Scott Kelby digital photography vol 1 pdf. Ready Recipes (Scott Kelby)


digital photography. Ready Recipes (Scott Kelby)

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1960-1, 978-0-133-85688-0
Format: PDF, OCR without errors
Scott Kelby
Translator: V. Ginzburg
Release year: 2015
Genre: Digital photography basics
Publisher: Williams
Series: Voices That Matter
Russian language
Number of pages: 232


    This is not a book about the theory of photography, full of terms and abstruse reasoning.
    It tells you in a simple way which buttons to press, which settings to use, and how to take the right photo. By learning nearly 100 professional techniques, you'll learn how to get better, sharper, and beautiful pictures that captivate the viewer's imagination.

but I

Digital photography. Practical guide.

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Publisher: St. Petersburg - "BHV-Petersburg"
Country Russia
Release year: 2003
Number of pages: 370
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Digital photography. Volume 4 (Scott Kelby)

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1982-3

Author: Scott Kelby
Translators: V. Ivashchenko, V. Ginzburg
Release year: 2015
Genre: Digital photography basics
Publisher: Williams
Series: Voices That Matter
Russian language
Number of pages: 240
Description: Scott Kelby, author of the super-bestselling book Digital Photography (the best-selling book on digital photography of all time), has written another volume in the series, continuing where he left off in volume 3. The book reveals the secrets of professional photographers, gives step by step instructions and talks about how to get masterpiece pictures. ...


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Author: Carl Heilman
Release year: 2011
Genre: Photography, hobby
Publisher: Kind Book
Russian language
Number of pages: 176
Description: This book will teach you how to find interesting scenes, natural and man-made objects for shooting, recreate in the picture and convey to the viewer the atmosphere of the place in which the photograph was taken; compose a compelling, compelling composition and take great pictures with even the most mediocre camera, with the right angle, framing, lighting and timing. You will learn how to edit and improve...


Digital photography. In 3 volumes (Scott Kelby)

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1648-8, 978-5-8459-1465-1, 978-5-8459-1627-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Scott Kelby
Release year: 2011
Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: Williams
Russian language
Number of books: 3
Description: This is how Scott himself describes the idea of ​​the book
Kelby: "Imagine that you and I went to the shooting and you ask:" Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it turns out to be clear in the photo and the background is blurry? .In response, I will not give you a long lecture on the theory of photography, but just a hint: "Use a zoom lens, choose an aperture value of f / 2.8, focus on a color ...


Recipes for a bachelorette party. Special issue of the newspaper "The Best Recipes of Our Readers" No. 4/2010

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Genre: Cooking
Interface language: Russian
Number of pages: 18(double)
Description: The issue contains recipes that can be prepared for any festive dinner, and they are especially suitable for the company of ladies who would like to spend time talking and at a beautifully laid table full of delicious and healthy food.
Add. Information: To view the magazine, it is recommended to use Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is able to open *.pdf files ...


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System requirements: Computer, Alcohol 120%
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Algebra: Algebra Grade 7, Alimov Sh.A., Kolyagin Yu.M., Sidorov Yu.V., Fedorova N.E., 2000 Algebra Grade 7, Makarychev Yu.A., Mindyuk N.G., Neshkov K. I., Suvorova S.B., 1997 Algebra grade 8, Alimov Sh.A., Kolyagin Yu.M., Sidorov Yu.V.. 2000 Algebra grade 8, Makarychev Yu.A., 1997 Algebra grade 9, Alimov Sh .A., 2000 Algebra Grade 9, Makarychev Yu.A., 1999 ...


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Genre: Detective
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Audio: MP3
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Release year: 2010
Genre: Photography, digital imaging, hobby
Publisher: Art-Rodnik
Russian language
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portrait photography

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Genre: Film photography
Publisher: Dnepr "Serednyak T.K."
Russian language
Number of pages: 107
Description: This book represents a certain logic of photography. On the one hand, it's about photography, and on the other hand, it's about memory and depth psychology. In this book, we will provide you with a model that equates the human mind to a film camera. This book can become a solid foundation for those people who ...

If your photos aren't sharp, then nothing else matters.

Getting sharp and in-focus photos is so important to professional photographers that they have even coined a special term for accurately focused photos - “tack sharp”, which can be translated as “catching focus”. When I first encountered this term, I thought that it comes from the old expression "sharp as a tack" (sharp mind). But taking up the writing of the book " digital photography”, I decided to conduct a scientific study, and its results shocked me.

Simple tips to make your photos look like professional photographers.

Scott Kelby, the author of the super-bestselling "Photoshop Digital Photo Processing Handbook" that changed the world of digital photography, has decided to cover the most important thing in his new book: how to take pictures. professional quality using the techniques of the best masters of our time (it's easier than you think).

Here is how Scott Kelby describes the idea of ​​the book:

Imagine that you and I went to the shooting and you ask: - Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it turns out to be clear in the photo, and the background is blurry? In response, I will not give you a long lecture on the theory of photography, but just a hint: - Use a zoom lens, choose an aperture value of f / 2.8, focus on a flower and take a picture. That is my approach. We take pictures, I answer questions, give advice and share the secrets I know, as if I were talking to a friend - without complicated explanations and technical terms.

This is not a photography theory book chock-full of terms and technical jargon. Here, in a simple way, it tells you which buttons to press, what settings to use and when to shoot. By learning almost 200 professional secrets, you will learn how to get more effective, clear and expressive photos that amaze the viewer's imagination.

Each page describes some method that will help improve the quality of your photos.

Turning over the book digital photography”, you will learn about new equipment, new settings required for shooting, or new techniques known to professionals. If you are tired of taking mediocre photos and you look at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why do my pictures not turn out like this?" You have found the right book.

About the author of the book "Digital Photography".

Scott Kelby - Chief Editor and publisher of Photoshop User and Laers magazines (dedicated to working with software products Adobe), as well as one of the hosts of the popular weekly video channel Adobe Photoshop TV.

Scott is President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) and the Media Group, a software publishing and training company.

Scott Kelby is an award-winning photographer, designer, and author of over fifty books, including Digital Photography Volumes 2, 3, and 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4: A Guide to Digital Photography, Scott Kelby. The Magnificent Seven System for Adobe Photoshop CS3. ”, “Working with Channels in Photoshop”, and “Classic Effects in Photoshop”.

For five consecutive years, Scott has won awards as the author of the world's most successful and best-selling books on computers and technology. Scott Kelby's books have been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Polish, French and many more.

Other books by Scott Kelby:

In every profession or field of activity there are names that everyone knows, they are real gurus in their field. Scott Kelby, is a kind of common name for people who work in the Adobe Photoshop environment or take pictures.

Scott Kelby a native of Florida, was born in 1960. Today Kelby is a well-known American photographer, author and publisher of many books and manuals for working with Macintosh and PC, as well as books for professional designers, photographers and artists. Scott Kelby is a Photoshop editor and publisher, president and co-founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), and president of the Kelby Media Group. However, being such a sought-after and valuable specialist in this field, and the author of more than 40 books translated into different languages ​​of the world, he remains a very pleasant conversationalist and patient Teacher. That's right, a teacher with a capital letter.

Any novice photographer or just a amateur photographer knows what it means to be criticized by more experienced and sophisticated brothers in photography. He knows what it's like to be out of his depth when everyone around is so smart and experienced, but no one is in a hurry to share secrets, or at least explain simple things in an accessible language. So here it is Scott Kelby not one of those. And this is really great news! Rubric content Photographer's Library I want to start with the books of this wonderful person.

The first book by Scott Kelby that I want to introduce you to is - Digital photography. Volume 1.

Honestly, this is not a book, but just a treasure or treasure. Firstly, everything is more than understandable, and secondly, such topics are touched upon that concern many who have a camera. On the cover there is a note that the book is also suitable for beginner photographers. I can add that a photographer of any level will find something for himself in this book. Scott Kelby anything useful or interesting.

There are many chapters and sections in the publication, I will list only a few:

  • Professional photography of flowers
  • Professional photography of weddings
  • Professional landscape photography
  • sports photography
  • Professional photo printing

As you can see, these chapters alone are more than enough to get you started. There are a lot in the book practical advice rather than abstract phrases, as is often the case. And it is read in one breath, not like a boring textbook, but quite the contrary.

Of course, the electronic version is convenient, but the book is good, so you can treat yourself to a full edition. I recommend Ozon. The price to delivery ratio is excellent.

Best-selling book "Digital Photography" by Scott Kelby. Scott Kelby is the publisher and co-founder of Photoshop User magazine and editor-in-chief of Layers magazine, dedicated to working with Adobe software products. Scott is president of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and the Kelbi Media Group, a publishing and software education company.

The book is written in easy, reader-friendly language. After reading it, you will learn how to photograph sports and events, learn how to photograph landscapes, get acquainted with the secrets of photographing people.

Fragment from the book "Digital photography. Volume 1"

"The idea of ​​the book is simple: imagine that you and I went to shoot. Naturally, during the shooting process, you will have many questions, and I will definitely answer them. But I will answer clearly and concisely, without going into technical details and the theory of digital For example, if you ask, “Hey Scott, how do I take a picture of that flower so that it is clear in the photo and the background is blurry?” In response, I will not lecture on the topic of choosing large and small apertures, about how exposure depends on the combination of aperture and shutter speed, and many other nuances that can be found in any book on digital photography.

In real life, I'll turn around and say, "Use a zoom lens, set your aperture to f/2.8, focus on the flower, and take the picture." That's what this book is about. Everything looks like you and I are on a real shoot and I give you advice that I have received over the years from professional photographers of the highest level. Only my advice is formulated in a simple and understandable language."

ISBN: 978-5-8459-1648-8, 978-5-8459-1465-1, 978-5-8459-1627-3
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Scott Kelby
Year of issue: 2011
Genre: Tutorial
Publisher: Williams
Language: Russian
Number of books: 3

Description: Here is how Scott Kelby describes the idea of ​​the book:
"Imagine that you and I went to the shooting and you ask: "Scott, how to photograph a flower so that it turns out to be clear in the photo and the background is blurry?". In response, I will not give you a long lecture on the theory of photography, but simply I'll give you a hint: "Use a zoom lens, choose f / 2.8 aperture, focus on a flower and take a picture. "This is my approach. We take pictures with you, I answer questions, give advice and share the secrets I know, as if I were communicating with a friend - without complex explanations and technical terms."

This is not a photography theory book chock-full of terms and technical jargon. Here, in a simple way, it tells you which buttons to press, what settings to use and when to shoot. By learning almost 200 professional secrets, you will learn how to get more effective, clear and expressive photos that amaze the viewer's imagination.
Each page describes some method that will help improve the quality of your photos.
As you leaf through the book, you'll learn about new equipment, new settings needed for shooting, or new techniques known to the pros. If you are tired of taking mediocre photos and you look at illustrations in glossy magazines, asking yourself: "Why do my pictures not turn out like this?" You have found the right book.

Scott Kelby is the publisher of Photoshop User magazine, editor-in-chief of Layers magazine (dedicated to working with Adobe software products), and co-host of the popular weekly video channel Photoshop User TV. Scott is also President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP, National Association of Photoshop Professional) and Kelbi Media Group, which produces books and training CDs.
He has authored over 40 books, including such bestsellers as Adobe Photoshop CS3: A Guide to Digital Photo Editing, Working with Channels in Adobe Photoshop, Classic Adobe Photoshop Effects, and Digital Photography (all published by Williams Publishing House) . For three years in a row, Scott has been awarded as the author of the most successful and best-selling books on computer technology. His books have been translated into dozens of languages, including Russian, Chinese, French, German, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Portuguese and more.
Scott regularly participates in the Adobe Photoshop Seminar Tour and PhotoshopWorld Conference & Expo. His advice has been featured on Adobe's Photoshop training CD series, as he has been helping users master the software since 1993.
For more information about Scott Kelby, please visit

Volume 1