Moscow Polytechnic - laboratories of the department. Scientific laboratories of the Polytechnic Museum Polytech Laboratories

Department “Technology of mechanical engineering named after F.S. Demjanjuk "
Department laboratories

Department “Technology of mechanical engineering named after F.S. Demjanjuk "has a modern material and technical base, sufficient for high-quality training of specialists and research work. The total area of ​​educational, scientific, economic premises of the department is about 1000 sq. M, on which the educational and scientific laboratories of the department are located. Head of the department prof. B.V. Shandrov Head of the Laboratory "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" senior lecturer Mishin V.N.

Laboratory work on a CNC milling and boring machine. Senior teacher Mishin V.N.

Laboratory "Electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods". (scientific adviser prof. Morgunov Yu.A., lecturer associate professor, candidate of technical sciences B.L. Ovsyannikov, head of the laboratory associate professor V.V. Filippov)

Laboratory work on an electrical discharge machine.

Rapid prototyping laboratory. Designing products using rapid prototyping.

Laboratory work on the creation and editing of an electronic model for prototyping a product and its manufacture on a 3D printer in the educational student group of the training direction 03/15/01 "Mechanical engineering" ("Machines and technologies of highly efficient processing processes").

Laboratory work on the processing and measurement of small-sized parts made of difficult-to-machine materials

on EDM and ultrasonic machines.

Small diameter EDM machine.

Protective coatings laboratory(scientific supervisor Prof. Morgunov Y.A., lecturer, associate professor, Ph.D. Ovsyannikov B.L., head of the laboratory, associate professor Filippov V.V.) has an experimental installation for applying anti-corrosion and protective coatings on the surface of machine parts by the method of microarc oxidation.

A piercing EDM machine with an electrode of complex shape and a product.

Laboratory work on a CNC lathe. (Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kuzminsky D.L.)

Laboratory work on a CNC milling and drilling machining center.

Process Automation Laboratory(headed by Prof. MV Vartanov) has a robotic technological complex, a VIBRON device for vibration diagnostics of gear-cutting processes, a vibrating hopper loading device, an assembly machine for assembling threaded connections, an automated stand for testing the tightness of products after assembly.

Laboratory for the development of the cyclogram of the assembly robot.

Laboratory work on programming an industrial robot (associate professor, Ph.D. Zinina I.N.)

Technological equipment laboratory(supervisor Assoc.Prof. Bulavin IA) has special training stands for studying in the working mode of various machine tools. The laboratory is equipped with visual aids, a multimedia projector, and a video library.

Investigation of the relationship between force factors and geometry parameters

in a turning lever-cam chuck (associate professor, Ph.D. Bulavin I.A.)

Laboratory work on the discipline "Technological equipment".

Investigation of the relationship between force factors and geometry parameters in turning wedge collet chucks

(Associate Professor, Ph.D. Bolotina E.M.)

Classes in the laboratory "Technological equipment".

Laboratory of computer-aided design of technological processes- CAD TP (head of the laboratory, postgraduate student Mishchenko R.S., supervisor prof. Strzhemechny M.M., teacher associate professor, candidate of technical sciences Zinina I.N.) Internet and allowing students to work with licensed software packages CAD / CAM / CAE / PDM Catia V5, NX 7.5 Simens, Prilud, Matra Datavishon, two plotters and a printer for performing the graphic part of the final work. The network has peripheral computers for the implementation of work programs on CNC machines in the laboratory of mechanical engineering technology. On the basis of the laboratory there is a student circle “Digital design of product manufacturing processes”.

Laboratory work in the discipline of CAD TP. Creation of electronic models in Catia V5.

Computer class for studying the discipline "Computer-aided design of technological processes"

(Associate Professor, Ph.D. Zinina I.N.)

The department has an SPE "Autotechnology" for the production of engine pistons using high technology, patented in a number of foreign countries. This enterprise has more than 20 pieces of equipment, a design bureau, is located on an area of ​​250 square meters and is used for students to undergo technological practice. The enterprise employs teachers, training masters, post-graduate students and students of the department.

Milling and boring processing center in the laboratory of the department.

A specialized auditorium for the study of various disciplines using

multimedia educational technologies and interactive learning.

Laboratory stand for studying the conditions of automated assembly of parts using vibration devices

(head professor, doctor of technical sciences Vartanov M.V.)

Practical lessons on the discipline "Automated assembly technology"

Conducted by Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences M.V. Vartanov

Robotic complex for adaptive assembly.

In the specialized laboratory "Technological equipment" when carrying out research work to improve the technological processes of assembling gearboxes. (Head of the prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences Shandrov B.V. and Associate Professor, Ph.D. Bulavin I.A.)

Experimental and experimental stand for adjusting the preload of bearings in gearboxes of KAMAZ vehicles.

Laboratory work on a hardness tester.

Laboratory work - study of surface roughness after various processing methods.

Laboratory work on a round gauge - investigation of errors in the shape of parts after machining. Discipline - "Technological quality assurance", lecturer, associate professor, Ph.D. Bulavin I.A.

The laboratory base of the department meets the requirements for the practical training of young specialists in the areas of "Mechanical Engineering", "Design and technological support of engineering industries" and "Design of technological machines and complexes."

, University of children, vacation camps.

Scientific laboratories of the Polytechnic Museum are scientific centers in which children from 6 to 18 years old acquire their first experience of serious research. The programs of the circles do not duplicate school courses; the main attention is paid to the experimental side of science. In the classroom, you can try yourself in different scientific disciplines, get acquainted with the professions of a chemist, doctor, physicist, mathematician, and even a cipher officer.

So, on a circle of the Laboratory of Chemistry "Delicious experiments" children will conduct chemical and physical experiments with baking soda, table salt, acetic acid, egg white, but in special containers - in test tubes and flasks.

A Robotics Laboratory prepared for its listeners a very serious 3D design circle, where students will master the full potential of the 123D Design program to create their parts, useful objects and even whole robots, as well as learn how to work with 3D printers and print their parts.

Also, the Laboratory offers classes for students in grades 5-7 "Visual programming" where students immerse themselves in the world of algorithms, bypassing the complexities inherent in classical programming languages ​​and begin to implement complex algorithms of behavior on robots.

In addition to the already traditional circles, the Robotics Laboratory launched new course "Electronics"... In the classroom, children will learn how to solder, assemble electronic circuits, and make their own devices in three different ways. The guys will collect and take with them project schemes, such as "radio bugs", "light-musical instrument", "controlled flashlight".

Laboratory of Mathematics will launch several new circles at once. On "Geometry" students will be able to develop their spatial thinking, get acquainted with geometric methods of cognition, form general ideas about space and about the relationship between its elements. On the mug "How to Invent the Wheel" students will be told where the calendar came from and how it works, who invented fractions and how they were recorded by the ancient sages, and much more. The course contains many practical tasks from the history of human development, and their solutions.

Biology Laboratory headed by the well-known popularizer of science Ilya Kolmanovsky, will open the "Microscope and Me" circle: children will learn to work with a microscope, make preparations and color them on their own. A Physics Laboratory will help you study the laws of mechanics, design different devices with your own hands, illustrating not only these laws, but also the principle of operation of electricity.

Finally, the new season opens and Children's lecture hall Hack Your Brain: Experimental Cognitive Science. In the theoretical part, students will learn how thinking, imagination, memory, sensations, perception and attention work, and in the practical part they will try to create their own illusions and learn to concentrate and remember better using scientifically based life hacks.

You can enroll in the circles by filling out the form on the website

All classes are held on the territory of the ZIL Cultural Center.