The Surprising Facts of Playboy Magazine Creator Hugh Hefner. "Playboy" recalls how "America's most famous womanizer" amassed a multimillion-dollar fortune and helped America change its idea of ​​personal life.

Shy youth

The founder of Playboy magazine was born into a conservative family. His parents were God-fearing school teachers, and his great-grandfather was a minister of the church. “Puritan limitations are the key to the secret of my life. It was because of them that my future life was devoted to young and beautiful girls, - he did not hesitate to say Hugh Hefner... “In my family it was forbidden to smoke and drink, and to all my questions“ why? ”There was only one answer:“ Because God wants it! ”Sunday services were absolutely obligatory.”

In physical development, Hefner lagged behind his peers, which made him very complex. The shyness of young Hefner manifested itself in literally everything: he hardly made new acquaintances, he hated answering phone calls, go to the school board ... But even natural shyness and puritanical upbringing did not prevent the guy from neglecting school rules, causing a lot of trouble for teachers. “He doesn’t do math, geography or reading, except that I’m standing over his soul. He draws all the time. My patience is coming to an end ... I really hope for your help, ”the teacher of the little rebel complained to her parents.

But in terms of creativity and entrepreneurial activity the boy had no equal. V primary school Hefner founded two unofficial newspapers at once, which he distributed for money among classmates until the administration found out about this "business". At the age of nine, he began publishing his own one-page newspaper, News in Two Weeks, which he sold to the parents of his friends.

Hugh Hefner at the age of 1. Photo:

"Obscene Magazine"

Hefner was one of the few famous people, who could boast of high intelligence: his IQ indicator reached 152 points. The young man's father believed that this was a gift from God, and his son was obliged to become a preacher, like his great great-grandfather. However, the future publisher had other plans, and the war intervened in those: in the last months of World War II, Hefner was sent to fight in France and Germany.

After the army, Hefner graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Illinois and got a job in the advertising department of Esquire, but did not give up his dream of becoming a publisher himself. The concept entertainment magazine for men, Hefner invented back in the army, where the most hot commodity there were semi-pornographic postcards with naked girls.

The young man had to look for investors for a long time to publish the "obscene magazine", and, oddly enough, one of them was his conservative mother, who handed her son an impressive $ 1000. “This is so unexpected; the more I understand perfectly well that you hardly fully approve of the idea of ​​my magazine ... That is why it is so important to me. This is the best thing you have ever done for me, ”wrote a grateful Hefner.

Hugh Hefner's parents. Photo:

The purposeful young man to the last did not believe that the first issue of Playboy would be followed by the second. However, in 1953, the first Playboy, on the cover of which flaunted black and white photography Marilyn Monroe, sold 50 thousand copies in a matter of days. Crowds of Puritans staged public burnings of "this abomination", Hefner's name was cursed, but this did not prevent the young publisher from celebrating the millionth circulation soon.

Without expecting it, Hefner hit the very spot of the readers' interests, anticipating the sexual and cultural revolution. In each issue, the publisher emphasized that in a society capable of enjoying wealth and fullness of life (including enjoying sex), over time, the old habit of self-restraint will become a thing of the past, and people will become happier.

Playboy readers were taught that sex is normal human need, and not "dirty lust", but eroticism was not the only trump card of the magazine. Interesting interviews appeared on the pages of the gloss, stars such as Nabokov, Hemingway, Arthur Miller, Jean-Paul Sartre ...

Hugh Hefner. 1971 year. Photo:

Famous womanizer

Some of the tumultuous parties at the famous playboy's mansion have gone down in history, and legends have been made about his many novels. However, Hefner had only three legal marriages.

The first wife of a womanizer was his classmate Mildred Williams. After 10 years, tired of her husband's endless intrigues, Mildred left Hefner, taking two children and telling reporters that the creator of the most scandalous magazine is in fact a bore, a petty squabbler and a domestic tyrant. The offended husband, in response, began to advertise his stormy personal life and officially announced the opening of sexual orgies that had been going on in his mansion on Wednesdays and Fridays for many years. "In a sense, I still haven't recovered from Millie's departure," Hefner later admitted. - Yes, Lately we were not particularly close, and our relationship was kept more on the romance of the first years of communication. But if Millie had not left me, then my whole life would have gone completely differently. "

Only in 1989, Hefner married a second time: on the "model of the year" Kimberly Konrad. The girl was sure that it was next to her that Hefner would settle down, but no one believed that a wedding to "another blonde" would put an end to "the thirty-year bachelor life of America's most famous womanizer."

Hefner held out for 8 years, and in 1997 young beauties reappeared in his mansion. "Since the marital status of Hefner changed, he again returned to wild night out with cocktails, crazy dances and blondes bursting with health," wrote in Playboy about the adventures of their publisher.