Youth dance game program for February 14th. Games and competitions for Valentine's Day for youth

Festive and entertaining program "The Stolen Heart", dedicated to February 14 (St. Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day)


1. Education of a positive emotional and value attitude towards friendship, communication skills among students in the MAOU DO MUK "Evrika".

2. Development of creative abilities of students of MAOU DO MUK "Evrika".

3. Unity of students of MAOU DO MUK "Evrika" in the process of collective - creative activity.

4. Formation of interest, initiative, positive activity of students.


A big heart, which has a small heart in the middle, costumes, hall decoration, balloons, flowers, wall newspapers.


1. Leading

2. Baba Yaga

The presenter takes the stage:

(Sounds before the start of the holiday

0. "Factory")

(Sounds No. 1 Backing track "My souvenir")

(SOUNDS a poem performed by a student of MAOU DO MUK "Eureka" Kosyreva Angelina)

This story has a long way to go

It was a long time ago. Ancient Rome.

Valentine's hand

Love secretly carried two.

He is a relationship of lovers

Rite in the church consecrated

Crossing the line of the law

He himself suffered from the denunciation.

Although sometimes in February

The spiritual shepherd was executed,

Forever golden name

Remained among the holy names.

When the last snowflakes

Circle, draw mirages,

We send valentines

The one whose love we cherish.


They present their congratulations to us: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Good evening, dear friends! Today is February 14, and this is not just another day of the week, month and year, this is St. Valentine's Day, which, as you know, is the day of all lovers. Do we have people who are in love today? There are such? Excellent. What is the symbol of love? What do you constantly

do you draw? That's right, hearts. And so we have prepared a surprise for you. This is a big heart! Let's shout and clap. And so meet!

(Children scream and clap )

(Sounds No. 2 Exit of Baba Yaga)

But instead of a big heart, Baba Yaga enters the stage and dances.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, why are you shouting so much? Although I am Baba Yaga, I still hear well. Or are you glad to see me like this?


Who else is this? Where is our big heart?

Baba Yaga:

Uh, honey. Don't you recognize me? It's me - Baba Yaga!


Actually, we were waiting for our heart, not this one.

Baba Yaga:

There was such a heart. Only I got tired of it, and I tore it.


How did you break? This is our heart. We have it in one well-known company ordered.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I know everything. This is my firm. I just wondered why you have such a heart. This is where I broke it.


And where is the logic here: it became interesting, and broke?

Baba Yaga:

There is no logic here. I just came here to see what's going on.


Yes, nothing is happening anymore. There is no heart, therefore there is no holiday.

Baba Yaga:

Was it supposed to be a holiday? Okay, then I confess - I didn’t break my heart, I brought it with me. All my couriers were missing, only legs and horns remained, so I had to drag this heart myself.


Does that mean there will be a holiday?

Baba Yaga:

Of course it will. But only, chur, together with me!


Okay, we agree. And where is the heart?

Baba Yaga:

BUT?! My heart will stay for a while, so that you don’t kick me out of your holiday. That is to say, as a guarantee. And what about the holiday?


Valentine's day today.

Baba Yaga:

Blimey! It's my favorite day! I just have competitions for the holiday. Well, shall we play?


Where can we go, of course, we'll play, but first let's see the Baba Yaga performance that our guests have prepared for us

Leading: Well, did you like the performance? Now you, Baba Yaga, entertain our guests. What contests did you come up with?

Baba Yaga:

That's great. Now I'm breaking my bones. Let's start quickly.


Let's start.

Baba Yaga:

Although I am an old woman, I like to listen to compliments and beautiful words. So come on, come out young men, pamper your grandmother.


We invite three guys to the stage who are not shy to say beautiful words and compliments.

(No. 3 "My Bunny" sounds - while everyone goes on stage, then the sound decreases).

(Three guys from the audience enter the stage. They should take turns saying compliments and declarations of love to Baba Yaga. The one who can say more and more beautiful words wins the competition. You can’t repeat.)

- So, young people, your task is to give compliments in turn, the one who calls the most beautiful words wins.


Well, Baba Yaga. How do you like our young men?

Baba Yaga:

Oh, and well done, yes the girls of these guys are lucky. They probably hear these words every day. I would love to have a guy like that.


Well, you Baba Yaga don't roll your lips. Have you seen these girls? You know what they look like. You don't dress up and make up like that in your life.

Baba Yaga:

What's right is right. Okay, I dreamed and will. Let's move on. We saw the guys on stage, let's look at the girls. And at the same time I will appreciate the competitors.


I invite three girls to the stage who can draw and cut out valentines.

(Sounds No. 4 Competition for girls) and while they go out and then in the process of the competition.

(Three girls are invited to the stage. There are sheets of paper, felt-tip pens and scissors on the tables in front of them. And on command, the girls must make a beautiful valentine, or rather draw it, then cut it out and give it to the host. The participant who will do it faster, and most importantly, she has get a beautiful and correct valentine, wins.)

- In the meantime, our girls embody their fantasies, we will see the number that we have prepared for all those present here:


Baba Yaga:

Well, the youth is now gone. Everyone is so beautiful, everyone is so charming. I really don't know.


Yes, I also melted a little from such valentines. I am very pleased to receive them.

Baba Yaga:

Okay, while our leader is flying in the clouds, we will continue. We saw both guys and girls in action. Now let's put these young people in pairs.

(I ask the first young man which Valentine he liked best, that girl stands next to him, and so on)

(Sounds No. 5 competition for couples. "Cheerful chicken")

(Three couples formed on the stage. The girls are given buckets, and the guys are given ten valentines. Guys and girls stand at a distance of three meters from each other. And the guys throw valentines to their girls, and the girls have to catch them. Also, if the valentine of the rivals flew into another side, she can be caught too. The couple that can catch the most valentines wins.)


That's how clever our participants are. It's time for our last competition. Come on Yaga announce the rules.

Baba Yaga:

And the rules are very simple. You need to assemble a heart from parts.

(Sounds No. 6 Competition for couples. "Benny Hill")

(Participants are given parts of the heart, they collect which pair will complete the task the fastest, and that one won).


Baba Yaga, so which couple won?

Baba Yaga:

And so we won a couple ... Although no, not a couple. We have won love!

(Cupid and angel take out the heart)

(Alsu's backing track sounds)

Singer: Kalinkina Daria

At this moment, a big heart is brought onto the stage.


Yes, love won. And with her, we, and those who are in love, and those who are looking for their soul mate. Happy holiday friends. Love and be happy!

Let's once again applaud our participants, wish to meet great and true love.

(Angels handing out commemorative prizes)

And now, dear viewers, I invite everyone to play, we make 2 circles (outer and inner facing the outer), dancing, moving in a circle. As soon as the music stops and we say:

General game "Drozdok" (Music: No. 8. "Lambada", for the second time No. 8.2 "Cowboy")

- You are a thrush, I am a thrush (pointing finger pointing at others at a friend)

- You have a sock, I have a sock ( pointed to the nose)

- You have scarlet cheeks, I have scarlet cheeks ( on the cheeks)

-Your lips are sweet, my lips are sweet ( On the lips)

- We love each other!!!

Dance music plays. (Sasha + Masha, Factory, etc.)

MKOU Poddubenskaya school

Valentine's Day (February 14) at school. Game program script

Ved.2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart, whether it be a sofa cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved.2. So, we start our holiday and introduce the participants and their fans. (Team View)

Ved.1. For all stages of the competition, each team scores a certain number of points. The team that scored maximum amount points for the entire game is declared the winner. (Competitions are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved.1. We start our competitive program with a romantic-funny song "Love-carrot". (girls of 6.7 classes)

Love for all ages! ( game program)

Ved.2. And now about the main thing. Participants of the game will have to pass the test of four rounds. Between the tours we are waiting for pleasant musical breaks, all kinds of surprises and other events.

Ved.1 .First tour: "Who loved whom?" Participants are invited to answer the question “Who loved whom?

Whom did Tiny-Khavroshechka love? (A cow.)

Who did Gray love? (Assol.)

Who did Gerasim love? (Mu Mu.)

Who did Gerda love? (Kaya.)

Who did the steadfast tin soldier love? (Dancer.)

Who did the Dunno love? (Sineglazka.)

Who did the mosquito love? (Fly-Tsokotuhu.)

Who did Pierrot love? (to Malvin.)

Who did the Russian clergyman love? (Dog.)

Who did Lunatic love? (Ruth.)

Who did the Prince love? (Cinderella.)

Who did Chatsky love? (Sophia.)

Ved.2. – We appeal to you, dear Referee. Please announce the results of the 1st round of our competition program.

Ved.1. Number from 5 class. Flashmob

Ved.2. Second round:"Do you believe?"

Teams, you are dealt two cards: “Yes” and “No”. When answering questions beginning with "Do you believe that...", you must hold up one of two "yes or no" cards. Time to think about each question is 1 minute. Correct answers are encouraged.

The birthplace of the holiday "Valentine's Day" is Ancient Greece? (No. Ancient Rome.)

Cupid - a mischievous angel with a bow and arrow - the son of Venus and the symbol of Valentine's Day? (Yes.)

In Wales, on February 14, loved ones were given wooden “love spoons” decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant: “You found the way to my heart.” (Yes.)

Is the rose a symbol of beauty and love? (Yes.)

Red chrysanthemums, tulips, carnations mean love? (Yes.)

In Germany, on Valentine's Day, women present chocolate to all their beloved and just familiar men? (No. This is a Japanese tradition.)

These lines about love were written by M. Yu. Lermontov:

Everything starts with love.

With love! I know it for sure.

Everything, even hatred - dear

And the eternal sister of love.

(No. Robert Rozhdestvensky.)

Ved.1. We are waiting for summing up the results for the previous 2 rounds from our fair and wise jury.

Ved.2. Number from 8 class

Ved.1. Third round: "Let's compliment each other."

Teams come up with compliments. Then the boys of the red table team compliment the girls of the blue table team, etc. Then the girls compliment the boys. The compliment goes two rounds. And compliments should not be repeated.

Contests for fans

Ved.2. Fourth round: "Smart Questions"

Ved.1. 1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

Ved.1. 3. Carrot extract is added to some types of colored pencils for greater lead strength? (Not)

Ved.2. 4. Did the Romans wear pants? (Not)

Ved.1. 5. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Ved.2. 6. Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)

Ved.1. 7. In one Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance the waltz. (Not)

Ved.2. 8. Do penguins fly north for the winter? (Not)

Ved.1. 9. If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered one. (Yes)

Ved.2. 10. Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Ved.1. 11. Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Ved.2. 12. Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Ved.1. 13. Do people still wash themselves with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Ved.2. fourteen. The bats can receive radio signals? (Not)

Ved.1. 15. Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Ved.2. 16. Is the elk a kind of deer? (Yes)

Ved.1. 17. Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (Not)

Ved.2. 18. In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

Ved.1. 19. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

Ved.2. 20. Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Ved.1. 21. Can a rainbow be seen at midnight? (Yes)

Ved.2. 22. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

Ved.1. 23. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Ved.2. 24. What knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Ved.1. 25. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

Ved.2. 26. What can you easily lift from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh).

Ved.1. 27. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

Ved.2. 28. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

Ved.1. 29. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

Ved.2. 30. What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).

Ved.1. 31. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).

Ved.2. 32. What can travel around the world, staying in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Ved.1. 33. Is it possible to light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

Ved.2. 34. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).

Ved.1. 35. Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

Ved.2. 36. How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

Ved1. In the meantime, the distinguished jury will sum up the results, we will listen to the song "Half" performed by Inna Udovenko and Eli Muravyova.

At the end of the program, the presenters present prizes.

"Funny Face"

On a sheet of drawing paper, you need to draw a funny face that could relate to Valentine's Day. All participants (26 people) stand in line and, taking a marker, draw one face.

"Hundred to One"

Which celebrity has a last name starting with "P"?





Peter the Great


The most common to the letter "A"






Which pet is the most common?







The student in the lesson sat on a chair and shouted loudly. Why?

Sat on the buttons

Forgot backpack at home

Saw a ghost

It's a music lesson. sings

Due to control


"Two Pianos"

The game requires 2 teams of 2 people. A line from a famous song is guessed. In each row, closed from the eyes of the participants, there are several transitions. You can name any hidden word and sing a song in which this word occurs. Sample lines:

I won't tell anyone (gr. "Girls")

He sings like a nightingale and they knew about it ("Cool you got on TV")

The boys fly towards life ("Other Rules" "Fly! Run!"

Well, what are you so terrible ("Andryukha"

"Smart Questions"

Answer only "yes" - "no"

In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

Does Australia use disposable blackboards? (Not)

Ball pen first used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (Not)

Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz. (Not)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become a checkered one. (Yes)

Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before the battle. (Yes, that's the only luxury they allowed themselves)

Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

Some frogs can fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)

Is the eye filled with air? (No, the eye is filled with liquid)

Are you taller in the morning than in the evening? (Yes)

Do people still wash with olive oil in some places? (Yes, in some hot countries where water is scarce)

Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

Is the elk a type of deer? (Yes)

Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (Not)

Dolphins are small whales? (Yes)

Does the rhino horn have magical powers? (Not)

In some countries, firefly beetles are used as lighting fixtures? (Yes)

Is a monkey usually the size of a kitten? (Yes)

Was Scrooge's lucky coin a 10 cent denomination? (Yes)

Duremar was selling frogs? (No, leeches)

Do Eskimos dry capelin and eat it instead of bread? (Yes)

Can you see a rainbow even at midnight? (Yes)

Are most turnips grown in Russia? (No, in America)

An elephant, meeting with an unfamiliar relative, greets him in the following way - does he put his trunk in his mouth? (Yes)

Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway).

Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins).

When they build new house What is the first nail driven into? (In a hat).

What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge? (Shoe sole).

What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far? (Pooh).

How many peas can go into one glass? (Not a single one - everything must be put down).

What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons).

How can you put two liters of milk in a one-liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk).

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes).

How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).

What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it? (Anchor).

The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope, and walked three hundred meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything).

What can travel the world and stay in the same corner? (Postage Stamp).

Can you light a match underwater? (You can, if you pour water into a glass, and keep the match below the glass).

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly by whole).

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible? (Both people played with other people).

What could be bigger than an elephant and weightless at the same time? (Shadow of an elephant).

What are all the people on earth doing at the same time? (Get older).

What gets bigger when put upside down (Number 6).

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? (Time, temperature).

When can the net pull out the water? (When the water freezes).

What has two arms, two wings, two tails, three heads, three bodies and eight legs? (Rider holding a chicken).

Outcome. As a result, it may turn out that some boy and girl often match in a pair and they are awarded a "Diploma" for being the perfect couple.

Entertainment scenario "Valentine's Day"

Actors: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by the number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by the number of children), cocktail tubes, plates of flour, paper napkins, bandage for eye.

(Music sounds, children enter the hall, sit down)

Ved.1. Spring is 14 days away. And tomorrow, February 14th, is Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day.

Ved.2. February 14 - Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day, a sweet, homely, funny and unusual holiday. It is unusual because it is non-Russian. But in Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated with great pleasure. After all, Saint Valentine is the patron saint of lovers.

Ved.1. Well, yes, it is customary for us to believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and you can giggle and tease over a child: “Tili-tili dough, bride and groom!” It's just stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And such a person can only be envied, because his whole life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

Ved.2. So everyone celebrates Valentine's Day - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. On this day, it is customary to give a gift to your chosen one or chosen one. But the gift must be in the shape of a heart, whether it be a sofa cushion or a box for needlework.

Ved.1. In addition, on this day it is customary to give each other postcards - "valentines" - with the image of hearts.

Ved.2. So, we start our holiday and introduce you to the participants.

(Pairs selected in advance in groups - participants of the competitive program enter the hall to the music).

Ved.1. For all stages of the competition, each pair gains a certain number of points. The pair with the highest score for the entire game is declared Valentine and Valentina. (Competitions are evaluated on a five-point system)

Ved.2. And now we are pleased to introduce you to the jury ... (introduces the members of the jury)

Ved.1. So, we begin our competitive program.

1 contest “My other half”

(Each couple is given half a paper heart, at the command of the host, each pair must find their half of the heart. The couple that completes the task faster wins).

Everyone has known for a long time about the seven wonders in the world,
But there is another big miracle.
And I have now opened the eighth wonder. it
More wonderful and better than all miracles.
That miracle has long been known to everyone on the planet,
It excites us and there is blood in our veins.
Immortal like life - the eighth wonder of the world
Beautiful magic love!

2 contest “Arrow of Cupid”

(Blindfolded girls draw a heart on a piece of drawing paper attached to an easel, and boys - “Cupid's arrow”. “Cupid's arrow” should hit the heart).

Ved.1. While the jury is evaluating the results of two competitions, listen to a comic song

This is for you”, words and music by I. Ponomareva. The word of the jury (The jury announces the number of points for two competitions)

Ved.2. Love for all ages. But love is different: mutual, and sometimes unrequited.

3 contest “Broken heart”

Ved.1. Pay attention, halves of hearts are hung on the central wall - these are “broken hearts”. You need to choose one half, on which the question number will be indicated. By answering the question correctly, you will repair the “broken heart”.


Faithful friend of the crocodile Gena? (Cheburashka)

What is the name of the hare in the program "Good night, kids"? (Stepashka)

Have teeth but no mouth? (Saw)

What was the name of the calf cat Matroskin? (Gavryusha)

What bird brings happiness? (Stork)

It is carved in the forest, smoothly hewn, sings, floods, what is it called? (Svirel)

The word of the jury (the jury announces the results of the 3rd competition)

The song “From what, from what ..” is performed, music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Y. Khaletsky

Ved.2. All of you, probably, well know Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Cinderella" and remember how the prince found his beloved by a glass slipper. And each of you boys will have to find your Cinderella.

4 competition "Cinderella"

(The participating boys stand with their backs to the girls; each participating girl takes off one shoe, on command the boy must find and put on the girl’s shoe as quickly as possible).

5th competition “Happy Valentine's face”

(Each pair cuts out a big heart from paper and draws a nose, eyes, ears, mouth with the help of small hearts. Those who get the most interesting and funny face win this competition).

Pair dance “Find your mate”, music. Spadevacchia

Jury word. (the jury sums up the results of the previous 2 competitions)

Ved.1. Guys, do you like sweets? Do you know that sometimes a couple in love is called a “sweet couple”?

6 contest “Sweet couple”

(Each couple should drink a glass of juice through the cocktail straws as soon as possible)

Ved.2. Drinking juice is not that difficult, but do you boys have the courage to get a candy for your girl from a plate of flour without helping with your hands?

7 contest “The most courageous”

(Boys without the help of hands should get a candy from a plate of flour)

Ved.1. And now we will ask our jury to sum up the results of the last two competitions and announce the results of the whole game.

The word of the jury (when summing up the results, each participating couple is awarded its own nomination “The most charming couple”, “The most cheerful couple”, “The most quick-witted couple”, etc. according to the number of couples. The winners are announced “Valentin and Valentina”)

Ved.2. Dear guys, thank you for participating in the game, the fans for their support.

We wish you all good luck, happiness and love.

Purpose: organization of leisure for children and teenagers.

  1. Develop communication skills in teenagers.
  2. Learn to build interpersonal relationships.
  3. To form the skills of analyzing the situation, motives, interests, actions of other people.

Hello admirers and fans of the goddess Aphrodite, revered at all times - the goddess of love and beauty! February 14 - Valentine's Day! You, of course, you understood that today we dedicate our competition program to the eternal theme - love! We have some great reasons to talk about love. First, your youth. Second, Valentine's Day. Many centuries ago, someone called February 14 the Day of Love. Love... They always sang songs about it, wrote poems... “All ages are submissive to love,” the poet A.S. enthusiastically said. Pushkin.

And no one has yet denied this truth.

We invited you to various competitions so that the jury members will choose the most beautiful couple "Valentin and Valentina".

And our competent jury will evaluate the competition, so the chairman of the jury ... members of the jury ...

I suggest that the girls and boys who will take part in the competition, who will fight for the title of “Valentin and Valentina”, go up on stage. Let's greet our participants, so they are invited to the stage ...

(The host calls the names of 10 participants - 5 girls and 5 boys, they take turns going up to the stage, the boys give flowers to the girls).

And now we will get to know our participants better, they should tell about themselves everything that they consider necessary. (The guys in two or three sentences tell about themselves what they are fond of, where they study).

Well, let's start our competition program.

BUT first competition we call “Compliments”.

Youths! Girls are known to love with their ears. This truth does not require proof, but requires affectionate words. Remember what you could say to your girlfriend, what compliment to give.

(Players take turns complimenting the girls, whoever fails to give a compliment is out of the game. The winner gets 3 points).

And now we will find out if you know how to love? Do you want to know? Then answer the test questions. The competition is worth 5 points.

Questions for girls:

1. What qualities do you value in young men?
2. What character traits do you dislike in young men?
3. Is it possible to offend a loved one? How? Is it possible to forgive a loved one for mistakes? Which?
4. The guy of your dreams, describe him?
5. Which of the following qualities in young men would you put in first place?

A) Appearance (height, weight, face, hairstyle);
B) Mind;
B) Reliability;
D) Sociability;
D) The ability to beautifully look after;
E) Having money.

6. What attracts you in guys? What is your ideal?

Boys, take note of these girls' answers.

Questions for young people:

1. What qualities do you appreciate in girls?
2. What does “modern girl” mean in your understanding?
3. How do you understand the meaning of the word “loyalty”?
4. What does it mean to "love"?
5. What character traits do you dislike in girls?
6. Which of the following qualities of girls do you like the most?

Girls, draw some conclusions from the answers of our participants.

Dear friends, imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, along which cars are constantly moving, you saw your friend. You would really like to extinguish her / him, where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures.

Our next competition that's what it's called "Understand me without words".

(The boys receive cards with the task, in turn, each girl guesses what the young man is showing. Then vice versa. At the end, the tasks are read aloud. The tasks are as follows: an invitation to a ballet, to hunt, to ski, to the circus, to bowling, skating rink, theater, beach, sunbathing (3 points).

Contest "Telegram for a loved one".

The girls write telegrams to the boys and throw them into box No. 1. The boys write telegrams to the girls and throw them into box No. 2. The girls take telegrams one by one from box No. 2, read out and guess the author, the guesser gets 5 points. The young men do the same, taking out telegrams from box No. 1.

In the meantime, our participants are writing telegrams, singing for you ...

Competition "Extreme situation" (estimated at 5 points).

Questions for the boys:

1. At a disco, someone begins to intensively, even impudently look after your girlfriend. Your actions:

  • You will sort things out with your fists;
  • Set up a scene of jealousy;
  • Get offended and leave;
  • Start caring for someone else.

2. You like a girl, but you don't know her. Your actions:

  • Do everything possible and impossible to get to know her;
  • Quietly, in proud solitude, you will sigh, afraid to speak to her;
  • Ask your friend to tell her about you and your feelings.

3. You accidentally found out that your girlfriend agreed to participate in the competition "You are a supermodel." Your actions:

  • Throw a scandal at her and set a condition: “Either me, or a competition”;
  • Pretend that everything is fine and go to this show with your friends;
  • Act differently.

Questions for girls:

1. If your boyfriend does not show up for a date, what will you do:

  • You will wait 5, 10, 20, 40 minutes;
  • Get offended and leave immediately;
  • You will worry, call, find out the reason;
  • Get angry and immediately meet another young man.

2. You like a guy, you don't know him. And I really want him to notice you. Your actions:

  • You will flirt with him, try to get to know him, and in the end you will achieve your goal;
  • You will carefully hide your feelings and avoid him, you will suffer alone;
  • Tell him everything at your convenience.

3. A familiar young man who you really like invited you to his birthday party. But your mother forbade you to go, citing the fact that he is a bully and his company is not suitable for you. Your actions:

  • You will not listen to your mother and go to a birthday party;
  • Stay at home, worrying and crying into the pillow;
  • Your option.

The jury carefully monitors the answers of the participants, gives them points.

Next comic contest(estimated at 5 points).

Our participants are invited to make up one affectionate expression from the given words, which then need to be said to their partners.

Words for girls: brake, muffler, carburetor, car, engine.

Words for young men: bobbin, winder, plate, ear, needle.

In the meantime, the participants are preparing, sings for you ...

(Number of amateur performances).

dance competition (estimated at 5 points).

Boys invite girls to dance. (A slow composition sounds, then the tempo changes, the dance turns into a cheerful dance).

Dear friends, our wonderful competition has come to an end! And now the jury will say who we are declaring Valentine and Valentina for today, who is the most kind and condescending, attentive and charming, which of the players is more suitable for each other. Valentine and Valentina are proclaimed... (The results of the competition are announced, all participants and winners are awarded with gifts).

They say that a lover is an eccentric.
Outwardly, it may be so, but, in fact, it is not so.
He's just lit from the inside.
Don't look at him in disbelief.
Who gives records and lives with a twinkle?
Yes, of course, he is in love!

Don't forget that it was only a game. Which means it's a joke. But in every joke there is some truth. What a wonderful world around us! But it becomes even more beautiful if we are in love! Happy Valentines Day! Take care of each other!

The entertainment program will make events in honor of Valentine's Day rich and unforgettable. Interesting dance and romantic competitions on February 14 will bring young people together and add bright colors to the evening. Thematic games will help to reveal the potential of guys who are ready for heroic deeds for the sake of the lady of the heart.

    The game "Above the abyss"

    The game involves several pairs of "guy-girl". In front of them is a strip of wallpaper roll 15 centimeters wide. On the one hand it becomes a girl, on the other - a guy.

    The host announces that the couples need to cross the abyss along the bridge. The task is for everyone to get to the opposite side, moving towards each other. Required condition- meet at the bridge. It is impossible to step beyond the boundaries of the bridge (the width of the roll). The couple gets 3 tries.

    A winning combination may be the option when the guy takes the girl in his arms and carries her to the end, and then goes over himself.

    Game "Super intuition"

    At the beginning, 1 volunteer and all youth participate in the game. The volunteer is seated in a chair and blindfolded. The facilitator points to any person from the audience and asks the question “Suitable?”. He asks until the volunteer answers in the affirmative. Then the facilitator points to the body parts of the chosen one: forehead, lips, neck, arm, etc. and asks "Here?" with the consent of the volunteer. Asking the last question - “So much?”, The leader shows the number of kisses with his fingers. He asks until the participant answers "Yes". The leader announces the chosen verdict.

    After that, the chosen one kisses the volunteer in the chosen place the approved number of times. For example, a girl kisses him on the forehead three times. After completing the task, the volunteer takes the role of leader, and the chosen girl takes a seat on the chair. The game continues until the interest is gone.

    2 couples "man-woman" participate in the competition. Between the ladies put a tray with banknotes of the same denomination. On command, the girls try to hide as many banknotes as possible on their partners for 1 minute.

    Then the host gives them the task of pulling everything back, also at speed, but blindly. When the participants are blindfolded, the guys change places. Sometimes, in the heat of excitement, a girl does not immediately notice the substitution and looks for it in those places where she hid. 3 minutes are given to search for money. The most insightful girl who finds the most banknotes wins.

    Game "Catcher"

    Fun mobile game. It involves 2 guys and a lot of girls. Guys are blindfolded. The girls are given small bells.

    The guys are hyped, the ladies are running around. The game starts. Guys should blindly catch girls. The young ladies should elude the catchers and try to confuse them with a bell (or clapping their hands). The girl who was caught steps aside. The game continues until all the ladies have been caught. The guy who catches more girls wins.

    Pairs "man-woman" participate in the competition. The man acts as a fashion designer, and the woman as a model. Each pair is given scotch tape, scissors, newspapers, a needle and thread, colorful buttons and clothespins. You can also use colored paper (to decorate the work).

    The task of each fashion designer is to make a beautiful outfit for his partner from the materials received. Participants are allotted 5 minutes for sewing. The most extravagant and neatly executed outfit wins.

For many years, February 14 in all educational institutions Russia celebrates Valentine's Day. In schools, class teachers come up with various contests and congratulations for their students. In the article we have collected the best original and cool contests on February 14 for schoolchildren: both young children and adolescents.

Fascinating and funny contests and games for February 14 for children at school

We offer a scenario for celebrating Valentine's Day at a school for children in grades 1-4. During class hour the teacher tells the students about the holiday, and then everyone takes part in exciting games and competitions together.

Leader's words:

Guys and girls, there is very little left until spring - 14 days. And today is February 14 - the holiday of all lovers and Valentine's Day! This is a very cute, fun and family holiday. It is not quite ordinary, because we have not celebrated it before. But in Europe and America it is always celebrated: both children and adults. So now on February 14, all children can give each other beautiful valentine cards. And now let's move on to the most interesting: now we will play interesting and funny games and contests!

Contests on February 14th. "My half"

All students are divided into pairs: a boy and a girl. Each couple gets half a heart. The task of the game: to find the other half of the heart among the papers (notebooks, etc.). The pair that finds their soul mate the fastest wins.

Sweet couple

The first part of the competition: each couple must quickly drink juice from a mug or glass through drinking straws. Then the host’s words follow: it’s very easy to drink juice, but can the boys get a candy for their girl from a cup of flour without the help of their hands?

happy face

The task of each pair is to cut out a huge heart from paper, and then draw eyes, a mouth and a nose in the form of small hearts on it. The authors of the funniest face receive a prize!

Divination for love

Each participant is given a Valentine card on which he writes his first and last name. Then the host collects all the valentines and puts them in two boxes: “boys” and “girls”, after which he takes out postcards from each box in turn and names the existing pair.


Boys and girls are divided into pairs and stand with their backs to each other. On command, the boy must quickly put on his companion's shoe, which the girl takes off in advance.

Interesting contests for February 14 for teenagers

For kids older games and contests for Valentine's Day are also very exciting and interesting. You will find the coolest contests for February 14 for teenagers below in the text. They can be held at themed parties, discos and just with friends.

Let him burst!

The facilitator gives each pair an inflated air balloons. Now the couples should place the ball between them and dance vigorously, but so that the ball does not burst and fall out. After dancing to cheerful incendiary music, the host asks the guys to snuggle closer to their companion so that the balloon bursts.

chocolate dance

The host's words: “Once a year and only on Valentine's Day! I announce the chocolate dance! All couples dance to slow music, and at the end the host adds: “Now the gentlemen should give their ladies chocolates!”


Teams of 3 are formed. The host announces the start of the competition, but does not say the name and how exactly the one who wins it will be evaluated. To the music, everyone starts dancing or reciting poetry, but at the end, the host simply counts ... the number of buttons on the shirt of each participant! The team with the most buttons is the winner.

with signs

A piece of paper with an inscription is attached to each participant of the competition (a hippopotamus, a donkey, a bulldozer, a bread slicer, a cucumber, etc.). Everyone has the opportunity to read what is written on the back of other participants, but does not know his "name". The essence of the game: find out your nickname by asking questions of the others. The answers to the questions should be only “yes” or “no”! The winner is the one who guesses the word on his back.

Games and competitions exist great amount, but it is so important to choose among them good and exciting ones that all students will like. We have selected for you best contests on February 14th. May your children remember Valentine's Day for a long time!