How to save mobile traffic on Android. How to disable traffic saving on Samsung How to disable traffic saving on Samsung

The Data Usage option shows statistics on the use of mobile data and Wi-Fi data. This is very useful when your data plan does not have unlimited internet.

Where can I see traffic statistics?

Go to Settings - Connections - Data usage.

As you can see, the use of mobile traffic for the last month is 0 megabytes (I used only wi-fi). At the same time, I have a warning about the use of traffic in excess of the established threshold of 2 GB. This is necessary in order not to drain all the money on the phone (and in international roaming, it does not go into a huge minus). When the threshold of 2 GB of traffic for the last month is reached, the system will issue a warning. And then you can go to home.

Saving traffic

If you have a limited mobile internet package, I advise you to enable this option. The service limits the transmission and reception of data in the background for some selected applications. In addition, programs that use the Internet will be able to access mobile traffic less often than usual. For example, when you open a site, images will not load until you touch them.

It's easy to enable traffic savings. On the menu Data Usage - Save Traffic.

Additionally, you can specify applications that will not be affected by this restriction, i.e. they will continue to use mobile traffic indefinitely. To do this, go to the "Using applications while saving traffic" menu and activate the necessary programs.

Use of mobile data

Here, in the data usage settings, you can set the payment frequency (according to the operator's tariff plan) for the convenience of generating statistics on the use of mobile traffic. This is usually the 1st of every month.

The next option is "Overflow warning". Set the value based on the Internet package on your tariff plan. I have 2 GB per month. When the threshold is reached, an overrun warning pops up.

Accordingly, you can turn off the mobile Internet when the threshold is reached. The option below “Limit traffic” is responsible for this. Those. when 2GB is reached this month, mobile data usage will be disabled.

You can skip this option, but immediately set the traffic limitation, for example, to 4 GB.

Here, the menu displays statistics of data transmission over the wireless Wi-Fi network for the last 28 days. At the same time, it signs which applications have consumed how much traffic. Most of them will be youtube, just like me.

We can prevent the application from using mobile traffic in the background. And additionally allow receiving / transmitting mobile data, even if traffic saving is enabled. I do not recommend enabling this option.

Network restrictions

This option allows you to prevent applications running in the background from using selected wireless Wi-Fi networks. Apps will also display warnings before using these networks to download large amounts of data (torrents, for example).

Better not to bother with this option at all.

Although mobile internet is relatively inexpensive these days, don't get used to not keeping track of your internet usage. An unlimited home operator, and therefore the habit of using everything to the maximum, can be expensive abroad, where the Internet is in roaming.

Many operators abroad or in roaming charge per megabyte. There are also "conditionally" unlimited tariffs: they provide a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. When exceeding the speed, it drops very much, and using the Internet turns into torture. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the costs, manage them and pause at the right time. Overall, respecting traffic is a useful skill.

What can be done?

1. Disable applications that consume too much traffic (sometimes in the background)
There are applications that are constantly running, but in the so-called "background". Even with inactive use, they are constantly sending-sending something.
How do I find them? Menu item "Settings" -> "Data transmission" -> "Mobile data transmission".

You will see a general graph of mobile traffic costs and a list of applications by consumption rating. What should be done? Click on the application and turn off the "background mode".

2. Set up alerts and traffic limits for your smartphone
The sequence of actions: "Settings" -> "Data transmission" -> "Payment cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the fee is debited and the new package is provided. By specifying it, the system will reset the traffic counter.
How to activate? We turn on the "Warning settings" -> "Alerts" -> select the limit, upon reaching which, the system should inform you about it.

3. Disable application updates via mobile network

Sequence of actions: Go to the settings of the Google Play app store -> "Auto-update applications" -> Select the option "Only via Wi-Fi".

4. Enable traffic saving in Android
The sequence of actions: "Settings" Android -> "Data transfer" -> "Save traffic".

Most applications will no longer be able to run in the background, which will reduce traffic consumption.

5. Enable traffic savings in individual applications
Did you know that almost all Google tools are able to save precious megabytes of mobile Internet?

Google chrome
Sequence of actions: Go to Google Chrome settings -> "Save traffic" -> Enable.

Sequence of actions: Go to YouTube settings -> "General" -> Turn on the "Saver traffic" mode.

Google maps
Sequence of actions: Go to the "Google Maps" settings -> Turn on "Wi-Fi only" and follow the link "Your offline maps".

Offline maps are a great way to save data while roaming. We recommend downloading not only the area of ​​your residence, but also other places that you plan to visit in the near future.
To do this: click "Other area" -> using gestures of movement and zoom select the area to download and click "Download" -> click on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the menu "Downloaded areas" -> "Download settings" and select "Only Wi-Fi ".

Google photos
Sequence of actions: settings "Google Photos" -> "Startup and synchronization" -> disable the option "Use mobile Internet".

Google music
Sequence of actions: “Google Music” settings -> in the “Playback” section, lower the quality when transferring over a mobile network -> in the “Download” section, allow downloading music only via Wi-Fi.

Google Movies
Steps: Google Movies settings -> Mobile streaming, turn on Show warning and Limit quality -> Downloads, select Network and select Wi-Fi only.

6. Keep track of the tariffs and options of your telecom operator
You may have an outdated plan. If you monitor the offers of your operator, you can get more MB for less money.

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As users move more and more to cloud services, traffic savings are becoming an important element to increase Internet bandwidth. In addition, some tariff plans today require payment for the amount of downloaded data. This is especially true for mobile providers.

What kind of traffic saving program can actually be implemented? Below are some effective ways.

Blocking websites with streaming content

The first thing you should do is block access to streaming media sites (such as Netflix, YouTube and MetaCafe). Of course, watching a small YouTube video won't make a big difference or make your internet connection slow, but large amounts of such content require a lot of bandwidth. By disabling access to all resources of this kind, you can notice that saving traffic is very possible.

Stopping an app in the cloud

If you are constantly enforcing in the cloud, check if your application has a throttling mechanism. Such a service will require a lot of traffic and take up most of the bandwidth. This won't be significant if you back up small files (like Microsoft Office documents) all day long. But when you start uploading bulk data to the cloud, the initial backup should only be created on your computer. If the constant throttling is not stopped, it can have a significant impact on your traffic consumption.

Restricting VoIP Use

VoIP is another heavy traffic. If you plan to use this technology, you should limit the duration of calls as much as possible. If you talk for a long time and use any of its extensions in working with the service, saving traffic will not be effective.

Using a cache proxy

A cache proxy can help limit the amount of traffic generated by your web browser. The basic idea is that when a user visits a particular site, the page content is cached on a proxy server. The next time the user visits the same page, its content should not be loaded again (since it already exists in the cache). Using a cache proxy not only saves bandwidth, but it can also give users the illusion that the Internet connection is much faster than it actually is. This is a useful quality no matter what data plan you are using.

Centralize app updates

Almost every application today is configured to download periodic updates over the Internet. You can save a lot of bandwidth by centralizing the update process. For example, instead of allowing every device in your home to connect to Microsoft's update service, you need to download all updates and then make them available to individual gadgets. This way, the same updates won't be downloaded over and over again.

Using Hosted Filtering

If you manage your own mail server, then Hosted Filtering will provide excellent traffic saving mode. Thanks to this service, the data will be loaded on the cloud server, and not on your mail. This server receives all mail that is intended for you, filters out spam or messages containing malicious software. The rest of the messages are sent to their destination. You can save a lot of traffic (and mail server resources) due to the fact that you will not be loaded with numerous spam.

Active scanning for malware

Malicious programs can use a lot of traffic without your knowledge, using your computer as a bot. Be diligent in your efforts to keep all your connected devices free of infection.

Using QoS for Traffic Reservation

QoS stands for quality of service. This mechanism (bandwidth reservation), which was first introduced in Windows 2000, remains relevant today. If you have applications that require a certain amount of traffic (for example, video conferencing applications), you can configure QoS to reserve the required amount of data bandwidth for that application. These traffic savings only work when the application is actively used. In other cases, the amount of data reserved for the application becomes available for use for other purposes.

Make sure you don't overpay for traffic

As noted above, many factors affect the internet, so you cannot expect to be able to connect to every website at the maximum speed of your connection. However, your network connection should provide performance that is reasonably close to what you are paying for.

It is very unlikely that the provider deliberately provides someone with a slower connection than provided for by the contract and payment, but there are often cases in which the connection is divided into several devices. In the case of such a shared connection, the activity of the user of one of the devices can directly affect the download speed. If your internet connection isn't going as fast as it should be, try to sort out all the connections on your network.

In addition, you need to regularly monitor the traffic that you spend while surfing the Web. If you notice a significant overuse, you should think about which services you are using too much. If the savings in traffic are very noticeable and you do not spend most of the data volume provided by the provider, you can think about switching to a lighter tariff plan.

Opera browser and Turbo mode

The well-known Turbo mode, which is available in any version of the Opera browser, as well as in Yandex.Browser, can be used not only to speed up the downloaded data, but also to reduce traffic volumes. The essence of its work is that when loading pages, the servers of the browser itself are used, and due to this, the amount of data downloaded when connecting is reduced. Therefore, if it is important for you to save the amount of data transfer, work only in the "Turbo" mode.

In this case, there will be no problems with how to disable traffic saving. Just go to the appropriate settings and disable the above option.

Savings on mobile devices

The unlimited tariff of a mobile operator is much less common, and many use the 3G function. How can saving traffic be achieved on a smartphone?

If you have a device based on Android OS, you can set the maximum traffic that can be consumed in a certain period of time. There is even an alert setting available that can be placed on the desktop as a widget. You don't even need a special application to save traffic for this.

To make such settings, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, select "Wireless networks" and in further items find the "Traffic control" tab. Depending on the version of the Android OS, the names of the menu items may differ. Going into the specified setting, you need to set the limit for the amount of data that you allow for use. If you exceed the limit you specified, the Internet will simply turn off.

Saving traffic: beta versions of special mobile applications

Nowadays, there are also more and more special programs and browser extensions designed to save traffic. One of the most famous is Opera Max beta, which is specialized software that compresses any transmitted data. Thus, the beta program saves traffic not only through the browser, but also through information from instant messengers and other applications running on the Web.

Increasingly, smartphones are used not only in everyday life, but also in the work environment, so it is important to pay attention to how much traffic they are using. It can be a personal smartphone at the workplace or issued by a company, in any case, traffic costs money. If you do not optimize its consumption level, money will be wasted.

Unlimited tariffs for mobile Internet are expensive, most often tariffs with a certain volume of traffic are used, for exceeding which you need to pay extra. There are also tariffs with payment for each megabyte. In this case, it is especially important to minimize traffic consumption.

Fortunately, the settings of the Android operating system allow you to reduce traffic consumption without significantly affecting the quality of work with the device. 12 recommendations on this issue will be described below.

  1. Traffic consumption diagnostics

    Before solving the problem, you need to understand it, so open your smartphone settings and find the section called "Data transfer"... Look here for the section "Mobile data".

    You will see a detailed overview of which applications have consumed your traffic the most in the last 30 days. If you wish, you yourself can set the period for which you will view the traffic consumption. Social media apps, browsers, video and audio streaming programs, and the Play Store tend to consume the most.

    Click on an app or service to take a closer look at the data consumption. This shows how much is being consumed in the active mode and how much in the background.

  2. Disable unnecessary background activity

    When you know what and how much traffic is spent, it's time to resolve this issue. First, cut down on unnecessary data consumption in the background. This is what social media and news apps are different from, as they often check for content updates at regular intervals. You can disable this behavior, usually you won't notice much difference.

    Open social and news apps one by one and see their settings to save traffic. For example, in the Twitter app on Android, there is a section in the settings called "Data usage"... Click on it and uncheck the box "Synchronize data", it will not prevent you from receiving notifications, for which there is a separate section of settings.

    Apps like Flipboard have a section called "Reducing data consumption" which is set to by default "Full use"... Change the option to "On demand" or "Do not use mobile data" as you don't need a news update unless you are looking at the app.

    If you have an app with a lot of background traffic that can't be controlled in settings like Facebook, use system-level controls. Open the section Settings> Apps and select the desired program. On the screen that appears, click on the section "Data transfer" and turn off the switch "Background mode"... This will prevent the program from running in the background, unless you are connected to a Wi-Fi network.

    You need to be careful about disabling background activity. For example, if you disable it in the messenger, you will not receive messages when the smartphone screen is turned off. You probably won't want to miss messages from your contacts. The same applies to Facebook, until you manually start it, you do not know that there are new notifications about the activity of other users.

  3. Stop autoplay

    Video consumes a lot of traffic, and many applications have a bad habit of launching it as soon as you turn away. Social networks like to play videos automatically when scrolling through the news feed, but this can be disabled.

    In the Facebook application, you can open the main menu and in the settings there are options to prohibit autoplay. On Twitter, a similar option is found in the Data Usage section, where you can also turn off image previews in the feed and disallow high-quality video when working on mobile networks. Instagram, Snapchat and other social networks share similar settings. Find them and disable them.

  4. Compressing data when working on the mobile Internet

    The next step is to make the browser consume less traffic. The Google Chrome browser on Android has a feature called "Saving traffic", the inclusion of which compresses the data as it is transmitted to you. This not only saves traffic, but also makes sites open faster. This option is available at the very bottom of the settings window.

    If you want to save even more traffic, use the Opera or Opera Mini browsers. They have their own options for compressing web pages, videos and limiting file downloads to Wi-Fi networks only.

  5. Optimize your music apps

    Do you have a Google Play Music app? Open its settings and find the option "Quality when transferring over a mobile network". Install "Low" or "The average" and make sure that this sound quality is enough for you.

    Here, make sure that the option is enabled. "Transfer only over Wi-Fi" and think about the option Streaming Music Caching... It forces you to download every song you listen to to your local storage device so that you don't have to waste bandwidth again when you listen to it again.

    If you often listen to the same songs, enable this option. If not, it is better not to touch it so as not to waste extra traffic, especially when choosing a low quality audio.

    Play Music isn't the only app with these settings. Spotify, Pandora, and other music services and podcasts have similar controls. Always look at the settings in such applications and limit their traffic consumption.

  6. Savings on YouTube

    Continuing the topic of streaming, open the YouTube app and open the section in settings "Are common"... There is an option "Saving traffic" to broadcast video only in low quality using the mobile Internet, and leave HD for Wi-Fi networks.

    On the same page, disable the option "Autoplay".

  7. Download multimedia content in advance

    The best way to cut down on your mobile streaming traffic is to avoid it altogether, and many apps provide this option. You just need to download the content in advance via Wi-Fi so that it is stored locally on the device.

    If you have a Google Play Music subscription, you can download YouTube videos to watch at any time. In the YouTube settings, find the section Background & offline... If you don't have a Play Music subscription, this section is missing.

  8. Offline navigation

    What still doesn't hurt to download in advance is Google Maps. The next time you need navigation, open the Maps app over Wi-Fi. Select the route you need and download the desired map.

    You can manage downloaded maps in the application settings in the Downloaded Areas section.

  9. Play Store

    You need to update applications. But the size of the updates can be large, so you can inadvertently use up a lot of traffic on the mobile Internet.

    To prevent this from happening, open the Play Store, in the settings, set the auto-update option to "Only via Wi-Fi".

  10. Eliminate leaks

    It's time to think about unused applications. They need to be removed or at least disabled if they cannot be removed, especially if they are in the list of traffic consumers. They may consume a little data, but why is it necessary?
  11. Account Synchronization Check

    In the settings, open the section "Accounts", click "Google" and select your account. Here you will see a long list of what syncs to your account. Most likely, you have never used some services. Disable synchronization for them, if you have multiple accounts, repeat the process.
  12. Drastic measures

    If you want to save as much as possible, the Android version has the Data Saver system tool, which prevents most applications from using the mobile Internet if they are not open on the screen and are not actively used. They will not be able to work in the background, including notifying you of incoming messages, if you are not on Wi-Fi or add applications to the list of exceptions.

    This is a drastic measure if you want to at least temporarily keep your traffic to a minimum. The option is located in the Android settings.