The script for the presentation of the detachments "Hello, this is us!". Scenario of a local history event at a summer camp Presentation of the team at the camp business card script

The detachment goes out to the music from the movie "Mary Popins, goodbye!" (composition “Lady Perfection”), the guys line up in two rows, in a semicircle.

Commander: Our squad!

Squad: LUX

Commander: Our motto!

Squad: We love fun

Humor and laughter.

Everyone will.

Fight for everyone.

Children standing in the first row, located at an equal distance from each other, turn over the cards with the first letter for each line of the motto.

LUX! We called the group.

So there are no better guys.

Together we will dare

Have fun, win.

We will compose songs, we will meet dawns,

And help friends out of trouble.

LUX! means the best.

Walking with a song

Friendly and nearby

The best squad!

After the poem, the leader of the detachment comes out and asks in surprise: Guys, what is the secret of your charm?

Detachment in unison: We only use the fact that we have the LUX emblems.

Commander: After all, "Lux" is called all the best on Earth, and in the Universe, perhaps! Here is our song the best of all that we came up with!

The squad sings a song.

Our song flows loudly.

"LUX" - not in vain the detachment is called.

Lux - both joy and success;

LUX is the best in the world!

Here is our most faithful friend,

Round dance ringing circle.

We are in trouble - it does not matter; we are always cheerful.

Our song is always young.

This song is LUXURY!

Chorus: Waves of the sea -

The mountains are steep

real friend

Walks nearby.

Burning heart.

The path illuminates.

Will overcome difficulties

Always be the first

We will pass the weight of the test

Though the paths of knowledge are difficult.

LUX! - we laugh more cheerfully.

Lux is the friendliest in the world!

Let's sing and dance

And conquer the peaks.

Together we will ignite

The brightest fire

The path of victory is ringing

Our songs of enthusiasm!


"Sea swimming"- ships with crews, sailors, captains and other attributes of marine life.

"Playground"- where there is a city hall, residents, enterprises, its own currency, life is organized according to its own laws, charter.

"Fairy Kingdom" king, queen, retinue, fairy tale characters.

"Forest State"- Berendey, goblin, foresters, other forest dwellers.

"Joint-Stock Company" – board of directors, shareholders, stock exchanges, arbitration court, etc.

"Space flight"- headquarters, spaceships, astronauts, inhabitants of other galaxies, relationships with them, etc.

"Environmental Camp"– green patrol, ecologists organizing the protection of the local ecological environment and other activities.

"Children's TV", "Indian Land", "Theater Studio", " scientific laboratory", "City of Masters", "Police Town", "Foreign State", "Children's Party", " Farming" and etc.


Shift work plan

1st day - dating channel

Broadcasts (events):

Express relay "Hello camp!".

Cheerful train.

Hour of acquaintances "Hello, TV people!".

Restructuring process.

Sports push.

Tell me about yourself.

2nd day - TV channel.

Competition "My business card".

Club of interesting meetings.

Relay of neighbors.

3rd day - channel "Nature".

Botanical, zoological walks.

Witchcraft gatherings.

Atelier of prehistoric jewelry.

Sweet tree.

4th day - sea channel.

Feast of Neptune.

Marine rendezvous.

Tournament of water drinkers.

Water sports.

Two ships (role-playing game).

Treasure Island.

5th day - presentation.

Festive line.

Presentation of TV companies.

Hit-parade "Southern Stars".

Circus engagement.

6th day - channel of entrepreneurs.

Competition for camp currency.

Treasure search.

Russian loto.

7th day - channel of romantics.

Robinson and Robinsons.

Butterfly walk.

Painting competition.

Video clip competition. Night walk.

8th day - channel "Together".

United, friendly family.

Round dance shows.

folklore journey.

Sabantuy (labor holiday in Tatarstan).

9th day - Pathfinder channel.

Opening of the intelligence school.

Digital intelligence.

10th day - theater channel

KAM: Acting competition.

Understand me.

Excursion to the theater.

11th day - parent channel.

We have been waiting for you, we are glad to see you!

Festive line.

Concert "Hey, parents, look at us!".

Exhibition of sandwiches.

Ma-la-ko: small camp competitions.

12th day - a channel of surprises.

Miss, Mr. Bunt.

Space football.

Look at the braids.

Soap Fairy.

Research Institute of baby rattles.

13th day - channel "Health".


Conversations with doctors.

14th day - fabulous channel.

Rally of fairy-tale heroes.

Cartoon fireworks.

Who is stronger, faster, smarter.

15th day - channel of politeness.

We welcome guests.

Ethical range.


Gentleman - 2001.

16th day - channel cheerful and resourceful.


Comic info.

Kiss press.

Cartoon competition.

Find a guide.

17th day - birthday channel.

Christmas meeting day.

Concert "Chamomile".

Guess the melody.

18th day - closing TV.

Festive line.

The Oscars, TEFI.

Procession of the favorites of the public.

TV review.

Entertaining epic.

Bonfire "It's great that we are all here today!".

Opening of the shift "Children's TV"

Characters: 1st and 2nd presenters, readers, two Negro children, Berendey.

Before the beginning of the holiday, the detachments, consisting of television people of various professions, are anxiously waiting for the signal to start the celebrations. They have balloons, flowers, emblems of their TV companies in their hands. A signal about the beginning of the celebration sounds (a bugle or a synthesizer, or an appropriate audio recording, etc.).

1st presenter . He speaks and shows children's television.

2nd host . We are starting a live broadcast from the forest kingdom of Berendey.

1st leader. Attention!

2nd leader. Light! Motor!

1st leader. Double first, frame one! (Clicks).

2nd leader. TV companies! To the studio!

The theatrical entrance of television companies begins, building.

1st presenter . Hello adults!

2nd host . FROM Good morning, children!

1st leader. It's time to imagine life.

On a solar teleplanet!

2nd host . We welcome you, friends!

Take into account…

1st presenter . I'll tell you for...

2nd leader. And I…

Together. About the children's TV company!

1st presenter . Hello dear friends!

All TV companies (in chorus). Everyone, good afternoon everyone!

There is a greeting - roll call of television companies.

1st leader. On children's television, as always ...

2nd leader. There is no boredom!

1st presenter . Where is the laughter coming from?

2nd leader. Who is the funniest here

1st leader. I know, I know, the boys here are mischievous rascals!

2nd host . And the girls are good! Smile from the heart!

The boys blow kisses to the girls.

1st leader. It's time to introduce the production center of our children's television. Meet and greet:

president of the children's television center - ... (head of the camp),

Chief Editor TV programs - ... (senior counselor),

sound engineer - ... (music director),

sports commentator - …. (gym teacher).

1st leader.

2nd host . Here, on TV, there are countless friends, there are songs and there is friendship!

1st leader. Representatives from the distant Zambezi River flew to us for the holiday. Chief of the Tampuko tribe and his son Kezi. Let's meet them!

Under the "Lambada" guys come out, disguised as blacks, and begin to say "not our way." Leading "translate".

2nd leader. Friends! The guests are interested in whether you have studied our television center well in the first days? They want to check:

What brand of TV does the general manager have?

What breed of dog guards our TV center?

What color are the eyes of a sound engineer?

What is the name of our sportscaster's dad?

What is a disco recorder called?

Well done, guys, and now - the floor to you!

1st reader. On our TV

We can become

Both tourists and youths.

It's good to sing here

It's good to dream

And go to the cinema

For the counselors.

2nd reader. The sky is clear, the sun is red.

Our mood is great!

We are here with you

All miracles can not be counted

If there is a song

If there is friendship

Together. The morning started off with a bang:

All fizruk drove to run,

I wanted to sleep some more.

And they made me get up.

I wanted to wash like this:

There is no toothpaste.

What happened to the counselor at night:

I made a nice portrait of him!

We go to the dining room with friends,

Here's something to please a friend.

At dinner I gave him songs

Don't forget to salt the compote.

Quiet time, and so reluctant to sleep,

We really love to chat.

"Well, friends," the counselor said sternly.

Who does not sleep - to train!"

I put on big flippers

And went to a disco club.

The girls got scared in the dark

Would have known earlier that they would not understand!

Berendey. I live in the forest and tall spruce

It serves as a home for my animals.

I am the lord of the forests, Berendey,

Now we are familiar with you.

Eh, me! new shirt,

And the garden head!

You have to think:

It's time to open the telecentre!

Berendey takes out the flag of the camp television shift and goes to the flagpole.

1st leader. Morning, evening or night - drive boredom away!

2nd leader. Here, on TV, there are countless friends, there are songs and there is friendship!

Television workers, rebuilding, form a "sun", sing the song "Bend of the Yellow Guitar". The camp flag is raised.

Berendey . Well, now the way is open for you,

Teleoscar beckons you.

The sun is shining in the sky

Lights up your path.

Negress. We wish you success

And bursting laughter

Health and smiles!

Berendey. Win the TV Cup!

1st leader. Create and keep going! Now the concert is waiting for you!

Detachments of TV men leave the place of the ruler and go to a festive concert.


1st day - "Registration".

"Hour of contacts, game-acquaintance" The city in which I live.

"Economic Ten".

2nd day - "Brain attack".

Newspaper-application "This is us".

Role-playing game"Election Campaign".

"Fireworks of non-standard ideas".

3rd day - Firm.

Registration. Licensing of activities.

"Economic ditties from Semyonovna".

4th day - "Money".

Competition "Squad currency".

Economic high point.

Oral magazine "History of money".

5th day - "Taxes".

Business economic game "Mafia".

Economy of Robinson Island.

6th day - "Marketing".

Economic game "Option".

Competition of economic fairy tales.

7th day - "Product".

"City of masters".

Intellectual auction "Sotheby's".

8th day - "Price policy".

Economic business game "Market price".

Treasure search.

Competitions of proverbs and sayings about the economy, solving economic crosswords, rebuses, puzzles.

10th day - "Promotion and sales".

business game"Micromarket".

"Golden fever".

11th day - "Competition".

Business game "Competitor".

Role-playing competition program "Visiting Scrooge".

12th day - "Management".

Business game "Career".

Intellectual game"HOMO SAPIEHS - HOMO MUSICUS".

13th day - "Manager".

Company tour.

Fashion competition "Business man".

Speaker competition.

14th day - "Business papers".

"Stationery fun".

My friend is a notebook.

15th day - "Communications".

"Secret materials".

"Star firmament".

"Economic Rally".

16th day - "Capabilities".

All-around economists.

Intellectual economic game "Do

rates, gentlemen!

17th day - World Business.

"Space Parade"

Intellectual economic game "Casino".

18th day - "Results".

"Page of good surprises".

"At last I will tell you".

    Order for the event "Hello, this is us!".

    Regulations on the event "Hello, this is us!".

    The scenario of the camp-wide event "Hello, this is us!".

    Scenario of the detachment event "Hello, this is us!".

    Application for materials.





ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About the event

"Hello, it's us!"


Hold a camp-wide event "Hello, this is us!" for pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babina according to the program of the camp and the plan - a grid of events.

    Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and holding the event shall be assigned to the methodologist Ganich L.N., the deputy director for the economic part Berezan A.V. and Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V.

    Methodist Ganich L.N., Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V., equipment maintenance operator Korotenko I.A.

2.1. draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) Regulations governing the holding of the event "Hello, this is us!" among pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babina.

2.2. write a scenario for the event and select musical accompaniment

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during the event "Hello, this is us!" To assign to educators and leaders of the detachments. Conduct safety briefings with students.

4. Methodist Ganich L.N., Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4.1. Make a schedule of duty officers in the territory during the event "The Light of Dating » from among the employees of the DUOO.

5. Doctor Petrenko S.I. K. Babina to provide medical support during the event "Hello, this is us!" .

The control of the execution of this order shall be assigned to the methodologist of the DUOO them. K. Babina Ganich L.N.

This order comes into force from the moment of its signing.

Director of the DUOO named after K. Babina Savchenko V.M.


Korotenko N.V

Petrenko S. I.

Kondratiev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L. N.

Kosolapova N.B.

Belaya A.I.

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Boklach D.V.

Dotsyak M.A.

Shapovalova E.K.

Korotenko I. A.

Zagorkova A.V.

Chaly D.O.

Nadtoka S.V.

Sereda E.R.

Titarenko O.V.

Getun B.D

Toshoporan Yu.V.

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Voronina E.K.

Novak A.V.

Moiseenko A.M.

Dotsyak M.A.

Iskra E.A.

Smooth E.O.

Samus E.V.

Smooth. A.G.

Titaeva D.A.



I approve:



about holding a camp-wide event "Hello, this is us!"

Goals and objectives

To form an idea about the detachment and about yourself in the detachment, camp and employees of the children's institution.

    introduce children to each other in different units;

    introduce the children to the territory of the camp

    introduce pupils to people who work in a children's institution

    to acquaint children with the mode of operation of all services,

    to acquaint the children with the laws and internal regulations of the camp.


All pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babina and camp staff.


The event is held in the club DUOO them. K. Babina

Conduct form:

Theatrical - musical performance,

Video presentation,

game program.



I approve:

Director of the DUOO named after K. Babina V. M. Savchenko


Event progress


Enter 2 leaders.


Presenters 1:-Good evening! Hello!

/Music in the background/

Presenters 2: We welcome you friends!

We are glad to meet you!

Presenters 1: We are again in the circle of friends

Teams are happy to meet you!

Presenters 2:.We all gathered at the children's camp named after Kostya Babin, where the spirit of creativity, joy and communication between adults and children reigns!

Presenters 1: It is here that you can meet amazing people who cannot imagine life without Have a good mood, smiles and, of course, children's laughter! And who else, besides educators and counselors, will take care of our children?

Presenters 2: Now let me introduce you

All those who will be next to you

Presenters 1: Give health and comfort

They are here with us today!

Presenters 2: A ship called Babina

Skillfully managed by the captain

Presenters 1: She always keeps her hands on the wheel

Director - Savchenko Victoria Mikhailovna!

Presenters 2: In the economy, it is indispensable.

Paper, pen, clay

Will get everything for you even from the moon

We have been friends with him for a long time!

Deputy director for economic affairs: _______________________

Presenters 1: Provides a bed for everyone

will not leave without pillows

Let's call it, come on...

Irreplaceable sister-mistress!

Presenters 2: Here are the workers of our canteen,

who feed everyone with healthy food!

Meet: the head of production and our chefs! __________________________________________

Presenters 1: In the first-aid post, a doctor and a nurse in a white robe,

Zelenka and iodine are boldly wielding!

We meet:

Nurses: ______________________________________________

Presenters 2: This woman is constantly on the move.

Can't do without her

Important questions will be solved in an instant

And he won't let there be a mess somewhere!


Presenters 1: Always on duty they tirelessly

We are grateful for this protection! ______________________________

Presenters 2: They sit in the DJ room all day,

There is not a minute of free time!

Our DJs are charming


Presenters 1: Fizruk our strong, strong!

Excellent ball and racquet handling.

Has a healthy plump appearance,

the spirit of sports will invigorate anyone! ______________________________________

Presenters 2: Deputy director for educational work


Lives on the principle of active action.

Coordinates us, walks through life with a song.

Kruzhkovtsy ______________________________________

Presenters 1: And this is the leader - the oldest,

She's busy around the clock!

Will help counselors always and in everything

We are now waiting for a word from her! ________________________________________________

Presenters 2: She always remembers her childhood, she is devoted to the brotherhood of children.

Can you hear her beating heart?

This is a group of cultural organizers of adults and children. ___________________________

Presenters 1: Always goes through life with a song

After all, it’s more interesting for us to live with a song!

Musical Director __________________________________________________________

Presenters 2: All the guys im like kids

Olya, Kolya, Sveta, Petit.

Always help, dreamers

They are not counselors, they are educators!

1 squad: ________________________________________________________________

3rd squad: _______________________________________________________________

4 squad: ________________________________________________________________

5 squad: ________________________________________________________________

6 squad: ________________________________________________________________

Presenters 1: The counselor is a fabulous person,
And he is fabulously modest, gentlemen,
There is no duplicity in him,
And he never seeks benefits.
What a hard job
To make someone happy
Bring a flower of luck
Save from loneliness
And then quietly walk away.

We meet our counselors:

1 squad: ___________________________________________________________________________

2 squad: ____________________________________________________________________________

3rd squad: ____________________________________________________________________________

4 squad: ____________________________________________________________________________

5th detachment: ____________________________________________________________________________

6 squad: _____________________________________________________________________________

/Song of the counselors. revolutionary remake/

Here friends are everywhere,

let's have fun together

It's easy to be very brave here

Our main business

Relax and have fun, let's party together!

Here we are all waiting for change

All the seas are up to our knees and everything is easy for us

The camp stands on friendship, here everyone is friendly to each other

And the vanity is far away

We can change the whole world

Fantasy we do not hold

Dare, invent, create

And this world will be yours, yours, yours...

One big family, you and I all live here

And time flies fast

Swim and sunbathe, sing, dance and play

And there's no reason to be sad

Now you can be different

Everywhere the road to the young

Create, invent, dare

The vast world is only yours, you know, you know, you know ...

Chorus 2 times

Presenters 1:. Well, now they will introduce themselves to us, the most important ones in our "Babentsy", it's you guys, I invite you to the stage:

( in turn, the detachments go on stage, say names and mottos, the appearance of the detachments is unusual, then the detachments are given the task of dancing to the proposed music, after that those who first came to the DUOO line up and take a step forward)

Presenters 2: We all live in a big world

And every step for us is an event,

And every day that we meet

May it bring new discoveries.

Presenters 1:. We get to know each other better

In such an acquaintance, friendship is the essence.

So we start the shift

As they say:

Together: Good luck!

Anthem "Babentsev"

Presenters 2: Active recreation, a sea of ​​impressions, sunny days and good mood we wish the boys and girls of our camp. Good luck to all our participants!

Presenters 1:. We wish you all an interesting change - this is the wish for many discoveries, victories, achievements. This is a wish for a difficult but successful journey!

Detachment circles are organized, a disco begins.

Music number.

Presenters 2:. On this we say goodbye to you, but not for long! See you at the disco!



Getting to know the camp

Purpose: to introduce children to:

    camp area

    people who work there

    operation mode of all services

For the convenience of orientation and romance, you can give beautiful names to everything in the camp: The Square of Dawns - the ruler, the House of Merry Men - the building of kids. Signs are needed in place and General Map camps.

Ways to get to know the camp


Conducted within the squad. If there are "oldies" in the detachment, let them conduct a tour. We alternate the story with games for acquaintance, contact, legends about the camp. After returning from the tour, the guys can draw how they saw the camp or the place they liked the most. Intelligence school

The guys are divided into groups, who are given a package with questions that interest the Intelligence Center. They need to find out secret information, for example, what size are the fizruk's shoes, what color are the curtains in the dining room, and so on.

If the tasks of the groups are the same, then we evaluate the speed. If the tasks are different, then you can hold a competition, who will learn more information in a certain time.

Evaluate the accuracy and completeness of the answers. You can creatively present the information received.

Warn the camp workers that there will be a game, and the children about the rules of courtesy.

The guys can be introduced to the camp in another way, because it may happen that your guys know the camp better than you, not all, of course, but there will definitely be a few old-timers. You can try not to take them on a tour, but do the opposite: ask the old-timers to show the camp to you and the newcomers of the detachment. Also, acquaintance with the camp will help organize the "Intelligence School". Create several information gathering groups. Give each such group a packet with a list of issues that are of particular interest to the Center. Explain that the group is given 30-40 minutes to gather strategic data. Warn that each group operates autonomously, as stealthily and quickly as possible, and that the group that excels in reconnaissance activities will be marked with a special insignia. Questions labeled "Top Secret" can be very different, for example: what color is the curtain in concert hall, how many meters are in the longest asphalt path of the camp, how many fountains are in the camp, what is the name of the camp’s artistic director’s mother, how many posts are on duty in the camp and where they are located, at what water temperature it will be possible to swim, how many windows are in the canteen building, what color is the bench of the administrative building, how many houses “on mugs”, how many fire boxes with sand are on the territory of the camp, what are the dimensions of the football field, what is the postal address of the camp, beloved sport Team physical education teacher, etc.

Play by station

Conducted throughout the camp. All units according to the route lists, which indicate the order of travel, come to the station where they are met by the leader (most often they are counselors, but it is better if they are service workers), who talk about this service, its capabilities and mode of operation and conduct for guys a competition, the assessment of which is put down in the route sheet. Points can be encrypted. (letters, shapes, different colors, etc.)

You can take into account not only points for quality, but also the execution time. You need to convert time to points.

For interest from station to station, you can move in a certain way. (holding hands, in single file, with a song, etc.)

If we see that there is pandemonium at the next station, then we complicate the task.

Example: Canteen. Meeting with the chef. Diet, rules of conduct in the dining room, self-service. Competition, who knows more dishes (from potatoes, soups ...), who will eat faster, table setting.

Camp map.

Held within his squad.

The detachment is divided into groups. Each group draws up a map of a certain section of the camp in a certain time. Groups hide puzzle pieces in their area and then mark them on a map.

Creatively beat the zest that is on this site of the camp.

Groups change cards. They need to find the hidden pieces of the puzzle as quickly as possible and put them together. ! You can draw up a single map of the camp at the end, and the guys can identify themselves in the place that they like best in the camp.

Traveling around the camp can be organized in the form of a game of pathfinders: the guys need to find a magic key. They receive a note that indicates where to move, where to find the second note, who to meet. To conduct this game, it is necessary to develop a route in advance, hide notes, and warn camp workers. Otherwise, the most boring thing you can do is line up the guys in pairs and give a tour with the words: "Look left, look right ...".

The guys can be introduced to the camp in another way, because it may happen that your guys know the camp better than you, not all of them, of course, but there will definitely be two or three old-timers. You can try not to take them on a tour, but do the opposite: ask the old-timers to show the camp to you and the newcomers of the detachment.

"Intelligence school" will help organize acquaintance with the camp. Create several information gathering groups. Give each such group a packet with a list of issues that are of particular interest to the Center. Explain that the group is given 30-40 minutes to gather strategic data. Warn that each group operates autonomously, as stealthily and quickly as possible, and the group that excels in intelligence activities will be marked with a special insignia. Top secret questions can be very different, for example: what color is the curtain in the club, how many meters are there in the longest asphalt path of the camp, how many trash cans are on the camp site, what is the name of the mother of the music worker, how many posts are in the camp and where are they located, what are the names of the counselors, at what temperature of the water it will be possible to swim, how many windows are in the canteen building, what color is the bench at the first-aid post, how many houses are in the "Town of Fairy Tales", how many fireboxes filled with sand are on the territory of the camp, what are the dimensions of the basketball field, what is the mailing address camps, what is the name of the radio operator's favorite group, the fizruk's favorite sports team, etc.

Acquaintance in numbers

Give each squad a note in which a mathematical example is written (each squad has its own, but the same size). But the example is unusual - they need to find the numbers themselves, insert them into the example and calculate. For example: the number of cooks + the number of benches at the frontal place * the number of minutes allotted in the schedule for lunch - the number of full years of Peter's boys coordinator - the number of windows in the canteen building + the sum of the digits on the camp car number: the number of beds in the girls' room of the third detachment ... + number of poles in the fence around the club = ?

Each squad opens their note with an example on the whistle. During the whistle, time is recorded. The task of each team is to solve their example as quickly as possible. But only on the condition that they all run around the camp and look for the necessary numbers all together, that is, with the whole detachment (this should be monitored by a mentor who runs with the guys). As soon as a team finishes, they run to the center of the camp to the sports instructor and give their example, and the sports instructor records the time. As soon as he receives a final decision from the last team, he compares the answers of the squads with the correct ones and announces the results immediately or during the evening meeting. The team that gets the correct answer first is the winner.

Each number should be connected in some way with the camp, so that by deciphering the numbers, the guys get acquainted with the camp staff, with the history of the camp, with the territory, etc.

Questions that can be turned into numbers in this game:

    Write the names of all camp staff (mentors, director, coordinators, music worker, sports instructor, nurse, etc.).

    Find out who is the oldest in our camp.

    Find out who is the youngest in our camp.

    Find something edible (not from the canteen).

    Bring the strangest item.

    Find out your favorite pastime ... (any one from the camp).

    Find out the shoe size of the coordinator - "dad".

    Find out what was the last book the librarian read.

    Find out in which pocket the sports instructor carries the whistle.

    Find out how many letters in the full name of the coordinator - "mom".

    What is the shortest time you can run from your dacha to the dining room?

    Who best friend camp director?

    Who is the tallest in your squad?

    What trees grow around?

    Find out the date of birth of the sports instructor.

    Bring 3 feathers.

    Find out the music worker's favorite song.

    Bring a handkerchief.

    Find out your favorite flower ... (any one from the camp).

    Find out the director's favorite dish.

    Bring a bouquet of flowers.

    Learn the color of the librarian's eyes.

    Find out the weight of the sports instructor.

    Fold the given word from auxiliary materials on the ground.

    The coordinator's favorite pastime is "dad".

    Find out the date of birth ... (any of the camps).

    Favorite animal ... (any of the camp).

    Bring the item that is most important to you.

    Find out how many family members have ... (any one from the camp).

we made this game on the first day to get acquainted with the territory of the camp; the children liked it very much. It's just that the questions were different, for example, find the path leading to the lake and there is a person who signs. Once they did it like it was written .... it was also interesting. One question/task was to make the camp director of the hardest assignments.

It is also called differently intelligence school

Several groups are created to collect classified information, each group is given a package with a list of questions that are of particular interest to the "center". The groups are given a certain amount of time to collect strategic data. Each group operates autonomously, quickly and discreetly. Questions might be:

    How many bins, benches, trees, stairs, steps, etc. in the camp?

    What are the names of all the counselors?

    What color are their eyes?

    What is the camp director's name? Can he swim?

    What will be for lunch and dinner today? Etc. etc.

It might look like this: :)

    What color are the curtains in the campmaster's room?

    How many meters in the longest paved path of the camp?

    Can the chef swim?

    What is the name of the senior counselor?

    What color are the eyes of the leader of the 1st detachment?

    What is the shoe size of the leader of the 2nd detachment?

    What color is the bench near the first-aid post?

    Camp leader's favorite color.

    How many windows are in the gym?

    How many steps at the entrance to the camp?

    What is painted on the verandas of our camp?

    What is the leader's favorite song of the 4th detachment?

    How many doors are in the music room?

    What kind of fruit does the counselor of the 5th detachment like?

    What kind of flowers does the health worker like?

And at the end of the list of required tasks. For example, find a yellow wool sock anywhere, or collect 47 cones, no more, no less. :) Of course, you need to find out everything yourself in advance, prepare the people who will be asked. In general, the children are usually very happy ...

In principle, this game can be played at any time, the children are busy and you are free)) The squad is divided into 2 teams, but I think you can do more ... Everyone is given a list of questions, you can have the same ones - even better. Questions - like what color are the director's curtains? how many windows are in the dining room? how many fire hydrants are there? what is the size of the feet of the physical education teacher, can the cleaning lady of the 2 building know how to swim)? and stuff like that... And at the end of the list of required tasks. For example, find a yellow woolen sock anywhere, or collect 47 cones, no more, no less) of course, you need to find out everything yourself in advance, prepare the people who will be asked. Basically, the kids are usually sooooo happy...

The children's ideas about the size of the world around us are very different from our adults. And if the camp where you are now working is small according to your concepts, then for children it is a whole country in which at first you can, if not get lost, then get confused. And the guys should be introduced to this country. How? For example, organize a game on the first day - the journey "Hello, camp!" The game will require beautiful route sheets and reliable assistants. Both need to be taken care of in advance. On the itinerary, a travel scheme is drawn: the main attractions, their location, the order of stops along the way. And during these stops, the guys can meet with their guides.

younger age

    WITH THE OLD MAN - LESOVICH (he will tell about the surrounding forest, how to behave in the forest; he will ask if the guys can distinguish tree species, edible mushrooms ...);

    WITH GANTELKIN (he will meet the guys at the stadium and talk about exercises, about sports work in the camp);

    WITH THE DOCTOR'S TERM (in the first-aid post, the children will once again remember why they need to wash their hands, why wear a hat in sunny weather);

    WITH FUN - THE ENTERTAINER (on the playground, she will learn a new game with the guys);

    WITH THE COOK SWEET EZHKIN (he will meet the guys in the dining room and talk about the rules of behavior in it);

    WITH BROWN KUZEY (he will be waiting for the guys in the ward, where he will show how to make the bed, how to fold things before going to bed, how to clean and what to store in the nightstand).

You can come up with many more interesting characters that will help children get acquainted with camp life.

Average age

Traveling through the camp can be a game of pathfinders. The guys need to find the magic key. They receive a note telling them where to go and what to remember, who to meet to find the next note. In this case, it is required to develop a route in advance, discuss all the points with the participants - camp workers.

older age

Older guys should be introduced to the camp differently. After all, it may happen that the guys orient themselves in the camp better than you. Someone in the camp for the first time, but there are always old-timers. In this case, they should lead you on a tour. That is, everything is done in reverse. In this way, you will catch a lot of rabbits at once: raise the authority of the old-timers, introduce newcomers to the camp, use the game moment and just have an interesting first day in the country of Childhood!

Tour of the camp. It is conducted by one of the partners, the second at a predetermined place prepares everything for the creative work "We are guys anywhere ...".

How to take a tour?

The purpose of the tour is to familiarize the children with the territory of the camp, the location of the main services and employees children's camp. The main thing at the same time is not just to tell, but to show the possibilities of the children's camp in organizing the life of the team. During the tour, the leader must constantly pay attention to the laws and traditions of the camp as generally accepted norms for the collective living of children and adults and demonstrate them during the tour. If it is customary to say hello (“Good afternoon! ... evening”), then the counselor does it first (even if a stranger meets). When meeting with the specialists of the children's camp, teachers of additional education, they should be presented as older friends with whom the children will have to cooperate. Be sure to show the medical services, the sports base, the beach area, the location of the circles, where the guys will visit most often. As you go, pause for 5 minutes to play team building games. Walk some distance with a “caterpillar”, break the guys into threes and go through some section in support (two take their hands to the castle, the third sits on them, they carry him 5–10 meters). Don't compete. Many of these exercises are described in the first part of the book. Each exercise will remove the tension of acquaintance from the guys, break the stereotypes of adolescent interaction, and will make them more open. Participate in these games yourself. At the end of the tour, conduct an express quiz on the information and objects of the camp that you have shown. Set up a small prize of your own for "The Most Attentive" (a cone, a fun toy you made).

Try to immediately find out the opinion of the guys about the tour. The tour ends at a place previously planned by the partners. There, everything is ready for the creative work.

July 2017

I ask you to issue the following materials for registration of the event ____________:

Released L.N. Ganich Methodist

Accepted by the educator (counselor)

Scenario of local history modeling in the municipal specialized tourist and local history camp "Istoki" "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia"

teacher-organizer MKOU DOD Anninsky DDT E.V. Vlasov.
Target: introduce children to the official and unofficial symbols of Russia.
Tasks:- to expand children's ideas about the state symbols and symbols of the Voronezh region;
- develop cognitive interest and respect for the symbols of Russia;
- to cultivate an emotional and patriotic attitude to the symbols of Russia, feelings of love for the Fatherland and the small Motherland.
Annotation: this event is implemented in the municipal specialized tourist and local lore camp "Istoki" for children aged 14-16. At the planning meeting, a draw is made for the topics of modeling, the necessary information is given to each detachment in in electronic format, the position is given (Appendix 1) and the simulation execution algorithm (Appendix 2). The theme of local history modeling is chosen depending on the theme of the year announced in Russia.
Equipment: globe, computer, multimedia installation, microphones, modeling algorithm, nesting dolls.
Event progress:
VED. Today we will talk about our country, in which we were born and live. Look at the globe.
On it you will not find
The house you live in.
And even the native streets
You won't find that one on the map.
But we will always find with you
Our country, our common home.
VED. Our country is the largest big country in the world.
VED. It has many seas, rivers, mountains, forests, many cities, villages, villages.
VED. I want to play a game with you and find out what you know about our Motherland.
VED. We will start, and you will continue in turn.
VED. Our country is called ... (Russia)
VED. Our country is big. It has a lot ... (Lakes, rivers, mountains)
VED. People who live in our country are called ... (Russians)
VED. Governs our country… (President)
VED. The President's name is ... (Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin)
VED. The capital of Russia is called ... (Moscow)
VED. What is the name of the area in which we live? (Voronezh)
VED. Name the area in which you live ... (Anninsky)
VED. Each state has its own symbols. Russia, the Voronezh region also has state symbols and _____________ squad will tell us about them.
VED. In the fields, on the hill,
Above the window among the fields
Blond birches are a symbol of my Motherland.
You are so sweet to me to any dew,
Silence slumbers in your spaces,
Berezovaya, Russian Russia
Chamomile, kind country! (M. Lermontov)
VED. There is a wonderful pantry in the world. You put a sack of grain in it, and in autumn you look: instead of one, there are already twenty in the pantry.
VED. A bucket of potatoes turns into 20 buckets. A handful of seeds is made into a large pile of cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots. VED. This is not a fairy tale. There is actually a wonderful pantry. Have you guessed what it's called?
VED. Of course, it's the ground. The Voronezh region is rich in special soil - chernozem.
VED. ______ detachment will tell us about the unofficial symbol of Russia and the Voronezh region.
VED. Where did he take the paints, a skilled craftsman,
In noisy fields, in a fabulous forest?
Created an image of irrepressible passion,

True Russian beauty.
VED. There was a blush on her cheeks.
The blue of the sky will shine in her eyes.
And let in a unique dance,
He must have said cheerfully:
VED. Well, then, walk around the world,
Have fun, private people ...
And matryoshka across the planet
It's still going strong. (Yu. Zhulkina)
VED. Matryoshkas are toys that are not played with. They decorate the house. But now we will play, we will hold a contest for quickly picking up nesting dolls.
VED. We invite one person from the 1st and 2nd detachment. Your task is to collect the matryoshka. Whoever completes the task quickly wins.
VED. We invite one person from the 3rd and 4th detachments. Your task is to collect the matryoshka. Whoever completes the task quickly wins.
VED. Another unofficial symbol of Russia and the Voronezh region - the matryoshka doll, will be told to us by ______________ squad.
VED. The world of fiction, its figurative structure and rich language are born thanks to the work of writers and poets.
VED. The whole world reads the works of Russian and Voronezh writers and poets.
VED. The ___________ squad will introduce us to them.
VED. Our symbols are dear to every Russian person.
VED. Our country is proud of its history, our country is proud of its official and unofficial symbols.
VED. And every Russian is proud of his great country. And it is in your power to exaggerate its wealth and power, its beauty and strength.
VED. Be real Russians!

Attachment 1.

"I approve"
Head of Staff of the profile camp "Istoki"

Local history modeling program "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia" in the profile tourist and local history camp "Istoki".
Expansion and deepening of knowledge and ideas about the small and large Motherland in the process of practical local history activities.
How to participate in the program:
All units of the specialized camp participate in the local history modeling "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia". The camp headquarters determines the topics of modeling and provides its methodological support (literature and other sources). At the camp council, each squad chooses a topic for preparation.
Recommendations for the preparation process:
The headquarters of the specialized camp recommends rationally distributing assignments among all members of the detachment, creating conditions for the participation of each member of the detachment in this matter.
Modeling Topics:
- "Official symbols of Russia and the Voronezh region";
- “The unofficial symbol of Russia is a birch. Chernozem is an unofficial symbol
Voronezh region";
- “The unofficial symbol of Russia is the matryoshka. Matryoshka of the Voronezh region";
- "Russian and Voronezh writers, poets famous all over the world."
Modeling Forms:
- story;
-public speaking;
- presentation;
- oral folk art on a given topic (riddles, proverbs, sayings, songs, poems).
Methodological support:
The camp headquarters will provide each detachment with literature, sources and photographic materials for research on the chosen topic.
Summing up the results of local history modeling:
At the general gathering of the camp, each detachment presents a research model on a given topic in the proposed forms (story, presentation, public speaking, oral folk art).

Appendix 2

Topic 1: "Official symbols of Russia".

1. Make up a story about the official symbols of Russia (history, types, description of elements), accompanying it with a presentation.
2. Write a story about official symbols
Voronezh region (history, types, description of elements), accompanying it with a presentation.
3. Introduce listeners to proverbs, poems, ditties, songs about symbols.

Algorithm of local history modeling "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia".

Topic 2: “The unofficial symbol of Russia is a birch. Chernozem is an unofficial symbol
Voronezh region"

1. Make up a story about the unofficial symbol of Russia - a birch, accompanying it with a presentation.
2. Make up a story about the unofficial symbol of the Voronezh region - black soil, accompanying it with a presentation.
3. Introduce listeners to proverbs, poems, ditties, songs about birch

Local History Modeling Algorithm
"Official and unofficial symbols of Russia".

Topic 3: “The unofficial symbol of Russia is the matryoshka. Matryoshka of the Voronezh region.

1. Make up a story about the unofficial symbol of Russia - nesting dolls, accompanying it with a presentation.
2. Make up a story about the Voronezh matryoshka, accompanying it with a presentation.
3. Introduce listeners to proverbs, poems, ditties, songs about nesting dolls.

Algorithm of local history modeling "Official and unofficial symbols of Russia".

Topic 4: "Russian and Voronezh writers, poets famous all over the world."

1. Make up a story about Russian writers and poets known throughout the world, accompanying it with a presentation.
2. Compose a story about the writers and poets of the Voronezh region, accompanying it with a presentation.
3. Introduce the audience to the works of Russian and Voronezh writers and poets.

The guys prepare in advance: draw posters, emblems of their squad, come up with a motto, the name of the squad, a squad song, etc.

Leaders come out.

1st leader.

Hello, hello, hello!

We're glad to welcome you.

How many wonderful smiles

We see today, now!

2nd leader.

Our holiday is about to begin

And we're on our way.

With wonderful friends

Don't forget to take it on the road.

1st leader.

Today is the opening day

Camp shift, friends.

A lot of enthusiasm, fun awaits us,

And I want to announce the beginning of our holiday!

2nd leader. So, our holiday opens ... (introduces the first speaker.)

A song is being performedto the tune of a songLittle Red Riding Hood.

1. If long, long, long,

If for a long time along the tracks,

If long on the paths

Jump, ride and run

That, of course, that, of course,

That's probably right, right

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You can visit our camp!


Ah, the trees in the camp are so tall!

Ah, in the camp the grounds are so wide!

Ah, there are counselors and children!

Ah, here is fun, laughter and wind!

And-and, of course, all my friends!

And-and, of course, all my friends are here!

2. But if you are so lazy,

If you are so shy

And you don't want to have fun

Don't come to our camp!

This is where you have to be funny.

Cheerful, smart,

Clockwork, restless,

Have fun from the heart!


1st leader.

Our rumble is ringing louder, more audible,

What a trill over the world spills:

Everyone thinks: the nightingale sang,

But no, our camp is open!

2nd leader.

We will burn fire for 20 days in a row,

Seeing him, people smile.

And the faces of the guys bloom:

It's time for our camp to open!

1st leader. The right to light a symbolic fire is granted to the head of the health camp.

Speech by the head of the camp, who congratulates the guys on the opening of the shift and hands them a challenge cup (symbol, torch), which will be passed throughout the entire shift from squad to squad - the winners of the events. Whoever has it the most times will be awarded to that detachment at the end of the shift.

2nd leader.

There are many friends around

But I think

What is now our best friend ...

Our camp director.

1st leader. All 20 days with you guys, the most kind and fair, the most knowledgeable and creative employees.

Presentation of educators, counselors, fizorgs and other camp staff.

2nd leader.

Our teachers are wonderful

Everyone is good at something!

You know, the whole world is better than ours,

Don't try, you won't find it!

1st presenter. And now it's time to get acquainted with the detachments of the camp. Each unit presents us with its calling card.

Squad performance.

2nd leader. At the end of our celebration, we want all of you to take an oath. Please stand up. I swear to sacredly honor the traditions and laws of the camp, to behave properly on camp land, to maintain my detachment corner in an exemplary manner, to sing, play, dance, eat everything! Everything. I swear! I swear! I swear!

1st presenter. If I break this oath, then let...

Commander of each squad(in order).

- I will forever be deprived of money for ice cream;

- my favorite jeans are torn;

- the batteries in my player will run out;

- they will stop letting me go to discos;

- the laces on my sneakers get tangled;

- my favorite team will lose;

- a bulldozer will pass over my favorite disks.

2nd host. And now the oath of educators and counselors!

The host reads, and the teachers after each line say: “Yes, yes!”.

Will we always help children in the camp?

— We are not afraid of leapfrog problems!

- Putting children to sleep is nonsense for us!

We swear never to beat them!

- Just a little scold sometimes!

Let's be calm, like water in a river!

We will be wise, like a star in the sky!

We will get up in the morning in the cold!

- To be in time both there and here!

Educators. We swear! We swear! We swear!

1st leader.

This concludes our holiday.

But camp life continues here.

2nd leader.

We don't say goodbye, friends.

See you soon!

See you soon!

First, the children in a playful way get acquainted with the staff of the camp. After that, they take part in competitions to prove that their team is the best.


Acquaintance with the camp, the development of the creative activity of children.


The stage is decorated with themed posters.

Required attributes:

  • Flag;
  • List of items to be found;
  • Sheets with tongue twisters;
  • Animal cards;
  • Peas;
  • Prizes for winners.


  • Leading
  • presenter


Speech by counselors, a small number from each detachment.

Event progress

Leading: Back to top grand opening the next camp season, I ask all the detachments to take their places.

Detachments to marching music are on the ground.


Guys, hello, the camp tells you
Opening the doors wide open for you today.
For you in the evening he lights the lanterns
And he believes in your bright dreams!

Leading: And now let's check if everything is in place!

A roll call is being made. Detachments pronounce names and mottos.

Leading: Attention all squads! Get ready to raise the flag! Equal! Attention!

To the sounds of the anthem, the flag of Russia or the flag of the camp shift is raised.

Presenter: At ease! The holiday dedicated to the opening of the shift is declared open!


The camp is not boring at all,
There are a million things to do!
Catch-ups, hide-and-seek, hide-and-seek:
Who got caught - get out!

Though sometimes you are capricious -
Children, after all! -
Adults, be patient
They could respect you!

Presenter: And now let's get acquainted with those who will accompany you throughout the camp shift.

The hosts take turns guessing riddles, and the children answer in unison. Those who are called go on stage, greet the guys.

funny riddles


Who are the kids playing with?
These are our ... (counselors, not cooks)


Who is a friend to vegetables and fruits?
In a white cap ... (a cook, not a physical education teacher)


Talent in strength and speed
An adult is called ... (a physical education teacher, not a musician)


In music and dance our mentor
Rightly called ... (music director, not boss)


Hanging shaggy rags on a mop,
They go to work ... (technicians, not counselors)


The most important bird in the camp -
This is dear ... (boss, not technical)

Speech by the head of the camp.


He will open a fairy tale for us,
Everything around becomes bright
He is a positive hero
He is our protector and best friend!


This wonderful personality
Sometimes unremarkable
But most often hiding a lot of talents -
Meet your guides!

Dance or song number from counselors and educators.

Leading: Well, you already know your mentors. It's time to get to know you. What is your name?

Children call out their names.

Presenter: I wonder who is more here - girls named Masha or boys named Vasya?

Leading: We will find out now.

The game "Who is more" is being played. The leaders take turns calling names and any movement. For example, "Masha, sit down." The children who were named perform the movement that the presenters asked. At the end, the results are summed up: there were more children with which name.

Presenter: We got to know each one individually. Now let's get acquainted with the units.

The detachments take turns taking the stage, pronounce the name and motto, show a short performance: a song, a skit, a dance.

Leading: It can be seen that our detachments formed very friendly - they did their homework so well.

Presenter: And now I propose to complete one more task - to find the items necessary for the next competitions.

The game "Find the object" is being played. Each squad receives a list of items to be found. All things lie within sight: a sheet with a tongue twister, an image of an animal, 15 peas, blades of grass, leaves and pebbles.

Leading: To win the following competitions, you need to unite, become one.

Contests are held


Squads take turns pronouncing the found tongue twister - whoever completes the task more amicably, he wins.

"Sing a Song"

"Who can count?"

A certain number of peas are laid out on a chair in the center of the hall and covered with a cloth. One player from each team comes out, they take turns sitting on a chair and call the estimated number of peas on the chair. The one who answers correctly brings a victory point to the team. If no one named the correct answer, then other players from the teams go out, then the third ones. And so on until the desired number is called.

"Squad name"

With collected natural material put the name of the squad on the ground.

Presenter: Our guys are friendly and smart. I think they deserve to rest in our camp.