Generally optimistic attitude. Optimistic attitude

Everything is easy and simple for me, and the result exceeds all my wildest expectations!

There are times in life when something goes awry. It seems that you are trying, you are doing everything right, but there are continuous difficulties and obstacles around. Why is this happening? How to tune in to the positive?

We figured out the negative attitudes in, with, now let's figure out how to tune ourselves to positive thinking.

An unconscious order is when a person, without knowing it, attracts unfavorable events to himself. How does this happen?

The first thing to highlight is fears and doubts about a positive outcome of events... For example, a person is worried that some undesirable situation does not occur in his life. But since he often thinks about this undesirable situation and puts in the emotions of the experience, this situation will definitely come true.

Second - concentration on the negative: Everyone has heard about it more than once. This concentration is due to the focused attention on negative events that the media are aware of. mass media... Disasters, other troubles. A person watches this kind of news, worries, then discusses these events, then worries again so that this does not happen to him, but ...

Third - uncontrolled turns of speech: For example, if your speech often contains the words: "problem", "dead end", "everything is useless", etc. Such words will attract similar situations.

It should be noted that it is difficult for a person in this situation. He seems to be "walking in a circle" and is constantly faced with the same problems. What to do? You need to train yourself to think positively!

Tune in to the positive

You need to monitor your speech, try to concentrate on the "good", and try in any negative event to find something good, some kind of benefit for yourself. Consider examples of "attune yourself to the positive" in specific life situations:

Reality inversion

I really liked Vadim Zeland's recommendations on this in the book "Reality Transurfing". I will briefly convey in my own words: If any trouble happened to you, you need to force yourself to be “happy”, instead of upset: “So ..., good ...” or something like that, and at the same time mentally “rub our hands” ... Extraordinary, isn't it? It should be noted that this really works! And next time you will definitely get lucky!

Putting attention in a positive direction

For example, it's winter and a flu epidemic is approaching. How not to worry? Let's think about how to transform negative into positive. What should be done in order not to get sick, or rather, to always be healthy? It is necessary to somehow improve immunity, for example, learn the exercises of energy gymnastics Qigong and do them every morning. Or, in advance, starting in summer, start hardening. In addition, you can Laura Silva: "I always keep a perfectly healthy body, spirit and immune system!"

You've done all this work, but still, are you a little worried? Then, use personal protective equipment, moisten the nasal mucosa so that the virus cannot invade the cell (for example, before visiting public places, salt drops must be instilled into the nose (you can replace it with saline)), moisturize and ventilate the room, and repeat: “ My world takes care of me! "

Improving the efficiency of the implementation of intentions

How to make yourself not worry if something very important is about to happen in your life? Vadim Zeland gives the following answer to this question:

How not to be afraid? - We need to find insurance, an alternate path.

How not to worry and not worry?- Act. The potentials of anxiety and worry dissipate in action.

How not to wait and wish?- Accept defeat and act. Dissolve desire and expectation in action.

How to give up your importance?- To accept your importance as an axiom, to refuse actions aimed at increasing your importance.

From my experience of “concentrating on the“ good ”: in my thoughts, calmly, without lust, I replayed the favorable outcome of the event and thought:“ It would be nice if ... ”And everything turned out easily and simply, by itself.

Solving Problems Through Meditation

You can also work with your subconscious on a meditative level; techniques from the Silva Method are very good for this: "Mirror of Consciousness" or "Exercise of Three-Dimensional Contemplation".

Brief description of the technique:

  1. Relax, plunge into a meditative level
  2. Introducing the problem to be solved in the form of a dull, black and white picture. Letting go of the problem, waiting for it to disappear completely
  3. We get a solution to the problem in the form of lively, bright, color-filled images. We represent ourselves and the people around us in resolving this situation, we reinforce them with emotions of joy, happiness, gratitude, etc.
  4. In the next three days, we receive signs that speak about solving a problem or about ways out of this situation.

Practical Activity: Dealing with the Situation

Try to put into practice the advice of Vadim Zeland. For example, when at rush hour you need to get somewhere and you are late, or you need to park your car where there are practically no free parking spaces, you need to:

  1. calm down
  2. come to terms with any outcome of events
  3. scroll through the fallback
  4. imagine how you are doing, and there is just a free parking space
  5. mentally repeat: "My world cares about me!"
Cheat sheet for success, ticket number 4. 34

Positive psychology 26.02.2012

In my blog, I wrote a lot about how our thoughts and our health are very interconnected. After yesterday's visit and a conversation with a wonderful doctor (I wrote an article about this The impact of resentment on our health) I thought again about the need to look for new joys in life, set myself up for a positive, avoid stress.

I already started to have such a conversation in my article. How to set yourself up to be positive... After rereading it, I realized that there were too few recommendations included there. Today I want to continue this topic. Since today the conversation continues, then everything that I wrote about earlier, I simply will not repeat here again.

    1. Pay attention to the little things ... After all, joy and happiness may not necessarily be expressed in something global. There are so many pleasant little things and joys in life. You just need to look closely and see all this. Better yet, write it down, fix it, so that at the end of the day you can put all the little things into a positive attitude. Delicious tea, a warming bath, favorite songs, the voice of a loved one - learn to tune yourself to the positive in such simple ways. Just look how beautiful everything around is. Paintings by the English artist Josephine Wall and affirmations by Natalia Pravdina. When I watched the video, I was so shocked by the pictures that sometimes I forgot to read the positive recommendations themselves. Don't miss them.

    2. Treat yourself like to the best friend ... Convert any negative thought about yourself into a positive one. Do not reproach or scold yourself, do not suffer from remorse that you, for example, are a very weak-willed person. You all decide to go on a diet and start better life from Monday, but every Tuesday continues in the original script. Will the fact that you “cheat” yourself and scold yourself help solve the problem? But, on the other hand, you can completely dissolve this way. Take small steps and praise yourself for it.

    1. Advice mainly for women - Gossip... You are probably surprised by this advice. But sometimes it's useful. Experts estimate that 85% of women experience pleasure hearing the details of someone's life. Indeed, in the same way, we sometimes read women's novels with pleasure, watch programs about the life of stars, etc. And then we discuss everything. When a person shares gossip, he always expects with interest what the other will say in response. This kind of connection makes a person happier. This was established by psychologists. Plus, people often laugh when gossiping. This has a positive effect on our health, and scientists also claim that gossip helps us collect useful information about the behavior, character of others. This allows us to protect ourselves from unreliable people, to understand people. I hope everyone has enough wisdom to gossip without backbiting. Just discuss something.
    2. Listen to yourself ... Dedicate at least 15 minutes to yourself every day. This is the very minimum. But you have to start somewhere if you have never done this. The only condition is to spend this time in complete peace and loneliness. Try to take your mind off the hustle and bustle. Choose a time when loved ones will not bother you. Just ask them to do it. During these moments, think and reflect on many things. What is really important to you? What should you pay attention to first of all? This will teach you to listen to your own voice, which will certainly lead to positive results., Will help you find harmony, first of all, in yourself. detailed information about this, very I recommend reading the books of Valery Sinelnikov about working with the subconscious. These books just pleasantly surprised me a few years ago. I discovered a lot for myself. Start with these books. Love your disease. How to learn to love. Stress vaccine. Way to Wealth. The power of intention.

    1. Do not strive for sterility ... Many of us are obsessed with cleanliness, ready to wash, clean, polish, and polish everything in our free time. I love it myself. But in Lately I try to take it much more calmly. I have so many examples before my eyes when scandals occur in a family on this basis. After all, so much effort must be made to shine, but relatives come, and very quickly everything somehow disappears. And if you make scandals about this, then there will definitely not be positive. Depression, aggression and even the most gloomy things will come. Of course, you cannot go to the other extreme. Somehow I don't want to start the house. Try to discuss everything with loved ones and ask them for help. Just choose the right tone for the conversation.
    2. Have conversations ... Do not withdraw into yourself, just talk with loved ones, friends. Moreover, these can be so-called “nothing” conversations, or serious conversations.

    1. Don't chase money ... The truth "happiness is not in money" is as old as the world. And there is no limit to perfection. Everyone knows about it too. Often it only seems that if only ... And then there is a listing of everything that would have happened if we had more money... Of course, you need to have them, who would ask. But very often it is among people who do not deny themselves anything material that periods of depression come. This topic is especially relevant now for young people. So many temptations, and everything you want. And the joy of life is not enough.
    2. Get enough sleep... Well, who has not heard such advice from us? Meanwhile, in real life, we cannot simply afford it. Have any of you seen a person in great mood and a state of mind, if he had a sleepless night or instead of 7-8 hours of sleep he slept only 4-5?

    1. Find a secure shoulder ... Each of us should have someone to whom you can complain about our fate, cry in the waistcoat. Probably happiness if you have such a person in your family. But it often happens that we need to get out of the family, go to a friend, and now our soul is already feeling better, the problems do not seem so dark. So take care of your friends, cherish what you have.

  1. Exercise ... Regular physical activity affects the brain and psyche in the same way as antidepressants. But if the drugs have side effects, then exercise has no contraindications and is a great way to relieve stress and irritability. I myself have noticed many times that after exercise, your mood improves, you feel lighter, there is a reason to be glad even that you may , overpowered herself and went to study when there was no mood. Even the simplest activities at home bring you joy and health benefits.

I would like to give an example of an experiment by scientists from the University of South Carolina. The experiment was carried out on mice. The first group ran on an incline treadmill 6 days a week for an hour. The second led - led a sedentary lifestyle, constantly being in a cage. Otherwise, the mice were treated the same. After 8 weeks, the brain tissue was examined and the results confirmed the predisposition: in mice that received physical activity, the number of mitochondria in the brain increased. These are certain intracellular structures with a certain structure and functions.

Dedicate at least half an hour to physical education every day. If you cannot actively exercise, start simply by walking. Very effective. Once upon a time, my husband had a backache. And one of our acquaintances gave a simple advice - put the car in the parking lot and start walking. You know, very effective. Of course, in our conditions of active life, it is not suitable for everyone. But if you take a little time for yourself, at least on weekends, it will already be the first step to health.

Try to choose for yourself what brings joy to you. Now the choice is so huge. You can buy any discs and practice at home, you can go to a fitness club and there they will already tell you what is right for you.

And now I propose to watch the video with Viktoriy Isaeva. She shares simple tips on how to set yourself up to be positive.

Spring is on its way. So it's time to take care of yourself and set yourself up to be positive. Health to everyone, joy, positive thinking and enjoyment of life .

see also


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    But not everyone knows how to be an optimist and enjoy life, and few people think that this can also be learned.

    He talks about how to learn a positive attitude to life. clinical psychologist Elena Kharitontseva.

    A little about emotions

    Emotions of a person are a certain mental process that reflects a person's attitude both to himself and to the world around him. Emotions are divided into two poles: positive and negative, and both of them bring us certain benefits. In the absence of any emotions, a person becomes bored - and irritation appears, which is also an emotion. The complete absence of emotions is a sign of a mental disorder, sometimes very profound. What is important is the intensity with which emotions are experienced by a person and how adequately he behaves at the moment of their experience.

    Scientists have identified three types of emotional stimuli: neutral, positive, and negative.

    Emotionally neutral stimuli are what makes us function: washing our face, brushing our teeth, tidying up our appearance, realizing our physiological needs. Normally, neutral stimuli occupy about 60% of our lives and create that prosperous environment in which we live. If neutral stimuli in everyday life become excessive or emotionally significant (compulsive hand washing, etc.), then a state of neurasthenia develops, and the stimuli cease to be neutral.

    Normally, there should be about 30% of positive stimuli that cause positive emotions, and negative ones - 5%, maximum 7%. If there are more negative emotions, the human body ceases to cope with them, and in this case, to overcome the negative, help may be required - either the person himself, or the help of loved ones, or the professional help of a psychologist or psychotherapist. But negative emotions are needed in small amounts - they help to better feel the beauty of life and the depth of positive emotions. If there are few negative emotions, they become a surmountable obstacle, and under their influence we begin to better concentrate on solving the problem, to think faster, to think, to act and thereby improve. But if the negative becomes too much, not everyone is able to cope with this flow.

    Build up optimism

    Positive emotions are especially important for us: we need them most of all, so people, even in the most difficult circumstances, even on the verge of life and death, can see and perceive something beautiful, even small. In fact, each person can learn to see and accumulate positive moments that will help him develop a positive attitude towards life. Of course, a convinced pessimist can hardly be turned into an optimist, but everyone can learn to pay attention to the positive aspects and positive aspects of life. This will help fill everyday life with bright, joyful colors and thereby improve the quality of life in general.

    The main positive emotions are interest and joy. Interest is the main stimulus for the development of a person as a person, therefore, lack of interest is a very alarming sign: it means that not everything is in order with a person. In the absence of interest, depression and other mental problems arise. Joy is a state of satisfaction with the surrounding world and the feeling that a person can cope with any difficulties and fully enjoy life. But joy has nothing to do with material or materialistic interests - it is rather a feeling: for some, the glass is half full, and this causes joy, but for others it is half empty. If a person does not experience joy in his activities or in communication with others, he tries to experience it in overcoming fear, hence the passion for extreme sports or hobbies associated with danger.

    Repetitive joy increases resistance to stress and makes our life more complete: the more positive emotions in a person's life, the better they feel. But there is also a "concept of prediction": events happen because we expect them. That is, if a person expects something bad, then this bad is likely to happen. And if we are in a positive mood, then with a high probability everything will be fine. The following tips will help you learn to have a positive attitude towards life.

    First advice: develop a positive outlook. To set yourself up in a positive way, you need to learn to enjoy insignificant things - the good weather outside the window, the aroma of hot coffee in the morning, the smile of a child met on the street. Such little things, which we rarely pay attention to, set us up for a positive, so it is important to learn to notice them.

    Second tip: Noticing joyful and positive events in life. These can also be small or even insignificant events and moments - a meeting with a friend, a new haircut, a letter from an old acquaintance, praise from the boss, a good mark from a son. It is best to keep a diary and record such events at the end of the day. It is a pity that not everyone is ready to do this. In this case, you can always look at your notes and remember what good happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago. Then there will be a feeling that a lot of good things are happening to you and, in general, everything in life is not so bad.

    Third tip: take stock of the day. It is very helpful to write down what you have been successful at that day every day. These can even be very insignificant at first glance, successes, but thanks to them, a person's self-esteem increases - and he begins to understand that everything is fine with him.

    Fourth tip: keep a gratitude diary. Previously, religious people thanked the Almighty for food, shelter, but now very few people offer such gratitude to heaven, which is a pity: this is a very useful ritual. It is not necessary to do this in writing, you can thank orally, for yourself. Instead of getting upset that you have few friends, tell yourself how good it is that I have such a wonderful friend (even if at least one)!

    Fifth advice: learn to calmly accept your mistakes and mistakes. We are all human beings, and we all have the right to make mistakes. You should not beat yourself up for mistakes and set yourself up for failure or failure in advance.

    Sixth tip: monitor your appearance. It is very important for us how we look, even at a subconscious level. Special things make us special in our own eyes and help us create the right accents. If you want to change something in your life or learn to relate to life more positively, start changing your wardrobe. This will be an occasion for positive emotions, and a new wardrobe will help you look at the world in a new way - more positively.

    Seventh advice: encourage yourself from time to time. You need to not only learn to celebrate what you have done well, but also reward yourself for it. In psychology, this is called stroking. For example, if a woman is constantly preoccupied with work, family and everyday problems, she may have a feeling of depression and despair. To prevent this from happening, it is very helpful to periodically reward yourself for your efforts. You can, for example, sit alone in a cafe and eat a cake that you have not allowed yourself for a long time. This will maintain a positive attitude towards yourself.

    Eighth tip: do what you want to do for a long time. It is very important to ask yourself the question: what do I want? These can be elementary things, which for various reasons do not reach your hands. Have you wanted to read a book for a year, go to the pool, visit your friend? So do it eventually! Very often, the cycle of everyday affairs - work, family, children, parents - does not allow doing what you want, but at the same time, they create a certain "comfort zone" from which it is scary to leave. But when a person leaves this zone, he has new pleasant emotions that make life more complete and help to develop further.

    Ninth advice: do good deeds. Charity, selfless acts, helping those who need it, will make you feel not alone, and your good deeds will return to you a hundredfold, because in this case, emotionally, you always get more than you give.

    Tenth tip: SMILE! A positive attitude towards life begins with a smile. Smile to yourself when you look in the mirror, smile to those around you. Smiling is the simplest and most powerful weapon in the fight against negativity and pessimism.

    Draw your dream

    At first glance, it seems that these are all little things, but life is made of such little things. Allowing yourself even small pleasures - be it a cake or a walk in the woods - can make yourself happier and your attitude towards life becomes more positive. You can go further and draw your dream or hang in a conspicuous place photos of the place where you want to visit: mountains, if you dream of skiing, the Eiffel Tower, if you dream of going to Paris ... Such photos will set you up for a positive, and you will have something to strive for.

    Remember that a positive attitude helps you not only achieve your goals, but also overcome serious difficulties: many doctors, including oncologists and surgeons, argue that optimistic patients heal faster, they tolerate treatment better, and recover faster.

    How to tune in to the positive? Two important advice... (video on the topic)

    5 ways to tune in to the positive

    There are many reasons why you should take a positive outlook on life. It is believed that optimists are always loved and respected by those around them. They get sick less and live more, they achieve their goals faster, in the end, they feel much happier than their pessimistic friends and colleagues. Therefore, I believe that any person who wants to live happily ever after should tune in to the positive and try to highlight the positive aspects in life.

    Nowadays there is a popular excuse: "I am not an optimist or a pessimist, I am a realist." Indeed, the life around us is in many ways difficult and unfair, and many things are very difficult to perceive with a smile. However, if you go in cycles and constantly experience some negative moments in yourself, then their number in life will only increase. I am of the opinion that every person is the creator of his own happiness, and the more he thinks about the bad, the worse his life becomes. Therefore, I believe that being an optimist is beneficial and beneficial.

    By the way, you can take the optimism test here!

    How to tune in to the positive?

    Usually, an optimistic or negative attitude towards life is one of the fundamental traits of our character and is built from childhood. Of course, after active work with a psychotherapist or immersion in religion or some esoteric teaching, a person can, in a relatively short period, from a burned-out pessimist and cynic become cheerful, cheerful and smiling, but this is not quite the right way, right? I offer you five ways to tune in to the positive without doctors, sects and psychotropic drugs :)))

    • Surround yourself with positive people. This means that you need to avoid colleagues and acquaintances who are distrustful and cynical about life, and communicate with optimistic people as often as possible.
    • Surround yourself with positive sources of information. You yourself know how much negative information is bombarded on us every day from TV, radio and news sites. And, as mentioned above, a large amount of negativity in thoughts changes our life for the worse. So avoid information trash and read positive blogs and websites instead.
    • Avoid stress. Stress not only ruins your health, but also changes your attitude towards life. The more stressful you are, the more pain, negative thoughts and emotions arise. A person under the influence of stress, in principle, cannot be optimistic about life, so they should be avoided by any means.
    • Train your brain. Just as strong and tough muscles help us overcome physical obstacles, a trained brain offers more options for solving problems. And the more often you try to look at things in positive key, the more often you will have good thoughts.
    • How to set yourself up for GOOD and POSITIVE! (video on the topic)

    • Plan. People who make plans, set goals and achieve them are usually not afraid of the future and look into it with greater optimism. This is a great way to get rid of fears and insecurities, which in turn give rise to negative thoughts.

    So try to be positive about everything and your life will be long and happy. Tune in to the positive!

    To reinforce the intention, a positive kote!

    Of course, after active work with a psychotherapist or immersion in religion or some esoteric teaching, a person can, in a relatively short period, from a burned-out pessimist and cynic become cheerful, cheerful and smiling, but this is not quite the right way, right? - I think that is not true. This is also a path and one that gives a person a lot in the field of personal development. Especially religion. She answers many questions. If you take a closer look at it and understand what it offers to a person, then you can open the whole world - our world, but with different eyes. It feels like a light was turned on in a dark room and it was immediately clear where everything was. This is the first impression, at least from the acquaintance with Orthodoxy. Otherwise, in principle, I agree with the author. A positive attitude is a lifesaver.

    I, apparently, did not express myself quite correctly. in the article I tried to list the methods that work for any person without the condition that his worldview will change quite a lot. and faith very much shifts the worldview, for good or bad. thanks!

    Great advice, Michael! I remember myself as I was a couple of years ago. Then my outlook on life was full of negativity. Now I look at things positively and my life is changing for the better. And everyone can transform themselves from a pessimist into an optimist. It's not very difficult (but not very easy either). For me personally, the first three methods are quite difficult to accomplish, but I use the last two all the time. With your permission, I will share a way of turning myself into an optimist, which I experienced firsthand! So, all you have to do is play the role of a positive, upbeat person. Be a bit of an actor, but try to fulfill your role professionally, you need get used to into the role. A day, two, a week, and now you are no longer playing, but actually living such a life.

    A source: how to set yourself up for success (video on the topic)

    How to tune in to positive thoughts in the morning: advice from a psychologist

    1. What is it for 2. Rules of a positive life 3. Start of the day 4. How to keep positive

    We all face a lot of problems every day. Traffic jams, troubles at work, accumulated fatigue, and the result is the same - life turns into a series of troubles, sometimes it seems that there is no way to overcome it. Psychologists have long explained that the world depends on the angle from which we look at it, so it is important to figure out how to tune ourselves to the positive, to change our attitude towards life.

    What is it for

    Everyone has met a person who only does what he complains about his troubles. It is uncomfortable to be around him, as if he emits waves of negativity, poisoning everything around. In the captivity of dark dreams there is no place for good events, and bad events seem to be attracted to each other, growing like an avalanche. Often, along with dissatisfaction with himself, his life, a person experiences envy of the more successful and happy people... All this weighs on him and the people around him.

    On the contrary, there are the lucky ones to whom everything falls into their own hands. In response to a positive attitude, life gives him even more joyful moments. Such people keep their luck on a leash, it seems that they never have problems. They always have good mood, for everyone there is a compliment or a smile. It's nice to look at this person, you want to communicate with him.

    Life gives us only what we send it. Our emotions operate like a magnet. The more positive thoughts, ideas and fantasies there are, there is more joy in life. On the contrary, negative thinking concentrates on the bad, and all the good is simply not noticed.

    Pros of a positive infusion:

    • A charge of energy and vivacity, a bad mood is accompanied by fatigue;
    • Beauty and health, positive people get sick much less often;

    • Good relationships in the family and at work. Our loved ones need our support and kindness, and not constant screams and discontent.

    A positive attitude can help you turn your life in a positive direction.

    The rules of a positive life

    Any device can be configured to work effectively, as well as with the human body. It is not difficult to set yourself up for positivity, for this you have to make new habits and part with some old ones. The advice of a psychologist will help in working on yourself:

    1. Stop complaining, talking about problematic unpleasant situations, remembering your failures. Even if it's just scrolling through your head, you need to stop. As soon as such thoughts appear, we say to ourselves "stop" and remember something pleasant. From now on, only positive thinking;
    2. Stop being jealous and learn to enjoy other people's successes. Envy is one of the strongest negative emotions. Instead, we set goals and work for our own success;
    3. Love yourself. The perceived flaws are often exaggerated, or do not exist at all. Stand in front of the mirror, smile, and look at what you like about yourself;
    4. Get rid of negative attitudes. “I can't”, it is enough to remove from the phrase “not” and the uncertainty turns into decisiveness. The same principle of transformation works with any negative attitudes. Now just tune in to positive and positive attitudes;
    5. How to set yourself up to be positive (video on the topic)

    6. Take time for yourself. Do what you love at least 2 times a week. You can remember an old hobby or do something that you have long dreamed of. This is a great way recall that there is a place for the good in the world. Success in what you love will give you a good mood.

    Everything will not change overnight. It will be difficult at first, you will have to keep track of your every thought and replace negative with positive thinking. Over time, it will become noticeable that bad thoughts appear less and less, and life is filled with bright events.

    Start of the day

    The easiest way to start a new life is in the morning. This is exactly the time when the all-day setup is laid. Our task is to tune ourselves to the positive. There are several secrets of a good mood:

    1. Most people wake up hard and the alarm sounds like a sentence. It is important to capture the moment of awakening and replace unpleasant thoughts with positive affirmations.

    Affirmations are a short phrase that requires repeated repetition to improve the psycho-emotional state and stimulate positive changes in life.

    1. Doing exercises in the morning is useful not only for physical health, but also for psychological mood. If you don't want to do boring exercises, you can just dance for 10 minutes. Think about movements to engage all muscle groups.
    2. How to accelerate the achievement of a dream - How to set yourself up for success (video on the topic)

    3. Music always improves your mood. Pick up your favorite tracks and play them every morning while you do your usual activities. To keep the music out of the way, you can use headphones;
    4. In the bathroom, be sure to smile at yourself in the mirror. Smiling may not be natural, but it doesn't matter right now. Look at your smile for at least 2 minutes a day. Tired of smiling, you can grimace a little and laugh at funny faces;
    5. "Artificial laughter". For this exercise, lie down on the floor. First, we relax the whole body, then we start laughing. You can recall a funny incident from life, an anecdote, or imagine how you look now from the outside. Laughter not only helps to cheer up in the morning, but is also a powerful breathing exercise;
    6. Everywhere they say that eating sweets is unhealthy, but morning is just the time when you can afford a little too much. A small piece of chocolate will bring a lot of pleasure and strengthen your good mood;
    7. As soon as you left the door, stop for a second. Throw your head up, proudly straighten your shoulders and go about business with a confident gait. On the way, do not forget to admire the world around you, it is much more interesting than the ground under your feet.

    These simple rules will help you start your morning in a positive way and set yourself up to be positive. You can change them a little for yourself, but the morning ritual must be enjoyable and carried out each day. Weekends are not a reason to take time off, but you do not need to get up at the same time, but just follow all the steps in the same way.

    How to keep positive

    After the first success on the road of positive thinking, a person develops a slight euphoria. Finally, faith in one's own strength, faith in good luck appears in life. On this wave, a person stops doing the necessary exercises. Everything is so good, why is it necessary.

    At this moment, any failure can break everything and return a person to the path of negative thinking. It again leads to a new streak of failures. To prevent this from happening, follow these tips:

      How to Set Yourself and Others to POSITIVE! [BizMenu - making business profitable (video on the topic)

    • Never forget about the rules of a positive life, they should accompany you always and everywhere;
    • Don't skip the morning ritual. The rest of the day depends on how the morning goes;
    • Learn to set goals. It's worth starting with something small, where the result will definitely be. The resulting success will help you to believe in yourself;
    • Do not let bad thoughts enter your head, all fears and doubts must be quickly replaced with positive statements;
    • Be grateful for all the good things in life. Before going to bed, it is useful to remember everything interesting for the past day;
    • Find time for hobbies. This brings harmony and small joys to life;
    • Do not scold yourself too much if you do not follow all the rules.

    A positive attitude will help you change your life for the better. Success always breeds new achievements. If you are not always able to act in the right way, do not despair. Each person is different. One easily says goodbye to the old way of life, and confidently steps forward, others - carefully and persistently work on themselves.

    If there is a breakdown in negativism, do not despair. You need to remember why positive thinking is so necessary and move on. Don't think of one miss as a fatal failure. Everything can always be changed. You need to keep your life in your own hands and do not miss the opportunity for happiness.

    Morning attunement to the positive (video on the topic)

    Positive thinking is a deliberate type of thinking aimed at achieving an optimistic and constructive mood in order to improve the quality of your life.

    It has long been proven that a person's thoughts affect his reality. We cannot create a chair or a table by the power of our thoughts, but we can make our life better. Simple Tips will help you go the way to a happy future. It is not necessary to do everything strictly according to the rules, otherwise it will turn into a routine. All positions can be customized.

    A source:

    One of important factors having an influential force in our life is our worldview, our thoughts - how we think, how we speak, how we look at the world.

    Each person is responsible for the good and bad events in his life. Our every thought determines our future.

    The ability to speak and think positively is a great inner ability.

    It is known that our mood (happy or sad), our attitude towards ourselves and others, the world (optimistic, kind or, conversely, irritable, cruel) determines our health, and also attracts certain people and certain events to us.

    The world is made of energy. And each person controls his life through this energy. Negative thoughts are negative energy, positive thoughts are positive energy.

    Margarita Murakhovskaya How to tune yourself to the positive? PravDivo Show (video on the topic)

    At times, our mood and self-image become the cause of our emotional problems and physical illness. Dark thoughts, as well as feelings such as envy, fear, sadness, create a bad mood, negatively affect our body and create the basis for dangerous physiological processes.

    Positive thoughts instill a sense of confidence, improve mood, have a positive effect on the body, strengthen the nervous system and attract us kind people and pleasant events.

    Everything that has happened so far in our life is the result of our thoughts and beliefs, originating from the past.

    Regardless of our will and consciousness, our thoughts and feelings determine our future. Our future is born in our brain!

    “Where there is intention, there we are” - at the root of this kind of sayings that exist among the people, and the opinion is based that a person himself attunes himself to events that will occur in his life in the near future, and, as a rule, prepares for them.

    What we often think about and what we believe in is likely to come true.

    A positive attitude is an inner belief that everything will be fine, which both creates a good mood and strengthens a sense of self-confidence. Here, too, such a significant component as will plays an important role, which, as you know, is already the beginning for great achievements. Feelings, thoughts and movements of a person are interconnected: physical movements are accompanied by certain emotions and thoughts, and vice versa, thoughts and emotions are the result of certain movements and body positions or changes in facial expressions.

    In this world, our thoughts program our future, so try to be optimistic and drive away pessimistic thoughts.

    By developing positive qualities, a person also increases positive, wonderful character traits, and treats any event positively.

    Our thoughts define our life. This means that having mastered this rule and consciously using our skills, we can achieve everything that we desire.

    Do not lose hope in the Merciful and Merciful Allah!

    How to program yourself for a wonderful day. (video on the topic)

    A source:

    The human brain is an organ that controls all human activity, both at the physical and mental levels. Human thinking is also the work of the brain. In the human body, everything is interconnected - both physical and mental. No wonder they say: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind." But the opposite is also true: "With a healthy mind, a healthy body." Almost everyone has a lot of evidence of this among friends and relatives, and the media also report amazing cases of healing in a completely hopeless situation, as well as overcoming difficult problems by ordinary people. In this they are helped by their fortitude, a positive focus on overcoming the seemingly insurmountable.

    Indeed, a person's life is determined by the direction of his thinking. If he is used to suffering from illness all the time, from bad relations with others and quietly resigns himself to fate according to the principle "What can I do?" or, even worse, "Why do I need this?" Or maybe he doesn’t submit, but is also indignant: “How is this so? Why is this all to them, and nothing to me but illness and misfortune? "

    There is also another position in life. Such people do not say, "Why do I need this?", But ask: "What is it for, what does this situation show me?" Instead of "What can I do?", They ask the question "What can I do to rectify the situation?" So it turns out that the thoughts of people seem to be similar, but the result is completely different.

    People with an active-positive life position consider themselves the masters of their lives and demand, first of all, from themselves. And people with a passive-negative position (which was mentioned above) make claims to life and others. But can we change someone else? It is in our power to change only ourselves and our attitude to the problem. From the position of the master of my life, one can say the following: “I myself have brought my health (situation) to such a state, which means that I myself can find a way out”.

    There is a saying: "A pessimist is a well-informed optimist." Let me disagree. An optimist is a position that requires will and fortitude, a lot of work on yourself and your thoughts. It is not difficult to be a pessimist. Spit on everything, criticize, claim that nothing will work - that's all. The main thing is that you don't need to do anything, and no one can see that you are not a pessimist, but a quitter and a brat, and you don't want to do anything. An optimist is a person who understands that life is not so simple, but, nevertheless, looks to the future with hope, and most importantly, does not give up in the present: if you do nothing, then nothing will happen. Doctors note that a person is in a good mood recovering faster, his wounds and stitches heal better after surgery. A depressed person is more likely to have complications and the recovery period lasts longer.

    Each person is capable of regulating their mood and tune their thoughts in a positive way. Only, you must admit, this is a job, and not always easy. It is difficult to set yourself up to be positive when doctors have made a diagnosis, as if a verdict has been passed. But the one who does not give up can win. On the first channel there was some kind of program in which an elderly woman, in the past a famous skier, was talking about herself. She had cancer, already the 4th degree, and there were practically no options - she had to die. But she did not want to put up with it. And she decided that she had to ski through the forest as much as she could. On the first day I walked 500 meters, on the second - a kilometer, on the third - one and a half. Strength began to arrive, pain went away. As a result, she was completely cured. And you think that in the forest she thought about how little she had left, and said goodbye to life? No - she admired the beauty around: the forest, the snow sparkles in the sun, the trees under the snow, the blue sky.

    Like this. It is very important to keep track of your thoughts and set yourself up for a positive-active life position... Life will be more interesting and better for you and those around you. And health will be added. Indeed, even in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, where each letter corresponds to a word, it is written: “THE EARTH LIVES AS PEOPLE THINK” (belly, earth, what, people, thought). This is a message from the ancestors, embedded in the alphabet. That is, we live as we think.

    Living on the positive, what could be better !!! (video on the topic)

    A source:

    The statement that failure only appears in the lives of those who admit it is possible is absolutely correct. A person who looks at the world through a pessimistic prism and does not believe that he has the ability to achieve something, practices the so-called negative self-attunement. This is why it is important to learn to be lucky and lucky. In order to establish a psychological mood for good luck, it makes sense to use the following algorithm of actions:

    • Many start the day with destructive thoughts that they have lived another aimless day, that the inevitable old age has become even closer. Reverse this mental vector. Think about the fact that the world has given you one more day in order to realize your capabilities and achieve certain goals. Concentrate on the fact that the next day will bring you a lot of interesting acquaintances and vivid experiences. Go to bed and wake up thinking about luck. Thereby you will tune for positive accomplishments.
    • In the morning in front of the mirror, practice the mental attitude of luck. Instill in yourself that at the moment your age is ideal for self-realization. Think about what every day and every year is of great value to you. Concentrate on the thought that you can experience the full range of positive emotions. Think and find confirmation that you are becoming wiser and better every day. The next year of your life will bring you new events. Always use your luck mindset, especially when you realize that you don't like something about yourself.
    • You should not dwell on any shortcomings of your appearance. Any negative thoughts in this direction should be replaced by the realization that you are a unique person. Think that you like the way you look and that you are not like anyone else. Your appearance is attractive and unique. Every day you become more beautiful, and your thoughts only increase your charm. Be sure to value your external data.
  1. When you are faced with any troubles, it is worthwhile to understand that any failure will not in any way affect your future. destiny... Your life is wonderful, despite the occasional temporary turmoil. John Chrysostom said that the person who rises after each fall goes to heaven. It will not be superfluous to remind yourself of the benefits that are already inherent in you at the moment. Concentrate on the fact that you are lucky because you are living at a time when many have already left it. Think that there are many unhappy and sick people around you, while you feel great. Direct your thoughts to the fact that when there are so many unemployed in the world, you are doing an interesting and favorite thing.
  2. Not knowing how to set yourself up for luck. start by conquering your fear of failure to achieve future success. To do this as effectively as possible, practice the following meditation exercise:

    • Take a couple of breaks throughout the day, sitting comfortably in a chair and closing your eyes, visualize your target as a target. Visualize will as an arrow. You need to concentrate exclusively on your goal, not on what other people expect of you. After that, increase your desire and release the arrow so that it hits the target.
    • It will not be superfluous to imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts fortune. Sitting in a chair, start creating an image of good luck in your head. Pull her towards you, pretending that you are a big magnet.
    • How to set yourself up to be positive (video on the topic)

    The luck attunement will be more effective if you start practicing the training below:

    • Make it a goal to discover something useful while walking down the street. With the utmost attention, you are bound to discover something of value. You shouldn't be surprised if you're lucky, since you've already set yourself up for good luck. You should cultivate this feeling in yourself constantly. By practicing this training for several days, you can significantly strengthen your faith in your capabilities and in yourself.

    Since it can be difficult to attract luck, use additional techniques that will neutralize your qualities that contribute to the occurrence of failure:

    • Sitting in your favorite chair and closing your eyes, visualize the inscription on the rainbow, which says: "I am lucky (a)." Rate how clear and bright the letters you see. If the inscription is not expressive enough, you need to mentally erase the inscription and create a new one that will be clearer, more voluminous and bright. When the perfect rainbow is created, say to yourself in a thunderous voice: "I am lucky (a)!".
    • Create in your head an image of your luck, and then feel that you are inseparable with it. Awareness of this fact must penetrate into every cell of your body, into every part of your consciousness.
    • Visualize a slab of expensive stone, on which in bright letters mentally write: "I am lucky (a)!".
    Business training "Secrets of Success" 1 (video on the topic)

    This training will be most effective if you practice it for five minutes daily.

    Remember to build on your success. It will not be superfluous to praise yourself for any, even minor, victories. The positive accomplishments that have occurred during the day are worth praising yourself for. It is impossible to overdo it. Alone with yourself, you can even say out loud: "How lucky I am!" It won't be superfluous to pat yourself on the shoulder.

    Remember to be positive every time you go to bed. Before bed, visualize yourself in a green meadow. Let the scent of cut grass be the scent of good luck. After a warm summer rain, the rays of the sun caress your body. A bright rainbow hangs over you, on which it is written in large letters: "I am lucky (a)." Try to be as imbued with this phrase as possible. Accompany all the images with music - a hymn to your luck. An understanding should come to you that success is always with you, that you are always lucky. Think that you can conquer many more peaks. The soul will become joyful and easy. Belief in yourself will come to you automatically. As a result, you will fall asleep with a feeling of anxious anticipation of tomorrow's positive achievements.

    Now you know how to set yourself up for good luck. By practicing the above exercises, you will quickly notice changes in your life.

    Read articles in this category:

    Here I read all sorts of recommendations for visualizing desires, etc. but, forgive the jargon, such a garbage! I don’t believe it. It all depends on the character of the person. If you have a core, then it is and nothing can break it, not failures, not blows of fate, nothing! And if you are lazy by nature, no matter how much you lie on the grass, do not draw letters on the rainbow)), nothing will help. Oblomovism! Such articles, and even more so sites for calming their own conscience of the modern Oblomovs. Well, they will break off in the end, painting pictures of bright perspectives)).

    Although I personally do not see anything destructive in these texts, and even more, I find them useful, I mostly try to avoid this topic because of its hackneyedness and ambiguous understanding. Of course, there are people who think that positive thinking is a panacea for all troubles and adversities, and yet you cannot call all those who mentally tune in to positive and practice visualization as quitters and idlers. Don't you think such things go well with being active? And in any case, changing the minus to plus will not hurt anyone.

    "The world we have created is a product of our thinking, this world cannot be changed without changing thinking."
    Albert Einstein

    ADMiNu, but I didn’t say that EVERYONE who practices visualization are quitters and bums. It depends on the psychotype of the person. If a person is pessimistic for nature, then he will not wait for abstract luck from the rainbow to descend on him. Such a person, simply, will do everything possible to forget about troubles, i.e. mostly to be in a normal frame of mind. And he will succeed. I always remember a picture from a book of my childhood. The same situation, imagine in your imagination)). A country house, a porch, it's winter outside, snow lies and falls all around. On the porch stands a naked to the waist, a joyful man, waving his arms and exclaiming: Eh! Good!. On another page of the book is the same picture: House, porch, snow, man. but already in a fur coat, scarf, hat with earflaps, a suffering face, wrapped his arms around himself: COLD !. Here is the reaction of different people to the same situation! Optimist and pessimist. That's right, as Albert Einstein said: “The world we have created is a product of our thinking. I don’t mean to say that you shouldn’t write such articles. They take place to BE. But they are too abstract. And still I will say: To calm down. It is not the inscriptions in the head that are combined with vigorous activity, but a specific dream, i.e. a goal that you need to imagine to the smallest detail (by the way, I have read something like this on your website somewhere). Constantly thinking about your specific dream, drawing it, but it's better still on paper. And, albeit in small steps, but move, tirelessly, and every day.

    now I don’t know what to think. after the words of Nadezhda.

    I have no idea if I am an optimist or a pessimist, anything can happen in life. It happens that some task spoils the whole mood, and you don't know how to solve it or how to ignore it, and that's when such techniques are useful. I sat down / lay down / twisted the hoop, thought (visualized =)) how cool it would be when I solved the problem, and inspired, I started to unwind the ball. It is promoted almost always =) Thanks to the author!

    The most important thing for a person is to want to change his life for the better, and if he reads such articles and is interested in this, then even though he is a pessimist, even though he is an optimist, it means he will succeed! and he strives for it.

    It is well known that the quality of our mood (joyful or gloomy) and attitude towards ourselves and the world around us (optimistic, tolerant, kind or, conversely, pessimistic, unenviable, envious, grumpy) determines our physical health. And it is often the cause of negative moods and attitudes towards oneself and the world around it, and is the cause of many diseases. Therefore, for the health of the body, a positive attitude is very important.

    Positive thoughts produce the same thoughts in the people around you and attract them to you, while negative thoughts act in the opposite way, pushing them away from you. It is more pleasant and useful for you to be attractive, so develop only positive attractive thoughts in yourself, which, together with your positive magnetism, will give you greater power to influence people.
    Root out all negative thoughts associated with hatred, fear, sadness, anger, discontent, resentment, envy, distrust, etc., and replace them with positive ones associated with love, courage, joy, calmness, contentment, goodwill, etc. .d.

    As you think of others, so do others. How you think of yourself, so do those around you. Therefore, think of yourself and others only positively.

    You do not love others or think that others do not like you and will not love you. You are afraid of everyone and everything, and you will be intimidated. You do not believe in yourself, and you will not be trusted. You do not wish well for anyone, and they will not wish it on you. The thoughts of others tend to meet your every thought and increase the power of your thoughts. Never think, "I can't." Everyone will think that you cannot. Always think: “I can, I want and I will achieve what I want” - and you can really do everything.

    Great people become great because they wanted to be great, but they were the same as you: all are born "small" people.
    Remember that thoughts affect yourself - your spirit and body. What are the thoughts - such is the person. There are cases when those who are carried away and tirelessly reading criminal novels later became criminals. Therefore, avoid books filled with negative thoughts.

    Negative thoughts are spiritual poison, and positive thoughts are the antidote. Thoughts of hatred, envy, fear, sadness, etc., excite dangerous physiological processes in our body that have a harmful, most detrimental effect on our health. On the contrary, thoughts of love, goodwill, joy, etc., improve the mental state and have a beneficial effect on the body.
    Consequently, negative thoughts poison the body, positive thoughts heal. That is why one should love one's neighbor as oneself, for, in essence, loving those around us, we love ourselves, wish ourselves well and prosperity. By developing positive thoughts in yourself, you develop the same magnetism and good willpower in yourself, because before you can think well, you need to want to think so.

    Thus, with positive thinking, all 3 aspects of a strong influence on people develop: magnetism, the power of thought and the power of goodwill.

    Therapeutic effect:
    strengthens the nervous system;

    Health mood before bed and after bed

    The second sacrament (the first sacrament - eating) should be preparation for sleep and the entrance to sleep. This is important for both the physical and mental state of a person.

    During sleep, our “I” dwells in such a spiritual (astral) world, which corresponds to our mood before sleep, and returns “saturated” with its specific mental element, which communicates strength or weakness, well-being or disorders to the body. The mood for concern, grumbling, envy contributes to the stay of the "I" in the sphere of concern; upon awakening, this concern is heightened. Attunement to illness (thoughts of illness) translates the "I" into the world of suffering, and this intensifies suffering in the daytime. Therefore, the patient before going to bed must think about health, must repeat:
    “Only the tool I’m using is damaged. I am what I think of myself.

    My spiritual "I" is healthy and will bring healing to my body during sleep. "
    This must be repeated every evening, if the result does not immediately affect, then you need to think about changing your style of thinking to a positive one. Attunement to the state of youth and strength directs the "I" to the corresponding spheres of the astral world; after getting out of sleep, the body is strengthened and confidence in one's state of strength and youth is strengthened.

    To make the above clear, you need to give some explanations. According to the yogis, a person, in addition to "I", consists of bodies: a physical body, an etheric body, an astral body (desire body), a mental body (a body of thought), a body of causality (a causal body).

    The energy of each body differs in quality from others, and each body, as it were, permeates with itself, being more subtle, more coarse.

    The physical body consists of a huge number of cells, each of which performs two tasks - maintains its own existence, and part of itself gives up to support the whole organism as a whole (cell specialization). A complex of homogeneous cells builds up into a tissue or even into a whole organism. All organs are permeated with a group of control cells, cells that provide respiratory or nutritional function. Each cell lives for a certain period of life, then either dies, like blood cells, or divides.
    Despite all this, the body constantly retains its shape and structure. This conservation process is carried out by the etheric body.

    The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body, it seems to contain the constant form of the body. Within the etheric body is the astral, or body of emotions and desires.

    The mental body builds a plan for our activities in the process of our entire life, an intelligent structure of behavior. Within the mental body is the body of causes.
    During sleep, our astral body leaves the physical and begins to travel in invisible space, realizing those desires that were not realized in the daytime, and thereby freeing itself from internal energy tension.

    In a dream, desires (especially desires that take possession of a person before sleep) and mood control a person. At the same time, he sees events, but cannot influence them.

    From the above, it is clear that before going to bed, you need to avoid unpleasant and minor conversations, clarification of relationships and sad reflections. On the contrary, you need all available means - a walk before bedtime, relaxation (ordinary relaxation with optimistic self-hypnosis in the form of autogenic training), listening to beautiful life-affirming music, memories of beautiful and happy moments in your life, a short conversation with a good person with whom you are connected by mutual sympathy - to tune in to feeling like a person, and a person, in principle, happy, strong enough and young (regardless of age).

    And when you woke up, you need to connect your consciousness to the single life of the Universe and ask for your share of everything living from the World Mind. In the Universe, all living things are one (trees, clouds, oceans, birds, stars, the sun), everything has energy.

    Our soul in a certain mood (especially in the morning) has the ability to attract part of this living force and keep it throughout the day. The verbal form of the request is arbitrary, the main thing is the meaning. And during the daytime, you need to repeat this request for 1-2 minutes, no matter how busy you are. The forces received are used not only for toning and rejuvenating the body, but also enable our "I" to penetrate in a dream as deeply as possible into the astral world. The further the “I” penetrates into the astral world, the more refined emotions the “I” brings with it, ennobling the body and soul (if, of course, there was a positive attitude before going to bed).

    If you can't fall asleep right away:

    Do 5-7 complete yoga breaths (after removing the pillow so that the torso and head are in one straight line);
    imagine that on inhalation, prana passes through the respiratory organs into the solar plexus (in the Manipura chakra) and accumulates there;
    along with exhalation, every cell of the body relaxes and at the same time prana is sent from the solar plexus to every cell in order to strengthen its vitality and help cleanse it of toxins;
    then relax your whole body and brain (free yourself from thoughts); this can be done through the Shav Asana.
    Therapeutic effect:
    increases vitality;
    strengthens the nervous system;
    awakens the body's defenses.

    World perception of childhood

    Many people, having committed unpleasant actions for themselves and those around them, or having made some serious miscalculations in a particular area of ​​life, for a long time then remember and experience all the nuances of these actions, miscalculations, mistakes.

    And despite the fact that all this was in the past, it darkens real life, dark thoughts interfere with life, reduce the level of positive thinking in the present. Of course, as they say, they learn from mistakes, and an analysis of their mistakes needs to be done, but this needs to be done only once, and then try to forget the unpleasant weight in your life and enjoy life, the very process of life, as children know how to do it. Tell yourself:
    “It is enough that the unpleasant constantly reminds of itself in environment... Why should I cherish and cultivate the unpleasant in myself? Share everything unpleasant in the past and present, I enjoy life, the very process of life. "
    Sometimes a person, complaining about many worries in his life, about many unpleasant aspects of his life, exclaims: "Oh * if only I could become a child again!" This is the dream of many people. They want not so much to free themselves from their many worries as to feel the joy of life, because everyday worries have taught people to enjoy life and feel happy.
    A special meditation, which can be called "The Joy of Life", helps an adult to return to the wonderful world outlook of childhood, to learn to enjoy life again.
    The Joy of Life meditation is performed as follows.
    Starting position: standing, arms along the body.
    Imagine a sunny, bright blue sky. The end of May, it has just rained. The air is clear and fresh.
    We look happily at the beautiful sky, at the branches of trees with young leaves. Raindrops still hang on the flowers. We touch these drops with our lips and feel their taste. How you want to spread your arms, throw your head back, and, pushing yourself off the ground, with a laugh of joy and happiness, fly over the wet meadow.
    Let's take off! And we bathe in the gentle light of the sun. We land. We stand up straight. Above us is a thickening sunlight, a cloud of sparkling golden solar energy, very subtle, tender, loving. Let it thicken even more over your head.
    Let's open up to her! Let us wish with all our being to merge with her, let her fill our body. We feel how it flows from above into the head.
    Therapeutic effect:
    tones up the body's defenses;
    strengthens the nervous system;
    increases vitality.

    Creating positive character traits

    A person's thoughts, feelings and actions are mutually related: a physical action is accompanied by certain emotions and thoughts, and, conversely, thoughts and emotions cause certain actions or the corresponding body position and facial expression.

    An independent look, straightened shoulders lead to a rise in spirit and vigor, a depressed look and lowered shoulders lead to a depressed state. To correct the character, you need not only to do special exercises - to meditate, but also as preliminary measures before starting meditation, to harmonize thoughts, emotions and actions, directing them to a specific goal.
    Let's say you have weak willpower and are timid. Your first step will be to direct your actions, feelings and thoughts towards one goal.
    raise your head
    straighten your shoulders
    speak loudly, clearly, slowly,
    look the other person in the eye. The senses:
    try to feel strong and determined.
    Imagine yourself as a decisive, energetic, self-confident person.
    Confident gestures will evoke appropriate emotions, which, in turn, will influence the way of thinking. In turn, the content of thoughts will enhance emotions that will affect actions, deeds, change appearance.
    In this way, every element of the chain of action is decisive and confident.
    We attach the influence of emotions and actions to the work of thought, taking into account the interconnection of the chain of thought - emotion - action:
    simultaneously with pronouncing phrases, we mentally imagine what we want (we imagine that we already have the desired quality);
    then, in the process of pronouncing phrases, we give the mental image an emotional coloring (we try to evoke in ourselves the feeling that a person with the corresponding quality experiences).
    Therapeutic effect:
    increases vitality;

    Breaking the habit of negative thinking and fostering optimism

    Be optimistic and do not allow gloomy thoughts, remembering that, as our thoughts are, such is our position in this world. Dark negative thoughts attract people with the same thoughts to us and attract the appropriate circumstances.
    People who have a habit of thinking gloomily refer to concerns about the safety and security of their loved ones, about their financial situation.
    About your safety, you need to tell yourself the following:
    "I trust my higher" I ", it not only guides me along the path of spiritual growth, but also provides me with complete security in this life."
    And in fact, when a person loves himself and, being in a state of inner freedom, opens up to joy, peace, healing, life circumstances develop in such a way that the described situations are excluded.
    If you are afraid of being unemployed or homeless, remind yourself that any negative circumstances for you are generated by your negative inner beliefs.
    It is in your power to replace negative beliefs with positive ones, and in this case, circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not be left without work and without a home.
    If you are worried about the problem of your material support, you need to tell yourself that this problem is solvable. You need to allow yourself to allow wealth into your life by using positive statements such as:
    "Every day my income is increasing and increasing."
    To get rid of the habit of thinking negatively, choose any image that is pleasant to you, with which you can replace negative thoughts at any time. It can be a beautiful landscape, a bouquet of flowers, a view of a beautiful lake, etc.
    When a dark, negative thought comes up, tell yourself:
    “I won't think about that anymore. It is more pleasant for me to think about a bouquet of flowers, about a beautiful landscape ”- and allow the indicated image to appear before your inner gaze.
    Don't worry about getting old. And in old age, a person will feel great if he removes negative attitudes (and in particular, negative attitudes about the fact that old age is necessarily accompanied by weakness, weakness, disease) and replaces them with positive affirmations, will love himself.
    Do not be afraid of death:
    firstly, death does not have to take place in some kind of painful state in accordance with a person's positive outlook (positive attitude towards oneself and other people);
    secondly, our existence does not end with this life on Earth, and with the next reincarnation we will reappear on this planet.
    strengthens the nervous system; mobilizes the body's defenses.

    Therapeutic effect:
    increases vitality;
    tones up the defenses;
    strengthens the nervous system.

    Showing kindness, gentleness, and tolerance towards yourself

    Kindness, gentleness and tolerance towards yourself are especially necessary at that time in your life when you are mastering new methods or systems of healing, which include such factors as changing yourself.

    And it is not so easy for a person to change. Most people believe that changing is simple, meaning others, but when they begin to change themselves with the help of some kind of healing system, they often find themselves for some time in a state that can be called a transitional state, when a person hesitates, rushes between old and new.
    Sometimes during this period from a person you can hear an excuse for his throwing from what was to what should be:
    “I keep wondering if this system has brought me any benefit. After all, it has existed for a long time, and for some reason I don’t see many people doing it ”.
    He, most likely, understands that if the system has existed for a long time, this does not mean at all that many should be engaged in it (a person should be ready for this system, should grow to the realization that he needs this system).

    He's just trying to find a trick to stretch the transition period a little (the most important thing is that this stretching is not long).
    And this is a completely normal and natural process, characteristic of mastering something new or changing oneself. Therefore, do not scold yourself, show yourself kindness and gentleness during this transition period - anyway, if you have a desire to change, after a short transition period you will begin to change.

    Show not only tolerance for yourself, but also a certain patience required when using the means of working on yourself.
    If we consider positive statements from this point of view, then it is necessary to point out, firstly, that positive statements will not have an effect if they are pronounced 2-3 times. This is not enough, because any change requires a long and often continuous (I mean periodic with one or another time interval) action of a certain method. Positive affirmations need to be spoken for a long time.
    Secondly, it is also important what you do in the intervals between repetitions of positive affirmations, and in these intervals you need to maintain a certain positive inner atmosphere - you need to praise yourself for the slightest achievements in the process of change.
    Therapeutic effect:
    tones up the defenses;
    heals the nervous system;
    increases vitality.


    Choose melodic beautiful music. Turn on the tape recorder. Lie on the floor, relax.
    Breathe rhythmic breathing (a full yoga inhalation and a full yoga exhalation of the same duration, for example, 8 pulse beats, and the duration of breath holding after inhalation and exhalation is half as long as
    the duration of inhalation and exhalation, that is, 4 beats of the pulse). It is best to assume the same body position as in Shavasana and relax in the same way as in Shavasana. Do not try to understand music, perceive it with your whole body and soul, accept it completely, unconditionally, let it freely penetrate inside you; try to succumb to it and merge with it, gradually dissolving yourself in its sound. Therapeutic effect:
    raises vitality;
    strengthens the nervous system.

    Communication with nature

    Spend as much time as possible in nature. The best thing is if it will be every day, at least for a few minutes (in the forest, in the park, or at least in the square). At the same time, try to open your sensitivity to the life around you, trying to understand internally why and how flowers open, birds sing, insects fly and crawl, trees sway, taking part in all this, so to speak, by deepening and concentrating thoughts. Such a quiet time in the fresh air will not only improve your physical appearance, but will gradually develop in you inner strength, calmness, poise.

    When you master this meditation exercise (this requires a little - 3-4 exits to nature), you will be ready to master the next exercise, a wonderful exercise that will significantly illuminate and enrich your life. Let's call this exercise "Love of the Elements." It will teach you to love, to have fun, to fully feel every mood of the elements - to be receptive to them and aware of them; and that means, will increase the joy of life in this world.

    The technique is the same as in the first exercise, that is, having chosen one of the elements (for example, rain), we will turn our attention only to this element. Think only about rain, think about why it came about and why you need it, and then think about the fact that if nature needs it, then you also need it. This rain, whatever it may be (warm or cold), is pleasant to you and invigorates you. This exercise increases our energy and enriches our soul (a fact recognized by many talented artists who instinctively turned to the elements, even the storm, to renew and replenish their mental strength).

    Therapeutic effect:
    strengthens the nervous system,
    heals the cardiovascular system.

    Beautiful appearance

    Good appearance (good condition of hair and skin of the face, as well as beautiful clothes) and positive thinking for most people on Earth are interconnected. A good mood and positive thoughts improve the condition of the hair and skin of the body, stimulate the desire to please people and dress beautifully. And vice versa, beautiful clothes and a good state of appearance of the body cheer up, often make it festive, and raise the level of positive thinking. That is why it is so important under any conditions and under any circumstances of life not to sink, but to try to dress well all the time and maintain good condition of the hair and skin of the face. This both delays aging and acts through the maintenance of positive thinking rejuvenatingly (in addition to the fact that beautiful clothes and means for maintaining good condition of hair and skin of the face directly, visually, so to speak, rejuvenate a person).

    First, about the clothes. Bee experience a sense of moral and spiritual uplift, putting on fashionable and beautiful clothes - a wonderful habit, and it must be supported all the time (if, of course, there are conditions for this). A person in beautiful clothes changes posture (the spine tends to straighten) and gait. Not only ease of movement appears, but also self-confidence.

    It is advisable not to wear old clothes. Clothing absorbs the elements of our mental emanation and becomes saturated with them over time. Whoever wears old clothes enters the atmosphere of emanation, once absorbed by these clothes, and feels the echoes of old moods and griefs, worries and troubles. New clothes liberate our psyche and give it lightness. It is, as it were, a fresh shell of our body, not yet saturated with the mental emanation of many days. You should not even save the clothes that you wore during your happy time. Wearing old clothes out of economy means putting on old obsolete parts of the past and wasting your energy unproductively. Even "economy" snakes do not crawl into old skin. Nature does not recognize old clothes, does not skimp on feathers, fur, paint.

    Intuition makes people wear certain clothes on certain occasions, leaving everyday thoughts at home with everyday clothes. Each profession should have its own special elegant dress, putting on which people would come into the mood corresponding to the given occupation without unnecessary expenditure of energy. In all religions, the priest wears a special priestly robe, intended for a specific service, and does not wear it at other times to protect his "aura" from low thoughts. If the priest constantly wore it, then all the bad moods and troubles of his everyday life would penetrate into the sacred robe.

    Most people who are not their first youth neglect the toilet, dressing in dark and unfashionable clothes. This is the beginning of dying. These people give up morally and rapidly enter old age.

    Everyone experiences a sense of moral and spiritual uplift, dressing in fashionable and beautiful clothes. The habit of wearing fashionable and beautiful clothes is wonderful (if there is, of course, for this condition), since it affects not only morally and spiritually, but also makes a person beautiful, posture and gait become beautiful and confident in accordance with the clothes.

    Ancient yoga guidelines for skin care include the following procedure:
    “Cut the lemon in half and, sitting in a comfortable position with your legs crossed, rub your elbows with them, and so the roughness of the skin is eliminated. Rinse off and
    rub them with vegetable oil. Do the same for the knees and neck. Flatten half of the lemon and rub under your chin in an up and down motion. Then rub the body with vegetable oil. "
    Rubbing with vegetable oil (you can call this procedure "washing", because vegetable oil cleanses the skin well; it's not for nothing that vegetable oil even removes paint from the skin) is best done after a warm bath or shower, when the pores of the skin open. The oil is rubbed in abundantly (heated, but not to a hot state) and the rubbing ends with complete relaxation. Any vegetable oil can be used, but olive oil is best.
    Periodically you need to do masks (once every 2-3 weeks). Masks are not an invention of modern cosmetics. Many thousands of years ago, Egyptians and Greek women applied various masks to their faces to keep their skin young and fresh. The effect of the mask is that it causes an increased flow of blood to the skin tissues, after which they become elastic, the muscles elastic, the pores begin to intensively secrete products of the skin glands, the skin becomes fresh and young.

    The best effect can be achieved by applying the mask in the evening before going to bed. It should not be left overnight; after some time, the mask must be washed off. Before applying the mask, thoroughly cleanse the skin of dust and sweat, preferably using compresses of alternating hot and cold water. Skin with increased sensitivity should be smeared with a greasy cream before this. Apply the mask to your face, lie down more comfortably and relax. This is necessary even if you have very little time. There will be no effect if you put on a mask and walk around the apartment and do the housework. A particular mask should be used as long as it has a good effect. In general, it is recommended to change the composition of the masks from time to time. Here are some mask recipes to apply.
    The mask of one large potato boiled in a small amount of milk instantly removes signs of fatigue on the face and smoothes wrinkles. When the resulting liquid porridge has cooled down, it must be applied to the face.
    Cucumber mask heals the skin, smoothes it, narrows enlarged pores, whitens; Recommended for aging and tired skin. Grate a juicy cucumber, put the gruel on a piece of gauze and cover your face with it.
    Carrot mask is especially effective for pale, aging skin and oily skin covered with acne. Grate large juicy carrots, put gruel on cheesecloth, apply on face.

    Positive attitude and positive thinking through the work process
    The state of the organism depends on the style of work, on the attitude to work and on the internal state during work; for work performed without interest, without love, causes physical and mental fatigue and dissatisfaction in a person.

    Any work can be made interesting. First, you can use the elements of role-based training: to play some role in the performance of the work. Imagine yourself as an inventor implementing your invention in your work, or imagine what is being done
    order for a loved one, etc.
    Secondly, you can use the meditation method in your work.

    The technique of doing work as meditation is as follows:
    do a full yoga breath for 3-5 minutes. Imagine that as you exhale, you throw out all your gloomy thoughts about life and work;
    you will feel relieved - and get to work;
    leaving all other thoughts aside, turn your attention to the pleasure that work can and does. And gradually this pleasure will grow and eventually become a habit.

    Therapeutic effect:
    raises vitality;
    strengthens the nervous system.

    Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones

    First of all, you need to learn how to control the desires of your body. Don't let the negative desires of your body influence and confuse your mind. If you really think that the desire of your body (lust, desire to eat, laziness, etc.) is negative at the moment and the satisfaction of this desire will harm you, drop this desire. The body is stupid and at the same time susceptible to guidance from the brain. So let your mind dictate its decisions to the body, otherwise the opposite will happen: your body will control the mind - and then your life will be made up of disease and bondage. When you learn to control the desires of your body, it will be easier for you to move to control your thoughts, namely to replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. As soon as negative thoughts come to your mind (wishes of evil to someone, thoughts associated with anxiety, fear, envy, etc.), immediately replace them with positive, opposite ones.

    It is necessary to firmly assimilate and remember that negative thoughts are destructive thoughts that cripple and poison the mind and soul, leading to inner moral emptiness and failures in life. Moreover, negative thoughts associated with prolonged anxiety slowly but steadily lead to "intoxication" of the body, and negative thoughts associated with fear and anger lead to intoxication quickly. And in either case, at an appropriate rate, a person gets a health disorder, illness.

    After a while, when you have already acquired a stable skill of replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, negative thoughts will arise less and less, and positive ones - more and more often. A positive daily attitude, which in itself is very important, helps this process a lot: it positively tones the psyche, gives a good mood. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, tell yourself that you are happy, confident in yourself, you are lucky, and the world around you is beautiful; the people around you are good and full of dignity. You are ready to forgive their shortcomings and you are ready to love them.

    Therapeutic effect:
    heals all body systems.

    Inner smile

    In the morning, you need to choose a time for a positive attitude for the whole day. Before the morning set of exercises, you need to enter the state of an inner smile.

    This is done as follows:
    sit comfortably, relax your lower jaw and open your mouth slightly;
    start breathing, but not deeply. Let the body breathe, then the breath will become shallow. When you feel that your breathing has become shallow, your body becomes deeply relaxed;
    at this moment try to feel a smile, but not on your face, but inside. This is not a smile that plays on your lips, but an inner smile, a smile that permeates you from the inside.

    Try it and see for yourself, because it is impossible to explain. As if you are smiling not with your mouth, but with your belly, the smile will be soft, barely perceptible, like a rose flower blooming in your belly and exuding its fragrance all over your body.

    Having experienced a smile like this can help you stay happy all day long.
    During the day, feeling that the pleasant sensation of a smile and with it a good mood are leaving, try to catch this inner smile again.
    Before leaving home for work, you need to set yourself up for calm, measured activities during the day. At the same time, once again recall the basic rules of behavior when performing any work:
    do not rush - haste has a detrimental effect both on the results of work and on the psyche;
    consistently doing one thing after another. Therapeutic effect:
    improves mood;
    strengthens the nervous system.

    Toning thoughts and a smile

    Every day, from the very morning, our brain should receive impulses in the form of thoughts that, during the day, can influence the internal mood, the tone of thought-creative activity. Indeed, the nature of the course of all our neuropsychic processes and, which is very important, the optimal level of our emotional reactions to various stimuli, largely depends on the mood. The nature of our behavior in the family, in the team, in the social environment largely depends on the dominant thought-emotional mood in our consciousness.

    You need to have a certain set of tonic thoughts. Different people have a different set of words, but the meaning should be the same:
    For example, the following set of tonic thoughts could be used:
    "I'm happy. I meet any difficulties with a smile. During the day I will be cheerful and energetic. "

    The time for a positive tonic mood is the first minutes after waking up from sleep.

    A smile is used as a positive attitude. If the face is unsmiling and unsmiling has become a habit, you should practice smiling in front of the mirror every morning, creating a benevolent facial expression, for a benevolent facial expression excites the centers of positive emotions, leads to a good mood. A person with a natural welcoming smile also gains vigor and cheerfulness himself, and improves the mood of those around him.

    You need to pay attention to the expression on your face and not allow a boring, gloomy, dissatisfied expression on your face, since such an expression is not so harmless: people with an unhappy face are like a sieve - all the phenomena of life are sifted through their consciousness, good things slip through without stopping, but the bad remains and is fixed, continuing to form a quarrelsome character.
    In everyday life, a smile, as a rule, evokes a smile and an appropriate mood among others, creates an atmosphere for a friendly or business communication... A radiant smile helps in a benevolent way
    treat the people you interact with and avoid critical situations that can ruin your mood.

    A smile is a trigger for a feeling of joy, for a joyful outlook, and joy, in turn, is the background that tunes the psyche into a life-affirming mood. A joyfully-minded person is transformed. His heart sounds more cheerful, his eyes radiate kindness, his movements become more expressive, and the flight of thoughts becomes more aspiring. Such a person sharpens the perception of art and the beauty of nature, improves relations with others, and becomes more fruitful creative activity.