempts of men.

When all the participants of the competition can finally put on the “cups”, having identified the winner, the next task will be to remove them, again, competing for a while. Surely among the participants there is one who, puffing and blushing, will say that he is used to taking bras off girls, and not putting them on himself.

fun replacement

To conduct this competition, you need to choose a girl and two guys. The girl is laid on the sofa, and small edible objects (nuts, pieces of cookies, etc.) are laid out on her body. After that, one of the guys is blindfolded and offered to eat everything that lies on the girl, without hands and blindfolded. At the command of the host, the guy starts sophisticated attempts, but the thing is that before, instead of the girl, another guy quietly appears on the couch. More and more, the guy who comes into lust only then begins to feel something was wrong when wild laughter begins around him.

But remember - such obscene birthday contests are only allowed for adults with a good sense of humor. Therefore, include this competition in your list only if you are sure that the company will adequately respond to it.

Funny intimate contests

Red girl

Among the guests of the party, the host needs to choose several ladies who came in skirts. Finding them, he lays a rug on the floor, and blindfolds the ladies. Their task is to pass over the mat with legs wide apart so as not to touch it. After all the girls have completed this task, the leader quickly lays himself face up over the rug and asks the ladies to remove their blindfolds. The winner of the competition is the lady who, at the sight of the opened picture, blushes more than others. How do you like this funny intimate birthday contest?


Dial 3-4 couples to participate in the competition. Girls under an incendiary melody should “make deposits” - hide small denomination banknotes in the clothes of their young people. When all the “contributions” are made, the young people are switched, and the host suddenly shouts “Default! Get your deposits!" Under a different melody, the girls must have time to find and withdraw “deposits” within a certain time. It will be even more interesting to offer to take other people's "deposits".

Rzhachnye contests and entertainment

For some reason, more often respectable people believe that entertainment contests are more to the face of the kids, however, this is not so. Even respectable adult uncles and aunts can get involved in funny birthday contests. You just need to relax, trust the host, and get not only pleasure, but also a good mood!

Compromising evidence

Adults should involve married couples in such contests and birthday entertainment. Men, secretly from their wives, write on a piece of paper under the numbers the names of 10 any animals. The women in their circle do the same. When the game starts, the host starts the phrase and asks the wives to continue it with the word that is under the first number in the list, and words are added strictly according to the list for the next questions. It turns out that the husband

  • Handsome as...
  • Affectionate like...
  • Protective like...
  • Independent as...
  • Authoritative as...
  • Strong like...
  • Fast like...
  • Similar in character to...
  • It looks like…
  • etc.

Then the turn to characterize the wives goes to the husbands. And then it turns out that the wife:

  • With relatives like...
  • In transportation, like...
  • In a shop like...
  • With colleagues like...
  • With friends like...
  • In a cafe or restaurant, like…
  • On vacation like…
  • With kids like...
  • At the spa, like…
  • etc.

draw an elephant

Guests are divided into two teams, which are given a sheet of paper. Next, the team members take turns and blindfolded to draw the elements of an elephant: the first is the body, the second is the head, the third is the trunk, the fourth is the legs, etc. The team whose drawing is a little more reminiscent of this animal is declared the winner.


Holiday birthday contests do not have to be crowded, for example, 3 people participate in this. The host sits them at the table and puts a plate in front of each: one with a slice of banana, the other with an apple, the third with a slice of cake. After that, he blindfolds them and explains that they must, on command, as quickly as possible, without using their hands, eat their treat. But after all the participants are blindfolded, their desserts are replaced with something else, for example, instead of a banana, a cucumber, instead of an apple, a lemon, and instead of a cake, a piece of sausage with mustard. The participant who, despite the unexpected taste of his treat, will be the first to eat it will win.

milk the cow

Do you want balloon contests? They can be extremely funny, especially if they are not ordinary air balloons and medical gloves. Participants should be divided into pairs and each pair should be given a rubber glove, with pinholes on each finger. Water is poured into the gloves. One player holds a glove, and the second tries to "milk" it. Whoever milks more is the winner. This competition looks all the more fun the less people who know what the milking process looks like participate in it.


Cool mobile contests are very diverse. In this case, pairs of players can compete, to the belt of which a potato is tied on a long cord, which should almost touch the floor. Two empty packs of cigarettes are placed on the floor at the start line. The task of the rivals is to push the pack of potatoes swinging between the legs to the finish line faster than the opponent.

Cool harmless contests for everyone

25 compliments

All guests of the holiday must be divided into 2 teams and each should be given a blank sheet of paper. In 2.5 minutes, each team must write 25 compliments on their sheet. After that, the host selects the sheets and compares the inscriptions on them, crossing out the same compliments. The team that wrote more original congratulations is declared the winner.


There are also competitions for the birthday boy, in which he takes part on an equal basis with the invited guests, and here he gets the main role. The birthday boy is seated in the center of the room on a chair or at the head of the table so that from there he can see all those gathered. Only the host stands behind him and from there shows the guests cards with some facts (“wears a suit”, “has given birth to twins”, “traveled abroad”, “rides a bicycle”, etc.) relating to someone from those present. The one to whom this fact applies must rise from his seat, and there may be several such people. The task of the birthday man is to understand what fact connects these people.

find me

To all those present at the birthday party, the host should distribute pieces of paper on which they should describe their appearance. After that, all the leaves are collected in a box or bag. The host takes the first sheet out of the box, reads it out, and everyone tries to guess who this description fits. Each contestant has only one attempt per description. The winner of the competition is the one who was able to identify the most guests from the descriptions.

magic ball

This modern birthday contest is a bit like the American habit of wrapping small gifts in lots of big boxes. Well, we can transfer this tradition in the form of a joke to our holiday. To do this, we blind the "magic" ball.

First you need to prepare: find short riddles and write them on scraps of paper. Then you need to take a small souvenir and wrap it in foil. Attach a piece of paper with a riddle to the foil with tape. Then wrap the gift again with the next layer of foil and attach another puzzle to it again. As a result of such layers, at least 6-7 should be obtained. At the same time, the most difficult riddle should be in the depths, and the simplest one on the outside.

Next, you need to throw lots, who will be the first to begin to unfold the resulting magic ball. After removing the first layer of foil, the first participant gets to the first riddle, which he must solve in 5 seconds. If he fails, then everyone else comes to his aid, and the one who does it first gets the right to remove the next layer of foil and guess the second riddle. In the end, whoever solves the last riddle wins the prize.


Such competitions for adults are quite acceptable on children's day birth. Guests need to be divided into two teams, which should be seated on opposite sides of the table. Determine a leader for each team. The first team must guess a word on a topic related to the celebration of the birthday, and its leader must secretly say this word to the leader of the opposing team. He should try to portray this word to his team with facial expressions and gestures. The players can ask him questions, but the facilitator can only nod "yes" or "no".

You can guess the word for 3 minutes, and if it remains unguessed, then the team is punished by a phantom, for example, to sing a song in honor of the birthday man.

How to use?

An item is placed on the table in front of the contestants. Next, they take turns to come up with a real action that can be performed with this object. The player who could not come up with another application is eliminated from the competition. In the end, there is only one winner.


To all players, the leading "conductor" distributes cards with the names of cities - "tickets" with destinations. It then starts asking if the player knows what country their city is in. If he answers correctly, then the conductor punches his ticket. The winner is the "traveler" who scored the most validated tickets.

Music competitions

Ditties competition

Unusual music competitions are always fun. For this song competition, you need to prepare prizes and a list of interesting words that should be inserted into the composed ditties. From the guests present, you need to put together several teams of 3-5 people. Then the facilitator pronounces a word that each team must insert into their ditty. About 3-5 minutes are allocated for creativity. The team that did not have time to compose something is eliminated from the competition, and the rest perform their ditties to the music. Then comes the turn of a new word and new ditties.

The team that manages to compose the most ditties wins. If several teams coped with the task equally well, then the winner is determined by the volume of applause.

Who is thinking about what

If you decide not only to dance, but also to make a funny musical break, then you should first ask the presenter to prepare cool music competitions. He will pre-select fragments from songs that can somehow characterize appearance or the thoughts of the guests, and also find a spectacular hat. When all the guests are sitting at the table, the host announces that he has got a magic hat that can read minds. After that, he puts it on the head of the guest and at the same time a fragment of the song is turned on.

What competitions did you like the most? What other interesting entertainment can you offer for an adult's birthday? Write about it in the comments.