Breeding owls at home. How to feed a domestic owl

Previously, pet lovers were limited to cats, hamsters, parrots and dogs, but today, among the pets at home, you can find exotic animals, spiders, snakes and even predators. Here we will dwell on the latter. This article will focus on living an owl at home.

Place of purchase

Owl, in the form poultry, of course, a strange phenomenon, but in Lately they are turned on more and more and more people even though it's wild and predatory bird in nature. Who can pass by this cutest fluffy creature with round eyes? They can be found more and more often at the "bird markets" and the sellers will be very funny to tell you the story that they found an abandoned owl's nest, or the kids fell out of it.

The history of owls appearing on the market is sad - the massive capture of birds by poachers. But sellers always say that breeding these birds is their "main vocation in life" and so on. None of them will tell you that you have to constantly remove owl droppings, since owls shit a lot. They will also remain silent about the fact that at night the bird screams very strongly, succumbing to its natural instincts. In particular, you will hear enough stories that the owl will eat everything the same as the rest of the poultry - this is a pure lie, because owls eat only mice, which they hunt in the night forests. For the sake of money, people are ready to go to great lengths. Since the bird was caught, be sure that a whole "bunch" of various types of helminths and infections are provided for it. And what is characteristic, in owls, most diseases proceed without any symptoms, they "come out" abruptly and unexpectedly. And often the bird is already impossible to save. Therefore, before making such a serious decision as keeping a predatory owl at home, weigh all your desires and, most importantly, your capabilities.

When buying owls in the nursery, be sure to ask for all relevant and accompanying documents... You should know that keeping owls at home is prohibited. legislative framework... Therefore, if you do not have proper documentation, it may be removed from you. Also be aware that in official nurseries, owls are ringed, and they have their own number, which must exactly match the number on paper.

You should not carry / transport an owl in transparent containers, for example, felines. The bird will see what is happening and will beat its wings, because they are fearful winged. Before you go after your feathered friend, make sure that you have a spacious box, on the bottom of which you put a diaper, and make small holes in the walls so that there is air circulation. If the purchase takes place in the winter, then reduce the time the bird stays outside to a minimum, as the owl can catch a cold.

After you have already purchased the bird, show it to the veterinarian immediately, get it tested and preferably x-rayed. Try to check up on your new friend as often as possible.

Features of choice

So, you, nevertheless, as if decided to have a forest owl at home and made sure that this is exactly what you want a friend. It is important to understand that this species of bird is active at night, so it would be nice if your lifestyles match. V natural conditions owls fly out to hunt late in the evening, in fact, at night and early enough in the morning. Do not console yourself with the thought that the owl, having settled in your house, is already tame and will sniff quietly at night. No, no - screams (in the mating season in their maximum manifestation), the roar and your rest is disturbed.

Now let's move on to the financial side of the issue - keeping owls is by no means an expensive pleasure. You probably already know that poultry food is not suitable for these predators, they eat meat. Yes, the meat is not simple, but mouse, bird and the like. But it becomes even more "interesting" when you also learn that the peculiarity of the owl's digestive tract is that it requires the digestion of whole carcasses. If so, don't plan on feeding them chicken, beef, or pork. Owls eat the "victim" whole, without taking away bones, feathers and tails. That is why you immediately prepare yourself for the fact that you will need to purchase carcasses of mice, quails and chickens, which are only a day old. It will be a little problematic to provide the pet with the necessary amount of food, but, as the saying goes, “I see the goal - I see no obstacles,” so if you seriously decide to keep such a household, you will find ways to feed it.

Types of owls

If, after reading the above, you still do not abandon the dream of acquiring an owl as a house friend, then you should decide which one. The most attractive on appearance is a breed of owl owls, but they are too big for apartment sizes. Even if you have large rooms, the bird will still be uncomfortable and will flap its wings every time it flies. And it will be difficult for you to catch an owl, despite the fact that it is quite large. Therefore, we invite you to get acquainted with the birds that may be suitable for your home:

  • Long-eared owls are medium-sized birds, growing up to 36 centimeters. It has tufts of feathers on its head that look like ears and thus resemble eagle owls. The owl knows how to bend these "ears" so that they become invisible. The color of the iris is bright orange, older birds are red. It has a brown, ocher plumage, similar to pine bark. Interesting fact, when a bird during the daytime rests against a pine tree and sleeps, then it can be mistaken for a fragment of a thick branch. They feed mainly on rodents, which is very useful in nature. For a day, the "eared" can gorge itself on three mice.
  • Short-eared owls are a medium-sized bird with large wings and feather tufts on their legs. There are small ears on the head. The main shade of plumage varies from red to gray, but the sides, head, legs and undertail are white. The wings are light with dark spots. The iris of the eye is yellow, and the plumage around the eyes is black, the beak is the same color. The voice is quiet, birdwatchers claim that when they behave defensively, they make sounds similar to a dog's barking. They eat rodents, small birds, insects, caterpillars and even fish.
  • The barn owl is an owl with a total length of up to 40 centimeters, which has a wingspan of almost 1 meter. Her plumage is soft and fluffy enough to give her attractive look, which attracts to have such a friend at home. The upper part of the body is red or ocher in color with various specks and stripes, and the lower part is either white, or yellow, or orange. The barn owls have a short tail and many love her for her face with heart-shaped plumage, which makes them different from other types of owls. The eye shell of these birds is brown, and the ears are placed on the sides, but not symmetrically, which also makes the barn owl special birds. Outside the mating season, these owls are quite silent. The barn owl, like other relatives, feeds on rodents, but they also do not refuse opossums, frogs and other reptiles, bats, caterpillars, worms and other birds, even predatory ones.
  • Owls are small owls, which are colored brown with specks at the top, and the lower part of the body is light, have a striped tail. Their face is colored with black or brown stripes. She is very friendly to people and practically is not afraid of them. Just like others, it eats mice, rats, shrews and small birds.

Owl disposition

Outwardly, it seems that owls are very aggressive and angry birds, but this is far from the case. In fact, these birds are very vulnerable, susceptible to change and very responsive. Including a change of place of residence, especially "confinement" is a huge stress for the owls. And not always they even calmly experience the very moment of adaptation, a change of location and getting used to new conditions, even to you. You should be prepared for this in advance.

Owlets, by nature, are monogamous. If you managed, nevertheless, to tame her and find a "common language" with her, then she will consider that she has found her reliable friend. Owls love attention and the more, the better. If she does not receive it, then she will definitely demand, showing this with loud cries and wingspan. This is also worth considering when deciding whether to start or not. If you doubt at least a drop that you will not be able to create the necessary conditions, provide food, or you do not have enough time to care for the bird, then it is better to give up this venture. For a bird to feel lonely after it has become accustomed to you is destructive.

Adaptation period

You brought the bird home, and now a difficult period begins - the owl must understand where it is and what it is doing here. If you see that the chick is huddled in a corner and refuses to eat, then, in principle, this is a normal reaction lasting several days, but not more. In this case, be patient, wait and try not to bother the bird.

Feed, and after a while the owl will understand that it can trust you. From this point on, the taming process begins. Stock up on a leather glove so that if your pet wants to sit on your hand, it doesn't tear your hand with its strong claws. Do not make sudden movements, do not try to immediately reach for her, tug, circle, and so on. Everything is smooth and gradual. If an owl hisses, clicks its beak, it means that it is not yet hungry for communication. Buy immediately such a device as a ruffle, it's like a dog leash that clings to your hand. First, you can use it at home so that the bird gets used to it, and later you will walk together in the fresh air.

Owl dwelling

What should be in an owl room? On the initial stage you need to take out from there everything that the bird can tear, gouge, overturn and smear. Owls, oddly enough, are quite playful, so remove things you don't want to look for later from their field of vision. There should be no tulle or curtains in the "owl room"; replace them with curtains made of thick fabric. Your bird can get entangled in the mesh materials, and in the process of trying to free it, it can injure and break its wings or legs. If she cannot get out of the tulle, and you, for example, are at work until late, then the owl will have to hang upside down until you appear. If she stays in this position for several hours, she may even die.

If there is a mirror in the room, it must be hung, and it is better to remove it. It is also not advisable to keep the window without curtains. The bird can see the reflection and the view outside the window, will try to fly out or peck at the glass, as a result - serious injuries.

Perches should be installed on the walls - a place where the bird will sit, rest and sleep. They can be wood or metal, but cover them with carpet or artificial grass. The owl should also have a place for bathing, they love to carry out "bath" procedures. For these purposes, a cat litter tray is perfect, only one with high sides.

Do you need a crate?

Owl keepers are divided over whether an owl cage is necessary? But still, most are in favor of its absence. An owl is not a small bird, it needs free flight and in "captivity" its appearance will deteriorate. The plumage will lose its beauty and luster. But nevertheless, there are times when the bird needs to be seated, nevertheless, in a cage for a short period of time - 1-2 hours, no more. In this case, it is better to have a cage for such moments.

Nutrition and health

As mentioned above, it is difficult to find freshly killed carcasses of rodents and other species to feed the owl. Some people use frozen bodies, but keep in mind that you cannot constantly feed the bird with frozen food, as the meat loses its properties. Find channels, people, and opportunities to supply fresh "food" for your pet. An owl a day, on average, eats up two or three rodents. So provide her with a nutritious diet.

Pet shops and "bird markets" provide such "food", but their prices are higher than you skimp on. An important point - you can feed the owl whole rodents and day old chicks, and you will need to butcher the quail chicks. These birds often suffer from various infectious diseases and in order to avoid ailments in your winged friend, cut off the legs and heads of the quail and take out the insides. The owl should only be given the bird body itself.

You will need to monitor your bird's digestion very closely. Be aware that about 10 hours after eating, the owl should regurgitate a pellet - these are the remnants of undigested food, that is, bones, feathers and wool. If this does not happen, sound the alarm. The pellet should not have blood impurities or smell unpleasant. Litter also plays a role in pet health indications. When all is well with the household, his droppings are white with a harder speck of dark color. If you see something else, be sure to contact a specialist. Only medical worker will be able to understand and explain what is the reason for the poor condition of the owl and prescribe the necessary medications.

It so happened that in owls, various diseases become impetuous. Here the bird frolicked and fluttered merrily around the apartment, and at another moment it is already sitting on the perch, does not eat, does not drink, covers its eyes, the ponytail is wet and dirty - this is also a reason to immediately visit the veterinarian.

An owl in an ordinary apartment is, of course, unusual and a little troublesome, but they are able to brighten up your leisure time and bring joy to your home at maximum levels. If you decide to have such a pet, and, having familiarized yourself with all the nuances, made a firm decision, then go for it - this is a friend who loves to play, have fun and may be your loyal favorite.

It is becoming more and more fashionable and popular to keep exotic animals and birds at home. An owl in an apartment or at home - you will not surprise anyone with this, today such cases are found everywhere. Can a wild bird be tamed? If so, how can you name an owl?

Is it possible to have an owl at home?

Owls are wild birds that are predominantly nocturnal, hunting rodents and insects. Why domesticate such an animal, can you be sure of its loyalty to its owners?

Today the market is replete with offers to purchase a domestic owl, for this there is no point in going into the forest in search of a pet. Owls bred specifically for domestic use are fashionable, popular and unusual. However, such birds also require increased attention, compliance special conditions feeding and life.

You can get an owl at home, today demand creates supply, so this issue is not considered illegal. The main thing to remember is that a person takes responsibility for any animal that tames, and an owl is not easy.

How to care for an owl at home?

In order for the bird to feel comfortable, not get sick and not feel a lack of space and food, you will have to try hard. The predator needs a fairly spacious aviary in which she can move around calmly. It is best to provide her with a separate room where she can fly.

The owl is not adapted to permanent sitting in a cage, it needs the opportunity to stretch out. At the same time, the bird shits a lot. The digestion process is fine, so the owl defecates up to 15 times a day. It does not matter what you call an owl, it is important to take care of it correctly, to maintain the conditions necessary for a comfortable life.

Feeding is a separate topic for discussion. Despite the fact that owls eat the meat of small rodents, feeding them pork, beef or chicken is contraindicated. Due to improper nutrition, the bird is sick. The main diet of owls is rats, hamsters, quails, insects, even rabbits. V wildlife the owl swallows the victim whole, along with hair and bones. At home, you will have to provide the same diet, but the owner will most likely have to kill small animals on his own. Birds raised specifically for the home do not have the skills to hunt and kill.

Despite the funny appearance, as well as the chosen funny name (if the question of how to name the owl has already been resolved), this bird has a very difficult character. With its beak and claws, it can cause serious damage not only to the owners, but also to the interior.

Where can I get a home owl?

An owl is an exotic animal. To purchase a bird, you need to contact a special nursery. You cannot buy an owl from your hands without the correct documents, this can incur heavy fines on the owner within Russian legislation... An owl raised in the nursery has a personal number, which will be indicated in all its documents. It is better to buy an owl at a young age, this will allow her to get used to both a new home and a new owner.

What should you call an owl?

Choosing a name for a feathered pet is an interesting and difficult question. If for cats and dogs nicknames seem obvious, then for a forest predator you want to choose a special name. What should you call an owl? There are a lot of options, but we have selected the cutest and most cozy names that, perhaps, will endow the obstinate pet with a more loyal character.

Based on the characteristics of behavior, how to call an owl a girl? Splyusha, Glazena, Buklya (for fans of the famous work about wizards), Mouse, Sonya. By and large, ordinary human names are also suitable if they are associated with a new inhabitant.

How to name a boy's owl? Splyush, Prosha, Fluff (if the plumage meets this definition), Filya. Looking at the color of the feathers, you can pick up names such as Blackie or Snowball.

In choosing a name, it is best to rely on your own opinion, because it is you who will communicate with the big-eyed pet in the future. Euphony and good associations are great helpers in deciding what to call an owl. A name is as important to a bird as it is to a person. The owl is a graceful bird, although it has rather amusing manners. Approach the choice of a nickname creatively, do not discard your imagination and you will surely find a suitable combination.

The main habitat of which is the forest. But everything changed dramatically after the release of the legendary epic about Harry Potter. In this film, barn owl owls appeared in the form of postmen, whose appearance was associated with the fabulous Horgwards. Needless to say, almost every child immediately wanted such a real, live bird?

The barn owl, the keeping at home of which requires special attention, has become a desirable pet for many adults. At the same time, few people think that she is a real predator, and its correct maintenance in a house or apartment may require certain victims from the owner.

Wonderful bird

In Latin, the name of this bird sounds like Tyto alba, which translated into Russian means "common barn owl". This bird is found almost anywhere in the world and has another common name - the barn owl, the barn owl. On average, its length reaches 33-40 cm, and the wingspan, as a rule, does not exceed 95 cm. It has a small weight - no more than 700 g.

Barn owls attract attention due to their pretty appearance, and they also have a very soft, pleasant to the touch plumage. And the main distinguishing feature of this species from others is the facial corolla, which has an original heart shape.

Difference from other species

Besides facial disc, which has a pronounced heart-shaped shape, the barn owl, a photo of which can be seen in our article, differs from its counterparts in lighter plumage. These birds have a peculiar structure of the auditory apparatus: their right ear is located at the level of the nostrils, and the left one is at the level of the forehead. Due to this arrangement of organs, barn owls are owners of truly ideal hearing. They are able to pick up the sounds of a potential victim in a huge range and at different angles.

Barn owl: where to find

Most often, the bird can be found in wastelands, ravines and swamps. In natural conditions, the barn owl owl, the photo of which is presented in the article, prefers to choose open plains for the village, where there are a small number of trees.

Also, these birds are very fond of settling near human habitation and rural farms. The activity of people in clearing forests and cultivating the land, unlike many other predators, is only beneficial to barn owls. Human agricultural work makes it much easier for an owl to find food.

Features of behavior

In the wild, this species prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle. At the tips of their wings, these birds have specific flight feathers, due to which their flight is absorbed, becomes very soft, smooth and almost silent. These owls have almost perfect eyesight and are perfectly oriented both in daylight and in pitch darkness.

If a person comes close to a wild owl, then, as a rule, it immediately rises into the air, can begin to sway from side to side, and even begin to make various funny grimaces. They prefer to lead and in the same chosen place they can live for years. Only lack of food can send an owl in search of a new place.

The barn owl shows its activity exclusively at night, while during the day it mostly prefers to sleep. During the breeding season, barn owls can make various sounds - shrill screaming, hoarsely "hoot", sniff. During calm periods, birds like to click their beaks or click their tongues.

Food for cute owl

A cute heart-shaped face, funny habits and expressive eyes of an owl can be misleading for many. Being in a state of affection, people sometimes forget that this bird is a real predator. Those who think that a barn owl at home can eat like an ordinary parrot are very mistaken. It must be understood that oats, millet and fruits will not be enough for her.

The basis of the owl's diet is made up of various rodents. These can be hamsters, field mice, gerbils, gophers, rats. In nature, these owls can hunt reptiles, invertebrates, shrews, and possums. If necessary, the barn owl can eat other small birds, frogs and bats.

Digestion features

Even if a person is not embarrassed by the need to feed the bird with living creatures, then it is necessary to pay attention to the special process of digestion. A barn owl owl at home must necessarily receive exactly live food. Some owners try to cheat and feed the birds with fresh meat, chicken and rabbit hearts. Such food can completely upset the pet's digestion.

The owl, like other members of its genus, has a specific digestive tract that needs to digest wool and bones. After eating its prey for several hours, the bird forms a pellet. This is the pellet that the owl spews after eating, and it consists mainly of undigested bones, wool and feathers. It is very important to make sure that after each meal, the pellet leaves the outside. After that, it must be immediately cleaned by the owners, since owls foolishly can eat it again.

How to choose the right pet and where to buy it

If (despite all the specifics of keeping an owl at home and the upcoming difficulties) it was decided to buy a bird, you need to know where this is done. Today the supply of these wild predators is quite large. But you should not buy an owl over the Internet or at the poultry market. Firstly, it can be sick, and secondly, it can be just caught, absolutely wild individual, which will be very difficult to accustom to life in an apartment.

Specialized nurseries are considered ideal for purchase, where it is advised to purchase young chicks. Also, employees will be able to advise the owners on any issues and advise what to do next after the purchase.

Each owl taken from the nursery has a special ring with a number engraved on it. When buying, it is important to ensure that the numbers on the documents for the bird and on this ring are identical. If there is such an opportunity, after purchasing a pet, it is recommended to show it to an ornithologist or at least a veterinarian. The doctor can take the necessary tests, prescribe an X-ray and conduct a full examination, due to which the general condition of the bird is determined.

So you brought the owl to new house... Naturally, she can be scared and confused. Do not annoy her with your attention, constantly touching her. Place the box with the bird in its new room, open it and leave the owl alone until it crawls out on its own. Most likely, she will constantly hide, and this state of stress can last about 3-4 days.

Arrangement of a cage or room for an owl

A separate room will be an ideal option for a bird. All sharp objects and corners that may pose a threat to the bird of injury during flight must be removed from the room or upholstered with soft material. It is necessary to allocate a corner for sitting, but, as a rule, the owl chooses a roost on its own, having chosen a place.

If a decision is made to keep a bird in a cage, it must be large so that it can fly in it with its wings fully spread. Also, do not forget that when kept in a cage, an owl must regularly leave it, walk and fly around the apartment so that its wings do not atrophy.

Clean drinking water must be present in the reach at all times. It is recommended to change the water at least twice a day.

Bird care features

Very carefully you need to monitor the beak and nails of owls living at home. In case of any deformation or damage to the beak, an owl should be shown to a doctor. As for the nails, almost all owners cut them for their pets, because they are very sharp in owls and often lead to various injuries. It is best if this procedure is carried out by a specialist. If there is no way to go to the birdwatcher, the nails should be cut very carefully, removing only the white part. In the place where the nail darkens or streaks are visible, nothing can be touched. These veins are blood vessels and damage will be very painful for the bird.

How to feed an owl properly

You can feed your pet only after the pellet has disappeared due to the previous meal. Otherwise, the owl may have stomach obstruction. If she is fed the wrong food, after which the pellet does not form, this leads to a complete disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of a stomach ulcer. An owl with such a problem, unfortunately, will not live long and will suffer greatly.

During the day, an adult can eat about 2-4 mice. Moreover, she can be fed when she asks. One of the rare species that eats only when necessary and does not suffer from excessive gluttony is the barn owl. The chick of this bird, especially a small one, may have a completely different attitude to food.

Little owls, about a few days old, need to be fed constantly, almost every half hour. In this case, food must be given at their first request. It is believed that it is impossible to overfeed them. The larger the owlet becomes, the less frequent meals should be. For example, a one-month-old bird is fed only 5-6 times a day.

To feed little owls, sometimes mice need to be butchered first. The fact is that large rodents, fighting for their lives, will resist and can injure the owls' paws, after which various inflammations and infections are possible.

What to prepare for if you decide to have an owl at home

As soon as an owl appears at home, without the slightest exaggeration or any doubt, it can be argued that the owner's life will never be the same. This step should be very deliberate, and a person buying a predatory animal that will be kept in captivity should be aware of the responsibility he is taking upon himself.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that with the onset of darkness, the pet will begin active life... Constant stomping, clattering, rustling, knocking will become business card your apartment at night.

The owner rarely has to let go of the cleaning rag from his hands. These birds go to the toilet very often, in some cases up to 15-20 times a day, and the droppings have to be cleaned up constantly. Owls can empty themselves anywhere and at any time - while sitting, in flight, while playing, bathing, playing or sleeping. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that this litter is very easy to clean, leaves no traces behind and does not have a pungent odor.

The owl will require constant attention to itself - every day you need to monitor whether the pellet has left after eating, check the condition of the wings and nails. Most owls are playful in nature and constantly show their curiosity. It is for this reason that they cannot be left unattended for a long time.

Many have a dog, cat, hamster, fish, in general, different kinds pets. But few have an owl. It is believed to be an exotic type of pet. Average cost of an owl in Russia from 9 to 15 thousand rubles but in individual cases the price can be much higher.

Where does this popularity come from?

It's no secret that the relevance of the owl as a pet appeared after the release of the story about Harry Potter. If you remember, every wizard had a personal owl. And buying it was one of the first tasks for the students of the future Hogwarts school of magicians. She not only sat in a cage and pleased with her appearance, but also worked as a postman - she sent letters. It was after this series of films that parents were faced with the immense desire of their beloved child to receive a birthday present or New Year owl.

Types of domestic owls

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of owls in size and colors. They even began to breed purebred birds. The business of selling such exotic things is gaining momentum. The most popular is short-eared owl, it is small in size, which is important, since the space that the bird needs depends on the span of its wings.

Also popular owls, which are small in size, but it is believed that they are the least adapted to life with a person.

Home Owl Care

The very first thing is to dispel the stereotype that the owl lives in a cage. This is not true. Placing a pet in a cage, you kill him alive, because owls love freedom, and in it they will damage their wings and beak, as they will insistently try to get out of captivity.

Be prepared for a separate room for the bird because:

  • The owl is active at night, that is, it will fly and make sounds at this time of the day.
  • She needs space to fly.
  • The bird will also sit wherever it wants, so it will not be very comfortable for you if during your sleep it sits on the bed next to you and makes a sound.
  • The bird also goes to the toilet wherever it wants.

We furnish a personal room for an owl

If you still have a desire to have such an unusual pet and you are ready to give him a room, then you need to know how to properly furnish this room.

Lay a newspaper on the floor to make it easier to clean up after the bird. Attach various shelves and poles on the walls for an owl to sit on. Also remember that owls love to play with shiny things, so it is better to remove lampshades from lamps. In no case should you hang curtains and curtains on the windows, as the pet can get confused and die.

What to feed?

The most interesting part is feeding the owl. She is a predator and needs to be fed meat... And not just cut pieces, but give the victim whole, with wool, claws. What for? They contain useful, vital substances for poultry. Chickens or mice are suitable for feeding. Not only are they difficult to get hold of, you also need to kill them for your bird. Cruel, isn't it?

Where to buy an owl?

You will definitely not find owls on the market. You can try it via the Internet, but nowadays there are many scammers who got owls by poaching, and, of course, a wild owl will die in captivity. If you buy an owl, then only in a special nursery... A license to breed these birds is required.

It is not recommended to buy an adult bird, because it is known that it is easiest to teach any animal to people from childhood. Owls are no exception. After choosing an owl, examine it for skin diseases, damage to its wings and beak. Also notice how the bird reacts to you. If aggressive, don't buy. The chance that she will change the relationship with you is minimal.

As you can see, an owl is not a very suitable pet for a child. After all, it will be difficult for you to explain to your son or daughter why you are killing an innocent chicken or mouse. Also, owls live by themselves, not paying attention to the person. The most you can teach an owl is to sit on the shoulder. And many species of birds are aggressive, which can even be dangerous. So before you buy, be sure to think about whether you can give such a pet the proper care.

This raises a large number of organizational questions: how to equip an owl's home, how and when to feed it, what diseases are characteristic of them, and is it possible to keep an owl at home at all? In this article, we will take a closer look at all these and other aspects related to keeping an owl at home.

Undoubtedly, today there are also domesticated owls. However, you must remember that every owl, even a domestic one, is wild, which has a sharp beak and long claws. These cute and funny (at first glance) creatures are able to pierce through any prey and tear it apart. The owl will also defend itself from the offender, using its own, sharp as a knife, weapon.

Owls are quite intelligent birds. They are very quiet, as their wings make almost no sound, which is why owls can sneak up on you at any time. If your house is home to rodents, a hamster, a cat or small dog breeds, owls are not for you. After all, they are capable of tearing a victim to shreds, which is several times larger than the bird itself, and pets will be the first, because owls see their food in them.

Remember that all owls are predators.

Due to the excellent ability of the owl to turn its head two hundred and seventy degrees around itself and one hundred and eighty degrees down, it will be impossible to approach the owl unnoticed. Even if you (or your pet) do not pursue the goal of getting closer to the bird, it will still notice you and will watch you.

Can you keep an owl at home?

In principle, with a great desire, you can settle this bird in your house. However, living it requires following certain principles. First, think about where your bird will live, because in some countries it is illegal to keep in cages, and constant cage keeping is inhumane for any large bird. If you keep a wild bird at home, you will have to work hard to create a comfortable stay for it.

First you need to come to terms with one fact - owls live about sixty years. Therefore, suppose: if you are over 35-40 years old, you must decide who to leave the owl with if it outlives you. Owls quickly get used to the home environment, and if, having lived all her life at home, she is free, the bird will die. This point you should give great attention before taking the bird to you.

Video - How to keep an owl at home

Types of owls

There are many types of owls. Below, in the table, we present the most popular varieties for home content. Of course, keeping a dwarf decorative owl is much easier and more convenient, but if you want, you can tame any other kind of bird.

Table 1. Types of owls

Name and photoDescription
Eared owl
Its height is about 32-35 cm, the wingspan is a little less than a meter. These are birds of gray-brown variegated color with white breasts. Ear feathers are visible on the head. Along the edges of the owl's face, there is a small border that sets it apart. This type of owl is common in coniferous forests in Europe or in northern Asia.
Great gray owl
This big owl, whose height reaches 85 cm, and the wingspan is one and a half meters. The color of the bird is smoky, the eyes are yellow, framed by a dark strip of plumage. Under the owl's beak there is a black spot that resembles a beard, which is why the species got its name. The owl has no feather ears.
The growth of an owl is about 70 cm, the wingspan can reach almost two meters. The eagle owl is considered the largest owl. The owl has long feathers over the eyes that resemble ears. The color of the bird includes light and dark tones of brown and red.
Sparrow owl
This is the smallest owl. The height of the bird is only 15-20 cm, and the wingspan is about 38 cm. The weight of the bird is no more than 90 grams. The bird color includes brown and white colors. White feathers are found on the belly of the owl.
Little owl
The bird is slightly larger than the previous one. The growth of this species is no more than 27 cm. The plumage is brown with white spots all over the body. The eyes of the little owl are yellow-green, large. The head is kind of flattened.
Barn owl
This is one of the most beautiful views owls. The main feature of barn owls is that the framing of the front part resembles a heart. Birds grow up to 40 cm, wingspan about a meter. The color of the barn owl is light (white, sometimes red, with specks). Another feature of barn owls is their ears. The left ear is above the eye, and the right is opposite the beak. Due to this, hearing in such birds is even more developed.
White (polar) owl
The height of the bird is 60-75 cm, the wingspan is one and a half meters. The color of the polar owl is very beautiful: these are birds with white plumage, each feather of which at the tip has a dark shade. The bird has a black beak, yellow eyes. Now this species of owls is listed in the Red Book.

Where to buy an owl and how much will it cost

It is best to take an owl for home keeping in specially designed nurseries. In such establishments, you will always be given its documents along with the bird, and you will also be sure that the bird is ringed. The number will be stamped on the ring, which is indicated in the rest of the owl's documents.

The price of a bird is varied: it depends on the breed and its age. On average, you will pay from 10,000 rubles for a young owl, and about 30,000-40,000 rubles for an adult bird.

If it seems to you that this is too much money and you cannot spend so much on buying a bird, there is another option. You can go to the forest on your own and catch a bird. Fortunately, owl chicks are quite common. In addition, they still do not know how to fly well, and therefore it will not be difficult for you to catch it.

To do this, you just need to discreetly approach the bird and transplant it onto a stick, and then put it in a cage or cover it with an object. Most importantly, remember that this method has a strong stressful effect on the chick, so think before you get an owl yourself.

The main disadvantages of keeping owls at home

The main disadvantage in keeping any bird, not just an owl, at home is the smell of a toilet. An owl cannot be accustomed to a single place of need (a pot or a litter box), and therefore she will go to the toilet where she wants. Moreover, the droppings that the bird releases can fly one and a half to two meters, which is why after a short period of time the cage (and the whole apartment) will smell terrible. But this is not the only source of odor - food debris (dead mice and birds) are also included.

The next most important disadvantage in keeping this bird is the search for food. In order to feed the owl, you will have to try pretty hard. It is a mistake to believe that an owl will eat ordinary meat or chicken - for proper digestion, it needs the same menu as in nature. And wild owls, as you know, feed on rodents, small birds, frogs and similar animals, eating them whole, with skin and bones. Most often, at home, owls are fed with mice, hamsters or chickens, large birds- small rabbits.

There is another ticklish moment in feeding the owl - the birds are quite capable of killing their prey themselves, and not everyone can cold-bloodedly feed the predator a cute little animal. In addition, the food base for the owl needs to be stored somewhere.

For example: depending on the size and appetite of the bird, you will need to purchase from five to fifteen teenage hamsters or mice for the bird to eat. Next, the question arises of storing meat: you can leave them alive and give them to the owl regularly one by one, or kill everyone at a time, and freeze the excess meat for later. Not every person is capable of such manipulations. Do not assume that the owl will “forgive” you for humanity and “agree” to eat meat from the supermarket. The bird will either refuse the offered food altogether, or will soon fall ill from the destructive diet.

And the last minus of keeping owls in the house is their poor adaptation. Even after 3-4 months in an apartment residence, an owl will be considered a wild bird. You will not be able to predict her further actions, she can do anything, and therefore you must always be careful and extremely attentive.

Video - Why you shouldn't keep an owl at home

The main positives of keeping owls at home

The content of owls is characterized not only by minuses, but also by pluses. So, some owls can be yours best friends, they can be very docile and playful. You can take such birds in your hands, play with them, stroke and so on. With them, you can even arrange some performances for guests or other public (if the owl is tame and trusts you), because looking at the owl, people get aesthetic pleasure.

If you are not confused by the above disadvantages - feel free to go to the nursery and get yourself any owl you like. You can find out about the difficulties that you will have to face in the future from the professionals from whom you take your new family member.

An important point! Before getting an owl, we recommend that you repeatedly meet with birdwatchers, visit the nursery, or visit a person who keeps owls. This is the only way you can get the most complete picture of the content of these birds.

Instructions for arranging a room for an owl

Owls are very demanding in relation to the place of residence. You will have to follow the instructions below:

Step 1

Allocate a separate room for the owl.

Step 2

From the owl's room, remove all glass, porcelain, and other items that might break. Small and bright things (gadgets, chandeliers, mirrors) should also be removed.

Step 3

Cover the windows with a dark, smooth and dense fabric, but you need to get rid of tulle and curtains, as the bird can get tangled. It is better to choose a roller blind.

Step 4

Place a large water tank in the owl's room for the bird to swim in.

Step 5

Place a large wooden cage with seating (additives) in the room, which will serve as a hollow for the owl.

Remember that you should always cover your pet at night. However, we do not recommend doing this using a simple cage - the owl will easily escape from there by opening the lock. Iron cages are also not suitable because birds can get stuck between the rods and injure themselves.

Owl food

The owl's diet consists of ingredients completely unusual for ordinary pets. The owl's stomach is able to digest the entire animal completely: wool, bones, meat and claws. Therefore, it will not work to give the bird simple meat - the sacrifice must be given to the owl as a full-fledged one, and no "pure" meat will replace it.

Watch the bird carefully after feeding: 10 hours after the owl eats its prey, it regurgitates food that has not been digested. If this did not happen, then, most likely, the owl has some kind of disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract system.

If you are feeding mice to owls, then they must first be cut up. But this only applies to mice, since in the process of fighting, rodents can transmit any infection to the bird. If you keep a small owl, feed it in small pieces. Eagle owls prefer fish, and if desired, they can be given the opportunity to get their own food by placing a large container in the room where the bird lives, into which live fish can be launched.

Give the owls a fasting day once a month. During this time, they do not need to be given anything other than a large amount of water.

Owl health and disease

Since the popularity of keeping owls at home is only growing, it is clear that not all veterinarians know about the problems of this bird. Owners of owls themselves must understand when to contact him. The health of an owl can be monitored by its droppings. Normal droppings have a white, liquid consistency with some dark solids.

If your droppings are odorless, of a different color or consistency, you need to see a specialist. You can also notice a painful condition by the bird's lack of appetite, its lethargy or prolonged calmness, constantly closed eyes.

If the diagnosis is correct, the doctor should prescribe treatment for the bird. Prescribed drugs can be in the form of vaccines or liquids.


Now you know how to care for an owl, how to feed it, what to expect from it, and many other key points. If you are determined to take this bird, then we advise you to choose a more suitable type of owl for you, as well as take care of and love it, because even this wild bird will need your attention.