The shape of the gray owl's face disc. Gray owl (strix aluco)

The gray owl is the most common type of owl found in Europe. They can live both in remote corners of the forest and not far from humans. The species belongs to the real owl family.


The body length on average ranges from 38 to 40 cm. The wingspan of the gray owl reaches one meter. Adult birds weigh about 0.5 kg. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 2-3 years.

These birds, like other owls, have a large, round head. But they have no feather ears. The eyes are also large and round. The shape of the head and eyes is distinctive feature owls, by which they can be easily distinguished from other birds. Their eyes look forward.

The beak is short and curved. This shape allows the bird to easily butcher the caught prey.

The plumage can have different colors. There are gray and red individuals. There are dark longitudinal stripes all over the body.

The legs are covered with short plumage. The body is dense, the plumage is very dense. On the shoulders of the bird there are white stripes that resemble shoulder straps in their shape and location. The owl's wings are wide and rounded. This shape allows the bird to maneuver during flight. There are 4 toes on the paws. 2 of them are directed forward, the rest - backward. The claws are sharp and long, which is typical of a bird of prey. The tail is short. During the flight, the owl spreads it like a fan.

Other types of owls

All owls have specific traits birds of prey... The family includes 123 species. They are all nocturnal. Some of them are active exclusively at night, while others are only partially. Most members of the family are small. But some species are much larger.

Their color is variegated, not very bright. The plumage on the face is located in a circle, forming the facial disc. All these birds are perfectly adapted for hunting. Thanks to their excellent hearing and vision, they easily find prey, even if it has hidden in cover. In the silence of the night, the predator listens to sounds and peers into the darkness.

They feed on small vertebrates, they can also catch insects. Some species hunt fish.

Living in nature

The gray owl can be found in Africa and Eurasia. Birds are distributed throughout Europe, in the northern part of the African continent. They also live in Western Siberia. In Asia, the habitat of these birds reaches China and Korea.

They live in mountain and lowland forests. But they can even settle in a park or on the edge of the city. They hunt where there are many old deciduous trees.

Reproduction and nesting

These birds are sedentary. Each male chooses a site for himself, which he considers his home, and which diligently protects from enemies. When nesting time comes, males begin to attract females with a peculiar sound in the form of hooting. This sound can be heard in the forest throughout the fall. They do not build a nest. Instead, they use the hollows abandoned by their old owners. Sometimes a crack in a wall, an attic or a cave serves instead. The gray owl can even settle in a birdhouse.

Before mating, the male shows peculiar signs of attention to the female. He gives her the prey that he caught while hunting. The female can lay eggs from March to May. Usually, the number of eggs ranges from 3 to 5, but if the food supply is too little or too much, there may be less or more of them, up to 9 pieces. The incubation period lasts for a month. During this period, the female does not hunt, the male brings her food. When the chicks appear, the parents bring them food together. At the age of about a month, owlets leave the nest and sit on a branch next to each other.


As soon as dusk begins, the bird begins its hunt. Only at dawn does it fly into a hollow or sit on a branch to sleep.

They live in the forest, but they can also hunt on the plains. Small vertebrates, insects, worms can serve as food. Rodents are their favorite delicacy. They sit on a branch and listen to all the rustles. As soon as the prey is found, it takes off without making any sounds. Thanks to its good eyesight, the tawny owl is perfectly oriented even in complete darkness. It grabs prey with its claws, quickly and swiftly diving on top of it. Usually eats the catch in the same place, tearing it apart with its sharp beak. The victim, which she can eat completely, brings it to the beak with her paw.

  1. The paws of these birds have 4 toes, which is typical for almost all owls. One of the fingers is positioned higher in relation to the rest. When the gray owl sits on a branch, 2 toes look forward and the others look back. One of the three front ones is turned back. It is called reverse.
  2. These birds are very protective of their young. If any stranger encroaches on them, the owl immediately attacks him, trying to scratch his eyes with its sharp claws. At the same time, the size of the threat does not matter. The bird will attack both small and large predators. It can even attack a person.
  3. Representatives of this species do not have a goiter in which they could store prey. Therefore, the bird often eats in small quantities. But they still do stocks, stacking them in a safe place not far from their nest.
  4. Individuals living in the forest and in the city eat different foods. Rodents become the main victims of forest dwellers. Barn owls prey on small birds. Sparrows and other wild birds are their lunch.
  5. Often, while walking through the forest, people find healthy chicks. They often fall when trying to learn to fly. Many believe that the chick is abandoned or injured by its parents and take it home. But in fact, this cannot be done. If the bird does not have any visible injuries, then you do not need to touch it. Over time, he himself will return to the nest. You can only help sick or injured owls.

Video: Gray Owl (Strix aluco)

Appearance. Medium-sized owl, somewhat smaller crows(38 cm) (wingspan up to a meter), with a short, rounded tail and large black eyes. There are two color forms: gray (most) and red (less common). On the chest there are longitudinal black streaks, crossed out by thin transverse strokes. There are usually white spots on the shoulders.
The voice of the female is a long rolling bass trill, from a distance resembling a distant whistle of a train, of the male - a high “kuwitt”. The inviting cry is a loud drawn-out “hu-hu-huuu” and a shrill “ki-vi” or “kyu-vinh”.
Habitat. Inhabits mixed and deciduous forests, old parks, sometimes in cities.
Nutrition. It feeds on mouse-like rodents, small birds, beetles and other insects. It hunts only at night.
Nesting places. It nests in deciduous, mixed, less often coniferous forests, as well as among woody vegetation in the cultural landscape.
Location of the nest. It nests mainly in hollows at a height of 0.5-10 m above the ground. Often occupies the nests of crows, magpies, ravens, goshawks. Sometimes it even settles in human buildings, for example, in attics.
Building material of the nest. The litter in the hollow is poor - rot, wool, feathers, etc.
Features of masonry. Clutch of 2-6 or more eggs, white, without pattern, slightly shiny, round in shape. Egg sizes: (45-50) x (35-41) mm.
Breeding dates. The common owl is a sedentary bird that migrates irregularly in winter. Starts reproduction early: mating begins in February. Oviposition takes place in the second half of March - early April. The female incubates for 30 days. Chicks hatch in late April - early May and remain in the nest for 30-35 days. Parents feed the chicks that have flown out for a long time, until the end of July. Broods break up in August.
Spreading. Distributed in forests throughout the European part of Russia, in the Trans-Urals, in the Caucasus.
Wintering. A resident or nomadic bird. In winter, it often migrates from the forests to the vicinity of settlements.

Description of Buturlin. The Owl is one of the most common owls in the European part of the country. This owl is an interesting example. bicolor(dichromatic) coloration: some of the owls are gray, some are red. The ratio of the number of red and gray individuals in different regions is not the same. In England, all tawny owls are red, in Siberia, beyond the Urals, and in Central Asia, only gray owls are found. In the intermediate space, the number of red birds gradually decreases in the direction from west to east. In western Russia, red birds account for approximately half the total owls, in the central and eastern, in the Volga region, only one quarter. Towards the south, in the Caucasus, the number of ginger owls begins to increase again: in the North Caucasus there are one quarter, in the Transcaucasus - half. In addition to red and gray owls, in the Caucasus there are also dark coffee-brown ones, which were previously mistaken for special kind.
Weight European Owl 500-600 grams (thin birds come across - less than 450 grams). The wingspan is 90-100 cm. Males, as usual in owls, are smaller than females.
Coloration gray owls are as follows: the general tone of the top is light gray; whitish small streaks and brown trunk stripes and spots are scattered along it; on the underside on a whitish background there are wide brownish longitudinal stripes and irregular brownish transverse streaks. In red birds, the gray color is replaced by red or reddish-brown. Juveniles are white in downy plumage, grayish in transitional plumage, with narrow brown transverse stripes on the underside.
Despite the fact that the tawny owl seems to be rather heavily built and leads the night Lifestyle, it is an agile and agile bird. Even in the daytime, when she prefers to sit in a calm place on a tree, she vividly reacts to any imaginary or real danger. First, the owl presses down the feathers and, as it were, hides, becoming narrow and as little noticeable as possible, and then it is removed by a silent and smooth flight and disappears.
The mobility and activity of this owl at night proves its way of feeding: its favorite food is small animals, the most mobile of which cannot escape its claws. According to studies of pellets and stomachs of owl owls, food 80 percent of them consists of small rodents, 7 percent of small birds; other types of food - beetles and other large insects and carrion - make up 3 percent. Since the owl often settles near the fields, flies out to hunt the threshing floor and crops, it must be considered a very useful bird.
Favorite habitats Owls are mixed forests, large parks and gardens. She especially willingly keeps near the edges and clearings, which are convenient for searching and catching prey. Here, after sunset, she flies at a low altitude, peering vigilantly and listening to the slightest rustle on the ground. In flight, it differs from other owls by its short round wings and the fact that it does not have the habit of “shaking” in the air, stopping over its prey.
Voice The owl is quite varied and not very pleasant. It is passed as “huu-ho, u-ay, u-ay, ket-wit ...” At the nest, a clicking of its beak or a short “kvek ...” is heard.
Nest is located in the hollows of large oaks, lindens or pickles. If there are no suitable hollows, then the owl occupies the old nest of another bird, sometimes even settles in old buildings under the roof or in the attic. There is a known case when the nest of an owl was found in a woodpile, between the woods. Actually, she does not suit any nest and lays eggs directly in the place that she chose, without any bedding, except for the accidentally dropped feathers of the incubating bird. Such large fluctuations in the number of eggs in a clutch depending on the “harvest” of rodents, which are found in northern owls, are not known in the common owl.
Incubation continues, like the long-eared owl, twenty-seven - twenty-eight days.
Chick hatch blind and with closed ears. It weighs only 25-28 grams. After a week, his eyes open; he hears on the second day of his life. After ten to twelve days, the chick is on its feet, in the third week it becomes very mobile. A month later, a young owl flies out of the nest, although it keeps with its parents until the end of summer. In the fall, broods break up and owls meet alone.
Gray owl is very energetic protects young and nest from all attacks, much bolder than larger owls. In this respect, it is similar to the long-tailed owl. When attacked, she rushes to a person and a dog on the head. In essence, an owl cannot seriously harm a person, a dog, a fox, or a wolf, but all animals are afraid for their eyes, and an attack on the head can make them retreat.
Distributed our tawny owl is very wide - from Leningrad, the Gorky region and the Kirov region to the south throughout the country, where there are forests. To the east, it reaches Ishim and the western Tien Shan, to the south - to the Himalayas, Iran, the Caucasus, Asia Minor. Everywhere we have a tawny owl - a sedentary bird.

On our website you can read ornithology handbook: anatomy and morphology of birds, bird nutrition, bird reproduction, bird migration and bird diversity.

In the non-commercial online store of the Ecological Center "Ecosystem" you can to acquire the following methodological materials in ornithology:
computer(electronic) guide to birds of central Russia, containing descriptions and images of 212 bird species (drawings of birds, silhouettes, nests, eggs and voices), as well as a computer program for identifying birds encountered in nature,
pocket reference guide "Birds of the middle lane",
"Field guide to birds" with descriptions and images (pictures) of 307 bird species in central Russia,
colored identification tables"Migratory birds" and "Wintering birds", as well as
MP3 disc"Voices of birds of the central strip of Russia" (songs, calls, calls, alarms of 343 most common species of the central strip, 4 hours 22 minutes) and
MP3 disc "

Appearance and behavior... A large, densely built owl, about the size of a crow, but looks larger (body length 41–46 cm, wingspan 90–105 cm, weight 400–800 g), large-headed and short-tailed. Sits in a column, while the large head and, as it were, general roundness are especially striking. The wings are wide and relatively short. The tail is short, only slightly protruding beyond the ends of the folded wings (it is noticeably longer). The flight is silent, light and maneuverable, the wings in direct flight do not fold, but spread. The activity is purely nocturnal, during the day it usually hides in the hollow or crown of a tree.

Description... The general coloration is brownish with dark longitudinal streaks and separate light spots on the back; the latter form two implicit light stripes on the shoulder and across the wing. The tail is in thin transverse dark stripes. There may be variations in color from gray to red, occasionally in the Caucasus there are dark brown, almost black birds. On the chest and abdomen there are longitudinal streaks with transverse “ramifications” (unlike the long-tailed owl). The upper body is darker. The facial disc is well defined and rounded. High above the eyes, two white stripes are visible - "eyebrows" (no other owls have). The general expression on the face is "kind", "peaceful". Tarsus and toes are feathered. The male and female do not differ in color, the female is noticeably larger. The eyes are dark, almost black (for all our other owls, with the exception of the great-tailed owl and, the eyes are yellow or orange), the beak is light. Chicks hatch in white fluff, which from the 8th day of life begins to gradually replace with mesoptile. The mesoptile is mainly formed by the age of 18 days, it is light brown, with a blurred cross pattern all over the body. The first adult plumage begins to form at the age of 5–6 weeks, this molt lasts 2–3 months, young birds in this plumage differ little from adults; in particular, in autumn and at the beginning of winter, their primary feathers are all equally fresh, and in adult birds they are of different wear and tear, since adult birds do not change them all annually.

Voice... The current cry of the male is a trembling howling signal “ uuu ... uuu ... uuu ... uuu-uuu-uuu"Often consists of three parts, the first is short, similar to a beep, with an emphasis on the first syllable, then a pause of 2-4 seconds, 1-2 short shouts" at”And then there is a long and trembling trill, but variations are possible. This is a rather loud and melodic cry, sometimes heard from several kilometers away. Male in current flight sometimes flaps its wings. The female can respond with a similar cry. At any time of the year, you can often hear a contact signal: a sharp two-syllable cry “ ke-wick»With an emphasis on the last syllable, it is published by both partners in very different situations. The fledglings, begging for food, emit a hoarse " pssy-ip»With stress on the last syllable.

Distribution, status... Mostly Europe, as well as some parts of Africa and Asia. In the European part of Russia, from the southern borders to the north up to approximately 60 ° north latitude. Normal view.

Lifestyle... It inhabits mature deciduous and mixed forests, old parks, including penetrates into cities, where the presence of hollow trees is important for it. It nests mainly in hollows, occasionally in cavities and niches of rocks and buildings, nests of predators and corvids, nests. The nest has no lining, but sometimes wool, feathers, remains of pellets and the like accumulate at the bottom of the nesting hole. Clutch usually of 3–5 white eggs, occasionally up to 9. Female incubates, chicks are fed by both parents. Incubation begins with the first or second egg, so the chicks are of different ages. The basis of food is made by mouse-like rodents, but also eats birds, insects and other small animals. It hunts exclusively in dense twilight and at night, uses watchfulness and search flight low above the ground, can briefly hover in the air in one place.

The Boulle queen will melt even the coldest heart. She never shows argue, but she can stand up for herself.

Sociable, beautiful, photogenic; however, if she wishes to remain alone, she will inform about it.

  • when she is unhappy, she clicks her beak cute
  • has incredibly beautiful eyes

Year of birth: 2016

Scientific information on gray owls

Common or gray owl

Latin name - Strix aluco

English name - Tawny owl

Detachment - Owls

Family - Real owls or owls

In nature, there are 2 color forms of the common owl - gray and brown, and the color changes due to the geographical distribution of the species. For example, owls that live in the British Isles are predominantly red, while on the European mainland, gray birds... The Ural and Siberian owls are also predominantly gray, and the further east the area is, the fewer red individuals are found there. On the territory of Russia, the ratio of gray and red individuals is approximately the same, and the further south, the greater the prevalence of red individuals.

Natural and conservation status

The common owl belongs to the most common and numerous species of owls and does not require any special conservation measures.

View and person

The common owl is quite tolerant of the presence of humans and can settle even in large city parks. Fortunately, fabulous ideas about the harmfulness of these birds and their connections with "evil spirits" have become a thing of the past.


The tawny owl inhabits deciduous and mixed forests of the Palaearctic, i.e. it is found in Europe, Asia and North Africa. Its range stretches from the Mediterranean to the southern borders of the taiga. V East Asia a virtually isolated area is known with similar natural conditions... On the territory of such a vast range, 11 subspecies of this owl are distinguished.

Most often, the common owl prefers deciduous and mixed forests, but it thrives in coniferous forests and in city parks.


The usual size of this species of owl is 36-38 cm, weight is about 500 g. Like many other species of owls, ♂♂ is always less than ♀♀. The head is large, round and can be rotated by almost 270o; there are no feather "ears" on the head. Facial disc well expressed and bordered with dark feathers. The wings are rather short and wide, reaching almost 1 m in span.

The color of the common owl is monochromatic (more gray or more red), but with streaks, which makes the owl sitting on a tree completely invisible. The chest and abdomen are lighter in color than the back. The eyes and claws are dark, almost black, the beak is yellow.

Feeding and feeding behavior

The main prey of the common owl is undoubtedly murine rodents and other small mammals (moles, shrews, and sometimes young hares). But she often catches small birds, as well as frogs, reptiles, insects, molluscs, and near the water - crustaceans and fish.

The common owl hunts at night, most often from an ambush, using its excellent hearing. Having found prey at the slightest rustle in the grass, the owl plans or falls sharply on it. Covering prey with its wide wings, it then kills it with blows of its beak or tears with its claws.

Sometimes these owls hunt in flight, scaring away small birds that spend the night in the bushes with blows of their wings on the branches.


The tawny owl is active only at night. She spends the day hiding somewhere among the trees, becoming almost invisible. The main enemy of the owl in nature is the goshawk, which leads a diurnal lifestyle, therefore the most dangerous time for an owl is precisely the light part of the day.


The vocalizations of the owls are very diverse. The male's cry is a long, howling uuuh, uuuh, uuuh, most often heard during the mating period. With this hoot, the male notifies other birds that the territory is occupied; with a similar cry, he calls on the female, and also informs her that he is carrying food to the nest. The female's voice is a long, rolling bass trill, slightly reminiscent of a horn long-distance train... In general, during the mating period, the common owls are rather "talkative" birds and, apparently, it is with their night cries that various fears of owls are associated. The rest of the time, outside the breeding season, the common owls behave very quietly and silently.

Social behavior

Tawny owls are strictly territorial, live in separate permanent pairs, which persist for life. Adult owls actively defend their territory (by screaming, threatening behavior, active attack), especially during the nesting period. They attack cats, dogs, foxes and even humans. But owls hardly react to the anxiety of crows, which actively “do not like” owls.

Reproduction and parenting behavior

The Owl starts nesting very early. Already in February, mating of males can be observed, and clutches appear in March-early April. The nest is simple, usually located in a hollow or in an old stump, but it can also be right on the ground. Often, owls also occupy other people's nests, mainly crows.

In clutch there are usually 2-4 round white eggs, but in years rich in food, nests with 7-8 eggs were found. The incubation period lasts about 30 days, dense incubation begins with the first egg, so chicks in one nest turn out to be of different ages. Only female incubates.

At the end of April, blind, with closed ears, helpless chicks already appear in most nests. On the second day, they already begin to hear and see. For the first week, only the male gets food, but when the chicks are 6-7 days old, the female already leaves them in the nest alone and flies off to hunt. The chicks stay in the nest for about a month, but even after the departure, the young live with their parents on their territory, and only in the fall the brood breaks up.

The adult tawny owls protect the nest and chicks very actively and selflessly.

Life span

Common Owls become sexually mature already in the first year of life. There is little data on the lifespan of these owls, but on average they live for about 5 years. There is a known case when a female ringed in nature lived for 18 years and 7 months, and another bird in captivity for 27 years. The cause of death of owl owls is most often collisions with vehicles on the roads, strikes against wires, and similar anthropogenic causes.

The Gray Owl is the most common of all European owls. She willingly settles both in remote deserted corners and near human habitation.
Habitat. It is found in Europe, Asia and North Africa.

The gray owl lives in Europe, Western Siberia and North Africa; in the east, its range extends to Korea, China and Taiwan. Most often, it inhabits lowland and mountain forests, but does not avoid the cultural landscape, settling in large city parks, in cemeteries and the outskirts of settlements bordering open spaces. Hunting grounds Tawny owls are usually found in areas with old deciduous or mixed stands.

Species: Gray Tawny - Stix aluco.
Family: Real owls.
Order: Owls.
Class: Birds.
Subtype: Vertebrates.

The gray owl lives sedentary. Each male acquires his own home plot and vigilantly guards it from strangers. With the onset of the nesting season, males attract their girlfriends with an inviting hoot, which can sometimes be heard in autumn - from September to early December. Not considering it necessary to build a nest, owls usually settle in hollows abandoned by their previous owners, but they can settle in wall cracks, abandoned bunkers, caves and even attics, and sometimes settle in birdhouses with special comfort. Before mating with a partner, the male shows her attentions, presenting the caught prey as a gift. In March-May, the female lays eggs. Usually there are 3-5 white eggs in a clutch, but depending on the stock of game, their number can vary from two to nine. For 30 days, the female incubates the clutch, feeding only on the offerings of her husband. Both parents are engaged in feeding chicks. At the age of four weeks, young owlets get out of the nest and sit in a row on a nearby branch.

As soon as twilight thickens above the ground, an owl flies to night hunting, and at dawn hides in a hollow or sits on a favorite branch in order to get a good sleep until the evening. Owl usually nests in the forest, but hunts in open areas, not being too picky in the choice of prey - its menu includes small vertebrates, large insects and earthworms - although it hunts rodents with particular pleasure. Sitting on a branch, the predator keenly listens to the nocturnal rustles and, having found prey, immediately breaks off into a soundless flight. Huge eyes allow her to navigate in space even on dark moonless nights. At the moment of the attack, the owl dives, putting its paws forward, and unmistakably grabs the victim with sharp claws. The owl always dines in one long-chosen place, tearing off piece by piece with a sharp beak. The owl brings small prey, which can be swallowed whole, to its mouth with its paw, as parrots do.

Did you know?

  • Like all other owls, the owl has four-toed paws, and the hind toe is located slightly higher than the rest. The owl sitting on a branch has only two fingers looking forward. The first of the three front toes is called reverse and is turned back.
  • Defending its chicks, the tawny owl bravely attacks any stranger, always trying to hit him in the eyes with its claws. From the sharp beak and claws of the angry mistress of the nest, not only a large animal, but even a person is not good.
  • Having no goiter in which to store the eaten food, the tawny owl feeds often, but little by little, and stores the stocks of the caught game somewhere in the neighborhood of the nest.
  • The diet of the tawny owl differs significantly from the menu of its relatives living in cities. While forest owls feed mainly on small rodents, urban owls prefer to hunt small feathered game, such as sparrows.
  • People quite often pick up perfectly healthy owl chicks on the ground that have fallen after an unsuccessful test flight, and, considering them abandoned, carry away with them. This should never be done. If the chick is safe and sound, it should be left in place, as it will be able to return to the nest on its own. Only weakened or wounded owlets need our help.

Gray Owl - Strix aluco.
Length: 37-39 cm.
Wingspan: 95-100 cm.
Weight: 450-550 g.
Number of eggs in a clutch: 3-5.
Incubation period: 30 days.
Puberty: 2-3 years.
Food: predator.

Head. The head is large and round. Feather ears are missing.
Eyes. Large, round eyes look forward.
Beak. The short, hooked, strongly curved beak is very convenient for cutting prey.
Plumage. The general color tone varies from gray to light red. Against this background, a dark pattern of longitudinal stripes and lines of different widths emerges.
Legs. The legs and paws were overgrown with short light feathers along their entire length.
Body. The densely knit body is completely covered with dense loose plumage.
White stripe. On the shoulders, stripes of white feathers similar to shoulder straps are visible.
Wings. Wide, rounded fenders provide high maneuverability in flight.
Fingers. Paws are four-fingered: two toes point forward, two - back.
Claws. The fingers are armed with long and sharp, hook-like claws.
Tail. The short tail is spread in a wide fan in flight.

Related species.
Owls are typical feathered carnivores. The family of true owls includes 123 species of birds, fully or partially nocturnal. Owls are comparatively small, although certain types are distinguished by their impressive size. The color of owls is dim with streaks: the plumage of the face forms a round facial disc. All owls are excellent hunters: their unusually keen eyesight and hearing allow them to accurately find prey in thickets of grass or under the snow. Owls hunt for small vertebrates, sometimes with insects; some species feed on fish.