How to improve Internet reception in the country. How to strengthen the cellular signal and the Internet in the country

High-quality cellular communication and the Internet should be the norm. In practice, we are periodically accompanied by signal interference, slow page loading, data transfer failure. This situation is not uncommon outside the city: summer residents have now remembered how hard it is to wait half a minute for Google to load. In a metropolis, poor communication happens in underground parking lots and basements. The question naturally arises: how to achieve a strong and stable connection? In this article, we talked about how to choose a signal amplifier cellular communication and 3G internet for summer cottages.

The coverage radius of a standard base station is up to 100 km, depending on the power of the equipment. How effectively the signal will be transmitted for subscribers located in its coverage area depends on the following:

  • Antenna module suspension height;
  • Terrain;
  • The presence of obstacles in the path of the signal (buildings, trees, poles).

Is there some more important factor- the number of subscribers in the given territory. Decreases with their growth throughput base station, and on the screen mobile device The network busy message is displayed intermittently.

There are two ways to solve the problem and achieve stable communication:

  • Reducing the range of the base station and installing additional equipment in areas with the greatest load;
  • Purchase and installation of a mobile operator signal amplifier.

If the first option is exclusively the prerogative of the mobile operator, then the second method is actively used by owners of suburban real estate who want to use the telephone and the Internet without interference.


How the amplifier works

Cellular booster is a set of equipment consisting of 3 elements:

  • External antenna mounted on the outside of the building;
  • Internal antenna;
  • Amplifier (repeater).

If the house is huge, one indoor antenna will not be enough. To achieve stable communication indoors, several pieces are used. Therefore, you need a splitter (divider).

Antennas are connected to the repeater. The external antenna is fixed on the outer wall or on the roof of the house so that it is directed towards the operator's tower. The external antenna receives the signal from the tower and transmits it to the repeater. The repeater amplifies the signal and transmits it to an antenna located inside the building: now communication is available in any corner of the house. To the untrained eye, everything is quite simple. For the amplifier to work, 2 characteristics are taken into account:

  • Frequency range;
  • Repeater power.

The frequency ranges of the repeater and antennas must match the range of the operator. Usually, a cellular amplifier is bought as a kit at once, so they will work together. The operator's range is determined by a portable cellular meter. You will not need the device: call the operator's technical support, it's easier. To have the Internet, choose an Internet signal amplifier. The only difference is that it works in a different range. To have both - telephone and Internet - choose universal multi-range amplifiers. They are more expensive.

The power of the repeater is chosen depending on the house. More area means more power. Details on how to choose a cellular amplifier are discussed below.

When the amplifier is not working

It happens that the equipment is chosen correctly, installed according to the instructions, but the signal is weak or absent. There are several reasons for this:

  • The operator moved or demolished the tower;
  • The external and internal antenna "see" each other: there is no barrier between them in the form of a partition or wall;
  • The amplifier is damaged.

Depending on the situation, the method of solving the problem is chosen. The first option is to move, redirect the external antenna, or replace it. The second way is to replace the amplifier with a more powerful one. It is allowed to install a new one operating at a different frequency. A specialist or the homeowner himself will be able to determine the cause and eliminate the problem: it is no more difficult than a television antenna.

How to install a communication amplifier correctly

We begin the work by installing an external antenna. We carefully approach the choice of the place of its installation. It can be the roof of a building or the outer wall of a house. We install the antenna from the side of the cell tower. We check the signal on the phone: the indicator ideally shows at least 3-4 divisions. We fix the external antenna vertically, connect it to the repeater.

The repeater is connected to the power supply. If the power supply is built-in, we skip this step and immediately connect the system to the power supply network. After that, the indicator light will light up: assembled correctly.

What else is worth paying attention to:

  • The integrity of the cable attached to the outdoor antenna. It is placed exactly, does not interfere with signal reception and transmission;
  • Reduce the length of the outer cable to the optimum: it should be slightly tight, not hang down;
  • Secure the cable with a loop, then water will not flow down it into the amplifier;
  • High-voltage wires and transformers should not be near the outdoor antenna.

Now let's test the signal: the number of divisions on the indicator should be maximum in the coverage area of ​​the repeater. Found an unstable connection? Try installing the external antenna in a different location.

Amplifier frequency ranges

First, we will find out in which ranges the amplifiers operate and which ranges the operators use. So we will understand which communication amplifier to buy. The information is current at the time of publication of the article, so check with your operator.

  • GSM900 and GSM1800 - cellular communication. 1800 MHz is used by Rostelecom, 900 by other operators, excluding Tele2.
  • UMTS2100 and UMTS900 - 3G internet and cellular communication. 2100 is used by all operators. UMTS900 is the same range as GSM900, it is partially used by Megafon and MTS. Tele2 uses 3G for cellular communications.
  • LTE2600, LTE1800 and LTE800 - 4G internet and cellular. They are used by all operators in different regions.

To choose a suitable cellular amplifier, we will study the types of repeaters and types of antennas.

Types of communication amplifiers

Repeaters are:

  • Single-band - support only 1 frequency range;
  • Multi-range - up to 3 ranges.

Single-band repeaters amplify cellular or internet, but not at the same time. There is an exception to this rule: some operators use the 900 MHz band for cellular and 3G internet. The price does not depend on the range of work, if it is not 4G, which comes out noticeably more expensive.

GSM900, 3G UMTS900 GSM1800 3G UMTS2100 4G LTE2600

Multi-range amplifiers are compatible with several communication standards at once. They are more expensive, but versatile. They are purchased for commercial use: shopping centers, cafes and restaurants.

GSM900, 3G UMTS900 and UMTS2100 GSM900, 3G UMTS900, 4G LTE1800 GSM900, 3G UMTS900 and UMTS2100, 4G LTE1800

Power affects the quality of cellular communication. More power - more people enjoy communication at the same time and higher coverage area. For a room of 50 m², a 10 mW repeater is sure to suffice. If the house is large or the rooms do not transmit radio waves, increasing the power is not enough. In order for communication to be in all corners of the house, the number of antennas is increased. You will need a power divider (splitter), through which the antennas are connected to the repeater for their joint operation.

Usually the repeater has 2 toggle switches for setting the power of the outgoing and incoming signal. In other words, internal and external antennas. We twist the outgoing signal to the maximum, and the incoming signal is set up. Too much weak signal will cause communication problems. Too strong - will overload the base station, then it will disconnect the subscriber. Some amplifiers independently adjust the optimal power to the base station.

There are repeaters specialized in amplifying only 3G Internet. They are used in homes and offices. The internal antenna of such an amplifier is usually combined with a repeater. These are convenient models that anyone can easily figure out. office worker. There are models that distribute the Internet: wifi router built into a combined unit or connected separately. A USB modem with an operator's SIM card is inserted into the router. Many wireless 3G modems have an input for connecting an external antenna. Some wireless 3G modems connect a cellular booster directly. Such a modem must have an input for connecting an antenna.

Antenna types

There are 3 types of antennas for a communication amplifier:

  • directional;
  • Panel or sector;
  • Ring or collecting.

Directional antennas have a narrow polarization angle, so they are the most long-range. They are usually single range. Since the angle is narrow, the antenna must be accurately pointed at the base station. You will have to make an effort, but the connection will be reliable: outside the city, the distance to the nearest tower can reach 20 km. Directional antennas are chosen by summer residents.

Panel antennas are universal antennas. Often they work in several bands at once: GSM and 3G. Supporting 3 bands, including 4G, come out more expensive. The panel antenna is easy to install and set up because it has a wide polarization angle of 45-90°. Compared with a directional antenna, the range of a panel antenna is lower. To make no difference, get larger antennas.

Ring antennas receive a signal from all base stations around, since its polarization angle is 360 °. They are installed in densely populated cities, when some towers are overloaded and do not connect new subscribers. Then the ring antenna looks for the nearest free one. The antenna should not be hindered by obstacles, so it is mounted as high as possible.

Like repeaters, antennas are single-band and multi-band. For the antenna to work together with the repeater, choose the same frequency ranges.

How to choose a communication amplifier depending on the terrain conditions

In order not to get into trouble with the device - and spend money and not get results - you need to take a few simple measurements:

  • Determine the frequency on which the telecom operator operates in your locality.
  • Calculate what the gain should be, as well as the output power of the equipment.
  • Buy antennas, cables of the required length, dividers, and other components according to the equipment installation plan.

The repeater and antenna are chosen as a pair. If you use cellular communication and the Internet, look at the multi-band kit. Sometimes the operator gives cellular communication and the Internet in the same range. Above, we analyzed the GSM900 and UMTS900 frequencies, the same case: 1 band for GSM and 3G. Therefore, find out the information from the operator - you can save.

We pay attention to the area of ​​the building. If you choose a standard antenna for installation in a three-story cottage, then you don’t have to wait for productive work. The signal will disappear in areas far from the antenna. Therefore, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, the more powerful the amplifier will be required. So, for a cottage of 200 m², we recommend a 100 mW repeater, and for a mansion of 800 m² - 300 mW. Power increase is not enough. To ensure communication throughout the house, several internal antennas are installed.


An unstable cellular signal outside the city is not a reason to refuse to communicate with relatives and friends by mobile phone and via the Internet, from remote work in comfortable home conditions. The amplifier will solve the problem of data transmission and allow you to enjoy the benefits of technological progress where you need it. The matter remains small: to choose a repeater and install it on a tower, on a roof or on a wall of a house, cottage, commercial facility.

The ideal conditions for the propagation of a mobile signal are direct visibility of the repeater tower of the mobile operator.

However, not in all corners of our country such a tower is nearby, hence the poor quality of communication.

Especially in countryside, in holiday villages, often the phone only works in a certain place - on a hill or other hill. Cellular signal may be weak at and at .

What to do in order to always stay in touch with family and friends, to be able to call ambulance if needed? The answer is simple - a weak signal must be amplified. For these purposes, there are cellular amplifiers.

From this article you will learn how to amplify a cellular signal in the countryside, get acquainted with the principle of operation of GSM and 3G amplifiers and approximate prices for them.

What is GSM and 3G signal amplification

To understand what the essence of signal amplification is, consider how a standard cellular telephone. Radio waves are used to communicate between two subscribers.

The principle of operation of this type of radio waves is the same as the transmission waves of a television or radio signal. The main difference between them is the frequency of the wave.

The higher the frequency, the smaller the receiving antenna can be made and the greater the amount of information transmitted. We owe the miniature size of our phones with built-in antennas precisely to the high frequency of the signal.

Increasing the frequency of the signal can lead to negative consequences, namely, to reduce the distance at which stable communication is provided. High-frequency signal (GSM and 3G) cannot "go around" large obstacles. Tall buildings, trees and other objects weaken the signal.

Amplification of a weak signal is an increase in its amplitude and power. And in general - the quality of communication. You can boost a weak cell signal like this:

  • Buy ready kit amplifiers. The standard "kit" includes an external antenna, a repeater, internal antennas, a power supply, and a cable connecting the system;
  • Buy individual elements amplification. For example, a repeater or an external high power antenna. Such a purchase will allow you to save some money.

Basic elements of a standard amplification system

To get a stable connection in a private house or country house, you need to create a personal cell (radio coverage area of ​​one or more base stations).

As a rule, all elements for creating a honeycomb are sold as a set, but can also be purchased separately.

A radio coverage area or cell typically includes the following components:

    • External Antenna - This receives the weak signal from the cell site and sends out a stronger signal from your phone (or internet modem). Such an antenna converts radio waves into electrical current, and electrical current into radio waves;

Attention! The antenna is installed in the place of the best reception, as a rule, on the roofs of houses, balconies. It is better to send it to the nearest cellular station (tower).

    • Cellular repeater. It receives a weak signal from an external antenna, reinforces it and, in the form of an electrical signal, transmits it to the internal antennas via power divider by cables. And, on the contrary, it receives a signal from internal antennas, amplifies and transmits to an external antenna;
    • Internal antenna. Installed as needed inside buildings;
    • Power divider- device, coordinating transmitting and receiving signals between the internal antennas and the repeater. It is usually installed near repeater;

Advice! Install the power divider and repeater near the external antenna. This will reduce distortion and signal power loss.

  • cable lines, which are used to connect the elements of the system into a single whole and transmit a signal between devices. The most commonly used coaxial cable, the type of which is selected depending on the technical characteristics of the antennas, repeater and power divider. Coaxial cable is an electrical transmission cable high frequency signals;
  • Power supply. In automotive amplification systems, power is supplied from the vehicle's battery, stationary systems - power supply uses industrial electrical network.


Main technical specifications standard cells of the GSM network are:

The principle of operation of the GSM and 3G amplifier

The principle of operation of the main part of the amplifier - the repeater, can be described by analogy with a person who exactly repeats to others the questions heard only by him on the handset and in the same way informs the remote subscriber of the answers.

"Repetier" in translation from English means "repeater". This device generates its own, more powerful signals and changes in the likeness of the weak signals of the cell site - loudly repeats everything that it picks up.

How to strengthen the cellular signal with your own hands

Selection and installation of elements for strengthening cellular communication and mobile internet it is better to entrust professionals.

But there are some things you can easily do on your own. For example, install an external antenna and, if necessary, connect it to an Internet modem.

You can also install a ready-made amplification system yourself according to the instructions attached to it. For a skilled owner, this is a simple task.

Where and at what price to buy an amplifier

Individual elements and ready-made kits for signal amplification can be bought at mobile phone stores or specialized online stores.

Prices range from 10,000 rubles (for a set to cover an area of ​​150 square meters and work with one communication standard), up to 25,000 rubles for more powerful and versatile models.
From the following video you will learn how to strengthen the cellular signal:

An article for those who, during the hours of rest from country affairs, recall the signs of civilization, and have already suffered with a low 3G / 4G LTE signal that makes it difficult or impossible to comfortably work on the Internet. After all, we are used to the fact that there is Internet on our tablets and laptops, and we are very upset when it is not.

Our goal is to help you figure out how to provide a country house / cottage with acceptable Internet with your own hands, saving resources and reducing the number of cones, so as not to hire a master who will come for 10-15 thousand and do everything. As practice shows, 8 out of 10 people are capable of self install amplifying equipment.All that is required is to connect the antenna cable to the modem connectors using an adapter and point the antenna towards the operator's tower.

The first symptoms that an antenna is needed are an unstable signal, sensitivity to the location of the modem and weather conditions. In such a situation, the antenna will help improve, increase, and stabilize the signal level, and therefore will make it possible to receive uninterrupted mobile Internet to the maximum.

In the first stages, you need to determine what speed you accept and what you can get. For example, if the signal strength in the house is 2.3 divisions (average 75-80 dBm), then for the purity of the experiment, we recommend climbing to the highest point of the building, taking a laptop and a modem, or a smartphone / tablet with you, try to get a confident reception (4- 5 divisions) and take speed measurements through the site Or drive up to the operator's tower and take measurements there. If, based on the results of the measurements, you did not feel the difference, then you should: 1) Check the speed limits on the tariff; 2)Try other carriers. If the difference is obvious, then buying an antenna makes sense.

Antennas and signal amplification methods 3G & 4G - LTE

  1. Antenna "homemade" - we will not focus on it, and all its pros and cons are described in a separate article.
  2. up to 15 dB. As a rule, these are panel-type structures with a stand;
  3. street3G/4G antenna: up to 20 dB. and higher. The most popular types of antennas presented on our website are - broadband and narrowband.

Broadband or narrowband antenna? Choice. Advantages and disadvantages.

Broadband Antenna universal and able to improve the signal in both 3G and 4G networks, switch to different modes of operation. This means that if today your modem receives 3G, and tomorrow the operator switches to 4G LTE, the antenna will automatically start amplifying the signal in 4G LTE, which will positively affect the speed of the Internet. Behind the minuses of such "omnivorous" lies the possible catching of interference and interference of signals from various sources. Such antennas presented on our website amplify the signal at the most popular frequencies of telecom operators in the Russian Federation - 2100 MHz (3G), 2600 MHz (4G LTE), 1800 MHz(4G LTE), 800 MHz (4G LTE)

Advantages : There is no need to define the frequency of the signal. I fixed the antenna, directed the operator towards the BS and work if the air is not oversaturated with interference. In addition, if you plan to move and use the antenna in another place / with another operator operating in a frequency different from the previous place (example: before the move there was MegaFon LTE 1800, and in the new place MTS LTE 2600), it will come in handy.

Flaws : As they wrote earlier in the conditions of a clogged ether, this is the collection of unnecessary interference.

Narrow band antenna receives a cleaner, higher-quality signal, cutting off all unnecessary interference, providing best ratio signal / noise on the air, because work on a specific frequency in a 3G or 4G network. Frontwhen purchasing such an antenna, it is imperative to determine the operating frequency of the operator in your area, following our instructions. Such an antenna is often relevant in places where airfields, military units, and other objects that create interference are located nearby.If you have the desire and ability to test the network and determine the frequency, then it is preferable to choose the narrowband option.

Advantages:Receiving only a useful signal, cutting off everything superfluous.

Flaws:Binding to the frequency of the operator. If you need to change the operator, or change places of application, it is possible, hitting the desired frequency is not guaranteed.

BOTTOM LINE: The broadband antenna will pick up and amplify the signal in all the most common 3G / 4G frequencies, you do not need to do research.

MIMO support and what it is.

MIMO- this is an antenna having 2 antenna elements in one housing, located relative to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. This design organizes an additional channel for communication. The 4G-LTE standard supports this technology, and can provide an improvement in signal-to-noise values ​​by 7-12 dB, and therefore additionally add speeds up to 2x. But for 3G networks, things are not so rosy. In 3G networks, many BSs are already operating without MIMO, as a rule, using this scheme has the opposite effect - the throughput is reduced. Of course, the cost of an antenna with MIMO technology is higher than conventional antennas.

The signal reception quality is determined by several factors. In addition to the distance to the tower, one of them is the terrain. If there are obstacles (hills, structures) in the path of the path signal, then the direct signal will not reach you, and you will receive a weakened signal. Best Option for reception is a line of sight.

Reasons for the decline and degradation of the 3G & 4G signal in urban and suburban areas.

1. Attenuation of the signal in the walls of the building.

Depending on the material of the facade of the building, the thickness and type of floors, the signal received by the modem from the BS is subject to attenuation in different ways. Wood has the least resistance. It practically does not suppress the wave. If the facade is made of brick, then the signal will already be much lower. If the walls of the reinforced concrete mesh or, even worse, the structure is sheathed with metal. siding, then the modem often does not work at all, or keeps the signal in 2G mode at meager speeds. This is due to the 2G frequency band which is lower than 3G frequencies and the passage through walls is better.
SOLUTION: Removal of the modem at least to the window

2. Terrain and forest belt reduce signal strength

As a rule, the height of the BS operators is 30-45 meters. To get the best signal, you need to raise the antenna as high as possible. It is recommended to at least install it on the roof of your house - this will noticeably improvesignal quality.

SOLUTION:Use a parabolic antenna, which has a low wind load, which allows it to be mounted on a high mast. Besides,antennas of this design have high gain.


A modern 3G / 4G lte antenna is the key to fast and comfortable Internet.And the task of choosing the type and design of the antenna is very simple, if you understand the conditions under which you connect to the Internet. The main thing is to adhere to the basic conditions for receiving the signal and understand the situation. We hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Passive or active internet amplification?

Most often, a passive system can solve the problem of a weak Internet signal. It differs from the active one in that it does not include a repeater, it functions solely on the basis of an antenna and a receiving device (modem or router). There is also a variety of “external clients” that combine both an antenna and a modem with a router in one all-weather case. You can view our range of passive amplification systems here.

As a rule, passive kits are cheaper than active amplification kits. However, keep in mind that a passive amplification system will only work for you if the signal level that can be picked up by an external antenna is strong enough!

Installing an active amplification system

An active amplification system is used in the country when it is necessary to “pull out” a very weak signal. In this case, an active amplifier (repeater) can be connected either directly to a 3G / 4G modem, or to a room distributing antenna. In the latter case, the indoor antenna distributes the amplified signal throughout the room.

Antenna tuning

Proper installation of the antenna is the basis for the installation of any mobile Internet amplification system. However, this is often forgotten. Always point the external antenna exactly towards the tower of the cellular operator you need!

To point the antenna in the right direction will help you:

  1. 3G (or 4G) signal coverage area of ​​the operator you need. You can easily find it by entering the appropriate query in a Google or Yandex search (for example, “MTS 3G coverage area Leningrad region" etc.);
  2. Site This resource contains a map of the location of base stations of telecom operators. Use it by choosing the operator you need. Find the place on the map where your dacha is located, and remember the location of the nearest towers.

Decide on the power of the amplifier

Depending on the signal strength and distance to the nearest base station, different amplifier models may suit you. Below we have reviewed the most popular of them:

  • The Baltic Signal BS-3G-65 amplifier is a budget 3G Internet amplifier for summer cottages. The base model, one of the cheapest and most popular. However, it will only suit you if the planned coverage area is not very large;
  • The Baltic Signal BS-3G-75 amplifier is the optimal solution for amplifying the 3G Internet signal in the country. More reliable and powerful, but also more expensive model. Guarantees you 100% 3G gain in most cases.

Also in our assortment there are models for amplifying 4G Internet and dual-band 3G and 4G amplifiers.

Depending on the signal strength and distance to the nearest base station, different amplifier models may suit you.
Below we have reviewed the most popular of them:

Find the right antennas

You will need at least two antennas: external and internal. The external antenna may be in the form of a herringbone ("wave channel") or a panel. Only panel or omnidirectional (circular) antennas are installed indoors.

  • Panel antennas have a wider angle of capture (they are easier to install and configure), but less gain;
  • The “herringbones” have exactly the opposite: the capture angle is narrower, but the gain is higher.

An important nuance: there are powerful panel antennas, the gain of which is higher than that of any "herringbone". They are, of course, more expensive, but they guarantee reliable signal reception and high speeds.

Below we offer you the most suitable antennas for amplifying the Internet signal.

Indoors, as noted above, highly directional antennas are not installed. The best solution would be to choose an antenna or. You can also use ceiling solutions: or.

As a rule, indoor antennas are made of white plastic and fit perfectly into any interior.

Did we manage to answer the question of how to choose an Internet amplifier for a summer residence? If something remains unclear, our consultants will be happy to answer all your questions. Contact us by phone 8-800-3333-965 or request a free call back.

In the villages, until now, there is no dedicated Internet line in most cases. It happens that the Internet can be connected via an ADSL line, who has a connected landline phone.

In most cases, all rural residents of Russia connect to the Internet using 3G modems. And the farther the village, the worse not only the 3G Internet, but also the usual cellular connection.

To improve the quality of communication, the following amplification principles are used:

  1. With an antenna.
  2. With antennas and amplifiers.
  3. With multiple antennas and multiple amplifiers.

There are ready-made kits, but before you buy them, you need to determine what to strengthen and how. Sometimes one antenna is enough, sometimes not.

You need to know exactly in which range the 3G signal of the selected telecom operator is transmitted, and where the boundaries of this signal are. To check the signal strength, a regular cell phone or a spectrum analyzer will do.

Checking the signal level

Before you strengthen anything, you need to catch something. We determine the range of operating frequencies for voice communication and the Internet. The image above illustrates the entire range of frequencies involved: TV signal, wi-fi, DECT, GSM, LTE, etc. It is important to understand in what range the base station at the point being checked is transmitting the Internet. It can be transmitted in UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

In Russia, the 3G signal has its own standard: UMTS 900 and UMST 2100.

All smartphones and 3G modems work using both of these standards. In cities, due to the small coverage radius, but more high speed signal transmission and stability with a large number of connections, use the UMTS 2100 standard.

Portable spectrum analyzer SPECTRAN HF-6060 V4, which determines the direction of the antenna

If you are not an installation organization specializing in installing 3G boosters for a one-time connection, you can use a 3G-enabled phone. We activate the built-in Netmonitor function in it.

How to do this on your phone, look on the Internet. Here are the most common codes.

Phone model Menu entry code Note
Apple iPhone *3001#12345#*, press "call" 2g, 3g, 3gs, 4g, 4gs, 5. For firmware versions from 5.0.1 and higher.
Android *#0011# or *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#*#* The menu should appear automatically after entering the last character, if not, try another code
HTC (EVO, Incredible, Touch) ##33284#, press "call" Select a network from the menu and look at the signal level
HTC Wizard 8125, 2125 *#*#364#*#* The signal level is displayed in conditional values. The higher the value, the higher the signal level
HTC Touch ##33284#
Samsung C170, X820 *#9999*0#
LG C900 ##634# If it asks for the password 2277634#*# and press ENTER
Nokia 6215i, 6315 ##2773 further code 000000

When we enter the engineering menu, various information appears, for example, volume level, battery charging, IMEI, wi-fi, phone usage statistics. I do not recommend changing the values.

If you cannot find the settings you need, use another phone. As a result, you need to determine the Rx CH parameter. The first value surrounded by a red frame shows in which range the signal is received. If the value is within 10562-10838 - this is UMTS 2100, if within 2937-3088 - UMTS 900. Having determined the operating range, you can accurately select a 3G signal amplifier, for example, high-quality Picocell 900 or Picocell 2000.

The yellow frame shows the level of 3G signal reception. Having constantly changing dynamic parameters of the signal level, we are looking for the best reception point. Less is better. Ideally, it is better to put the antenna higher on the roof, but you can find points of reliable reception inside the house.

Equipment selection

If you are in a receiving area, it may be sufficient to install a good antenna with a high gain. For example, an AP-1900/2700-17 antenna with a gain of 17 dB but a narrow radiation pattern. Suitable if one base station is installed next to you and there are no other signal consumers nearby.

AP-1900/2700-17 Directional Antenna for Cellular Signal Amplification

A fantastic result is shown by the AO-2000-11 brand antenna - with a high gain = 11 dB and a circular radiation pattern. Works on the principle of set and forget. Its advantage lies in the principle of operation. It can catch a signal from several base stations at once, which significantly affects the speed of the Internet. No need to look for signal direction.

Omnidirectional antenna, model AO-2000-11 for amplifying 3G signal

In almost 80-95% of cases, when a 3G signal is at least somehow caught, it is enough to screw a 3G repeater amplifier TAU-2000 from Picocell to the antenna, and you will catch a stable 3G / 4G signal.

To prevent signal loss between the antenna and the amplifier, I recommend using a cable with a large cross section, the tips of which are crimped in an industrial way or with a special tool.

5D/FB PVC cable with N-type connector (male)

Ready kits

When you know exactly what type of amplifier you need to buy and whether you need it at all, you can start buying equipment. If there are no retail outlets in your city, buy from online stores or from the equipment manufacturer directly.

Kits can be of several types:

  • without amplifier;
  • with amplifier;

Wiring diagram for equipment for amplifying 3G signal throughout the house

Consider kits without amplifiers. The structure of such kits includes an antenna, wire. Conveniently, if you have a modem or router, then the cost of amplifying the 3G / 4G signal will be minimal. A set of wires and an antenna will cost you from 5,000 rubles.

Antennas are selected based on the location, number and distance to the base stations. You can always increase this kit with an amplifier, the final price of the equipment will increase, as well as the quality of the received signal.

Antenna kit connection diagram with TAU-2000 amplifier and wi-fi router

You can use any antenna, including those given when selecting equipment, but it’s better to buy a Huawei E392 modem, although its price starts at 3200 rubles.

Watch a short video of everything stated in the article, if anyone is interested in the subtleties, go to the site indicated in the video clip.

And finally, I will share an observation: buy an antenna and equipment in specialized stores, and not in mobile phone stores, what is sold there does not work.

The Connect antenna is made for the beauty of the interior. The usefulness of this device is questionable. Can only be used as an extension cable for a modem

Ask questions if anything is unclear. Good luck with your shopping.