The DIA depreciated Novitsky's pension fund investments. Pension schemer Evgeny Novitsky Evgeny Novitsky biography

Failed to enter six under his control pension funds in the system of guaranteeing pension savings. The regulator had complaints about the implementation of anti-money laundering laws, as well as doubts about reliability investment. Judging by recent events, doubts about Nowitzki were fully justified.

Report on the valuation of the assets of a closed share investment fund(ZPIF) "Perspective", which were bought out by NPF metallurgists, NPF "Mechel Fund" and NPF "CCI Fund", today posted on the website DIA, which conducts the procedure for the liquidation of these funds. As follows from the report, in comparison with the book value of 373 million rubles as of November 1, their market price was seven times lower and amounted to 55 million rubles. A significant contribution to the depreciation of the units of the closed-end mutual investment fund was provided by the purchase of bonds Vneshprombank for 70 million rubles. CB withdrew his license at the beginning of last year, the owner of the bank Georgy Bedzhamov now hiding in Europe, his sister and companion Larisa Markus arrested. The funds' investments in the bonds of UNGP-Finance LLC, Delta-Finance LLC, Telehouse LLC and Solomensky Lesozavod PJSC, which defaulted on their debt securities, were also unsuccessful.

The funds included in the DIA report, along with NPF Ural FD, "Zerich" and the First NPF were part of Novitsky's group. For all funds of the group and their asset manager UK "Pallada Asset Management" The Bank of Russia at the beginning of summer 2016 revoked the licenses. The main condition for the entry of these funds into the guarantee system, which was put forward by the Central Bank, was the replacement of troubled assets with liquid ones. But Evgeny Novitsky, apparently, did not go further than negotiations.

Representatives of other NPFs comment on the situation with Novitsky solely on condition of anonymity. "It looks like a withdrawal of assets. The group's funds bought shares of dubious issuers, live assets in this closed-end investment fund amounted to 10-15%, which was shown final grade", - notes the head of a large pension fund. Another interlocutor of "Kommersant" from the top 10 management companies notes that part of the investments of ZPIF Yevgeny Novitsky was placed in liquid securities - Gazprom shares, VEB-leasing bonds and MCB - "to create the appearance of marketability."

When it comes to the withdrawal of assets, the specific tools - closed-end investment funds, ISU, bonds - are not so important, says Pavel Mitrofanov, managing director for corporate ratings at Expert RA. “It is important that a low-quality and, as a rule, illiquid asset is bought at an inflated cost. In cases where bonds were used as instruments, their maintenance, as a rule, was actually carried out at the expense of the beneficiaries. Naturally, with the revocation of licenses from NPFs for the instruments through which the financing of joint-stock projects went, the service was also stopped," Mitrofanov notes.

The chances of recovering funds in court from former managers and beneficiaries of NPFs, management companies and companies issuing default bonds remain, but experts estimate them extremely low.

Thus, the prospects for such cases partly depend on the specifics of the agreements between the NPF and the Criminal Code. “When signing a management agreement, the parties stipulate such points in the risk declaration. If the bad faith of the decrease (or overestimation) of the value of assets is not proven, then 55.8 million rubles will appear in the bankruptcy estate of the NPF, and unfavorable market conditions will be recognized as the reason for the decrease in value ", - Aleksey Antonov, an analyst at Alor Broker, notes. According to a partner law firm Lidings Andrey Zelenin, the process of judicial recovery can stretch for three to five years without guarantees of a successful outcome.

By law pension savings of NPFs whose license has been revoked must be returned to the PFR. In case of insufficient funds on the account of the insured person, the Central Bank must compensate them based on the amount of the transferred contributions to the NPF. In this case, the received investment income is not subject to compensation.

Novitsky Evgeny Grigorievich– independent director of the largest Russian innovative and financial institutions, Candidate of Technical Sciences, top manager and leading Russian expert in the field of managing large high-load projects, information security and strategic management diversified corporations, chairman board of trustees and Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, philanthropist and philanthropist, an active participant in the movement of charitable sports marathons.

Born in 1957 in the Tomsk region in a family of workers. In 1985 he graduated from the Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman with a degree in Production aircraft". After graduation, he remains at the department as an engineer-mathematician. At the same time, Novitsky is receiving additional education at the newly founded department of management at MGIMO and the Manchester Business School (The University of Manchester, Great Britain). In 1995, Novitsky defended his thesis on information security and management of diversified corporations and created his own IT start-up specializing in the development of complex software product- from operating systems to application software for managing companies and ensuring information security. Over the next 10 years, Novitsky himself and his innovative company are successfully developing. He manages the development and production of several lines of domestic computers, oversees the assembly of IBM computers at the production facilities of the Kvant plant. In 1995, Evgeny Novitsky, who has fully established himself as an effective manager and expert in the field of IT technologies, is invited to lead the team of a financial and investment startup - the newly formed financial and industrial group AFK Sistema. Under the leadership of Evgeny Novitsky for 11 next years AFK Sistema becomes the largest service-oriented company in Russia and the CIS. Novitsky, together with Deloitte & Touche, is developing a long-term development strategy for AFK Sistema.

In 2013, Evgeny Novitsky takes the lead of a new major project and holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of First National Pension Fund JSC, in which 6 private pension funds were concentrated at once. As in AFK Sistema, within the framework of the NPF, Novitsky begins to build a transparent asset management system.

The fund management policy was aimed at maximum security of pensioners' funds. To manage the assets of the group's NPFs, they engaged such management companies as VTB Capital Pension Reserve, Gazprombank-Asset Management, Management Company Kapital and others, in total - 8 status management companies. All funds annually conducted an actuarial valuation of their assets and liquidity, disclosed actuaries' reports on their websites on the Internet in the public domain.

The teams of non-state pension funds of the Novitsky group made every possible effort to become members of the Pension Savings Guarantee System in accordance with the amended legislation, fulfilling all the recommendations and instructions of the competent authorities on the replacement of assets, etc. But they were never accepted into The pension savings guarantee system. After that, the Central Bank withdrew the licenses for rather vague reasons.

For example, NPF "Metallurgists" was charged with "violation of the requirements for the dissemination, provision or disclosure of information." However, the legislation and practice of regulating NPFs by the Central Bank (since 2013) have not developed criteria for what kind of violation is considered significant. Even a typo gives a formal reason for sanctions against NPFs. Criteria for the materiality of violations are established, for example, for banks, in contrast to NPFs.

By order of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), the value of NPF portfolios was revalued. The price of the group's assets during the period of its activity was determined on the basis of objective data, including data from the stock exchange and management companies, which are also checked by the specialist. depository. The assessment of the market value of PJSC Petrarko, the main asset of the issuers, was carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Another issuer is PJSC "Solomensky Lesozavod" - an enterprise with a long history, which is internationally famous, has social significance in the region, and has an updated line of equipment. However, asset valuations ordered by the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency) for some reason turned out to be lower than the market value available in open sources. In addition, according to federal law"On valuation activities in Russian Federation"a dispute about the reliability of the value of the market or other value of the object of appraisal is subject to consideration by the court or in the manner established by law RF, which regulates valuation activities. We are not aware of any court decision that would determine the value other than that indicated in the valuation reports that were used in the investment and placement of funds of these NPFs. In this connection, there is a reasonable doubt about the objectivity new estimate the value of the assets of Novitsky's pension group and the validity of the refusal to accept his NPF into the Deposit Insurance System.

Non-state pension funds are a new line of business for Russia. The non-state pension funds market is constantly undergoing changes in legislation that are aimed at tightening control and reducing players. As statistics show, central bank The Russian Federation, being the supreme regulator, purposefully pursues a policy of ousting potentially successful players from the market. The laws and restrictions he passed allowed to reduce the market by more than 50%. Let's look at the numbers. In 2014, the Central Bank forcibly revoked the license of only 3 non-state pension funds. From May 2015 to November 2016, the Central Bank forcibly revoked 39 licenses from non-state pension funds, 2 non-state pension funds surrendered their license voluntarily. As a result, only 38 non-state pension funds were able to enter the Guarantee System today and are operating.

The behavior of the market regulator of non-state pension funds is largely related to the deficit Money in the pension system of the Russian Federation. For the first time since 2014, contributions from working Russians to the funded part of the pension were directed to current payments to pensioners in 2014. Then the freezing of the funded part of the pension was extended for 2015 and 2016. In early July 2016, the Russian Tripartite Commission approved the draft budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2017-2019. It is based on the fact that the entire volume of the tariff insurance premium will be directed to the insurance part of pensions, the formation of pension savings in 2017-2019 is not provided.

The deficit is largely caused by objective factors. The current pension system in the Russian Federation, which is very young and not strong (it does not have such a long history as the pension system in France and Germany. The difficult situation of the 90s in Russia, the payment of gray wages in envelopes, high mortality of the young working-age generation, low birth rate, high unemployment - against this background, today there are more people who need to pay pensions than people who contribute to pension funds. As a result, the regulator's policy is justified not so much by the goals of increasing the pension savings of contributors as by the goals of their conservation. As a result, all promising and active players are forced out of the market. For example, the yield of NPF "Obrazovanie" is 3 times lower than the yield of the "First Pension Fund" Evgeny Novitsky. At the same time, the NPF "Obrazovanie" entered the System of Guaranteed Deposits, while the "First APF" did not.

To save his NPFs and, most importantly, to save the money of pensioners, Evgeny Novitsky creates a joint venture with the Kuwait oil company, thanks to which Evgeny Novitsky's Non-State Pension Funds will be able to return their funds. To this end, Novitsky initiated a deal between Petrarko PJSC and a large Kuwait Oil Company to create a joint venture. The new JV will combine three oil assets with a total value of $688,000,000. The parties also agreed that the shares of this joint venture would be placed on the London Stock Exchange. According to preliminary estimates, the capitalization will amount to 700,000,000 US dollars. The share of the owners of Petrarko PJSC will be 30%, which is equivalent to 11,760,000,000 rubles. These shares are planned to be sold on the stock exchange, and all proceeds from this sale will be primarily used to pay off the issuers' debt to the funds. To implement the above actions, negotiations are also underway with PJSC Sberbank of Russia, which, in turn, will have to act as a guarantor for the DIA, under this transaction in the framework of the fact that, first of all, the proceeds would be used to close the debt of issuers to funds.

A source close to Petrarko PJSC noted that the deal became possible due to good business reputation Novitsky and his fame on international markets. The Russian top manager rendered his assistance in the negotiations to the management of Petrarko PJSC. However, Novitsky has no financial interest of his own within PJSC Petrarko, and acts solely for the purpose of returning money to NPFs.

In addition to his activities in the NPF, in 2013 Novitsky was elected Deputy Chairman, and in 2015 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio Frequency Concern Information Systems(OJSC RTI Sistema) - a high-tech company that develops and manages complex innovative projects of a federal scale in the field of monitoring and coverage of the situation, ensuring that the leadership of the country, regions and departments is aware of the situation in real mode time, acceptance support management decisions in times of war or emergencies.

As part of RTI, Novitsky oversees innovative projects in the field of information security, manages projects to develop an innovative algorithm for the production of cryptocurrencies and the formation of an ecosystem within the framework of fintech.

One of these projects is partnership project in collaboration with Imperial College - a world leader in the development of cryptocurrencies - includes research and development of cryptocurrencies to create a program for the development of blockchain technology. The application potential of the technology is growing rapidly. Blockchain - or distributed registry technology - allows you to apply fundamentally new way organization and operation of many industries. As a result, a world-leading research center will be created at the base, which will concentrate advanced technologies. According to Yevgeny Novitsky, who is also the chairman of the board of trustees of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, the project is being implemented with the active participation of the leading technical university in Russia. At the core of key processes new technology formed the development of young Russian engineers - students and graduates of MSTU. In addition, students will be provided with a wide range of networking opportunities in the business community. " International level makes it possible to ensure a close connection between the developed prototypes and the context of the real world,” Evgeny Novitsky comments, “Such projects are fundamentally important in order to direct young engineers, their creative and scientific initiative into a channel that is really in demand today.”

Novitsky is an active participant in charity sports marathons, supports prominent projects in the field of propaganda cinematography healthy lifestyle life, provides systematic assistance in the adaptation of war veterans of modern times.

Evgeny Novitsky is raising 6 children, whom he actively attracts to his social activities. He is a wonderful family man, a loving father, son and brother (Yevgeny himself has 3 brothers and 3 sisters).

The equity capital of the borrowing company Stonebell Trading & Investments, according to the Center for Independent Expertise of Property, at the beginning of 2016 amounted to 5.55 billion rubles, profit - 86.9 million rubles. At the same time, the appraiser noted that so far the borrower has not allowed delays in payments.

What is ISU

A mortgage participation certificate is a registered non-issued security that does not have a par value. Papers can be traded on the stock exchange. the main objective The MIS is to certify the share of its owner in the right of common ownership of the mortgage coverage. In addition, the participation certificate confirms the right to receive funds for fulfilled obligations, the claims for which constitute mortgage coverage. Mortgage cover is a set of requirements for the return of the principal amount of the debt and the payment of interest, which are provided by the mortgage. Claims can be certified by mortgage or mortgage certificates of participation.

There are currently 15 mortgage participation certificates traded on the Moscow Exchange. According to the Central Bank, the main investors in the MIS are non-state pension funds. As of June 30, 2016, the share of funds' investments in mortgage-backed securities was 4.2% of pension savings.

Market valuations are higher

The assessment data of IMS GK-5, given on the website of the DIA, disagree with the reporting of the certificate manager, Management Company Kapital-PIF. The company received management of IMS in February 2016 instead of Geo Capital Management Company. According to the information of the managers, the amount of mortgage coverage for one GK-3 certificate (corresponding to the book value) as of January 25, 2017 was 6.32 thousand rubles. The value of the collateral was also estimated at more than 32 billion rubles. (15.7 billion - Petrovsky Passage and 16.8 billion rubles - Integral).

Stanislav Bibik, a partner at Colliers International, believes that the cost of Petrovsky Passage and the Integral business center may vary between 12-25 billion rubles. and depending on the agreements between the owner and the tenants on the terms of the lease and discounts, as well as the occupancy of the premises.

Roman Shemendyuk, Director General of Management Company Kapital-PIF, does not agree with the assessment of IMS GK-3 given on the DIA website. “We evaluate the market value according to the methodology developed by the Central Bank. Market price is the price at which transactions for the purchase or sale of certificates can take place, and in this case it is simply an estimated value that does not guarantee anything, ”he said. The manager of another investment company, which also placed client funds in MIS GK-3, does not exclude that the assessment of the cost of mortgage certificates given on the DIA website may mean minimum cost, at which the agency is ready to sell these securities at auction. “I think that, given the latest exchange transactions, there will be enough buyers,” he notes.

According to the Moscow Exchange, the last deals with ISU GK-3 took place on January 24, the papers were sold at a price of 7.45 thousand rubles.

Safmar among investors

GK-3 certificates, of which about 4 million in total were issued, in addition to Novitsky's funds, were also purchased by other participants in the pension market. Two sources in management companies and one in a large NPF said that a significant amount of securities were bought by the funds that are part of the Gutseriev-Shishkhanov Safmar financial group. “The rest were distributed among large pension funds,” he said, noting that there are also several individuals among the certificate holders. According to the fund's IFRS financial statements for the first nine months of 2016, the amount of funds invested in MIS amounted to RUB 15.7 billion.

NPF "Safmar" does not disclose information about the presence of MIS GK-3 in the pension portfolio. “The share of mortgage certificates in the portfolio of NPFs of the Safmar group does not exceed the share permitted by law. Now the previously planned reduction in the share of MIS in the portfolios of funds is underway, ”said the official representative of the fund. NPF Electric Power Industry and LUKOIL-Garant declined to comment, NPF Future did not respond to a request from RBC.​

The Bank of Russia was unable to answer the question: should NPF managers reconsider the risks on GK-3 certificates, taking into account the assessment given on the DIA website. The DIA did not respond to RBC's request.

Beneficiary Support

The assessment of the mortgage certificate and the value of the collateral, which is given on the DIA website, does not mean that everyone urgently needs to sell these securities, the CEO of NPFs from the top 5 believes. According to him, investments in the MIS are allowed by the Central Bank regulations, so the regulator should not have formal claims to the funds. He also noted that the assessment of the value of GK-3 mortgage certificates and collateral looks too conservative. “Perhaps the appraiser has questions about the liquidity of the paper, but in this case, the quality of the collateral ensures that it is more important for the borrower to pay off the loan taken than to lose real estate,” he said.

According to Denis Rudomanenko, General Director of NPF LUKOIL-Garant, when assessing the risks of NPF investments, it is necessary to understand how significant the fund has invested in a particular security. “If this is only 1-2% of assets, and the rest is invested in bonds and deposits, then I would not call the investment policy of the fund risky,” he says. Rudomanenko noted that funds can invest part of their assets in risky instruments in order to provide higher income to clients.

“We consider investments in these MIS to be high-risk, so the rating of these securities is quite low,” said Pavel Mitrofanov, Managing Director for Corporate Ratings at RAEX. In September 2015, the agency assigned GK-3 a rating of B++ (“satisfactory level of reliability”). In the comments, RAEX analysts noted the low liquidity of the borrower (Stonebell Trading & Investments), whose debt repayments significantly exceeded operating revenue, as well as the company's high level of debt load and the dependence of its business on funding from the owner.

At the same time, the agency believes that, if necessary, the beneficiary of Stonebell Trading & Investments (Gutseriev) can provide support to the company in servicing the debt. “From this point of view, the funds have no incentive to sell these certificates, since what matters to them is not their liquidity, but the timely receipt of payments from the borrower, through which they receive income from the IMS,” Mitrofanov said.

Evgeny Grigoryevich Novitsky was born in 1957 in the Tomsk region. Evgeny Novitsky is raising 6 children, whom he actively involves in his social activities. He is a wonderful family man, a loving father, son and brother (Yevgeny himself has 3 brothers and 3 sisters).

1995-nv: AFK Sistema and others

In 1995, after Novtsiky joined AFK Sistema, a long-term corporate conflict began between this corporation and IVK around Kvant: after a series of assaults with bats, the plant was taken over by Sistema.

Until January 2005, Novitsky was the President of Sistema.

From January 2005 to February 2006, Mr. Novitsky served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema, and since February 2006 - a member of the Board of Directors.

Since June 2010, E. Novitsky has been an independent director on the Board of Directors of AFK Sistema OJSC.

June 30, 2012 at the annual general meeting shareholders was elected to the Board of Directors of Sistema JSFC.

In 2013, Evgeny Novitsky takes the lead of a new major project and holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of First National Pension Fund JSC, in which 6 private pension funds were concentrated at once. The key task set before the new chairman of the Board of Directors is to increase the profitability of pension funds. Despite the visible results of the activities of NPFs, the regulator did not agree with the policy of complex investments being implemented in order to increase profitability. NPF's license was revoked.

Also in 2013, Novitsky was elected Deputy Chairman, and in 2015 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Radio Frequency Information Systems Concern (OJSC RTI Sistema) - a high-tech company that develops and manages complex innovative projects on a federal scale in the field of monitoring and lighting the situation, ensuring awareness of the leadership of the country, regions and departments regarding the situation in real time, support for managerial decision-making in war or emergency situations.

As part of RTI, Novitsky oversees innovative projects in the field of information security, manages projects to develop an innovative algorithm for the production of cryptocurrencies and the formation of an ecosystem within the framework of fintech.

As chairman of the Fund for the Promotion of Scientific and Technological Progress at MSTU. Bauman, Novitsky is working to educate new generations of the Russian engineering elite, promote scientific and technological progress and develop engineering activities in the Russian Federation. For many years, Novitsky has sponsored the participation of young Russian engineers in the best international competitions.

1991-1995: Head of the Kvant plant

In 1991-95. he led the creation and production of a series of domestic computers, as well as organizing the assembly of IBM computers at the Kvant plant (Zelenograd), participated in a conversion project for the peaceful use of a modified launch vehicle based on the SS-20 military complex. Mr. Novitsky was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the IVK, Russian company working in the field information technologies. He is the author of a monograph and a number of publications, is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.

In the mid-1990s, a trial took place in Switzerland over Sergei Mikhailov, who was considered the leader of the Solntsevo organized criminal group. During the trial, FBI agent Robert Levinson appeared as a witness for the prosecution, who, among other things, named Novitsky one of the treasurers of the Solntsevo group. Declaring that Yevgeny Novitsky controlled the Solntsevo criminal gang.

Subsequently, Novitsky tried to sue the French media that disseminated this information, but unsuccessfully.

1980-1987: Baumanka

In 1985 he graduated from Moscow State Technical University. Bauman.

In 1985-1987 Mr. Novitsky worked as an engineer-mathematician at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and in 1987-1990. studied at the graduate school of the Moscow Higher Technical School, participating in scientific and technical projects related to the defense industry.

In 1989-1990 studied management at MGIMO and Manchester business school(The University of Manchester, UK).

Novitsky, Evgeny Grigorievich

President of Joint Stock Financial Corporation Sistema; born in 1957 in Asino, Tomsk Region; graduated from Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1985, completed a management course at MGIMO, trained at a business school in England; 1985-1989 - engineer - programmer at Moscow Higher Technical School; 1989-1991 - General Director of the Soviet-British JV "IVK-International"; 1991-1994 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "IVK"; since 1994 - Vice President, since 1995 - President of JSC " Sistema"; member of the Board of Directors of JSCB "ERSI-Bank" and the Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

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  • - genus. 4 Apr. 1950 in s. Starobeshevo, Starobeshevo district, Donetsk region Composer. In 1973 he graduated from the Kiev cons. according to class double bass B. V. Soiko and class. compositions by A. Ya. Shtogarenko...

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  • - Retinues E. V. Major General of the General Staff, Chief Officer. shooter schools, modern military doer; genus. in 1867, having graduated from Polotsk. cadet corps and 2nd military. Konstantinovsky school, the officer began ...

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"Novitsky, Evgeny Grigorievich" in books

Bushin and Novitsky

From the book Writers Club author Vanshenkin Konstantin Yakovlevich

Bushin and Novitsky After the war, Professor Pavel Ivanovich Novitsky lectured at the Literary Institute. An old Bolshevik and at the same time an intellectual, a theater-goer, a friend of the Vakhtangovites. He taught a special course on Soviet literature and separately on Mayakovsky. He had a deep, low,

Commanders: Schilder, Zurov, Kulnev and Novitsky

From the book My Service in the Old Guard. 1905–1917 author Makarov Yury Vladimirovich

Commanders: Schilder, Zurov, Kulnev and Novitsky We definitely had no luck with the regiment commanders. By themselves, they were not all bad people, respectable people, but either old people who had already lost their clarity of thought, or terminally ill old people, or people for military service, and even in the war,

V. V. Vodovozov V. D. Novitsky


V. V. Vodovozov V. D. Novitsky (From personal memoirs) Gendarmerie General V. D. Novitsky was a prominent figure in Kiev, where he labored for more than a quarter of a century - from the end of the seventies of the last century to the beginning of the new century, almost all this time as a boss


From the book From the memoirs of a gendarme author Novitsky Vasily Dementievich

GENERAL NOVITSKY ABOUT HIMSELF (From a memorandum to the director of the police department) From the 40-year period of my officer service, 30 years falls to serve in the gendarme corps, and for 5 years I was in the position of head of the Tambov provincial gendarme department, and

Yasin Evgeny Grigorievich

From the book From the KGB to the FSB (instructive pages of national history). book 2 (from MB RF to FSK RF) author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Photographer P. Novitsky. Traveling with a camera

From the book Campaign "Chelyuskin" author author unknown

Photographer P. Novitsky. With a camera on a hike Again on a hike. A group of polar explorers, who made a historic crossing of the Arctic Ocean on the Sibiryakov, is again preparing for sailing, this time on the Chelyuskin. During the preparations for the expedition, I tried to take into account the experience

Brusilovsky Evgeny Grigorievich

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(BR) author TSB

Yasin Evgeny Grigorievich

From the book A Man Who Looks Like a Prosecutor General, or All Ages Are Submissive to Love author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Yasin Evgeny Grigoryevich Biographical information: Evgeny Grigoryevich Yasin was born in 1934. Higher education, graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute, Moscow State University. In May 1991, he became CEO Directorate for

Yasin Evgeny Grigorievich

From the book of the KGB was, is and will be. FSB RF under Barsukov (1995-1996) author Strigin Evgeny Mikhailovich

Yasin Evgeny Grigoryevich Biographical information: Evgeny Grigoryevich Yasin was born in 1934. Higher education, graduated from the Odessa Civil Engineering Institute, Moscow State University. In May 1991, he became the General Director of the Directorate for


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 754 (18 2008) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Ivan Novitsky UNACCOUNTERED Do you remember a teenager who dared to make a long-distance flight across Russia in a Boeing wing? What made the unfortunate fugitive decide on such a risky journey, one can only guess.

Valery Novitsky

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Valeriy Novitsky THE RIGHT OF THE BONE-SETTER Having drenched himself with a sore hand, knocking on the thresholds of the offices of various polyclinics and scientific institutes, I achieved what I wanted: I was finally admitted to the traumatology department of the dispensary. Before that, I explored as far as possible,

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Yevgeny Likov Yevgeny Nefyodov EVGENY ABOUT SOME The president gave the mayor no confidence - at the moment! Well, I remembered a piece of history. At that time, two neighbor boys sang a stupid ditty from dawn to dark: “Beria, Beria - out of trust! And Comrade Malenkov -

Valery Novitsky PILGRIM

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Valery Novitsky PILGRIMM I embarked on this unusual journey without fellow travelers, on a commuter train, with a backpack on my shoulders. As soon as I crossed the threshold of the pilgrimage building in the monastery, I heard the admonition of the hotel monk: "The Orthodox always


From the book Bibliological Dictionary the author Men Alexander

NOVITSKY Orest Markovich (1806–84), Russian. historian of philosophy. Graduated from KDA; was prof. Philosophy of Kiev University. The work of N. “On the original translation of the Holy. Scriptures into the Slavonic language" (K., 1837).? Shpet G.G., Essay on the development of Rus. philosophy, Soch., M., 1889, p.204

Shmch. Yuri (Novitsky) († 1922), commemorated August 13

From the book Petersburg Saints. Saints who performed their deeds within the modern and historical territory of the St. Petersburg diocese author Almazov Boris Alexandrovich

Shmch. Yuri (Novitsky) († 1922), commemorated August 13 Yuri Petrovich was born in 1882 in the city of Uman in the family of a justice of the peace. Gymnasium, law faculty of Kiev University, Kiev Court of Justice, participation as an expert in the murder of Pyotr Stolypin,