The exit of the birthday girl script 25 years. A cool script for a woman's birthday “Holiday, holiday, holiday! Party in retro style

Having decorated the room, the walls with daisies, in winter, daisies can be easily made by hand. Just inflate the balls, and tie them in the form of chamomile, i.e. yellow center, white petals.

Poster Happy Anniversary, 25 years must be hung on the wall. And prepare bright markers for guests to leave their good wishes for the hero of the day, in the colored squares of the poster.

The host begins the anniversary with the following words:

Oh, you guests are gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or being at home is bad -
But dressed just a miracle.
Only truth is simple
Our (name) is young
In the circle of relatives and friends
Decided to celebrate the anniversary.

Guests are seated in their places:

We wish to stomp a thousand years
You on the path of life
Would never get tired
Soul and head and legs.
So that love is a faithful companion
Always accompanied you
Hope with a warm light
Illuminated your path.
So that the circle of friends does not thin out,
So that the heart beats with inspiration,
Not believing that there is a limit
And everything in the sublunar world is perishable.

The guests are given the floor, the opportunity to congratulate and give gifts to the hero of the day.

Anniversary comic "Chamomile medal" is awarded

The comic medal must be enlarged and printed. Instructions for making are included:
Making a comic anniversary medal out of paper.

Instructions for using the medal are attached.

Reworked song for congratulations on the anniversary of the girl. The motive "Let them run clumsily ...".
We are all together today
Gathered in this song
To sincerely congratulate you
Wish you more happiness
And in love there is more passion,
Prettier, so that day by day!

Twentieth birthday,
This is an important step in life
Let there be more inspiration
To work, to friends and just like that!

Let everything be as before
But maybe a little older
'Cause now you're older
And more responsibility
But we want to live easier
And let it be more fun in the soul!
After congratulations, a musical pause and contests:

Competition for happy anniversary"Chamomile"
Details, attributes: cut out the core and petals with questions, collect them into a camomile.

On the printed petals, write the questions that the contestants will answer. Approximate questions:
With whom did you sit at the desk
Favorite color
Favorite name
Favorite treat
Favorite flowers
Date of Birth
Time of birth
Time of birth
Who is the godmother
Who is the godfather
Patronymic of the Anniversary

Two players are called.
Each player takes turns tearing off a petal and answering the questions written on the chamomile.
The player who answers the most questions correctly is the winner.
Congratulation contest.
Requisites, attributes: Balloons inflated with helium and long strings reaching to chest level. Pencils, markers, scissors, eye patch.
Guests come and, in order to take time before the start of the holiday, draw on paper what they would like to give to the dear hero of the day. Cut out and attach the picture to the balloon.
The competition is held in the middle of the festive anniversary.
The hero of the day is blindfolded, then they disorient him a little, circle him a little and offer to cut off the rope with the alleged gift.
It is proposed to guess the hero of the day who drew this gift and if he guessed it, then the culprit (who drew the gift) says a toast.

Game for the anniversary feast: "Bluff tour"

After the guests at the anniversary party
had fun, danced, sang, you can offer a comic game for ingenuity. Your guests will be satisfied and the anniversary will be remembered for a long time.
Leading. I ask a question that begins with the words "Do you believe that ...", and you try to determine whether this is true or not.
1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)
2. Is disposable blackboard practiced in Australia? (Not)
3. Was the fountain pen invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
4. Ball pen first used only by military pilots? (Yes)
5. Vitaminized pencils for children are produced in Africa,
having a habit of chewing on anything? (Yes)
6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (Not)
7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)
8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)
9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)
10. In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz. (Not)
11. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)
12. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, will it also become checkered? (Yes)
13. Did Spartan warriors spray their hair with perfume before a battle? (Yes, that's the only luxury they allowed themselves)
14. Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)
15. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)
16. Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
17. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)
18. Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)
19. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)
20. The bats can receive radio signals? (Not)
21. Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)
22. Is the elk a type of deer? (Yes)
23. Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (Not)
24. Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)
25. Does rhinoceros horn have magical powers? (Not)
26. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)
27. Is a monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)
28. Was Scrooge's lucky coin in denominations of 10 cents? (Yes)
29. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)
30. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)
31. Can you see a rainbow at midnight? (Yes)
32. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)
33. An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - does he put his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)
34. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)
35. In medicine, the diagnosis of "Munchausen's syndrome" is made to a patient who lies a lot? (No, such a diagnosis is made to a patient who has a constant desire to be treated)
36. The growth of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (no, three)
37. High-heeled shoes ranked first among the causes of death from accidents in Japan in 1995? (Yes, almost 200 Japanese women have died from falling from high heels)

The festive evening ends with the words of the presenter

The evening is coming to an end
And I want everything with you
It's time for me to know the limit
I danced with you and sang!
And from myself, I will say the words,
For the main maiden of the celebration:
Still really young
There is a beginning for breathing
Beautiful, sincere, gentle,
Haven't seen much yet!
And going on a good journey
Which is called life
I want to say words to you
Let many know them -
Be happy like never before
Love without measure
Let the years go by slowly
In each of them, the truth is simple,
Let the sun shine brightest
And the sky will be blue
May success come to you
And next will be only native!

Girl's anniversary script(to a young woman) "A star named…." suitable for spending in the company of friends and relatives, it allows guests to pamper the young birthday girl with attention and compliments and have fun themselves, as it should.

The script has fun table entertainment, dance competitions and lyrical congratulations. perhaps it is worth adding more contests and games, depending on the preferences of the company.

Introductory part of the script of the anniversary.

Presenter: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! My friends, hello!

(the host introduces herself and the DJ)

All high society - brilliant couples!

Of the best, the best are invited here!

Invitingly loud fanfares sound -

And where is the culprit - the Star?

Applause, gentlemen!

Our star named…..!

Fanfare. Everyone greets the birthday girl.

Now we know who the star is

And we shout to her together: "Hurrah! Hurray! Hurray!" (guests congratulate and raise a toast to the hero of the day)

Sounds like "Happy birthday»

(banquet break)


Not forgetting in the heat of haste the one who is “guilt” for everything,

We will raise our next toast for all the guests.

For the fact that you came to this anniversary,

Let's raise our glasses in this toast

May such a day not come in life,

When guests do not knock on your house!

It's time for a drink, good luck!

For all guests! For all of you!

The song "Hello, guests" sounds.

(small break)

presenter: Yes, my friends, we are sitting somehow too much in an adult way: no noise for you, no mischief ... And today we have a fun holiday - a birthday, a holiday of childhood. I propose to plunge into it a little, let's start small: remember how our friends called us in childhood.


Acquaintance of guests at the anniversary "Star by name .."

Astrologer: My precious ones, I greet you! I could not help but honor you with my visit, because today, as every day for many centuries, counting the stars in the sky, I suddenly found that there was one more of them, after checking the almanacs, I found out that the new star was given a name. .. (name of the hero of the day). I decided to personally look at the culprit of this event, although I saw a lot of beautiful girls, but not everyone is given the opportunity to become a star and sparkle brighter than others. It was no coincidence that I brought this cake as a gift to the birthday girl, it is a sign that her future life will be bright as the light of a star, warm as a candle fire, filled with delicious joys and beautiful impressions. (gives cake)

Surely, each of the guests present would like to know what the stars promise him, I won’t say about the future, but tonight I see it like this (reads the anniversary horoscope for different signs)

Anniversary Horoscope from Astrologer:

Aries it's high time

Drink a glass of wine

Just drink wisely

Not under the holiday table.

Twins understand yourself

Don't poison your soul with vodka.

Better drink milk

Live to be a hundred years old.

Lviv want to warn

That you shouldn't drink too much

Do not let the degree into the body,

Pour tea into a glass.

Virgin don't drink too much

Have pity on your stomach

He may not understand you

Do not accept salads with vodka.

BUT Libra in a team together

Need to pour more

So don't be shy

And drink alcohol to the dregs.

Scorpion another child

He can't drink at all.

If he drinks vodka

Everything will be upside down for you.

And stubborn Taurus

Drinking is out of character

You better decide

And have fun without vodka.

Well, Cancers you can drink

But just a glass or two

Just be very careful

And not the scandal in the family.

BUT Sagittarius the advice is:

If you want to be healthy

You better have a drink

Lemonade instead of vodka.

Capricorn lucky

You can drink to spite everyone,

The evening will last for an hour,

It remains to have fun.

Aquarius good

Vodka is whipped from the heart,

Don't give in to vodka

Better stay sober.

Pisces everyone needs

A cup full of wine

Overturn, but not by,

Definitely to the bottom.

Astrologer:And now I ask the guests of all signs of the zodiac to stand in the anniversary round dance and give the birthday girl the most expensive gift, another childhood memory. wa

Anniversary round dance "Karavai"

Congratulations on your anniversary

We give you this cake.

It has many lights on it.

Blow them out - you need a lot of strength.

As we begin to applaud - the desire must be made.

On the command "one!" and "two!" - get ready first.

And on "three-four!" - smile wider.

And how will we congratulate

You can blow out the candles! (approaches the table on which the cake stands and blows out the candles)


Presenter: My friends, all the stars have faded before the light of the enchantress and sorceress - our birthday girl! It's time for our Astrologer to leave, we applaud him, and we all, following our guiding Star, return to the festive table!


General dance game.

(The presenter, with the help of provocative words that serve as a call to a dance game, determines its participants)

Presenter: I invite everyone who considers himself a "real man" to join the circle (go out)

Those who came out are invited to remember the army and clearly follow the commands. First, they need to be built in a column one at a time, and then beat the teams (as in the army): right hand up, right hand between the legs, and with the left hand, take the right hand of a comrade who is standing in front. It turns out an interesting pose and then the dance "Lambada" performed by the song and dance ensemble is announced. They dance for two minutes, because in this position it is very uncomfortable.


Then each of the participants invites ladies to the dance floor - who is more will also display here either a general animation dance (for example, "Penguins"), or a lambad train.

Dance break.


(The presenter invites everyone to the table and offers to fill the glasses and continue p)

board game " Relay of congratulations.

Today, constellations of relatives and friends turn to the birthday girl with a low bow !!!

You are all witnesses that in our sky

One star is not fading light now.

And by the way, there is one fan among us who has been studying this for many years!

- Husband's congratulations.

- Parents (first a toast to them, then a word to them)

- Congratulations from the children.

(Small break)


Among all the constellations brighter, more fun
We see a constellation of friends here.
It hurries to wish happy birthday
And say congratulations to your friend.

Congratulations to a friend.

Costume number "Kids with gifts" (bows)


Game with the hall "Holiday signs".

Please close your eyes. If you closed your left eye, then today all your desires will come true, and if you close your right eye, it is you who will have to fulfill the desires of the left-eyed.

Fold your arms across your chest. If the right hand is on top. Today you may not be right, but if you are left, then today you will become the main sender of the people in the right direction.

Grab your neighbor by the ear. If you grabbed his right ear, this does not mean that you will not get back, but if you grab his left, no matter how hard you pull on his ears, it’s not customary to flirt like that.

Put one foot on the other. If the right leg is on top, then today you will dance until you drop, and if the left one, then today you have every chance to go to the left.

(dance break during which the competition is held)

Dance competition with numbers from 1 to 9. "All Stars"

(For e of this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the corresponding musical passages for each entry and prepare numbers from 1 to 9 - several sets, focusing on the number of guests and distribute to all guests or only the most artistic ones)

We start the show, to the surprise of all the guests

№1. I invite artists who have No. 1

I present to you these artists, they will surprise us like:

No one among us can better perform "Twists"!

Let's go full fire! Your applause! (dance)

№ 2 we invite you! Come on, our dears, I ask you, loving the birthday girl,

Perform an incendiary dance, meet! “Lezginochka, friends! (dance)

№ 3 I'll raise the fun a little and the planochka,

And I will ask you to perform - “Gypsy!” (dance)

№ 4 . So the 4th number of our program. Now we will surprise the guests and have plenty of fun,

Now pull yourself together and kick back in the crazy Rock 'n' Roll! (dance)

№5. The number 5 is on our stage! And you guys are lucky!

And we would like to enjoy the passion! "Striptease!", striptease and nothing more! ( dance)

№ 6 now at least not only hands are used, we will not die of boredom now!

Come on, everyone in the center of the hall, dare, and dance the "Dance of the Swans" for us. (dance)

№7 .Number 7, yes, what are the swans, guys,

Look - it's better how the "Ducklings" come off! ( dance)

№8. And where are our beautiful 8s? What will they do now - just beauty"

The East is a delicate matter! On stage - “Belly dance! ( dance)

№9 Number 9 on stage! Now we will change the style a bit:

I will ask you to perform the cheerful “Quadrille!” (dance)

Dances, games, impromptu fairy tale.

Answer word of the birthday girl.

Launching a star into the sky.

Presentation of the Golden Star Award

Costumes and scenery: microphone and TV screen frame
Friends play the role of fans of the birthday girl - they stand with pre-prepared greeting posters, wall newspapers, flowers
Presenter (reporter): Hello, dear viewers! Today we came to the mansion of our star - the famous NAME, to take an exclusive interview on the occasion of her 25th birthday. Our report today is dedicated to this greatest, beautiful girl that drives all men crazy. Today she gathered a crowd of fans at her mansion who came to congratulate her (fans applaud) The plot will be dedicated to her life this year, a congratulations contest in which the birthday girl will act as a jury, and our program will end with the Golden Star award. Meet our birthday girl! (the presenter approaches the birthday girl, holds the screen alternately in front of him and in front of her during the conversation)
- Our TV company wants to ask you a few questions. Tell me, were there many interesting events this year? Could you tell us about the brightest, most impressive ones?
(the birthday girl tells what she remembers)
- Your loyal fans followed the life of your favorite star, and prepared a story about your life this year (friends show a presentation with photos of this year, if not good photos, you can make a comic presentation of events that did not happen: frames from cartoons and films, where the characters are signed with the names of the birthday girl and her friends).
Fans throw posters, take microphones, turn into journalists.
Questions are asked to the birthday girl in turn. Sample Questions
- Name the funniest event this year!
- And the saddest thing?
- What new things have you learned this year?
- Who are you currently in love with?
- How old do you feel?
Presenter (reporter): Our dear birthday girl! Your friends would like to address you with congratulations.
Girlfriend 1:
My dear friend,
You are my ray, because you are the best.
We always understand each other
We hear thoughts without any interference,
I'm always interested in you
Give us the light of a smile.
Let your eyes shine with love
May your whole life be in love!

Girlfriend 2:
I want a rich groom
I wish you many boyfriends
Always be slim, pleasant -
So that without diets, and eat cakes,

Best friend:
If we are together, it will be fun
Wherever you meet! Should we frown?
People with boring, insipid faces -
Beware! We're out on the street!

Chip and Dale rush to the rescue!
If necessary, they will make you all laugh!
If one of us becomes sad,
So the other will push her!

I wish you not to lose heart
Waking up and getting up in the morning with a smile
Walk down the street with a smile, and let you
Passers-by are envious, admiring!

Other examples of congratulations:
charming lady,
We wish you always
Go to success and victory
Be so beautiful young
Always be as friendly
Let the house of guests be full
Be kind, gentle and smart
Don't forget your friends!

The best girl in the world
I wish you lots and lots of happiness.
May your luck shine brighter.
After all, today is your wonderful holiday,
A holiday that gathered all your friends,
All relatives and friends at the table.
You are our joy, you are our pride.
Congratulations on your holiday!

Host (reporter): The first part of our story has come to an end. I invite all viewers to the show "Star disease". I will lead it, and we invite our beautiful birthday girl to the jury! Instead of tokens, the winning participants will receive star autographs, which we will count to determine the winner.
1 contest: Participants - guests - say in turn epithets-compliments to the birthday girl. The one who repeats is out of the game.
2 competition: "Autograph". Participants are divided into pairs. One motionlessly holds a marker, the other is blindfolded, they give a piece of paper in their hands. Leading a blindfolded piece of paper over a marker, the participant must write his name. Then the participants in the pair change roles. The winner is the one who wrote the name more accurately than everyone else. The winner is determined by the birthday girl.
3rd competition: "Hollywood Stars". Participants pretend to be their favorite Hollywood stars. The birthday girl guesses. Artistry is evaluated, how similar the image is, etc.
4th competition: "Variety Stars". Participants take turns singing songs. The best performance is judged. Contest options: who knows more songs about a birthday, sing along the line of a famous song, whoever forgot the words - drops out, etc.
Competition 5: Stargazers. Items (buttons or beads) are laid out on a chair under a cloth. Participants take turns sitting on a chair and trying to count the number.
6th competition: "Movie Stars". It is proposed to play any scene from the film. The scenes are written on paper. Participants are divided into pairs and draw lots. Examples of scenes: a duel of gladiators, a shootout of cowboys, a declaration of love, a bride escaping from a wedding, etc. Artistry and humour. Both participants of the winning pair are awarded.
The show ends with the presentation of awards in the nominations "The Funniest Actor", "The Most Charming", "The Most Artistic", "The Most-Most", etc. All participants receive diplomas
The holiday ends with the presentation of the Golden Star award (a cup with a star can be cut out of foil)
Leading: Do you think that only famous actors, singers, presenters become stars? Our star is special. Her merit and main talent is in the ability to make friends, love, illuminate our lives with joy. She sings well, and dances, and, if necessary, will play any role - a housewife, a successful worker, a stylish lady, flirtatious or strict ... But we love her because she is real with us! Cheerful or sad, kind, tired, energetic - she is dear to us in any way. The Golden Star award is given to our brightest star!
A friend: We, your friends, helped you present yourself as rich and famous today. They say that if you imagine what you dream about more vividly, the dream will surely come true. We all sincerely wish you to be happy, rich, creative. And when you achieve your goals, whatever they may be, whether it be career, family, creative development, remember this day, remember your friends, and never forget about us, as each of us always remembers about you. Now it’s not celebrities from our scenario, but you, our simple and cheerful friend, we want to give gifts (gifts are given to the birthday girl’s favorite music).
Leading: This concludes our program. Before the second part of the evening begins with a feast and dances, I want to say the first toast.
Let's drink to the power that has gathered us today, so different, with different plans and moods, in one place, with one desire - to arrange a fun holiday for our birthday girl - let's drink to the power of this girl's charm. We all love her very much. And we wish her to realize her strength and with her help fulfill all her dreams!

A 25-year-old girl will be interested in celebrating her birthday magically, in the truest sense of the word. We offer our own option, how to mark anniversary girl 25 years, let the birthday girl become a fairy, let her fairy tale, contests, dances envelop her.

Anniversary girl 25 years old - the beginning of the celebration

The age is wonderful, someone has already found their happiness, their family, someone is still in search. But regardless of personal life, it's still best time- there is experience, intelligence, but at the same time, youth and beauty!

"There is magic in adulthood." At this age, childhood is often remembered, and one so wants to return there. Feel that joyful, kind and magical. Therefore, we invite you to spend this holiday as wonderfully as possible. Give the birthday girl warmth, comfort and magic. The celebration is celebrated at home or in a cafe.

Host (you can pick up the appropriate clothes of the sorceress, for example, a cape with bright stars and magic wand)
Good evening gentlemen,
All relatives and friends
I welcome you to the country
Where magic is everywhere
And the main one will be Fairy,
She is waiting for you, shy and timid,
So let's call her
And let's sing her name out loud!
(at the command of the host, the Anniversary is called by name, and she goes out to them)

Hello, our dear (name). We are all madly, infinitely glad to see you! And on this solemn day, we want to congratulate you on your 25th birthday! And also, I want to give you the title of Fairy, because we have a magical holiday, and you are its heroine, to give you a diploma that you graduated from the school of Magic and hand over this magic wand. With her, you can think of anything, and personal life and financial situation and friendly support and health, everything will be improved in an instant. The main thing is to always believe in it, and the magic will come to you!
(you can make a magic wand and a diploma yourself or buy it in a store)
Well, now, I ask for the table,
To hear the clinking of glasses!

And so, for our dear,
For undoubtedly all dear,
Let's pour one glass of wine
And let's drink it all to the bottom!
(The presenter takes out a very large glass or jug, which must be decorated in advance with tinsel and all sorts of sparkles, as well as write the word “magic”. She informs all the guests that everyone, around the table, should take it, and say her wish to the Anniversary and make a sip out of it. You also need to add that everyone can make a wish at this time, which will certainly come true. After all, this jug is magical)
(musical break, meal)

Now for everyone a surprise
Take all the paper sheet
Pour water on it
And read it all!
(The presenter passes with a tray on which empty sheets of paper are laid out. But they are not quite simple, they are written on in advance with a special pen, in which the ink disappears, but appears when wet. Each has its own text, with a name, with a souvenir gift about the festive party: stylish pen, beautiful mug, mini figurine, photo frame, etc.)

Presenter (passes with a large bag with magic colors):
Now we sort out the gifts,
Let's empty my bag!

And we'll raise a glass again
Then there will be a magic ball,
In the meantime, for our Fairy,
I can call her the best!

Now we will dance
But it's not easy to say
In pairs, you will all be divided,
Call everyone magical!

Competition for 25 summer anniversary girls
The competition is called: “Magic dance!” Each pair is given 1 wizard's hat on a string (made in advance in the form of a cone of paper and decorated), boots-walkers (we attach spurs from cardboard, for beauty) - this is all for men: 1 cape, 1 magic wand - this is for women. All this they wear. As soon as the music starts, they dance, as soon as it stops, they hastily change clothes (exchange clothes), those who do not have time are eliminated. And so on until one pair. Prize: 2 wind music pendants.

Well, how magical everything is with us,
Everything is so extraordinary
Now another surprise
I'll bring the cake here for an encore,
And the cake will not be easy,
With twenty-five candles!
(The presenter brings in a large cake, there are 25 candles on it, but the candles need to be purchased not simple, but lit up again, these are sold in many stores)

And so now the hour has come
When dear Fairy (name), everything is for you,
Make 25 wishes
From my most cherished dreams,
But these candles will not be simple,
Yes, you will find out for yourself!
(The hero of the day blows out the candles, but the whole surprise is that the candles light up again, it looks very beautiful and unusual)

Now not 25 wishes,
Now you can make a million
And he knows no excuses
After all, this is a holiday, this is it!
Well, to celebrate, I invite you to congratulations,
I call all relatives and friends leading!
(everyone congratulates, gives their gifts, then tea with a birthday cake)


25 is wonderful round date and, most importantly, young. A woman is just embarking on the path to family life, learning its basics. But at the same time, she can already be a wife and a mother of many children. When choosing a gift for an Anniversary, you need to pay attention to what a woman lacks, what she loves. And sometimes it’s better to stop at the amount of money, and this choice is the most correct in a couple. So the Anniversary will be able to buy exactly what she needs.


You can choose different themes for the celebration of this date, but we offer you the most interesting and practical one: “Hawaiian Delight”. To do this, you will need flower beads (for all guests, including men), and you also need to lay out tropical fruits on the tables. Such as: papaya, pineapple, coconut. But you don’t need to cut them, they should stand intact, like jewelry. In glasses for juice, you can put interesting tubes with umbrellas. Artificial vines can be hung on the walls. Well, of course, it is especially necessary to single out the Anniversary herself. For her there will be a special flower wreath, from the most beautiful inflorescences. The presenter also dresses, corresponding to the theme.


Good evening dear friends,

You are in the Hawaiian Islands

Here today we celebrate the holiday,

Anniversary "Miss Hawaii" - we call,

But first we need to call her,

Let's get her out in unison!

(they call the choir of the Anniversary, she enters, to applause)


Nobody compares to her for sure.

She is all green, sparkling,

And do not say that she is 25,

18 years can be given!



Dear (name), you are so beautiful and beautiful that we cannot take our eyes off you. And in honor of this, the honor of your Anniversary is dear, let me give you the crown, to suit the throne, and award you the title - "Miss Hawaii".

(the presenter puts a diadem (crown) on the Anniversary, and presents a document with the title assigned to her.


Now pour wine into glasses

And we solemnly raise them all up,

So that the Anniversary is lucky in everything,

We only wish the best for her!

(a musical break, a meal, by the way, we also select exotic music to match the theme)


And now, the Hawaiian contest,

Who's brave here?

Just be smart here.

And surprise with skill!


The competition is called: "Pineapple Ring". Everyone is welcome to participate. Everyone is divided into two groups. Each is given pieces of paper, a chair is placed at a distance of 5 meters, a plate with pineapple slices, and forks are placed. Task: imagine that there is a sea in front of them (they are in Hawaii), there is absolutely nothing to eat, but on that island (chair) there are good pieces of pineapple. With the help of two leaves (boats), moving them, you need to get to the island. Take a fork without the help of hands (mainly with teeth), put on a pineapple and also return to your tribe. And so on in turn. The team that completes these faster wins prizes - a whole pineapple each.


wonderful entertainment,

Food, you got yourself

Everyone cheered up

Just a little tired!

Well, now it's time for the table,

There are salad dressings!

And, of course, a toast from me:

So that our Anniversary is happy!

(musical break, meal)


While we were resting

Miss Hawaii had her crown stolen

Aboriginals need to be punished

I call, switchmen-athletes!


The competition is called: "Sharp Hawaiian". Participation is accepted by men, at will, women. Flowers are hung out at a distance of five to six meters on a rope, in all notes, in some you need to write the word "crown". The host gives out a bow and arrows (toy). Each is given two shots. If they hit a flower with empty paper, they leave with nothing, if the word “crown” is written on the paper, then they get a prize - a set of Bounty sweets.


Now, I would ask you all to think very carefully and take turns saying to our Anniversary. The incomparable Miss Hawaii, exactly 25 different elegant compliments. Please do not repeat. Let's circle!

(giving compliments)


You see, dear (name), how perfect and irresistible you are! Let's drink to all these compliments addressed to you! For you! For your Anniversary! For the 25th anniversary!

(musical break, meal)

And now there will be a dance competition,

And very experimental!

Women perform beautifully

And men give marks!


The competition is called: "Hawaiian Dance". It needs three men (the jury) and five women. Women are given special Hawaiian skirts made of long vines and flowers (can be made from artificial flowers, either from paper or from carved fabric, it all depends on your imagination). Men are given plaques with grades, from "3" to "5". At the command of the host, the women, dressed up, begin to dance. Approximately one minute. At the end, the men give their grades. The woman who scores the most points is awarded with the Diploma of the "Best Dancer" and a flower-shaped hair clip.


Well what else can I say

Now you can pour

Now we all drink for parents (name),

So that they are always good in everything!

(musical break, meal)


And now, I want to give you the floor. My dear Hawaiian guests. It's time for congratulations and gifts! I ask you to select all the most necessary and best words, because the speech of each of you, for the Anniversary, is dear!

(all guests, relatives, friends, congratulate the Anniversary on the holiday and give their gifts)


For such congratulations

We can't drink, it will be a sin,

All are worthy of admiration

Everyone was talking about success!

(musical break, meal)


I new competition I announce

And I call him water!


The competition is called: "Hawaiian water drink." 4 couples take part. Each track is set, there are three obstacles on it: 1) a chair on which there is a glass of juice and two straws; 2) a chair, but already under it there is a glass with juice and two straws; 3) five chairs arranged in the form of a flower, under the one in the middle, everything is put the same. Task: at the command of the leader, each couple begins to pass the obstacle (they need to drink these glasses at the same time). The third stage will be the most difficult, it will be difficult to climb among the other chairs. The main thing is to drink at the same time, and not in turn. There are exceptions for cheating. The couple that gets through the fastest gets a prize - books with Hawaiian recipes.


Oh, how funny it was

So unusual and spontaneous

Thank you for the entertainment

You lifted everyone's spirits!



And now I’ll say a word on my own, for Miss Hawaii, I’ll tell a poem:

25 years is the year

They are young and so beautiful

And you're just as good

After all, they have no power over you!

Let everything be in your life

Only good holy

To be better of mothers,

To be a dear wife!

For happiness to come to you.

And Hawaiian delight

So that you are lucky in everything

To give this world - admiration!

Happy Anniversary to you (name), on your 25th birthday! Hooray!

(the holiday continues, but without a host)

Many years have passed since then
When the miracle happened
You came into the world
It is unknown where.
Happen only once in a lifetime
similar phenomena.
We sincerely want to congratulate you
Happy birthday today!

Good afternoon, dear friends. According to the good old tradition, we have gathered today in this hall to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our dear Tatyana in a solemn, festive atmosphere.

Birthday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice in the love, affection that relatives, friends and colleagues have for him.

It was _____________ years. A girl was born, they named her Tatyana. And who knows the hero of the day better? Let's answer the questions:
1. Place of birth
Parameters at birth
What time of day was she born
2. With what grades did you finish school
3. Favorite toy
4. What is your favorite flower
5. Favorite dish
6. Favorite activity, hobby
7. Favorite drink
8. Favorite color
9. Favorite song
10. Favorite singer.
Who knows their child best, kik is not the parents.

An anniversary for a 25-year-old girl is an important event that you want to spend fun and unforgettable. The birthday girl will be pleased not only with the presence of welcome guests, a delicious feast, a pile of gifts, but also with an organized scenario with jokes, games, songs and background music.

Home toastmaster

For an unforgettable holiday, it is not necessary to turn to the services of animators and toastmasters. With the help of the script for the anniversary, a girl of 25 years old can arrange an event at home for everyone. The main thing is to stock up on the desire to please the hero of the occasion with creative ideas and a worthy program.

It is advisable to discuss in advance with a young woman how she wants to see her birthday, what kind of company and atmosphere she expects. She may want to spend the holiday without noise and unnecessary fuss in a quiet family circle. However, if the female young soul wants a bright, unforgettable evening, it is worth helping her with this.

The home organizer needs to take into account the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl in order to please her. You can discuss a ready-made anniversary script for a 25-year-old girl in advance, but leave some details a secret. A pleasant surprise is best left for the end of the evening.

You can arrange a gala party in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary in different ways: with improvisation, a clear script or a thematic bias.

Ideas for the evening

Cool scenarios for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years old are obtained when the party has a certain theme. Style decisions of the evening imply several points:

  • evening program;
  • Musical direction;
  • dress code;
  • original photoshoot.

Besides theme parties arouse great interest of guests, initially fill with a cheerful mood and in most cases fulfill one of the wishes of the birthday girl. For example, an anniversary script for a 25-year-old girl in a specific style will help her:

  1. "Visit" in France - ("Party la France").
  2. Remember childhood - (pajama "party").
  3. Feel like a princess, a witch, Lara Croft, etc.

Theme party

Before preparing the program, the home organizer should find out about the secret dreams of a young girl. No need to be afraid to choose unexpected topics for the evening. Perhaps for a 25-year-old girl, the script for the anniversary, created in the style of a puppet party, is her long-standing wish. Birthday is a great way to have fun and remember your childhood.

The range of thematic ideas for cool 25th anniversary scenarios is huge. For example, a party:

  • pirate;
  • pajama;
  • pioneer;
  • Indian;
  • rocker;
  • romantic;
  • criminal;
  • palace;
  • mexican.

Any dream of a birthday girl can serve as a good idea for creating festive evening. "Journey" to any country, transformation into unusual characters are able to weave the script for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years at home.

Important Points

When compiling a program for the holiday, the organizer should take into account several important nuances:

  • the dimensions of the room in which the event will take place;
  • the age category of those present;
  • availability of audio and video equipment;
  • the amount of time allotted for the anniversary.

Considering all these aspects, the facilitator approaches inventing original script anniversary of the 25-year-old girl.

Planning the scenario

The program must be well planned. It is important not to miss the key moments and not spoil the smooth and harmonious course of the holiday.

The stages of the holiday include the following actions:

Birthday in Paris

The scenario of holding the anniversary of a girl of 25 years old in the French style will be very popular with a romantic nature who dreams of love and travel.

Preparing such a party is quite difficult. This work is interesting and creative, requiring some important steps:

Holiday in the style of "la france"

A birthday in the style of France is an excellent occasion to congratulate on an important date and put it into "life" great script holding the anniversary of a girl of 25 years.

The host greets the guests and the main character of the evening with a solemn speech:

"- Bonjour, madam, bonjour, monsieur!

We all gathered on this day

Congratulate our "cher" and "bel",

After all, Annette (Tatiana) has an anniversary!

There is no more beautiful girl in the land,

Such beauty is only a dream!

We will congratulate her

Sing songs, have fun, dance!

Let's say it loudly in French:

Annette, Ms Vu Aniverser!"

The names of the guests and the birthday girl are translated into French and pronounced throughout the evening. If you change and enter the name and surname of the guest in the badges, those present receive both a new "nickname" and an occasion for novelty of sensations and fun.

Each of those present calls himself, trying to observe nasal accented moments of speech and a rolling "r".

1. General game "Pick up a pair"

Leading: "Today we will visit a beautiful country, which is known for romantic adventures, beautiful love stories. France is a country where fashion is born, passions rage and loving hearts gather. I will name a famous person, and who knows, tell me what her other half was called:

  • D "artagnan - ... (Constance);
  • Napoleon - ... (Josephine);
  • Geoffrey de Peyrac - ... (Angelica);
  • Johnny Depp - ... (Vanessa Paradis);
  • Quasimodo - ... (Esmeralda);
  • Nicolas Sarkozy - ... (Carla Bruni);
  • Louis the Fourteenth - ... (Louise de Lavaliere);
  • Alain Delon - ... (Romy Schneider);
  • Marcel Cerdan - ... (Edith Piaf).

2. Competition "Winemakers"

Choose two participants. Each of them is given a glass and a bunch of grapes. Players compete to see who can squeeze "wine" into a glass container from grapes faster.

3. Game tasks"Cherbourg Umbrellas"

The scenario of the 25th anniversary with competitions in which those present will show acting skills and other talents amuse the audience and give a great mood.

On small paper umbrellas that are distributed to guests, numbers with the task are inscribed. It is performed individually by each of the "lucky ones" who got it.

The list of tasks is as follows:

  1. Pantomime a frog.
  2. To the song Happy birthday, sing to the birthday girl "I live the aniverser!"
  3. Departing from the hero of the occasion for ten steps, with each step, compliment her.
  4. In a wide skirt and a bonnet, dance "Cancan" to cheerful music.
  5. Crow three times.
  6. Various objects are placed on a chair under a napkin: soap, a spoon, an apple. The blindfolded participant sits down on a chair and tries to guess what it feels like.
  7. Draw a portrait of the birthday girl with your left hand.
  8. Build the Eiffel Tower out of disposable cups.
  9. Drip champagne out of a saucer.
  10. To parody the facial expressions of Louis de Funes, looking in the mirror and shouting: "It's Fantômas!"

4. Dance competition "Croissants"

Croissants are a favorite delicacy of the French.

From among the guests, 2-4 participants are chosen and the same number of assistants - "cooks". "Culinarians" wrap volunteers toilet paper like "puff pastry stuffing". Croissants are ready! To the fervent music, "sweet buns" dance an incendiary dance. "Sweetest" is chosen.

beautiful ending

The French script for a 25th anniversary at home must be completed with beautiful notes. It can be a slow dance to the romantic music of the birthday girl and her partner, a beautiful song rehearsed in advance in honor of the hero of the day, a bouquet of 25 roses, or another beautiful ending. The main thing is to cause delight in the hero of the occasion.

Let's add zest

The scenario of the anniversary of a woman of 25 years will become even more interesting and eventful if you add some creative moments:

  • decorate the room with photographs of a birthday girl of different ages;
  • arrange an original photo zone, against which she will take unforgettable pictures with relatives and relatives;
  • record in advance a video greeting from relatives and friends;
  • assemble and edit a video about a twenty-five-year-old girl with her numerous photos and suitable music.

These surprises will please the young lady and help her meet her holiday with a smile.

Congratulations from men

Cool scenarios for the anniversary of a girl of 25 years old can be diversified with funny and artistic numbers that will amuse both the main character of the evening and the rest of those present.

1. Choir "Flowers for a lady".

Several men prepare and rehearse a song for the birthday girl in advance. An interesting point is contained in the execution. Large flowers are cut out of a large drawing paper and cuts are made in the middle for the face. Peculiar "masks" are put on performers. As a result, a chorus of "buttercups" appears before the audience.

2. Congratulations from "famous men".

The birthday girl sits in a place of honor. Men enter the hall in turn with wishes, a flower in their hand and a nice surprise. Men portray the most diverse heroes of women's hearts: an overseas prince, James Bond, Philip Kirkorov, Troubadour, and so on.

3. Interesting predictions.

The arrival of a gypsy will bring notes of surprise and cheerful excitement to the scenario of the girl's 25th anniversary. She should be a cheerful clockwork, prophesying to the guests all sorts of Interesting Facts, and the birthday girl promise love and a happy future.

A bright holiday in the company of relatives and friends will be remembered by the hero of the day for a long time with bright and positive emotions.