What is included in housing and communal services. Utility bills: what do they include? Extra lines in the receipt

In the modern world, as always, the payment for residential premises and public Utilities... The constant housing wars between the tenants and their management company are inexhaustible. This misunderstanding occurs due to the fact that the sphere of providing services is fraught with ambiguity, tenants do not know their rights, and there is no one to explain them.

There are many variants of names in payment for existing dwellings: rent, maintenance, payment for all housing services, the rate of management organizations. The cost for overhaul and full maintenance of the premises includes various services and various works on the maintenance of public domains of an apartment building.

The available non-residential premises of the entire apartment building are calculated in the same amount. Quite often, management organizations overestimate payments for the maintenance of non-residential areas, as well as general building needs, justifying themselves by the fact that these premises are visited by a large number of people. ZhK RF considers these actions unlawful and a direct violation of all current law RF.

Housing utilities refer to activities to create the most comfortable living conditions for residents apartment buildings... All consumers are obliged to know what exactly is included in the list of provided utilities and meets their general house needs.

According to the requirements introduced in 2012, the provided utilities are entitled to use:

  • all residents of a high-rise building and their families;
  • persons who received their housing from cooperative organizations;
  • all tenants of residential space;
  • tenants renting a room or apartment.

The very concept of these "utilities" has the following general building needs:

The list of all utilities directly depends on the actual amenities of a particular apartment building. In the case where the room does not have a sewage system, then it should not be considered as an already provided service.

The payment for housing and utilities has some points that complement the general needs of the house:

  • lighting;
  • cleaning and providing sanitation in all public premises (entrance, stairs) and the land plot adjacent to the house;
  • cleaning of waste sites, removal of waste water and generated waste;
  • the implementation of the improvement of areas that are part of the house;
  • expenses for the current, overhaul and full maintenance of the building;
  • preparation of high-rise buildings for seasonal use (heating, insulation);
  • costs involving the maintenance of public home property;
  • Also, payments include the inspection of all premises and all related activities.
  • Among other things, a separate place in terms of importance is occupied by the removal of wastewater:
  • drainage, as well as collection of wastewater (rainwater, collector, sewerage network, etc.);
  • waste water treatment using various existing methods.

V Lately the calculation of the costs of wastewater disposal is strictly monitored. Wastewater treatment with different methods is provided in houses of any type. In multi-storey buildings, wastewater disposal is carried out continuously, in an appropriate manner.

Determination of the amount of payment for housing services.

Payment for the maintenance of various premises should be established in accordance with the legislation.

In the case when the provision of services is not a service that complies with the legislation or the provision of services with long interruptions, all changes in payment are calculated in accordance with the established procedure.

General building needs, certain utilities, the procedure for their payment. The article "payment for residential premises and utilities" was changed by legislation in 2012. So, if earlier heating, its total consumption was divided by the combined sum of all areas of the premises, now heating, its consumption is divided by the sum of areas of exclusively residential and non-residential areas, not counting the public, as a result of which the standard has increased. If a meter for heating is installed in an apartment building, the calculation is much easier. The cost does not include heating that has passed by the house. In this case, the owners pay for the received heating after the fact.

Tenants were charged for public heating (entrances). Also, from now on, there is no need to pay for the volume of water that was used to irrigate the lawns. The general water norms propose to calculate services in a new way, taking into account certain norms: 90 liters per person per month.

Companies are obliged to reduce losses from services. The general house needs in terms of volume should be used within the normal range, and if they nevertheless exceeded, then the management companies themselves must pay for the difference, but in no case the owners. If the contractor is the resource provider, the whole difference is divided equally between the residents of the house, taking into account the residential areas they own.

How to identify inappropriate delivery of services? In a situation where housing services are provided of poor quality (there is no heating, the elevator does not work), the contractor does not answer or there is no way to call him, any consumer can establish the fact himself gross violation consumer rights. For this, an act is drawn up, in the presence of the chairman of the house council of two more neighbors. The period of poor service is calculated from the very moment of signing this act.

If the utility workers do not repair the entrance or are not cleaning the area attached to the house, you can take the following actions:

The correct contract for the quality provision of all utilities. Absolutely all tenants are required to know what exactly is included in the correct contract for the implementation of utilities, the procedure for its preparation.

The management company can conclude an appropriate contract if the user intends to consume housing services or uses them. The rules establish the period when the contractor is obliged to provide all services or demand payment. Regardless of the type of property, each organization must provide the general house needs necessary for the tenant in a quality manner, it cannot prevent the user from including any services in the concluded contract, allowing to provide a high level of improvement of this house.

For tenants of a specific premises, a lease agreement must be drawn up. If the contract does not comply with the latest innovations, it is concluded according to all new rules and taking into account the necessary conditions.

Residential and utility bills: how to reduce utility bills

Often there are situations when it is no longer possible to remain silent in a dispute with your management company and you need to protect your consumer rights. A few simple steps can help you here:

  • by requesting an official request for all tariffs for all items of expenditure, you can find out what exactly is included in the specified list of utilities provided, as well as what exactly the consumer pays for and what services are not received in full;
  • draw up the necessary act for all housing services that have not been provided during the last month, inviting an employee of your managing organization;
  • together with an employee of the organization (it is possible without him), it is necessary to draw up a certain act-claim and collect as many signatures of residents as possible;
  • submit an application to the organization for the recalculation of all services, with the attachment of acts;
  • in case of refusal of utilities to carry out recalculation, it is necessary to file a complaint directly with the department specializing in the protection of all consumer rights;
  • few people know that the owner has every right to completely refuse some housing services. One of these services is the maintenance and cleaning of stairs.

Paying for housing and utilities is a rather complicated topic for an ordinary person, but knowing the rules, tariffs and your rights, you can reduce your expenses for housing services, henceforth paying for the amount that was actually used.

Housing and communal services provide residents with 2 types of services- utilities and housing, which are designed to increase comfort in multi-apartment and private premises, where appropriate communications are carried out. In turn, these services are obliged to continuously provide convenience for the comfort of customers, and users - to pay for the benefit received.


The set of energy resources provided to the consumer depends on the level of the living space and the supplied engineering and communication systems.

What does this include:

  1. Water supply: cold and hot water, as well as drainage.
  2. Heating- provided in the cold season and has standards for the period of heat supply, depending on weather conditions in a specific area.
  3. Power supply- meets the requirements of standards in the Russian Federation (220V).
  4. Gas supply- can serve both as fuel for heating the room, and as a source of fire for the functioning of gas stoves.

Note: according to the Rosstat system, utilities also include maintenance of meters and operational networks for the uninterrupted supply of resources to the client.


As a rule, tenants do not share the concept of communal and housing (maintenance of common property) services, referring them to the same type, which is understandable - the consumer has to pay for everything according to receipts, which do not distinguish between suppliers.

What is included in this service:

  1. Identification of nonconformity maintenance of common property to the standards of the Russian Federation, threats to the health and safety of residents.
  2. Providing lighting in public places.
  3. Compliance in common areas temperature regime and humidity.
  4. Observation for the preservation of norms fire safety both indoors and during repair work.
  5. Waste disposal, both liquid (waste water) and solid (garbage). Cleaning the garbage chute, premises and adjacent territories from waste and compliance with sanitary standards in public places.
  6. Beautification adjacent territories, landscaping, cleaning.
  7. Training living quarters for the heating season, repair of communications.
  8. Overhaul premises, cleaning in entrances and courtyards, repair of elevators.

All apartment building owners are required to carry financial responsibility for the maintenance of common areas, regularly pay the bills provided and require the appropriate performance of the duties of housing and communal services.

Quick reference: in terms of inefficiency and quality of service, housing and communal services occupy one of the first places in the world. According to the estimates of international agencies, transportation losses are:

  • energy resources - about 2 trillion kWh annually;
  • drinking water - 45 million m 3;

Payment for comm. rental services

When renting a dwelling, an agreement is drawn up between the owner and the tenant of the apartment. It is necessary to indicate in what way and who will pay utility bills.

If this procedure is not included in the agreement, then all bills from housing and communal services will come to the name of the person who rents the premises, that is, to the legal owner.

Therefore, no matter how you agree among yourself on the method of paying bills, fix everything in detail in the agreement. By doing this, the landlord will protect himself from an unscrupulous tenant.

There are several payment methods:

  1. Option 1. The landlord includes the cost of utility bills in the amount of the rent. The tenant only pays the landlord a flat rate for living, and he, in turn, pays the bills. Note: this method is rather confidential, since it presupposes the decency of both the landlord and the tenant.
  2. Option 2. The tenant independently concludes contracts with suppliers and pays only the amounts that the housing and communal services will expose to him. For the tenant, this method is good because there is no overpayment, which is possible in the first case. For the master, this way better than those that there is no need to deal with the issues of payment yourself and relieve yourself of responsibility in case of non-payment by the employer. Note: with long lease terms, this method is the most convenient for both parties.
  3. Option 3. The tenant pays for utilities, but does not enter into an agreement, but pays the bills on behalf of the landlord. This method must be described in detail in the agreement - who pays for what. Which resources are used by the employer and which are not. Note: the owner will be faced with the task of controlling timely payment, which in our time is easy to do online without disturbing the tenants.

What if one of the services was disabled for a long time?

Tightening rules for the use of energy resources and rising prices are becoming a problem for many citizens. The worst thing is when the apartment is disconnected from the supply of any kind required resource or almost everyone. What to do in such a case?

To figure it out, consider situations where a provider can stop providing a service. Let's skip the emergency and repair work of the supply services and move on to those caused by the home owner.

Legal reasons for disconnection:

  1. When the user did not pay for at least one service within 2 months (housing maintenance is not included here). The contractor is obliged to notify the tenant in writing about the disconnection and indicate which resource he may lose after 30 days. They do not have the right to shut off cold water, drainage and heating.
  2. If the owner of the apartment connected to the supply systems without permission, without having permission to conduct such an operation. This is especially dangerous when installing new gas equipment. In addition, such amateur performance may pose a threat of damage to the property of other residents in an apartment building.
  3. If the landlord violates the established norms for the use of energy resources and uses the connection of devices whose power exceeds specifications engineering systems in the House.
  4. In case of improper condition of supply systems located in an apartment that violate operating standards and are a source of threat to citizens living in neighboring premises.

Note: providers can only turn off a service for which you are not paying. Debt is calculated according to the standard rates for the use of resources. For example, if in 2 months you used less water, then you will not be sent a notification yet (provided that there is a meter).

The delivery of the service should not be stopped "suddenly", but by warning you in writing... If, after that, there is no calculation, then within 3 days you can be periodically turned off and on, and at the end of the period, the delivery can be terminated completely.

What to do?

The supplier, despite the termination of the provision of the service, does not terminate the previously concluded contract and you are still its full customer. The opportunity to restore the supply of the resource remains.

What can be done for this:

  1. Contact the supplier and agree on an installment plan for the debt. At your request and based on the current situation, draw up a contract. After that, the delivery of the service will be resumed, and you will have to pay the current account and part of the debt.
  2. When a difficult financial problem arises, then you can contact budgetary organization at the place of residence, where, with justified reasons for insolvency, you can receive a subsidy for calculating utility debts.
  3. If you find yourself in a similar situation due to the absence at the place of registration, it is necessary to submit documents confirming this fact. Ask to make a recalculation for this period and resume the supply of all services.

Quick reference: the loss of heat supply is catastrophic, the closer to the source, the lower the efficiency of energy conservation. So, efficiency:

  • CHP- on average 50%;
  • autonomous source(boiler room) - 85%;
  • in apartments - 93%;

What quality should the services provided be?

To defend consumer rights, you need to know the permissible norms for the supply of energy resources in order to judge the quality of the work of suppliers.

The rule common to all utilities is:

  1. In an uninterrupted supply.
  2. In full(pressure of water, gas).
  3. According with the standards of the Russian Federation.

Water- hot, should be - 60 ° С, if it is lower than - 40 ° С, then you have to pay as for cold. In turn, cold water must meet sanitary standards and comply with the standards of the Russian Federation, that is, it must be potable.

Gas- free from impurities, complying with quality standards and pressure standards in the system (which usually corresponds to the standards, since it is an explosive fuel component).

Electricity- in addition to uninterrupted supply, it must be supplied in accordance with voltage standards - 220 V, without surges and drops.

Temperature regime in the premises should be as follows:

  1. In living rooms- from 18 ° С; in corners - 22 ° С.
  2. The bathroom needs to be warmed up- up to 25 ° C heat.
  3. On the staircase- 16 ° C.

Exceptions are possible when carrying out scheduled repair work (must warn), when liquidating an accident, or to prevent the threat of damage or damage to property of citizens.

In case of inappropriate operation of the services for the delivery of services, citizens have the right to apply for recalculation and not pay for services that are submitted in violation of the rules.

Quick reference: there is no need to expect a high level of work of the housing and communal services, since the wear and tear of the fixed assets belonging to it is - 60%, and a quarter of them have long served their purpose. The restoration of infrastructure requires 3.5 trillion rubles, and according to other sources - from 9 to 10 trillion rubles.

In need of modernization and investment of funds:

  1. Power grids - 720 billion
  2. Transformer substations - 300 billion rubles
  3. Boiler houses - 400 billion rubles
  4. Heating networks - 500 billion rubles
  5. Treatment facilities - 200 billion rubles
  6. Sewer networks - 350 billion rubles
  7. Water supply - 650 billion rubles

State investments in housing and communal services in 2013 amounted to one trillion rubles.

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Changes in the Housing Code (on the transition to new contractual relations between owners of premises in apartment buildings and resource supplying organizations):

“In the cases provided for in Article 157.2 of this Code, utility bills are paid by the owners of premises in an apartment building and tenants of residential premises under social rental contracts or rental contracts for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock in this building by the relevant resource supplying organization and the regional operator for handling solid municipal waste. "

Download the law in full

Debts in the housing sector are the main problem in the provision of public services. The most problematic regions are Moscow, Kamchatka Krai and some others. Moreover, the main reason for the appearance of debts is not the consumer himself, but the management companies. The intermediaries represented by the Criminal Code for various reasons delay the deductions. New law a draft on direct settlements between a consumer and a utility service provider will solve this problem.

What tasks does the new law solve?

Many management companies do not cope with the tasks assigned to them. There are many reasons for utility bills delays. And the main one is precisely the corruption component. Previously, the management company (MC) was an intermediary between the consumer and the resource supplying organization (RSO). The new legislative document will make it possible to directly conclude an agreement on the supply of services with the RNO.

On March 23, 2018, in the third, final reading, a bill was adopted, on the basis of which it is possible to exclude the Criminal Code from the payment chain for the services supplied. According to the new law, the owners of an apartment building at a meeting can decide on their own to conclude an agreement or to refuse it. You can enter into an agreement with RNO supplying the following utilities:

According to the comments of the authors of the project, according to this scheme, RNOs supplying electricity and gas to residential buildings have been operating in the Russian Federation for many years. Another reason for the adoption of this law is the high rate of debt collection in the presence of a direct agreement.
According to the new bill, RNOs have the right from the moment of its adoption to terminate unilaterally the agreement with the Criminal Code. The main condition for this is the presence of debt in the amount of two average monthly charges or more. Many apartment building owners are wary of getting double receipts. To avoid this, the State Housing Supervision Authority is notified of the adoption of the law.

The law itself comes into force on April 01, 2018. But some of the norms indicated in it will be introduced gradually. The main tasks solved by the adopted bill:

  • an increase in the rate of collection of funds - the exclusion of the Criminal Code from the payment chain will reduce payment delays;
    reducing the corruption component - many Criminal Code are created with the aim of stealing money from citizens;
  • simplification of the settlement scheme between the consumer and the resource supplying organization;
  • restoring order in the field of residential property management.

Even before the official publication, it became known about serious penalties against the Criminal Code that did not fulfill the requirements for calculations. If there are errors, a penalty of 50% of the incorrectly indicated amount will be imposed. This bill was personally proposed by Vladimir Putin.

The main advantages of the new law, cons

The adopted bill resolves many complex issues that have accumulated in the field of housing and communal services management. He protects the interests of ordinary citizens, as well as resource-supplying organizations. Previously, there were frequent cases of disconnection of entire apartment buildings - due to delays in payments from the Criminal Code. At the same time, the tenants fulfilled their promissory notes on time, without any delays.
In addition, residents now have the right to choose their own service provider. For example, garbage collection can be carried out by different companies. Thanks to the adoption of the new law, today citizens themselves will have the right to choose a legal entity dealing with waste management. There are certain problems in this segment of housing and communal services. The new bill will create healthy competition in the field of waste disposal.

Many management companies have artificially inflated prices for the supplied housing and communal services. This was especially true for the supply of hot water. Many residential buildings were equipped with their own boiler rooms in the basement and no payment was required. The new law will strengthen the control of residents over the Criminal Code. Provides a new pressure lever. Management companies will become more responsible in the performance of their immediate responsibilities.

Some problems may arise with the recalculation process for the low quality of the services supplied. At the same time, it will not be difficult to resolve this issue in a legal way. Responsible for the delivery of services are the RNOs - with whom the contract is directly concluded.

Ordinary citizens who decide to use the new right are concerned about the likelihood of double receipts. When the Criminal Code, despite the decision taken in solidarity to refuse its services as an intermediary, still issues invoices. If the agreement with the RNO was concluded within the framework of the law, all mandatory procedures have been completed - then there is no need to pay receipts from the Criminal Code that come after the date of the agreement.

If the owner of the dwelling has found two receipts in his mailbox, then it is necessary:

  • notify the Criminal Code in writing about the refusal of its services;
  • keep the receipt of payment (there is no need to transfer funds to the Criminal Code);
  • apply to regional offices housing supervision inspection.

Goszhilnadzor is a special organization engaged in the inspection of housing and communal services. If violations are found, you must apply in writing or electronic form... Today, all inspection units have their own websites. You can contact by phone, e-mail... The new law comes into force on the day of its official publication.

The Ministry of Construction expressed the opinion that after the adoption of the law, from 30 to 40% of management companies may leave the market. Moreover, this will have a positive effect on the industry as a whole. Since it will be left first of all by companies that dishonestly fulfill their obligations to RNO and consumers of utilities. The mode of concluding an agreement directly with the RSO is determined by law.

Major changes in the second quarter of 2018

Utility providers and regional MSW management operators can directly enter into contracts with owners and tenants of housing in apartment buildings. The way the house is controlled does not matter. In this case, consumers will pay utility bills directly to the supplier or regional operator.

You can switch to direct contracts at the initiative of the owners. They have the right to resolve this issue at general meeting.

Resource supply companies and regional operators can also initiate the transition by unilaterally refusing to execute the contract with the person managing the MKD. This is permissible if the debt for utilities or services for the removal of MSW is two or more average monthly payments. The debt must be recognized or confirmed by an effective judicial act.

Housing and communal services- these are services provided by management companies to ensure comfortable living and maintain the housing stock in good technical condition. What is included in utilities and how to save on them will be discussed below.

What services should be provided

Management companies are required to provide utilities, the payment for which is made both from the number of registered people and according to the readings of metering devices. Many are interested in the question of what is related to public services. Russian legislation regulates the provision of housing and communal services (HCS). The list of utilities should include:

  • Drinking cold water. Cold water is supplied to the residents of apartment buildings around the clock through the central or intra-house water supply. Compliance with all the parameters of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, required quality and volume are the basic requirements for cold water. If there is no water supply system, the supply is made up to the water pipe on the street.
  • Hot water served around the clock through a centralized or adjoining supply system to meet the needs of residents.
  • Wastewater disposal. Drainage is carried out around the clock through centralized networks or intra-house systems. Sewerage should be located in all apartment buildings.
  • Power supply. Electricity of adequate quality is supplied around the clock to consumers' apartments via a centralized power supply network.
  • Gas supply. Gas is supplied to apartments around the clock through centralized gas supply networks. The gas supply also includes the provision of gas cylinders.
  • Heating. Hot heating is supplied during the cold season, providing residents with warmth. It is also necessary to heat the common areas to maintain the optimum temperature.

The rest of the services, such as garbage collection, repair and maintenance of the housing stock, are related to housing services. Various organizations can provide all housing services:

  • (HOA);
  • Housing or housing construction cooperatives;

Payment for ODPU

Today, payment is mainly carried out according to the norms of management companies. The best option would pay for the actual volume provided. For this today, metering devices are installed in all apartments. Residents transfer the data to the management company, which calculates the readings and presents an invoice in the form of an ENP.

By law, apartment buildings must be equipped with common metering devices to help accurately determine resource consumption.

Today, the payment for the ODPU is calculated as follows:

  • The readings of individual metering devices in each apartment are taken into account, and they are used to calculate housing and communal services;
  • A part of the ODU data is added to the readings for a separate apartment and added to the EPD.

Thus, public services are paid.

The procedure for payment of general housing utilities

The rules for the provision of public utilities in 2012 made it possible to calculate heating standards in a new way. Previously, you had to pay for the entire house territory, today heating of common areas is not included in the housing and communal services costs. There is also no need to pay for general drainage. There are firm norms for the consumption of general hot and cold water - 90 liters per person every month.

The management companies are focused on saving common housing utilities. If the limit is exceeded, then the difference is paid managing organization, not tenants. An exception is HOA, where the owners themselves decided to pay the difference. If housing and utility services are provided by a supplier of resources, then the excess is divided between consumers, taking into account the occupied square meters.

Failure to provide utilities

If housing and communal services turn out to be inappropriate, for example, does not burn, then the consumer can draw up an act about it. Residents must record the violation of their rights. For this, the tenant, two neighbors and the chairman of the house council draw up a statement describing the violations. Failure to provide housing and communal services is considered from the date of signing the document.

If for a long time DEZ does not clean the territory or does not repair the entrances, then the following must be done:

  1. Write a collective claim of all consumers to the managing organization. Demand to eliminate the problems that have arisen by forces management company at a certain period.
  2. Apply with the application personally to the managing organization. In it, indicate all the shortcomings of the work and demand that they be corrected and that the perpetrators be held accountable for this.
  3. If these steps did not affect the DEZ, then you need to go to court.

Contract for the provision of utilities

The management organization provides utilities and housing services under a written agreement under the new Rules. DEZ or another management company concludes it in case of rendering services to the tenant. The Rules specify the terms of provision and requirements for payment of utilities.

Any consumer has the right to receive housing and communal services that ensure the convenience of living in the house and control its technical condition. A lease or lease agreement must be drawn up for tenants and tenants. In the absence of a written agreement, the tenant may be denied the provision of utilities.

Obligations of companies providing housing and communal services

The expense items of housing and communal services management companies also include those that they must fulfill. Each consumer is obliged to know what he ultimately pays for and what is related to housing services. Organizations providing housing and communal services should:

  1. Maintain the temperature in the entrances and apartments at the proper level.
  2. Monitor the presence of lighting in the entrances and the local area.
  3. Clean up the adjacent territory, take out garbage, comply with the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  4. Monitor compliance with fire safety standards.
  5. Follow technical condition fellings, attics and roofs.
  6. Perform all required seasonal work.
  7. Spend cash to maintain common property in proper condition.
  8. Monitor the condition of common areas.

In the lease agreement there may be additional clauses that are added there individually at the request of consumers. You can find out what may be included in utility bills, and which housing and utility services the management company is obliged to provide, by contacting DEZ. This is required when doubts arise about the correct operation of housing and communal services organizations, as well as in case of improper performance of their duties by management structures.

How to reduce the bill for housing and communal services

Utilities tariffs are constantly growing, so many consumers are looking for ways to reduce the composition of utilities in order to reduce costs. This can be done by submitting an application to your management company to refuse some housing and communal services. You cannot refuse all of them, since heating, for example, is supplied through a common system, and it is almost impossible to turn it off in a separate apartment. You can turn off the following LCDs:

  1. If the residents do not use the television antenna, then it is worth contacting the service organization and asking them to disconnect the cable. This will reduce the cost of the ENP.
  2. Today, few people use a radio, so you can refuse this type of housing and communal services in DEZ.

If housing services are not provided, it is necessary.

To pay for the received housing and communal services, it is necessary to install individual metering devices. Every month you need to transfer the data taken from them to the management company. Those who do not have such devices pays at higher rates. If they refuse to install them, tenants and tenants overpay more than 50%. Therefore, installing meters will help keep track of resource consumption and reduce utility bills.

Refusal of unnecessary utilities is regulated by The Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

Activities to create comfortable living conditions for the population of apartment buildings and other buildings (water supply, wastewater disposal, supply of electricity, gas and heating) are housing and communal services. What is on their list and what requirements they must meet is vital information for consumers.

New rules

In 2012, new rules were introduced related to the provision of services in the field of public utilities. The Decree on the procedure for their provision provides a precise definition of public services (CS). CU executors are legal entities or SP. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications. The population of apartment buildings and other residential buildings faced a number of conditions prescribed in the 2nd section of the new rules. Use the CU in the right:

  • home owners with their families;
  • persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;
  • tenants of premises;
  • persons who have rented an apartment or room.

What is included in the concept of "utilities"? These are the following benefits: electricity, drainage, access to hot and cold water, and others. According to the rules, they are supplied continuously, and heating is available around the clock during the season. In the housing estate, accidents, irregular supply of heat or water are possible, but within the framework of strictly regulated standards related to the quality of WHB.

What is included in the list of utilities?

Services included in the list of utilities are presented in the table below.

  • Drinking cold water
The supply is carried out to supply residents around the clock through the central or intra-house network. Adequate quality, volume required for vital needs are the main requirements for water. In the absence of a water supply system, the supply is carried out up to the street pump.
  • Hot water
Served around the clock through centralized networks for all areas of the house in order to provide consumers.
  • Water disposal
What is included in municipal waste disposal services? Wastewater disposal is carried out around the clock through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewer systems should be present in most living areas of the home.
  • Power supply
Electricity is uninterrupted, round the clock is supplied to houses and apartments through the power supply network in the required volume.
  • Gas supply
Gas is supplied round the clock to houses and apartments through gas supply networks. The supply also includes the sale of gas cylinders.
  • Heating
Centralized networks and heating systems supply heat energy to houses, apartments, non-residential premises to maintain the proper temperature.

The list of what is included in utilities depends on the level of the home's amenities. If the sewerage system has not been installed in the dwelling, then it should not be counted as KU.

Housing services

Any consumer, studying receipts for accommodation, pays attention to consumables related to general needs of the house. These are housing services. What is included in Communal expenses this direction? What does the consumer pay for? Residents of apartments, unlike residents of private houses, pay the following costs arising from the maintenance of property that is public:

  1. Lighting, maintaining the optimum temperature according to legal rules.
  2. Cleaning, cleaning, creating sanitation for public spaces and areas within the house.
  3. Waste disposal and transportation costs (solid, liquid). Organizations and entrepreneurs accommodated in a residential building are also required to pay these costs.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Maintenance with landscaping and landscaping of the land, which is part of the property of the house.
  6. Repair costs (capital and current).
  7. Measures to prepare for the seasonal use of the house.
  8. Maintenance costs of public property.
  9. Activities for the inspection of common areas.

About the provision of utilitieson power supply

According to the rules that came into force in 2012, the changes affected the order of power supply. In some cases, enterprises supplying electricity to houses may be KU executors. What is included in electricity utilities?

Firstly, resource supplying organizations are not obliged to service the internal electrical system, they are not responsible for the level of its quality inside the house. Secondly, they are only in charge of the proper provision of the service up to the boundaries dividing the elements of the system.

The new requirements include the consumer's right to take readings every month from the 23rd to the 25th day and transfer them to the power sales organization by the 26th day of the same month. If the data were not received, Energosbyt has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards. The consumer must enable the representatives of Energosbyt to check the condition of the devices and the reliability of the data.

Everyone knows that touching seals, removing meters, interfering with their work so that the meter does not “wind up” is prohibited. Such actions will lead to the fact that the payment will grow several times: they will charge "kulibin" taking into account the power of the devices for their round-the-clock operation for all residents.

The changes also affected the procedure for calculating the amount of electricity provided for the general house. It is paid separately as part of the KU, monthly. So, if you went on vacation, do not live in an apartment, or are absent for other reasons, then you are still obliged to pay the general household electricity consumption during this time. The volume of general building KUs is calculated and divided between residents, taking into account the area occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made on the basis of standards. They are different for each region, but are developed according to a general methodology. In addition, the organization supplying the light has the right to turn it off at the tenant who is in debt for three months of consumption. The absence of a counter will not play any role in this.

New regulations

In 2013, changes were approved regarding the rules for the provision of corporate governance. What is included in the concept of "utility bills"? How is it calculated under the new rules? Payment for KU (except for heating) is divided into personal and general house and is signed separately on the receipt.

The innovations also affected the regulatory coefficients. They should "encourage" the population of apartment buildings to install individual meters. For those who have the technical ability to supply devices that keep house-wide and individual records, but who have not done so, increased standards have been introduced for all types of KU. For example, after the new year, the payment increased by 10%, after six months - by another 10%, and so on until the excess reaches 60%! As a result, those who do not install meters will have to pay 60% more than those who did it in two years.

The advantage in this situation is that this overpayment for KU should be spent by the managing organization on energy saving and increasing the efficiency of power systems. A question arises regarding the president's requirement to prevent the increase in the cost of corporate governance above 6% per year. How will this instruction be implemented for those living in apartments and houses without meters?

The procedure for payment of general building KU

The new Rules for the provision of utilities contain a modified formula for calculating heating rates. In the old version, the total heat energy consumption was divided into the total squares of premises (residential + non-residential + public). In the new version, they are divided into aggregate squares of residential and non-residential premises without common areas. Thus, the standard has increased.

I am glad that the payment of general heating costs was removed from the residents. Now tenants will not have to pay for heating an entrance where there are no batteries. KU and water disposal were excluded from the general building standards: there is no need to pay for the drainage of the water that was poured over the lawns. Household metering of hot and cold water, the new rules for the provision of utilities propose to calculate taking into account the norms: 90 liters per person per month.

The organizations managing the KU are now motivated to reduce the overall house-hold losses. The volume of services for them should be within the standard, if it still exceeded, then the difference is paid by the management company itself, and not by consumers. The exceptions are houses, where at a meeting of owners it was decided to divide the excess between the tenants. If the contractor of the CU is not a company, but a resource supplier, then the difference is divided between consumers, taking into account the areas they own.

How to establish the fact of improper provision of corporate governance?

What to do if there are no bulbs in the entrance for several days or are knocked out window glass? If KU are provided poorly, and the contractor cannot be called or he does not react, then the consumer can establish the fact of violation of his rights. The tenant draws up an act with the participation of two neighbors and the chairman of the HOA(house advice). The period of inappropriate provision of CU will be considered from the moment of signing the act (an example is given below).


about improper provision of utilities


the city of Vereshchagino, st. Pochtovaya, house 34, apt. 2

start of drawing up "10-30"

end of drawing up "11-00"

Prepared by a commission consisting of:

Chairman of the HOA Petrov S.S., apt. No. 25.

Commission members: A.D. Maslyakov, apt. No. 36.

Starkova T.I., apt. No. 40.

This act was drawn up in connection with the improper provision of heat supply services, leakage of heating pipes. In compiled 09/03/2014. The act indicates that the system is in working order. During a visual inspection, a pipe and radiator leak was found in the second staircase on the third floor.

Conclusion: the violation is associated with wear on the radiator. The commission decided on the need to offset the amounts contributed for the repair of the heating system.

What to do if utility services do they not organize cleaning of the local area for months or do not carry out repair work in the entrances? After all, these are also utilities. What is included in measures to protect the rights of residents?

  1. Preparation of a collective claim with the name, address and signature of all tenants to the management company. The main requirement is the elimination of service gaps within a reasonable timeframe.
  2. Personal and written appeal to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the city or district. List the shortcomings in the provision of corporate governance in writing and ask to take measures to eliminate them, bring the perpetrators to justice.
  3. If the first and second steps did not work, file a claim with the court.

The contract for the provision of corporate governance

CU are provided under a paid written contract with provisions on the procedure for their provision under the new rules. It must take into account the provisions of the Rules and contain the necessary conditions regulating utilities. What is included in the agreement, what is the procedure for its conclusion?

The organization providing the corporate governance has the right to conclude a written contract if the tenant already uses the corporate governance or intends to consume them. The contract with the provisions on the provision of services when performing these actions by the consumer is considered concluded. The rules set the deadline for the contractor to provide services and demand payment.

In any form of ownership, the management organization must provide the necessary CU and cannot refuse residents to include in their contractual obligations the provision of services that allows them to provide a level of home improvement.

For tenants, tenants, a lease or lease agreement is drawn up. If the written agreement does not comply with these innovations, then it is still considered that it was concluded according to the new requirements and taking into account all their conditions. If the consumer does not have a contract on paper, the managing organization or supplier does not have the right to refuse to provide services to him.

Six ways to reduce your rent

How to find out what is included in utilities and where to go in order to protect your rights? With a few steps, you can reduce the cost of corporate governance and influence utilities:

  1. Formally requesting your rates separately by cost item will help you see what is included in utilities, what you have to pay for, and what services you do not receive in full.
  2. To draw up an act for services not provided within a month, you must invite an employee of the housing construction company of your management company. The act must be prepared by the 20th of the current month.
  3. Together with the employee of the housing cooperative (or without him) draw up an act-claim. Collect tenants' signatures (the more, the better).
  4. In the first days of the month, submit an application to the housing cooperative for recalculation of the payment of the CU, the acts must be attached.
  5. If public utilities refuse to recalculate, file a complaint with the department for the protection of consumer rights of the region, region or the city housing and communal services department.
  6. In addition, the consumer has the right to refuse services such as cleaning staircases.


The innovations in the procedure for rendering corporate governance have been made to make their receipt simple and transparent. In general, they streamline the relations of the population with housing and communal services. But there are a number of ambiguities in the new rules. Whether this reform will be effective will become known over time.